Jacqueline Rena Ray Charges

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Defendant. PHILIP K. SORENSEN, declares under penalty of perjury: That I am a deputy prosecuting attorney for Pierce County and I am familiar with the police report and/or investigation conducted by the PIERCE COUNTY SHERIFF, incident number 121941249; That the police report, the oral reports of Detectives Mark Merod and Chris Adamson and/or investigation provided me the following information; That in Pierce County, Washington, 11th day of July, 2012, the defendants, LUIS REA BARKER and JACQUELINE RENA RAY, did commit the crime of murder. On Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 2038 hours, Sheriffs deputies to the 14900 block of 82nd Avenue Northwest regarding a deceased male located approximately 10 feet off the roadway. The bodys ankles, wrists and eyes were bound with duct tape. The tape had been broken as if the body had been dragged to its resting place. Investigators noted what appeared to be a single bullet wound just beneath his right shoulder blade. The body was identified as victim Leon D. Bauchman. Detectives learned that Bauchmans in-laws live less than a mile from where his body was found. The in-laws were identified as Lethaniel and JACKIE RAY. There is no other way in or out of the Ray residence other than to drive past the area where Bauchmans body was found. An autopsy determined the cause of Bauchmans death to be a single gunshot wound to the back just below the right shoulder blade. The bullet was recovered from Leons lower left abdominal area. Bauchman also had signs of facial trauma. Detectives indicated that Bauchmans wound was not instantly fatal. The cause of Bauchmans death was determined to be homicide. On Friday, July 13, 2012 at about 0240 hours, detectives interviewed Umeko Bauchman at her home. Umeko verified she was Bauchmans wife. Umeko told detectives though she was married to Bauchman, they had been estranged since a May 30, 2012 domestic violence incident in which Bauchman allegedly fractured Umekos orbital socket. There was court issued No-Contact Order put in place, but Umeko told detectives she and her husband were trying to work things out and that she had been allowing him to stay at their home in Puyallup on occasion. Umeko told detectives since their estrangement Bauchman would also stay with his grandmother in Tacoma. Umeko told detectives that on the morning of Wednesday July 11, 2012, she and Bauchman had an argument at their home before she left for work. When Umeko got off work at 1700 hours she went home, packed some bags, and took her three kids to a local motel. Umeko told detectives she and the kids stayed Wednesday night at the motel. She left the motel the next day and returned to her home in DECLARATION FOR DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE -1
Office of the Prosecuting Attorney 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 946 Tacoma, WA 98402-2171 Main Office (253) 798-7400


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Puyallup. Once home, she tried to call and text Bauchman, but never received an answer or response from him. She did not suspect anything was wrong until she was notified of Bauchmans death on July 13, 2012 at about 0100 hours. On July 13, detectives interviewed Ronald Pratt, a friend of Bauchman. Pratt told detectives he had been talking on the phone with Bauchman on Wednesday night July 11. Bauchman was upset that he could not find Umeko or the kids. Bauchman told Pratt he received a call from Umekos mother, Jackie RAY. RAY told Bauchman that Umeko was at her house in Gig Harbor. RAY told Bauchman she wanted him to come over to her house in Gig Harbor. Bauchman asked to talk to Umeko, but RAY told him Umeko was too upset and that he just needed to get there. Bauchman told Pratt that he suspected RAY was setting him up to have him arrested. However, Bauchman said he was going there anyway. Bauchman was driving his White Cadillac Escalade. Pratt stayed on the phone with Bauchman until Bauchman pulled into RAYS driveway at approximately 2330 hours. Bauchman told Pratt he would call Pratt when he left RAYS. Bauchman never called. The next morning, Pratt tried to call and text Bauchman, but didnt get a response. Pratt sent Umeko a text that next morning asking if she had seen or heard from Leon. Umeko said that she hadnt seen or heard from Bauchman. Detectives spoke with Bauchmans grandmother, Natalie Leath, who said that Thursday morning July 12 when she left for work Bauchmans SUV was not parked at her apartment complex. However, the vehicle was parked at her complex on Friday July 13. Detectives impounded the Escalade and subsequently served a search warrant on it. The keys to the Escalade were not in the vehicle and have not been located. On Friday, July 20, 2012, detectives spoke to RAY at the County-City Building. RAY came to the interview with an attorney. RAY provided a time line of her whereabouts during the time frame Bauchman was killed. RAY told detectives she and her husband had planned on camping with another couple at the Potholes near Moses Lake. Her husband left for the Potholes by himself on Tuesday, July 10. RAY said she planned on leaving for the Potholes on Wednesday morning, July 11. She was delayed until Thursday in part because she assisted Umeko with renting the motel room Wednesday. She said she spent Wednesday night at her own home. She said Bauchman called her Wednesday night looking for Umeko, but did not come over. She said at about 0200 hours on Friday morning July 13 she received a call from Umeko telling her the police were at her house telling her Bauchman had been found dead. Detectives interviewed RAYS husband. He confirmed the camping trip and that RAY was to join him Wednesday but that she changed plans and did not arrive until Thursday. On July 27, detectives served a search warrant on the RAYS house and property in the 8000 block of 160th St NW, Gig Harbor. While searching the property a detective indicated that he didnt believe RAY actually shot Bauchman. RAY responded that she had not pulled the trigger. RAY indicated that detectives had no idea how crazy Bauchman was. On August 1, detectives met with RAY and her attorney. RAY admitted to her participation in the murder of Bauchman. RAY told detectives that Bauchman had a long history of being very violent toward Umeko. RAY said the violence had increased recently and Umeko was afraid Bauchman would kill Umeko. RAY said that she recruited BARKER who was a man she knew had recently been released from prison. She spoke directly with BARKER. They met at a restaurant in Lakewood sometime between June 9th and June 11th, 2012. During the meeting she explained the situation and BARKER said just beating him up might not help. RAY agreed. BARKER asked what RAY wanted done. RAY said, what would you do if you were me? BARKER replied, okay. They agreed to on a price of DECLARATION FOR DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE -2
Office of the Prosecuting Attorney 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 946 Tacoma, WA 98402-2171 Main Office (253) 798-7400


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$10,000. They met again in Lakewood on June 13 and she paid him $8,000.00. They had a third meeting in Lakewood during which she gave Luis the keys to Umeko and Bauchmans house and made another payment. Final payment was made during a meeting in Tacoma after the murder had been committed. RAY told detectives that on Wednesday July 11, Bauchman called RAY looking for Umeko. RAY told Bauchman that Umeko was at RAYS Gig Harbor home. Bauchman agreed to drive there. RAY notified BARKER and he and a third man arrived approximately 30 minutes prior to Bauchman. RAY said BARKER was armed with a silver handgun. The other man had a roll of light colored duct tape. Bauchman arrived and knocked on the front door. RAY answered it. RAY immediately walked away and heard BARKER and the other man confront Bauchman. RAY described it as yelling and scuffling. RAY went outside and heard one gunshot. RAY said the commotion moved outside the front of her house so she went inside. RAY heard Bauchman moan and beg. Bauchman said he wouldnt bother Umeko anymore. RAY also heard tape being pulled and torn from the roll. RAY said the noises continued and BARKER eventually came inside the house and told RAY he was taking her minivan and needed a bag to contain the blood. RAY gave him her keys and a tarp. BARKER showed RAY a blood spot on the dining room carpet that needed to be cleaned. BAUCHMAN also indicated there was more blood on the walkway. BARKER and the other man left with Bauchman. RAY cleaned the blood spot. She described it as the size of a baseball and said that was where they shot Bauchman. RAY washed blood from the front walkway. RAY burned all of the paper towels she used to clean up the blood. RAY said she then drove Bauchmans Cadillac Escalade back to Bauchmans grandmothers residence, where BARKER picked her up and returned RAY to her house. On August 7, detectives met with RAY. RAY agreed to wear a recording device in order to record a conversation with BARKER. RAY and BARKER met in Lakewood. Their conversation was recorded. Detectives heard BARKER tell RAY that the trace evidence such as blood would be contaminated due to the chemicals used to clean it up. BARKER told RAY that if the police had enough evidence they would have arrested her already. BARKER said the only blood spot would be the one on the carpet. BARKER discouraged RAY from replacing the carpet because it would look suspicious. RAY said she was haunted by the incident and BARKER told her it would get easier. RAY asked BARKER why he shot Bauchman in her house and BARKER replied that Bauchman was fighting them for the gun. BARKER said even though they pulled the gun on Bauchman he came at them and tried to grab the gun. It took both BARKER and his partner to get control of the situation. BARKER indicated Bauchman was a big man. BARKER said their plan had been to take Bauchman outside and have him walk to the car, tape him up. BARKER is heard to say We werent gonna do nothin at the house. We were gonna leave the houseits always hindsightwe should have did it this way and could have done it this waydidnt go the way it should have went.So I mean how do you want to look at it, I mean, it was for the better. On August 10, 2012 detectives contacted BARKER in the area of the 8000 South Durango Street. BARKER was arrested. BARKER requested a lawyer and declined to make a statement. BARKERS criminal history includes convictions for felony crimes including the serious offenses of Robbery in the First and Second Degree. The third man remains unidentified and at large. I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. DATED: August 13, 2012 PLACE: TACOMA, WA /s/ PHILIP K. SORENSEN PHILIP K. SORENSEN, WSB# 16441 DECLARATION FOR DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE -3
Office of the Prosecuting Attorney 930 Tacoma Avenue South, Room 946 Tacoma, WA 98402-2171 Main Office (253) 798-7400

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