4 - Monthly Report For May-08

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Name: HEANG THIRA Position : FCF
Month: May, 2008 Project :
I. Over view of the month
In May 2008, the project needs to complete some activities as following:
- Training to community-base marketing manager
- Mobilizing producer group in village level
We also have some other tasks which leave behind April 2008 such as:
- Lunch project workshop
- Internship with successful farmer
- Selection of seed supplier
- Selection of Community-base Marketing Manager
And now here are the activities which achieve in April as following:

II. Activities and Results

1- Project Introductory Workshop
In cooperation with ICAD-RTK1 project, ICM project had conducted project
introductory workshop in the provincial level under the presidency of His
Excellency Chey Siyeoun, vice Ratanakiri provincial governor and Mr.
Chheung Sokhon, Deputy of Department of Agriculture. The NGO/IO agencies
and project staff and Farmer Promoter Facilitors of ICAD and trainee of ICM
also participated in this workshop too. The total participant in the workshop
is 57 including 4 women.
The aims of workshop is to present the output of ICAD-RTK, ALDI-RTK2, SfR-
RTK3, IADC4 and presentation of currently CEDAC project in Ratanakiri namely
All projects have been presenting its goals, objectives, activities and output
each projects. Farmer Promoter Facilitators also play role to high-lighted
some agriculture technic and innovation such as: fish raising, dry seasonal
Indigenous Community-led Agriculture Development in Ratanakiri
Advanced Livelihood for Sustainable Development of Indigenous people in Ratanakiri
Saving for Self-Reliance in Ratanakiri
Indigenous people for Agriculture Development in Cambodia

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vegetable planting, saving group, cashew nut selling group, community shop
as well.
As the result of workshop we could see that the local authorities, especially
in the provincial level support to our activities and they also asked some
questions which related to the community shop.
2- Selection of Community-base Marketing Manager (CMM)
In this month we tried to select 4 CMMs more, so we disseminated this
information to the project staffs and trainees to re-disseminate this
information at the village level. As the result 6 candidate had applies and
tested. As the result 2 of them have been passed the test.
1- Mr. Kasi El from Korng Thom village, Paté commune, O Yadao district
2- Miss Tin Dinnda from Lehorn village, Kechong commune, Bokeo
So up to now we have 13 trainees and we need to select 2 trainees more.

3- Training to Community-base Marketing Manager

Up to now 3 training courses to the community-base marketing manager
which trained by marketing trainer from CEDAC-Enterprise have already

In May 2008 two trainings to the Community-base Marketing Manager had

been trained.
- 1st training focus on the reviewing of last training on the conception of
Cooperative and record system and how to write report (See annex 1
the list of participant)
- 2nd training focus on the establishment of Community Shop (See annex
2 the list of participant)
As the result we could see that trainees could understand well on the basic
of record system of community shop and they also prepared themselves to
accept or getting new idea as well innovation. They looked to be braver than
the begging.
Concerning to problem face, the technical word definition and basic of
percentage calculation are the main important thing for them to be solved
next time.

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4- Selection of Banlung Base Store Manager
The selection of Banlung-base Store Manager is not yet completed because
the store doesn’t have any thing for selling to the consumer. Anyways the
applicant who applied for this position is not many enough for us to select.

5- Farmer Producer Selection

In this month, trainees (CMMs) had conducted village meeting in order to
find out someone who interested to produce vegetable seed, chicken,
fingerling, piglet and other agri-product in order to support the needed in the
community and selling in market. Besides the meeting, they also (CMMs)
made individual meeting at Chamkar of farmer.
The numbers of following farmer is not yet commit to work with us. So we
need to conduct meeting with them in order to make sure that they will joint
hand with community shop. And after than, we will mobilize them and train
them in the cluster level.
As the result we have selected some interested farmers who as following:
No Village Chicken Vegeta Fish Pig Wine Other
ble Jar
1 Kachon Krom
2 Kachon Leu 5 3
3 Vorng 10 5
4 Vay 9 9
5 Tiem Leu 8 5
6 O Chum 2 8
7 Trang 3 6 2 2 fruit tree
8 Trang Svay 9 2
9 L’Eoun
10 La Ak 1 11 2 4
11 Kork Ampil 3 10 6 fruit tree
12 Lon
13 Korng Thom
14 Katae 5 4 3 1 1 rice
15 Kahol 2 4 6 1 2
16 Loum Leng 2 3 2 5 2 duck
17 Thmey
18 Loum 1 1 1 4 1 rice
Total 60 68 13 12 11 8 Fruit tree
2 duct
2 rice

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Training to producer group will be set up in June-2008

6- Field visit of Foundacion ETEA representative

In this month we also receive Foundacion ETEA to visit the training to
community-base marketing manager and visiting the field of CEDAC,
especially to meet farmer who trained by marketing trainee. In order to make
clear as well cross check the idea between manager and implementer, the
representative of Foundacion ETEA had some question which related to
trainees and community shop and some process to set up and support the
community shop.
In this visit made us clear some points of memorandum of Agreement
between grandees and donor as following:
- All kinds of material under the support fund of Spain Government must
stuck on the Spanish Logo
- Foundacion ETEA need every six month report. The report is also
including picture.
- The report must be simple and short, but have full enough meaning to

III. Project Monitoring

In this month, we have conducted monitoring to Kachon commune in order
to following up the marketing trainees. As the result we have met and
discussed with trainee on the way to select farmer producer. There are two
ways to select farmer producer, first we need to conduct village meeting and
second if we have faced with village meeting we will conduct individual
meeting with farmer at their Chamkar. Anyways in this monitoring we also
aimed to meeting the Vorng’shop, but unfortunately we could not see
anything because this shop still close and the villagers are away from their
village to Chamkar at the day time and coming back at the night time.

Nowadays, O Chum shop has started to continue their business in the same
small scales as before, but strategic of selling different from the previous
time. They hire a seller woman from their village and paid to her 30% of

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cross benefit. And the shop committee play role to follow up and help the
seller in the record system and especially control goods in stock.
At the past time O Chum shop had divided into 3 sub-shops and now one of
three have stop for a while due to not enough goods for selling and the shop
is not good enough for selling in the raining season.

IV. Problem faces and previous solution

- One Permanent Trainer, responsible and support to marketing trainee
in O Chum, Veun Sai, and Banlung district doesn’t play role to support
those districts instead of working in village nearby his house. Solving
the problem we also met him and review responsible district.
- The exact time of visiting of Foundacion ETEA shorter than propose
schedule, so we could not explain them well on their double. So we will
provide explanation to them in the next visiting.
- The coordination meeting between CEDAC and DPA is not reach to goal
of meeting because they are so much respect to the time of working
and their raise many thing which related to the internal regulation of
Community Information Center (CIC). Both party commit to conduct
another meeting next time.
- During the training to community-base marketing manager, the
trainees who nearby to Banlung Town were absent some day-training
because they went back to stay at his/her home but don’t have any
transport to come back for training. To solve this problem we proposed
them to stay together at the ICAD-RTK Office.

V. Conclusion
As the result of this month we could see that the capacity of indigenous
youth is getting better is we compare to the beginning. Although this
increase step by step, but the new trainee seem not better as the older.
If we compare timeframe of project to the actual result and activities we
could see that the actual result and activities is a little bit later than the
timeframe. But this, we could acceptable which due to the real situation.
Trainees and project staffs started to find out volunteer farmer to mobilize
the producer group.

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VI. Main Work Plan for next month
 09-13 June 2008 : Training to Community-base Marketing Manager on
Agriculture Technique which conduct
 23-27 June 2008 : Marketing training to Community-base Marketing

Annex 1: Name List of trainee who attend the 1st meeting in May-08
No Name Sex Minority Position Village Commu District
1 Kvas Ngol M Tompou MT Katé Malik An-Meas
2 Rocham M Charay MT Thmey Malik An-Meas

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3 Toey M Tompou MT Kachon Leu Kachon Vensai
Gnoeuy n
4 Kham Sok M Tompou MT Lon Y-Loum Banlung
5 Vang Lor M Kreung MT O Chum O Chum O Chum
6 Khom M Tompou MT Kachon Kachon Vensai
Bunsao n Krom
7 Yus Khem F Tompou MT Trang Svay O Chum O Chum
8 Santang F Kreung MT O Chum O Chum O Chum
9 Vai Éng M Tompou MT Katé Malik An-Meas
10 Antagn Kem M Kreung MT Trang O Chum O Chum
11 Lycham Phin M Charay MT Korng Thom Paté Oyadav
12 Sev Sornn M Charay PT
13 Dao M Kreung PT

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Annex 2: Name List of trainee attended in the 2nd training in May-08
No Name Sex Minority Position Village Commu District
1 Kvas Ngol M Tompou MT Katé Malik An-Meas
2 Rocham M Charay MT Thmey Malik An-Meas
3 Kham Sok M Tompou MT Lon Y-Loum Banlung
4 Vang Lor M Kreung MT O Chum O Chum O Chum
5 Khom M Tompou MT Kachon Kachon Vensai
Bunsao n Krom
6 Yus Khem F Tompou MT Trang Svay O Chum O Chum
7 Santang F Kreung MT O Chum O Chum O Chum
8 Vai Éng M Tompou MT Katé Malik An-Meas
9 Antagn Kem M Kreung MT Trang O Chum O Chum
10 Lycham Phin M Charay MT Korng Thom Paté Oyadav
11 Tin Dinna F Tompou MT Lahorn Kechong Borkeo
12 Kasi El M Charay MT Korng Thom Paté Oyadav
13 Sal Phal M VDC-DPA Malik An-Meas
14 Rocham M VDC-DPA Malik An-Meas
15 .................... M VDC-DPA Malik An-Meas
16 Sev Sornn M Charay PT
17 Dao M Kreung PT

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