Exercise 01 Max and Min (Solutions)

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Maxima and Minima Benjamin E. Swerdlow

For problems 1-5 locate all extrema of the following functions. For 1-4 state whether the extrema are maximima or minimima and whether the extrema are relative or absolute. 1) f (x) = x2 5x + 8 f (x) = 2x 5 = 0 5 x= 2 2x 5 is a straight line with a positve slope so it is negative if x < This means that before x = 5 5 and positive if x > . 2 2

5 5 , f (x) is decreasing and after x = , f (x) is increasing; 2 2 5 therefore, a relative minimum is at x = and, since there are no other minima to compare and 2 the domain of f (x) is not bound, it is the absolute minimum. g 5 2 = 5 2

5 2


7 ; Therefore, the minimum is 4

5 7 , 2 4

2) g(t) = (t2 3)(t + 3) 21t g (t) = (2t)(t + 3) + (t2 3)(1) 21 g (t) = 2t2 + 6t + t2 3 21 g (t) = 3t2 + 6t 24 g (t) = 3(t2 + 2t 8) g (t) = 3(t + 4)(t 2) = 0 Therefore when g (t) = 0, t = 4, 2 If you substitute a really large positive t in g (t), like 100, you will get a positive answer. Thus when t > 2, g (t) is positive. Since t 2 and t + 4 each have a multiplicity of one, when 4 < t < 2, g (t) is negative and when t < 4, g (t) is positive (you can plug in numbers and make a number line and get the same answer). Since t changes from positive to negative at t = 4, a realtive maximum must be at t = 4. Since t changes from negative to positive at t = 2, a relative minimum must be at t = 2. Since there are no other maximuma and minima to compare, and the domain of g(t) is not bounded, these respective values must be the absolute maximum and minimum. Thus g(4) = ((4)2 3)(4 + 3) 21(4) = 71 g(2) = (22 3)(2 + 3) 21(2) = 37 Therefore, the maximum and minimum are (4, 71) and (2, 37), respectively

3) h(u) =

10u2 1 u 2 u3 1 Immediately note that h(u) does not exist at u = 1 because it will make the denominator 0 so u = 1 is not included in the domain of h (u) and so is not an option for a maximum or minimum

(u3 1)(20u) (10u2 )(3u2 ) (u3 1)2 4 20u 20u 30u4 h (u) = (u3 1)2 10u4 20u h (u) = (u3 1)2 10u(u3 + 2) h (u) = =0 (u3 1)2 Critical points of h(u) are when h (u) is 0 or undened h (u) = = 10u(u3 + 2) = 0 u = 0, 2 3 Therefore, h (u) = 0 when u = 0, 2 3 ; however, u = 2 3 < 1 so it is not in the given bounds so we cannot include it in our answer. h (u) is undened when the denominator, (u3 1)2 , is 0. This is at u = 1, but that point is not in the domain of h(u) and cannot be a maximum or a minimum as explained above. If you plug in a number between 0 and 1, such as u = 0.5, into h(u) then you will get a negative number and if you plug in a number between 2 3 and 0, such as -1, then you will get a positive number. Thus before u = 0 (u < 0), h (u) is positive and h(u) is increaseing and after u = 0 (u > 0), h (u) is negative and h(u) is decreasing, which indicates a relative maximum. If this problem were unbounded, we would only evaluate the critical point, but since the problem is bounded inclusively from -1 to 2 we must evaluate h(1) and h(2) as well as h(0) in order to determine the absolute extrema. 10(1)2 = 5 (1)3 1 10(0)2 h(0) = =0 (0)3 1 10(2)2 40 h(2) = = 31 (2) 7 h(1) = Therefore, (-1,-5) is the absolute minimum, (0,0) is the relative maximum, and (2, absolute maximum. 40 ) is the 7
1 1 1 1

4) y(z) =

z2 +

1 4

e2z 1 4 (2)e2z

y (z) = (2z)e2z + z 2 + y (z) = 2e2z z 2 + z + y (z) = 2e2z z + z= Since 1 2 1 z+ 2 1 2


1 4 =0

has a multiplicity of 2, the sign will not change before or after z =

1 2

so this is neither a maximum nor a minimum and, consequently, y(z) has no other maximum or minimum because it is unbounded. 2 2 sin3 + cos cos3 0 3 3 2 2 r() = 2 sin cos sin + 2 cos sin r() = sin (2 sin cos + 2 cos2 1) Using the trigonometric identities 2 sin(a) cos(a) = sin(2a) and 2 cos2 (a) 1 = cos(2a), rewrite the equation as r() = sin [sin(2) + cos(2)] = 0 r() = 0 when either sin = 0 or [sin(2) + cos(2)] = 0 sin = 0 when = 0, , 2 in the above interval [sin(2) + cos(2)] = 0 sin(2) = cos(2) 3 7 11 15 , , , . 8 8 8 8 Therefore, all of the extrema on interval 0 2 for r() are at 3 7 11 15 = 0, , , , , , 2 8 8 8 8 For the above to be true, =

5) r() =

Use the following information for problems 6-7. An open box is made out of an index card 3 inches by 5 inches by cutting out a square from each corner of the card and folding up the sides. 6)What side length s will make a box with the greatest volume? 7)What is the greatest volume that the box can contain? You may leave your answer as a product of quantities. In order to ngure out 6 and 7, we should create an equation that relates the side length, s, with the volume of the open box, V. We know that Volume=(length)(width)(height), so well start there. V = lwh Were given that the length and width of the index card are initially 3 and 5 inches, respectively, then we cut out squares of side length s from each corner, which means that 3 the length and width are reduced by 2s and that s must be between 0 and because 2 s cannot be less than 0 inches and cannot exceed half the shortest dimension of the paper because the volume must be greater than 0, giving us V (s) = (3 2s)(5 2s)h 0 < s < 1.5 Our height comes from the fact that we fold up the sides of the cut card to form the box. This means that the boxs height has to come directlly from the side length of the square, i.e. the height is s. Therefore V (s) = (3 2s)(5 2s)s 0 < s < 1.5 Problem 6 asks us to nd where the box has the greatest volume and problem 7 asks us to nd the volume for the side length we found in problem 6. To do this now all we have to do is take a derivative, set it equal to zero, and nd where the maximum is (for problem 6) and what the maximum is (for problem 7). V (s) = (3 2s)(5 2s)1 2(3 2s)(s) 2(5 2s)(s) V (s) = 15 16s + 4s 6s + 4s 10s + 4s V (s) = 12s 32s + 15 = 0 Using the quadratic formula, s= s= 32 32 322 4(12)(15) 2(12)
2 2 2 2

0 < s < 1.5 0 < s < 1.5 0 < s < 1.5

1024 720 24 32 304 s= 24

Since the volume cant be negative and has the plus sign in the answer. Thus the answer to problem 6 is 8 + 19 s= 6 and the answer to problem 7 is 8 + 19 8 + 19 V = 32 6 6

304 > 32, we will use the s length that only






8)A NASA engineer is working on the exterior design for an additional room to the space station. Because of budget-cuts and fees for use of Russian rockets, NASA can only send up 500 m2 of metal for the outside shell of the addition. Assuming that the addition is in the form of a rectangular prism with a square base, what is the maximum volume that the additional room can contain? The surface area of a rectangular prism with a square base is A = 2s2 + 4sh Where s is the side length of the base and h is the height of the prism above the base. The volume of a rectangular prism with a square base is V = s2 h Rearrange the surface area equation to solve for h. A 2s2 4s Since the maximum surface area the rectangular prism can have is 500 m2 , plug in h= 500 for A. 500 2s2 250 s2 = 4s 2s Plug in this h for the h in the volume formula h= 250 s2 250 s2 = (s) 2s 2 1 3 V = 125s s 2 Take a derivative of V with respect to s and set it equal to zero and solve for s. dV 3 = 125 s2 = 0 ds 2 3 2 s = 125 2 2 250 s2 = 125 = 3 3 V = (s2 )

250 3 10 s=5 3 Plug s back into the Volume formula that is in terms of s and solve for Volume. 1 V = 125s s3 2 s= V = 125 5 10 3 10 3 10 3 1 1 2 5 10 3 10 3 5 3 10 3

V = 125 5

1 (125) 2 (125) 1 3

10 3

V = 125 5 V = 625 V = 1250 3 10 3

10 3 1250 3 10 3 m . 3

So the maximum amount of volume the addition can enclose is

9)A farmer wants to build a rectangular pen for his pigs on the side of his barn. He has 200 ft of fencing to enclose three sides and will use the side of his barn to enclose the fourth side. The side of his barn on which he wants to build the pen is 250 ft long. What is the largest area that he could section o for his pigs? The perimeter of the rectangular pen is P = 2l + 2w where l is the length and w is the width. If the farmer did not put the rectangular pen on the side of his barn, then the perimeter would be restricted to 200 ft; however, since he will put the rectangular pen on the side of his barn and the barn is longer than his length of fencing, there is eectively no limit on the barn side of the pen. Therefore 200 = l + 2w The equation for the area enclosed by the rectangular pen is A = lw Solve the modied perimeter equation for l in terms of w and plug this l into the area equation. l = 200 2w A = (200 2w)w = 200w 2w2 Take a derivative of A with respect to w and set it equal to zero and solve for w. 7

dA = 200 4w = 0 dw w = 50 Plug in w = 50 for the area equation that is in terms of w and solve. A = (200 2w)w = (200 2(50))50 A = (100)50 = 500 Therefore, the maximum area the farmer can enclose for his pigs in this situation is 500 ft2 . 10)Frito Lays wants to sell a new product line called Awesome Chips. The projected model for the C cost, in millions, of introducing Awesome Chips to the market in terms of d days after the press release of the new product line is C(d) = (d 5.5)2 d + 30 Chips to the market? This problem is asking for the absolute minimum C(d) so take a derivative of the above function, set it equal to zero, and solve. C(d) = (d 5.5)2 d + 30 C (d) = 2(d 5.5) 1 = 0 2(d 5.5) = 1 d 5.5 = 0.5 d=6 Therefore, since C (d) is a line with a positive slope, before d = 6 C (d) < 0 and after d = 6 C (d) > 0, d=6 is a relative minimum; however, the endpoint, d = 0, must also be checked in order to nd the absolute minimum. C(0) = (0 5.5)2 0 + 30 C(0) = 30.25 + 30 C(0) = 60.25 C(6) = (6 5.5)2 6 + 30 C(6) = 0.25 6 + 30 C(6) = 24.25 Therefore d = 6 is the absolute minimum and Frito Lays should introduce Awesome Chips to the market 6 days after their press release. d 0. Approximately how many days after the press release should Lays introduce Awesome

c Benjamin E. Swerdlow, 2012

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