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Constitution Education Students Society University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan

March, 2012

I. NAME A) This organization is, and will continue to be called the Education Students Society (E.S.S.) of the University of Regina. II. PURPOSE The purpose of the Education Students Society shall be as follows: A) To act as to liaison between the students and faculty members of the Faculty of Education, University of Regina. B) To act as a liaison between the students of the Faculty of Education and the University of Regina Students Union (URSU). C) To plan, coordinate and provide social events for Education students attending the University of Regina. D) To provide professional services for the students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina, as deemed necessary or appropriate. E) To represent the views of the students of the Faculty of Education, as deemed necessary. III. MEMBERSHIP Membership is automatic for all students of the Faculty of Education, University of Regina, with no additional fees charged other than the E.S.S. fee paid with tuition each semester. IV. MEETINGS General Executive Meetings for the E.S.S. shall be conducted as follows: A) Meetings shall be conducted every week as determined by the Executive Council. B) C) D) Council shall be given one-week notice of all regular Executive meetings. The Councils shall meet with their VP bi-weekly. To pass motions, the entire voting Executive must be present. 1) The only voting members are the Executive and they may vote on motions raised at the General Executive Meetings (Council members do not have a vote at these meetings), 2) Council may also hold a vote when passing certain financial motions (see VII Budget and Finance).

E) All members who miss more than three meetings in any given semester without prior notice to the President will be asked to resign. F) All Education Students are welcome to attend the General Executive Meetings. G) Executive members may motion to go "in camera." If the motion is passed, all non-executive members must leave the room and close the door. Any information discussed "in camera" is not to be discussed with people who are not on the E.S.S. Executive. V. EXECUTIVE MEMBERS The E.S.S. Executive shall consist of the following positions: A) B) C) D) E) F) President Vice-President Professional Affairs Vice-President Financial Vice-President Social Vice-President Communications Secretary

*Any Executive position (other than Secretary) may be held by two people; however, one vote is to be shared by the partners. The E.S.S. Council shall consist of the following positions: A) Social Representatives (2) B) Saskatchewan Teachers Federation (STF) Representatives (3) C) Professional Affairs Representatives (2) D) Financial Representative (1) E) Communications Representative (1) F) Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Representative (2) G) Project Connect Representatives (2) H) Program Representatives 1) ECEC Representative 2) Elementary Representative 3) Middle Years Representative

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

Secondary Representative Arts Education Representative Baccalaurat en education (BAC) Representative Heath, Outdoor, Physical Education (HOPE) Representative Business Education Students Society (BESS) Representative Saskatchewan Urban Native Teachers Education Program (SUNTEP) Representative 10)Group of Undergraduate Education Students Society (GUESS) Representative 11)Music Education Representative I) Mentorship Program Director VI. DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE AND COUNCIL MEMBERS The duties of each member of the Executive shall be as follows: A) President 1) Acts as a chairperson for General Executive Meetings. 2) Establishes an agenda for General Executive Meetings. 3) Oversees all activities of the E.S.S. and is responsible for their functioning. 4) Acts as a liaison between the Executive and the Faculty of Education. 5) Maintains close contact with Student Representatives sitting on various Faculty Committees. 6) Sits as the Student Representative on the Deans Advisory Committee (DAC). 7) Acts as a liaison between the Executive and the URSU. a. Holds the position of Education Representative to the URSU President's Advisory Committee (PAC). 8) Has signing power for all monetary transactions. 9) Responsible for attending the STF General Council Meeting as a representative of the student body (In April and October) 10) Has no voting power unless there is a tie vote on the motion at a General Executive Meeting. Vice President Professional Affairs Works in close association with the President. Fulfills the duties of the President in his/her absence. Works in close contact with Professional Affairs Reps, STF Reps, Program Reps, and EWB Reps. Oversees all Professional Development events held by the ESS Objectively conveys the opinions and votes of those whom they represent. Is responsible for having Professional Development Sponsorship Request forms available to all Education students. Responsible for keeping contact with the University of Reginas STF Liason and ensuring there is STF information in the lounge Has signing power for all monetary transactions.


Responsible for attending the STF General Council Meeting (In April and October) Responsible for completing all necessary paperwork (reviews, budgets, etc) within one week of the event Has one vote on any motion made at a General Executive Meeting. C) Vice President Communications Is responsible for checking and replying to e-mail messages on behalf of the ESS Is responsible for up-keeping and up-dating the E.S.S. social networks (website, blog, Facebook, Twitter) Oversees the Mentorship Director, Project Connect Reps, and Communications Rep Creates and distributes all posters for all E.S.S. Events. Remains in contact with the Educational Technicians for mass e-mailing purposes. Has one vote on any motion made at a General Executive Meeting. Vice President Finance Records all money transactions of the E.S.S. by maintaining an up-to-date ledger. Maintains financial files of receipts, paid bills, budgets, sponsorship forms Provide a financial report at each General Executive Meeting. Is responsible for the petty cash and change, as it is required for daily functioning. Must prepare a profit and loss statement for the year and leave it on the ledger. Responsible for attending the STF General Council Meetings (In April and October) Works in close contact with the Financial Representative Must have monthly record of transactions completed within a week of months end Has one vote on any motion made at the General Executive Meeting. Vice President Social Works with the Social Representatives to organize social events for throughout the Academic Year for all Education Students. Is responsible for booking facilities and/or securing any permits or licensing necessary for the operation of social events held by the E.S.S. Responsible for attending the STF General Council Meetings (In April and October) Responsible for completing all necessary paperwork (reviews, budgets, etc) within one week of the event Has one vote on any motion made at the General Executive Meeting.



F) Secretary Records the minutes of all the General Executive Meetings; and posts a copy of the minutes on a bulletin board in the lounge.

Responsible for updating all boards in the lounge (whiteboard, calendar, etc) Responsible for ordering all Lounge Supplies Picks up the mail weekly and distributes it to the Executive Members. Responsible for all general office duties of the E.S.S. (organizing and filing all paperwork, etc) Has one vote on any motion made at a General Executive Meeting.

The duties of each member of the Council shall be as follows: A) Social Representatives Works with the VP Social to plan social events throughout the Academic year for all Education Students. o Each rep is required to organize at least one social event each semester B) Saskatchewan Teachers Federation (STF) Representatives Works with VP Professional Affairs to plan and organize STF Professional Development opportunities for Education Students. o Each rep is required to organize at least one STF event each semester Works as a liason between the STF and the E.S.S. Is responsible for having STF material available in the Lounge. C) Professional Representative Works with the VP Professional Affairs to plan Professional Development events throughout the Academic year for all Education students o Each rep is required to organize at least one Professional Deelopment event each semester D) Communications Rep Works with VP Communications in making posters, updating the blog, reading emails, and any other help they may require E) Financial Rep Works with the VP Finance in counting money, tabulating receipts, making deposits, and any other help they may require F) EWB Representatives Responsible for developing Professional Development events that focus on Global Issues, in correspondence with EWB Works with the VP Professional Affairs G) Project Connect Representatives Responsible for promoting Project Connect to the students of the Faculty of Education Organize the themes of the days, as well as the community aspect Work with the President H) Program Representatives

Responsible for informing the Executive as to events each group/program is planning. Must represent their program objectively to the rest of the Executive and Council. Responsible for getting information about all upcoming E.S.S. events out to their respective Programs or Student groups. Works with the VP Professional Affairs Responsible for attending Program Group Meetings with the Faculty o E.S.S. is to establish a contact for each program

I) Mentorship Program Director Is responsible for organizing the Mentorship Program. Is responsible for planning events in relation to the Mentorship Program. Is responsible for keeping in contact with all Education Students who wish to participate in the Mentorship Program. Works with the VP Communications VII. BUDGET AND FINANCE

The budgetary and financial matters of the E.S.S. shall be determined throughout the year and yearly as follows: A) All financial affairs shall be directed through the VP Finance

B) The President, VP Professional Affairs, VP Social and the VP Finance is responsible for preparing the budget, prior to the new Academic Year. The budget must be approved by Quorum (50%) the entire E.S.S. General C) The President, VP Professional Affairs and VP Finance shall have signing authority in all financial matters. D) All expenditures must be passed by a motion, at a General Executive Meeting except for expenditures exceeding $1,000 which must be passed by Quorum (50%) of the entire E.S.S. General Council E) At the end of each year (April 30th), the singing authority shall be changed at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for the appropriate officials. VIII. GRIEVANCE

A) VPs must be available for all matters of grievance. B) In the case that the grievance involves the VP, the VP is unavailable or unable to solve the grievance, the President must be available to all members for matters of grievance. C) In the case that the Executive is looking to impeach a member of the E.S.S. General Council, the member under question will be granted an audience with the Executive in order to explain or defend themselves prior to impeachment.

IX. ELECTIONS Elections concerning the E.S.S shall be conducted as follows: A) The election date for the Executive will take place in February, and the Council nomination period will take place in March. The Executive shall decide on the election date. B) Any student in the Faculty of Education shall be entitled to run and hold a position on the Executive Council with the following exceptions: 1) A person running for the role of President must not be completing their internship during the term they wish to serve. They must also have at least one year of E.S.S. Executive experience. 2) A person running for the role of Vice-President must not be completing their internship during the term they wish to serve. They must also have at least one year of E.S.S. experience, either as a General Council Member or an Executive Member. 3) If any position has not been filled after the election, the new Executive can appoint a General Council Member, through an interview process by the Executive. C) Nominations for the positions will be accepted two weeks prior to the election date and no later than two days before election day in a sealed box in the E.S.S. lounge D) Notice of an election should be publicized in the Education Building at least two weeks in advance of the election date. E) Voting shall be done by secret ballot. These shall be counted following the election and the results shall be announced immediately. 1) For voting procedure, refer to section X F) The Returning Officer shall be a Faculty Member who has volunteered their services after being asked. G) The newly elected Executive shall not assume office until April 30th. However, they are required to work in conjunction with the old Executive until the end of the semester. It is hoped that this will provide an opportunity for the new Executive to become accustomed to their positions. H) If the positions are left vacant or become vacant during the year, an Executive Member may be appointed by a vote of the Executive or a bi-election may be held with the Executive to determine the new Executive Member X. REFERENDUM

A) A vote to the student population, asking a single question, regarding issues that directly affect the students B) Notice of Referendum must be given to URSU and the Faculty of Education prior to campaigning period. C) The purpose and details must be presented to the students in a clear and concise manner, via e-mail and class presentations D) A vote by secret ballot shall be held; procedure of voting is as follows: 1) A list of student names and ID numbers must be obtained from Registrars Office 2) Every voter must have their student ID; this ID must be cross-referenced with the list to ensure voter is eligible 3) Each ballot must be initialed by an E.S.S. representative to be valid 4) Ballot must be placed in sealed box in E.S.S. lounge 5) There must be two E.S.S. members working the polling station at all times voting is underway E) Votes are to be counted by the entire E.S.S. Executive, as well as an URSU Representative. F) In order for the referendum to be passed, a Quorum of 5% of the student population must be obtained XI. FACULTY COMMITTEES A) It shall be the job of the E.S.S. to appoint at least one available Executive Member to represent the students on each Faculty Committee. XII. E.S.S. FUNDING FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A) The E.S.S. shall provide funding for Education students to participate in Professional Development events, when appropriate funds are available. B) Selection for funding and monetary distribution shall be based on the following criteria: 1) The Professional Development Sponsorship Request Form, which must be presented to the Executive at least two weeks prior to the date the funds are needed. 2) The E.S.S. holds the right to base the amount of funding on the quality and detail provided in the application form. 3) If deemed necessary by the Executive, an interview will take place between the student requesting funding and the E.S.S. General Council. C) Funding amounts are determined using the attached funding matrix as a guideline. XIII. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION

A) Amendments to the constitution may be made throughout the year, as necessary. They must be made as a motion that is proposed at a General Council Meeting. In order to pass, they must be passed by a two-thirds majority of the General Council.

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