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Fool's Paradise Episode 8: The Lady

Episode 8: The Lady

Good morning, Jovi greeted at the two guards outside a large manor. Good morning, Lady Jovi, they replied. Is Prince Wilhelm in? Yes, he is. Would you like to see him? Jovi smiled. Please? The two guards exchanged a look. We shall send a message to him for you. Thank you, Jovi said. Five minutes later, one of the guards returned with a positive reply. Jovi thanked him before she picked up the hem of her dress and strolled inside the building. For the lady, this was not her first visit so she knew exactly where to find the Prince. On the way to Wilhelm's room, Jovi greeted a couple of maids in passing. At last, she arrived at his room and knocked on its door. The maids hid underneath the staircase and watched as Jovi was admitted in no less than ten seconds afterward. They waited until the door closed before they gushed to each other. I can't believe Lady Jovi is Prince Wilhelm's woman. But aren't they just childhood friends? I don't know... they're pretty close. Meanwhile, Jovi clasped her hands behind her back and strolled around the familiar room. Her green eyes darted around the room until they landed on a red desk made of mahogany. There was a single violin case on top of the stacks of paperwork. Attracted to the instrument, Jovi went over and drew her fingers against the black case. She had been thinking about her decision to quit playing the violin or not. Wilhelm returned to the room after he checked the city from the balcony and smirked at the sight of Jovi being mesmerized by the violin. Carefully, he approached her from behind. She made no motion to acknowledge his presence. Still smirking, Wilhelm pinched her cheek and sent her running and squealing to the nearest wall. Good morning, Jovi, said Wilhelm. Jovi rubbed her red cheek. Shouldn't it be 'Lady Jovi'? No one's around, said Wilhelm, wrapping his arms in front of his chest. Lock the door for me, will you Jovi? If you insist, Jovi said. She hesitated, but obediently locked the door to his room. But may I ask why, Prince Wilhelm? Wil is fine, Wilhelm said, waving her off. Jovi blushed. Wil, then. I wish to have a private talk with you, Jovi, Wilhelm said. He perched his elbow on top of the violin case. And I do not want any of my servants to disturb us. They might get the wrong idea, said Jovi. Let them, Wilhelm said, motioning for Jovi to come closer. The blonde-haired woman sighed and obeyed once again. They have no concrete proof anyways. Jovi stood on her tiptoes and whispered, Can your servants hear us? No, they cannot, Wilhelm reassured. This door is quite impenetrable. At Wilhelm's confident reply, Jovi broke into tears and jumped into Wilhelm's arms. Without needing her to say anything, Wilhelm embraced her close to him with one arm and used the other to stroke her long, silky blonde hair. They stayed in this position for a whole

minute before Wilhelm forced her to sit in one of his couches instead. He held up a tissue for her as she sniffed back the tears. Jovi wiped her nose quickly. This reminds me of when we were kids, Wilhelm said. Jovi nodded. Those were the good, old days... Indeed. Your father is so cruel. He is not, Jovi said, defensive. He hates signs of weakness, that's all. Wilhelm crouched down in front of her. Is he the reason for your tears this time, too? Well, Jovi said, glancing away in shame. I suppose you can say that. What happened? I asked him if he would ever allow men of my own choosing to court me. Sighing, Wilhelm grabbed her hands. You are not exactly nobility, Jovi, but close enough. We are both aware that your father must have had prior arrangements in picking your spouse to maintain control over his kingdom. No, I was not... Jovi said, crushed. Or at least, Wilhelm said. I was aware. This is so disheartening... For me as well, Wilheim said, carefully holding onto Jovi's sad eyes. My father will rather abandon me than permit me to choose m y own partner. You are his one and only daughter, Wilhelm reassured. He squeezed her hands tightly. Unless he wants his kingdom to fall into the hands of his cousin, he will keep you close to him for as long as necessary. He said so yesterday, Jovi said under her breathe. That he will throw you away? If I ever bring up such a ridiculous topic again. Wilhelm frowned. Then, you must ask yourself- is this really worth it? A single tear slid down Jovi's cheek as she held back the rest as best as she could. I should treasure my feelings, Wil. They are the only things that are actually mine. Nothing else about me is actually me. Sympathetic, Wilhelm reached up for her and pressed her head against his shoulder again. Cherish those feelings as long as time will permit then, my sweet Jovi. What about you, Wil? Jovi spoke up. You have not said a word about yourself. Wilhelm smoothed out the wrinkles on the back of her dress. I have no time for love. I am also in an arranged marriage. Wilhelm hesitated before he continued, Just like the rest of my brothers. I am a Prince after all. A servant's son should not have to be a servant, Jovi said at a certain memory. Therefore, why should a former Prince's son also have to be a Prince? Where did you hear that line from? Wilhelm said, fascinated. A wide smile traced her lips. My dear Bogancio. Speaking of the lad, I have spoken to him briefly last night. Jovi picked up her curious eyes at her childhood friend. May I ask what you two conversed about? The Prince placed his hand on Jovi's cheek and caressed it as one would a younger sister. From the many years he had known her, her eyes continuously grew empty thanks to her parents. He had done literally nothing for her because of his status as a Prince; instead, he stood on the sidelines and watched as they molded her into their perfect heir to the company. But for the first time since their childhood, Jovi was showing signs of life again in those enchanting, almost fairy-like green eyes and it was all thanks to the person the Prince least expected. About you, he answered honestly.

Jovi flushed and pushed his hand away. What a boring topic... If it is so boring, Wilhelm said, shrugging. Maybe I should not reveal its contents. Wil! Jovi cried, gripping his arm tightly. How you distress me! You distress me by calling yourself boring! Jovi glanced away, shyly. Please tell me what happened. You know how important this is to me. *** If you're going to kill Bobo, kill me first! Andy Blaire had not expected such words to ring out of her room when she entered it on her first day back from visiting her brother over the weekend. Admittedly, she missed Bogancio and his other girlfriends very much. Almost everything reminded her of them the entire trip. However, something must have happened during the short time period she vanished because right now, she was witnessing Karenana choking Bogancio with a whip. Kandyl tried her best to push them away from each other to no avail. As for Dani, well, the fourth girlfriend was enjoying the sight, as expected. Knowing Dani, she assumed the two were joking around because everything was all fun and games with her. But as a future soldier, Andy Blaire cannot allow such violence to take place without lifting a finger to resolve it so she jumped in and kicked Karenana and Bogancio to opposite sides of the room. Blaire, welcome back, Dani said in greeting. Perhaps you can explain the events leading up to this? Andy Blaire said while Kandyl rushed over to check up on both of them. Dani grinned. Long story short. Nana found out through Callie that Bobo spent an entire evening with her enemy, Prince Wilhelm. On top of that, Prince Wilhelm offered him a ride back and he accepted it without her permission. Prince Wilhelm is your enemy, Nana? Andy Blaire asked the first girlfriend. Karenana rubbed the back of her head. Nice... kick. Thank you, Andy Blaire said with a salute. He's not my enemy, Karenana said, annoyed. He's my rival and a total asshole. It's just a number, Nana! Dani laughed. I'm sure you can beat him in test ranking next time! The odds are stacked against her, Andy Blaire said, walking over and lifting Bogancio up to his feet with one easy pull. For the past two years, Prince Wilhelm had been the top scorer. Meanwhile, Nana has been switching back and forth between second and third place... I believe in Nana! Kandyl said with her fists pumped. Am I the only one who heard Nana call the Prince an asshole? said Bogancio, finally recovering from the head trauma. The others gave him blank looks so he continued, He's not though. I mean, sure, he's not someone I would be friends or want anything to do with, but he's not that bad. I don't really get the hate. I see, Karenana said, folding her arms. So, after meeting him one time, you can figure out his entire character already, Bobo? What a genius you are. Please! Kandyl waved her arms up and down. No fighting! I met a crap ton of terrible people, Bogancio said, not backing down. And the Prince is not like them. Karenana glared at Bogancio. So, you're Wilhelm's best friend now, are you? It must be fun to be jumping to so many conclusions at once! Dani said in awe. Women, said Bogancio, shaking his head. Beat them a couple of points in studying and they turn you into an enemy. Enemy or not, you should not be associating with him!

I talk to whoever I like. Big talk coming from someone who hides behind Blaire! Andy Blaire blinked. To be fair to Bobo, eighty percent or more of the male population at this school probably cannot beat me either. Even Andy Blaire's neutral comment could not stop Bogancio and Karenana leaving the room and walking off in different directions. Kandyl attempted to reach out for both, which ended up making her unable to touch either before they were out of sight. While Andy Blaire comforted the crying Kandyl, Dani scratched the back of her head with a confused expression on her face. Now what? *** How is she? Two days after the incident, Dani approached Andy Blaire about Kandyl's condition after Track Team practice. Ever since Karenana and Bogancio fought over Prince Wilhelm, neither showed up for practice, which was worrying since Dani was counting on Bogancio's speed on the upcoming races against other schools. Him dropping out of the Track Team would prove disastrous for the entire Track Team in general. Yesterday, Kandyl ran with Andy Blaire and Dani, only because she thought either Karenana or Bogancio might attend practice. After yesterday's disappointment, Kandyl was also nowhere to be seen on the field. Already because of one incident, Dani lost three precious members of her Track Team. Dani didn't mind much because her optimistic side told her that they would eventually return, but the other members weren't so enthusiastic and pressured her to resolve this issue as soon as possible since she was Captain. Dani grudgingly took on the task. Not well, Andy Blaire said as the two girls walked to the girls' dorms together. Candy is very unhappy. You know, Dani said. I never thought something like this would happen. Andy Blaire nodded. Me neither, therefore I never formulated a plan for it. And you're so prepared too, Blaire... said Dani, shaking her head. Hm, said Andy Blaire thoughtfully. On the contrary, Dan, this is more problematic than I imagined so any kind of preparation might have been for nothing. How so? Dani said, curious. Take a moment and imagine yourself in Candy's shoes. That's impossible. Andy Blaire sighed. How straightforward of you, Dan. Thanks! Dani grinned broadly. How about you spell it out for me? Very well, Andy Blaire said, almost sounding satisfied at being reliable. But first, let me question you first. Sure thing, Blaire! You are siding with Bobo, correct? Dani saluted. Bros forever! How about you, Blaire? I am neutral, Andy Blaire answered automatically. Dani laughed, expecting such an answer from the soldier. But unlike us, Candy must be having a difficult time with our current arrangement. How is she supposed to choose between her best friend and boyfriend? Andy Blaire watched Dani shrug, clueless. The answer is she cannot. Whoever she chooses, the other person will feel betrayed. Sucks for her, Dani said. That is one way to put it, Andy Blaire said with a nod. I am personally uneasy with the status quo as well.

Yeah, Dani said. My team's not happy either. No one is. Man! Dani pulled her hair. If only Nana weren't part of the problem! She would tell us what to do like she always does! Andy Blaire tossed Dani an impressed look. Well said, Dan. You are onto something. Er, thanks? We have no time to mope. We need a plan. Hello, Blaire? Didn't you hear a word I just said? Nana is the planning lady! Andy Blaire smiled at Dani. I know someone else who can help us with this problem. Who?! Dani cried. You'll see, Andy Blaire said. Please locate Candy and persuade her to meet up with us, Dan. Sure thing. Where at? My room as usual. Dani grinned. Got it, girl. See you tonight! *** For the past two days after his fight with Karenana, Bogancio returned to his old ways before he met her- hanging out with his female friends after class. The thought of seeing his other three girlfriends crossed his mind several times, but in the end, he decided not to. There was a good chance he would run into Karenana and he would rather eat trash than deal with Karenana at the moment. Sure, he missed Kandyl, Andy Blaire, and Dani somewhat, but he pushed such thoughts away every time. It was less of a headache like this. If he stayed too close to the other three girls, it would look like they were excluding Karenana on purpose and well, Bogancio didn't want anyone to feel like that, even someone like Karenana. He understood that feeling too well. Did you break up with Upperclassman Karenana, Bogancio? asked one of the maids in training by his side. They were heading back to the dorms since school ended. I don't think we did, Bogancio said. So, this is just a temporary break? Bogancio hadn't thought about it much admittedly. Yeah. Sure. You aren't as talkative as before, Bogancio, They complained. She must have changed you. No way! Bogancio forced himself. I'm just tired today! I'll be good tomorrow! His response satisfied them as they continued talking among themselves, Honestly, servants like us should know our place and not dream of dating any of the high-class students. Our loyalty should be with our masters alone. That's right! We need to focus! We're not here to date, but to become better servants. They all turned to Bogancio. Right Bogancio? Caught off guard, Bogancio straightened up and answered automatically, Yeah. I'm just dating her for fun really. You know, to pass the time and see what's the big deal with all those rich girls. Bogancio really is the best, one of the other maids said. You should hang out with us more often! Bogancio nodded with a wide grin. I'm here now, aren't I? Oh, look over there, one of Bogancio's friends said. Bogancio and his four female friends stopped at the sight of a boy and a girl standing alone near the outside gardens. It was an unusual scene because most of the boys rarely

interacted with the girls, especially not one on one. The boy in question seemed to be flustered and the girlOne of maids gasped. I know her! She's Hime! Hime? said Bogancio, giving the couple his full attention. Upon closer inspection, Bogancio recognized the dark-haired girl, though he didn't at first. Mei-Lien? You know her, Bogancio? Sort of. So, Mei-Lien is Hime? Bogancio said with lifted brows. Everyone knows Hime, said one of the others. Mei-Lien and her twin sister DaoMing are famous. Mei-Lien in particular is one of the prettiest and smartest First Years in the servant division. Oh, yeah, said Bogancio. She's a dancer for that Jeremy noble. You sure know a lot about her, Bogancio... Bogancio laughed it off. My Master knows her Master. The girls exchanged looks of relief and chatted among themselves again. That makes sense. The two families have been enemies for years. Anyways, Bogancio said, indicating at Mei-Lien and her admirer. Is that her boyfriend? They laughed at his question. Impossible! Hime is too quiet, cold, and expressionless. Bogancio frowned. She... is? Boys are only after her because she's pretty and smart. Otherwise, she keeps to herself and acts distant to everyone. Unless called on in class, she rarely talks to anyone except her twin sister. There is no hope for that boy. He's pursuing a dream. Actually, said Bogancio, interrupting them. I remember I have to do something. You girls go on ahead. See you at school tomorrow. Already, Bogancio? Bogancio grinned. Have a good night, ladies. After his friends left him alone, Bogancio ran around and hid in the middle of the garden. He was at a safe, yet comfortable distance from Mei-Lien and her companion so he tried to listen in on their conversation. First, he checked Mei-Lien out to confirm his classmates' description of her. Indeed, compared to the Mei-Lien he met at the party, this young lady in a flower-designed uniform appeared to be a different person altogether. Her green eyes were blank. She never cracked a smile the entire time the male student chatted with her. On top of that, her entire body looked unnaturally stiff to Bogancio. Lastly, her hands clasped tightly on top of her lap, unmoving. Bogancio understood at last, widening his eyes. He thought it was unusual that he didn't recognize her as a student at his school when they met at dinner a few days ago despite being a rare beauty and a part of the servant half of the population like himself. Not only did she appear more lively and approachable without the school uniform, Mei-Lien was a completely different person in aura and personality as well. The woman he was watching right now would not even speak to the male even if he begged her to, nothing like the friendly girl he conversed with over a hot pot. It strangely reminded Bogancio of the Karenana around him and the Karenana the rest of the school admired. Obviously, I am boring you, said Mei-Lien's admirer after another ten whole minutes of silence. The lack of response would unnerve anyone. Thank you for your patience, Hime. Even when the boy ran away with a crushed expression on his face, Mei-Lien watched him without batting an eyelash. She was so unresponsive that Bogancio wondered once again if this was the same girl he met the other night. Then again, he remembered the cold and lifeless expression Mei-Lien and Dao-Ming wore when they were first introduced to the

Prince. Yes, this was definitely the same Mei-Lien even if her current facial expression scared him more than that at the party. She had the same beauty mark on her left cheek. Bogancio broke out of his thoughts when he noticed something flying towards his chest. Luckily, he rolled over in time and watched in horror as a black star-shaped projectile cut the flowers and grass inches away from him. Since he was almost certain who attacked him, he jumped up to his feet and held his arms up high in surrender to the green-eyed girl a few feet away from him. I come in peace, Bogancio said to Mei-Lien. Mei-Lien caught the weapon without even looking. You're Castillo's Fool. We meet again, said Bogancio, faking a wide grin. Nice aim. I thought it might be a wolf so I acted out of self-defense, said Mei-Lien in a monotone, putting the star away inside her shirt. Bogancio laughed off the high tension between them. You're not too far off the target. Much to Bogancio's relief, Mei-Lien smiled sweetly. Nonsense. You wouldn't attack me. Are you sure about that? You have no killing intent, she said in dismissal. I wasn't referring to- Bogancio noticed that Mei-Lien looked confused so he laughed again and shook his head. Never mind. Anyways, Bogancio pointed in the direction the other male ran off to. Why didn't you say anything to his love confession? It.... wasn't a confession. Yeah, right, Bogancio said. It was obvious. Mei-Lien looked surprised, but she quickly corrected her expression to a neutral one. I didn't know how to respond, she muttered. Really? Bogancio cried. Surely, someone as beautiful as you must have been confessed to many times before. That much is true, said Mei-Lien with a weak nod. But... I don't know what to do each time. I wasn't sure what was going on except that similar events kept happening. MeiLien glanced away, as if in shame. Master never prepared me for such encounters. Bogancio gaped at her words. Immediately, he thought of his vast experience and her lack of any. A girl like Mei-Lien could easily be his girlfriend if he wanted to. But then, he thought of the hostility between his Master and her Master as well as his current fight with Karenana; he told himself to stop being so greedy. Instead, he grinned at her in a friendly manner. But you're Hime! Bogancio insisted. Quiet, cold, expressionless? The Fool knew he was taking a risk using such unappealing descriptions, but it was one he was sure would work. Is that what everyone says about me? . Yeah. You're pretty famous. Mei-Lien stared off into the distant. That sounds about right, then. Bogancio didn't expect that remark. But... what about the girl who saved me by suggesting a hot pot a few days ago? At his question, Mei-Lien tossed him a sad smile before she answered, Forget about her. How can I forget about her? Bogancio said, surprising Mei-Lien with how angry he sounded. Even though your sister was glaring at you the entire time, you still tried your best to get along with Callie and I. At the time, I thought to myself- finally I met a servant who could think for herself. It will never happen again, Mei-Lien said quickly. That was a mistake. Do you truly believe that or did your Master tell you that?

Mei-Lien narrowed her eyes at him before she turned around. I apologize for cutting our conversation short, but it's late and Dao-Ming's waiting for me. Wait! Bogancio cried, reaching out and grabbing a hold of her left shoulder. I have one more thing to- Bogancio stopped when he noticed that she winced from his touch. Determined now, Bogancio tried to pull up her sleeves, but Mei-Lien automatically stepped away from him. Bogancio still refused to give up. You're hurt. I'm fine, Mei-Lien insisted. Bogancio approached her. You're not fine. Even if anything happens to me, Mei-Lien said, crossing her arms defensively and backing away. I will never ask a servant of the Castillo Family for help. Because other people can see us? Mei-Lien frowned. It doesn't matter. I know a good spot in the gardens where no one can see us, said Bogancio, thinking of the same place where he gave Karenana that apology letter he worked so many hours on. I'll help you, Mei-Lien. I've been bullied so often that I sort of know how to take care of injuries like that. I also have herbs Andy left for me in my room. I'm not injured. This time, Mei-Lien refused to listen to anything else Bogancio had to say as she scurried off. Bogancio's first thought was to chase after her. After all, no one except Dani could possibly outrun him. However, he knew it wasn't the best course of action. Surely, someone would see them together and without a doubt, word would spread about them. If Master Ian learned about any of this especially from people other than Bogancio himself, Bogancio might get into a lot of trouble and he couldn't afford that right now when he was already dealing with an unhappy Karenana. Therefore, it took almost all of Bogancio's willpower to stop being persistent with Mei-Lien. He should return to his room and figure out what to do about Karenana instead. Still, even while walking back, he could not help but ponder which MeiLien was more true to herself... *** Upperclassman Jovi! Kandyl and Dani cried in unison. The blonde-haired beauty was as surprised to encounter Kandyl and Dani outside of Andy Blaire's room that evening. She had assumed beforehand that she would be discussing about Bogancio's current situation with Andy Blaire alone. Then again, if she recalled from recent memory, Bogancio's four girlfriends were inseparable outside of class. She should have assumed from Andy Blaire's invitation that the other two would be present as well. Actually, Jovi was quite glad that they were also here since she felt like she became a part of their alliance of some sort and that thought alone excited her. Good evening, Jovi greeted. Kandyl looked like she was about to faint. I... I always love your hair! It's so soft and silky! I want to rub my face in it! Thank you, Jovi said with a polite smile. My family buys your family's products all the time, Dani said with a wide grin. Jovi nodded. My family appreciates it. You're too formal, girl! Dani said with a slap to Jovi's back. However, she jerked her hand back a second later, as if it was by reflext, and instead, held it out in front of Jovi. I mean, it would be an honor to shake your hand though, Upperclassman! Jovi shook Dani's hand. Nice to meet you... urm... My name's Dani! Dani said proudly. I'm Captain of the Track Team! Oh, yes! Jovi said before she turned to Kandyl. And I believe you are a Second Year? That's me, Kandyl said, reddening. I'm Kandyl, but you can call me 'Candy'!

Candy? Jovi said, tapping her fingers together. I love candy. Me too! said Kandyl, excited. Especially the extra sweet ones. I prefer sour myself, Jovi said, still smiling nervously. I like both! Dani said quickly, trying not to be left out. Andy Blaire coughed and opened the door to her room. I do not mean to intrude upon candy talk, but we have something more important to discuss during this meeting. Oops, Dani laughed. My bad! We got a little carried away, said Jovi admittedly. Please, Upperclassman, said Kandyl, blushing brighter at Jovi. Go in first. Thank you, Candy, Jovi said as she entered Andy Blaire's room. Kandyl grabbed a hold of Dani's arm. S-She called me 'Candy'! Not fair! Dani ran inside after Jovi. Please call me 'Dan', Upperclassman! Stop it, you two, Andy Blaire said sternly, silencing Dani and Kandyl. You are overwhelming Upperclassman Jovi. It is quite all right, Andy Blaire, Jovi said, sitting down at the chair provided by Andy Blaire while Kandyl and Dani plopped on top of Andy Blaire's bed instead. I have never been able to speak on such friendly terms with my peers before. This is quite a new experience for me so thank you very much for this opportunity! Kandyl looked like she was on the verge of tears. We should thank you for coming instead, Upperclassman! Yeah! Who knew that Blaire would bring you of all people to see us? Dani said. Andy Blaire smiled at Jovi. Honestly, I would never dream you would actually agree to go out of your way to participate in this meeting with us, Upperclassman. Sadly, Jovi said, revealing a sad smile. Everyone in school believes that so I am rarely invited to anything casual. It is quite unfortunate. That's so sad! Kandyl cried. You've never been to a sleepover before? A sleepover? Jovi said with wide eyes. She clasped her hands tightly on top of her lap. I have never heard of such an occasion before... Kandyl turned to Andy Blaire. Can we have a sleepover after the meeting, Blaire? We have school tomorrow, Andy Blaire said with a frown. Getting up to her feet, Kandyl clung onto Andy Blaire's arm. We won't talk all night so please, Blaire? I want one, Dani said, supporting Kandyl. See? Even Dan wants one! You two, Andy Blaire said disapprovingly. How can you ask so much of Upperclassman Jovi? She is not packed for a sleepover. We cannot burden her with something so last minute. That's right, Kandyl said with a fallen face. Sorry, Upperclassman, Dani said, dropping her head. Jovi looked back and forth between Kandyl and Dani before she said, I am ashamed to admit this, but I have not a slightest clue what a sleepover even is to accept or decline. Oh, said the other three in unison. Andy Blaire cleared her throat. According to the official definition- It's just a bunch of girls sleeping overnight! Dani interrupted with a wide grin. It's really fun! Kandyl added. We arrange each other's hair! We have pillow fights! Not anymore, Dani said in reminder. Since Blaire always wins. Yeah, she wins too much and ruins things for everyone. Andy Blaire gaped at them. What do you expect a soldier to do instead? Allow the enemy to successfully execute fatal strikes to her head?

They're just pillows, Blaire, said Dani, poking out her tongue. You hit very hard, Andy Blaire said, glaring at Dani. True that, Kandyl said, frowning. You knocked Nana out the other day. It's not my fault she's so fragile! Dani said, wrapping her arms across her chest. Jovi raised her hand. Although pillow fights have been banned according to Dan, I would like to experience one someday, if you girls do not mind my inexperience. No! Not at all! All of them answered at once. We would love to have you, Upperclassman, Andy Blaire said politely. If it's for you, Upperclassman, I would gladly lift the ban, said Dani with a grin. Next time, it should be everyone versus Blaire, said Kandyl, giggling. Maybe then, it would be more fair! That is the exact definition of unfair! Andy Blaire argued back. But if Upperclassman is joining, we cannot allow her to be attacked by the likes of you alone, Kandyl said with a pout. Then, wouldn't it be better if she joins my team so I cannot hit her with a pillow? Andy Blaire said with a lifted brow. You just want Upperclassman on your team, Kandyl said accusingly. Your intentions, not mine, Andy Blaire said, amused. Jovi giggled. Even talking about the event is fun. The event itself must be thrilling. So, sleepover tonight? Kandyl asked, shaking Andy Blaire's arm. Like I said already, it's too short notice for Upperclassman, Andy Blaire said with a sigh. Unlike you who carry your sleepover supplies with you and Dan who doesn't need any- I sleep anywhere, Dani said proudly to Jovi. -Upperclassman Jovi needs to be informed ahead of time to pack whichever belongings she requires for an overnight stay. Yes, Jovi said sweetly. Maybe next time. Aw! Dani and Kandyl groaned in disappointment. Does Bogancio participate in these overnight adventures with the rest of you? Jovi asked curiously. Dani laughed. Sometimes, but he just sleeps. I love Bobo, but he's no fun during a sleepover, Kandyl said with a pout. Speaking of Bobo, you guys got off-topic again, Andy Blaire said, sighing. Oh, yes, Jovi said, looking at the other girls with a serious expression on her face. I heard the situation from Andy Blaire. It is quite unfortunate that classmate Karenana and Bogancio are ignoring each other over the basis of Prince Wilhelm's character. I asked you Upperclassman Jovi because you are Nana's classmate, and Bobo and Prince Wilhelm's friends as well as one of our top Third Years, Andy Blaire said. I thought you might be able to come up with a solution to our current dilemma. Jovi wore a thoughtful look on her face. Your reasoning is as fine as ever, Andy Blaire. Thank you, Upperclassman, said Andy Blaire, feeling proud. There is one problem, Jovi said with a frown. Something Upperclassman Jovi doesn't know? Dani gasped to the side. The person Andy Blaire describes as Karenana does not sound like the Karenana I personally know so I am at a loss what to do... Kandyl gasped. Oh, yeah, Upperclassman doesn't know the real Nana. How did I manage to overlook something so crucial... Andy Blaire muttered to herself, shaking her head. But, wait, said Dani. That doesn't matter, does it? What does not matter, Dan? Andy Blaire asked.

The main problem is neither Nana nor Bobo, or at least to me. Care to explain? Dani leaned back. Well, isn't it with the Prince? Or am I wrong? Everyone else in the room exchanged looks of confusion before Dani's words fully sunk in. When they finally understood what Dani meant, they were more fascinated by the fact that it was Dani who brought the idea up in the first place. Of course, Dani who could not read minds, had no idea she was being slightly insulted. Then again, since it was Dani who never felt anger before, it would probably not affect her usual optimism much. Now that Dan has brought up this approach... Andy Blaire said, deep in thought. What kind of person is the Prince, Upperclassman? Kandyl asked immediately. Jovi was a bit taken back by the question. Wilhelm is... Jovi blushed at all three girls gazing at her intensely. He's the most wonderful person I have ever met. I do not mean to be rude, Upperclassman, but, Andy Blaire said. As a close friend to the Prince, you may be biased towards him. Yeah, Kandyl said quickly. You two have known each other for a long time. I am biased, Jovi said admittedly. But you may ask any of Prince Wilhelm's subjects and servants and they will give you the same account as I. He may be a tad too intelligent and popular for his own good, but he is also down-to-earth and a person of high moral character. Jovi's shoulders started to shake. I can vouch my reputation on all I have said to you today. I believe you, Upperclassman, Dani said with a wide grin. Me too, Kandyl said fiercely. But if what you say is true, Upperclassman Jovi, Andy Blaire said, thinking out loud. There is no real reason for Nana to be so antagonistic towards Prince Wilhelm. It must have been a misunderstanding in the past, Kandyl said. That sounds plausible! Dani agreed. But Nana is so stubborn, Andy Blaire said to the other two. Even if we try to explain it to her, she will lash out and accuse us of siding with the Prince, like Bobo the other day. Calmly, Jovi raised her hand again. How about I ask Wilhelm to speak to fellow classmate, Karenana, about her misunderstanding himself? They may be able to resolve their differences between themselves. A direct approach, Andy Blaire said with a smile. I like it. And it will save Bobo a lot of headache as well, Kandyl said, delighted. I'm curious though, Dani said. What exactly does the Prince think of Nana? He... Jovi thought about it for a second. Always watches and takes notice of her... *** You sure took your sweet time to wake up, Fool! The following morning, Bogancio was called out by Callie during an hour Bogancio would never wake up of his own free will. Actually, he would never wake up an hour later for Callie either, but the maid dragged him out of his room after he frantically told her to leave him alone. He learned today that she was much stronger than he, which was sad in its own right. More importantly, she had an extremely seriously expression on her face the entire time. He thought he should give her this privilege for once. Spill it, Pinkie, Bogancio said impatiently after they arrived at the area where the laundry was being hung. What the hell do you want? Listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you, Fool, said Callie in a lowered tone. Prove to me that your ears are actually good for something. Actually, Bogancio said, wrapping his arms across his chest. I have something to say to you too, Pinkie. Callie lifted a brow and frowned. Very well. You go first since I don't want to have to

listen to you blab nonsense after my important message. Whatever, Bogancio said, trying to suppress his anger at her. It's about Mistress Genevieve. That gained Callie's attention immediately. She sent me a letter asking me to run away with her. Callie grabbed a handful of Bogancio's shirt. Even a Fool like you won't do something so stupid, right? Fuck no, Bogancio said, pushing Callie away from him. One, that brat won't even last a day on the streets. Mistress Genevieve is not a brat! Two, I will never betray Master Ian, Bogancio continued. Just admit it, Callie said with a carefree shrug. You are living a sweet life right now with the Castillo family paying for all your expenses on campus and four girlfriends to protect you from harm at all times. Who would want to return to the streets after that? Bogancio didn't say anything for a few seconds before he said, Yeah, so I'm not going anywhere really so don't worry your pink head over me running toward the sunset with your beloved Mistress. I have never heard a more stupid idea in my life. Why did you tell me anyways? said Callie, slightly annoyed. Well, you know her the best so I was wondering if there's any way to like reject her plan without making her angry? Callie sighed. Why must the Mistress favor someone like you... I don't know, okay? Bogancio cried. Because I wish every day that she didn't! You do not have to reject her directly, Callie said, calming down. The maid looked away from Bogancio, as if distracted. She'll calm down eventually. Just wait out a few days and she'll find the idea ridiculous like the rest of us soon enough. Bogancio released a heavy sigh of relief. Thank god! She's so hard to deal with. You should not say such words about Mistress Genevieve... Callie said, sounding bitter and sad. She cares for you more than anyone else in the Castillo family... In the wrong way, said Bogancio. There's no sense explaining common sense to a Fool. You can't explain anything for shit anyways, Pinkie. Whatever, Callie said, rolling her eyes. Anyways, are you done yet? I was done a long time ago, Bogancio said, imitating her. Callie cleared her throat. Well, I'll only say this once so listen carefully. Yeah, yeah, stop with the suspense already. Carefully, Callie removed an envelope from her bag and placed it in Bogancio's hands. When Bogancio tried to open it though, Callie placed her hand on top of his to stop him. I want you to deliver this to Master for me. Er, what's the point? Bogancio said. You see him more often than I do. Listen, said Callie solemnly. Do not hand him this letter unless something happens to me. Callie glared at Bogancio sternly. Do you understand, Fool? What are you going to do? Bogancio asked seriously. That is none of your business. Bogancio frowned. It is. You're asking me for a favor. The truth is, Callie said with a sigh of defeat. I don't know what I'm going to do yet, but it's not pretty. Callie smirked at how confused Bogancio looked. I want to be prepared though for the worst case scenario so please. Callie lowered her eyes. Do me this one favor. You're the only other Castillo servant on this campus... I don't know what you're up to, but, Bogancio said, pocketing the letter. If anything actually happens to you, good riddance. Save me the trouble of arguing with you all the time.

Callie shook her head in amusement. A part of me wished you had accepted Mistress Genevieve's proposal and disappear from my life already. Well, said Bogancio, walking away and waving. Thanks for saving me the trouble by getting out first. Take care of that letter! I'm serious about this! Callie screamed after him. Yeah. Sure. This is only a precaution! Nothing might actually happen to me! I hope not. Bye Pinkie. Bogancio left the area and straight to the dorm where his bed waited for him. *** Everyone stared in admiration at the beautiful pair passing by, surrounded by servants on all sides. Not knowing the contents of the chat, the rest of the student population theorized about a possible get together between Prince Wilhelm and his closest companion in school, Lady Jovi. It was possible since the two appeared to be so into each other that they forgot the world around them, including their servants. Little did their classmates knew, Jovi was attempting to explain the situation between Bogancio and Karenana to Wilhelm, hoping someone as smart as he could figure out a peaceful solution. Instead, the Prince laughed. Lovely Jovi, you should know by now that I am a man who refused to meddle in another man's personal affairs, said Wilhelm. Jovi grabbed a hold of Wilhelm's sleeve. But Wil, dear Bogancio's affairs have everything to do with you. The two of them would never have worked out in the long run, Wilhelm said reasonably. Them separating now is inevitable. Wil, how can you say something so cold? Jovi said, frowning. The truth sometimes can be. Jovi lowered her eyes. If I were to jump to conclusions, I say you already knew they separated before I approached you about it. Wilhelm nodded. It was fairly obvious with how fellow classman Karenana stopped participating both in their lunch outings and after school practice. She also resumed her work with the Charity Club and returned to her own room to sleep. Dear Wil, Jovi said slowly. What is fellow classman's favorite color? I do not understand the purpose of your question. There is definitely a reason, my Prince. Her favorite color is royal blue, said Wilhelm, lifting a brow. Any other questions? What's her favorite food? Macaroons. Jovi stopped in the middle of their walk. Wil... I thought you have no time for love... You question my claim, Jovi? Wilhelm said, slightly hurt. Please forgive me for being direct, Wil, Jovi said slowly, blushing slightly. But I am starting to believe that you may have feelings for fellow classman, Karenana... Ah, Wilhelm said calmly. The secret is out. Jovi's eyes widened. I thought, surely, you would deny me. Why must I deny the truth? You are Jovi and I would never lie to Jovi. Wilhelm noticed a bench nearby. Let us sit and talk, my friend. Jovi agreed as they sat side by side with their servants keeping watch around them. Wil, if what you say before is true and that you will never lie to me... Yes, my dear? Then, are you secretly delighted that fellow classman is separating from Bogancio? Wilhelm allowed a smile to spread over his face. Do you not feel the same?

No, I do not, Jovi said, shaking her head. I am very unhappy. Why are you unhappy? Because the reason for them being in this predicament derives from the person I admire most in the world... Jovi turned her eyes sadly to Wilhelm. I understand I am an outsider from Bogancio's circle and I understand that I really have no right to interfere in Bogancio and Karenana's affairs, but, Jovi grabbed a hold of Wilhelm's hands. When the problem revolves around my dearest childhood friend on the basis of his character, I cannot stand on the sidelines anymore. Jovi, Wilhelm said in surprise. You are helping Bogancio's girlfriends for my sake? Jovi nodded frantically. Yes. What other reason can there be? I misjudged you, dear friend, Wilhelm said, looking away in shame. I apologize. I do not understand, said Jovi, confused. Out of everyone at this school, I know Prince Wilhelm the best. Although Prince Wilhelm has a lot of admirers both in and outside the palace, you have no ambition to steal the throne for yourself, even though you can easily do so. Instead, you wish to be a good enough Prince to support your eldest brother. I cannot in my wildest dreams believe that the same Prince Wilhelm could have done something so terrible that fellow classman Karenana would hate you so much. It is between her and I, Wilhelm said under his breath. Between you and her? Nothing, Wilhelm said with a broad smile. Whether they reconcile or not is up to them, Jovi continued despite Wilhelm relaxing in his seat and spacing out. She turned to him, which made him sit up quickly. But Wil should still say something to fellow classman Karenana at least. I will speak to Bogancio. Very well, Wilhelm said, standing up. I will not distress you anymore, Jovi. Is that all? Jovi said, suspicious. You wish it too, do you not? For their reconcile? Wilhelm chuckled and shook his head at her. I do not wish for anything. Wil... As for you, Jovi, keep trying your hardest, said Wilhelm with a hand on her head. My dearest friend is too kind to steal a favorable position from another woman, but she should not be so kind as to push aside her personal feelings for the sake of others. Jovi blinked twice. I am having a hard time interpreting your advice... Leave it to me, Wilhelm said with a fond look. Since it's a favor to you of all people, I will do everything in my abilities as the Fourth Prince and your childhood friend to follow through with your request, my lady. Jovi blushed and muttered, Lower your voice, Wil... people might misunderstand... Why? Because I care about my dearest friend in the world? Let them. Oh, Wil... Jovi said with a shake of her head. Nevertheless, I thank you. You have been most kind to me lately. I do not know how to repay you for everything... There is something you can do for me, Jovi, Wilhelm said. Please tell me. I will do anything for you. Wilhelm chuckled. Thank you, my dear. It is of a small matter... *** At the sound of people leaving, Bogancio bolted awake and looked around him. Half of his class was already gone. Bogancio shrugged off the fact that he slept in over half of his classes today and stretched instead. His usual female friends flocked over to him and started chatting about matters he didn't care about, but he enjoyed the company nevertheless. He did not want to think about Karenana for even a second. They had been separated for some time and yet, not a word from her. He should have known Karenana was stubborn about matters like this.

Even after sleeping so much, Bogancio was still drowsy from waking up so early by that maid. He only paid attention from time to time to the conversations around him when they already left the building. He could not even connect the pieces of what they were saying. However, he noticed Mei-Lien's back almost immediately a distance away from his friends in her uniform. Their last conversation played out in the back of his mind. I almost feel sorry for Hime, said one of Bogancio's friends. Bogancio started paying attention to them again. Huh? Why? She's too pretty for a mere servant so those rich boys keep bothering her. Yeah, and her Master goes to a different school so there's no one to protect her really. It was then that Bogancio decided he should continue the conversation he had with Mei-Lien before she left him the other day. When he followed her, his friends stayed with him much to his surprise, though he assumed they were more curious than anything else what he was planning to do or say. However, as he approached her, he noticed that, like his friends spoke about earlier, a couple of the male students from the noble half of the school were sitting on a bench and checking her out as Mei-Lien passed by. Her lack of emotion is charming, they began. Yeah. We can solely focus on her looks. Such a pretty face for a servant. What a waste. Though because she's only a servant, it won't hurt to have a little fun with her. No master to bother us. The three students stopped chatting with each other when they turned their attention to Bogancio in front of them. Before Bogancio had time to really sort out his approach to these guys, he had already made the mistake of telling them to shut up. He witnessed this type of harassment multiple times before since the noble division enjoyed taking advantage of those of the servant division and the servant division had no power or courage to report what happened. Before, he never cared about getting involved in any of these scandals. He was too busy saving himself from his own troubles. Why would he risk himself for others? Karenana, Kandyl, Andy Blaire, and Dani changed all that. Even though they were people of some financial wealth, they gave up so much to defend him constantly. Karenana gave up on her reputation to be with him. Kandyl especially would give up anything for him. Andy Blaire left her life on the line to protect him. Dani always sided with his opinions, even though no one cared to before. Despite him not giving them anything in return, they were so loyal and good to this worthless Fool. It was like back at the age of ten when he met Master Ian for the first time... Even servants have a sense of self-respect, said Bogancio fearlessly. Why would someone as beautiful as Hime stoop to talking with you buffoons? Look who it is, they said. It's that philanderer Bogancio. Why are you bothering us? Bored of your four girlfriends already? Or should we say three? Since Upperclassman Karenana has finally realized what an ugly loser you are and dump you? Bogancio smirked and wrapped his arms across his chest. At least she would date an ugly loser like me. She wouldn't even glance at dirt like you guys. Why you motherfucker- His friends shrieked as one of the boys grabbed Bogancio by the collar. They ran away as the other two boys surrounded Bogancio on his right and left. Bogancio was not as strong as any of them so no matter how much he struggled, he could not escape from their grasp. To not create a scene out in the open, they dragged Bogancio behind the building and threw him on the ground. While he protected his neck with his arms, they kicked and punched him

everywhere else. Bogancio remembered the feeling of being hurt in an instant. It had been a while since he received this kind of treatment ever since Andy Blaire swore to protect him. You think you're some hotshot because your women are constantly protecting you? they shouted at Bogancio. Where are they now huh? You even got Lady Jovi on your side. Why would she ask the rest of us to leave you alone if you didn't seduce her like every other woman you talk to? Since they kicked his ears once, Bogancio was having trouble hearing out of his right ear, but he still kept his arms on his neck instead. He just had to bear this abuse until they were either bored of him or a passerby caught them in the act and called for help. All the meantime, he could not stop thinking about Master Ian as well as his girlfriends. Even if he still believed in his own evaluation of Prince Wilhelm, he should have at least tried to work things out with Karenana. What was she doing now? Was she still mad at him? H-Hime! At the familiar name, Bogancio opened his eyes and looked up at Mei-Lien standing a few feet away from them with no expression on her face. She was staring directly at him, unblinking. The boys stopped attacking him at her presence. They started greeting her and asking her how she was like he wasn't even there. However, she remained silent and took a few steps towards them. Then, she raised her hand and pointed at Bogancio. Him? One of them laughed nervously. We heard him talking about you Hime! Yeah! That fool wants to add you to his current harem like some sort of prize! We're teaching Bogancio a lesson for you. That's not true, said Bogancio with all the strength he could manage. However, he said those words so meekly that he doubted she heard him at all. Mei-Lien pulled out a dagger from under her sleeve, much to their surprise. Let him go. But she held it up to her neck instead. Or else, I will die here. She's bluffing, they said, backing away from Bogancio's fallen body. How can you tell? She doesn't seem like the joking type. His friends fetched me, Mei-Lien said, still walking forward slowly with the dagger dangerously close to her neck. They will be key witnesses as to why I am found dead behind this school building. We can't read her at all, said another, panicking. Let's not risk it! Go, go, go. Watching the bullies left in a hurry in a calm manner, Mei-Lien waited for Bogancio to climb back up to his feet before she moved the dagger away from her neck. Much to his surprise, Mei-Lien held the dagger to him instead. Bogancio winced from the pain once before he adjusted his eyes on the dagger with a golden handle. There were writing on the blade that Bogancio could not read. This is one of two most sharpest daggers in existence, Mei-Lien said. Bogancio felt a chill down his spine. That's... nice. I refuse to owe a Castillo servant anything, she continued as she pushed the dagger closer toward Bogancio. Take this in exchange for defending my honor. Plus, you can protect yourself in the future with this. It was nothing really, said Bogancio quickly. I have nothing else valuable on me, Mei-Lien insisted. So, please accept my dagger in exchange. Bogancio sighed. Well, he accepted the dagger. I guess having something like this on me is pretty helpful.

You have herbs for your wounds in your room, right? Mei-Lien said, noticing Bogancio frowning. You offered to heal me last time, if I recall. You remember what I said, said Bogancio in awe. Where is your room located at? Mei-Lien asked. I'll help you to your room. But other people will see us, he said. He personally didn't care like always, but she might, judging by the rivalry between the two families. Mei-Lien heaved Bogancio's left arm over her shoulders. Do not worry. You are clearly beaten up. Anyone with a pair of eyes can tell I am simply helping a fellow servant back to his room with no other intentions. If only students here see things as simply as you, said Bogancio good-naturedly. Even though Bogancio tried to strike up a conversation with Mei-Lien on their way to his room, she kept to herself most of the time and said very little. She did not appear to be worried about his wounds, but at the same time, she refused to loosen her grip on him. Eventually, Bogancio accepted this as an act of kindness from her and allowed her to aid him without trying anything else. She seemed slightly relieved when he stopped trying to be friendly toward her. Right at the door of the boys' dormitory, Bogancio stopped walking and turned to MeiLien with a wide grin on his face. I can walk from here. Thanks a lot, Mei-Lien. Let me apply the herbs to your bruises before I leave, Mei-Lien said. Bogancio widened his grin at the opportunity. Well, if you insist... I don't mind. Let us proceed then. But just warning you- my herbs are inside my bedroom. The location does not matter, does it? Never mind, Bogancio said, trying to hide the amusement on his face. However, before he led Mei-Lien inside the building, he noticed blonde flowing hair in the corner of his eyes. Jovi? Er, is that you? Good afternoon, Jovi said, revealing herself from behind the corner of the building. Jovi bowed deeply and turned around. I apologize for bothering. I will not disturb your company any longer. Wait! Bogancio said, bolting over to her and grabbing her arm. It's rare for you to come over to this side of campus. Is something the matter? Is anyone bothering you? Would you like to talk about it with me? Wait. Bogancio laughed it off. Look at how stupid I am. Why would someone like Jovi travel all the way here to see a servant like me? Say no such thing! I am here to see you! Jovi cried and blushed bright red. She glanced away, flustered. Besides, I will always remember your words about how a son of a servant does not necessarily make him a servant. You said that? Mei-Lien said in surprise at Bogancio. Bogancio whirled around at her now, not sure if her shock was a good sign or not. Er, I might have said something like that... Bogancio said those words to me not too long ago, Jovi said with a firm nod at MeiLien. Bogancio is kind and has a strong sense of equality despite his status as a Fool. I value his opinion a lot. I never thought a Castillo servant would have so much self-respect, said Mei-Lien. It's nothing, Bogancio said, deciding that he was making a positive impression on the dark-haired beauty somehow. Interesting, said Mei-Lien, nodding at both Bogancio and Jovi. Anyways, it is getting late and, Mei-Lien glanced at Bogancio, you have company so I shall not bother you any further. Before Bogancio could say anything, Mei-Lien returned her attention to Jovi. He has been beaten up by a couple of males from the noble division. Please look after him.

Jovi gasped at Bogancio's bloodstained clothes. Oh my! How could I have failed to notice your distress, my dear Bogancio? I should not have continued my idle chatter! It's fine, Bogancio said quickly. I'll live. But Bogancio, said Jovi, clutching onto Bogancio's arm. I do not know how to tend to wounds. What should I do to take care of you? Although Bogancio got some wild ideas of his own to answer her, Mei-Lien said, I am quite an expert in this area. How about I show you? The next few minutes, Bogancio witnessed two incredibly pretty girls, who were not his girlfriends, wrapping up his arms with herbs and bandages. Mei-Lien patiently explained the steps to Jovi. Once Jovi mastered everything Mei-Lien taught her, Mei-Lien excused herself and left the room in such a hurry that nothing Bogancio could possibly say or do could keep her around. He wanted to at least thank her for all her trouble before they pretended to be strangers once more. How long will it take for your injuries to heal? Jovi said, concerned. Bogancio shrugged. I don't really know. Then, he realized that Jovi was in his room alone so he straightened up and moaned. But it really hurts right now... I hope the pain go away soon or I won't be able to get a wink of sleep... Oh, Bogancio! Jovi said, obviously distressed. You should lay down! How can I possibly lay down when such an important guest is visiting me? Bogancio said, flashing a wide grin at Jovi. Jovi clasped her hands on top of her lap. Bogancio... listen... Oh, yeah, Bogancio said, remembering. Is there any reason why you're here, Jovi? There are several... What are they? For one, I wanted to see how you were faring from your separation from fellow classmate Karenana and the others in your group, but you appear to be doing quite well... Bogancio blinked. You mean Mei-Lien? She was only helping me because she took pity on me for getting pushed around by those rich bastards. I mean, you lack any sign of distress in general. Er, Bogancio said, thinking quickly. Well, you know, I had school to worry about, too. My studies sort of took my mind off bad things, if you get what I'm saying... As expected of Bogancio, Jovi said with an understanding nod, not noticing Bogancio taking this opportunity to move closer to her. You are able to hide your unpleasant feelings well despite everything that has happened to you the past couple of days. Bogancio sighed. It's nothing, really. I've been through worse. That is very unfortunate. Yeah, it is, Bogancio said in a lowered tone. I am glad I did not misunderstand my dear Bogancio, Jovi said sweetly. Bogancio managed a grin. Well, anyways, is there another reason why you're here, Upperclassman? Besides checking up on me? At Bogancio's bright smile, Jovi reddened slightly before she said, Oh, yes, well, it has been brought to my attention recently that there is quite a lovely spot in the gardens to view the sunset and drink tea. If Bogancio has no other business to attend to during that time frame, may you accompany me tomorrow on this particular outing to confirm my friend's recommendation? I would love to, Bogancio said, feeling happy for the first time today. After Bogancio and Jovi planned out their trip the following day, Jovi clasped her hands on top of her lap as she walked joyfully toward her room without paying attention to her surroundings. Bogancio, please help me tomorrow. I am uncertain how I should express

my feelings in the appropriate manner. *** The following evening, after sending away his servants, Wilhelm paid close attention to his surroundings, making sure no one was following him as he made his way into the gardens alone. He had to take extra precautions today by dressing in a conspicuous manner in order to blend in, just in case anyone were to recognize him from far away. However, he deemed it safe once he was deeper in the gardens where few students entered in general. From a distance, he made our silver hair as he approached the fellow classman occupied with her textbook. Fancy meeting you here, Wilhelm spoke up with a calm smile. Karenana glanced in his direction once before she returned to her reading with a bored expression on her face. Good evening, fellow classman. I noticed that you have returned to your former study corner. What a keen observation you have, your Highness, said Karenana coldly. Wilhelm chuckled, undeterred. I predicted as much since you are avoiding the Castillo servant and your other lady friends these days. And whose fault is that? Karenana muttered under her breath, irritated. Out loud, Karenana said to the Prince, Is there a purpose to your stroll this far into the gardens, fellow classman? You have no textbook on you so studying is probably not the right answer... I want to see you, Wilhelm said. See me? Karenana said, pretending to sound surprised. Why someone like me? Because I believe an apology is in order. Karenana closed her book. I would never dare accept an apology from a prince. Well then, at least listen to my brief explanation. Explanation for? The other night, Wilhelm said, sitting down next to Karenana. He smirked at her inching away from him. As you probably have been informed by your friends, I offered your lover a ride home. I merely want to clarify on the contents we discussed on that ride. Since Karenana gave no reply, Wilhelm continued, I swore to you that I did not discuss anything about you with Bogancio nor did I try to ruin your relationship with him in any way. I would never suspect the Prince of such capilities, Karenana said softly. If you say so, my dear, Wilhelm said with a sad smile. As you are fully aware of, Jovi is closest I have to a close friend outside of royalty. So I took the initiative to observe and understand Bogancio on her behalf for protective reasons. That is all. That Bobo, Karenana said, even more annoyed. I cannot believe even lovely Jovi has fallen victim to his quick flirtatious nature. I would not go so far as to say that she has 'fallen victim' to the Fool, though she is favoring him at the moment for reasons beyond my comprehension... Karenana smirked at Wilhelm's baffled look. A young lady's mild attraction is enough for you to initiate a private conversation with Bobo. That idiot should be honored. Believe me, Wilhelm said after a sigh. I did not want to interfere in your business ever again, but alas, it has come to this so please do not be so stubborn as to ruin your current relationship over a simple misunderstanding between men. You know... Karenana said in a lowered tone than usual. The very thought of someone like you attempting to save my relationship with my boyfriend irritates me... shouldn't you hope for our demise instead? Honestly, I cannot see how you and Bogancio will ever retain such a strange relationship in the long run, unless he improves his performance in school and figures a way to finance himself, said Wilhelm, shaking his head. Well, that is our business, not yours, said Karenana curtly.

Nevertheless, you ask me a question, did you not? Wilhelm said with a smirk. Karenana frowned. It was a rhetorical question. Oh, was it? I was under the impression you were dying to know my answer. Not really, said Karenana, looking away from him. I am not that type of man to wish ill upon others, Wilhelm said. You may hate me all you want, but I refuse to return those feelings. What I said to you that day two years ago, Wilhelm tossed Karenana a sincere look, is still true today. Those are the last words I want to hear. Wilhelm laughed and shook his head. There is no denying that I have wronged you. I do not ask for your forgiveness. That is nothing more than a dream. But I do not want you to be so trapped in the past that you hinder your current progress in the present. Right after, Wilhelm clasped his hand over Karenana's in an affectionate manner and surprisingly, Karenana hesitated to do anything about it. Much to her surprise, she didn't have to do anything because someone tackled Wilhelm away from her. Karenana gawked at the sight of an unusual move by Bogancio, who was pinning the taller and stronger male on the ground with anger on his face. Jovi hurried over to Karenana's sight and accidentally shrieked at the sight in front of her. The Prince made no motion to push Bogancio off him. Bogancio, Jovi pleaded. Please calm down. I don't care if you're the Prince, the King, or the ruler of the entire world, Bogancio said, focusing on Wilhelm instead of Jovi. A real man should never touch another man's girlfriend like that. I... misjudged you. Karenana blinked. Bobo, why are you here? Bogancio and I strolled around here to watch the sunset together, Jovi said, offering the explanation in Bogancio's stead since the latter was occupied with the Prince. Imagine our surprise to see you and Wil together, all alone. When Prince Wilhelm... held your hand, Bogancio ran over to your side as fast as he could. You and fellow classman Karenana have not broken up yet? Wilhelm said calmly. Bogancio frowned. Hell no. Like I'll hand her over to you so easily. Wilhelm smiled triumphantly at Bogancio. You are more of a fool than I take you for, Bogancio. With one order, I can have the entire Castillo family hung. Bogancio is sorry, your Highness, Jovi said immediately as she pulled Bogancio's arm with all her strength. Whatever, Bogancio said, getting off Wilhelm himself. Since Lady Jovi has spoken on your behalf, I will not hold you accountable for your inappropriate behavior, Wilhelm said, standing up and wiping the dust off his clothes. But heed my warning- I will not tolerate this again, especially from a Castillo servant. After Wilhelm left the area, Bogancio sighed and turned to Karenana. Alright. Now that he's gone, you can say it now. Say... what? said Karenana, still watching the Prince's back. That you were right and I was wrong about that snobby prince. Wilhelm is not usually that type of person, Jovi said, defensive about her childhood friend. There must have been a misunderstanding... Naw, there's nothing like that, Bogancio said in dismissal. He was hitting on Nana. And since when do you care? Karenana said coldly. Bogancio frowned. Since now? Is it really that weird? Yes, it is, Karenana said with her hands on her hips. You never cared before. Well, duh, Bogancio said, standing up to her. That's cause you've always been there with me for er- Fourteen weeks, Karenana said, glancing away.

Holy shit. That's a long time. So, you took me for granted, said Karenana. Bogancio sighed. Yeah. So what? Is it that surprising? You're always so reliable and doing everything. I didn't really think there'll be a day you leave on your own so yeah... I can't believe you. Hey! I said you were right about that prince already! Bogancio cried. What more do you want from me? Karenana shrugged. Figure that out yourself. I hate to intrude upon your conversation, but I cannot help but voice my surprise at how different fellow classman Karenana acts toward Bogancio compared to her usual self in class, Jovi said with wide eyes at the silver-haired maiden in front of her. The other girl reddened slightly before she said with a sweeter tone, Fellow classman Jovi... if you may be so kind as to keep this a secret from the rest of the school... I shall lock your secret in my heart forever, Jovi said. Thank you, Karenana said gratefully. About Wilhelm... said Jovi, looking down sadly. I shall inquire him personally about the event that unfolded moments ago. I am certain there is a reasonable explanation. He's tricking you, Jovi, Bogancio said. I was tricked, too. I cannot agree with that, said Jovi stubbornly. It's cause you like him, Bogancio said with a shrug. So you're blind to his ugly side. Jovi stared at Bogancio in shock. I... like Wilhelm? You do, right? You told me you have feelings for someone so it must be him. How... Jovi teared up. ...cruel of you. Is the truth really that cruel? said Bogancio, baffled. Slapping Bogancio across the face without warning, Jovi sobbed uncontrollably and ran away from the couple. At her pace, Bogancio could easily catch up with her if it weren't for Karenana clasping his arm to keep him in place. Slightly furious with Karenana for stopping him, Bogancio glanced back and was ready to argue with her again when he noticed the fallen expression on Karenana's face. It was unlike her to appear like this. Even though he wanted to comfort Jovi, he figured it was more important to stick by Karenana. Nana? He asked. She'll be okay, Karenana said in a whisper. No, not Jovi. Are you okay? You're acting kind of weird. Karenana shook her head. I'll be fine. I know, Bogancio said, sighing. He leaned toward her. You want to whip me, right? Bogancio shivered from the thought of pain. You can do whatever you want to me for not being able to see past that polite face of that dumb ass. Man, and I'm usually a good judge of character, too. What the hell? Bobo, said Karenana, clapping a hand over Bogancio's mouth. You talk too much. I know, He muttered after she removed her palm. Do you mind walking me to my room? Karenana said, hugging her textbook. Yeah, Bogancio said quickly, feeling uncomfortable with her weak tone. Okay. On the long way back to the girls' dormitory, Karenana and Bogancio walked hand in hand without a word exchanged between them. Bogancio hoped that Karenana would say something so he would have an excuse to wiggle the truth out of her about her sudden lack of energy. However, the opportunity never came up when they already arrived at her building. You sure you don't want to take out your stress on me? Bogancio offered. I want to, but there's something else I want to talk to you about. Yeah? What is it?

Let's talk in my room instead. Once the two made sure no one saw them together, they snuck inside Karenana's room and Karenana locked the door for safety. It reminded Bogancio of the first time he entered this room, hiding for his safety from bullies. Once inside, Karenana changed out of her heavy dress and into her nightgown. Since it was not the first time Bogancio saw her in her underwear, neither of them minded, though Bogancio was keeping his thoughts elsewhere or else, he would be too aroused to listen to her with a clear mind. Bobo, Karenana said slowly. Sit. Er, okay, said Bogancio, sitting down on her bed immediately. Karenana climbed on and knelt next to him. It's about Prince Wilhelm. Do we have to talk about that two-faced guy? Bogancio asked, annoyed. Yes, we do, said Karenana stubbornly. After watching you tackle him before my eyes, I decided that I must be honest with you. Bogancio frowned. Okay? What's going on? Prince Wilhelm and I have a long history, said Karenana in a softer tone. We used to be study buddies back when we were First Years. What happened? Bogancio said, curious. Why do you hate him so much now? Did he try to take advantage of you? Karenana shook her head. He did something much worse. What can be worse than feeling you up? He... confessed his feelings for me. Bogancio blinked. That's it? And told me a few seconds later that he was already engaged to someone else and left. Why would he do that? Bogancio said, confused. That makes no sense. I mean, if he were serious about you, he would break off that engagement with what's her face and if he weren't, he shouldn't have said anything in the first place, confusing the hell out of you like that. What a dick move. It is, said Karenana, placing her head against Bogancio's arm. I had no romantic feelings for him, but his words hurt our friendship beyond repair. You know how I am. Karenana clutched both her hands around Bogancio's right hand. I wanted a friend my own age more than anything else. Wil and I had that. Why did he mess it up? Why did he destroy the first real friendship I ever had? Bogancio squeezed Karenana's hands. He can't be with you anyways cause of his engagement so he should have at least ask to remain friends with you. I tried that, Karenana said quickly. But he refused to be friends with me. And it's been like that for almost two years? Karenana hid her face against Bogancio's arm. ...Yes. I know this is none of my business, said Bogancio, already regretting what he was about to say. But I can always help you be friends with that guy again. I mean, Bogancio glanced away at Karenana looking up at him in surprise. You're always looking out for the girls and I so it's the least I can do. You won't be jealous of Wil and I? Karenana said. Not really, Bogancio said. I mean, you're not jealous of Candy, Andy, or Dan. Besides, like you said before, Prince Wilhelm is engaged. He will never date you or any other girl for the record unless he breaks off his engagement. At least, that's the type of person I believed him to be. Yes, Karenana said weakly. He is a very honorable person. Bogancio grinned. So, how about we talk to the others about this and- Thank you for your offer, but I would have to decline.

Eh? But- Have you forgotten? Karenana said, sitting up straighter so her head is on top of his shoulder instead. I'm the brilliant Karenana. If I have not figured out a way to mend my friendship with him all these years, there's no way a fool like you can do it. Karenana leaned up and licked Bogancio on the chin. Besides, I have three really good friends and maybe four counting Jovi so, Karenana wrapped her arms around Bogancio's neck. I think I'm good. Yeah, Bogancio said, rubbing his cheek against the top of her head. Hearing me talk about him and then, seeing him again must have stirred all kinds of old emotions in you, huh? And knowing you, you badmouth him to hide whatever. Since when are you so good at reading me? Karenana said, poking his forehead. I'm not, Bogancio said. I'm just bullshitting again. You're getting better at it, then. My specialty. Karenana lifted her head from Bogancio. I wonder how the others have been... They miss you, said Bogancio. I miss them terribly, too, Karenana said admittedly. Where are they? I don't know, Bogancio said with a shrug. I haven't talked to any of them since our fight. It felt really out of place to suddenly hang out with them without you. You are really good at avoiding things, said Karenana, shaking her head at him. Hey. They're probably at Blaire's place, worried about us. Bogancio thought about it for a bit. Sounds about right. Once they see us together at practice tomorrow, everything will go back to normal. Yeah, I hope so, said Bogancio. About what I told you about Prince Wilhelm, I don't think it's necessary to inform the others about it, Karenana said. I don't want to hide anything from them, but I don't think it has anything to do with them either. It's too much gossip and drama for those girls. They'll probably accidentally leak it somehow and Prince Wilhelm will be in trouble. True that, said Bogancio. But why did you tell me then? I have the biggest mouth. You're my boyfriend so you have the right to know about my past with Wil, Karenana said, holding his face in between her hands. That and you tackled the Prince of this country over a tiny misunderstanding. I don't want that to happen again for the sake of both our lives. I still don't get why I did that, Bogancio groaned. It was the most stupid move ever. Obviously, without me around, you've gotten dumber, said Karenana, smirking. No way, Bogancio said, pulling away from her touch. If anything, my mind was more at peace without you, Nana. Bogancio smirked back at her. Great. I have to deal with you bossing me around again. You can't get rid of me that easily, said Karenana, rolling her eyes. Oh, yeah, Bogancio said, remembering something. If Prince Wilhelm is already engaged to someone else, I hope Jovi can move on. I don't want her to be heartbroken. Bogancio noticed Karenana giggling to the side. What's so funny? Maybe you should try to woo her like what you did with Blaire. Impossible, Bogancio said. It's totally different. Blaire didn't like her boyfriend. It's easier than you think, said Karenana under her breath. Also, a servant like me is nothing compared to that Prince, said Bogancio, more to himself than to Karenana. Someone as beautiful and well-mannered as Jovi would never pick me even if the Prince rejects her no matter how many tricks I try. Bobo, you are so wrong, said Karenana before she smacked his head hard. Think about it. No one at this school is better at flirting than a street urchin like you. How can you

give up before you even try? And with a dangerous team like Candy, Blaire, Dan, and I? I don't know, said Bogancio, ignoring the throbbing of his head. Jovi is on a whole different level than any girl I've ever met. Karenana heaved her chest up and towered over him. Even if the Prince breaks off his engagement and confesses to me again, I would still choose you over him. Bogancio blinked. Really? Why? Why? Karenana repeated before she paused and thought about it for a second. Then, she scowled. I don't know why. There's just something about you that girls find irresistible somehow and it's not your ugly face either. Thanks. That's helpful, Nana. More importantly, isn't it important to you what happens to Jovi? Bogancio stared at Karenana's serious, blue eyes for a few seconds before he replied, Yeah. It is. I want her to be happy no matter what. Right, and the first step to happiness is not loving Wilhelm anymore. I guess it makes sense? So, said Karenana with a proud smile, let's forget about wooing her for a moment. Instead, let's concentrate on trying to take her mind off her feelings? It's the least we can do for a friend and fellow classmate. Why... do I always let you push me into these difficult situations? Bogancio said, dropping his head. You know you want to do it, said Karenana over his ear. Bogancio sighed. I'll think about it. I mean, Bogancio closed his eyes. I can't stop thinking about her tears from earlier. If I can do something to erase her pain, I can repay her back for always looking out for me, especially during our separation time. Everything is settled then! Karenana said, crossing her arms. Let's talk to the girls about it as soon as possible! We're back in business! Wait a second. Why do you care for Jovi so much? Bogancio opened his eyes and gazed suspiciously at Karenana. Karenana smiled innocently. Oh, you know, if by some miracle, Jovi joins the gang, we could use her endless allowance and influence to refurnish all our rooms. Karenana widened her smile. Just kidding. I'm just helping a fellow classmate out. Not going to happen, Bogancio said in a tired voice. He stretched his arms, yawning. I just want to help her feel better and nothing more. This is surprising coming from you, said Karenana with a lifted brow. Bogancio yawned again. After seeing what that prince was doing to you earlier, I decided that I don't want to be that kind of person anymore. You mean, you don't want to take advantage of a girl's vulnerability? Something like that. Bogancio thought of Mei-Lien all of a sudden. Maybe, just maybe, I have more self-respect than I give myself credit for. You've changed, Bobo, Karenana declared. What's going on? Bogancio stared off into the distance. I'm just being a bit soft cause you're back. Despite Bogancio still recovering from the bully attacks from the previous day, he was fine with Karenana sleeping on top of his right arm the entire night. It had been a long week and he missed her more than he cared to admit out loud. With her, everything returned to the way things were before and he liked that a lot. Also, for once, he was disappointed that Karenana did not try to hurt him to express her love. *** Master Ian, you summoned me? The following morning, Bogancio went all the way from Karenana's room to his

Master's room after receiving a summon. It had been a while since Master Ian last spoke to Bogancio privately without Callie around. Actually, Bogancio was kind of nervous at the lack of Callie. Was he in trouble again? Was Callie in trouble? He could live with the latter, actually. Judging by the serious expression on Ian's face, Bogancio knew that whatever the reason was for him being here it was definitely not good news in the least. His Master paced back and forth several times as Bogancio closed the door slowly behind him. At last, Ian gave up and sat down in his armchair. Fool... Yes Master? Your fellow servant... Bogancio swallowed, nervous. What about that Pinkhead? With his head down, Ian hid his eyes against the back of his clasped hands. She was found unconscious and bleeding behind the fence separating the two halves of our school. Where is she now? Bogancio demanded. The staff sent her to a nearby hospital, Ian said weakly, shaking. Callie is currently in critical condition. Little did Master Ian know, Bogancio was the last person Callie contacted.

Episode 9: The Maid

I am under the impression that you might be targeted next after Callie. Why did she have to trust me? When did she ever trust me before? Take care of Mistress Genevieve...

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