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Draft Resolution 2.

0 Sponsors: Peoples Republic of China, Chile Signatories: Union of Arab Jurists, Syrian Arab Republic, Tupaj Amaru, Austria, Switzerland, Mauritania, Benin, Amnesty International, Mexico
Condemning the killings, confirmed by United Nations observers, of dozens of men, women and children and the wounding of hundreds more in the village of El-Houleh, near Homs, in attacks that involved the wanton killing of civilians by shooting at close range and by severe physical abuse by proregime elements and a series of Government artillery and tank shellings of a residential neighbourhood, and reiterating that all violence in all its forms by all parties must cease;

1. Suggests a serious consideration of the six-point plant, in consonance with the changes and pre-conditions put forward by the delegation of Syrian Arab Republic, 2. Calls for an end to gross violations and related impunity, and recommends that the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic continue to monitor gross human rights violations with a view to ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable. In cooperation with the Special Rapporteur, OHCHR should maintain and update the confidential database established by the commission, 3. Urges that aid be provided to all refugees and to Syrian civilians affected by sanctions imposed by the Western countries, 4. Appeals the Syrian Government to realise that it is for the Syrian people to determine the future of the country. Hence, all groups and segments of society in Syria must be enabled to participate in a National Dialogue process. That process must not only be inclusive, it must also be meaningfulthat is to say, its key outcomes must be implemented, a. Urges the Syrian Government to a review of the newly established constitutional order and the legal system. The result of constitutional drafting would be subject to popular approval, b. Appeals to Syrian Government to grant citizenship and political, economic and social rights to the neglected minorities of the country, 5. Encourages the world community to understand the tense situation in Syria and accommodate displaced people from Syria till the time Peace is restored in the country, 6. Endorses the waqf-endowment as the legitimate means through which all aid, directed towards the civilians in Syria to ensure accountability, be sent, 7. Recommends the trial of a woman, seeking justice in case of a Sexual abuse, to be held before the Iddat span begins to fasten the process of reparation, 8. Urges the world community to support the Syrian Government in their struggle against armed rebels and not aggravate the situation by supporting the Rebels in any way, as has been suspected in various circumstances, 9. Appeals to the Syrian Government to take care to minimize the risk of civilians coming under Government fire or facing reprisals as a result of the deployment of the army in specific places and also provide relevant humanitarian and human rights institutions with all available information on

the fate of persons it has captured, and give such actors access to detainees for justice to be ensured, 10. Recommends the setting up of a fact finding mission in Syria with the following functions a. To verify the allegations of torture centres and Human Rights violations of political prisoners held in prisons b. To verify reports submitted by journalists to ascertain that they possess no misleading underlying western influence, 11. Urges countries that have imposed sanctions to withdraw all sanctions in consonance of the above mentioned fact-finding mission, 12. Urges Syria to hold a plebiscite to determine the will of the people for future action, 13. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

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