CCIMUN Daily - May 10, 2004

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Page 1 Compiled by Zale Mednick

Monday, May 10, 2004

The Executive Committee is finally free!

With yesterday’s
closing event, the
CCIMUN Secretariat is
finally set to freedom
once again.
The President of the
General Assembly.
Kyla Zanardi, the
Vice-President ,
Savannah MacIntosh,
and the honorable
Secretary General,
Aram Barra will finally
be normal teenagers
once again.
This of course does not
mean that their lives
will be back to normal.
They have definitely
changed, and this has
been a once in a
lifetime experience

They, once again,

expressed their
May 10, 2004

congratulations to all
the Chairs, and the
Delegates for their
magnificent work
throughout the
Page 2 Compiled by Zale Mednick

Committees read in front The Closing event

of the General Assembly continued with speeches
Closing and voted on by the from CCI’s Head of
Event delegates, the President School, Mrs. Marisa
of the General Assembly, D’Alessandro, the
Although Sunday Kyla Zanardi, declared Secretary General, Aram
morning started off with the General Assembly Barra, and the President
a little delay on part of closed. of the General Assembly,
both the delegates Kyla Zanardi.
and the
Organizing It was a great
Committee due to event, and the
some technical Canadian College
problems, the Italy Model
closing event was United Nations
as successful as 2004 was formally
planned. declared “closed”.
With resolutions
from all the

With tears on their eyes Emma Nahaylo

and Kathryn Gray motivated all the
A SPECIAL delegates to keep on working on this task
of changing the world. The Staff sincerely
MESSAGE appreciated the speakers and offered to
help to the cause.
Emma Nahaylo, Kathryn Gray, and Eric
In the next couple of days, this three
Rumi addressed the General Assembly
young teenagers aided with the help of
podium at the end of the Closing Event
the Secretary General, Aram Barra, will
yesterday morning.
run a campaign to put together as much as
They called the youth of today to make a
they can in order to help the Afghan
difference, and urged to act as soon as
Refugees of Azerbaijan.
They asked for help in their goal of
May 10, 2004

collecting old clothes, schools supplies

Please contact them if you have any
and “stuff that you are not bringing back
further questions.
home with you”.
Page 3 Compiled by Zale Mednick

The WHAT committee was a great success
during yesterday’s sessions. The WHY formally
discussed the problems of AIDS, the Avian
Influenza, and cloning. The WHEN decided
during their cloning discussion that if there were
only three people that they could clone, they
would unquestionably choose to replicate Kyla
Zanardi (for being the ray of sunshine on the
secretariat), Kathryn Gray (the pigeons want more
of her) and George Bush (he’s so dedicated and
committed to a democratic system).
Isabelle Shank and Jessyka Proulx were
the two chairs of the Human Rights
committee that was held in French
yesterday. With four delegates in the
session, the Human Rights committee
was able to work extremely
productively, and after just two sessions
of debate, two resolutions on two
different issues had been suggested and
successfully voted on.


UNICEF, the one Italian committee in the

conference, had the tough yet critical job of
discussing the issues of child labour and the
education of girls in the Middle East. Aside
from the fruitful debate in which the
delegates all engaged, it was a great
opportunity for the Italians and Canadians to
meet and get to know each other, an
opportunity on which the delegates clearly
May 10, 2004

“In a world full of followers, we dare to be leaders.”

Page 4 Compiled by Zale Mednick

A message from the Secretary General

On behalf of the Secretariat and Staff, I At the beginning it was them who
am delighted to proudly express my encouraged me to get on it, and at the end
gratitude to those who participated in the it was them who made me carry it out.
first Canadian College Italy Model They were there throughout the whole
United Nations (CCIMUN). project and showed me the way of
patience to get things done. They
After almost an entire year of preparation, comprehended me in the best way
the youngest Model United Nations High- possible; they showed me the real
school conference in Europe is finally meaning of friendship.
over, and I hope you have found that our
efforts have produced a conference that Thank you, once again to all the
matched your expectations. Honourable Delegates that came out and
participated, and to all the Chairs whose
I would like to, once again, express my exhaustive work finally came to an end.
sincere gratitude to the President of the
General Assembly, Kyla Zanardi, and the Sincerely,
Vice-President of the General Assembly
and Executive Assistant, Savannah Aram Barra,
Macintosh. Without these two Secretary General
individuals, I would have never been able
to carry out this project.

As the conference came to a close yesterday,
CCIMUN DAILY thanks all Delegates and
Chairs for participating in the Conference and
for being so productive during session.
However, once again, the DAILY would like to
shine a great light upon the three
members of the Secretariat, Aram, Kyla, and
Savannah, for the countless hours of work that
they spent on making their vision a true reality.
It would literally be impossible to express in
words on paper how much credit these three deserve for their admirable work: frankly its
mind boggling how three students could have the motivation to work so hard as they did.
CCIMUN DAILY thanks the Secretariat for organizing CCIMUN and for facilitating such
May 10, 2004

a memorable and educational conference. They have exemplified the phrase that Kyla
Zanardi herself created:

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