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Lawyers Pick-up lines

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A praise undeserved is a slander in disguise A legality cannot be countered by another He who is silent appears to consent Truth sits on the lips of a dying man It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive. ~Earl Warren This is a court of law, not a court of justice. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Justice is incidental to law and order. ~John Edgar Hoover No man suffers injustice without learning, vaguely but surely, what justice is. ~Isaac Rosenfeld 9. Hunger makes a thief of any man. ~Pearl S. Buck, quoted in You Said a Mouthful, edited by Ronald D. Fuchs 10. Law never made men a whit more just. ~Henry David Thoreau 11. Poverty is the mother of crime. ~Marcus Aurelius 12. It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do. ~Edmund Burke, Second Speech on Conciliation, 1775 13. Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny. ~Edmund Burke 14. Capital punishment is as fundamentally wrong as a cure for crime as charity is wrong as a cure for poverty. ~Henry Ford 15. It is not a Justice System. It is just a system. ~Bob Enyart 16. War makes thieves and peace hangs them. ~George Herbert 17. A rule that cannot be bent will certainly be broken. ~Robert Brault 18. Law is nothing unless close behind it stands a warm living public opinion. ~Wendell Phillips 19. Law is not justice and a trial is not a scientific inquiry into truth. A trial is the resolution of a dispute. ~Edison Haines 20. It is easier to commit murder than to justify it. ~Aemilius Papinianus 21. The greatest crimes are caused by surfeit, not by want. ~Aristotle, Politics 22. Corn can't expect justice from a court composed of chickens. ~African Proverb 23. Just because the power is out doesn't mean we unplug the constitution. ~Law and Order, "Darkness" 24. Rather let the crime of the guilty go unpunished than condemn the innocent. ~Justinian I, Law Code, A.D. 535 25. Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk. ~Henry David Thoreau 26. Every crime is born of necessity. ~Robert Ingersoll, A Lay Sermon 27. LET JUSTICE BE DONE THOUGH THE HEAVENS MAY FALL 28. Laws are the sovereigns of sovereigns.- Louis XIV 29. A law is valuable not because it is law, but because there is right in it.- H.W. Beecher 30. Law is the embodiment of the moral sentiment of the people.- Blackstone 31. Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere.-Martin Luther King, Jr. 32. Whereas the law is passionless, passion must ever sway the heart of man.- Aristotle 33. All bad precedents begin with justifiable measures.- Julius Ceasar - Sallust's Bellum Catilinae, J.T. Ramsey ed (1984) 34. Right... is the child of law.- Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) 35. The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience.- Oliver Wendell Holmes 36. Where law ends, tyranny begins.- William Pitt

37. Consider the reason of the case, for nothing is law that is not reason.- J. Powell 38. A law is valuable not because it is law, but because there is right in it.- H.W. Beecher 39. If you want peace, work for justice- Pope Paul VI 40. For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat and wrong.- H.L. Menchken 41. Law is the embodiment of the moral sentiment of the people."- Blackstone 42. The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right.- Judge Learned Hand 43. The first duty of society is justice.- Alexander Hamilton 44. Beware the smoke screen!- Gary Vert 45. The law is reason free from passion.-Aristotle 46. Our reason is our law.-Milton: Paradise Lost, bk. IX, l. 652 47. The sleep of reason produces monsters- Francisco Jos de Goya y Lucientes: Los Caprichos [1799]. Plate 43 48. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.- Wendell Phillips 49. The law is a jealous mistress, and requires a long and constant courtship. It is not to be won by trifling favors, but by lavish homage." 50. The law is the last result of human wisdom acting upon human experience for the benefit of the public.- Samuel Johnson 51. The law must have the last word."- French President Jacques Chirac 52. The study of law is sublime, and its practice vulgar.- Oscar Wilde 53. No man is above the law and no man below it.- Theodore Roosevelt 54. It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one.- Voltaire, Zadig, 1747 55. Unkindness has no remedy at law."- Thomas Fuller 56. The precepts of the law are these: to live honestly, to injure no one, and to give everyone his due."- Justinian Code 57. They that make laws must not break them.- John Ray 58. Ignorance of the law excuses no man, not that all men know the law, but 'tis an excuse every man will plead and no man can tell how to confute him.- John Selden 59. The success of any legal system is measured by its fidelity to the universal ideal of justice." Earl Warren 60. Where the law is uncertain, there is no law. 61. A lawyer and a wagon wheel must be well greased. 62. When law and nature collide, nature usually wins.- Forrest Reynolds 63. You get a reasonable doubt for a reasonable price.-Criminal attorney's saying 64. Lawyers help those who help themselves. 65. If you laid all of our laws end to end, there would be no end.-Mark Twain 66. Where there is a weak foundation, the work fails. - Debile fundamentum fallit opus 67. God alone, not man, can make an heir. - Deus solus haeredem facere potest, non homo 68. The laws sometimes sleep, but never die. - Dormiunt leges aliquando, nunquam moriuntur 69. The custody of the law is stronger than that of man. - Fortior est custodia legis quam hominis 70. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. - Fraus est celare fraudem 71. We have the best witness, a confessing defendant. - Habemus optimum testem confitentem reum

72. Man is a term of nature, person of the civil law. - Homo vocabulum est naturae; persona juris civilis 73. Wrongs against nature are the most serious. - Peccata contra naturam sunt gravissima 74. He who stices to the letter, sticks to the bark. - Qui haeret in litera, haeret in cortice 75. He who does not disapprove, approves. - Qui non improbat, approbat 76. Whatever is planted in or affixed to the soil, belongs to the soil. - Quidcquid plantatur solo, solo cedit 77. What has no beginning has no end. - Quod non habet principium non habet finem 78. It is the same to say nothing as not to say enough. - Idem nihil dicere et insufficienter dicere est 79. A wrong does not excuse a wrong. - Injuria non excusat injuriam 80. Anger is brief insanity. - Ira furor brevis est 81. To swear is to call God to witness and is an act of divine worship. - Jurare est Deum in testem vocare, et est actus divini cultus 82. The greater contains the less. - Major continet in se minus 83. The people are the greatest master of error. - Maximus magister erroris populus est 84. To lie is to act against the mind. - Mentiri est contra mentem ire 85. Negligence always has misfortune for a companion. - Negligentia semper habet infortuniam comitem 86. The safety of the people is the supreme law. - Salus populi est suprema lex 87. A suppression of truth is equivalent to an expression of falsehood. - Suppressio veri expressio falsi 88. Where there is a right there is a remedy. - Ubi jus ibi remedium est 89. Deeds are more powerful than words. - Facta sunt potentiora verbis. 90. An error not resisted is approved. - Error, qui non resistitur approbatur 91. Delivery makes a deed speak. - Traditio loqui chartam facit 92. That is proved in vain which when proved is not relevant. - Frustra probatur quod probatum non relevant 93. He is not deceived who knows that he is deceived. - Non decipitur qui scit se decipi 94. The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - - deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth - - persistent, persuasive, unrealistic.- John F. Kennedy 95. Our defense is not in our armaments, nor in science, nor in going underground. Our defense is in law and order. 96. As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom. Anthony Kennedy 97. Ultimately, the question of campaign contributions will be decided by the public.Stephen Breyer 98. I have been committed to carrying out my duties... in accordance with both the letter and spirit of all applicable rules of ethics and canons of conduct.- Samuel Alito 99. Judges rule on the basis of law, not public opinion, and they should be totally indifferent to pressures of the time 100. The rule of law as the foundation for all of our basic rights. -Sonia Sotomayor (Source: retrieved August, 2012)

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