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Poisoned Sleep

by Bethany Lindell Cast The Gla Institute for Girls of Questionable Mental Health and Sanity (Front stage): SNOW WHITTIER CATHERINE RED (ROSY) ELLA GRIMM ASYLUM NUSRE MATRON Two ORDERLIES (JOEY and BARNEY) A SECURITY GUARD HERR GLA (pronounced glass) CELIA GRIMM MARGARET GOLDSTEIN (GOLDIE) The Black Forest (Back stage/platform): CHILD SNOW 7 Dwarves: TOKI RADSVID ORINN GRERR DURI SKAVAERR VAEE Act I: Scene I The set is dark except for a single spotlight. It is also empty except for a young woman who is lying on the floor directly in the spotlight. She has night black hair that lies stark against her ghost white skin. Her stare is vacant as she looks out in front of her, her head resting on her outstretched arm. Shes wearing an off white uniform that is solely designed for function. All around her is darkly shadowed, like a dream. In the background, as if it is coming from a distance, are the sounds of an empty, sterilized building. It is night at the Gla Institute for Girls of Questionable Mental Health and Sanity and most everyone else has left, leaving Miss SNOW WHITTIER alone in her solitary cell. She lies like a

doll a distracted child dropped on the floor and promptly forgot. She does not move, but eventually she speaks. When she speaks it is solely in her mind. None of the other characters hear her throughout the play. SNOW: I, I used to be somebodybut I cannot remember who Another thoughtful pause. Her speech is slow and hesitant, as if she must work to piece together the words in her mind. She is drugged and confined to solitary in the institute. The walls of her cells should be implied by other actors only because the back half of the stage needs to be seen for later. The actors in the institute need to remain on the front half of the stage. The back half, possibly made of a raised platform to be seen easier, is reserved for SNOWS mental story. SNOW: I did use to be somebody, right? Butwho? A sharp, matronly voice appears offstage: Whittier, Snow The equally sharp clack of heels precedes the entrance of two women, the middle aged ASYLUM NURSE MATRON a stout woman with steel hair who brooks no nonsense from anybody. Humor is a stain to her. She is dressed all in white white nurses hat, white nurses dress (not full length), white pumps and her hair is pinned up. She carries a clipboard and she stares at the pages attached to it intently, ignoring SNOW on the floor. Following behind her is a young woman with blonde hair and a ragged dress the color of dirty dishwater. She takes small steps and carries a broom as she peers at SNOW in horrified interest around the NURSE MATRON. She is obviously young and curious and her bare arms and shins are besmudged and sooty. She wears small tennis shoes that are falling apart. She is ELLA GRIMM. They stop in front of the unseen glass door and wall, the MATRON ignoring both young women and ELLA trying hard not to stare outright at SNOW. SNOW does not give any sign that she has noticed them. NURSE MATRON tears herself away from her clipboard to look at ELLA. She never looks at SNOW while she is in the room until stated. NURSE MATRON (addressing ELLA): You will sweep in here every night and mop and wax every other night. You will never open these doors and never, ever, (she stares at ELLA intently and shakes a stern finger at her) address the girls directly. These are the worst the Gla Institute has to offer. These prisoners are not to be meddled with.

ELLA (jumps in): Prisoners? I thought they were just(she eyes SNOW uneasily)...unbalanced. NURSE MATRON (sniffs haughtily): You will find there is not much difference here at the Gla Institute, (she mutters) thank goodness. She turns back to her clipboard, but ELLA jumps in again, eager to know more. ELLA: Why are the walls of her cell made of glass? NURSE MATRON (sighs impatiently and rolls her eyes before turning to stare at the young woman, she speaks sharply): It is not glass. It is an indestructible plastic that was made especially for the institute. Herr Gla takes great care in insuring that there are no break outs at his Institute. And the walls are see-through for observation purposes. Now stop asking stupid questions. ELLA fidgets uncomfortable, obviously feeling chastened. She wrings the broom handle with her hands, her eyes darting around the room. It takes her a moment to gather up her courage to speak again. When she does she turns back to the NURSE MATRON. ELLA: Whats (she rethinks her next words with a glance at SNOW, and then continues in a whisper) whats wrong with her then? The NURSE MATRON gives ELLA a stern stare, lips thinning dangerously, but reluctantly she explains. NURSE MATRON: According to her, nothings wrong, but in reality she is a very disturbed young woman. (She returns to her clipboard, shuffling through different pages.) She thinks that her step mother killed her father. Youve probably heard of him. Mr. John Whittier, theELLA (jumps in again): The wealthy investment man, yes Ive heard of him. But didnt he die almost ten years ago now? NURSE MATRON: Yes, it was very sad. (She does not sound sad.) Little Miss Whittier here, (she jerks her chin at SNOW but still doesnt look at her) disappeared around the same time. Her poor little mind must have snapped clean in two from the trauma. She was very close with her father. ELLA (looks at Snow as if she knows exactly how she feels): Poor girl. (She pauses to think and then turns to look at the NURSE MATRON again) But how does that make her mad?

NURSE MATRON: Hmm? Oh, because during those ten years she says she was taken in by dwarves. (She snorts a sour laugh and turns toward ELLA) You should be nice to this one new girl. According to her, shes royalty. Married a prince before she got sucked back into the real world and dragged here by her step mother. (She laughs mirthlessly again but quickly returns to her normal stern self) Now get to work. Your shift ends at midnight and I want this room spotless when I come in tomorrow morning. ELLA nods, clutching her broom nervously: Yes maam. The NURSE MATRON nods and turns to leave. Before she goes however, she gives SNOW a single, short look and laughs sharply again. NURSE MATRON: Princess Whittier. Ha! She leaves the way she came. ELLA starts her sweeping, making sure to stay out of the invisible lines that define SNOWS glass cell. She pauses in her sweeping to give her a concerned look. She opens her mouth as if to speak to her, but then decides against it and returns to her work. SNOW: PrincessWhittier. Did I know her? No, I cant have. Her name doesnt sound right. But the restsounds familiar. ELLA has reached the other side of the room and quietly exits as the foreground lights dim and lights for the back section of stage come up. If there is a set, it shows a forest and possibly a small cottage sitting at one end, but it is not strictly necessary. SNOW: There is so much that I dont remember. I just wish Fathers death was one of them. I was so frightened A small girl with the same black hair as SNOW lying on the floor wearing a pretty, noble-like dress runs in from the right. She is small and breathless and scared. She pauses long enough to look over her shoulder as if someone is chasing her. SNOW: I dont know how I broke through the border to the other side, but I didthere weretrees, but they felt different. Steeped in magic. And thenthen A large shadow appears against the trees. CHILD SNOW sees it and takes a cautionary step backwards. The lights grow dark before the person can come on stage. A new voice, a hushed whisper, appears at

the same time off to the side of the front stage from the same exit the NURSE MATRON used. ROSY Snow? Snow! Are you awake? ROSY a somewhat short, thin, Tinkerbell-like girl with short cut, brilliant red hair and wearing the same uniform as SNOW peers tentatively around the corner of the left stage entrance. She spies SNOW instantly. ROSY: Snow! Oh Snow are you okay? She quickly tiptoes across the room and, peering around to make sure she isnt caught, carefully enters SNOWS room, taking care to shut the door quietly. Once shes inside, she rushes to SNOW and shakes her. ROSY: Please, wake up Snow. Its me, Rosy. Dont you remember me? SNOW (speaks but ROSY doesnt hear her): I do remember her. Catherine Red is was - my roommate here. But Rosy soon became my sister. Im the only one that calls her that here. ROSY shakes SNOW again. SNOW lolls like a rag doll. ROSY: Snooow (ROSY whines like a small child) Snow please! I need you. Dont leave me alone here. Please wake up! Snow doesnt move or speak. ROSY sniffs and rubs at her eyes. She starts to cry quietly, but tries to hide it. Soon ROSY looks down at SNOW and gives her a watery smile. ROSY: You remember the story still, right? Youve got to Snow. You cant let them take it from you. Dont you remember the first dwarf? He looked like Christmas, Snow. Christmas! ROSY is begging now as she starts to cry. She is heard by the SECURITY GUARD and ELLA. The GUARD steps through the left entrance to see whats going on, then disappears to summon an ORDERLY, who goes and grips ROSY under her arms to take her back to her room. ELLA watches everything from the opposite stage exit. ROSY starts to shriek Snow! No!, etc. like a scared little girl and clings to SNOWS arm. SNOW (still speaks as calmly as before): We needed each other to survive this place. We held each other up above the waters, each

keeping the other from drowning. The only way they could separate us is with brute forceThe ORDERLY pulls at ROSY, but she holds tight to her sister. She gives a shriek. SNOW: -or if one of us lets go. SNOW drops ROSYS hand. Hers falls limply to the floor as ROSY shrieks and wails, loud and poignant. She reaches out to SNOW as the ORDERLY and the SECURITY GUARD bodily carry her back to her room off stage. ELLAS head also disappears from the opposite stage exit. SNOW is left alone once more. After a moment of silence, she murmurs thoughtfully. SNOW: Christmas? He lookedlike Christmas? SNOW falls silent. A moment later she exclaims in excitement: He wore a red scarf over a green shirt! The back lights come on again, revealing the little girl and the mans exaggerated shadow against the forest trees. The young girl gasps in fear as the shadow comes closer. Her hands fly to her face, her eyes go wide. A diminutive man steps out of the trees. He is the youngest dwarf TOKI and he is wearing a hunter green shirt and a cheery red scarf. He has no beard and his clothes are rough. He stares at the girl, shocked to see her. Despite his hard working visage, he gives off a youthful impression. SNOW (smiles slowly and speaks fondly): TokiI remember Toki. He always wore that red scarf the first day of autumn, whether it was cold or not. Orinn and the others used to laugh at him when he was sweating in the years late heat. In the background, TOKI carefully and curiously steps towards CHILD SNOW. He smiles hesitantly and holds his calloused hand out to her. The CHILD SNOW hesitates, but then carefully takes hold of TOKIS hand. SNOW (somewhere between hesitant and certain): He, he took me to meet his brothers. TOKI leads CHILD SNOW across the platform where the other six dwarves meet them near the other end, by the cottage if there is one. There is some hesitation on both sides at first, but the brothers break the ice as they try to introduce themselves. They only pantomime however, to try and keep the illusion that this is a memory. CHILD SNOW points to each dwarf as adult SNOW speaks their name.

SNOW: There were seven of them in all. Radsvid was oldest. CHILD SNOW points at the dwarf in the red shirt standing closest to her aside from TOKI. RADSVID hooks his thumbs through the button holes of his jackets (like old men hook their thumbs around their suspenders) and rocks back on his heels proudly. Like all the other dwarves except Toki, he has a beard, peppered gray to show his age. SNOW: He and Orinn were usually arguing. ORINN jostles his brother to move over as CHILD SNOW points at him. Hes wearing a burnt orange/brownish shirt. He has a somewhat sour look on his face and he makes sure to look CHILD SNOW up and down before crossing his arms over his chest as if saying alright, so maybe youre not some thief in disguise after all. RADSVID glares at him and then shoves him back. He gestures at CHILD SNOW as if demanding what the heck is wrong with his brother? Shes just a little girl after all. The two oldest brothers start to wave their arms, mouths moving silently as they argue and point at CHILD SNOW. CHILD SNOW just looks back and forth between them uncertainly, as if shes wondering if this is usual around here. SNOW: And Grerr was always trying to get them to compromise. GRERR comes between the two brothers to separate them a little. He smiles at CHILD SNOW before making placating gestures at the other two. Hes wearing a blue shirt. He moves a hand to indicate CHILD SNOW staring at them as if to point out that RADSVID and ORINN are frightening her. The two brothers cease their arguing, cross their arms over their chests, and turn so their backs are to each other, but they do finally stop arguing. SNOW (says fondly): Duri was always kind. DURI ignores his brothers and steps up to CHILD SNOW. He pats her hand sympathetically and hugs her, startling her some. Hes wearing a medium shade of indigo and he smiles paternally at her. SNOW allows herself a small grin: Vaee was kind too, but so much more energy! VAEE leaps forward out of the pack, almost knocking his other brothers over, eager to get a good look at the girl. He grins childishly at her and immediately shakes her hand vigorously like he would one of his brothers. He wears a sunny yellow shirt. The rest of his family glare at

him and twitch their ruffled clothes back into place. ORINN also whacks him upside the head. SNOW: And Skavaerr was always determined to be a gentleman. SKAVAERR ignores them all and steps forward dramatically, flipping an invisible cape away from his shoulders. CHILD SNOW watches him as he bows over her pale hand. He wears a royal purple shirt. All of his brothers roll their eyes at him. SNOW: I remember, they were very kind to meand they were real, no matter what anybody else says. I remember them and they were real. (Her voice becomes more impassioned as she continues; near the end it is almost desperate for someone, anyone, to believe her) They keep telling me I imagined them, that Im only hearing things, but Im not. Theyre real. I know they are! I lived with them for ten years. They took care of me. They loved me! It all really happened. I didnt- Im not- (her voice breaks slightly. She is afraid to even imply that she might be crazy.) The ORDERLY that took ROSY away reappears through the left entrance and the back lights drop. CHILD SNOW and the 7 DWARVES freeze almost like someone pressed pause on a movie, so as not to attract attention. The ORDERLY stops outside SNOWS invisible door and pulls a syringe and vial out of his pockets. He uncaps the syringe and draws a substantial amount of the medicine out of the vial. When hes done, he puts the vial back in his pocket and taps the syringe before pushing the remaining air out, making it squirt in the air. He enters SNOWS room almost jauntily. ORDERLY: Alright little lady, time for your meds. Dont need those voices bothering you anymore right? He jabs the syringe in her arm. SNOW still doesnt move. SNOWS hesitant words grow even more sluggish as she tries to cling to her remaining consciousness: Theyre...theyre realthey areI remember The spotlight around SNOW fades as her consciousness does, leaving the room black.

Act I: Scene 2

The same black stage from before greets the audience. Once again it is empty except for a cluttered desk sitting near the stage left exit and a large square sheet of plastic standing upright at stage right and more towards the back stage then the front. The screens surface is slightly filmy, so you cant see through it clearly, and could possibly be covered in colored Saran wrap to make it look more like an old box TV screen, like the kind used in security systems that havent been updated in a long, long, time. Black fabric frames the screen on either side, making it appear more like a giant TV screen. The SECURITY GUARD from before walks stiffly into the room from stage left, adjusting his belt and grunting slightly like hes been on his feet for longer then hed like. He stops behind the desk and rummages through the miscellaneous papers and knick knacks on its surface before pulling a remote control out of the mess. He looks at it to orientate his fingers before pointing it at the screen on the other side of the stage. He pushes a button and a light comes on, illuminating the screen. Behind the filmy screen stand two girls, SNOW and GOLDIE, in the functional white uniforms of the Mental Institute. Its difficult to see SNOWS face because GOLDIE has grabbed a handful of her dark hair and is pulling her so that she is facing away from the audience. SNOW has her hands on GOLDIES arm to try and pry her off. GOLDIES face can be clearly seen as she aims to punch SNOW in the stomach. She bares her teeth in a show of determination and fierceness. GOLDIE is well muscled, like a female volleyball player and in the still frame her presence obviously dominates SNOWS smaller form. Both girls are frozen in place behind the screen, which makes their outlines slightly blurry by the screen and its optional saran wrap film. Around them are tables with cafeteria trays on them, with a few scattered cups and plastic eating utensils on the floor to show theyve been fighting in the area. The SECURITY GUARD makes a displeased noise in the back of his throat as he presses play. The girls resume fighting. GOLDIE gets off a few stomach punches, making SNOW grunt in pain before she dislodges GOLDIES hand from her head and shoves her back. GOLDIE growls and comes at her again. The SECURITY GUARD shakes his head and hums in disapproval as he watches the tape. As focused as he is on the tape of the cafeteria fight, he doesnt notice the woman that comes in behind him. She is a fair beautiful blonde of elegant tastes wearing either an expensive looking day dress or a luxurious pantsuit. Her nails are finely

manicured and she wears high class heels and carries a clutch on a long strap over one shoulder to match whichever outfit shes wearing. All in all she is a fine, elegant woman, very beautiful, and with a cold, haughty look that is seen in the way she holds her head, nose slightly up, so she can better look down on those around her. CELIA GRIMM regards the SECURITY GUARD disdainfully a moment before she remembers to smile somewhat coyly at him. CELIA (coming forward to tap the mans shoulder with false tentativeness): Excuse me, sir? The SECURITY GUARD turns quickly, somewhat startled, but he stops, one hand halfway to the Taser on his hip, when he sees the beautiful woman standing behind him. He stammers a moment. SECURITY GUARD: Uh, uh, y-y-yes? Can I, (clears throat nervously), uh, help you Miss? CELIA GRIMM smile, pleased at the miss, and flips her hair somewhat frivolously in her vanity. She gives a small, superior laugh. CELIA: Yes, I do hope you can. My name is Celia Grimm. Im here to see Herr Gla about myHer smile curdles around the edges and she looks over at the video screen in disgust. However she quickly re-summons her smile when she sees the GUARD still staring at her. CELIA: My step daughter. Miss Whittier. The GUARD nods, but doesnt move. He continues to stare at her now appearing somewhat dumbstruck CELIA GRIMM waits a moment, smile frozen on her face.. CELIAs fine smile turns into a displeased frown when the GUARD doesnt say anything after a few seconds. She crooks an arm and places all of her weight on her back foot, a statuesque vision of unhappy management. Her eyes have gone cold. CELIA (snaps at him coldly): Do you know where Herr Gla is? The GUARD comes out of his stupor with a start.

GUARD: Huh? Oh! Oh yes. Ha ha. (He laughs nervously but stops when CELIA just stares at him. He clears his throat just as nervously.) Er, I mean, he left me instructions that he would meet you here at, erThe GUARD anxiously shuffles through the myriad of papers on his desk, shooting an unhappy CELIA GRIMM apologetic looks every few seconds. After much noisy shuffling he latches onto a small sticky note and screws up his eyebrows as he peers at whats written on it. GUARD: Says here hell join you promptly at, umHe is cut off by a sharp, male voice from offstage. HERR GLA: At twelve-thirty sharp! The GUARD makes a face that clearly shows he believes himself in trouble as an old man in a motorized wheelchair rolls on stage. If an automatic chair is not available a young woman in a short cut nurses outfit and too tall white heels to push him will do just as well. HERR GLA himself is a frail looking man with eighty plus years under his belt. He has a narrow, weasel-like face and possible a set of small spectacles perched on the end of his nose. His hands are gnarled and twisted where they rest on top of the plaid blanket used to cover his knees and thin legs. Only a few wisps of steel gray hair still cling to his shiny balding head. But despite his far advanced age, there is a shrewd look about his face as he smiles and holds a hand out to CELIA. He speaks in a sharp, nasally German accent. CELIA smiles at her old acquaintance, charmed, and lets him kiss her hand. She greets him in faux sweet fashion. CELIA: Ah, Herr Gla, charming as ever I see. She slides a disdainful look at the GUARD as she reclaims her hand. CELIA: Although I cant say the same about your help(she trails off dangerously) HERR GLA shoots his own scathing look at the GUARD, who gulps nervously. HERR GLA: Ja, Im terribly sorry about that meine Freudin. He shoots the GUARD another sharp look and jerks a bony thumb out the door.

HERR GLA (barks at the GUAD who scrambles to obey) : Get Out! (turns back to CELIA with a smile as he pats her hand between the two of his) Now my dear, I believe you are here about your charming stepdaughter Miss Vittier, ja? CELIA appears disappointed at the mention of her step-daughter. CELIA: I would assume so. Its not like I have more then one tie to this place. (She glances in thinly veiled disgust at her surroundings.) HERR GLA takes her look in stride. HERR GLA: Ach, mein Frauline. Not everyone is cut out for taking charge of the mentally disadvantaged. As it should be. (He claims holding up a bone thin finger.) As Im sure you know not everyone is as (he chuckles as he places a hand flat against his chest) caring, as I am. CELIA gives him an answering in-the-know smile. CELIA: Of course Herr Gla. Now, (she says sharply as she readjusts her clutch professionally) done to business. What has Snow done now? Herr Gla concedes with a slight dip of his head. He then gestures to the screen behind Ms. GRIMM, who turns to face it as HERR GLA grabs the remote off of the GUARDS desk, tsking disapprovingly at the clutter. Hands shaking slightly from age, HERR GLA peers at the buttons and slowly presses the right one. The girls behind the screen flail a bit as the video rewinds, and then they begin the same section of fighting again. HERR GLA (steeples his fingers as he speaks to CELIA): As you can see Frau Grimm, your step-daughter got into a fight vith one of the other girls in her group therapy at the beginning of the veek. They caused quite a bit of damage before we were able to separate them. CELIA (thoughtfully as she stares at the screen): And Snow? Where is she now? HERR GLA: In solitary, as is Frauline Goldstein. However while one, (he glances at a report dug up from the GUARDS desk) Margaret Goldstein will be returning to her regular therapy by the end of tomorrow, provided she behaves until then, one of our own illustrious board members has suggested that your step daughter be kept under(he hems and hahs fashionably)stricter watch. CELIA gives a knowing smile as she looks down at her shoes as if she had half expected this.

CELIA: Ah, I see. And this illustrious board member would be none other then yourself yes? HERR GLA laughs in mock self-depreciation. He looks back up at CELIA with a shrug. HERR GLA: Perhaps, yes? In light of your peculiar relationship with the girl I thought more strenuous care for her would make you happy, ja? CELIA gives a knowing ah before she drags the GUARDS chair away from his desk and places it a reasonable speaking distance from HERR GLAS wheelchair and sits in it delicately. As she does this, HERR GLA reaches over with the remote control and pauses the video of the girls fighting before turning off the video altogether. The lights focused on SNOW and GOLDIE goes out. The girls exit quietly in the dark as HERR GLA gives CELIA a surprisingly greasy smile for such an old man. CELIA: And you, Herr Gla? What happiness is it that you would like in return? HERR GLA is not put out by her cynical tone or flat stare. He simply settles back in his chair and steeples his fingers before his chest, which has become concave with age. He replies straightforwardly. HERR GLA: I believe another five grand should ensure my future happiness just fine Frau Grimm. CELIA GRIMM stares at him, slack jawed. CELIA: Five grand- That would bring it to twenty thousand total! HERR GLA (with a single incline of his head): Ja Frauline. Your impressive schooling has not failed you. CELIA snaps her mouth shut and then leans back in her chair. Regarding the old man with a cool, gray eye, she puts an elbow on the arm rest and supports her weight against it as she swings one long leg over the other, bobbing her foot in air as she thinks. CELIA: Youre as twisted as some of your patients here Herr Gla. HERR GLA spreads his bony hands in a possibly sort of gesture. From his smile it is clear he has no problems humoring the lady in front of him. HERR GLA: Ach, meine Freudin, we both know that is not true. No one is as twisted as I am, even here. (He smiles at her, his face impressively boyish and innocent.)

CELIA (snorts, obviously not buying it): Especially here. Some of these girls are saner then the two of us put together. But then (she adds with a sour purse of her red lips) that is what Im paying you for after all. HERR GLA (smiles indulgently, like a child that knows he has been bad but will get a treat anyway): Indeed Frau Grimm. And mein liebling and I much appreciate yourdonation. (He either rubs a bony finger fondly over the polished arm of his wheelchair or takes the hand of his nurse and kisses it sneakily, making her give a high pitched giggle, depending on whether his chair is automatic or pushed.) CELIA GRIMM rolls her eyes at the display. CELIA: And if I refuse? HERR GLAS glee evaporates slowly as he looks away from his chair or nurse and settles his level gaze on CELIA GRIMM. HERR GLA: Then I will be forced to take drastic measures Frau Grimm, as you well know. CELIA GRIMM gives an exasperated sigh as she swings her crossed leg to the floor and abruptly stands from her chair. She sounds like she has heard this a thousand times and is truly sick and tired of it. CELIA: Yes yes yes, (she says as she looks in her purse for her lipstick, finds it, and closes her clutch with a sharp snap) I am quite familiar with your little song and dance by now Herr Gla. Pay up or documents that Id rather not have see the light of dayHERR GLA (cuts in coolly): Unless youd rather have your former husbands case be reopened of course CELIA (goes on as if he hadnt spoken): will make their way to the police, not to mention the papers. (She purses her lips again, clearly more upset at the idea of the newspapers getting HERR GLAS documents then the police.) HERR GLA claps his bony hands together, making CELIA look over at him, somewhat startled. She narrows her eyes at him and purses her lips further. HERR GLA: Ja Frau Grimm! Your mind is as sharp as ever I see. (He shakes a bony finger at her playfully.) CELIA glares at him a moment longer, but then shakes herself, replacing her stern glare with a girlish pout as she redoes her bright red lipstick.

She sighs dramatically when she finishes. CELIA (still in mock girlish innocence): Like I said, the same old song and dance. Really Herr Gla, (she looks up from where she has carefully dropped her lipstick back in her clutch and levels her clear gaze at the old man) you need to get some new material. (She once again snaps her clutch shut.) HERR GLA returns her stare a long silent moment. HERR GLA (replies very levelly, in a low voice hinting at the dangerous man he can easily turn into): Perhaps Frau Grimm, but you see, it is such a reliable routine that I rather prefer it. I doubt (he leans towards CELIA GRIMM slightly) that it will ever fail me. CELIA (smiles at him indulgently): We shall see. The two size each other up a moment longer, but the tense moment is broken when HERR GLAS suddenly smiles and shrugs easily. HERR GLA: Ach, enough of this staring contest meine Freudin. Come, (he waves his hands at her in a friendly fashion) come I will take you to see your girl now. I know how you like to make sure she is, eh he he (he laughs like it is an inside joke), well taken care of. CELIA (smiles at him, but the action does not reach her eyes): Indeed, however if you dont mind, could you go make sure shes in a mood to receive visitors first? I need to call my bank to make sure they know to include your new(she smiles sardonically) retainers fee. HERR GLA touches the fingers of one hand to his forehead lightly and smiles at CELIA GRIMM. HERR GLA: By all means then. I will go make sure your girl is ready for your(he tilts his head, again at the inside joke,) visit. Auf Wiedersehen Frau Grimm. CELIA (smiles somewhat): Auf Wiedersehen Herr Gla. Expect your payment at the first of the month, as always. HERR GLA (raises a hand as he turns his chair towards the exit he first appeared through): Oh I will. (He chuckles low in his chest.) Have no fear of that. CELIA glares at his back, even after he is gone from sight. She pulls her cell phone out of her purse, but after a short pause tosses it back in. She snorts in disgust, a very unlady-like sound. Her next words are muttered in a dark, unhappy, tone.

CELIA: Have no fear. (She snorts darkly again as she begins to pace slightly as she rants to herself.) Have no fear. (She stops her agitated pacing to shake a fist at the exit HERR GLA took and says in a much louder voice,) He should have fear! Celia Grimm answer to nobody! You hear me? Nobody! She realizes she is shouting and reigns her temper in. She starts to pace again as if she must use up her extra energy in one way or another. CELIA (mutters darkly again as she moves, like a tigress trapped in a cage that is too small for her): Nobody controls menobody. Not my fathernot my husbandsnobody! Nobody! I mean, (she stops in the middle of her pacing to face the audience, arms spread wide as if asking them to understand) I dealt with four different husbands and my father for this? (She demands and then answers herself with a shake of her head as she picks up her pacing again, this time with her hands behind her back) They all tried to control me too. With their rules and their limits and their children ( she makes a disgusted noise in the back of her throat and shudders indelicately at the word before she shakes it off and continues her pacing) The worst was when they used their so called love to try and reign me in. (another disgusted noise) Despicable. As if I shouldnt do something just because they are worried for me. Why not? I am in control of myself and if I want to do something (she stops in place and flings an arm in the air) then I do it! Nobody tells me what to do but me. (she rolls her eyes as she throws herself back into her movement.) Except them. All five of them! They all thought they could control me. (she gives a disbelieving laugh at the very thought before muttering Men under her breath and returning to her normal voice) But I stood my ground against them all. Five tried to control me and they all failed. And there will not be a sixth. No, no I wont allow it. I wont suffer this indignation! She stops, this time facing HERR GLAS exit, teeth bared like some feral cat as she shouts the last word after him. A moment passes. Then CELIA realizes what she is doing. She is letting her anger get the best of her. She begins to walk the stage again, but at a much slower pace. As she walks, she closes her eyes and smoothes her dress into place, carefully readjusts her hair away from her face, and overall pulls her elegant lady-like visage back into place. She gives a little huff when she is done, clasping her hands politely in front of her waist as she turns her eyes neutrally out towards the audience again. Still a tiny bit of her real emotion leaks through.

CELIA: Im afraid I am tired of this arrangement. Before she moves from her pose, the GUARD once more enters from stage left, looking around hesitantly as if he is still afraid that HERR GLA is lying in wait for him. He gives a small start when he sees CELIA GRIMM standing in the middle of the stage. GUARD: Ms. Grimm! CELIA turns and smiles charmingly at him. CELIA (asks in overly sweet tones): Im sorry, am I in your way? The GUARD moves his mouth soundlessly a moment before he gets himself together. He smiles bashfully at the pretty lady, shyly taking off his hat as he talks. GUARD: Er, no. No! Only Herr Gla says youre free to make your way to solitary D whenever youre ready to see your daughter. CELIA (snaps): Step-daughter. The GUARD stares at her, taken aback by her tone. CELIA quickly realizes her mistake and smiles at him again, trying to set him more at ease. CELIA: Im sorry. Its just Snow is so peculiar about these things. She doesnt like the idea of me replacing her dear departed mummy I suppose. (she says coyly, pretending the idea bothers her) She probably doesnt even want to see me today. Not when shes in such a state already. GUARD (hurriedly jumps in): Oh Im sure thats not trueCELIA (ignores him): Im sorry, but Ive jut remembered of a previous engagement that I must attend to. Would you be a dear and tell Herr Gla that I must reschedule my little meeting with dear, dear Snow Whittier? The GUARD nods, dumbstruck again. CELIA smiles and walks up to him. Smiling sweetly at him, she places a hand on his cheek. CELIA: Such a dear.

She leans in as if to kiss his cheek. The GUARD closes his eyes in almost childish anticipation. CELIA grins, tiger-like again. She stops leaning forward and instead lightly pats his cheek instead. The GUARD opens his eyes in surprise, but without another word, CELIA leaves the room, not paying him any other attention. The GUARD watches her leave, somewhat confused. He scratches at his bare head as the stage goes dark around him.

Act I: Scene 3 The stage lights come up to reveal a semi circle of chairs facing the audience. Unlike before, the stage is lit to simulate day time at the Institute. In the background echoes the empty silence of a large hall. After a moment, the clang of metal locks can be heard, along with the buzz of a locked door opening. Footsteps come through the door and soon three people walk in from stage right. Two ORDERLIES, one from the night before and a new man, come in, half guiding, half supporting SNOW between them. She walks loosely, as if her joints arent tight enough to support her. Her head occasionally lolls from side to side as they walk. The ORDRELY from the night before talks as the three approach the half circle of plain plastic chairs with metal legs, like the kind you find in elementary school class rooms. ORDERLY (somewhat irritated): And then she doesnt even show up? After we haul Miss Princess here all the way out to the west side in the first place? Tch. (he makes a frustrated noise through his teeth) High class girl right there aint she? Im tellin ya Barney if this is how Miss Celia Grimm treats every other soul out there its no wonder Miss Princess here is missin her marbles. He swirls a finger around his temple as he and BARNEY sidle through the two closest chairs with SNOW between them. SNOW sags against BARNEY as he goes through first. Unlike his friend, BARNEY is large and sturdy, however he makes sure to handle the smaller SNOW carefully to keep her from running into the metal chair legs. BARNEY: Now dont be like that Joey. Its not her fault her daughters in here. And its not Snows fault either, aint that right Snow? (he asks her gently.) SNOW seems to smile at him.

BARNEY (turns back to his friend): See Joey? Shes as sweet as can be. No marbles or not. ORDERLY JOEY just waves a dismissive hand at him. ODERLY JOEY: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say big guy. Now come on. We gotta go escort the rest of the A girls from their rooms. Ms. Bransides gonna be here any minute and you know how she doesnt like startin group sessions late. Just put her down here or sumthin. The two ORDERLIES place SNOW in one of the chairs thats facing more towards the audience, BARNEY more gently then JOEY, who plops her down without a second thought. ORDERLY JOEY (waves a hand widely at BARNEY to follow): Come on. Hurry it up would ya? He exits at a brisk, irritated pace. BARNEY follows him, but not before bobbing his head at SNOW by way of goodbye. BARNEY (without any of ORDERLY JOEYS sarcasm): Have a good group session Miss Princess. Both ORDERLIES exit the way they came. SNOW sits there swaying slightly back and forth a moment. A slight smiles appears on her face. SNOW: Hes sweet. She sits there another few minutes, trying to collect herself. SNOW: He must be new. SNOW slowly raises a hand to her head as if it hurts. She tries to shake her head clear and nearly falls out of her chair. She manages to catch herself just in time though and with some effort gets herself back in her seat. She clutches the seat with one hand and her head with the other. She starts to pant and groan slightly as if the pain is getting worse. SNOW: Th-this is always the w-worst p-part. When the med-medmedicine sssstarts la-losing a-afffffect. SNOW grits her teeth and slowly starts to shake her head back and forth. Her hand never leaves her forehead as if its the only thing keeping her skull together at this point. When she starts talking her words come out quick, like she has to get them out before her head splits open.

SNOW (spits it out through her clenched teeth as she continues to swing her head): Lord my skulls going to come to pieces in my hand, I can feel it! She starts to groan, almost like a growl, but she stamps her foot and stops. SNOW: Dont be noisy, dont be noisy. Theyll come and give you more sooner if youre noisy so keep quiet. SNOW groans again. Stamps her foot again. SNOW (hisses to herself): Nonono. Keep quiet keep quiet keep quiet. She swallows down more pained noises. Her upper body is swinging now, along with her head. She wraps her spare arm across her stomach and her knees pressed tight together as if presenting the pain a smaller target. SNOW (talking faster to herself): Youre okay, youre okay, youre okay. Nah-nothing but a few withdrawal symptoms from when you tongued your meds. Nothing major. Youre okay, youre okay. In a fa-few weeks when youve got enough of the medicine built up in your system again youll be back to normal and itll all be better. She rocks pathetically a few moments more. She turns her face up, eyes looking up at the ceiling, a pained look on her face. She whines somewhat when she speaks next. SNOW: But God I dont want to be na-normal. I, I just want to be behbetter. She looks down again with a pained groan that she tries hard to keep behind her teeth as she bites her lip. SNOW (more determined now): J-just tell yourself why youre doing this. Youve gotta do this. Youve got to remember where youre from Snow Whittier. Youve got to remember what happened to you. A door opens and closes from the direction of stage right, where the ORDERLIES disappeared. The clamor of a group of girls voices can be heard coming closer along with the two ORDERLIES. ORERLY JOEY is particularly noisy as he herds the girls into the large room used for group sessions. SNOWS head snaps up at the sound. She makes a disappointed look through the pain and groans.

SNOW: Ah Hell. The ORDERLIES appear stage right, shepherding a group of eight girls onto the stage. JOEY waving them through the door impatiently and BARNEY heading up the rear, only appearing once all eight girls are on stage. Some girls are talking together in groups of two or threes while others remain solitary. Some are withdrawn in on themselves while a few others walk like their coming down the street. One in particular walks into the room, arms crossed across her muscular chest, as if she owns the place. Shes tall, with golden blonde hair that frames either side of her pointed face with wide blonde ringlets. She looks around her with sharp, ice blue eyes. Her name is MARGARET GOLDSTEIN, but she is known at the Institute as GOLDIE because of her bright, golden hair. The last girl sulks onstage, but immediately brightens up when she sees SNOW sitting among the chairs. Its ROSY, SNOWS former roommate. ROSY: SNOW!! She runs forward, pushing through the girls and upsetting the chairs at the edge of the circle before throwing her arms around SNOWS shoulders. SNOW lifts one arm to wrap around ROSY, but keeps her other hand pressed to her head. ROSY doesnt seem to notice SNOWS state. ROSY: Oh Snow Im so glad youre here! I thought they wouldnt let you come to group because of, well, what happened in the cafeteria. GOLDIE grabs one of the chairs ROSY rushed past and pulls it out before sitting in it. She slouches in the chair, long legs stretched out in front of her, arms still crossed over her chest as she stares at SNOW and ROSY in their chairs. The girls are roughly opposite each other while still mostly facing the audience. ROSY glares at GOLDIE, but SNOW doesnt seem to notice her. ROSY turns back to SNOW before saying in a loud pointed voice for everyone, especially GOLDIE, to hear. ROSY: But I guess if they let other trouble makers come to group then itd be prejudiced for them to keep you out. Even though apparently youre still in solitary even though some people are going to be back to their normal schedules before the weeks over. ROSY has shifted in her chair to glare at GOLDIE by now, hands balled into fists in her lap. Obviously she blames GOLDIE for her sister still being on high risk and in solitary. GOLDIE just rolls her eyes and

slouches deeper into her chair, settling her arms over her stomach in a sulk. ROSY just as quickly brushes her off and turns back to SNOW. ROSY: So youve already missed one session already thanks to the cafeteria incident, but dont worry, you didnt miss anything too important. Only Ashley Hood telling us about how her grandma died in some freak accident that she blames herself for. Oh! And did you see that new orderly guy? He just got here, but you probably already figured that out. His names Barney Stone and I think Ashley said hes from Ireland or something-

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