Chapter One 1-1-09

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You may find this book extremely harsh, devastating, and truthful while at the
same time kindly, caring, and expectant of a life changing experience to many of its
readers. It is not for the weak at heart but blunt and straightforward offering non-
politically correct views. Lets start with the shocking fact that if one does not keep
(obey) GOD’S commandments, that person will surely die the second death. Describing
this death as being apart from GOD is mealy mouthed and nothing more than Satan’s lie
because these people are already separated from God, but not yet dead. The second death
really means being tormented in the flames of a burning hell forever and forever where
there will be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of their teeth.
The truth, that is shunned by most religions, continues with the fact that sinners
will be tormented in plain sight of all the saints, and in sight of our Lord, Himself. Many
will say that is not true because no one would be happy in heaven while watching their
love ones being tormented. First, that should be the driving force that demands you to
procure their soul for the living GOD. Secondly, it is true because the Scriptures say it;
Rev. 14-10 “The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath
of GOD, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of
His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and
brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the
presence of the Lamb:
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever.”

There are many churches that teach there is a heaven but no hell, a GOD who will
forgive but never condemn, and a GOD who will love but never hate. These folks are
delusional, ignorant of the Scriptures, and are living in a fantasy world on their way to
Hell. They could be on their way to redemption because they can now know the perfect
truth as it is presented in the Holy Bible.
Tampering with the word of the Lord is a dangerous thing, and indeed, nothing to
take lightly. We learn in Deuteronomy 18-20 that whosoever speaks a word, saying the
Lord said it, and He did not speak it, that person will surely die. Many will mock GOD
saying, “look, GOD did not strike me down so I guess He did speak through me”. These
people speak out of ignorance and mimic the very words that Satan spoke to Eve and
later to Adam in the Garden, “You will not surely die”. These people are in danger of
the second death.
You may think it strange starting off this conversation about the second coming of
our Lord with a three minute exploration of the second death. This may not be so bizarre
since the Second coming is the harbinger of the resurrection followed by the judgment
where many will be sentenced to the second death.
Rev. 20-15 “And whosoever was not found written in the
book of lif e was cast into the lake of fire.”
Let me be perfectly clear that the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures I have
selected for this study are of my own manufacturer and are not the results of me having
private conversations with God. I am nobody that GOD would even consider speaking
to, even if He was speaking to anyone, nor would He find any righteousness in me that
even I could “spin” into a single morsel of worthiness. I have spent a good deal of time
in prayer and even more time researching the thoughts and ideas of others while privately
compiling a set of Biblical statements I believe to be relevant to the second coming of our
Lord, and it will be these great verses that will testify to the facts.
To clear up the meaning of the term “second coming” we must understand that
the first coming of Christ was when Jesus was born of the virgin Mary about two
thousand years ago, walked the earth as a mortal, and dying just as any other man would
die. The exception was that He arouse from the dead on the third day and after walking
among men forty days He ascended into heaven to be with His Father. On the very same
day of His ascension His angels proclaimed He would return in like manner and when
that event occurs, it will be His “second coming”.
There are those who believe there will be a second second coming or even a
third, but after many hours of research I am still striving to confirm that idea within the
confines of the Holy Scriptures but so far have come up empty handed.
Somewhere in and throughout the following pages I will attempt to explain
why I believe what I believe concerning the end times. I will from time to time refer to
what I call the three Rs of eschatology and each of these references will be inclusive of
the Return of Jesus Christ, the Resurrection of the saints, and the Rapture of the church.
These three separate events will occur in the order I have just listed them. The possibility
of these three events taking place is some other order has been the subject of many
debates but I will present here where the Scriptures chronicle these three events just as I
have described them.
Some may find my thoughts fragmented or completely without intelligent thought,
but bear with me while I attempt to draw a mental picture of the last days based on what I
believe the Holy Scriptures suggests. Many people view the Scriptures as convoluted and
without meaning while others would have us believe that only God and themselves have
the capacity to discern the written prophesies, but in these pages I hope to unravel those
erroneous perceptions and bring to light the simplicity of God’s word.
One of the reasons some have difficulty understanding the Bible is because their
perception of the word has been clouded by those leaders who must protect their
importance before the people by teaching that any deciphering of the Scriptures must
come through them, else it is surely polluted and therefore rendered useless.
We are often programmed by some of our pastors (Here I say “thank GOD for
pastors”, we really need them and I am speaking of only a small percentage) to believe
what they want us to believe. Many of these esoteric beliefs appear to be self actualizing
and enhances the leaders spiritual desires rather than the disciples.
In today’s churches these interpretations are increasingly becoming those things
that are “politically correct”, according to mainstream media, rather then what God’s
word teaches. We often see in the word what we are taught to believe rather than
believing what the Word really teaches.
We often hear, “seeing is believing” but let me offer (not I only, but many others)
that we may not always believe what we see; rather we see what we believe.
There are many examples that give credibility to this notion. One clear-cut
scenario taken from the Bible is when the disciples saw Jesus come walking on the water.
(Mark 6)
Because they believed only ghosts could do such a miraculous thing, they
believed they were seeing an apparition instead of seeing the truth of what was really
taking place, Jesus (a man) walking on the waters of a stormy sea. You may say, “Yes but
He was GOD and He could do such things”. Let me remind you that a man named Peter
did the very same thing that very same day proving one does not have to be GOD to do
miraculous things, if that person will allow GOD to use him/her as His vessel.
There are also many examples that we are familiar with in our every day
lives, but I prefer to use one found within the Christian society. In reviewing the many
aspects of church services I have attended, and specific events within these services, I
find that both believers and non-believers have a tendency to believe many of the same
things, and get this, “For the same reasons”.
I hope you read into that statement just as I offer it, because if you think that
the world is coming around to Christian beliefs,,, YOU ARE SADLY MISTAKEN. I
remain convinced that what is really happening is “the church is moving toward worldly
beliefs”. (Mickey D fact #1)
Services of modern day revivals may include prayer lines for the sick, and many
who believe God still heals may still witness someone fake a healing because it was done
for monetary gain, yet they are still believers in GOD’S intervention. Those who do not
believe will see someone fake the touch of God as a money making ploy and there was
(in fact) no healing. The third group just sees and believes what they are told.
“I sometimes worry about, and have no faith in, “faith healers” while I reserve a
fervent belief in Devine intervention”. I heard Dr. Magee say that on his radio program
and I one hundred percent agree with him. That bias often puts me in the realm of the
first group and I sometimes worry that earthly rewards are trumping the heavenly.
Some “spiritual healers?” insist the recipients of their prayers confess a healing
(when in fact it did not occur) or face ridicule and condemnation for not having faith.
(Hank Hanegraaff’s radio program) These are zealous mistakes that take credibility
away from the true miracles of God.
This ought not be!
Still, most of the folks in the pews will see what they believe they should see, and
it doesn’t mater whether there was a miracle or if it was a scam they believe there was
indeed a miracle from GOD because the preacher said so. Folks; if you don’t believe
there is power in the spoken word you need to wake up.
Whether we believe there will be a pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post
tribulation resurrection of the saints and rapture of the church, or whither we think Christ
will return in secret, or if indeed every eye will see His return may be primarily
determined by our pre-suppositions just as seeing what we believe.
Remember that whichever stance you take, it has no consequence on your ability
to be with CHRIST forever more. In fact the only thing that will get us into the presence
of the Lord is faith in the Blood of Jesus and His power of atonement, and that no one
comes to the Father except through the Son. Most pundants refer to that statement as
dogmatic and unrealistic in today’s pluralistic society, and because we imbibe and teach
these facts they hate us declaring any such statement as “hate speech”. Hate directed at
Christians will increase! (Mickey D fact #2)
Do we believe what we see or do we see what we believe? Of course we are no
different than the disciples; we see what we believe.
Sometimes Christians think they understand what they believe they have read,
yet each Scripture may, in fact, say exactly what the author meant. When deciphering a
meaning in the statements of the saints we should stop and consider that the authors were
not idiots and they knew exactly what they were saying, yet there seems to be an inherit
inner drive to apply our personal beliefs where the written word should be applied.
There are some who are convinced that only through their wisdom can any true meaning
be ferreted out of the Bible.
One’s understanding (predetermination) of the Rapture may be in itself one of
the keys to understanding just when, in relation to the seven-year tribulation period, that
person thinks it will take place.
Where people believe the souls of the dead saints are, while waiting for Christ to
return and fulfill the prophesies of the end days, has a ton of influence on when they
expect the Rapture to take place.
The Scriptures ( Zechariah and 1st Thessalonians) teach us that when Jesus
returns He will be accompanied by the saints,
There are some who believe the souls of dead Christians are not with Christ and
will not be with Him until the Resurrection of the body and the Rapture of the saints. This
very notion is the logic they use to determine the saints cannot come with Him when He
comes back, because they (those that are asleep in Christ) are somewhere else waiting to
be resurrected. That necessitates the secret second Return when these saints will be
Resurrected and those who remain alive will be Raptured up to meet Him in the air. The
statement “meet Him in the air” appears to be the catch phrase that is used to conclude
that this event is not a real coming.
They believe that Jesus will come in the air never touching the ground so this
cannot be the second coming, and He will resurrect both the soul and the body so He can
bring them with Him later. The idea of a secrete fly by??? to rapture the saints is well
published and as of late most notably in the “Left Behind” series by LaHay. When the
Bible specifically states that the soul returns to God the day we die, and the dead saints
are already with Him why would He need a secrete coming.
Eccl. 12:7 “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it
and the spirit shall return unto God who
gave it”.
We may engage in a debate on semantics concerning whether or not the
“spirit” as it is used in this statement is synonymous with the soul, yet for our purpose it
is irrelevant because which ever stand one might take, they still must believe that the
essence of a person will be with God as stated in the Word.
This fact is what made it possible for Christ to tell the thief on the cross that
they would be together in paradise the same day they died, and he would not have to wait
thousands of years to be with God.
Luke 23:43 “Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be
with me in paradise”.
Although we know that when a person dies the body is buried, yet wherever the
Scriptures speak of one of the dead saints, that person is spoken of just as though they
were a whole person, and not as though they were ghosts or partial spirits.
A good example that the soul returns to God the day a person dies, and the
souls of the dead saints are referred to as complete persons, is when the rich man and
Lazarus died. We remember that Lazarus was carried to Abraham’s Bosom by the
angels and the rich man went to hell; yet when Jesus tells us of them He speaks as though
they were whole people calling them by their name, not saying they were just parts and
pieces that would eventually become these people. He did not say, “the soul of
Abraham” or “the spirit of Lazarus” when He referred to them. We may get a clue here
that the physical body is not all that important in the whole scheme of things. It is only a
temporary inconvenience in our quest for perfection.
Luke 16:23 “And in hell he lifted up his eyes,
being in torment, and seeth Abraham
afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom”.
Just as the dead saints are with Christ awaiting their just rewards, sinners are
being held in hell awaiting their sentence, (just like the rich man from Luke 16), at the
great white throne judgment. This is the time when death and hell (where the rich man is
today) will give up their dead and the sea will give up its dead to be judged for the deeds
they do here on earth.
Rev. 20:13 “And the sea gave up the dead which were
in it, and death
and hell delivered up the dead which were
in them, and
they were judged every man according to
their works”.
Yes,, Lazarus was with Abraham, and they both are denizens with Christ, just
as all the dead saints are with Him, and if they be with Him, they will return with Him
when He comes back for the “dead in Christ” first, then the church.
The return of the saints with Christ appears to confuse many. They believe
there must be a secret second coming where Christ will rapture the church and then on
HIS second second coming HE will bring these souls with HIM. But we know that is not
the case because we are not in the dark concerning these souls that will return with Jesus.
Paul addressed that very thing to give us perfect understanding;
1Thes. 4:14 “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose
even so them also which sleep in Jesus
will God
bring with Him”.
I fail to see any evidence, in the Scriptures, of a purgatory where dead sinners
will be able to redeem themselves, after they die, and become ready to go with the Lord
on that day.
Absolution cannot be bought by giving money to the church (or your favorite
charity) it cannot be bought by any good deeds done either before or after death, (if that
be possible) instead our salvation can only be paid for by the blood of Jesus, and has
already been paid in full.
I realize that in Matt. 12:32 Jesus speaks of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost
not being forgiven “in this world or in the world to come”, but without
claiming omniscient knowledge of the Holy Scriptures I suggest that here Jesus was
driving home the importance of a commandment and not referring to how life would be
in heaven.
I surely can be more positive when I say that if you are unholy when you die
then unholy you stay, if you are filthy when you die then filthy you will remain. I get
this information from the angel telling John how the people will be rewarded according to
their works. This passage does not mention that these works will continue after death,
nor does it say that bad works may be repaired after death. The words of the angel are
deliberately NOT sealed so that we may know exactly what they mean.
Rev. 22:10-12 “And He said to me, do not seal up
the words of the prophecy of this
for the time is at hand.
vs. 11 He who does wrong, let him do
still; and he who is filthy, let him
filthy still; and he who is just, let
him be
just still; and he who is holy, let
him be
hollowed still.
vs. 12 Behold I come quickly! And my
is with me, to render to each one
according to his works”.
So you see when I wrote that, “ Where people believe the souls of the saints
are, while waiting for Christ to return and fulfill the prophesies of the end days, has a
large degree of influence on when they believe the rapture will take place”, I was
referring to whether they believe there is a purgatory full of souls, a paradise, empty or
full, or if the souls are just out there somewhere in cyberspace waiting for “That Day”.
Why do they still teach that when the Bible speaks of saints coming with
Christ it must be at His “third” appearance because He must first come back and resurrect
these souls in order for them to be with Him?
Why do they reason that since we will be caught up to meet Him in the air, that
don’t count as a real coming, and furthermore all this will take place in secret and those
that are left behind will have no clue what has taken place?
Scriptures teaches that our Lord is lord of light and a worker of the day and
evil is what takes place in secrete and in darkness. So, how can any be sure that God
would do such a great and wonderful thing and try to keep it a secret since, up till now,
all He has done is before all the world to see.
In light of all the evidence how can it be that some still believe, for reasons
unknown to me, souls of the dead saints will not be with God until the rapture? In
ignorance they may have believed that in the first century, and since this idea seemed to
be the concerns of the Thessalonians Paul addressed that very subject.
Allow me to explain.
There was an earthquake in Asia Minor about sixty (sixty four?) AD and
thousands were killed. The saints that survived appeared to be concerned that the souls
of their loved ones, who died in the quake, were kept from God because the rapture had
not yet taken place.
Paul was very straightforward in stating that we can in no way prevent dead
saints from being with the Lord and they do not wait for the rapture.
2Thes. 4:15 “We which are alive and remain
unto the coming of the Lord shall
Not prevent them which are asleep”.
So, if the souls of the dead saints are with Christ, just where would that be?
In heaven? In paradise? Where?
Some believe that paradise is empty and unused yet when the thief died on
the cross he was in paradise with Jesus that very day.
“Yes,” we hear some say, “but that was before Jesus preached to the souls in
prison and took them all out.” Jesus preaching to the souls in Paradise would be like
preaching to the choir and who would want to be removed from paradise where Abraham
and other great saints are.
Jesus did indeed preach to the souls in prison, but the Bible certainly does
not say that “prison” is paradise and He took all them out of paradise to some place else.
Contrary to that notion, Our Lord will give to each of us to eat of “the tree of
life” which IS in the paradise of God, but how can we eat there if we are not there?
Rev. 2:7 “...To him that overcometh will I give to eat of
the tree of life which is in the midst of the
paradise of God”.
The dead saints eat there because they are there. Where are the souls of
those that are asleep in Christ?
I am persuaded that they are with our Lord Christ Jesus, and that place
(where He is) may be called heaven, paradise, glory land, or Abraham’s bosom, but
is never referred as a prison. The fact remains that where our Lord, Christ Jesus is,
there also are the souls of the dead saints.

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