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10/ 11th August 2012


Court to rule on cases against Bahrain activist
A lawyer for prominent Bahrain rights activist Nabeel Rajab says a court will issue verdicts in four cases pending against him on Thursday. Attorney Mohammed al-Jishi says a court announced Sunday that it will rule on Rajab's appeal over a threemonth sentence he is currently serving for antigovernment comments he made on Twitter. It will also rule on three other cases against him for allegedly calling for and participating in an illegal gathering. Rajab is president of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights. His prosecution has emboldened the country's mostly Shiite demonstrators who for 18 months have protested for greater rights in the Gulf island kingdom that is home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet. Read More He ranks with the world's Bahrain reinstates worst despots. He's a US favorite. He's welcomed in ambassador to Iran Washington and other Western capitals. Obama and Bahrains ambassador to Iran has resumed his work in other world leaders turn a Tehran following a 17-month blind eye to his crimes. absence. Compared to him, Saudi leaders, and other Gulf state tyrants, Assad looks saintly. Peaceful Bahrainis brave tear gas, beatings, rubber bullets, live re, arrests, torture, kangaroo court justice, imprisonment, disappearances and death. Read More remarks on social networking site Twitter. He is due in court Sunday in a separate case for allegedly calling for and participating in an 'illegal' gathering. The letter, which was sent to King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa on Friday, acknowledged Bahrains introduced reforms since last years antigovernment protests. It was signed by 19 members of Congress. Read More The ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the Islamic Republic of Iran has returned to his work in Tehran, Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmad Al Khalifa, the

Bahrain Returns Envoy to Tehran

Bahrain said Sunday it has reinstated its ambassador in Iran, more than a year after recalling the envoy over Tehran's strong condemnation of Manama's brutal crackdown on Shiiteled protests. "The ambassador of the kingdom to the Islamic

Republic of Iran has returned to his work in Tehran," announced Foreign Minister Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmed AlKhalifa on his Twitter page. Manama recalled its ambassador from Iran on March 15 last year in protest at the time at Tehran's "blatant interference" in the Gulf kingdom's internal affairs. Tehran retaliated by recalling its envoy from Manama. Read More ambassador wrote on his Twitter account on Saturday. The minister did not elaborate on the issue, but he added that it was in line with other sisterly countries. Manama recalled its ambassador, Rashed Al Dossary, on March 15, 2011 after it accused Tehran of blatant interference in Bahrains domestic affairs. Read More We did not break the Association Laws and in fact giving donations is not part of our objectives, Al Asala, the exclusive expression of Salasm in Bahrain, said in a statement. What happened is that some members of our society, driven by the urgent calls of religion and panArabism, gave donations to the Syrian people. The donations were in the name of the Bahraini people, and not Al Asala, the society said. Read More

Bahrain's War on Freedom

In February 2011, major protests erupted. Bahrainis challenged despotic rule nonviolently. Daily they protest. Police state harshness confronts them. At issue is King Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa's regime. Bahrainis want popularly elected leadership replacing him.

US Congress members in plea to free Bahrain activist

Members of the US Congress have written to the ruler of Bahrain calling for the release of human rights activist Nabeel Rajab. Rajab, the president of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, is currently serving a three-month jail sentence for making anti-government

Bahraini group denies flouting rules to aid Syria rebels

A Bahraini Islamist society at the centre of a controversy over visits by its members to Syria to offer donations to the Free Syrian Army, has rejected charges that it broke the law. Bahrain bans societies and groups from raising funds for foreign entities or giving donations to non-Bahrainis without the permission of the competent authorities.

Bahrainis continue anti-regime protest in Boori village

Bahraini protesters have once again taken to the streets in the village of Boori to demand democratic changes and downfall of the Al Khalifa regime. The anti-regime protesters chanted slogans against the

ruling regimes in both Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and condemned the persecution of protesters. The protesters also called for an end to Manamas Saudibacked crackdown on peaceful protests in the Persian Gulf island state. Protesters blocked a road by torching tires in the village on Saturday. Read More

quoted the Bahraini daily Alwasat as saying.

Bahraini ambassador to return to Iran

An ofcial at the Bahraini Foreign Ministry has announced that the countrys ambassador to Iran will return to Tehran on Friday, the Persian service of the Fars News Agency on Sunday

In March 2011, Iran recalled its ambassador from Bahrain in protest against the killing of Shia Muslim demonstrators in the Arab country and Bahrain withdrew its ambassador from Tehran for consultations to protest at Tehrans criticisms. Read More

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