Course Syllabus

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[Course Syllabus]

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NUR 143

Therapeutic Communication term: 2012-2 credit/contact hours: 3 Credits / 3 Hours per week course description This course is intended for freshmen nursing students in utilizing therapeutic communication in assessment and intervention of clients in any health care setting. Emphasis on verbal language and literacy connections will be discussed. Students will gain an understanding of the relationships among listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as in interpreting nonverbal communication. course learning outcomes As a result of taking this course, using commonly occurring and progressing to less commonly occurring human responses to challenges from within the concepts of therapeutic communication, the students will be able to: 1. Explain comprehensively the components of communication process: sender, receiver, message, barriers, channels and feedback. 2. Utilize the different nursing theories with relevance to nurse patient interactions 3. Discuss the appropriate communication techniques to be utilized in the specific phases of the nurse-patient interaction 4. Identify the effective communication skills utilized with clients, families and interdisciplinary health team members, to meet the identified health

teachings/ learning needs of individuals with commonly and selected less commonly occurring human responses 5. Utilize critical thinking in the development of appropriate communication strategies 6. Apply ethical and legal concepts relevant to the practice of professional nursing in terms of communication 7. Demonstrate appreciation of the importance of therapeutic communication as an instrument of care bearing the same weight as any other healthcare modality class schedule Classes are held three hours a week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. for Section A and on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. for Section B. Venue is at the Psychology Studio. textbook information Textbooks are listed as Required and Recommended in the NUR143 course syllabus Textbooks listed can be purchased at the campus bookstore or online shop. course topics The course will cover the following topics: Elements of communication Types of communication Barriers to communication Media of communication Communication as a therapeutic tool Nurse-patient relationship Therapeutic communication and the Nursing Process Therapeutic communication techniques Non-therapeutic communication methods Interview and history taking using therapeutic communication Grading plan Course work will be weighted as follows:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Quizzes [pretest/posttest] Communication Drills Simulation/Exercises Midterm Exam Final Exam Attendance

20% 15% 25% 25% 5% _____________ 100% 10%

quizzes Quizzes will relate to current and previous topics. A quiz may be given at any time during any class period -- immediately after a lecture, at the beginning or end of a class, etc. There will be no makeup quizzes -- none even later during the same class period. Quizzes will be given only to those students who are present when the quizzes are passed out. communication drills Communication drills will either be individual or per diad/triad. There will be at least one communication drill per meeting and failure to perform one, necessitates make-up drills at the end of the semester. simulation/ exercises Every week a group will be assigned for a communication exercise similar to a role-playing activity. At the end of the semester, there will be a grand simulation activity to culminate the previous exercises. final exam/midterm exam The midterm and final exams are comprehensive and generally essay-type. It will be given at the time shown at the end of the schedule that follows. attendance Attendance will be graded as follows: No absences A+ One absence A Two absences B Three absences C Four or more absences F Absences for which a medical or court excuse is provided (professional letterhead required) will be recorded but not figured in the attendance grade. Likewise, one absence for which advance notice is given by

phone or in person will not be figured in the attendance grade. Any significant tardy or early departure from class will be figured as a half absence. Also, anyone who has more than four class-long, unexcused absences will receive an "F" grade for the COURSE. Keep in mind that this is an occupational course, and attendance is important here just as it will be in the employment for which this course is in part designed to prepare you. classroom rules of conduct No radios are allowed in class unless operated only with headphones and only during drawing periods. No drawing is permitted during lecture periods. Food and beverages are not permitted in the classroom. This includes plate lunches, drinks, candy, etc. whether opened or not. Class lab time is expected to be spent in lab work. Lab time is not free time. Attendance and concerted work on assignments are required. Work at home will be required in addition to work during lab times (work at home should not substitute for work during lab periods). your ideas, evaluations, etc. In general, your ideas, comments, suggestions, questions, grade challenges, etc. are welcome. Your discretion in these matters is expected, however. No part of your grade will be based on anything other than your coursework and attendance. You are encouraged to take advantage of instructor office hours for help with coursework or anything else connected with the course and your progress. Tentative schedule
DATE DAY DRILL AUG MON 24 26 WED 1 31 MON 2 SEP 2 WED 3 16 WED TOPIC/ACTIVITY Introduction to the course BASICS OF COMMUNICATION definition, history, development, [with pretest] TYPES OF COMMUNICATION upward, downward, lateral, diagonal, grapevine BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION physical, psychological/ extraneous, inherent MEDIA OF COMMUNICATION

4 28 MON 30 WED 5 OCT MON 5 7 WED 6-7 19 MON 21 WED 8-10

social media, documents, traditional Post test COMMUNICATION AS A THERAPEUTIC TOOL use of the right words, use of the right tone, use of the right pacing Post test NURSE-PATIENT RELATIONSHIP phases, roles, tasks MIDTERMS THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION AND THE NURSING PROCESS Post test

26 MON


28 WED 13-15 THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES reflecting, restating, asking open ended question, leading, etc. NOV 9 MON 16 WED 25 WED 16 17 NON-THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION METHODS asking why questions, generalization, approving/disapproving, etc. NON-THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION METHODS solutions Post test



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