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A cappella
An oversubscribed-to vocal and social activity. If you live near the Wayland or MorrissChamplin arches, you might want to invest in soundproofing your room.

Absolute Quiet Room

Tucked on the bottom floor of the Rock, this room is just as serious about silence as its name suggests. Friendships and romances have ended after one party had the audacity to talk in there.

The bachelor of arts degree most of you will leave with. Everyone else calls it a B.A.


(See Rock)

This five-year program will get you two count em, two! degrees before you leave.

A Day on College Hill. A lot of you probably came to this spring event right after acceptance letters went out. We eschew homework for a day, act cool, collegiate and cheerful and throw parties that are unusually large for Tuesday nights. This is not necessarily indicative of life at Brown.

Annmar y Brown Memorial

The Universitys computerized student record system. The interface makes AOL dial-up circa 1996 look like an iPhone. The system was upgraded recently to include a course scheduling tool, but the independently-created Mocha scheduler has prettier colors. (See Mocha)

The creepy building next door to Health Services is an actual tomb, complete with bodies the tomb closes at 5 p.m. so Annmary and her husband can consummate their love, even in death.

Binder, Dave
A Spring Weekend tradition. He sings mediocre but endearing covers of bachelorette party favorites to hordes of drunken Brown students on Wriston Quad every year.

The online center of life on campus and the number one source for finding out which television shows have made fun of Brown recently.

(See Spring Weekend, Wriston Quadrangle)

Brown Dining Services tries to make itself beloved with corn husking competitions and dining hall theme days. Sometimes it even succeeds. The food isnt as bad as people say, nor is it as good as youll want it to be. Also, inventors of the (in)famous Polynesian Ratatouille.

(See Brown Daily Herald)

Blue Room, the
Browns version of Starbucks. Newly renovated, its the Brown eatery the University wants visitors to see. Its muffins and focaccia sandwiches are favorites.

Illustrations by Bridget Sauer, Phil Lai

Brown Outdoor Leadership Training is a unique opportunity to learn how to tie a truckers hitch, avoid the sophomore slump and bury your poop with a trowel. Five days in the White Mountains of New Hampshire with nine strangers right before the start of sophomore year its probably better than whatever you had planned for the last week of summer 2013.

Brown Band
Much like your high school marching band. Except without the emphasis on marching. Or music, for that matter. But the musicians use profanity, their uniforms have flair and the group is the only college band that does shows on ice skates during hockey season.

Brown Student Radio, WBRU-FMs estranged hipster cousin, broadcasts in the evenings, seven days a week. The station is so underground that it can only be heard on its website, (See WBRU)

Brown Daily Herald, The

The finest daily publication in this fair republic. Published since 1866, daily since 1891, The Herald is financially and editorially independent from the University, is available free all over campus and covers University and city news, opinion, arts, science and sports. Plus, Sudoku!

Brown Television, home to studentproduced television shows, second-run movies and endless replays of the last big speaker to hit Salomon Hall.

Brown University Dining Services student employees ubiquitous red hats make them as adorable as their acronym. BuDS workers staff campus eateries patiently taking sandwich orders, swiping meal cards and restocking shelves. Be nice, and you may not get charged extra for the fresh mozzarella on your Gate panini.


(See Gate)

Also known as the Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the Creative Arts, or just the Granny. Its brand-new and fancy garnering a rave architectural review in the New York Times. Forty million dollars will get you a basement movie theater, a recording studio and an avant-garde aesthetic straight out of Minority Report. So who needs financial aid anyway?

Bus tunnel, the

Technically the Rumford Bus Tunnel, it goes through College Hill (literally), from Starbucks to the intersection of Waterman and North Main streets. Dont try walking through the tunnel. Just dont. You will never be heard from again.

Cover illustration by Phil Lai

Carberry, Josiah Corporation, the


Chicken Finger Friday. Beloved weekly lunch at the VDub and one of the only reasons to stay on meal plan after your first year. Responsible for an estimated 13 of the Freshman 15. (See V-Dub)

Cianci, Vincent a.k.a. Buddy

The renowned, longest-serving former mayor of Providence, who got out of the slammer in 2007. First elected in 1974, he resigned in 1984 after pleading no contest to assaulting his wifes lover with a fireplace log (!), proceeded to host a radio show for a few years and was then reelected in 1990 until he was convicted of federal crimes in 2002. Legend has it Buddy used to ride up to Brown frat parties on a white horse during his first term. He could often be seen playing cymbals with the Brown Band at football games. In 2008, he made an appearance at The Heralds annual and equally notorious November banquet.

The Thomas J. Watson Center for Information Technology. If you dont have a printer, youll be spending a lot of time here. But only $30 worth of time. (Computer Science concentrators, expect to spend closer to $200,000 worth of time here.)

Cicilline 83, David

(See Brown Daily Herald, ProJo)

Rhode Islands openly gay, Jewish, Italian, first district congressman and former Providence mayor, whos also a Brown alum. As an undergrad, he co-founded the Brown Democrats with John F. Kennedy Jr. 83. Soon after he left the mayors office for Washington in January 2011, it came to light that the citys finances were in far worse shape than Providences citizens had been led to believe. Sucked for the next guy, Angel Taveras, who has taken some controversial steps including cutting a deal with Bruno to address the deficit.

Carberr y, Josiah
Browns legendary professor of psychoceramics the study of cracked pots. He does not exist. Dont let anyone convince you otherwise. He also has Browns online library system and the only double chicken patty sandwich available at a Rhode Island fast food restaurant named after him.

(See Taveras, Angel and Kennedy, John Fitzgerald Jr. 83)

(See Jos)

Coffee Milk
The official state drink of Rhode Island. Its basically chocolate milk made with a sweet, coffee-flavored syrup. Its fucking delicious and scarcely available outside of the state, so drink up while you still can.

College Hill Concentration

Youre standing on it. Or sitting. Whatever. In the rest of the world, this is called a major.

(See New Curriculum)

In October, February and May, the cabal of rich men and women who really run Brown meet in College Hills weekly news rag, but more importantly, The Her- Sayles Hall to decide our future. You likely dont alds chief kickball competitor. Also the de facto headquarters of know who the members of the Brown CorporaBrowns hipster population. tion are, and thats probably just how they like it.

College Hill Independent, the

Corporation, the


CPR Federal Hill

1. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. 2. Course Performance Report, a written evaluation of your performance in a class. You can request one of those from any professor, either in addition to a letter grade or to supplement an S in an S/NC class. (See New Curriculum, S/NC)

Rhode Islands third-largest city, but youll probably never go there. Most notable for serving as the inspiration for the city of Quahog in Family Guy.

Credit / Meal credit

Getting into Brown is only half the intellectual battle: Figuring out how to purchase food on campus most effectively in the face of Browns byzantine and utterly illogical meal plan setup makes organic chemistry look like a game of Go Fish. One meal credit will get you into the Ratty or the V-Dub or purchase $6.60 worth of food at Jos or the Gate. Some plans offer a lot of points with fewer meals, whereas others will give you a set number of meals per week and fewer points. (See Flex point, the Gate,

If you live in Perkins, you might not date your unit-mates, but you are statistically doomed to marry one of them. The rest of you are just doomed.

Due date

(See Perkins)


Jos, Ratty, V-Dub)

It is always flexible. Even when the professor swears otherwise.

(See Extension)

The Department of Public Safety. As Brown is to the Ivy League, DPS is to a real police department. Technically they have full police powers, but they dont really use them. Expect stern warnings for the most part. If theyre really grumpy, theyll wait outside of Spiritus to accost underage drinkers. Dont push them too far though: They have armored Segway scooters, and theyre not afraid to use them.

Endowment, small
The reason behind most of the Universitys financial problems in bed. Prepare for many similar jokes over your next four years, especially after our endowment shrank by about $800 million in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.

(See Spiritus)

EMS stands for Emergency Medical Services. It also stands for Eastern Mountain Sports. Call the wrong one, and instead of getting a stomach pump, youll be getting a thermos and a GPS system to help you stumble home.

You will most likely ask for at least one of these in your time at Brown. Make up a good reason, and youll probably get it. Even when the professor says at the beginning of the year that he or she never gives extensions.

Fall Weekend
Pretty much everyone else calls this Columbus Day. We Brownies arent so keen on Christopher and his colonizing ways, so we have the terribly vague Fall Weekend. Spring Weekend it is not. But still, a day off from classes.

(See Due Date)

Faunce House

(See Spring Weekend)

Federal Hill
Providences Little Italy, they like to say. Since its only really one street (Atwells Avenue), you can get great pasta, delicious cannoli and vengeance for your brothers murder all in one place.

Since its reopening in Fall 2010, it has housed the Stephen Robert 62 Campus Center. Home to the Blue Room, study spaces, a printing cluster, the Underground and those famous stairs at the top of the Main Green where hipsters can see and be seen.

(See Blue Room, Main Green, Underground)

First-years IPTV


Fish Co.
The late, legendary South Water Street dive bar whose Wednesday Brown nights were the site of most of the bad decisions made by first-years past. The Co. went belly up in late 2010 and has since been replaced by a marginally classier bar. Everyone still calls it Fish Co. (or Whis Co.) and goes there to get trashed on Wednesdays.

You. Everybody else calls them freshmen.

Flex point

(See Whiskey Republic)

First-year seminars
Take one while you can, you lucky bastards.

These little beauties come as part of your meal plan or can be purchased from BDS for $1 per point. All on-campus eateries take them.


Front Green/Quiet Green

A good place for reading or making out on pleasant days. Rumor has it the University has had a rule on the books since the 1960s that you can be naked here.

Unveiled in January 2007, the Friedman Study Center is a 24-hour haven for procrastinators. Its housed in the basement of the SciLi and decorated in a sort of 1960s-futuristic style. In other words, lots of lime green and oddly-shaped furniture.

Gate, the

(See SciLi)


The Graduate Center Bar, an actual bar buried in the basement of Grad Center. A good place to go on a weeknight to split a pitcher of beer and a game of pool. Its $30 to become a member, but stay away if youre under 21 unlike most bars in Providence, they dont take fake IDs.

The couch-infested rec room of Pembroke Campus. Simply decent pizza becomes stellar when you can buy it with meal credits instead of actual money.

(See Credit, Pembroke)

Graduate Center
Grad Center has all the charm of a sterile, riot-proof bunker but without the sterility. Home to many of Browns sophomores and juniors, this five-building abomination has been plaguing the campus aesthetic since it was constructed, or by some accounts, assembled from Lincoln Logs. The only valuable thing about this structure is the land it is currently devaluing.

(See Graduate Center)

1. International Mentoring Program to help first-year international students adjust to studying and living in the United States. 2. The wee folk who work long into the night in the bowels of the Ratty to make us delicious magic bars.

(See Magic Bars)

Hutchings-Votey Organ
Located in Sayles, its the largest one in the world! We suspect there arent many H-V organs in the world.

We can watch TV on our computers, but we still complain that there are too few channels.


Ivy Room, the Kennedy Jr.

Ivy Room, the

A popular lunch spot for those lucky few with flex points to spare, the Ivy Room turns into an all-vegetarian eatery at night. The falafel may not be authentic, but whatever it is, its worth the long line. (See Flex points)

J. Walter Wilson
Houses the Mail Room, classrooms and lots of administrative offices. Everyone walks through it a few times a week, so student groups camp out in the lobby to pester passersby to sign petitions and buy baked goods.

John Hay Librar y, the

One of those very collegiate libraries in which you feel like you shouldnt touch anything. Its Reading Room was expanded into a larger study center last year. The Hay has many rare collections and is home to the University Archives, for you soon-to-be Brown history buffs.


Technically Josiahs, the snack bar of choice for residents south of the Main Green. Located on the ground floor of New Dorm A, its the home of wraps, snacks and delicious fried foods especially the Carberry. Save yourselves the embarrassment of being instantly labeled as first-years and order a spicy with. Just trust us.

(See Main Green, New Dorm and Carberry, Josiah)

Kennedy Jr. 83, John Fitzgerald

Were glad he broke the family trend of Harvard attendance. Yes, he kept a pig in his dorm.

Louis Orwig


A Brook Street restaurant you will inevitably discover at 5 a.m., and hopefully youll remember it, too. Try the grilled muffins.

The glass and steel behemoth between main campus and Pembroke campus, formally known as the Sidney E. Frank Hall for the Life Sciences. The logical extension of the Walk runs through it. Alternately, you could call it SiFHaLiS.

Magaziner 69 P06 P07 P10, Ira

(See Frank 42, Sidney E.)

The New Curriculum was his brainchild while he was an undergraduate. Now hes the mastermind behind the Clinton Foundation.

After the advent of Banner, the smarties over in Computer Science created their own, much more user-friendly scheduling site. Banner has since copied Mochas course scheduling interface, but Mocha still kicks its ass. Using it during registration (brown. will make your life infinitely easier.

(See New Curriculum)

Magic Bars
One of the few delicious desserts at the Ratty. No, they dont have weed in them. But they do have coconut, chocolate, graham cracker and probably enough trans fats to kill a small animal. Tasty. (See Ratty)


(See Banner, Shopping Period)


Pronounced like nickel-john, but with an M. Alexander Meiklejohn was a professor of philosophy. Meiklejohns are now the upper-class counselors who dish straight truth on anything you need to know about academics at Brown.

Minority Peer Counselor. The counselors who are specially trained to advise first-year students on minority issues.

Main Green
If you havent figured out what this is, go home.

Nelson Fitness Center

Equipped with over 10,000 square feet of workout equipment and an Olympic-sized swimming pool, the new fitness center promises to transform our school into an athletic powerhouse within the decade. Our top sports? Competitive farm sharing, the 200-meter literary reference and trampling injustice.

Naked Donut Run

On the last night of reading period, dedicated scholars in the Rock and the SciLi get a special treat: donuts! Made doubly delicious by the awkward nudes that hand them to you.

New Dorm

(See Rock, SciLi)

New Curriculum
This is what allows you take whatever classes you want and potentially graduate without having taken a single one of them for a grade. Its 40 years old, but we still call it new. Go figure.

Not so new anymore (it opened in 1991), the former Thayer Street quad is officially called Vartan Gregorian Quad but dont call it that. The two buildings contain upperclassmen suites, often coveted living space for juniors. Building A is home to Jos, a campus snack bar. (See Jos)

Enjoy this while it lasts being overscheduled will never be this relaxing again.

9 a.m.
Too early for class. Dont even ask about AB hour.


Underused but beautiful music library; only open until 10 p.m.


Paxson, Christina Queer Alliance

Paxson, Christina
Browns 19th President, Christina Paxson hails from Princeton, where she was dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Shes starting at Brown the same year you guys are, but somehow she got the sweetest first-year housing option ever: a giant brick home with room enough for her and her husband, Ari. God, ResLife is so corrupt.

Parking space
Something youll never find in Providence, anywhere. And certainly not overnight or for more than two hours.

Pacifica House
Browns one and only secret society. So secret, in fact, that you can visit its website.

Patriots Court
An extension of Wriston Quad. A bit quieter, in theory. Otherwise unremarkable.

A city bordering Providence pronounced puhTUCKet, not PAWtucket. The locals tend to get rabid if you say it wrong. The movie Outside Providence takes place here.

(See Wriston Quadrangle)

1. A beloved pancake restaurant that has not yet made it east of New York. 2. A first-year dorm that is nearly as far away as the nearest Perkins Restaurant. We hope you brought mopeds.

The northern part of Browns campus used to be Pembroke College, an all-female coordinate to Brown. The official merge occurred in 1971, though underthe-table sexiling had been going on for years. Legend has it that if you walk over the seal on the steps leading up to the college, your next sexual encounter will result in impregnation. Or youll meet the person youre supposed to marry here at Brown. Or both. We cant remember. (See Sexile)


PostA weekly magazine and The Heralds rebellious kid sister. It comes out every Thursday and covers music, film, theater, food, politics and campus culture.

Power Street
Formerly, one of the few lots where students could park. Now, thanks to development, a place to gaze wistfully as a shuttle whisks you to your car in a new lot far, far away. (See Parking space)

(See Brown Daily Herald)


Browns Program in Liberal Medical Education lets you go straight into the Medical School without ever taking the MCATs or second-semester organic chemistry. Pronounced phonetically, like plee-me.

Queer Alliance
The LGBTQ umbrella organization. One of the most visible student groups on campus, it focuses on making Brown a more positive space for queer students by providing a variety of educational and social programming. Along with one or two huge, risque, highly publicized parties that are sometimes attended by Fox News producers. (See Sex Power God)

ProJo S/NC

The Providence Journal, Rhode Islands largest daily newspaper. Its reporters get very excited when big things happen in this tiny state. Remember that Survivor guy Richard? Yeah, the one from Newport. He was on the cover of the ProJo for four days straight. Oh, and theyve won some Pulitzers.



1. The black sheep of the cola family. 2. Resident Counselor, the dedicated individual who will guide you through Orientation, help you adjust to college life and give you (almost) free condoms, then persuade you not to vomit on yourself (or your roommate) after your first trip to Wriston Quad.

The Sharpe Refectory. According to legend, the full name got shortened to Rat Factory, and lazy Brown students took it a step further to its current cognomen. It has road signs for easy navigation, but watch out for bottlenecks and congestion. Love it it loves you.

(See Wriston Quadrangle, Orientation)

Providence Place Mall

One of the crowning achievements of Buddy Ciancis mayoral administration, this sprawling shopping center provides almost everything you need in a 15-minute walk from campus. As long as everything you need can be found at chain stores, a multiplex and a food court. (See Cianci, Vincent a.k.a. Buddy)


Reading Period
Ten days off between when classes end and final exams begin. Youre supposed to finish up your work, but youll end up drinking a lot.


The bus. You can ride it for free with your Brown ID.

Rhode Island School of Design. Brown students can, at least in theory, take advantage of classes at RISD, but the lack of storage space and its wildly different schedule hinder most Brown students from heading halfway down College Hill. But those who make it into classes at RISD find them to be well worth the trouble.

Rhode Island
Officially the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. A recent push from activists and lawmakers to rid the state of the second part of its name, and all the ugly connotations it carries, gained momentum but was defeated at the ballot box in 2010. So Lil Rhody is still the smallest state in the nation with the longest name and now its your home.

(See College Hill)

Rock, the
The John D. Rockefeller Jr. 1898 Library. The main humanities library on campus where students spend more time hitting the books than they ever thought possible (probably more because they get lost in the cryptic, dimly lit stacks and less because theyre motivated). Be warned of the ear-piercing, closing-time bell and remember, if youre there to hear it, youve been working too long.


Satisfactory/No Credit. The option to take any class pass/fail. Its one of the beauties of the New Curriculum.

(See New Curriculum)


SciLi Simmons, Ruth

The Queer Alliances annual, insane fall party. A producer from the OReilly Factor managed to get himself inside in 2005 to shoot footage and produced a segment during which Bill OReilly Ruth and other University leaders pinheads.

SciLi, the

The Sciences Library. Fourteen stories, color-coded according to the pH system (The books get more basic as you go higher up). Playboy once (See Queer Alliance and named the 13th floor one of the most notorious make-out Simmons, Ruth) spots in America. (Ask an upperclassman about the SciLi challenge.) Also home to the Friedman Study Center. Everyone (See FriSC) else calls it a B.S.


Simmons Quad
Formerly known as Lincoln Field, this is the green between Sayles Hall and Thayer Street. The upper section is perfect for studying, while the lower part is often the site of football and Frisbee games.

Senior Week
Seniors last week of college a packed schedule of social events, parties and goodbyes in the days between finals and Commencement.

A merger of the words exile and sex. This is what happens if you have a roommate who wants to invite a new friend over to spend the night. You end up sleeping on the floor in the lounge if you even have one.

Simmons, Ruth

(See Simmons, Ruth)


Browns 18th president and the first black president of an Ivy League school, Simmons ended her term after 11 years this past July. She had a near cult-like following among students and even had a quad named after her. Simmons enacted need-blind admissions, and her Plan for Academic Enrichment reshaped the Brown academic experience. Gone, but not forgotten, she handed over the reins to Christina Paxson this year. (See Paxson,

Shopping Period
Two-week-long period at the beginning of each semester during which you can try out any class that catches your eye and freely change your class registration. Try to finish up your shopping within a week, because professors will launch right into their courses. Everyone will tell you to shop as many classes as possible. You wont believe them, but you should. Also, everyone will tell you to shop classes that interest you and ignore concentration requirements and career considerations. You wont believe them, but you should.


Smitty B Underground, the


Smitty B
Otherwise known as Smith-Buonanno Hall. One of the main academic buildings on Pembroke. (See Pembroke)

Spiritus Fermenti. The closest liquor store to campus, located right next to Pembroke at the intersection of Thayer and Meeting streets. The prices are high, but you cant beat the location.

Spring Weekend
In a good year, Spring Weekend means big-name bands on our very own Main Green, couches on Wriston, lots of drinking and casual sex. In a bad year, expect lots of reverb inside the hockey arena.

Its over a mile away. This would be a huge pain if anyone besides alums and the Brown Band went to football games. (See Brown Band)

(See Main Green, Wriston Quadrangle and Binder, Dave)

Located on the first floor of the CIT, the SunLab is filled with high-powered workstations for computer science students. Good luck trying to get a computer on the night before a big CS project is due. Or on any Friday or Saturday night, for that matter.

Teaching Assistant. They teach some intro-level language classes as well as some courses in math and other departments. Some are helpful. Some are useless. Some will end up dating your roommate.

Taveras, Angel

(See CIT)

Thayer Street


(See Dating)

Took office in January as Providences first Latino mayor. To help address with the citys deficit, Taveras and the University eventually agreed to a deal in which the U. would contribute $31.5 million more to the city over the next decade. Unfortunately, Taveras went to Harvard.

Serving as the de-militarized zone between Brown and its real-world neighbors, this avenue was formerly home to a plethora of eclectic shops and a roving motorcycle gang. Now its a glorified food court.

Trolley, the
A bus disguised to look like a trolley, run by RIPTA, which goes from Thayer Street to Kennedy Plaza and Federal Hill. Theres also one that goes to East Side Market, a huge grocery store. The other route goes, um, somewhere else.


Underground, the
An on-campus club, located in Faunce House. It used to be easy for under-21s to get drinks here, but the newly refurbished Underground now has no liquor license, after an administrative crackdown and an unpleasant debacle involving local high school students. The only reason to go is to hear student bands perform.

The Undergraduate Council of Students, which tries really, really hard to be an effective student governing body.

(See Faunce House)


Unit Wickenden Street

Groupings of first-years who all share the same RC, MPC and WPC. Most units live within the same residence hall. Units are most important during orientation, when they face off in the relay races, games and cheering contests of Unit Wars. Also, seniors relive their first-year Unit Wars during Senior Week, but this time the inebriation is legal. (See MPC, RC, WPC, Orientation, Senior Week)

A merger of the words unit and incest. Its when you hook up with someone in your unit. This is why Its Complicated exists on Facebook. (See Dating, Unit)

University Hall
Come here to meet with deans or visit new president Christina Paxson during her office hours. The oldest building on campus, its on the National Register of Historic Places.

(See Paxson, Christina)

The Verney-Woolley Dining Hall. The junior member of Browns dining halls, its smaller, more intimate, features a Now Thats What I Call Music! soundtrack and tends to draw mostly athletes and first-years.

Van Wickle Gates

So important that theyre only open twice a year. (Well, and for most of this summer. But theyre still really important.)

Second-largest city in the state. The airport is here. Not much else.

Watson Institute
The Watson Institute for International Studies. Home of world-renowned research and the international relations, development studies, Middle East studies, South Asian studies and Latin American studies concentrations. In an attempt to emulate Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts department, Watson has seen six directors in the past eight years.

95.5 FM, one of the largest radio stations in southern New England and the oldest college radio station in America. Purported to be the original alt-rock. Were not arguing.

(See BSR)

Whispering Arch
Behind the greenhouse, theres a stone arch. Station a friend on one side of it, then go to the other side and whisper into it. Theyll be able to hear you as if you were blowing in their ear.

Whiskey Republic, the

The new bar in the beloved spot where Fish Co. once stood. Nostalgic students call this Whis Co., but modifying the name wont bring back the stripper poles.

Wickenden Street and Wayland Square

Two non-Brown related commercial districts within walking distance. Wickenden is famous for its head shops and pubs. Wayland is known for its bookstores. Pick your poison, or mix and match.

(See Fish Co.)

Williams, Roger ZipCar


Wriston Quadrangle
Home to the Ratty and most of Browns fraternities and sororities (which are housed in on-campus residence halls, to the surprise of your friends back home). The lawn in the center of the quad turns into a weekly farmers market in the warmer months and a slipand-slide during Spring Weekend. Center of on-campus partying youll see lines out the doors any Friday or Saturday night.

Williams, Roger
Founder of this great state, proponent of religious freedom and now a giant statue in Prospect Park.


(See Rhode Island)

(See Spring Weekend)

Writing Center
A place you can go to get one-on-one help editing or writing papers, staffed by graduate students in a variety of disciplines. Make sure to book appointments two weeks in advance of finals.

Womens Peer Counselors, the third members of each first-year residence halls peer counseling trios (along with MPCs and RCs). WPCs focus on health, gender, sexuality and relationships, plus they provide condoms and dental dams. (See MPC, RC)

Writing Fellows
Writing Fellows suck the pain out of throwing together a paper the night before its due by labeling said effort a draft and requiring that it be edited by a fellow student with superior writing talent.

Short-term rental cars available at the Power Street Garage, as long as youre over 18. Kind of lame-looking but actually pretty useful. (See Power Street Garage)

Join The Heralds business team!

Are you a future business leader?
The Brown Daily Herald Business Staff is looking for motivated, hard-working students to work in ad sales or financial management. No prior experience is needed just a desire to learn real-world business skills and help produce Browns only daily newspaper. Were financially independent from the University, so its up to you to keep the presses running! The Sales Staff is responsible for working with local businesses, University departments and student groups to sell ads in our daily newspapers and themed magazines. Youll learn how to interact professionally with clients and see a sale through from initial negotiations to a closed deal. The Finance Staff is responsible for financial accounting and payment collection. Youll learn to manage The Heralds money using Quickbooks and reach out to clients to collect payment for their ads. We look for students with great communication skills, attention to detail and the motivation to go above and beyond in everything they do. Your hard work will pay off as you quickly gain responsibility and learn to manage other students. Plus, theres free pizza on Fridays, the annual Herald banquet and the chance to meet an amazing group of people. Interested? Sign up at to find out about our Fall info sessions. (We promise we wont spam you.)


Background illustration by Ethan Zisson
Youve got your first-year housing assignment, but what does it mean? You can scour the University website for campus maps and blueprints, but no amount of searching will tell you what lifes really like in each of these dorms. What about sunlight and gym access? Is it rowdy on weekends? Are the bathrooms clean?



Here is your unsanctioned Brown Daily Herald first-year dorm TAKEAWAY guide, with the inside scoop straight from reporters who lived, slept and lets face it had a little too much fun in these buildings.


Archibald-Bronson House see Keeney Quadrangle Andrews Hall

When the weathers nice, residents of Andrews Hall like to stand outside on the communal patio terrace and brag to each other about how much they are enjoying their convenient in-room sinks, which let you avoid the freshman rite of passage that is brushing your teeth in front of 10 other people. Also, theres an elevator.

The positive facets of Andrews help take the edge off both the pain of Pembroke weekends when the simultaneous closure of the V-Dub and the Gate necessitates a trek to main campus for meal plan food and the harrowing confusion that besets those who attempt to navigate the opposite side of Andrews, a bizarre and mirror-reversed alternate universe. Residents can look forward to comfortable living, at least relative to that of other first-years. Expect your Keeney friends to never want to visit you, but definitely bring an AeroBed, because your spacious room is well suited for guests. And Pembrokes greens are an underappreciated luxury. But the locks on the bathrooms are, for whatever reason, much stronger than those in Keeney. Be prepared to do a major duct-taping job if you want to prop them open otherwise, youll need to bring your key along every time nature calls. Finally, Andrews received some renovations this summer that combined adjacent single rooms into very spacious doubles and created some nice lounges. Jamie Brew, Sam Levison

Champlin Hall

+ =

Champlin is close to Thayer Street, an elevator ride away from the V-Dub and first-floor rooms come outfitted with showers. Painfully far from the Ratty, Jos and the libraries. Champlin is a high-risk, high-reward dorm. Some Champlin champions get stuck in a medium-size thirdfloor room with an awkward shower-and-tub room, while others luck out with first-floor palaces some of the largest first-year rooms available. Champlins distance from most classrooms is a drag, but its easy access to the V-Dub partly makes up for its flaws. Chip Lebovitz


Emery Hall

+ =

Emery as well as the connected Woolley, which is virtually the same provides little reason to venture far from your room: Emery offers an elevator, semiprivate bathrooms, a gym and the V-Dub right downstairs and close proximity to Thayer Street, the Gate and the OMAC. Living in Pembroke leaves you a bit far from Wriston, the Main Green and the Ratty. While not terrible, the rooms have cinderblock walls and are nothing flashy. The gym lacks several machines, and the V-Dub closes on weekends. You can go to the gym every day, and with the V-Dub below you, you often stop going to the Ratty after the first three weeks. You may get a bit sequestered living in Pembroke, and you have to make an effort to venture out to Wriston, Grad Center or other dorms. But when you dont feel like walking to the Ratty on the weekends, you can walk out your door to somewhere on Thayer and grab breakfast before the Gate opens. Sam Rubinroit

Em-Wool see Emery Hall; Woolley Hall Everett-Poland House Jameson-Mead House
see Keeney Quadrangle see Keeney Quadrangle

Keeney Quadrangle

The largest first-year residence hall, Keeney has a reputation for fostering all-night debauchery and lifelong friendships. The enormous quadrangle-shaped building is arbitrarily divided into three houses, but Keeney is really divided horizontally, not vertically. The actual floor numbers change depending upon which house youre in (yes, its super confusing, and no, we dont know why). Keeney-ites are unified by their location and general enthusiasm, but residents bond over each floors idiosyncrasies.


Living in Keeney means being at the center of it all, as the building has the largest concentration of first-years on campus, meaning you can meet tons of people without even trying and you can crash parties every weekend. The rooms are nicely sized. Theres a gym right in the building, though you have to go outside to access it. For those warm, sunny days, there are two courtyards where you can relax, eat lunch and play games. When you need to leave Keeney, youre only steps away from the Main Green and Wriston Quad, meaning classes, food and fun are right nearby. To top it off, the dorm was partially renovated this summer. Being at the center of the action has its perks, but also its downsides: Expect to find crushed beer cans, broken exit signs and lots of noise on the weekends. If youve ever had any question about what weed smells like, you wont after spending a week in Keeney. And since many non-Keeney residents and some residents too find the buildings layout to be somewhat of a maze, expect lots of drunk people asking you for directions to the other side of the building.

See next page for Keeney continued.


Keeney Quadrangle continued

While Keeneys complete renovation will not be finished until next summer, you will still get many of the perks, including renovated rooms and fancy new top-floor lounges. Keeney has always been a great place to be if somewhat of a zoo but these improvements will make the Keeney experience much better. Were jealous. Also, note that while Keeney supposedly has three houses, those houses do not mean much, and you will become closer with the people on your floor, regardless of house. Finally, explore the building! There are a few hidden hallways and rooms scattered about. And they say theres a chamber of secrets under the building ... Search The Heralds archives to find out more!

Greg Jordan-Detamore

Mo-Champ see Morriss Hall; Champlin Hall Morriss Hall

Like its neighbors Champlin, Emery and Woolley, Morriss has basement access to the V-Dub and gym (a blessing in the cold winter months) and semiprivate bathrooms. It is also located just seconds away from CVS and a variety of Thayer Street eateries.


The cinderblock walls are not aesthetically pleasing, and the heating sometimes doesnt work very well. Though it is farther from main campus than Keeney, Morriss is quieter, cleaner and located on the beautiful Pembroke campus. The network of interconnected dorm buildings allows you to socialize, eat and exercise without stepping outdoors once. Decently sized rooms and semiprivate bathrooms, which are cleaned at least twice a week, make for a very comfortable living experience.

Aparna Bansal

New Pembroke #3
+ =
A quiet and cozy dorm on Pembroke campus, NP3 is well heated and close to Thayer Street (especially CVS), the Pembroke eateries and two gyms the OMAC and the Emery satellite gym. The rooms are not big, and the hallways are dimly lit and narrow. Living at the north end of campus, much of your life is centered around Pembroke: eating in the V-Dub, late-night snacking in the Gate and working out in the Emery gym. The small hallways of NP3 make socializing with dorm-mates more difficult, but people tend to congregate in the kitchen. If all else fails, knock on a neighbors door.

New Pembroke #4

Inkyu Kim

Thanks to an overhaul of the decor last summer, NP4 has a lot of newness to offer: lounges, kitchens, paint, bathrooms and furniture. The second floor especially has its perks, with skylights and balconies in a few rooms.


New Pembroke #4 continued

NP4 isnt very close to main campus about 7 minutes sans snow and slush, though access to all Thayer Street has to offer more than makes up for it. And while new it may be, big it is not. Rooms are about 110 square feet pack lightly! NP4 is a small dorm where you get to know not only your hallway, but also your whole floor and the floors above and below you. Typically a tight-knit unit, NP4-ers enjoy all of the Pembroke perks together, including delicious Gate sandwiches, quick shopping trips to Thayer and access to the Emery gym and the V-Dub. Since its makeover last year, the dorm has definitely improved, but the doubles are still tiny so make sure to leave the couches at home, and come prepared to get to know your roommate very, very well. Kristina Fazzalaro

North Wayland see Wayland House Perkins Hall

+ =

The residence hall closest to Thayers quirky stepsister Wickenden Street, Perkins is the perfect place for students who want a strong bond with their hall-mates or guaranteed exercise from daily walks to campus. The rooms do not make up in size or luxury for the remote setting in fact, theyre some of the smallest on campus. Everyone seems to know it the residents of Perkins Hall are a family. Though these bonds are strengthened more by long walks and snowy nights when no one wants to step foot outside than by anything else, friendships grown in Perkins can last a lifetime. Plus, its supposedly the best place on campus to find a future spouse: Unsubstantiated rumor has it that 60 percent of marriages between Brown alums occur between Perkins alums.


Wayland House
+ =

Emma Wohl

Sitting atop Wriston Quad, Wayland House divided into North and South Wayland is close to most of the important buildings on campus. With the Ratty less than a minute away and the Main Green just across the street, students living here will have no excuses for being late to anything. Living in the only building other than the Ratty on Wriston Quad not associated with a fraternity or sorority can make life very noisy, both inside the dorm and out, especially on weekend nights. The location alone makes for a great dorm to have your first year. Because its small compared to other options (roughly 80 first-years), you can expect to get to know your floor-mates very well. There is no real difference between North and South Wayland, aside from the Jabberwocks (an all-male a cappella group) having a lounge in the North Wayland basement.

+ =

The V-Dub and a satellite gym are located on the ground floor. The dorm is right off Thayer Street and boasts semiprivate bathrooms, laundry machines on every floor and a shared elevator with Emery. Woolley is a bit of a walk from the Main Green and most academic buildings on campus. Though Woolley may be isolated from main campus, you can get food or work out without stepping outside, and the dorm has the advantage of relatively new furniture, bright lighting and semiprivate David Chung bathrooms. The elevator in Emery will make move-in day a breeze.

Woolley Hall

Joseph Rosales


2 m in





1 min


V-DUB Em-Wool

Map represents approximate walking times between first-year dorms and on-campus eateries. 1 in ~ 100 yds


5 mins

9 mins

15 mi


the Brown


8 mins

Blue Room

12 min s



4 mins

3m ins

RATTY Wayland s in Ivy 2 m Room

4m ins



4 mins


4 mins


Some of our most important stories from past semesters to get you caught up before you arrive on campus:

Emily Gilbert / Herald Courtesy of Brown University

Officially sworn in, Paxson discusses plans for first year

Taveras, Simmons announce $31.5 million deal >>


how many sexual partners have you had this semester?

Kyle McNamara / Herald

Herald poll: Students fall Money Matters series short of sex expectations The Heralds four-parton life exploring the role of socioeconomic status before, during and
after Brown.


Contributions from Herald staff, Jon Millstein. Copy editing by Olivia Conetta. A special thanks to the 121st Editorial Board.

Check out to read the full stories!

the Brown DAILY herALD the UnoFFICIAL GUIDe to Brown

about the herald 26

in session, once during orientation, once during Commencement and online whenever news happens. Founded in 2000, Post- covers books, music, theater, film, television, food, campus culture and College Hill. Aside from its quintessential snark, Post- is best known for its back page devoted to the ins and outs of Browns sex life. Look for Post- every Thursday inside The Herald. Launched in 2009, BlogDailyHerald is the online center of campus life. Check here for hot news spreading on campus, recent references to Brown in popular culture and regular features like the free food digest and Frosh-cessities.
Founded in 1891, The Herald has served the Brown community daily with brief interruptions during the world wars for well over a century. In the 1930s, its Herald Peace Drive led Rhode Islands General Asssembly to investigate the newspaper for sedition. In 1961, Editor-in-Chief Richard Holbrooke 62 invited Pembroke women to join the staff, beating the University to full gender integration by 9 years. In 1995, The Herald became one of the first college newspapers to publish online. Today, The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. is an independent, non-profit corporation with over 250 student staffers and contributors responsible for bring-

ing you The Herald, Post- magazine and BlogDailyHerald. Its studentled business staff funds The Heralds operations primarily through advertising sales the paper is free on campus. Because The Herald is not affiliated with the University, it is able to report freely on all aspects of the Brown community and University governance without bias. Its editorials, written by an independent editorial page board since 2009, represent The Heralds take on campus issues big and small. Its opinion columnists represent a broad range of campus voices often provocative ones. The Herald comes out in print five days a week when class is

The Herald is the oldest and largest student organization at Brown. We welcome students of all backgrounds, experience levels and areas of interest. We need and will train reporters, photographers, copy editors, opinions columnists, cartoonists, web designers, programmers and bloggers. Our business team needs and will train sales, finance and development staff. The Herald offers financial assistance to leaders on its staff whose Herald commitments take time from their employment. Working for The Heralds edi-

torial staff is among the best ways to improve your writing, which will be edited for consumption by thousands of readers daily. Its also the best way to get to know anything and everything about Brunonia, Providence and Rhode Island. Working for The Heralds business staff provides the unique opportunity of running all aspects of a full-fledged business while in college. Recent Herald alums from both the editorial and business staffs have gone on to work at the New

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York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Politico, the Associated Press, Reuters, Goldman Sachs, Bain, McKinsey and Boston Consulting Group among others and to attend the nations top law, business and graduate schools. And most importantly, The Herald staff knows how to kick back at our weekly pizzastocked staff meetings, biweekly happy hours, semesterly kickball games against that other College Hill publication, Beta Delta Eta party and annual, notorious blacktie Herald banquet.

Well be holding info sessions soon after orientation at our 195 Angell St. office. Check our website and Morning Mail for updates. See you there!

Check out our blog at

BlogDailyHerald is an online publication that relates to the lives of Brown students and also serves the university community at large. Combining news, columns, puns and rants, BlogDH is current, informative, innovative and collaborative. Our staff is a tight-knit gang of people from all walks of Brunonia who form what we believe to be a collective voice for Brown students, and create a useful and entertaining resource to enhance their lives and those of their peers both online and off. The blog will be holding info sessions at 195 Angell in the fall. Check the website for updates!

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