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Kobukson: Revolution of the Imjinwaeran

Addeline Mitchell Senior Division Individual Website

Process Paper
When my History teacher first assigned the National History Day Project, I had no idea how I was going to present my final project, much less what topic to pursue. Then I started thinking about it and brainstormed possibilities based on what I was interested in, making sure they were school-appropriate (not about explosives or other weapons) and then looked for revolutions, reactions, and/or reforms in each of those possible topics. I eventually chose Admiral Yi and his invention of the Kobukson because I had previously written a thesis paper on him for a major TaeKwon Do test, so I already knew quite a bit about him. I had thought that doing research would be simple. And it was. But only for the secondary sources, and only online because I could not find any books on Admiral Yi in the public library so I had to make do. For the primary sources I had to really dig. Although the Joseon Dynasty is known for its expansive records of anything and everything that can be thought of, those records and relics are not readily available online or even, entirely, to the public. As for how I would present my research, I thought I could do a performance, but after talking to a guest speaker to my class I realized that a performance really wasnt the best option. I knew I couldnt do a documentary, I dont really understand how those work anyway, and I didnt want to write a paper, I had already done that and I didnt want to do any more essay-type papers than necessary. I almost did an exhibit, but then opted out, mainly because I wasnt going to be able to get a posterboard. And so I went with the website option, which worked out very well. Because my broad topic was the Imjin war I decided to show that in my website: I presented information about Admiral Yi and his kobukson from Korea and in the websites background I put sakura (Japanese Cherry Blossoms), with the Korean information

overwhelming the Japanese clip art, so in that way my website is symbolic of this war between Korea and Japan in which Korea was ultimately the victor. I would say that Admiral Yis invention (though technically, it is more of a renovation) of the kobukson is a revolution, a reaction, and a reform. It is a revolution because it changed the Korean navy in a way that made it stronger; a reaction because it was Admiral Yis response to the imminence of war with Japan; and a reform because Admiral Yi didnt come up with the kobukson all by his lonesome, he actually found plans for a ship from the early 1400s and made some improvements to the design, making it the armored battleship that is remembered today. So my topic encompasses the entire theme, not just one part of it.

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