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“Chinese Harmony Culture old and new: Promise for a less Confrontational World”
“Chinese Harmony and American Democracy in 21 Century”

“Chinese Harmony Renaissance: Can World Ignore It?”

“Explain China to the World through Harmony Renaissance”

“China’s Harmony Renaissance: What the World Must Know”

“World Harmony Renaissance: Promise for a Better World”

Copyright © 2007 by Francis C. W. Fung. All rights reserved.






























































Recommendation by Eric Chipps, Chipps Management Consultants

In today’s world of international conflicts, religious strife, North and South disparities,
terrorism, extremism and unilateralism, harmony renaissance is the only common
value universal solution. The tide of Harmony Renaissance is inevitable. All present
will become pioneers of Harmony Renaissance. Harmony advocates non-violence. Its’
premises are tolerance, acceptance, respect, equity, patience and humility. As powerful
as we are we will not have nobility and hope unless we practice humility. This is the
new global awareness. Harmony is the conduit to facilitate multi-directional cultural
flow not just from West to East and North to South. Harmony is the all-embracing
unifying force for unity in diversity.

Dr. Fung has initiated the World Harmony Organization in North America and has
already attracted interest and support. It is a growing influence in North America,
Europe and China from important figures in academic and social circles, economics
and politics, as well as a growing number of concerned citizens in many countries.

Clearly, the policies of confrontation currently contributing so much to world tensions

are unproductive, as well as damaging to the progress of society. By developing the
ancient Chinese promotion of harmony, the Organization hopes to become again the
third pillar in supporting democracy and religious principle as the foundation of a
more peaceful and productive world.

More information can be obtained from the Organization’s website at which allows a measure of the extent to which harmony is
increasingly an influence. You may also contribute opinion via By his talk today, Dr. Fung hopes to generate
recognition among influential people of the role that a young, dynamic America,
endowed with resources should be advocating harmony renaissance.

Excerpt from Jan 2007 speech by Hon. John Prescott, Deputy Prime
Minister and First Secretary of State, United Kingdom:

There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the
academic, Francis Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony
Culture: Old and New - Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that
China is witnessing a harmony renaissance.

He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether
Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be Socialism with harmony.
And Fung maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an
alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st Century.
Indeed, I note that in October the Chinese Communist Party launched a
national campaign to build a more harmonious society. In doing so, China
appears to be reaffirming its own rich cultural tradition of harmony.
And now, opening the Sheffield Confucius Institute, I reflect on the fact that
this emphasis on harmony between man and nature is part of a tradition of
Chinese thought going back 2,500 years. This tradition has, of course,
evolved and changed over time."

Blog Response by Morgan Steacy

I have been reading professor Fung's letters and articles, posted to his
blog site for the last week, and have become comlpetely enraptured by the
hope of future possibility that they bring. Although there is nothing that I
could do physically, as I am in Toronto, and the World Harmony Festival is
taking place in San Francisco, if there were anything that I could do from
home to volunteer my time over the summer months, I would be thrilled to
be a part of something that I have been advocating myself for some time
I am currently a student at York University in Toronto, Canada, studying
East Asia focusing on China. My main area of concern lies squarely within
your realm of thought insofar as ascertaining the facets of Chinese thought
that may be able to ameliorate the social situation of my country and the
world at large. I am certain that I would be able to contribute to your
organisation with great success.
Please feel free to contact me by any means, and I look forward to being in


Francis C. W. Fung’s most recent essay, “Harmony Essential to

Human Rights” has struck a cord that I believe to be invaluable
at this stage of human existence. His focus here is clear from
the title but his approach to the topic is unique and insightful.
With contributions to this topic as common as they are, it is

difficult to find an article that sheds new light on the subject,
but this is just what Fung has done.
Human rights are considered by most to be equal and
inalienable for all people regardless of race, gender, ethnicity
or nationality. Fung has posited that, while this is an ideal goal
to strive for, it is necessary to understand that each individual
nation has limitations that create obstacles in the path of
human rights development. He further notes that it is possible
that behaviour that could be perceived as a human rights
violation in one place may well be a legitimate course of action
in another. China’s one baby policy exemplifies his point
perfectly because of the fact that this is a case where the
seeming infringement of one’s human rights is, in fact, a boon
to the greater good.

Creating the elaborate web of infrastructure necessary to

operate a fully functional society bereft of so-called human
rights violations requires discernment of the needs of that
particular society along with a stable economy. Given the fact
that China’s population crisis has created a situation wherein
many are unable to provide the necessities of life for children
due to a lack of facilities and resources, it seems
unconscionable that the North American media should pass
judgment so readily without sufficient knowledge or personal
contact with the situation. The idea that a blanket of human
rights, conceived by the Western world, is able to cover any
situation is egocentric and more importantly inaccurate.

Having identified the problem as being an inability to

understand the varied needs and values of nations as they
relate to the implementation of human rights, Fung goes on to
suggest that it is the imminent Harmony Renaissance that
could reveal the solutions. Harmony requires that people allow
for the differences between cultures without passing judgment.
It requires that people take the time to ask questions and make
decisions after they have heard the answers.

The concept of ritual is instrumental to Confucianism and may

lend itself well to this discussion. The tenet holds that in
carrying out ritual properly one becomes a human being. The
performance of ritual requires genuine interaction with another

individual or individuals. If we were to think of every moment
as being ritualized, we would be forced to connect to the other
that we intend to judge rather than simply imposing our own
standards upon the other on whom those standards have no

Excusing nations for all violations of human rights is certainly

not what is being called for. Nor is Fung necessarily claiming
that each nation should independently determine the degree to
which human rights can be provided. Rather the importance of
what Fung is claiming lies in the acknowledgement and
acceptance of difference. The manner in which a country
behaves is determined by its history, its geography, its current
socio-economic make-up and intangible cultural traits. Without
a profound understanding of all factors involved it is impossible
to understand decisions made. It is with this outlook that
modern leaders and citizens must enter the global-political
realm and replace careless judgments with calculated decisions
based in the growing tide of harmony.
Morgan Steacy, York University, Department of East Asian

Dear Francis,

Thanks for the update, I hope you and the family are well. I
think it is wonderful to see the concept of a "harmony"
paradigm being promoted in the media. So much of Western
cultural history has been based on a conflict paradigm
(crusades, competition for scarce resources, clash of
civilizations, political struggle, etc.). It is extremely important
to open people's minds to unity, universal love and harmony as
governing principles of society, the world and the universe.
Best regards,

Peter Neumann

Freedom, Democracy and Harmony Diplomacy: A Review by Morgan Steacy, York
University, Toronto, East Asian Studies Department.

Have you ever heard someone say, “Can’t we all just get along?”, and thought that it
sounded reasonable? This is exactly what I believe happened to Dr. Francis Fung,
Director General of the World Harmony Organisation. Dr. Fung has written an article
entitled, Freedom Democracy and Harmony Diplomacy that essentially asks this very
question. The difference here is that he answers with a resounding, yes.
Up until now no one has ventured to explore the reasons that people have so often asked
this question, but have never actually dealt with why the answer that should be YES
seems determined to remain NO. So, how does this article evade the puerile nature of the
question that it deals with?
Dr. Fung has chosen the USA, as the major world power, to be the primary focus of his
urgings. He links historical downfalls of people quite succinctly with the current situation
of the world. He describes a world that is so overcome with the notion of “spreading
freedom” that there is never a moment to stop and think about the hypocrisy of deciding
to “bring freedom” to another nation.
He describes this as “freedom diplomacy”, a process which is detrimental to societies
because of the fact that they are not determining their own freedom, making it inherently
flawed. He further points out that while terrorists have acted in order to destroy our
freedom, their success in actually doing so has been ineffective. He claims that it is our
reaction to terrorism that has actually limited our freedom. He is not claiming that
countries should eliminate counter-terror measures. The point he is making is that we are
dealing with the symptoms of a problem rather than the problem itself.
Some believe that the answer to the problem lies in the style of governance that persists
in regions where terrorists are able to survive. The answer, to these people, is simple.
Spread democracy. If democracy’s impact has been felt to the extent that it has in so
many other parts of the world, then surely there is no reason for it to fail elsewhere. The
truth, unfortunately, lies far from this simplistic view. It is impossible to deny that
democracy has been a boon to many societies, and has even been the backbone of success
in the modern world, but there are differences in the way that each nation practices
democracy. The flexibility that democracy allows within a defined structure is one thing
that makes democracy such an amazing concept. Unfortunately, it is often the case that
narrow-mindedness and a lack of true cultural understanding inhibits the propagation of
actual democracy, and it is only imperialism that perseveres.
Finally, Dr. Fung, having illuminated many of the problematic approaches currently
being undertaken, leads the reader to the solution. Harmony is an approach that supports
rather than censures, it is tolerant rather than judgemental and it is inclusive instead of
being exclusive. Harmony is meant to encompass the fundamental principles that one
ought to adhere to in all facets of life. Decision-making processes would be geared
towards harmony, rather than personal gain, from an individual level all the way to a
global plain.

Dr. Fung has taken a concept that is so seemingly simplistic and breathed a palpable life
into it in this essay. The statement that he is making is direly needed and I hope that he
continues to make statements like these so that people will start to realize that the
solutions that are currently failing to solve the contentious issues of global peace will
continue to fail until we realize that it is our very goal that is misguided. We need to
establish global harmony before thinking about global peace. Harmony does not imply
agreement, only tolerance. It is possible to bring harmony about quickly through
education and compliance. Once the people of the world commit to harmony as a means
to solve problems, the problems of the world will finally become manageable, and maybe
then we will all “just get along”.


The “Rule of the Golden Mean” is a Western doctrine for balanced living and proper
handling of human contradictions. A comparable System of Belief in the East is the
“Way of the Golden Mean.” Contrary to conventional wisdom, the philosophy of the
Golden Mean is not against progress. It is the highest value of progress through dialogue
and consultation. Its true essence is to prevent ideological extremism from taking hold.
It is definitely opposed to the current religious confrontational strife. That is why it is
the value of Golden Mean. This broad East and West concept of balance, when earnestly
applied globally, can be the solution for resolving extreme disparity between rich and
poor, minimizing religious confrontations and restoring ecological balance for sustainable

In the current desire for good global governance we must also begin with Harmony
Diplomacy. Harmony Diplomacy, as defined here, can be the Golden Rule of Global
Governance. Harmony Diplomacy can be conceived as the common value of the most
fluid-like, dynamic balance; encompassing tolerance, mutual respect, acceptance, equity
and humility to achieve world harmony. Truth in world affairs, unlike mathematics,
often is the Golden Mean between two opposite sides. When one powerful nation
forcing its belief on other weak nations as the only absolute truth, it ignores the reality of
diversity and defies reason. This is well documented by Al Gore in his most recent
book, “The Assault on Reason.”

The above theory, advancing human common aspirations in today’s conflicted world, has
been resonating worldwide. The author in resonance with world harmony has also
published widely articles advocating Harmony Diplomacy. “Harmony Diplomacy
Essential for World Development”, “Power Diplomacy Must Evolve Towards Harmony
Diplomacy”, “Harmony Diplomacy in Work”, “Harmony Diplomacy: China’s
Commitment to World Harmony” and many other related articles can be seen on Google,
Yahoo search and Xinhua Net.

Good global governance is the foundation for a harmonious world. To pursue world
harmony is the common destiny for the human race. Good global governance must
include new world political and economic order to build international democracy. We
must promote global cooperation through mutual win-win development and resolve
conflicts through dialogue and consultation. We must strengthen the United Nation
through needed reform to discourage unilateralism and extremism. All these global
undertakings can only begin when major nations of the world start practicing Harmony

A grand strategy of Harmony Diplomacy to build world harmony must be able to face the
challenges of today’s unilateralism, extremism, rich and poor disparity and ecology
unsustainability. The important elements of a grand Harmony Diplomacy strategy must

include dialogue and consultation, win-win mutual development, unity in diversity,
tolerance and openness, equity and humility. Harmony Diplomacy must act through
equal, friendly and open dialogue and consultation to achieve mutual understanding, trust
and respect. This is to accomplish the greatest possible harmony consensus among
nations of the world.

Harmony Diplomacy is to seek commonality and minimize confrontational difference.

In the desire to foster win-win common development we must take a long strategic view.
The reality of the world is multi cultural and not all in sync of the path and stage of
development. We must accept and tolerate different economic and political
development. Old colonial mentality and big power chauvinism will never be accepted
again. By forcing our culture and value on weak nations is counter productive to
Harmony Diplomacy. The best governance system is a nation’s own harmonious system
developed from within in active interaction with globalization.

The objective of Harmony Diplomacy is to pursue a higher level of human

accomplishment beyond European Renaissance through World Harmony Renaissance.
Harmony is an ideal; Renaissance gives it life. The human race relieved of cultural
conflicts, political infighting and religious strife will be invigorated by new creative
energy. This new found vigor will bring humans to the next phase of true global
development that we are waiting for. To be more specific, through greater Harmony
Consensus we will minimize the chances of war and bring about more lasting peace.
Without Harmony Consensus, peace can only be temporary. When nations set their
sights on win-win mutual development, common world prosperity can be realized. In so
doing, the rich and poor disparity can be reduced and the North and South gap breached.
The world will be more level. All nations can finally enjoy the fruits of our common
cultural and economic accomplishments.

Harmony Consensus, encompassing harmony with nature is the order of nature. It will
rally world citizenship to be more conscious and united to protect our common
environment. For world sustainable development we must at last move in lock step to
strive to conserve energy and resources and protect the environment. As severe as the
effects of climate change may be, the world will run out of precious resources sooner
because of the current wonton consumption.

Most of all, the current world order is far from democratic. Harmony Diplomacy,
through the essential principle of dialogue, consultation, negotiation and harmony
consensus, can pave the way for a more just and democratic world order. In Harmony
Renaissance, we can finally rediscover the wisdom of tolerance, acceptance, mutual
respect and humility. The harmony universal common value will give the human race
the necessary true inner peace and strength, to face the diverse and daunting challenges of
a world in catastrophic disharmony and extreme self- destruct- selfishness.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Harmony belongs to the world. It is the order of nature. It is the most universal
common value that can divert our creative energy now mired in national conflicts,
religious strife, unilateralism and terrorism towards the next phase of human
accomplishment. Most of all World Harmony Renaissance must begin with
World Harmony Consensus.

Life is full of meaningful campaigns for some of us. During the 60’s, as a fluid
mechanics major, I was swept up in "Catching up with Russia" in rocket and
Satellite research. In the 70’s, during the declining aerospace years, I did key
Research in establishing large scale fire safety computer standardized building
material tests, computer smoke propagation simulation to establish smoke
detector codes and standards. During the early 80’s, I co-founded Aerophyics
Company. We were active in transferring energy conservation technology from
France to the U.S.

During the mid to late 80’s I founded Finance and Technology Associates. As a
premier technology transfer firm in China, we represented MTI in Stirling Engine
technology, Cooper Rolls in power turbine conversion and Combustion
Engineering in nuclear technology. My publication list in the back of this book
reflects U.S. national waves of priority like a road map that we all traveled one
time or the other.

Of late I am more cultural than scientific. My recent campaigns include peace

Painting exhibitions, distribution of top quality Chinese music CD’s and publishing
of Harmony Renaissance essays worldwide. That is why some of you get little
gifts of Song of Shangri-La album and Ting Shao Kwong posters from me. My
World Harmony Renaissance lectures appear locally as well as worldwide
through internet, Xinhua News and World Affairs Journal announcements. I have
come to know famous artists, calligraphers, distinguished Western authors and
record companies. All my past endeavors and undertakings will add value to our
World Harmony Day Cultural Festival. I will not disappoint you. I have a dream;
the dream is World Harmony Renaissance.

About the Author (in Chinese)
,即時受到世界各國的關注及熱烈支持。 定居美國50 餘年的 Dr. Francis C.W.

馮忠華博士曾就讀於美國布朗大學(Brown University)及約翰霍普金斯大學(Johns
Hopkins University)等美國名校,並以豐富的科技學術知識在康乃爾大學
(Cornell University) 航空研究所及美國國家技術研究院(前美國標準局)等機
構服務和工作多年,曾于八十年代代表美國 Combustion
Engineering(核電)公司及 Cooper
Rolls(勞斯 斯航空發動機)公司向中國轉讓技術。

雖然經 了50多年美國政治文化生活的薰陶,馮博士始終懷著一顆拳拳赤子之心。


,這系統工程簡單 就是孔子的「修身,齊家,治國、平天下」論 。就是個人
與自身,個人與家庭,個人與國家,個人與世界的 在關係。對於「和諧」這一概
念,馮忠華博士認為,中國人的智慧就是我們五千年 史的根。
2500年前,自從有了老子、孔子的豐富的和諧文化論 後,中國人的智
了人民豐衣足食,人人皆言。「和諧」包含了多種文化共存的意念。孔子 「君子


誌 Foreign Affairs上進行宣傳。


Dear Friends, Feb 24, 2007

Now that we have service trade marks and other legal registrations in place, I propose that we
firm up our previous discussions to launch a large scale all day INTERNATIONAL music and
dance performance festival. The theme will be World Harmony Renaissance pure and simple.
It will be first of its kind world event to be continued annually and with future engagements in
other major world cities. The event will raise long term funding for World Harmony Ambassadors
and World Harmony Volunteer Corps.

All activities of World Harmony Organization by Charter will be unity in diversity events, by nature
necessarily non political, non religious and non profit. We welcome participation and financial
contributions by various major Silicone Valley corporations and institutions, included are also
various Embassies, religious and NGO organizations and foundations.

The event will be funded by sponsors and we will also charge entrance because it will be a rich
program, well prepared and well advertised. All local and international communities will be invited
to contribute funding and resources to this most worthwhile cause that advocates World Harmony
Renaissance to solve today's pressing world conflicts, disparities and ecology issues.

Selected interested distinguished community leaders can become members of the steering
committee to prepare for this ground breaking event and its future long term planning. Please
review this draft notice, comment and suggest candidates for the steering committee. A final
notice will be distributed worldwide.

Respectfully Yours,
Francis C.W. Fung, PH.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.

World Harmony Organization launched in San Francisco 2007-01-21 05:27:09

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- The World Harmony Organization(WHO) was

launched in San Francisco on Saturday, with a call on all countries to promote world
peace based on harmony.
WHO, a non-profit and non-governmental organization and the first of its kind in the
world, is dedicated to the pursuit of World Harmony Renaissance study and research,
the organization said in a press release.
"Harmony belongs to the world. The best social system for any country is its own
harmony system for sustainable development," said the release.
It said the organization was formed on the basis of the harmony theory proclaimed
by the Chinese leaders in 2006.

"A major social harmony renaissance movement is taking place in China today after
the 2002 announcement of the scientific concept," said the release.
"We declare our theory 'World Harmony Renaissance' is the breakthrough mankind
is waiting for the next level of accomplishment. When our common values rise above
the current international conflicts through world harmony renaissance our
accomplishments both scientific and cultural will soar."
"World religions and major human philosophies as we all know were developed
about 2500 years ago," said Dr. Francis C. W. Fung, an American researcher who
founded the organization.
"European Renaissance and Enlightenment period brought the second burst of
human creative energy," Fung said. "We believe 'World Harmony Renaissance' will
launch the third phase of human innovation and creativeness to herald a more
harmonious and better world."
At its launch meeting, the organization will hold major global cultural events in San
Francisco to advocate world harmony renaissance. It also plans future events which
include World Harmony Renaissance Symposium, World Harmony Renaissance
Calligraphy Contest, World Harmony Renaissance cultural performances, according to
Fung, author of the China Harmony Renaissance - What the World Must Know.
He said for those who do not understand China's peaceful development, it is time to
learn China's harmony renaissance. Special attention is given to Sino-American
relations over the past 50 years.
"We believe 'World Harmony Renaissance' is hope for a more understanding
world," he said.
Editor: Luan Shanglin

Dear Professor Chomsky,

Thank you for your encouragement. It is worth the effort to to know that you are already in
resonance. We are thinking of holding the first World Harmony Renaissance Festival in August,
2007 to allow us more time. We will appreciate your continuing support.

May Harmony prevail in the world.


Noam Chomsky <chomsky@MIT.EDU> wrote:

I am very pleased to learn about the progress with the Festival. I hope it goes well, and has
resonance elsewhere.

Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 3:23 PM

Subject: World Harmony Renaissance Day International Cultural Festival Planning Meeting
Dear Prof. Chomsky,

It is my pleasure to announce the steering committee meeting for World Harmony Renaissance
Day International Cultural Festival which will be held in 2008. It will be the first major event of its
kind to promote World Harmony Renaissance as a consensus to solve today's world conflicts,
disparities and ecology concerns.

The all day event will be cosponsored by World Harmony Organization, San Francisco State
University and other major world organizations to be announced. It will be an
annual international cultural festival to raise long tern funding for World harmony Ambassadors
and Volunteers to pursuit World Harmony Renaissance consensus. It is a chartered and service
trade marked festival that can be repeated in other major world cities.

I am proud to announce with the join participation of SFSU College of Education, Division of
International Education and World Harmony Organization, a planning meeting will be held on
March 6, 2007, 2:30 PM.

Your continuing support will be greatly appreciated. Updates of the World Harmony
Renaissance International Cultural Festival will be posted on our website .

Very Respectfully Yours,

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Honorable Al Gore,

Congratulation for winning the Oscar, we are all inspired by you to work for ecology and reduce
global warming. World Harmony Organization recognizes your outstanding achievement.
We are most honored if you will accept our offer as our World Harmony Ambassador under
category Ecology. We give our awards on chosen World Harmony Renaissance Day
International Cultural Festival.

It is our pleasure to announce the steering committee meeting for World Harmony Renaissance
Day International Cultural Festival. The World Harmony Renaissance Day festivities are
scheduled to be held in 2008. It will be the first major event of its kind to promote World
Harmony Renaissance as a consensus to solve today's world conflicts, disparities and ecology

The all day event will be cosponsored by World Harmony Organization, other major U.S.
Institutions and world organizations. It will be an annual international cultural festival to raise
long tern funding for World harmony Ambassadors and World Harmony Volunteers to
pursuit World Harmony Renaissance consensus. World Harmony Ambassadors will be
recognized as individuals who have personally dedicated to the pursuit of harmony renaissance.
World Harmony Volunteers will be organized by World Harmony Institute to serve World

Harmony. It is a chartered and service trade marked festival that can be repeated in other major
world cities.

We are proud to announce that, members of SFSU College of Education, Division of International
Education, U.S. East West Center and World Harmony Organization will be at the steering
committee meeting on March 6, 2007, 2:30 PM.

Your continuing support will be greatly appreciated. Future announcements of the World
Harmony Renaissance Day International Cultural Festival will be posted on our website . Please click Banner Contact for continuing updates.

Very Respectfully Yours,

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Senior Advisers,

The pursuit of Harmony Renaissance as an unity in diversity movement is by its nature all
inclusive. We are international and interfaith and accepting diverse cultures, religions and
nations. From the perspective of harmony today's main driving world culture are religions,
democracy and harmony. Our advisers from diverse backgrounds believe with conviction that
harmony renaissance can resolve world conflicts, disparities and ecology concerns. We are not
pacifists. We believe in tolerance, mutual acceptance, mutual respect and equality through
grass roots advocacy.

World Harmony Ambassadors Review Committee welcomes worldwide participation and

nomination. Our committee welcomes opinions that speak out against world injustice and
inequity to reach harmony consensus. Our advisers need not shy away from controversial topics
as long as we keep bigger harmony as our umbrella. We must accept diverse opinions to have a
bigger voice. Prof. Noam Chomsky, widely regarded by the world as America's
Conscience, exemplifies a true World Harmony Adviser who has the insight to speak for
international democracy.

As much as we need true world harmony advisers we have greater need for World Harmony
Ambassadors to advocate harmony worldwide. As far reaching America is we are still limited in
our ability to reach out. Mr. Eric Chipps, our singularly world minded adviser, reminded me the
necessity for Committee action on World Harmony Ambassador selection. This consensus
reaching process will inevitably result in Ambassadors with a balanced harmony view. We
welcome worldwide nomination for World Harmony Ambassador candidates.

World Harmony Organization is planning a World Harmony Renaissance Day in August, 2007. It
will be an all day International and Interfaith Festival with music, dancing, harmony chorus,

cultural and religious exhibitions for harmony. It will be our premier occasion to announce World
Harmony Renaissance as solution for today's world problems. Distinguished guests and world
harmony advisers will be on hand to speak. The event will raise funding for World Harmony
Renaissance Centers and World Harmony Institutes worldwide to support future World Harmony
Ambassadors and World Harmony Volunteers programs. This will be the historical Forum to
announce the first group of World Harmony Ambassadors to the world.

May Harmony Prevail in the World!

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D. wrote:
Dear Francis,
I would like to thank you and Julie for your warm hospitality. Ran and I enjoyed very much visiting
with you and learning about your 'Harmony' project. I have started taking down some ideas about
possible programs in this regard and will share with you asap.
With best wishes of success, and see you soon.
Warm regards,

Dear Friends,

I would like to invite your participation on preparation for World Harmony Renaissance Day
Festival. Professor Noam Chomsky will attend and perhaps the Honorable Al Gore, to receive
awards as World Harmony Ambassadors. I am planning also to invite Dr. Steven Chu, Director
of Lawrence Laboratory, U.N. Secretary General Pan Ke-Moon.

Regarding Pan Ke-Moon, I know for sure he is interested in Harmony Renaissance. I wrote a
story about him and harmony in my forth coming book, "World Harmony Renaissance: Promise
for a Better World."

We also welcome your nomination of distinguished individuals who have consistently dedicated to
the pursuit of world harmony renaissance as candidates for the honor of World Harmony

I apologize that, out of my own personal humbleness, I did not give Prof. Chomsky the proper
introduction in my last email. Professor Chomsky holds honorary positions in both MIT and
Harvard. He is a senior adviser of World Harmony Organization. Besides widely regarded by
the world as America's Conscience, he is also known as the most distinguished world linguistic
scientist. In recent years he is a prolific and most read author on International Affairs and highly
regarded by the world.

Prof. Chomsky has significant contribution to my second harmony book, soon to be published
under the title "World Harmony Renaissance: Promise for a Better World." His contribution is
covered in a long chapter "World Harmony Discussions with Professor Noam Chomsky." This
chapter with Prof. Chomsky's most revealing insights alone makes my second harmony book
worth waiting for.

My following note to Prof. Chomsky is in response to his endorsement of the proposed "World
Harmony Renaissance Day International Culture Festival" to be held annually and worldwide.
His well wish for World Harmony Renaissance Resonance will be my personal Motto and
inspiration. I am most grateful as indicated in the following note.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

March 2, 2007
Here is the concluding section of my next book "World Harmony Renaissance Promise for a
better World" for your review.

The essence of Eastern self discipline is to reach harmony with nature. In Chinese the ancient
saying is "Tien Ren He Yi" meaning the unity of man and universe. In this practice traditionally,
the Eastern culture placed more emphasis on moral values and avoiding extremism. The West
inherited moral teachings through Eastern religions. This basic harmony value of avoiding
extremism together with family unity and ancestry worship continued Chinese culture of 5000
years without causing ecology catastrophe, despite certain excesses of the past.

The advent of European and American democracy heralded the age of modern science and
cultural Renaissance. It is one of the greatest human contribution to our common heritage. But
it eventually encouraged individualism, insatiable consumerism and extremism in the absence of
individual personal harmony practice. In today's conflicting world of 6 billion population and
increasing, each person on earth wanting to own a SUV or HUMVEE is a form of insatiable
extreme consumerism. Simple arithmetic will show this type of extreme consumerism
unchecked places unsustainable demand on our common world resources. .

Cultural excesses of insatiable consumerism and individualism in the West and its spread to the
East now needs to be balanced by Eastern harmony, moderation and family values. This means
bringing back basic family and group harmony through practice of self discipline. As well
meaning as Western law and order democracy is, our world is not sustainable with the spread of
today's insatiable consumerism and extreme individualism Traditionally in China as detailed in
my book "China's Harmony Renaissance: What the World Must Know" law is the bottom line,
common moral values above it. By necessity we need to bring back self discipline, mutual
development and harmony development. The premise and title of this book is "World Harmony
Renaissance: Promise for a Better World"

It is paramount that the world through Harmony Renaissance must reach meaningful World
Harmony Consensus. The current continuing rapid development of China, India and the rest of
the developing world must be encouraged to adopt "Harmony Development" through personal
individual self discipline. The West and parts of the developed Asia at the same time need to set
an example to curb extreme individualism and consumerism. Within the frame work of this

'World Harmony Consensus" we will see the promise of a more sustainable and better world,

Q.E.D. is a Latin term meaning it is demonstrated or proved which I vaguely remembered from
my high school geometry class. During my childhood enthusiasm that all things Western were
good including Western mathematics and Science, Q.E.D. came to mean with modern science
everything is quite easily done. Frankly reaching World Harmony consensus for Harmony
Development can be quite easily done if we practice less individualism and more harmony
through personal discipline. World cultural flow must not just from the West to the East. "Be
proud you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one country." Do I have your support to
initiate the first World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festival?

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Senior Advisers, March 2, 2007

During the last two days a couple of events of significance prompted me to write this note. I
received an email from Noam and a phone call from a young American college student by the
name of Spencer Chase.

The most FAQ through out my talks on Harmony Renaissance is "What can you do about it?" and
the most direct one "Is he real?" The second question I got yesterday by an accidental way. To
set records straight, I discuss mostly about Harmony Renaissance and not Harmony which I
believe all cultures practice in one form or the other with different emphasis. Harmony is an ideal
but Renaissance is action. An ideal combined with action has life.

I learned from Noam personally, for any true believer of movement, advocacy is the way.
Consideration of grass root advocacy led me to the concept of World Harmony Renaissance Day
Cultural Festival. Noam your last email is the reason why I want to share with you and others my
brief conversations with Spencer. In advancing Harmony Renaissance one sometimes cannot
but feel like the old man who try to single handed move the mountain in the famous Chinese

Spencer is a young American who played excellent Ping Pong. He impressed me by speaking
fluent Chinese through self discipline and not by family ancestry. He is also a concert pianist in
his own right. Two days ago between active table tennis playing, he asked me "What are you
doing lately?" I simply answered "I am giving speeches on Harmony Renaissance". Yesterday,
Spencer called “Dr. Fung, I want to do something meaningful, I believe harmony is above
religious strife and above the squabble over different approaches of Democracy." Noam, Sat
when I meet Spenser guess what concept will I talk to him? The concept of World Harmony
Renaissance Day Cultural Festival once initiated it will continue.

Ours is a true bi cultural family. My wife Julia Devendorf and I, came from opposite East and
West ethnic extraction and up bringing. During our 25 years of marriage we spent 10 years
together in the Far East and 15 years in the U.S. Our two beautiful children are both grown up
now. All of us are characters of strong conviction by nature and will not change. We are all
troubled by the appropriate balance of Chinese family unity order and American individualism
democracy. As flexible as I am, nobody can appreciate the torments that I went through
especially the last 10 years. That is one of many reasons why I wrote "China's Harmony

Renaissance: What the World Must know". Please open and click
banner "About Us" read the Forward to my first harmony book.

From childhood I am known for not subscribing to hate and jealousy by my dear father and now
my dear wife. I am acting on my beliefs by answering significant questions and comments to my
first harmony book. That brings me to my current book "World Harmony Renaissance: Promise
for a Better World". By talking about Harmony Renaissance and not just harmony I gained the
support of my wife. My children and I are more together now. To find out the simple principle
of "World Harmony Consensus", please open and click on banner
"About Us". Read under heading ,Concluding section from our book "World Harmony
Renaissance' Promise for a Better World".

The order of nature is harmony and harmony is the order of nature. Nature itself and the eternal
universe are the proofs. Human through their willful neglect and strife can destroy the
environment and the earth. Ultimately practicing world harmony is the only solution. "Be proud
you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one country". For Harmony Renaissance to
work cultural flow must not be just one way from the West to the East only. Do I have your
support to initiate the first "World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festival" ? Am I for
real? It is up to non believers to decide whether Harmony Renaissance is worth it for your
second generation.

May Harmony prevail in the World!

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Steven Chu, Honorable Noble Laureate, March 3, 2007

Among your distinguished accomplishments your advocacy for ecology is your contribution
towards world Harmony Renaissance. Nature's order is harmony and harmony is the order of
nature. World Harmony Organization is dedicated to the pursuit of Harmony Renaissance as
solutions to resolve religious strife, world conflicts, disparities and ecology concerns. The
following statement from our website calls for World Harmony
Renaissance Day and World Harmony Ambassadors. We look for your support and welcome
your participation as one of our distinguished Senior Advisers.

The pursuit of Harmony Renaissance as a unity in diversity movement is, by its nature, all
inclusive. We are international and interfaith and accepting of diverse cultures, religions and
nations. From the perspective of harmony, today's main drivers of world culture are religion,
democracy, and harmony. Our advisers come from diverse backgrounds, and believe with
conviction that harmony renaissance can release energy from strife and divert it to resolve world
conflicts, disparities and ecology concerns. We are not pacifists. We believe in tolerance,
mutual acceptance, mutual respect and equality through grass roots advocacy. World Harmony
Renaissance will enable mankind to reach common value consensus and herald a new phase of
accomplishments beyond European Renaissance.

World Harmony Ambassadors Review Committee welcomes worldwide participation and

nominations. Our committee welcomes opinions that speak out against world injustice and
inequity to reach a harmony consensus. Our advisers need not shy away from controversial
topics when we have harmony as our goal. We must accept diverse opinions to have a bigger
voice. Prof. Noam Chomsky, widely regarded by the world as America's

Conscience and Mr. James Fallows exemplify true World Harmony Advisers who have the insight
to speak for international democracy and World Harmony Renaissance.

As much as we need true world harmony advisers, we have greater need for World Harmony
Ambassadors to advocate harmony worldwide. As far reaching as America is, we are still limited
in our ability to reach out. Mr. Eric Chipps, our singularly world minded adviser, reminded me
of the necessity for Committee action on World Harmony Ambassadors selection. This
consensus reaching process will inevitably result in World Harmony Ambassadors with balanced
views. We welcome worldwide nominations for World Harmony Ambassador Candidates.

World Harmony Organization is planning a World Harmony Renaissance Day in August, 2007. It
will be an all day International and Interfaith Festival with world class music, dancing, harmony
chorus performances, cultural and religious exhibitions for harmony. It will be our premier
occasion to announce World Harmony Renaissance as solution for today's world problems.
Distinguished guests and world harmony advisers will be on hand to speak. The event will raise
funding for World Harmony Renaissance Centers and World Harmony Institutes worldwide to
support future World Harmony Ambassadors and World Harmony Volunteers programs. This will
be the historical Forum to announce the first group of World Harmony Ambassadors to the world.

May Harmony Prevail in the World!

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.

Acting Chair
World Harmony Ambassadors Commission
World Harmony Organization

Dear Insight Editor, San Francisco Chronicle, March 5, 2007

I am receiving a great deal of support for my humble writing and our World Harmony
Renaissance Day Cultural Festival proposal. Here is the concluding section " World Harmony
Consensus and World Harmony Renaissance Declaration" of my next book "World Harmony
Renaissance: Promise for a better World" for your preview and publication.

Democracy as an European movement began from the age of enlightenment. It advocated

citizen's and human rights. It was a great movement that released human energy. Through
European Renaissance our modern world of science began. American independence continued
this tradition. U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights advocated democracy through law and order.
That is the strength of Western democracy.

The essence of Eastern teaching is self discipline through harmony with nature. In Chinese the
ancient saying is "Tien Ren He Yi" meaning the unity of man and universe. From the Middle
East, the cradle of major World Religions, we all learned submission of our will to the creator. In
this practice traditionally, the Eastern culture placed more emphasis on moral values and
avoiding extremism. The Eastern practice of harmony is through contemplation of nature, self
discipline and meditation. The West learned meditation and faith from Eastern philosophies and
religions. The basic harmony value of avoiding extremism together with family unity and
ancestry worship continued Chinese culture of 5000 years without causing ecology
catastrophe, despite certain excesses of the past.

Harmony belongs to the world and all culture of the world contain harmony. It is in practice and
emphasis that we are different. For Harmony Renaissance to take hold the West and East must
work together. The Western practice of advocacy in pursuing democracy can now be applied to
advocating Harmony Renaissance. The West and East both can learn from each other. In

America Easterners need to learn how to apply advocacy to Harmony Renaissance by
understanding the American system. Together, the advent of Harmony Renaissance will bring
the world together with a higher common value.

In America, East and West could very well learn from each other and put together an unity
Harmony Renaissance Declaration as a start. The next phase of human development through
Harmony Renaissance will divert our wasted energy in human conflicts and religious strife to
working together on scientifically sustainable ecology. Our common scientific development will
begin another surge. Thus Harmony Renaissance will bring us to a higher level of human
common endeavor. Without question, future human accomplishment from the release of energy
through World Harmony Renaissance will surpass European Renaissance.

The advent of European and American democracy heralded the age of modern science and
cultural renaissance. It is one of the greatest human contributions to our common world
heritage. But it eventually encouraged individualism, insatiable consumerism and extremism in
the absence of individual personal harmony practice. In today's conflicting world of 6 billion
population and growing, each person on earth wanting to own a SUV or HUMVEE is a form of
insatiable extreme consumerism. Simple arithmetic will show this type of extreme consumerism
unchecked places unsustainable demand on our common world resources. .

Cultural excesses of insatiable consumerism and individualism in the West and its spread to the
East now needs to be balanced by Eastern harmony, moderation and family values. This means
bringing back basic family and group harmony through practice of self discipline. As well
meaning as Western law and order democracy is, our world is not sustainable with the spread of
today's insatiable consumerism and extreme individualism Traditionally in China as detailed in
my book "China's Harmony Renaissance: What the World Must Know" law is only the bottom line,
common moral values above it. By necessity we need to bring back self discipline through
harmony practice, mutual development and harmony development. The premise and title of this
book is "World Harmony Renaissance: Promise for a Better World"

As a start, It is paramount that the world through Harmony Renaissance must reach meaningful
World Harmony Consensus. The current continuing rapid development of China, India and the
rest of the developing world must be encouraged to adopt "Harmony Development" through
personal individual self discipline. The West and parts of the developed Asia at the same time
need to set an example to curb extreme individualism and consumerism. Within the frame work
of this 'World Harmony Consensus" we will see the promise of a more sustainable and better
world, Q.E.D.

Q.E.D. is a Latin term meaning it is demonstrated or proved which I vaguely remembered from
my high school geometry class. During my childhood, enthusiasm that all things Western were
good including Western mathematics and Science, Q.E.D. came to mean with modern science
everything is quite easily done. Frankly reaching World Harmony consensus for Harmony
Development can be quite easily done if we practice less individualism and more harmony
through personal discipline. World cultural flow must not just from the West to the East. "Be
proud you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one country." Do I have your support to
initiate the first World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festival?

Francis C. W. Fungi, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Ancient cultures approximately 2500 years ago or earlier, when there were not even clearly
defined national boundaries of today, developed modern religions, democracy and harmony.
These human heritage were cultivated over hundreds of years through graduate
development. Some were lost and were rediscovered, such as democracy and harmony. The

rediscovery of democracy through European Renaissance brought the release of energy that
herald the advent of modern scientific age.

America, the dynamic young nation did not have the same time history. Our mission has come to
be the nation of advocacy. We advocated modern religion and European democracy. We are
the nation that has the most resources and diverse ethnicity to advocate. I learned advocacy in
America. It took me fifty years. With today's international conflicts, religious strife, terrorism,
unilateralism, North and South disparity and ecology concerns, it is time for America to advocate
World Harmony Renaissance. Harmony belongs to the world but we have the most resources to
initiate it's renaissance.

The good news in international affairs are, our envoy is talking to North Korea about
normalization of relations and Rice will be participating at the Middle East Conference. The
announcement of six party talks to proceed with North Korea Nuclear conflict resolution clearly
indicated accommodation on both sides. The theme of my article at that time was "Beginning of
Harmony Renaissance at the Eastern Front?" After all the Far East was the cradle of basic
harmony practice through individual discipline and family unity. The middle East was the cradle
of harmony through the submission of human will to the creator. European Renaissance brought
harmony between the government and its citizen by reviving ancient Greek democracy. America's
independence advocated democracy through law and order.

America, the most dynamic major new power, is the country with the most resources to advocate
Harmony Renaissance. Our mission is to lead through advocacy and not military power. The
conflicts of the world, religious strife and ecology concerns of today tell us the need to be more
tolerant, accepting, and respecting of other cultures and our common heritage. The way to solve
world conflicts is through discussions, consultation and consensus and that is the harmony
way. Harmony is reached through dynamic balance. Where there is unsustainable imbalance,
harmony will work its way. Nature's order is harmony and harmony is the order of nature. Human
beings are intelligent individuals. We can solve our ecology concerns when we practice harmony

Harmony Renaissance can be advocated at all levels and through all types of institutions by
education, communication and cultural exchanges. It must also be grown at the grass root levels
through group activities such as World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festival. I suggest
that the first World Harmony Day festivities be held at the San Francisco Bay Area, after all UN
was originally conceived here. Do we have consensus to initiate the first World Harmony
Renaissance Day?

Harmony belongs to the world. It is our common heritage and common value. It's revival will
bring human to the next level of accomplishment by diverting our creative energy now mired in
conflicts, strife and wars. We will have consensus to advocate Harmony Renaissance when we
work in concert. Unity in diversity is harmony and together we will have conviction. Be proud you
are citizens of the world and not citizens of one country.

May Harmony Prevail in the World !

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

For more info on World Harmony Renaissance Day Festival planning and World Harmony
Organization please click on

Dear Jeremy, March 10, 2007

I would like to brief you about our funding strategy for World Harmony Day Cultural Festival.

I am glad we have met.. Our website provides some basic info on
my believe and my creditability, that is all. Some will ask, "Is he for real? My website is not art
but it attempts to answer the skeptic's question.

What sells is how many warm bodies will the first World Harmony Festival. With the first
one done well. World Harmony Day will be eternal. Many other activities will follow. Today I
will meet with some friends from Watson Institute of International Affairs to talk up World
Harmony Day Festival. How many will attend the festivities depends on the draw of the
distinguished speakers and the performers. In the U.S. for example, if Dalai Lama or Clinton
appears, the crowd will come.

What I have succeeded is attracting well known scholars and performers. When my printed
program with my marketing letter show up, CEOs know the event will attract attendees. They will
pay forthe number of people they expect will show up. Just like Google get paid for the number
of clicks. My marketing letter is just a simple introduction letter to ask for money. It will be
simple and to the point. We can ask for selected paying sponsors and advertisers when the big
name speakers and performers sign up. Proper selection of sponsors can further the reach of
World Harmony Renaissance. Once the sponsors are in they will be with harmony for a long
time to come.

The simple fact is big names have the draw. That is why big names get paid big
bucks. However, Harmony Renaissance and my persistence wins the hearts of independent
thinkers and artists. They rally the people. Politicians and the media will follow. They are too
conservative to lead. They are controlled by the Multinational Corporations any way. Let us talk
some more. TY.


Dear Senior Honorary Advisers, March 12, 2007

On the first day of formally launching World Harmony Organization, Jan. 20, 2007 in San
Francisco, we announced "World Harmony Consensus Begins with U.S.-China Harmony" in red,
white, blue and yellow unity in diversity banner. Please open our website and click banner Contact US. to view the unity in diversity design.

I have always advocated U.S.-China Harmony for over 50 years. During the late 50's at Brown
University, International Club, I organized U.S. China Friendship seminars by inviting famous
speakers. One of the meetings was high lighted in a story about Professor Williams of Dept. of
International Studies. Please refer to my second book on harmony "World Harmony
Renaissance:Promise for a Better World" to read how world politics is changing for the better
through international friendship advocacy.
Beginning the late 70's my wife Julia and I are the earliest supporters of U.S. China People
Friendship Association and participated in U.S.-China Relation normalization.

U.S.-China harmony is reflected in our bi cultural family. Our children are of mixed East and
West races. Please visit our website and see our family portrait
banner advocating "World Harmony Renaissance Begins with U.S. China Harmony
Consensus". Our Children's Chinese names Aimei, Anhua and Aimin meaning Love America,
Stability in China and Love Humanity. Moving with the tides of history their names reflect the
growth of our longing for Friendship, Stability and Harmony. Our three children, two are now
practicing medicine in the U.S. and our youngest daughter specializes in East and West dance

fusion. I hope she will agree to perform in World Harmony Day Cultural Festival for a long time
to come.

During the 1980's in the after shock of Oil Embargo. I worked on energy conservation that was
the first wave of ecology movement to harmonize with nature. Today's climate control ecology
movement is the second wave. In my humble effort I co-founded Aerophysics Company with
senior members Gabriel Bohler and Eugene Liberator. They were true believers in energy
conservation. They advocated large scale cross ocean surface effects ships (SES) to compete
with air freight transport. Liberator was the editor in chief in Jane's Ship of the World on Service
Effect Ships. I headed the Energy Division and together we transferred French technology on
district heating and large scale diffusion fans for ocean going SES to U.S. In my second
harmony book one can also read the regretful story how a 50 million dollar Navy service effect
ship energy conservation project was zeroed out by Regan in 1982 with the money diverted to
Star War project instead.

Large SES will eventually take over aircrafts as energy efficient ocean transport by far and
Dr.Bohler and Liberator's pioneer spirit will live on. Liberator also wrote Liberator Manifesto to
advocate his theory of Omnibus Government for more harmony. I learned a great deal from
him. After Aerophyics, my energy conservation career continued. Among other high lights, I co-
founded Finance and Technology Associates a premier and early consulting firm that acted as
bridge to build relation between China and U.S. multinational corporations.

Together with Dr. Beno Sternlicht, then MTI Chairman, we transferred significant Stirling Engine
technology to China. It culminated in the 2ND International Conference on Stirling Engines in
1984 with me delivering the keynote speech "The Promising Future of Stirling Engines in China".
For the latest, one can read about the Victorville,CA 500 megawatts Stirling Engine Utility Plant
build for Southern California Edison. When come on line in 2009, it will be the largest non
polluting, solar utility plant in the world, supplying electricity for 300,000 families with 20,000 solar
Stirling Engines.

WHO is greatly honored you can accept our invitation to be our Honorary Senior Advisers. "Be
proud you are citizens of the world an not citizens of one country."

May harmony prevail in the world!

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph.D., Class of 60

Director General
World Harmony Organization.

Dear Michael, March 13, 2007

What sells moves forward with human development. Those who are left behind will have to fend
for themselves. As a reminder for those only remember the come and go of Dot com boom of the
1990's, how about the aerospace and energy conservation booms from 1960 to 1980. Booms
generally go through phases.

What will be the next boom? I predict it will be Harmony Renaissance for world sustainable
development. This time It will be a sustained boom to bring us out of the current international
conflicts, religious strife and ecology concerns. Sustained Harmony Renaissance will bring

human to a higher level of common value and a higher world scientific accomplishments beyond
17th century European Renaissance. In the 21st century most of us who care, will be working
for Harmony Renaissance, because it is an universal all encompassing human common ideal.
Harmony accepts different religions, political systems and diverse cultures. It also seeks the
dynamic balance of man and nature, which is ecology. The best political system for any country
is its own harmony system.

The time is here for Multinational Corporations(MC) to put on inclusive harmony images. They
need to tell developing countries they care. All major MC's practiced exclusive schemes such as
trade marks (Coco Cola, McDonald), Patents (GE, Boeing), Software (Microsoft, Google) and so
on. Their exclusivity gave them legal right to practice monopoly before developing countries can
catch up. Because of the extreme disparity North and South, the under developed countries are
restive. This is part of the underlying dissatisfaction that breeds terrorism and defiance and not
they are evil. The most encompassing inclusive image for MC's is to practice World Harmony.
WHO and I have the credential and preparation to launch World Harmony Days, World Harmony
Ambassadors and World Harmony Volunteers programs. By participating in WHO harmony
programs MC's inclusive image can be enhanced.

WHO will proactively pursuit our service marked harmony programs. Action is louder than
words. MC's will come along and participate because our programs can enhance and add value
to their image. Our marketing letters can be simple and sweet. The following are just details on
my background.

The energy crisis brought about by the APEC oil embargo during the 1970's and 1980's ushered
in a flourish of energy conservation scientific activities like we have never seen in the
U.S. Today's call for climate control by energy conservation has yet to reach that fever pitch. It
was a great opportunity for us fluid mechanics majors of the time to divert our creativity to help
solve the energy crisis.

During the 1960's Rockets and Satellites days I was with Cornell Aeronautics Lab. and Johns
Hopkins University publishing papers in the exotic fields of Magnetodynamics and Zero Gravity
Phenomenon. Once Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in July 20,1969 the whole U.S. let out a
collective sigh, we have caught up with Russia in the space race. We fluid mechanics majors
were left scrambling for new undertakings.

On the first day of formally launching World Harmony Organization, Jan. 20, 2007 in San
Francisco, we announced "World Harmony Consensus Begins with U.S.-China Harmony" in red,
white, blue and yellow unity in diversity banner. Please open our website and click banner Contact US. to view the unity in diversity design.

I have always advocated U.S.-China Harmony for over 50 years. During the late 50's at Brown
University, International Club, I organized U.S. China Friendship seminars by inviting famous
speakers. One of the meetings was high lighted in a story about Professor Williams of Dept. of
International Studies. Please refer to my second book on harmony "World Harmony
Renaissance: Promise for a Better World" to read how world politics is changing for the better
through international friendship advocacy.
Beginning the late 70's my wife Julia and I are the earliest supporters of U.S. China People
Friendship Association and participated in U.S.-China Relation normalization.

U.S.-China harmony is reflected in our bi cultural family. Our children are of mixed East and
West races. Please visit our website and see our family portrait
banner advocating "World Harmony Renaissance Begins with U.S. China Harmony
Consensus". Our Children's Chinese names Aimei, Anhua and Aimin meaning Love America,
Stability in China and Love Humanity. Moving with the tides of history their names reflect the
growth of our longing for Friendship, Stability and Harmony. Our three children, two are now

practicing medicine in the U.S. and our youngest daughter specializes in East and West dance
fusion. I hope she will agree to perform in World Harmony Day Cultural Festival for a long time
to come.

During the 1980's in the after shock of Oil Embargo. I worked on energy conservation that was
the first wave of ecology movement to harmonize with nature. Today's climate control ecology
movement is the second wave. In my humble effort I co-founded Aerophysics Company with
senior members Gabriel Bohler and Eugene Liberator. They were true believers in energy
conservation. They advocated large scale cross ocean surface effects ships (SES) to compete
with air freight transport. Liberator was the editor in chief in Jane's Ship of the World on Service
Effect Ships. I headed the Energy Division and together we transferred French technology on
district heating and large scale diffusion fans for ocean going SES to U.S. In my second
harmony book one can also read the regretful story how a 50 million dollar Navy service effect
ship energy conservation project was zeroed out by Regan in 1982 with the money diverted to
Star War project instead.

Large SES will eventually take over aircrafts as energy efficient ocean transport by far and
Dr.Bohler and Liberator's pioneer spirit will live on. Liberator also wrote Liberator Manifesto to
advocate his theory of Omnibus Government for more harmony. I learned a great deal from
him. After Aerophyics, my energy conservation career continued. Among other high lights, I co-
founded Finance and Technology Associates a premier and early consulting firm that acted as
bridge to build relation between China and U.S. multinational corporations.

Together with Dr. Beno Sternlicht, then MTI Chairman, we transferred significant Stirling Engine
technology to China. It culminated in the 2ND International Conference on Stirling Engines in
1984 with me delivering the keynote speech "The Promising Future of Stirling Engines in China".
For the latest, one can read about the Victorville,CA 500 megawatts Stirling Engine Utility Plant
build for Southern California Edison. When come on line in 2009, it will be the largest non
polluting, solar utility plant in the world, supplying electricity for 300,000 families with 20,000 solar
Stirling Engines.

WHO is greatly honored you can accept our invitation to be our Honorary Senior Advisers. "Be
proud you are citizens of the world an not citizens of one country."

May harmony prevail in the world!

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph.D., Class of 60

Director General
World Harmony Organization.

Dear CEO, March 13, 2007

World Harmony Organization (WHO) can enhance your and your group's world image. If you
resonate with World Harmony Day Cultural Festival, World Harmony Renaissance, World
Harmony Ambassadors and World Harmony Volunteers, you may want to find out about our
programs.. These and other registered service trade marked programs can put you and your
group in World Harmony Leadership position.

In today's world conflicts, religious strife, unilateralism and ecology concerns you can reach out to
the right international audience through our inclusive World Harmony image enhancing

programs. To find our more visit our website You may wish to
contact us for a custom image enhancing proposal

Sincerely Yours,

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization.

Dear Spencer, March 14, 2007

Please follow up with the World Harmony Day Cultural grant application as we discussed
yesterday. It is a great cause that will appeal to the review board. It may have expiration day.
Please take charge and check into it. Once it gets going you are a very integral part of it.

Our World Harmony Day Cultural Festival team is growing. We can count on very talented
individuals working on their areas of specialty. They are experts and they are hands on
individuals dedicated to the cause of World Harmony, World Harmony Renaissance and World
Harmony Consensus.

World Harmony Day is a unifying force that will bring us together in a very meaningful program.
We are also a culturally and racially a very diverse group. Each of us came from a different
continent and far away corner of the world. That is why America is the best country to advocate
World Harmony Renaissance.

From the very beginning I have the support of visionary attorney, America's most distinguished
scholars, educators, talented artists and performers, large function planners, marketing experts,
young bicultural harmony activists who is the age of my grand children and so on. We are not a
large institution yet. But World Harmony Day will be eternal and World Harmony Organization
will be one of the pillars of human heritage.

I am very appreciative of your contribution and our team work. My love ones told me in passing
that they felt bad I do not belong to any one country. On the contrary, our joyful spirit is that we
are citizens of the world and not just citizens of one country. We have the conviction to work for
World Harmony Renaissance. We are not just working for ourselves. We are working for our
generations to come.

May Harmony Prevail in the World

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D., Class of 60
Director General
World Harmony Organization


Dear World Harmony Day working team, March 14, 2007

Our World Harmony Day Cultural Festival team is growing. We can count on very talented
individuals working on their areas of specialty. They are experts and they are hands on
individuals dedicated to the cause of World Harmony, World Harmony Renaissance and World
Harmony Consensus.

World Harmony Day is a unifying force that will bring us together in a very meaningful program.
We are also culturally and racially a very diverse group. Each of us came from a different
continent and far away corner of the world. That is why America will be the first country with the
necessary resources to advocate World Harmony Renaissance.

America is the young dynamic country of advocacy. We advocated European democracy and
freedom. We advocated Middle East Religions. We do not yet have the time history to develop
time tested philosophy of our own. Harmony is world wisdom and our common heritage
practiced at least 5000 years of human recorded history. Hopefully we can play a small part in
advocating Harmony Renaissance..

From the very beginning I have the support of visionary attorney, well known journalists,
America's most distinguished scholars, educators, talented artists and performers, large function
planners, marketing experts, young bi cultural harmony activists who is the age of my grand
children and so on. We are not a large institution yet. But World Harmony Day will be eternal
and World Harmony Organization will be one of the pillars of human heritage.

I am very appreciative of your contribution and our team work. My love ones told me in passing
that they felt bad I do not belong to any one country. On the contrary, our joyful spirit is that we
are citizens of the world and not just citizens of one country. We have the conviction to work for
World Harmony Renaissance. We are not just working for ourselves. We are working for our
generations to come.

May Harmony Prevail in the World

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D., Class of 60

Director General,
World Harmony Organization

Dear Working Team Members, March 15, 2007

I have been hearing great ideas from some of you. It is time to put some of the ideas together
and brain storm. Our tentative date for World Harmony is third week of September when school
is in session. If later, it needs to stay clear of Oct 1 and Oct. 10. WHO must remain clearly an
independent NGO pursuing World Harmony Renaissance with unbiased spirit of advocacy.
World Harmony Journal, our own voice, when launched will monitor justly international harmony
development. Harmony is the highest human common value, together with justice,
trustworthiness and self discipline harmony can be maintained. In the U.S. democracy is
maintained by relying heavily on law and order. Harmony Renaissance will need increasing
education and self discipline. See our website click About US and
view concluding section of my second book on harmony.

Because some of you do travel on a regular basis we may have to settle on separate meetings
during the month of April. I will be diligent in collecting all your valuable ideas and come up with
an action program. By now from the frequency of my emails nobody need to ever feel
slighted. By the way, if you have not visited our website regularly you will find it has been
updated many times by your inputs. I assure you good ideas will be seriously considered.
Please also never hesitate to communicate with me.

For those who can make it in April please let me know your availability by email. I can come to
you or I will call for small meetings to suit you. I will act as a facilitator. Appreciate all your
support and dedication to World Harmony. America is the best place to advocate Harmony
Renaissance because of the resources here. Our team can prove unity in diversity works.


Dear Working Team Members, March 15, 2007

Some of you active members already have developed pieces by thinking through your ideas from
your past experience. We have experts in marketing, large event planning, some are strong
on evening events and some have done all day events and actual hands on experts in ruining
performances. Every body is on a different speed now. I am used to running my own business
so I am good at facilitating. The small meetings I am coordinating in my last email by no means
replace the regular meetings that I have with some of you. In fact it will intensify. Because the
small group meetings are called to put the pieces together so we will all move towards our final
goal. We are not moving in lock step now but we will when we begin to see the complete
picture. It is my responsibility for us all to see the complete picture even our harmony vision is
from our own perspective. The underlying unifying force is harmony.

Some said we have world religion day, earth day, Martin Luther King day etc. By now they are all
enterprises on their own. There are also prolific numbers of freedom, democracy and conflict
resolution foundations, think tanks and NGO's. World harmony renaissance is the only one
universal common human value that is truly all embracing and all inclusive. In view of today's
national conflicts, disparities, unilateralism, terrorism, extremism and ecology concerns World
Harmony Renaissance is the coming tide of human development. It will release our concerted
creative energy by bringing us to a higher plane of common human value.

In pursuing World Harmony Renaissance we must be independent and truly international and not
relying on any one country. Even though we are all Americans and we are launching the first
World Harmony Day from San Francisco. When we do our first World Harmony Day Cultural
Festival right it does not have to be big, we will be in an enviable position to pick and choose
sponsors. There will be no lack of Corporate, foundation and individual funding according to
Spencer. I agree whole heartedly.

Life is full of meaningful campaigns for some of us. During the 60's, as a fluid mechanics major,
I was swept up in "Catching up with Russia" rocket and satellite research. In the 70's, during the
declining aerospace years, I did key research in establishing large scale fire safety computer
standardized building material tests, computer smoke propagation simulation to establish smoke
detector codes and standards. During the 80's I co-founded Aerophyics Company and Finance
and Technology Associates and was active in International energy conservation technology
transfer. My publication list on our website reflects U.S. national waves of priority like a road

Of late I am more cultural than scientific. My recent campaigns include peace painting
exhibitions, distribution of top quality music CD's and publishing of Harmony Renaissance essays

worldwide. That is why some of you get little gifts of Song of Shangri-La album and Ting Shao
Kwong posters. My World Harmony Renaissance lectures appear locally as well as worldwide
through Xinhua Net and World Affairs Journal announcements. I have come to know famous
artists, calligraphers, distinguished Western authors and record companies. All my past
endeavors and undertakings will add value to our World Harmony Day Cultural Festival. I will not
disappoint you.

I have been hearing great ideas from some of you. It is time to put some of the ideas together
and brain storm. Our tentative date for World Harmony is third week of September when school
is in session. If later, it needs to stay clear of Oct 1 and Oct. 10. WHO must remain clearly an
independent NGO pursuing World Harmony Renaissance with unbiased spirit of advocacy.
World Harmony Journal, our own voice, when launched will monitor justly international Harmony
development. Harmony is the highest human common value, together with justice,
trustworthiness and self discipline harmony can be maintained. In the U.S. democracy is
maintained by relying heavily on law and order. Harmony Renaissance will need increasing
education and self discipline. See our website click About US and
view concluding section of my second book on harmony.

Because some of you do travel on a regular basis we may have to settle on separate meetings
during the month of April. I will be diligent in collecting all your valuable ideas and come up with
an action program. By now from the frequency of my emails nobody need to ever feel
slighted. By the way, if you have not visited our website regularly you will find it has been
updated many times by your inputs. I assure you good ideas will be seriously considered.
Please also never hesitate to communicate with me.

For those who can make it in April please let me know your availability by email. I can come to
you or I will call for small meetings to suit you. I will act as a facilitator. Appreciate all your
support and dedication to World Harmony. America is the best place to advocate Harmony
Renaissance because of the resources here. Our team can prove unity in diversity works.


Dear Mr. Osborn, CEO, March 7, 2007

I have been following the recent development of Stirling Engine Application in electricity
generation using solar power. I am happy to learn of your Victorville Project, the 500 megawatt
utility plant build for Southern California Edison. Congratulations for a major and possibly the
largest solar ecology project well earned and deserving applause. My Stirling Solar Energy
connection goes way back. Together with Beno Sternlicht, then Chairman of MTI, our group
transferred important Stirling Engine technology to Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research
Institute during the 1980’s. The activities culminated in the holding of the Second International
Conference on Stirling Engines in Shanghai, China on June 21-24, 1984. I gave the keynote
speech “The Promising Future of Stirling Engines in China” with emphasis on solar electricity
generation in remote and rural areas.

Now I am founder of World Harmony Organization advocating World Harmony Renaissance

through large scale annual World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festivals. Harmony
belongs to the world. Its all embracing nature can raise common human value to a higher level. It
can release our creative energy from being mired in international conflicts, religious strife and
terrorist struggles. Acting in concert harmony renaissance can help solve ecology concerns
through grass root awareness of harmony with nature. The concept of harmony with nature,
ancient Chinese called “Tien Ren He YI” meaning unity with the universe. I believe Harmony
Renaissance like Stirling Engine revival can play a significant part in helping human to harmonize
with nature. Working together, SES and WHO can further promote ecology through large scale
World Harmony cultural events based on the protection of our World Harmony Renaissance
services trade marks. For more info please open our website

I look forward to a meaningful email discussion leading to productive personal meeting. WHO can
also add value to possible renewed Stirling Engine cooperation with China. WHO is supported by
distinguished individual thinkers such as Noam Chomsky, James Fallows, Harold Pinter and well
known artists who will perform in our annual Harmony Renaissance Festivals. The following is
our call for broad American advocacy in support of World Harmony Renaissance.

To those who are in resonance with World Harmony Renaissance, thank you for your
encouragement. America's mission is also WHO's mission. I look forward to your continuing
support. The following is actually my answer to the FAQ what can WHO do?

Ancient cultures approximately 2500 years ago or earlier, when there were not even clearly
defined national boundaries of today, developed modern religions, democracy and harmony.
These human heritage were cultivated over hundreds of years through graduate
development. Some were lost and were rediscovered, such as democracy and harmony. The
rediscovery of democracy through European Renaissance brought the release of energy that
herald the advent of modern scientific age.

America, the dynamic young nation did not have the same time history. Our mission has come to
be the nation of advocacy. We advocated modern religion and European democracy. We are
the nation that has the most resources and diverse ethnicity to advocate. I learned advocacy in
America. It took me fifty years. With today's international conflicts, religious strife, terrorism,
unilateralism, North and South disparity and ecology concerns, it is time for America to advocate
World Harmony Renaissance. Harmony belongs to the world but we have the most resources to
initiate it's renaissance.

The good news in international affairs are, our envoy is talking to North Korea about
normalization of relations and Rice will be participating at the Middle East Conference. The
announcement of six party talks to proceed with North Korea Nuclear conflict resolution clearly
indicated accommodation on both sides. The theme of my article at that time was "Beginning of
Harmony Renaissance at the Eastern Front?" After all the Far East was the cradle of basic
harmony practice through individual discipline and family unity. The Middle East was the cradle
of harmony through the submission of human will to the creator. European Renaissance brought
harmony between the government and its citizen by reviving ancient Greek democracy. America's
independence advocated democracy through law and order.

America, the most dynamic major new power, is the country with the most resources to advocate
Harmony Renaissance. Our mission is to lead through advocacy and not military power. The
conflicts of the world, religious strife and ecology concerns of today tell us the need to be more
tolerant, accepting, and respecting of other cultures and our common heritage. The way to solve
world conflicts is through discussions, consultation and consensus and that is the harmony
way. Harmony is reached through dynamic balance. Where there is unsustainable imbalance,
harmony will work its way. Nature's order is harmony and harmony is the order of nature. Human
beings are intelligent individuals. We can solve our ecology concerns when we practice harmony

Harmony Renaissance can be advocated at all levels and through all types of institutions by
education, communication and cultural exchanges. It must also be grown at the grass root levels
through group activities such as World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festival. I suggest
that the first World Harmony Day festivities be held at the San Francisco Bay Area, after all UN
was originally conceived here. Do we have consensus to initiate the first World Harmony
Renaissance Day?

Harmony belongs to the world. It is our common heritage and common value. It's revival will
bring human to the next level of accomplishment by diverting our creative energy now mired in
conflicts, strife and wars. We will have consensus to advocate Harmony Renaissance when we
work in concert. Unity in diversity is harmony and together we will have conviction. Be proud you
are citizens of the world and not citizens of one country.

May Harmony Prevail in the World!

Francis C. W. Fung, Ph. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Dear Mr. Osborn, CEO, and SES Team;

Thank you for your well wishes. I must congratulate you and the whole Stirling Energy Systems
team for the remarkable accomplishment of the 500 Megawatts Victorville Stirling engines largest
solar utility plant in the world. It is an outstanding example of human success in solving our
ecology concerns through harmony with nature.

SES also reminds me of a very grand energy conservation dream. In 1981 President Carter
days, Aerophysics got a $ 50 million Navy contract to develop diffusion fans for large scale ocean
going Service Effect Ships as cross ocean transports. It was zeroed out when Regan became
President. Funds was subsequently diverted to star war programs. Aerophysics visionaries of
large scale SES, Gabriel Boiler and Eugene Liberator, have long gone since. The dream still
lives in me.

My second harmony book "World Harmony Renaissance: Promise for a Better World" is now in
the process of being printed. Attached "Praise for World Harmony Renaissance" from the back
cover of the book demonstrates strong resonance from diverse distinguished independent
thinkers. A number of countries have in place programs to distribute my books to a wide
spectrum of their society. Visit our website and click banner Services
to see endorsement letters. Our World Harmony Cultural Festival planning is also taking hold
nicely, spreading with growing momentum at all levels.

A universal saying reinterpreted is "The spark of harmony can light up the prairie of collective
concerned hearts." World Harmony Organization (WHO) can enhance your and your
group's world image through our public programs. If you resonate with World Harmony Cultural
Festival, World Harmony Renaissance, World Harmony Ambassadors and World Harmony
Volunteers, you may want to find out about our programs.. These and other registered service
trade marked World Harmony Renaissance Center programs can put you and your group in
World Harmony Leadership position.

In today's world conflicts, religious strife, unilateralism and ecology concerns you can reach out to
the right international audience through our inclusive World Harmony image enhancing
programs. To find our more, Google world harmony renaissance you will discover the top three
listing and others are about World Harmony Renaissance. This publicity is without any
promotion from us. This is an indication of the strong harmony renaissance tide. You may wish
to become a prominent title sponsor of World Harmony Renaissance Center programs and also
the annual World Harmony Cultural Festivals. Look forward to a meeting to discuss this and
other matters of mutual interest in person. Would also very much like to visit your facilities as a
guest. It may bring back recollections of many energy conservation ideas. Attached is also the
FOREWORD to my book and my Publication List. Look forward to your kind response.

Sincerely Yours,
Francis C. W. Fungi, PH.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization

Following is a recent speech by the British Deputy Prime Minister Hon. John Prescott at Sheffield
University, England, appearing on internet when you Google world harmony renaissance. It is an
indication of the strong tide of world harmony renaissance. The sustainable governance system
for a country is an open harmony system evolved over time from its own culture with
interaction from outside, not imposed from the outside.

I did not realize until very recently, if you Google world harmony renaissance the presence of
World Harmony Organization on internet is strongly felt. Among other harmony and renaissance
articles world harmony renaissance is the timely leading tide. The first three sites and others are
all about WHO. This is without any promotion from us. Wait until we launch our World Harmony
Festival !


18 January 2007
"Thanks, Sarah [DAUNCEY]. I'm delighted to be here to formally open the Sheffield Confucius
Institute. This is not the first time I've been asked to celebrate Sheffield's links with China. Last
year, I visited Chengdu Blades - the football team which Sheffield United owns in South West
I want to congratulate Sheffield University, and its partners from China, for establishing this new
centre for academic excellence and cultural partnership.
Today, Sheffield formally joins the tremendous wave of Confucius Institutes opening across the
world. These new centers are demonstrating the increasing integration of China into world
education and the global economy.
I understand that, China wants to have 1,000 Confucius Institutes around the world by 2020, to
promote understanding of Chinese language and culture - especially an understanding of
contemporary China.
Since the first Institute opened in Seoul just over 2 years ago, they are now appearing in
countries from the USA to Russia, from Lebanon to Kenya, from Sweden to Bangladesh. And of
course, naturally, they've come to Sheffield and Yorkshire!
It's an extraordinary commitment by China to reach out to the global community - so we can
share their language, their culture and create greater understanding. As Jia Qinglin said at the
London School of Economics recently, the Confucius Institutes "will foster learning and enhance
culture, promote bilateral relations and in particular develop trade and economic co-operation to a
new level."
There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic, Francis
Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony Culture: Old and New - Promise for a
Less Confrontational World" that China is witnessing a harmony renaissance.
He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether Socialism with Chinese
characteristics can be Socialism with harmony. And Fung maintains that China's harmony
socialism will provide an alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st
Indeed, I note that in October the Chinese Communist Party launched a national campaign to
build a more harmonious society. In doing so, China appears to be reaffirming its own rich cultural
tradition of harmony.
And now, opening the Sheffield Confucius Institute, I reflect on the fact that this emphasis on
harmony between man and nature is part of a tradition of Chinese thought going back 2,500
years. This tradition has, of course, evolved and changed over time."

Dear Hon. John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister of U.K.;

I read with great respect your distinguished speech at Sheffield University, England on 18
January 2007. Thank you for quoting my humble articles on Harmony Renaissance. My wish to
communicate with you resonate with your spirit to pursuit East and West cultural exchange. As
Director General of World Harmony Organization(WHO), it is time for me to reach out to you on
the eve of our launching of Commissions of World Harmony Ambassadors and World Harmony

WHO is a not for profit, international and interfaith NGO dedicated to the pursuit of World
Harmony Renaissance for a Better World. Our Motto is "Harmony belongs to the world and is
the Order of Nature." Today's world conflicts, religious strife, unilateralism, terrorism,
extremism, North and South disparity and ecology concerns invite Harmony as the only universal
common value solution. Harmony is all embracing because it is the essence of tolerance,
acceptance, respect, equity and patience.

We at WHO are emboldened by can do attitude to call for service marked World Harmony
Ambassadors, World Harmony Volunteers and World Harmony Declaration through World
Harmony Festival, Commissions World Harmony Institutes and World Harmony Renaissance
Centers. As Dr. Kissinger recently put in his characteristic and low key manner, the world needs
a New World Order. The highest human common value and guiding spirit will be Harmony, our

World Harmony Renaissance is the timely inevitable tide. America is the young dynamic country
of advocacy. England, China and other distinguished nations too many to mention, are countries
of wisdom and spiritual inspiration. From our joint vantage point, time is ripe for America,
England and China to initiate true two way East and West cultural exchange. You as a pioneer,
has already set an admirable example. It is my honor to invite you to participate directly in our
universal World Harmony Renaissance movement.

We welcome Honorary Advisers, Consultants and Directors to join in the pressing work of
launching the World Harmony Festival, World Harmony Ambassador Nominations and World
Harmony Declaration drafting. Your dedication, guidance and leadership in pursuit of harmony
will be greatly appreciated. Be proud we are citizens of the world and not citizens of one powerful
nation. Attached is the Foreword and back cover of my forthcoming book "World Harmony
Renaissance: Promise for a Better World" for your preview and comment.

May harmony prevail in the world!

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization

Life bears meaning when we answer to the call of historical duty. The pressing historical
mission is World Harmony Renaissance to solve world conflicts, religious strife, unilateralism,
terrorism, extreme North and South disparities and ecology concerns. As we move forward on
World Harmony Festival we must all be prepared to do our part. Once more, my role is to insure
that your effort and investment on World Harmony Renaissance be reasonably protected and not
easily infringed upon. Contents of our primary website will keep
expanding our platform to give you that protection through good will, publication, advertising,
performance and legal registrations.

As much as I do not wish to burden you about my credentials, it is our group performance that will
speak for World Harmony Organization, you will face the question "Is he for real?" as we move
forward. Just as the subject title declares, my attached publication list is a continuous answer to
historical call of duty. Together we are responding to the historical duty 'It is time for America to
Advocate World Harmony Renaissance", as declared in my forthcoming book "World Harmony
Renaissance: Promise for a Better World".

A quick glance of my land mark papers in the attached partial publication list will reveal my life
long dedication followed the road map of U.S. priority development. During the 1960's Space
travel urgency, my publication was exemplified by "Dynamic Response of Partially Filled
Containers in a weightless Environment". In the 1970's, after Armstrong landed on the moon,
U.S. came back down to earth, my official publications with U.S. National Bureau of Standards
were on computer simulations that established the standardized tests for fire endurance
construction materials and smoke detectors codes and standards. You can Google my
publications on internet if you wish.

During the 1980's first energy crisis, after the oil embargo, my energy conservation researches
sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy led to the publication, "A plan to Achieve National
Energy Independence" and my Keynote speech at the "Second International Conference on
Stirling Engines". For those who wish to know, the largest pollution free solar electric utility plant
is not by solar electric cells. It is the Victorville, CA, solar powered electric utility plant build for
Southern California Edison. The plant scheduled to come on line 2009, will be powered by
20,000 solar powered Stirling Engines, producing 500 Megawatts, enough electricity for 300,000

Numerous current books and papers published by our esteemed and distinguished American
statesmen, such as Kissinger, Albright, Brzezinski, Obama and also the Iraq Study Group Report
,are searching for solutions. The concerted wish is to resolve above mentioned crisis, so we may
build a more understanding world of hope with higher universal common value and even a new
world order as proclaimed by Kissinger.

My own humble research on harmony over the years has evolved and broadened to our call for
World Harmony Festival, World Harmony Ambassadors, World Harmony Volunteers, World
Harmony Renaissance Centers and World Harmony Declaration, all service mark registered. The
sustainable governance system for a country is an open harmony system evolved over time from
its own culture with interaction from outside, not imposed form the outside. Harmony belongs to
the world and it is the order of nature. It is time for America to Advocate World Harmony
Renaissance not only democracy. Be proud your Citizens of the World and not Citizens of one
Powerful Nation.

May Harmony Prevail in the World!

Francis C. W. Fung,PH. D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization

March 29, 2007

Excerpt from speech at Sheffield University, England, Jan. 18, 2007
“There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic, Francis
Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony Culture: Old and New - Promise for a
Less Confrontational World" that China is witnessing a harmony renaissance.
He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether Socialism with Chinese
characteristics can be Socialism with harmony. And Fung maintains that China's harmony

socialism will provide an alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st
Indeed, I note that in October the Chinese Communist Party launched a national campaign to
build a more harmonious society. In doing so, China appears to be reaffirming its own rich cultural
tradition of harmony.
And now, opening the Sheffield Confucius Institute, I reflect on the fact that this emphasis on
harmony between man and nature is part of a tradition of Chinese thought going back 2,500
years. This tradition has, of course, evolved and changed over time."
Hon. John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister of U.K.

“Any sustainable governance system for a country must be an open harmony system
evolved over time from its own culture with interaction from outside, not imposed from the
Francis C. W. Fung, PH. D.

Following is a brief letter to UK Deputy Prime Minister Hon John Prescott, who has quoted my
essays from time to time. I propose that UK-America- China form a triangular platform to begin
pursuing harmony consensus by action that will lead to more participation. Harmony Consensus
is high lighted in my forthcoming book "World Harmony Renaissance: Promise for a better
World". We are in uncharted territories. A lot of work needs to be done. There will be many
great thinkers contribute to the collective treatise of World Harmony Consensus. Harmony
Consensus is a common aspiration and Renaissance is action, together harmony will have life.
For some pioneering thoughts, please visit our website The tide of
World Harmony Renaissance is with us.

Dear Deputy Prime Minister Hon John Prescott,

I am greatly encouraged by your distinguished 18 January 2007 speech summarizing the work of
UK China Task Force uniquely set up by the two Prime Ministers-Tony Blair and Wen Jiabao in
2003. You are to be commended for the tremendous accomplishments at all levels for
the diverse exchanges under your leadership in such a short time. I am especially impressed by
your belief in cultural exchanges and the harmony it can bring to UK and China.

From your quotations of my writings, you are familiar with my harmony essays and
announcements published worldwide by Xinhua Net, China Economic Net, CPC (Building
Socialist Harmonious Society) Net and "Foreign Affairs" Journal. Please refer to attached Google
search results and "Praise for World Harmony Renaissance" from the back cover of my
forthcoming book. With your permission I would like to include your significant speech in my
book "World Harmony Renaissance: Promise for a Better World" as an inspiring success story on
World Harmony Renaissance. My current book is a collection of Essays and Speeches on
the Launching of World Harmony Organization, on calling for world participation in World
Harmony Festivals, Ambassadors, Volunteers, Declarations and formation of World Harmony
Renaissance Centers and other solutions for today's world problems through Harmony
Consensus. The immediate crisis facing the world includes international conflicts, religious strife,
terrorism, extremism, unilateralism, North and South extreme disparity and ecology, resources

I believe time is ripe for young and dynamic America to advocate World Harmony Renaissance
through the solutions I suggested in my book. Together with England and your vision, America
and China can be the three representative world cultural pillars of historical importance to initiate
the pursue of world harmony renaissance. The formation of this triangular platform with you as
the vanguard, modeled after the UK China Task Force, can create the dynamics and sustainable
momentum and gather the necessary resources to herald the World Harmony Renaissance tide.
People's longing for Harmony Development is moving ahead and governments will follow. World
Harmony Renaissance needs the participation of the world community but UK-America-China
Harmony Consensus is a necessary condition to provide traction. Be proud we are citizens of
the world and not citizens of one powerful nation.

May Harmony Prevail in the World!

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.


Hi Todd,

Thank you for your response. It will be really worth it for your producers, bands and your group
to come to San Francisco. Our event will launch the worldwide annual World Harmony
Renaissance Day Cultural Festivals. Perhaps the scope is bigger than you originally
envisioned. Our senior advisers command world attention when they appear on World Harmony
Day Festival. World Harmony Renaissance Day calls for worldwide recurring events to repeat

You may not be aware of the exclusivity of our service mark statements on our website. The
legal registration allows WHO to continue to build momentum under the banner of World
Harmony Renaissance, preventing infringement on our event rights by other groups. Involvement
in our activity will add significant value to your group far above international music fusion. There
can be more international music fusion groups but there can only be World Harmony
Renaissance Day events, Volunteer corps, Ambassadors under WHO.

Our events have the noble goals of cultivating volunteers and honoring Ambassadors to serve
World Harmony Renaissance. This give added honors for donors to fund our events. Please
share our website info and this email explanation with your other producers.

Money is not hard to raise from cash rich major Silicone Valley Corporations with the common
cause of World Harmony Renaissance. We must have good program and the draw of prominent
speakers. The timing is perfect. Without harmony at work, who would think of U.S. Envoy is
now talking with North Korea to normalize relations after more than 50 years of confrontation? I
believe harmony consensus is the only solution o resolve the U.S. Iran conflict. Harmony is
above religious strife between different cultures.

In my last email you may have noticed that SFSU is calling in Jeremy Benjamin, Director of
University Development, and Major Gifts, to work on World Harmony Renaissance Day. I will
also meet with key university development officers of Brown University, my Alma Mater, on World
Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festival this weekend, here in San Francisco.

Please give me a time frame when your group can come. I need to know how many Bands ( I
recall you said 10 bands or more) will be participating, their names, also the program and
description of leading artists. I will make a serious evaluation of your group with other
options Keeping in mind your goal do fall into our long tern and broad mission that resonates
with the America's current urge for International harmony. Last but not the least, I will consider a
long term understanding for your group to appear in our future World Harmony Day worldwide
events. Please inform your producers of the long term prospect of World Harmony
Renaissance. World Harmony Renaissance Begins with U.S. China Harmony Consensus. I
also have a lot of respect for you and your father.


Todd Khozein <> wrote:

Hi Francis,

Great to hear your voice the other day. I’ve spoken with all the producers and the artists and
we had a conference meeting about your request to have us go to San Francisco. I also spoke
with them about the harmony project. The concern that they all had really was logistics. We
ran the numbers and it will cost us significantly more to fly out there and set up the festival
since we are not able to capitalize on the economies of scale. Also we would have to
renegotiate that one extra date with the bands. This is possible but in order to move the
entire festival and entourage we would need USD60,000. If you think this is within the budget
of what the Harmony Project could raise we would need to set some sort of a deadline, most
likely early May. I could probably push this date back towards the end of May, but that would
be a difficult sell to the other producers.

Best Regards,


Dear Fred, March 8, 2007

Since we put on the Shangri-La Song and Dance Performance in San Francisco back in 2002
and the distribution of the deluxe Song of Shangri-La CD and book album, I have gone on to
bigger and more noble ideas. I have founded World Harmony Organization dedicated to the
pursuit of World Harmony Renaissance as a solution for today's world conflicts, religious strife,
terrorism and ecology concerns. Harmony Renaissance through the practice of tolerance,
acceptance, patience and respect of other culture and systems puts humanity at a higher level
of common value. Through harmony consensus, in concert we can release our energy mired in
conflict struggle as a harmony whole. This redeemed Harmony Renaissance creative energy,
together with modern science, will bring humanity to the next level of accomplishment beyond
17th Century European Renaissance.

Hi Todd,

It was a good reply from you. We are beginning to understand the synergistic of us working
together. I will look forward to your final proposal. WHO is now working with major multinational
corporations to enhance their world image through our World Harmony Renaissance programs.
We will only select corporations that will resonate with our Harmony visions. Please share with
your producers the following communication I have with our "Big Gift" fund raiser.

World Harmony Renaissance have the support of distinguished independent thinkers such as
Noam Chomsky, James Fallows, Pan Ke-Moon, Harold Pinter and so on. 23 years ago together
with Beno Sternlicht, then Chairman of MTI, our group transferred important Stirling engine
technology to China. That culminated in the Second International Conference on Stirling
Engines, held in Shanghai, China, June 21-24, 1984. I was the keynote speaker, my paper was
"The Promising Future of Stirling Engines in China". Now 20,000 Stirling Engines are being
deployed near Victorville, CA to produce 500 megawatts electricity, enough for 300,000 families.
When goes into full operation in 2009, it will be the largest pollution free solar powered Utility
Plant in the world, managed by Southern California Edison.

Stirling engine solar electric utility revival and World Harmony Renaissance both reflect WHO's
long range vision in bringing harmony solutions to the conflicting world from ecology to world

conflict resolutions.. We are dedicated to the pursuit of World Harmony through education,
conferences, publications, World Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festivals, Harmony
Ambassadors and Harmony Volunteer Corps. Our activities will be all embracing from the grass
roots to the sublime.

"World Harmony Organization" is now positioned as leader to enhance the good will world image
of "Multinational Corporations" worldwide. MC's who resonate and connect with WHO will
immediately gain tangible harmony recognition. For selected significant MC's that participate in
our worldwide programs such as World Harmony Day Cultural Festival, Harmony
Ambassadors and World Harmony Volunteers Corps can become leading MC's in World
Harmony movement. Our Senior Advisers, Harmony Renaissance position papers, important
service trade mark registrations on World Harmony, World Harmony Renaissance, World
Harmony Ambassadors and other related significant intellectual properties will be the
powerful support and resources. Please refer to our website home page .

I am ready to roll. Shall we work in concert with selected significant MC's for our first World
Harmony Day Festivities? The first one done well will pave the way for many more to come.

May Harmony Prevail in the World !

Francis. C. W. Fung, Ph. D.

Todd Khozein <> wrote:

Hi Francis,

I have forwarded along your detailed explanation along to the other producers. We are just
finalizing dates and bands right now as we are in Toronto meeting with most of the big names
in the industry here. I will send you a finalized list once I get it. The dates will be August-
September. There will be somewhere around the vicinity of about 10 bands including Cui Jian.
I agree that this seems like a very natural collaboration. I would like to point out that we are
gearing the entire festival tour around 16-25 year old kids. If you have a one-time event and
a particular demographic that you are catering to we could, alternatively, produce a one-time
event for you, but I would have to let the team of producers know ahead of time. The team is
quite well connected and could secure virtually any artist in North America or china for your
show. Thank you for your kind words about my father and myself, I assure you we feel the
same about you.


On 3/7/07 8:11 PM, "Francis Fung" <> wrote:

Hi Todd,

Thank you for your response. It will be really worth it for your producers, bands and your
group to come to San Francisco. Our event will launch the worldwide annual World Harmony

Renaissance Day Cultural Festivals. Perhaps the scope is bigger than you originally
envisioned. Our senior advisers command world attention when they appear on World
Harmony Day Festival. World Harmony Renaissance Day calls for worldwide recurring events
to repeat annually.

You may not be aware of the exclusivity of our service mark statements on our website. The
legal registration allows WHO to continue to build momentum under the banner of World
Harmony Renaissance, preventing infringement on our event rights by other groups.
Involvement in our activity will add significant value to your group far above international
music fusion. There can be more international music fusion groups but there can only be
World Harmony Renaissance Day events, Volunteer corps, Ambassadors under WHO.

Our events have the noble goals of cultivating volunteers and honoring Ambassadors to serve
World Harmony Renaissance. This give added honors for donors to fund our events. Please
share our website info and this email explanation with your other producers.

Money is not hard to raise from cash rich major Silicone Valley Corporations with the
common cause of World Harmony Renaissance. We must have good program and the draw of
prominent speakers. The timing is perfect. Without harmony at work, who would think of
U.S. Envoy is now talking with North Korea to normalize relations after more than 50 years of
confrontation? I believe harmony consensus is the only solution o resolve the U.S. Iran
conflict. Harmony is above religious strife between different cultures.

In my last email you may have noticed that SFSU is calling in Jeremy Benjamin, Director of
University Development, Major Gifts, to work on World Harmony Renaissance Day. I will also
meet with key university development officers of Brown University, my Alma Mater, on World
Harmony Renaissance Day Cultural Festival this weekend, here in San Francisco.

Please give me a time frame when your group can come. I need to know how many Bands ( I
recall you said 10 bands or more) will be participating, their names, also the program and
description of leading artists. I will make a serious evaluation of your group with other
options Keeping in mind your goal do fall into our long tern and broad mission that resonates
with the America's current urge for International harmony. Last but not the least, I will
consider a long term understanding for your group to appear in our future World Harmony Day
worldwide events. Please inform your producers of the long term prospect of World Harmony
Renaissance. World Harmony Renaissance Begins with U.S. China Harmony Consensus. I
also have a lot of respect for you and your father.


Todd Khozein <> wrote:

Hi Francis,

Great to hear your voice the other day. I’ve spoken with all the producers and the artists and
we had a conference meeting about your request to have us go to San Francisco. I also spoke

with them about the harmony project. The concern that they all had really was logistics. We
ran the numbers and it will cost us significantly more to fly out there and set up the festival
since we are not able to capitalize on the economies of scale. Also we would have to
renegotiate that one extra date with the bands. This is possible but in order to move the
entire festival and entourage we would need USD60,000. If you think this is within the budget
of what the Harmony Project could raise we would need to set some sort of a deadline, most
likely early May. I could probably push this date back towards the end of May, but that would
be a difficult sell to the other producers.

Best Regards,

Hi Todd,

Regarding demographic I mentioned harmony is all embracing from grass roots to the sublime.
In reality harmony is dynamic balance between the young and old, old and new, Ying and Yang.
But Yang contains parts of Ying and Ying contains parts of Yang to create harmony. My contact
is working on arranging Lang Lang, the Chinese Piano protégé for World Harmony
Day. Audience expect Cui Jian the older musician from your group plays rock and roll and young
Lang Lang plays classical. However, together they can probably play harmony fusion to rouse
the public.

On our first World Harmony Day Cultural Festival in the Bay Area we will see multi ethnicity and
culture mingle. Todd, have you thought of the interesting phenomenon that you and I represent
the older cultures wishes to embrace the newer American culture. How about the other way
around? In 21st century we will see young Western democracy fuse with Old World
Harmony. That is what I call meeting of the mind and reaching Harmony Consensus.

By working together we set the example on World Harmony Day that the young truly contains
parts of old and the other way around. Todd, when we proved that we have synergistic to improve
the image of Multinational Corporations our working relation must be upgraded. I look forward
to that day.

Best Wishes to you and your love ones.



I read with great respect Chu Jiamin 's 10 comments in Chinese on "The Rise of Great Empires"
forwarded by Jin-Shen Shyr. I am greatly encouraged to learn of your interest and amiable
academic discussions of the impressive CCTV epic series on "The Rise of Great Empires" put
together by multinational effort. It is an admirable academic undertaking to find solutions out of
today's uncertainties. With Li-Chi's permission I would like to quote his response to "The Rise of
Great Empires" also forwarded by Jin. According to Li-Chi, the under lying principle of
sustainability of great power is "With a good quality and a sound character good things will come
and will last a long time". I cannot agree more.

I humbly share with you my view that our discussions can start with China but be broadened to
the whole world around us. By rediscovering harmony China finds its own roots. The world can
find diverse harmony roots by many nations from its own cultural heritage. Harmony has
universal common value that also includes seeds of democracy. "Any sustainable governance
system for a country must be an open harmony system evolved over time from its own culture
with interaction from outside, not imposed from the outside". Please refer to the Xinhua
published essay "Chinese Harmony Renaissance: Can World Ignore It?" on many website listed
by Google and Yahoo. In the 21st century China and the world will move beyond democracy
and work with world harmony renaissance. In so doing China and the rest of the world will
regain each nations cultural preeminence on world stage again. The world will be part of the
world harmony renaissance striving ahead with diverse world culture and not endlessly
follow one culture's leadership.

Harmony belongs to the world and is multifaceted. WORLD HARMONY RENAISSANCE IS

PEACEFUL RISE OF THE WORLD. It is what the world is waiting for to lead us to a higher level
common value The harmony consensus reached will release our concerted creativeness to
bring our accomplishments to a higher level beyond what we have achieved through European
Renaissance. Please refer to articles on China Economic Net and Xinhua Net on "World
Harmony Organization is Launched in San Francisco" Jan 21st, 2007. Harmony Consensus
begins with discussions and consultations in the harmony spirit of tolerance, acceptance, mutual
respect, equality and patience. The all embracing harmony spirit is the common value that will
enable the world to find solutions out of today's uncertainties.


Dear Dr. Pao,

Your singularly unique and inspirational creativity in launching new industries in this world such
as the universal water jets and large scale wind turbines industries do not need me to add
acolyte. I predict your brain child of Vertical Axis Wind turbine has now come of age, and will
help solving the world energy and ecology problems with a single stroke in a most significant
way. Yes, Eco Power's Milti- billion dollar 3000 MW wind energy farm project in Dontai will live in
history as the most significant single energy technology transfer of our time.

I remembered well the days we graduate students at Johns Hopkins University studied as a
group to prepare for our 1964 comprehensive examination under your leadership. Personally I am
still very appreciative that you invited us graduate students to your home after the 1962 JHU
commencement ceremony included my fiancée Kathleen Patricia. At that time interracial
marriage was extremely rare. You and your wife's support was most encouraging to Kathleen
and I. As follow up, you may be pleased to learn that two of my interracial children are
practicing medicine in the U.S. today. In their own way, I am sure they will contribute to U.S.
medical science.

Getting to the timely significant point, it occurred to me that it is no coincidence that we both are
working with nature in our undertakings. That our noble efforts complementing each other. You
are working with water and air, converting the two most life sustaining soft elements to energy
and ecology power. It is an universal truism that "With patience the softest with triumph over the
hardest". This is the order of nature and the spirit of Harmony. I am working with World
Harmony Renaissance, nature's eternal order, as solution to today's international conflicts,
religious strife, terrorism, extremism, extreme disparity, unilateralism and ecology concerns.

Did the world renowned faculty at JHU by stretching our minds from engineering to fluid
mechanics and then rational mechanics inspire you and I to extend our thought from engineering
to observation of nature and then to world solutions?

During the 1980's the first wave of world energy consciousness, I transferred French diffusion fan
technology for large scale Surface Effect Ships to the U.S. and U.S. technology to China.
Among them are MTI Stirling Engine and Cooper-Rolls Royce power turbine technology for power
generation. These activities climaxed in my keynote speech "The Promising Future of Stirling
Engines in China" during 1984, "2ND International Conference on Stirling Engines". That
Conference may have undeniable effect or reviving worldwide interest on Stirling Engines. I am
vindicated today by witnessing the Victorville, CA 500 MW utility plant using 20,000 Stirling
Engines to generate pollution free solar electricity for 300,000 families.

Your planned Milti- billion dollar Dongtai Wind turbine farm exceeds the Victorville project by six
times and your argument that by 2020 wind turbine power generation can potentially create 1000

GW energy to supply half of the electricity need for China is most convincing. Imagine the the
scale of reduction of climate warming pollution and the contribution to clean environment and
ecology by your green electricity innovation and implementation !

Now to the most timely and important point, I believe we can infinitely enhance our visions and
dreams through mutual support. Circumstances permitting, we together represent unstoppable
momentum to make our visions become reality. To update you since our last telephone
conversation, World Harmony Renaissance vision has the important support of many
distinguished media and scholars. Our World Harmony Organization
have announced World Harmony Festival, World Harmony Ambassadors, World Harmony
Volunteers, World Harmony Renaissance Centers and World Harmony Declaration Draft. All our
announcements are service trade mark protected. My essays on harmony renaissance and
announcement are also widely published and quoted by Xinhua, China Economy, CPC "Building
Socialist Harmonious Society" Nets and Foreign Affairs Journal.

Attached are Yahoo and Google search results on World Harmony Organization and my
publications and "Praise for World Harmony Renaissance" from the back cover of my second
harmony book "World Harmony Renaissance: Promise for a Better World". The partial
notable praise are taken from direct communication with the distinguished individuals. The
praise of relevance to your world energy and ecology vision are in this case, from Stirling Energy
Systems, the UK Deputy Prim Minister Hon John Prescott and Xinhua News.

My publications are in the process of being translated by authoritative organizations. Attached

is also a Chinese Essay summary on me and WHO, written by a CCTV reporter (the story was
distributed worldwide through Xinhua News by a multitude of Chinese media). Also attached
is Xinhua announcement "World Harmony Organization Launched in San Francisco" carried
by China Economic Net.

World Harmony Renaissance embraces all human activities, ecology and more. Harmony
belongs to the world. Eco Power and WHO are natural partners in enhancing our mutual
complementary visions. I am calling for UK-America-China to initiate World Harmony
Consensus. The Hon. John Prescott has contributed significantly to UK China cultural and
diverse exchanges to improve British China harmony. Be proud we are citizens of the world and
not citizens of one powerful nation. I look forward to continuing our mutually supportive
communication that will enhance our visions.

May Harmony Prevail in the World!

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.

Dear Dr. Pao,

It occurred to me on reflection, that your Chinese name Yiho, resonates with harmony.
Confucius said "In application of ceremony, harmony is most precious." As fellow fluid
dynamicists and classmates of Johns Hopkins University, I respect you greatly for turning to the
natural elements, water and air to solve ecology concerns and implementing large scale green
electricity generation by your innovative VAW wind farm. I know new technology
commercialization is a major undertaking especially for large scale green electricity generation.
A considerable part of my life was spent on just that.

It is no by means a coincidence that I turn to Harmony Renaissance to find solutions for today's
uncertainties. Water and air the softest elements exemplify the spirit of harmony. In patience
and determination the softest can triumph over the hardest. It takes great self discipline to be
soft and practice harmony. Water can float and sink the mightiest ocean going carrier. Air can
lift and tail spin the greatest flying machine man can devise. Harmony is our universal common
value and order of nature.

In my previous communication to you I did not wish to burden you with any detail of my advocacy
of Harmony Renaissance. Because I believe as Chinese Americans, you and I both have insight
to see as self evident, the respective roles of America and China. In these troubling times,
ancient China will initiate harmony renaissance, and America, the young dynamic country, will
advocate world harmony. My comparative essays in assessing religion, democracy and
harmony, the three main pillars of dominant world lasting cultures, come to the conclusion that
universal common value, harmony, will carry mankind forward in the 21st century beyond the
accomplishments of democracy.

Encouraged by the following quotations taken by UK Deputy Prime Minister Hon John Prescott
from my papers and with due humility I wish to continue our discussions. "There's been a great
deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic, Francis Fung, has argued in
his recent paper "Chinese Culture Old and New: Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that
China is witnessing a harmony renaissance. He claims that great debates are happening in
China over whether Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be socialism with harmony. And
Fung maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an alternative model, as the leading
system of governance in the 21st Century." From my second book "World Harmony
Renaissance: Promise for a Better World", I said "Any sustainable governance system for a
country must be an open harmony system evolved over time from its own culture with interaction
from outside, not imposed from the outside".

My articles that Hon John Prescott quoted from, are distributed and carried worldwide by many
websites. From my limited exposure they include Xinhua News, China Economic Net, Absurdist
Republic, Moscow Net, Chinadaily BBS and Eastday from my hometown Shanghai. In the blog
sites of some of these websites, my abridged paper by Xinhua News, "Chinese Harmony
Renaissance: Can World Ignore it?" is frequently visited and quoted. Emboldened by the

broadening discussions, I am attaching two papers selected from my harmony book series for
your review and comment.

Of late I read with great respect significant books and statements, by distinguished American
leaders and statesmen, President Bush, Dr. Kissinger, Dr. Brzezinski, Madame Albright and
Senator Barack Obama. The depth of these insights are full of hope for the revival of
America. With a little humility, America will soon regain the preeminence that we so desire. I
personally wish America will live up to its potential as the country of world conscience and not
necessarily the greatest power. For those who still think in today's uncertainty and religious
strife, that we can collectively pull ourselves out of the present demise without harmony
renaissance, I beg to take exception.

Diverse cultures and religions are to be shared and enjoyed by the world for unity in
diversity. Inherently religions tend to be exclusive by nature of the fixation on cultural specific
conception of God. As great as religion in world culture contribution, religion's fervent appeal as
a world unifying force has been lacking. There is no better time for America to advocate World
Harmony and lead the world to the next phase of accomplishment beyond European
Renaissance. Harmony is all inclusive. It is the universal common value that accepts unity in
diversity as its premise. There is no need to institutionalize harmony as politics and religion do.
Modern day communication provides ample opportunity for independent thinkers worldwide to
practice unity in diversity through harmony. Be proud we are citizens of the world and not
citizens of one powerful nation

May Harmony Prevail in the World!

Francis C. W. Fung, PH. D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.


Harmony propagates by resonance 2007-04-10 11:43:49


BEIJING, April 10 (Xinhuanet) -- Harmony is the order of nature.

Resonance is nature's preferred way of propagation. We resonate
in harmony in a chorus. We receive multitudes of signals and
information through sound waves, light waves, Radio, TV, Internet
waves and so on in the air through all types of harmony
resonances by way of physical, electronic and other natural
phenomena too numerous to mention. In harmony our hearts can
resonate together. The annual World Harmony Cultural Festival will
cause harmony to resonate in people's hearts. I will persist.

Justice opens our eyes to the world's disharmony. By practicing

harmony through necessary self discipline we each pave the way
for bringing harmony through resonance. Harmony premise is
tolerance, understanding, acceptance, respect, equality and
patience. As great as religion and democracy are as the two other
pillars of human main culture besides harmony, they have been
lacking in unifying the world in diversity even after 2500 years. The
inadequacy lies in the fixation of each religion's individual
institutionalized God. In the case of democracy the rueful disregard
of respective nation's historical development, disrespect for
individual nationalistic cultures, coupled with coercion and use of
military force greatly tarnished its image.

Harmony being the most universal value and nature's order will
propagate by resonance, nature's preferred way. Harmony does not
need to be institutionalized because it belongs to the world. By its
very principle, It renounces force and violence. Its ultimate believe
is that the softest triumphs over the hardest by patience and not

necessary through passivity. Just like the erosion of the hardest by
the softest elements air and water as I always image. To be soft and
gentle require more discipline than to be hard and tough. A gentle
nature requires the practice of harmony through the deepest
conviction in the face of force and violence.

As a self learner since childhood I am not thrilled to teach

sometimes. Although I taught fluid mechanics, physics,
mathematics, international business, foreign affairs and creativity
one time or the other in my career. I believe we all can learn by our
self when we want to. For religion and philosophy the days of paid
preacher is on the wane because of the spread of universal
education. I am very thrilled that you share with me your insight
and wisdom because I am enriched and grow by it. I am deeply
appreciative of all who responded to me.

May Harmony Prevail in the World!

Editor: Xia Xiaopeng

Dear Francis,
Well-written story with great insight! Expecting more stories from you.
Have a good one.

Harmony Renaissance is coming to Life on the Internet

Dear Friends,

Modern culture of 21st Century will be driven by Harmony, Democracy and

Religion. Of the three, Harmony builds on more universal common value and
propagates by resonance. Equity opens our eyes to see the Global disharmony
and extreme disparity of today. Harmony advocates dynamic balance and gives
us the wisdom to resolve disharmony through humility. Only with humility can we
practice tolerance, acceptance and respect for other cultures. A powerful nation
proclaims greatness clouds the heart of humility. Nobility takes a back seat after
humility. The more powerful we are, the more humility is needed. Be proud we
are citizens of the world and not citizens of one powerful nation.

In our pursuit of harmony renaissance we image ourselves as the gentle
elements, air and water. The word is mightier than the sword as universally
proclaimed. Harmony is one of the most widely published subjects on the
website. It shows up under category of music, physical and social sciences,
history, culture, current events, world affairs, world solutions and you name it.
Because of its all inclusivity of all human activities with ourselves and with nature,
the collective consciousness has already been awakened. It certainly has
surpassed democracy as the more discussed current topic on the Internet.

On our blog site we have published 28 articles

from the longest "Chinese Harmony and America Democracy in 21st Century" to
the shortest "Harmony Propagates by Resonance." Some of the milestone
publications are " World Harmony Organization Launched in San Francisco",
"Call for World Harmony Festival, Ambassadors and Volunteers", "Draft World
Harmony Renaissance Declaration", "Harmony is Natural Science" and so on.
For those who wants to know more a blog management
site lists all our publications.

Our articles are indeed being propagated through resonance by many sites such
as Google, Yahoo, Absurdist Republic, Technoratic. Inform, Xinhua, Chinadaily
BBS and other major worldwide media sites. These are just what I uncovered.
I am sure there are other sites out there that quote and propagate our published
articles. By seeing the momentum grow, one cannot help but feel that we have
reached the critical mass and the spontaneous reaction rate that it is time for us
to proactively plan our first annual World Harmony Festival in San Francisco.
Interesting enough a couple of Blog management sites have announced
"Harmony Propagates by Resonance" and "Harmony is Natural Science" under
their physics blog category, and others under Cultural , Current News and World
Harmony categories. You can see the broad coverage on Internet for our
Harmony papers. Our blog site is

Francis C. W. Fung,PH.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization

Hope and Harmony Renaissance

Dean Jacob Perea said I have a dream. It is a dream of harmony renaissance

for our future generation, for America, for China and for the world. We all have
hierarchy of dreams. For dreams to be sustaining in these days of fast pace,
fast communication it needs to reach out to the world. Dreams will be short lived
if one limits oneself to one nation, no matter how powerful or how much potential
it may have.

America is the most powerful and resource endowed nation and China is the
most populous and ancient nation with potential. So is Europe, India and many
other countries of promise, having common mission to help the world. It is
logical for America and China working together to initiate world harmony
renaissance. It is time for America, the young dynamic country with ample
resources to advocate world harmony renaissance for its own nobility and for a
better world.

Senator Barack Obama with foresight is running his campaign with youthful vigor
and hope. Hope however is empty wish without underlying supporting
philosophy. Hope based on reviving of America greatness without consideration
of world harmony is without foundation. America's nobility will only come through
if we see in harmony the humility that we need to practice. Nobility comes after
humility as I posted on Internet in my last essay "Harmony Renaissance is
Coming Alive on the Internet".

The more powerful we are the more we need to practice humility. Humility must
increase in direct proportion to our expansion of power to maintain harmony.
This the fundamental teaching of dynamic balance in harmony. Keeping
harmony is the single most effective approach to improve American global
image. American world image is the lowest during the last 50 years because we
are perceived as the unilateral super power. We have no time to waste.

World Harmony Organization has built its image and good will through
publications and the multiplying power of the Internet. We also have the
necessary service trade mark registrations and legal protections to initiate a long
lasting harmony renaissance campaign. Our momentum will enhance the future
career of all team members directly involved, and the opportunity for SFSU to
launch its aspiration of teaching harmony.

Religion, democracy and harmony are the three pillars of human culture. This is
self evident to all independent thinkers. On the world stage both religion and
democracy had profound impact on our common civilization. In these days of
world disharmony and disparity, the eyes of equity urge us to move beyond

religion and democracy to harmony as world solutions. The premise of harmony
is non violence, tolerance, acceptance, respect and equity. It is the single most
dynamic common value to foster unity in diversity.

We are investing in harmony for unity in diversity. Corporations and individuals

with harmony vision to resonate with the world are investing in their own well
being, their future generations and in the world. We are all pioneers riding with
the inevitable tide of harmony. That is obvious from the perspective of a better
future world. Religious institutions, democratic organizations have raised billions
for their cause. Why can't harmony raise funds for worldwide harmony culture
festivals? After our initial success our festival will sure spread nationwide and
worldwide. If the budding campaign of Senator Obama can raise 25 million
on Hope for America why funds can’t be raised for World Harmony Renaissance

May Harmony Prevail in the World.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH. D.

Director General
World Harmony organization.
April 6, 2007 5AM. wrote:

name = Morgan Steacy

comments = To whom it may concern,
I have been reading professor Fung's letters and articles, posted to his
blog site for the last week, and have become comlpetely enraptured by the
hope of future possibility that they bring. Although there is nothing that I
could do physically, as I am in Toronto, and the World Harmony Festival is
taking place in San Francisco, if there were anything that I could do from
home to volunteer my time over the summer months, I would be thrilled to
be a part of something that I have been advocating myself for some time
I am currently a student at York University in Toronto, Canada, studying
East Asia focusing on China. My main area of concern lies squarely within
your realm of thought insofar as ascertaining the facets of Chinese thought
that may be able to ameliorate the social situation of my country and the
world at large. I am certain that I would be able to contribute to your
organisation with great success.
Please feel free to contact me by any means, and I look forward to being in


Dear Morgan,

In this age of communication wonders there is no excuse not to be responsive.

It is a very good feeling to be resonating in harmony.

Your experience demonstrated that you are talented, have great potential and
definitely suited to be an important part of the world harmony cultural festival
team. Your bi-cultural training and insight lifts your aspiration to see the
possibilities of world harmony renaissance. I know you have justice and
righteous virtue in your heart. Your artistic, education and communication gifts
have a lot in common with our team members Terry Rucker and Spencer Chase.

Research, networking, creative publicity and education skills are essential for
Festival planning. Dean Jacob Perea, College of Education, San Francisco
State University is an enthusiastic supporter of WHO and the Festival. My
recommendation is for you to put as much time as your schedule allows. Our
website and Blog site have great potential for networking and creative publicity.
Working our contacts and relation is a priority. We can consult on your specific
tasks. Give some thought and get back to me.

As to your future, it is unlimited in WHO and Festival worldwide expansion. At

the same time it is an excellent inspirational opportunity for your PH.D.
thesis. To be your thesis adviser will be a welcome assignment that I will find
hard to refuse. The 30 some original and innovative essays
and papers published by contain ample
resources for many creative thesis. In the coming days working for the Festival,
your thesis and your aspiration will become the best part of your life and career.
The inevitable world harmony renaissance tide is the opportunity of your life.
Even It comes late in my life, it is an marvelous epic undertaking that makes me
twenty years younger



It is my honor to speak to such a distinguished audience. Harmony is a broad

subject indeed. It was developed from human observation of nature. It spans all
human interactions and activities and back to ecology. It is the underlying
principle of a multitude of disciplines such as music, natural phenomena,

mathematics, physics and more. Harmony propagates by resonance, nature's
preferred way of propagation. We resonate in harmony singing in a chorus.
Our hearts resonate in harmony when we are overwhelmed by powerful
emotions of love and admiration. We can resonate to unity in diversity which
is harmony. Our hearts do not resonate to base emotions of hate, anger and
jealousy. They invoke destructive forces.

In today's world of international conflicts, religious strife, North and South

disparities, terrorism, extremism and unilateralism, harmony renaissance is the
only common value universal solution. The tide of harmony renaissance is
inevitable. All present will become pioneers of harmony renaissance. Harmony
advocates non violence. Its premise are tolerance, acceptance, respect, equity,
patience and humility. As powerful as we are we will not have nobility and
hope unless we practice humility. This is the new global awareness. Harmony
is the conduit to facilitate multi directional cultural flow not just from West to East
and North to South. Harmony is the all embracing unifying force for unity in

My background is in aerospace science. My interest is foreign affairs leading to

world harmony renaissance. Harmony is the universal theme that we can all
resonate. Without being immodest I can share with you two books and over
thirty essays I have published just on harmony renaissance. However today, I
will speak to help you digest your lunch by limiting myself to topics you will
appreciate. Those have bigger appetites I suggest you visit our website And our blog site where over 35 of my essays are
published and continue to grow. I welcome your contribution also. The site are printed on the hand out. If
you missed the hand out, do ask me for a business card.

Today I will make the following introductory remarks. After that it will be an open
forum with the help of our monitor. (Remind me to stop in time for discussions,
otherwise I can keep you here for hours if not for days.)

(I) The three main world cultural pillars for 21st century are religion, democracy
and harmony. Harmony belongs to the world. It is in our gene in one form or
the other to be awakened to reach a collective consensus.

(II) It is time for America, the young dynamic country endowed with resources, to
advocate harmony renaissance. Thoughts on ecology will lead us to common
harmony consensus.

(III) We will launch our first World Harmony Cultural Festival this third Sunday,
September 16, 2007. Cosponsored by San Francisco State University and other
distinguished ecology minded individuals and organizations.

May harmony prevail in the world.


I read with interest the articles by David Gosset, Director Academia Sinica Europea, "The
Dragon's Metamorphosis" dated April 7, 2007 and "A New World with Chinese
Characteristics" dated April 12, 2007, both carried by Asia Times. I quote from the
articles, "With China's economic, social, political and cultural renewal, a five-century
period of Western domination of the world has ended. One has to make sense of China's
complex dynamics to apprehend a new world with Chinese characteristics." and
"Democratization with Chinese characteristics will enrich the vocabulary of Western
political scientists."

Without being immodest I venture to quote from my essays "Socialism with Chinese
characteristics is Socialism with Harmony" and "The best system for any country is a
harmonious system developed from its own culture with interaction from outside and not
imposed from outside." "Harmony Propagates by Resonance." "Harmony is the order of
nature and resonance is nature's preferred way of propagation." "It is time for America to
advocate World Harmony Renaissance." These quotations are taken from World
Harmony Organization published books "China's Harmony Renaissance; What the World
Must Know", "World Harmony Renaissance: Promise for a Better World." and more than
30 essays on harmony renaissance, published by worldwide media and included in our
blog site.

Joshua Cooper Ramo suggested in "The Beijing Consensus", published by the Foreign
Policy Centre, U.K. May, 2004 that the world now has bipolar consensus in foreign policy
thinking, Washington vs. Beijing. In a recent International Herald Tribune article, Nov. 22,
2006, Roger Cohen wrote "China vs. U.S.: Democracy Confronts Harmony. Stay Tuned."
Prof. Gosset has moved ahead of the current American confrontational thinking to a more
accommodating position. Since harmony as nature's order includes all
human interactions including democracy in this global world, it is time for us to transition
beyond regional brands of democracy towards world harmony. Harmony belongs to the
world and includes a broader definition of democracy. Its premise is tolerance,
acceptance, equity and humility. It is inclusive to any culture. It is the most universal
value that can unite the world in unity in diversity.

The world will combine Washington consensus, China consensus and any other
consensus to arrive at World Harmony Consensus. The biggest common denominator of
the world today is sustainable development. Harmony began with human observation of
nature. It will logically bring us together to work for better ecology and better world.
Once we began working together for world sustainable development World Harmony
Consensus will inevitably follow!

For a development story of World Harmony Renaissance please review the 30 some and
growing number of essays on our blog site and
for participation in World Harmony Renaissance please visit our website Harmony is an ideal renaissance is action, together World
Harmony Renaissance will come alive.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization
San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.

In sympathy with Virginia Tech tragedy 2007-04-20 13:29:20

By Francis C. W. Fung

BEIJING, April 20 (Xinhuanet)-- By the natural process of billion years of

evolution human have acquired two all important surviving power. One is the
propagation power through love, which is shown by all living things in various
degree. The other unique to the most intelligent beings on earth, which is our
hierarchy of aspirations to do good. This higher yawning may be part of our soul in
a spiritual sense. The concept of soul is independent of religion and deeply
grounded in ancient philosophies. Our souls need nourishment from noble
thoughts, praying, meditation, accomplishments, invoking higher ideals and so on.
Among the multitude of trial and tested methods, two common practices are
praying and intoning high ideals such as May God Bless America and May
Harmony Prevail in the World.

Human life is universally accepted as a miracle. It is not surprising when life is

taken away without cause, invokes profound feelings of sympathy, anger, revenge
and despair depending on individuals frame of mind. At such times the thoughts of
God or higher aspirations inevitably surface for resolution or healing. There is

nothing wrong by invoking God Bless America. When it is intoned frivolously one
will sure be reminded the Christian teaching "Thou shalt not invoke thy God's name
in vain." For Presidents and statesmen routinely invoke God Bless America is sure
to create a self important image, especially in worldwide televised events. If God
has any priorities at all at this time of history he will sure bless Iraq and other needy
African countries first before he turns his helping hand to America, the most
powerful and endowed nation in the world.

China in its by gone feudal times used to consider the Emperor as son of
heaven. As long as the Emperor serves the people well China will be blessed by
heaven. Notice the use of heaven and not God by the Chinese. This is due simply
to the lack of institutionalized fixation on the image of God in ancient China. With
the overthrow of the last Chinese Emperor, this loose image of son of heaven is
long forgotten. By the way, according to Chinese tradition also, if the Emperor did
not serve the people well he would invariably lost his mandate and be overthrown.
This is well known in Chinese history. For an emperor to rule by mandate is a
quasi-religion tradition that is long gone.

Today Chinese leader must lead by leadership and merit. To legitimize their
government, Chinese leaders must rediscover ancient roots. Harmony is the root of
Chinese culture just as religion and democracy are the twin cultural pillars of most
of the world. But harmony is the other pillar of human culture that is more unifying
than religion and democracy. I speak with conviction that the tide of harmony
renaissance is inevitable and America will be the young dynamic country that will
lead the advocacy for world harmony renaissance. For America to regain its lost
international image by audacity of hope or invoking God Bless America is not

It is time for America leaders to intone May Harmony Prevail in the World instead
of God Bless America. Its more universally acceptable and less self serving. It
is very healing to intone may harmony prevail in the world. It is the call for unity in
diversity. It is also the timely noble call with humility for the world's most powerful

Be proud we are citizens of the world and not citizens of one powerful nation.
Editor: Zhu Ling


In an article published by Xinhua Net, titled “Harmony Propagates by Resonance” on

April 10, 2007, I ventured that resonance is nature’s preferred way of propagation. The

truth is that through billions years of evolution, human the most intelligent beings on
earth, have so fine tuned our senses that our whole body is an elaborate interlocking
system of sensors. Our obvious sensors such as eyes, ears, nose and exterior skins, finger
tips to the inner sanctum of brain and heart together make us the miracles that we are.
All these sensors are receptive to multitude of energy waves and function by resonance.
The most miraculous is how our heart resonates to love and our brain can resonate to
noble ideals. It is not unexpected that our heart and brain are undergoing continuous
development to be more receptive to wider love and more capable of telepathy through
extra sensuous resonance.

We resonate to waves that affect our obvious sensors and yet we may be unaware of
unconscious messages from global wave movements that affect the world and us. These
are the large cycle global waves that affect our collective world scientific and cultural
development. We as individuals in turn relate these messages by our own propensity of
resonance to these large scale waves. Simply put humans are part of the physical media
that transmits ideals worldwide consciously and subconsciously. Miraculously some
how, global culture such as religion, philosophy and ideals, are being transmitted. There
has been also great deal of cultural diffusion that generally remains unacknowledged.

Approximately 2500 years ago the world was resonating religion, philosophy including
democracy and harmony in different continents. In Middle East and South East Asia
well known religious founders such as Moses and Sakymuni were teaching their
disciples. In Europe famous philosophers Socrates, Plato, Euclid, Aristotle, Archimedes
and Pythagoras were laying the foundation for modern science and democracy. In
ancient China, Laotze, Confucius and their disciples were travel teachers spreading
education and harmony philosophy to a broad spectrum of the society. Those were
glorious days of global collective cultural heritage innovation that lay the ground work
for our global culture.

Beginning four hundred years or so ago, during and after the Age of Enlightenment and
European Renaissance another wave of creativity swept through Europe and America.
This brought forth renowned Western philosophers and political thinkers such as
Rousseau, Montesquieu, John Lock, Thomas Paine, Jefferson and Franklin to name a
few. Together they promulgated modern democracy as we know it and profoundly
affected world governance system. Democracy is still reverberating through the world

Harmony, the third pillar of global culture besides religion and democracy, is now at the
beginning stage of renaissance. Because of the universal appeal of harmony philosophy
it will resonate worldwide as the vibrant global philosophy of our time. Harmony
Consensus will become an alternative governance system to Democracy in the 21st
Century. The wonder of modern day communication technology will propagate
Harmony Consensus with internet speed. Speeding communication around the globe
contracts the time frame of global developments. Especially empires and monolithic
believes, they will be short lived indeed. It took Democracy 400 years to accomplish

today’s achievement. Fast rising will be Harmony Consensus; the new creative and most
embracing wave will envelop the world in 20 to 50 years. Please click for more information.

Globalization together with Harmony Consensus will inevitably lead to World

Harmony. The creative wave of harmony has already affected many prominent
contemporary leaders of the world today. The following are excerpts of some of their

Today we have entered an era when progress will be based on the interests of all
mankind. And awareness of this requires that world policy, too, should be determined by
placing the values of all mankind first…Further world progress is possible now only
through the search for a Consensus of all mankind, in movement towards a New World
MIKHAIL GORBACHEV, speech before the U.N. General Assembly, December7, 1988

A new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and
extraordinary moment….Out of these troubled times…..a New World Order can
emerge….in which the nations of the world, east and west, north and south, can prosper
and live in Harmony.
GEORGE H. W. BUSH, speech before a joint session of Congress, September 11, 1990

Globalization is not something we can hold off or turn off. It is the economic equivalent
of a force of nature…like wind and water,
BILL CLINTON, Nov 17, 2000

Adherence to multilateralism, realization of mutual security, adherence to mutually

beneficial cooperation, realization of mutual prosperity, raise the spirit of tolerance and
building a Harmony World together.
Hu Jintao, speech before Asian African Meeting, April 22, 2005

There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the academic,
Francis Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony Culture: Old and New -
Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that China is witnessing a harmony
renaissance. He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether
Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be Socialism with harmony. And Fung
maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an alternative model, as the
leading system of governance in the 21st Century.
Hon John Prescott, U.K. Deputy Prime Minister speech before Sheffield University, Jan
18, 2007

Simply put New World Order is world with the creative energy of Harmony Consensus
carried by the wave of today. Thus the world with Harmony Consensus is our future
Harmony World. The Order of Nature is Harmony and Harmony is the Order of
Nature. Central to Harmony Consensus will be built in awareness to curb global
insatiable and selfish appetite for consumption. Continuation of current trend is not
sustainable. Without Harmony Consensus, the resulting catastrophic global fight for
resources will be more immediate than the effect of climate change.

Be proud you are citizens of the world and not citizens of one powerful nation.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Universal wave theory and harmony consensus 2007-04-25 10:29:20

BEIJING, April 25 (Xinhuanet) -- In an article published by Xinhuanet,

titled "Harmony Propagates by Resonance" on April 10, 2007, I ventured
that resonance is nature's preferred way of propagation. The truth is that
through billions years of evolution, human the most intelligent beings on
earth, have so fine tuned our senses that our whole body is an elaborate
interlocking system of sensors. Our obvious sensors such as eyes, ears,
nose and exterior skins, finger tips to the inner sanctum of brain and
heart together make us the miracles that we are. All these sensors are
receptive to multitude of energy waves and function by resonance. The
most miraculous is how our heart resonates to love and our brain can
resonate to noble ideals. It is not unexpected that our heart and brain are
undergoing continuous development to be more receptive to wider love
and more capable of telepathy through extra sensuous resonance.

We resonate to waves that affect our obvious sensors and yet we may
be unaware of unconscious messages from global wave movements that
affect the world and us. These are the large cycle global waves that

affect our collective world scientific and cultural development. We as
individuals in turn relate these messages by our own propensity of
resonance to these large scale waves. Simply put, humans are part of
the physical media that transmits ideals worldwide consciously and
subconsciously. Miraculously some how, global culture such as religion,
philosophy and ideals, are being transmitted. There has been also great
deal of cultural diffusion that generally remains unacknowledged.

Approximately 2,500 years ago the world was resonating religion,

philosophy including democracy and harmony in different continents. In
Middle East and South East Asia well known religious founders such as
Moses and Sakymuni were teaching their disciples. In Europe famous
philosophers Socrates, Plato, Euclid, Aristotle, Archimedes and
Pythagoras were laying the foundation for modern science and
democracy. In ancient China, Laotze, Confucius and their disciples were
travel teachers spreading education and harmony philosophy to a broad
spectrum of the society. Those were glorious days of global collective
cultural heritage innovation that lay the ground work for our global

Beginning four hundred years or so ago, during and after the Age of
Enlightenment and European Renaissance, another wave of creativity
swept through Europe and America. This brought forth renowned
Western philosophers and political thinkers such as Rousseau,
Montesquieu, John Lock, Thomas Paine, Jefferson and Franklin to name
a few. Together they promulgated modern democracy as we know it and
profoundly affected world governance system. Democracy is still
reverberating through the world today.

Harmony, the third pillar of global culture besides religion and

democracy, is now at the beginning stage of renaissance. Because of
the universal appeal of harmony philosophy it will resonate worldwide as
the vibrant global philosophy of our time. Harmony Consensus will
become an alternative governance system to Democracy in the 21st
Century. The wonder of modern day communication technology will
propagate Harmony Consensus with internet speed. Speeding
communication around the globe contracts the time frame of global
developments. Especially empires and monolithic believes, they will be
short lived indeed. It took Democracy 400 years to accomplish today's
achievement. Fast rising will be Harmony Consensus; the new creative
and most embracing wave will envelop the world in 20 to 50 years.

Globalization together with Harmony Consensus will inevitably lead to

World Harmony. The creative wave of harmony has already affected
many prominent contemporary leaders of the world today.

Simply put, New World Order is world with the creative energy of
Harmony Consensus carried by the wave of today. Thus the world with
Harmony Consensus is our future Harmony World. The Order of Nature
is Harmony and Harmony is the Order of Nature. Central to Harmony
Consensus will be built in awareness to curb global insatiable and selfish
appetite for consumption. Continuation of current trend is not
sustainable. Without Harmony Consensus, the resulting catastrophic
global fight for resources will be more immediate than the effect of
climate change.
Editor: Xia Xiaopeng

Recommendation by Eric Chipps, Chipps Management


In today’s world of international conflicts, religious strife, North and South disparities,
terrorism, extremism and unilateralism, harmony renaissance is the only common
value universal solution. The tide of Harmony Renaissance is inevitable. All present
will become pioneers of Harmony Renaissance. Harmony advocates non-violence. Its’
premises are tolerance, acceptance, respect, equity, patience and humility. As powerful
as we are we will not have nobility and hope unless we practice humility. This is the
new global awareness. Harmony is the conduit to facilitate multi-directional cultural
flow not just from West to East and North to South. Harmony is the all-embracing
unifying force for unity in diversity.

Dr. Fung has initiated the World Harmony Organization in North America and has
already attracted interest and support. It is a growing influence in North America,
Europe and China from important figures in academic and social circles, economics
and politics, as well as a growing number of concerned citizens in many countries.

Clearly, the policies of confrontation currently contributing so much to world tensions

are unproductive, as well as damaging to the progress of society. By developing the
ancient Chinese promotion of harmony, the Organization hopes to become again the
third pillar in supporting democracy and religious principle as the foundation of a
more peaceful and productive world.

More information can be obtained from the Organization’s website at

68 which allows a measure of the extent to which harmony is
increasingly an influence. You may also contribute opinion via By his talk today, Dr. Fung hopes to generate
recognition among influential people of the role that a young, dynamic America,
endowed with resources should be advocating harmony renaissance.

Excerpt from Jan 2007 speech by Hon. John Prescott, Deputy Prime
Minister and First Secretary of State, United Kingdom:

There's been a great deal of talk about harmony in recent times. In fact, the
academic, Francis Fung, has argued in his recent paper "Chinese Harmony
Culture: Old and New - Promise for a Less Confrontational World" that
China is witnessing a harmony renaissance.
He claims that great debates are happening today in China over whether
Socialism with Chinese characteristics can be Socialism with harmony.
And Fung maintains that China's harmony socialism will provide an
alternative model, as the leading system of governance in the 21st Century.
Indeed, I note that in October the Chinese Communist Party launched a
national campaign to build a more harmonious society. In doing so, China
appears to be reaffirming its own rich cultural tradition of harmony.
And now, opening the Sheffield Confucius Institute, I reflect on the fact that
this emphasis on harmony between man and nature is part of a tradition of
Chinese thought going back 2,500 years. This tradition has, of course,
evolved and changed over time."


Harmony is human science developed from natural science. The order

of nature is dynamic balance in pursuit of harmony as illustrated by
the Daoist sign of life. Einstein said that God does not play dice with
nature. Another way of putting it is "Nature seeks harmony and
harmony is the order of nature." The seasons we observed, the
occurrences of floods, typhoons and tsunamis are all testimonials of

natural acts seeking harmony. They are large events in the victims'
life, but small dynamic balances to achieve harmony compared to the
size of the earth. These natural phenomena are caused by pressure
and temperature imbalances. Human beings are endowed with
intellects that are above natural phenomena. Our ideology differences
can create wars that are more destructive than any earthly natural
forces. We believe we can control nature. In reality human beings are
part of the natural order. All ideology struggles are imbalances that
must eventually return to harmony, the order of nature. Peace can
only be temporary without harmony. Harmony is the ultimate human
virtue of tolerance, respect, acceptance, and patience with other
cultures, religions, political systems and ideologies.

The universe was created by dark energy (the Ying), by virtue of the
dynamic creation process the universe will continue to expand at an
enormous scale. In Dao De Jing, Dao besides meaning the way, can
also be interpreted as the dark energy. De is virtue and harmony is
the ultimate human virtue. The gems contained in Dao De Jing warrant
a concerted effort to reinterpret Dao De Jing from the perspective of
modern science. World harmony renaissance can free the collective
mind of all people in the world to pursuit even broader scientific

Francis C. W. Fung,Ph. D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization


Dear Friends,

In the following discussion, for our purpose, self discipline and inner
peace can be interchanged. Another way to define inner peace is self
discipline through the practice of harmony. There are many diverse
ways of achieving inner peace; this is also one of the principles of
harmony. For example, some achieve inner peace through scholarly

accomplishments or higher goals in commerce, religion, and
philanthropy. Ultimately, for lasting inner peace, one must practice
sustainable self discipline. For self discipline to work it must be a
consistent process and sustainable through life. Relying on outside
stimulation is not sustainable through life.

To sustain self discipline, one needs to combine higher goals with

some form of regular personal practice such as writing with a theme,
calligraphy, meditation, yoga, Taichi, dancing, singing, or
contemplating nature and beauty. For most people it usually is a
combination of diverse methods. There is no one single solution. In a
world of diverse cultures, harmony opens a world of diverse self
discipline practices.

For myself, I complement my self discipline with harmony belief and

regular Taichi practices. I have been at it for over thirty years. Frankly,
self discipline with harmony has been more difficult to achieve than
many of my other career undertakings. It is my final challenge. Taichi,
which means ultimate in Chinese, is a form of moving meditation, and
self defense. Taichi embraces the ultimate harmony principle of soft
conquers hard. In Taichi you yield but maintain your balance and your
conviction in the ultimate harmony principle. This conviction is hard to
maintain in life when force and war often temporarily succeed. But the
dark (invisible) energy in the eternal universe proves that Ying (the
soft) contains Yang (the hard).

Harmony and Taichi yielding to absorb confrontation does not mean

giving up nor defeatist belief. Far from it, harmony is an advocacy and
everlasting, just like the universe. As a fluid mechanics major, I
imaging myself as moving like a fluid when practice Taichi. Fluid, the
softest material, in the form of water and air goes around what is in
their way and eventually wears out the hardest object. While they are
blocked they will continually build up their resistance to overcome.
Water can float and sink the mightiest ship. Air as light as it is, can lift
and tail spin the biggest air borne vehicle human can conceive.

Harmony, as order of dynamic balance, advocates soft overcomes hard

and Ying contains Yang. When harmony is practiced like the motions of
fluids it instills that conviction. Coupled with personal consistent
practice like Taichi, meditation, or yoga, harmony can be sustaining.
In Chinese teaching there is a saying "XIU SHEN, QI JIA, ZI GUO,
PING TIEN ZIA". In today's conflicting world the appropriate
translation is "Self discipline, Family unity, Democracy, World

Harmony". In world culture it is also important to quote "Be proud you
are citizens of the world and not citizens of one country".


Harmony universal world common heritage 2007-05-09 10:57:18

By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

BEIJING, May 9 (Xinhuanet) -- Since ancient times Religion,
Democracy and Harmony were passed down to us by our forefathers
as the three main cultural pillars. I have shared this fundamental
observation with you often in previous essays. In today's conflicted
world full of extremism and unilateralism, the call for harmony
renaissance is a unifying global movement. It is essential to sustain
this spirit of harmony as our common heritage. Harmony belongs to
the world. In human development of civilization, only truth can stand
the test of history. Truth and common values belong to the world
regardless of their source and origin.

For many, we can practice democracy and religions as belonging to the

world, yet we are unaware of harmony as our common human
heritage. Lasting cultures do not develop by accident. Through long
patient development they were born of necessity, observation of
nature, collective wisdom, and worldwide propagation by resonance.
The philosophy of Harmony is all embracing, enduring and endearing.
It advocates non-violence and problem-solving by means of
consensus. Its premises include equity, tolerance, patience,
acceptance, humility and respect for other cultures.

Equity and humility are the cornerstones of harmony practice. In the

eyes of harmony there is no nobility without humility. Individuals
practicing harmony require discipline, humility and the strongest
conviction in gentleness, especially when challenged by force and
unilateralism. Every major civilization practices harmony in one form

or the other.

The roots of democracy can be seen in all cultures to some degree or

other. The rediscovery of the Greek and Roman Democratic tradition
during the age of European Enlightenment and Renaissance propelled
democracy to its world importance today. The movement also released
our collective energy that brought us modern science for the
betterment of mankind. The world is mature enough now to know that
democracy is an important element in modern governance. This is
evidenced in the fact that almost all new nations of today regard
themselves democracies.

Today's challenges to world development are sustainability in a

worsening ecology, limitation of resources, and the extreme disparity
between rich and poor. In a world of cultural and historical diversity
one must allow different forms of democracy. The timely harmony
renaissance will create the spirit of unity in diversity and the collective
consensus to solve the urgent problems that face the world today. This
will release a new wave of creative energy for higher human
accomplishments beyond what the European renaissance brought.
With communication wonders today, harmony propagates by
resonance with Internet speed as stated in my essays "Harmony
Propagates by Resonance" and "Universal Wave Theory and Harmony
Consensus". In today's globalization, no nation can afford to insist on
the self limiting "not invented here" notion. Universally proven wisdom
will outlast shortsightedness. What is proven to be good is to be
adopted and improved by each nation as their own regardless of
whether its source is east west or north south.. Simply put, harmony is
our common value and common human heritage. It will prevail.

It is clear that throughout human history even before there were

defined national boundaries; harmony was practiced as the oldest form
of collective philosophy. It is the inspiration for major belief systems.
Religion was practiced to keep harmony with the all mighty unknown,
regardless of the form in which we glorify the unknown. Democracy
was instituted to keep harmony between the government and its
citizens. Moral values and legal systems were elaborately developed in
different countries to promote harmony in human interactions. Family
and social orders are also forms of harmony. The noticeable lack of an
emphasis on religion and legal systems in the ancient Far East was
undoubtedly due to the dominance of moral teachings by Laotze and

Confucius. Both relied on popularization of moral education to bring
harmony to human existence.

With the onslaught of globalization created by the wonders of

communication, there is veritably no excuse not to understand the
diversity of cultures left by 5000 years of major regional cultural
developments. Now that we are facing the challenges of diversity in
religious beliefs and development of democratic governance systems,
it is time for us to return to harmony philosophy in order to create
balance. There is every logical reason to examine harmony practices in
major cultures to bring some consensus to our troubled world.

From an analytical viewpoint, there appears to be definite differences

in regional emphasis and trends in harmony practice just as there will
always be differences in the inevitable adoption of democracy by all
nations. Because harmony is even more embracing than democracy as
a human management system we must accept diversity. Fortunately,
different harmony cultural practices are complementary in the sense of
a total engineering system that will enable prioritized world consensus
to be reached. In the process we will intuitively accept the simple truth
that the best governance system for any nation is its own harmony
system. Harmony also embraces democracy.

In broad strokes subject to further in depth global studies, I venture to

offer for discussion the following major emphasis or trends in
worldwide harmony practices. For harmony practices to stand the test
of time it must be a universally acceptable common value and include
nobility and humility as a basic prerequisite.
(1) Major religions of today all include belief in harmony, otherwise
they would not have survived the test of history. It is taught by
scriptures and reinforced by preachers in houses of worship with few
exceptions. The practice of harmony is based, in part, on a fear of
punishment by the almighty unknown and the reward of going to
heaven, rather than for the goodness of harmony itself.

he further spread of religion is limited by two major factors. The first is

the fixation of modern religion to exclusively accept its own
institutionalized conception of the almighty unknown. The second is
the waning authority of the clergy within the community. Faith in the
almighty as the savior of mankind and submission to his will continue

as the modus operandi of nobility and humility to drive religion.

(II) Since the age of the European Enlightenment the concept of

democracy has spread far and wide. It is universally accepted as the
foundation of good governance. Nations in the midst of inevitable
transformation all agree. True democracy must blend in with each
individual nation's cultural heritage and its various stages of
development. It takes evolution to truly bring harmony to a society.
Democracy must adapt to the harmony of dynamic balance in
changing times. The western democratic tradition, with America as the
driving force, relies heavily on complex legal practice and penal
punishment. Law and order has worked to bring harmony in that
particular society.

No democratic system prescribed by one nation for another can be

perfect for our diverse world with systems developed regionally over
5000 years. Unfortunately the noble goal of spreading democracy by
any means necessary, including overt political action and occupation,
has greatly tarnished the image of Western democracy. As Pan Ke-
Moon, the current U.N. Secretary General, stated in front of the recent
Asian Development Forum "Democracy is not an import export item".
Still, empty marketing slogans bereft of consideration for cultural
diversity and history is drumming to the call of war cries.

he noticeable lack of humility of past proselytizing processes of Euro-

centric democracy and colonialism left an irreparable chasm dividing
developed and developing countries. This suggests alternate
approaches for the developed world to help the needy. An approach of
harmony, with its gentleness and respect for all cultures, appears
more palatable to the needy world for mutual development. It is time
for America, the young dynamic democracy with abundant resources,
to rise to the occasion.

(III) In the Far East harmony was practiced with heavy doses of moral
education. The system promulgated comprehensive moral teachings
reinforced by family unity and civil service examinations. This
examination system reached its extreme during the 19th century. A
harmonious society is supported more by family order and unity, than
by law and order. Nobility and humility are reinforced by education and
morality and sacrifices are extolled by all. Law was the bottom line

with moral values taking precedence. A focus on harmony creates a
society where materialism and commercialism can acceptably be
placed in low priority positions.
With the onslaught of Western individualism and commercialism, the
flood gates of self indulgence and corruption were forced wide open.
The venerable ancient system of relying on education of nobility and
humility was shaken to the core. Today Far East nations including
Japan and Korea have adopted law and order to complement their
moral value system, followed closely by China in its reform and
opening up. The successful transformation of Japan and Korea from
systems based on moral values and family unity to their own
individualistic modern democratic societies is worthy of attention.
Despite the fact that both societies were heavily influenced by foreign
cultures East and West, these modern societies have combined the
best of both worlds and their choices have flourished. Until very recent
times, both nations' histories were recorded in Chinese characters.
Today both Japan and Korea are proud of their own innovations
culturally and scientifically.

This lends to the optimism that diverse culture, despite opposite

ideals, can be blended together resulting in modern, competitive and
harmonious societies. China today is determined and motivated to
combine the best of East and West to forge a harmonious society with
its own characteristics, sans outside occupation. The result is very
encouraging and to be commended by the outside world.
When the economic and scientific conditions are mature enough, and
the historical moment comes, politics will change. Nations will become
harmonious societies by their own resonance with external influence.
Outside force and constant chastisement can be counter-productive
given the probable impact on national dignity. Today, many parts of
the world have suffered the collective mental anguish of a loss of
dignity under Western dominance for far too long.

The truth can be seen that in this rapidly changing materialistic world,
no ready-made system is perfect in bringing harmony to the world. For
unity in diversity we need to call for world harmony renaissance and
advocate consensus through dynamic balance. Many of my previous
essays have expounded on this. Please visit our website and blog site By adhering to the true spirit
of equity and humility, perhaps the world can work together through
individual harmony practices to bring about a better and more

understanding world. By doing so, a new wave of innovation will
release our creative energy to bring human beings to the next level of
accomplishment. Failing to do so will cast the sustainability of
expanding world development very much into doubt.
May Harmony Prevail in the World! Editor: Xia Xiaopeng





Harmony diplomacy esseantial for world development 2007-05-22 08:18:25
By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
BEIJING, May 22 (Xinhuanet) -- "Freedom, Democracy and Harmony
are three ancient universal human ideals that belong to the world and
not to any one single nation. They are not entirely independent but
intimately related. As a matter of fact, there exist fascinating relations
among them that warrant immediate global study. Some may wonder
why freedom and democracy have been so widely promoted during the
last 400 years of human history, while harmony was barely noted on
the world stage."
"In fact, Freedom and Democracy have been the most successfully
used tools to promote international diplomacy in the 20th Century.
Harmony, as a great unifying force in the on rush of globalization, has
now come of age. Harmony is mankind’s greatest common value. The
conflicted world of today urgently calls for international democracy
through the practice of harmony diplomacy."
"Nature imbues us with the instinctive knowledge that we are born
free. The mountains, the wind and the lions are born free, not to
mention any other of the myriad animals that remain free until
captured. Despite being born free, powerful groups desperately yearn
to enslave us. More than 2500 years ago the most ancient cultures
scattered about different continents prohibited slavery seeing it as
hideous. The institutionalized slave trade was most egregiously
practiced in the new world until the American civil war put an end to

"Immediately following 9/11, George W. Bush conveniently thrust
freedom centre stage to rally Americans with the resounding cry. The
logic was that the terrorists hate our freedom and they are intent on
taking it away. To be fair, American democracy as put forth by our
forefathers, guarantees each citizen freedom from undue infringement
through law and order. Freedom as an ideal is politically neutral,
neither good nor bad. However, modern democracy is designed to
prevent minority individuals from exceeding their rights granted by
"Bush’s call for freedom diplomacy after 9/11 is neither necessary nor
appropriate. Terrorists have not been empowered to take away our
freedom, but the resulting regulation to counter-terrorism has. As
warned by President Eisenhower, the military complex created by war
may seriously threaten our democracy and hence our individual
freedom. The greatest threat to our freedom today is our enslavement
to the military and the industrial complex through their hijacking of
"Since time immemorial, the protection of human rights has occupied
our consciousness. The fear of the all mighty unknown that sparked
religious teaching was likely the catalyst for this type of thought.
Teaching morals and common values developed along with harmony
while democracy followed behind. Democratic systems as a means to
guarantee individual rights and freedoms reached new heights when
the American Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights were
signed, giving way to the system of laws being enacted. Western
diplomacy spread far and wide and profoundly changed the world
during the 20th century."
"Democracy, in different forms, has now become a generally accepted
governance system. Democracy grows best in the fertile soil of each
individual nation without outside interference or occupation. American
chastisement of other nations only offends their dignity. Many
developing nations, after years of domination by imperialism, have
nothing to cling to other than the very dignity being spoken of."
"Democracy is also no longer an import export item, as pointed out by
Ban Ke-moon, the current Secretary General of the U.N. Due to the
debacle of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, democracy as an instrument of
foreign policy has lost its luster and appeal. Diplomacy works best in
these conflicted times when harmony principles are employed.
Harmony diplomacy is a win-win, no-fault conflict resolution approach.
It is time to minimize confrontations in today’s conflicted world by
using harmony diplomacy. It certainly is worth a try. Mutual win-win
development can be more economically viable than war. We have
spent close to 400 billion dollars on the Iraq war, fast approaching our

expenditure on the Vietnam War, with no end in sight."
"When unity is needed human beings have proven quite capable.
International unity can be reached only through international
democracy, not unilateralism. International democracy will be the end
result of major nations practicing harmony diplomacy. In her recent
book “The Mighty and the Almighty” Madeleine Albright suggested that
world harmony is the end goal of a more peaceful world."
"As noble as any religion may be, faith diplomacy has fallen short of
uniting the world in harmony evidenced by the countless tragic faith-
based wars of the past as well as the current conflict between the
West and the Muslim world. Religions as we know them today all
expect blind faith and acceptance of ethnocentric almighty images,
quite often unique to a specific culture."
"Harmony’s premise is tolerance, acceptance and respect for other
cultures. It is all embracing, endearing and enduring. It neither
dictates blind faith nor does it force acceptance of an institutionalized
and ethnocentric image of the almighty. No particular personal
attachment to the almighty is prescribed either. Personal attachment
to the almighty is a double-edged sword. It draws those with faith
closer, while alienating those without."
"Harmony is discovered through observation of nature as discussed in
my other papers. It is nature’s preferred way of propagation. Nature is
all embracing and human beings are very much part of nature. It is
possible to believe in as wide a universe as one chooses without
adhering to blind faith. Our very survival and sustainable development
is now urgently dependent on our harmonious relationship with nature.
We deny our very existence by not working to improve our threatened
ecology. Most of us agree about the vision of world harmony and
international democracy. We can all participate in the harmony
movement by speaking and practicing harmony diplomacy in all facets
of our daily lives. We can practice goodness for goodness sake without
preaching religion. Why use faith diplomacy, an indirect approach,
when the direct approach, harmony diplomacy, is readily available?
Harmony’s resonance is growing and propagating. The Harmony
Renaissance is the unavoidable tide. It is time to reawaken our innate
human desire for harmony and to begin urging others to recognize the
value of this noble ideal."
"The basic idea of world harmony is in common with all popular
theories of world governance. It hopes to build a more understanding
world through tolerance, respect, equity and acceptance of diverse
cultures and governance systems as destiny for all mankind."
"Through harmony diplomacy major nations will support a stronger
UN. A more democratic world will advocate the solution of world
conflicts through consultation and harmony consensus. Unilateralism is

to be rejected and peaceful resolution will replace war and violence.
Harmony diplomacy will be the foundation of lasting peace. Without
harmony peace will not last."

In a recent book titled “Keeping Faith in our Values in a Dangerous

World”, Anne-Marie Slaughter, the renowned Dean of Princeton
University Woodrow Wilson Institute, advocated including tolerance,
humility and faith in the American system of values. She also
suggested that America practice “value based foreign policy” to
improve our image, so that our spreading of human rights and
democracy can be more effective. Her theory is well founded but short
of the more universal ideal of harmony diplomacy and mutual win-win
development already in practice in various parts of the world.
Harmony is an ancient ideal that belongs to the world. It is accepted
by many cultures East and West. It is an extensive system of common
values and certainly more inclusive than just adding tolerance,
humility and faith to the American value system. One can also have
faith in harmony, which in time will grow by way of resonance. The
truth of harmony diplomacy includes the spirit of working with all
nations in the world. Between any two countries there exist
complementary advantages for mutual win- win development.
Preconception of incompatibility is counter to harmony’s ideal of
tolerance, acceptance and respect for others. It also negates the value
of humility in practicing tolerance and acceptance. Madam Slaughter
proposed working with NATO nations, English speaking and other
major nations for the propagation of American values and “value
based foreign policy”. Yet in her list of “preferred” nations, many
significant nations including China, Russia and other obvious nations
who have disagreements with U.S are noticeably absent.
"In the pursuit of world harmony it is important to narrow the gap of
the North-South/rich-poor disparity through win-win mutual
development. This will create a world with a level playing field, which
will enable the citizens of the world to enjoy all of the achievements of
our great societies."
"In the democratization of international relations, just and equitable
international political and economic orders can be established through
dialogue, negotiation and reaching consensus. The end result of
international democracy will release a new wave of world creative
energy. Human accomplishments can thus reach a new height of
development beyond European Renaissance."
"The Order of Nature is Harmony and Harmony is the Order of Nature.
A harmony world is essential to save our ecology. To rally major
nations to commit to a cleaner and better environment, harmony
diplomacy must advocate a common ecology consensus. Central to

harmony diplomacy consensus is built in awareness to curb global
insatiable appetite for consumption. Continuation of current trend is
not sustainable. Without harmony consensus, the resulting
catastrophic global fight for resources will be more immediate than the
effect of climate change. It is time for all to advocate less
confrontational harmony diplomacy."
Editor: Xia Xiaopeng

Monday, June 4, 2007



By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

In the U.S. media human rights is used as an one sided standard

rather than relative progress to judge developing countries who are
striving to improve. At the same time there is a noticeable lack of self
criticism of America’s own human rights records. Even though seeds of
human rights are contained in teachings of major world cultures, its
development to keep pace with modern world is rather recent.
Essential human ideals such as harmony, freedom and democracy,
judging from world cultural history certainly all predated and had far
more thorough study by many cultures old and new than human
rights. Just as harmony and democracy, human rights is also a broad
principle indeed. As much as is generally agreed by the civilized world
that human rights is important and necessary, as a universal common
value its agreed scope and its method of application are still
developing. This lack of consensus is obvious from the current great
debate that takes place in U.N. and on world stage.

For representative East vs. West debates on human rights, one is

referred to two recent excellent papers. First one authored by Prof.
Albert H.Y. Chen, Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong,
entitled “Chinese Cultural Tradition and Modern Human Rights.”
Second one is a featured story published Nov. 24, 2006 by People’s
Daily Online, entitled “Harmony: China’s Creation to Promote Human
Rights.” It is fair to point out, elements for and against human rights

were contained in both East and West cultural heritage. The modern
development of human rights in the West is not cultural specific to the
West but has universal significance and general applicability for all
cultures. In fact the ideal of universal benevolence and universal
education were the corner stones of Confucian teaching. The Chinese
civil examination was the first historical large scale comprehensive
system to provide equal advancement opportunity to all its citizens.

In the first paper, Prof. Chen concluded “Thus it would be possible for
us to rehabilitate the virtues and insights of Confucianism and other
precious elements in the rich and great Chinese cultural tradition which
modern Chinese deserve to feel proud of, and simultaneously work for
the further democratization and better protection of human rights in
China of the 21st century. This, I believe, is the way forward for China,
and the lesson finally learnt from the immense sufferings which the
Chinese people have endured in the throes of modernization in the last
two centuries.” This on going process of improving human rights in
different degrees, with the progress of modern human society is
applicable to all other nations and U. S. is no exception. In fact as the
most prosperous major nation in the world, the U.S. massive penal
correction system failed to stop the crime rate from being the highest
in the world. This is a sign of societal imbalance in education vs. penal
correction in the application of human rights principle.

In the second paper, Dong Yunhu, Secretary General of the China

Society for Human Rights Study also rightly pointed out “The value of
human rights is universal, but the dynamic of its implementation
varies in different countries.” The Hon. Makarim Wibisono, Indonesian
Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the U.N., added “The
idea of harmony being connected to human rights is significant and
relevant to Asian culture, which are largely rooted in Confucianism.
Harmony certainly can render the concept of human rights more
approachable to many who are not familiar with the notion.” Prof.
James Williams of North Carolina University not untypical of U.S. main
stream thinking said “In Asian countries at large, governments are
keen to advocate cultural factors playing a role in universal rights,
acting on the principle that the individual rights conflict with a wider
social harmony and stability, citing Asian values as contradictory to a
Western notion of universality.” This type of thinking is not in touch
with Asian reality when the debate is no longer in the general
acceptance of human rights but in the scope, the dynamic of its
implementation and the historical setting.

Implementation of human rights in a complex society of vast

population is a study in engineering system analysis. The key lies in
dynamic balance of a multitude of parameters. Human rights progress
requires painstaking monitoring and iteration by the willing society.
Casual and judgmental statements from the U.S. media and
government often miss the point and are counter productive. China’s
birth control policy to prevent over population is an overwhelming
necessity. But it conveniently became the target of perennial attack by
the U. S. media. That is why a higher order independent criteria such
as harmony as common value, may be used to judge the progress of
human rights in some cases subject to majority approval. Harmony is
essential to world human rights development because it is nature’s
order and it prescribes dynamic balance in engineering system
analysis. It can also be called the concept of scientific development for
sustainable development. Harmony consensus as a standard naturally
comes to mind when today’s world conflict continue to exist despite
well wishes from major religions and law and order. To quote Dong
Yunhu “Social harmony relies on justice and the right to development
because both poverty and injustice are the roots of disharmony in the

The recent Virginia Tech massacre and similar frequent mass murder
occurrences in the U.S. are the consequence of the government’s
inability to enforce stricter gun control laws. Most civilized world sees
the proliferation of guns in a society is a threat to the majority citizen’s
human rights. The American government’s reluctance to control the
unnecessary spread of guns is a left over problem unique to the U.S.
historical setting. It is up to the U.S. to solve its own disharmony. No
other countries are able to enforce it from outside, even though the
spread of guns by American citizens also affect world human rights.
Individual nation’s human rights must be built on its firm sovereignty
foundation. A country not respecting the sovereignty of other nations
by advocating overt forceful regime changes is in serious violation of
world human rights.

The scope of human rights also grows with social and economic
modernization of a society and must be in harmony with the society
and nature. From the very beginning nature also imposes boundaries
on our human rights aspirations. Harmony as dynamic balance is
nature’s order. It exists as a higher order guide applicable to affairs of
family, society, nations and the world. When there is no harmony as in
today’s confrontational world, extremism results and human rights are
threatened. Human rights ideal is a universal truism but we must allow
cultural diversity in scope, cultural emphasis and historical sequenced
difference in implementation within a well planned engineering system.

As much as there is engineering system analysis in the implementation
of human rights in a nation there needs to be the same consideration
in world human rights. The world needs harmony diplomacy through
dialogue and consensus to maintain world human rights. It is within
the realm of U.N. and not any one nation, no matter how powerful we
are. The weak in their anguish has limited means must be persuaded
to refrain from suicide mode. The powerful, with dominant media and
military, needs to practice humility. To minimize confrontation through
extremism and unilateralism it is time for all to advocate harmony
renaissance and win-win mutual development. Thus harmony is
essential to world human rights in many respects.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization










A major news event of significance signaling US-China harmony

diplomacy was under reported by US media. On this Wednesday May
23, 2007, China and United States ended a key economic dialog in
Washington in a spirit of agreement. The meeting was co chaired by
Secretary of Treasury, Henry Paulson and China’s Vice Premier Wu Yi.
During the two day Second Strategic Economic Dialogue, top economic
officials from the two countries, including dozens of cabinet ministers
discussed topics covering areas of service, investment and
transparency, energy and environment as well as growth balance and

As witnessed by the joint fact sheet issued at the closing, both sides
reached consensus on how to move forward in financial services, civil
aviation, energy and environment and signed a number of specific
agreements. One cannot help notice the tone of the joint fact sheet
shows great diplomacy at work. It shows both sides showed good
intention and yielding ground to reach consensus. This consensus is
surprising because of perennial trade friction between the two nations.
Particularly under the climate of China bashing, resulted from recent
Congressional trade protectionism mentality. One may also wonder
perhaps we are seeing the beginning signal of US-China harmony
diplomacy from the Bush administration.

What tips off this change of heart is straight from the President’s own
words. For once Bush did the right diplomatic thing for US-China
relations as well as for world harmony. At a White House press
conference on Thursday, Bush said the just concluded US-China
Strategic Economic Dialogue is “important” and there has been some
progress achieved at the dialogue. Bush’s exact words were “This is an
important dialogue. And it’s one that I thank the Chinese government
for engaging in”. Bush also met with Vice Premier Wu Yi in the White
House Oval Office on Thursday, and asked her to pass a message to
Chinese President Hu Jintao that he appreciates China’s willingness “to
work with strategic dialogues in order to put in place the type of
measures that reflect a complex relationship.”

To set the proper tone for the consultation and consensus the principle
negotiators from both sides were careful in their statements. “Thanks
for the careful attention and joint efforts from both sides, the second
meeting of the strategic dialogue achieved great success,” said Wu,
acting as the special envoy of Chinese President Hu Jintao. “The
economic and trade relationship between China and the US is one of
the most complicated in today’s world,” she said. “The SED provides
an excellent platform for both sides to further understanding and trust
in terms of strategic issues.” For his part, US Treasury Secretary Henry
Paulson said that US and China both understood that” getting the
economic relationship right is vital not only to our people, but to the
world economy.”

In their opening statements Henry Paulson also said very

appropriately” The purpose of this on going dialogue is to have candid
discussions and find ways to ease, rather than increase tensions.” Vice
Premier Wu added “Equal consultation, cooperation and win-win have
become the overall situation and defining nature of China-US relations,
both being stakeholders and constructive partners.” “Politicizing
economic and trade issues is absolutely unacceptable, since it is of no
help but will make the situation more complicated, harm bilateral
economic and trade relations or even cause serious negative impact on
the progress of overall China-US ties”

“Now and then, the peace of the world and the progress of the world
required close cooperation between the two peoples of the US and
China” said Henry Kissinger at the opening, referring to the historic
visit by the former President Richard Nixon to China in 1972. “The
most advanced industrialized country and the country that is growing
at the fastest rate have the unique opportunity to set an example for
the rest of the world of cooperation and vision.” That vision may very

well be world harmony renaissance through US-China harmony

The consensus reached through the SED consultation clearly

demonstrated the merit of practicing harmony diplomacy. Harmony is
fostered by acceptance, respect, equity and humility. This type of no
fault, win-win consultation can lead to complementary solutions
between any two nations. The following attached SED fact sheet may
serve as a model of harmony diplomacy with humility, practiced by
two great nations with wisdom. For related articles on harmony
diplomacy and world harmony renaissance please visit World harmony renaissance
begins with US-China harmony consensus. Now US media with military
complex support cannot resist from its usual China bashing by
drumming up China economic threat and the fear of the evil axis that
poses imminent threat to US security, just we watch.


I also thought of having World Harmony Watch column among many
columns in your publication. The idea is to report on major countries
activities to promote world harmony. Details of the Six nations
denuclearizing pact coming out on April 11, 2007 are very
encouraging. It clearly shows that the two strong contending sides are
giving ground and reached some consensus through long painful
discussions and consultations. This is how harmony works through
discussions, consultations and consensus. Until the announcement
yesterday the accord all seemed but impossible. Not so long ago our
President Bush called North Korea part of the "Axis of Evil”. This major
world event may not receive the attention it deserves. But from World
Harmony Renaissance perspective this may spark a series of events
that signal the beginning of harmony at East Asia. By implementing
the Nuclear Disarmament Pact U.S., China, Russia, Japan, South and
North will have to help North Korea recover. That means major
countries across both sides of the pacific will work together for mutual
development. North East Asia development has a lot of potential.
North Korea's economic stagnation dated from Korean War some 50
years ago may see a way out. The Accord calls for "Within 30 days:
Five separate working groups meet on denuclearizing, normalizing
U.S.-North Korea relations, normalizing of North Korea-Japan
relations, economy and energy cooperation, and peace and security in
Northeast Asia.” This would have been real juicy material for our World
Harmony Watch Column to break the news, should we have our own
World Harmony Renaissance magazine. I would have reported with a

lot more enthusiasm than the U.S. press for sure. Be what it may, this
proved the importance of World Harmony Watch column to give the
fair historical perspective and the whole aftermath of the cold war era.
Some of you may still remember the cold war confrontation era. As
momentous as those years were the left over effect may be solved by
the necessity of mutual and harmonious development. Need for mutual
development will pave the way for a more harmonious world. Solution
for uniting North and South Korea, Between China and Taiwan will be
the promise of mutual development. Unification of West and East
Germany and the return of Hong Kong to China both situations showed
that the aftermath of cold war era can easily be forgotten and
harmony of feuding brothers can be achieved.


Following is an excerpt from Xinhua News
"TEHRAN, May 29 (Xinhua) -- A senior Iranian official said on Tuesday
that his country adopts proactive diplomacy to help restore Iraq's
security, the official IRNA news agency reported.
Ali Akbar Velayati, advisor to Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei on political affairs, said that Iran showed goodwill during
negotiations with Iraqi and U.S. officials in Baghdad.
His remarks came one day after Iranian and U.S. ambassadors met in
Baghdad to discuss Iraq's security during the first high-level direct
official talks between the arch-foes in 27 years.
Velayati said that Monday's meeting was a token of understanding
shown by Iran in helping remove ambiguities and a call for the change
of the arrogant literature from certain U.S. officials against Iran.
U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker on Monday urged Iran to stop
supporting Iraq's militia in the rare but "positive" meeting with his
Iranian counterpart in the Iraqi capital.
Crocker said at a news conference that his talks with Iranian
Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Kazemi Qomi was "positive" and
"business-like" and both parties agreed for a stable Iraq.
The ice-breaking talks, held in the residency of Iraqi Prime Minister
Nuri al-Maliki, is the first for the United States and Iran since the
diplomatic relations of the two countries have been severed for more
than a quarter century.
Analysts said though the high-profile talks achieved no breakthrough
as what U.S. and Iranian officials expected, it marked a shift from
isolation to engagement in the U.S. policy toward Iran on Iraqi issues."
Is this sign of harmony diplomacy in the Middle East?

The following is excerpt by permission from Xinhua net as an example
of how harmony diplomacy can promote mutual development.
BEIJING, May 29 -- China-Japan relations have taken a turn for the
better since Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's "ice-breaking" visit
to China late last year and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's "ice-melting"
journey to Japan last month, after going through twists and turns over
the last decade or so.
After the rapprochement in 1972, Sino-Japanese relations made
impressive advances. Starting from the mid-1990s, however, the
bilateral ties began to zigzag through uncertainties. As a result, friction
between the two sides became increasingly intensified and ever more
frequent. By the end of 2005, contacts between the top leadership of
the two countries were completely suspended, a low point for bilateral
The worsening of the bilateral ties not only did harm to the two
nations' strategic interests but also aroused grave international
In October 2006, the new Japanese prime minister paid an official visit
to China. Both sides reached consensus on overcoming political
obstacles, pushing forward bilateral relations, restoring connections
between Chinese and Japanese leaders, evaluating the development
roads taken by the two countries, sticking to the approach of jointly
developing the East China Sea resources, and building mutually
beneficial relations based on common strategic interests.
During the Chinese premier's Japan visit in April, the two sides gained
more common ground on handling the major disputes between the two
countries. They reached agreement on the basic principles and content
of the mutually beneficial strategic relationship and on concrete steps
to achieve the goal.

The two sides have reached consensus on promoting connections

between their top leadership. Impressive progress has been made in a
short time.
A certain degree of mutual trust between the top leaders plays a
unique role in promoting the bilateral ties. Top Chinese and Japanese
leaders have made official visits to each other's countries, in addition
to their three meetings on different international occasions.
Two years ago, while pointing out that questions revolving around
history, Taiwan and disputes over the East China Sea resources were
directly responsible for the worsening of bilateral ties, this author
made it clear that there were more profound contributing factors: the
"strong-versus-strong relationship" that came into being between

China and Japan with the end of the Cold War.
Both sides were not sufficiently prepared for this situation or their
ideas lagged behind developments. As a result, friction between the
two countries became ever more intensified. This eventually led to
Sino-Japanese relations becoming marked predominantly by disputes
and feuds.
The consensus on building the mutually beneficial strategic relationship
marks the major breakthrough in ideas and also a new starting point
for bringing about mutual trust.
This also demonstrates that both sides are now determined to put
common interest above everything else. They have discarded the
fossilized idea that "no two rival tigers can exist on the same

A final thought on harmony diplomacy, there are two major harmony

concepts that worked for China and Japan. US may very well take
heed. The program of Chinese and Japanese scholars jointly studying
history has been formally launched. This is putting respect for other
cultures in action. China in a proactive gesture has made it clear that it
expects to see Japan playing a greater constructive role in
international affairs.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization













Full text of Joint Fact Sheet of Second US-China Strategic Economic

Dialogue 2007-05-26 03:34:23

WASHINGTON, May 25 (Xinhua) -- The following is the full text of the
joint fact sheet of the second US-China Strategic Economic Dialogue:
The Second U.S. - China Strategic Economic Dialogue
May 22-23, Washington
Joint Fact Sheet
In Washington on May 22 and 23, the United States and China held
the second Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED). As special
representatives of Presidents Bush and Hu, Treasury Secretary Henry
M. Paulson, Jr. and Vice Premier Wu Yi served as co-chairs of the SED.
The United States and China agreed to the following principlesbuilding
on the consensus reached at SED I:
-- Promoting balanced economic growth in a manner compatible with
sustained development is a shared responsibility of the two sides.
-- Recognizing the importance of innovation in creating a prosperous
economy, and encouraging market-oriented fair competition, effective
property rights, and, specifically for small and medium enterprises, the
development, management, and application of innovation.
-- Strengthening cooperation on meeting respective goals in energy
security, conservation, and efficiency; developing clean sources of
energy; environmental protection; clean development; and addressing
climate change.
-- Cooperating and exchanging information on transparency to
enhance predictability for market participants, promote confidence in
our economies and build on their international obligations.
Discussions led to a number of results that strengthen and deepen the
bilateral economic relationship, including:
-- In financial services, China will resume licensing securities
companies in the second half of 2007, and before SED III, China will
announce to gradually expand the business scope of qualified joint-
venture securities companies to allow them to be engaged in securities
brokerages, propriety trading and asset management; increase the
total quota for Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFIIs) to $30
billion under the prerequisite of promoting its international balance of
payment; allow foreign incorporated banks qualified for RMB retail
businesses to issue RMB bank cards which meet the operational and
technical standards of China's banking cards, and enjoy the same
treatment as Chinese banks; and allow foreign property insurance
companies to apply for conversions into subsidiaries. China Insurance
Regulatory Commission (CIRC) will complete decisions on pending
applications by August 1, 2007. China expanded the scope of
investment products for Qualified Domestic Institutional Investors
(QDIIs). The United States strongly supports full membership of China
at the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in June 2007 with the
understanding that China will take appropriate steps to ensure that it

meets FATF's core membership criteria, confirms that any application
by a Chinese bank to establish branches in the United States will be
considered consistent with the principle of national treatment, and
commits to regulatory personnel exchanges.
-- In non-financial services and trade, both sides announced an
agreement to expand the existing bilateral aviation agreement which
greatly increases the number of flights between the two countries
annually, provides for full liberalization for cargo services as of 2011,
and both sides agreed to commence negotiations in 2010 on an
agreement and timetable for full liberalization of passenger services; a
joint declaration to launch Chinese group leisure travel to the United
States; a MOU on sovereign guarantee financing cooperation; and the
import by China of U.S. railway equipment. Both sides agreed on
"Guidelines for U.S.-China High Technology and Strategic Trade
Development." Both sides will continue to cooperate on transparency
in government legislation, and co-host a seminar involving
administrative licenses. China will publish revised implementing
regulations on international freight forwarding in 2007.
-- In energy and the environment, the United States and China agreed
to work together in a pragmatic manner to actively participate in WTO
multilateral negotiations on trade and environment, and engage in
discussions on the reduction or, as appropriate, elimination of tariff
and non-tariff barriers to environmental goods and services. The
United States and China will strengthen cooperation in the following
areas: advancing clean coal technology, aiming to develop up to 15
large-scale coal-mine methane capture projects in China, finalizing
participation of China in the Government Steering Committee of the
Future Gen project, providing policy incentives to abolish cost barriers
to full commercialization of advanced coal technologies, advancing the
research and development of carbon capture and storage technologies,
and formulating a national low sulfur fuel policy for China. The United
States and China jointly announce an agreement for voluntary energy
efficient product endorsement labeling (EnergyStar) certification. Both
countries signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on Nuclear Safety for
the Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Reactor.
-- In balancing growth, the United States will provide technical
assistance on developing financial markets and rural finance. Both
countries agree to staff exchanges and information sharing regarding
labor market policies. The U.S.-China Health Care Forum was
successfully convened prior to SED II. The United States and China
also agree to pursue significant measures to lower China's national
saving rate and increase the United States national saving rate. The
United States welcomes China's announcement to widen the RMB daily
trading band.

-- In innovation, China's General Administration of Customs, and the
U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland
Security signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on IPR Enforcement.
The United States and China also signed a letter of intent on the
establishment of a consultative mechanism in standards and trade-
related technical measures and will host a seminar on the critical
elements of technical innovation.
Both sides decided to prioritize work during the next six months in
several areas:
-- To promote a reduction in current account imbalances in a manner
compatible with sustained economic growth, China will continue to
deepen reform of the exchange rate regulation system, further
improve the formation of a RMB exchange rate mechanism, bring into
greater role of market supply and demand, and increase the flexibility
of the exchange rate. The United States will implement measures to
increase long run fiscal responsibility and introduce new ways to
encourage private saving. Both sides also agree to strengthen
cooperation on health care services and statistics related to U.S.-China
trade and employment. The United States welcomes Chinese
investment in the United States, and China welcomes U.S. investment
in China.
-- Launch agreement consultations to facilitate Chinese group leisure
travel to the United States, continue discussions on the possibility of a
bilateral investment agreement, and strengthen consultation and
cooperation on China's market economy status. The two sides shall
seek to clarify misunderstandings and resolve differences to promote
the rapid development of civilian high technology and strategic trade.
China will streamline the application and licensing process for the
provision of enterprise annuities including by foreign-invested
enterprises by SED III.
-- Engage in dialogue on illegal logging and explore ways to cooperate
including through a bilateral agreement. Continue exchanges on
management of oceans and fisheries, strategic petroleum reserves,
and on fostering environmentally sound management of recyclable
waste materials; strengthen cooperation on the Global Nuclear Energy
Partnership and promote bilateral exchanges and cooperation on
energy, environmental protection, and clean development and climate
change; and advance the Joint Study of Abatement Strategies.
-- Identify new areas of cooperation to strengthen innovation
capabilities, as well as deepening cooperation to enhance laws,
policies, programs and incentives that encourage innovation. The
United States and China will continue to cooperate on transparency in
rule-making, inviting representatives from their legislative and judicial
organs of government to appropriate future meetings.

The third SED will be held in Beijing in December 2007.
Editor: Yan Liang

Tuesday, May 22, 2007



Freedom, Democracy and Harmony Diplomacy: A Review by Morgan Steacy, York

University, Toronto, East Asian Studies Department.

Have you ever heard someone say, “Can’t we all just get along?”, and thought that
it sounded reasonable? This is exactly what I believe happened to Dr. Francis Fung,
Director General of the World Harmony Organisation. Dr. Fung has written an
article entitled, Freedom Democracy and Harmony Diplomacy that essentially asks
this very question. The difference here is that he answers with a resounding, yes.
Up until now no one has ventured to explore the reasons that people have so often
asked this question, but have never actually dealt with why the answer that should
be YES seems determined to remain NO. So, how does this article evade the puerile
nature of the question that it deals with?
Dr. Fung has chosen the USA, as the major world power, to be the primary focus of
his urgings. He links historical downfalls of people quite succinctly with the current
situation of the world. He describes a world that is so overcome with the notion of
“spreading freedom” that there is never a moment to stop and think about the
hypocrisy of deciding to “bring freedom” to another nation.
He describes this as “freedom diplomacy”, a process which is detrimental to
societies because of the fact that they are not determining their own freedom,
making it inherently flawed. He further points out that while terrorists have acted in
order to destroy our freedom, their success in actually doing so has been ineffective.
He claims that it is our reaction to terrorism that has actually limited our freedom.
He is not claiming that countries should eliminate counter-terror measures. The
point he is making is that we are dealing with the symptoms of a problem rather
than the problem itself.
Some believe that the answer to the problem lies in the style of governance that
persists in regions where terrorists are able to survive. The answer, to these people,
is simple. Spread democracy. If democracy’s impact has been felt to the extent that
it has in so many other parts of the world, then surely there is no reason for it to fail
elsewhere. The truth, unfortunately, lies far from this simplistic view. It is
impossible to deny that democracy has been a boon to many societies, and has even
been the backbone of success in the modern world, but there are differences in the

way that each nation practices democracy. The flexibility that democracy allows
within a defined structure is one thing that makes democracy such an amazing
concept. Unfortunately, it is often the case that narrow-mindedness and a lack of
true cultural understanding inhibits the propagation of actual democracy, and it is
only imperialism that perseveres.
Finally, Dr. Fung, having illuminated many of the problematic approaches
currently being undertaken, leads the reader to the solution. Harmony is an
approach that supports rather than censures, it is tolerant rather than judgemental
and it is inclusive instead of being exclusive. Harmony is meant to encompass the
fundamental principles that one ought to adhere to in all facets of life. Decision-
making processes would be geared towards harmony, rather than personal gain,
from an individual level all the way to a global plain.
Dr. Fung has taken a concept that is so seemingly simplistic and breathed a palpable
life into it in this essay. The statement that he is making is direly needed and I hope
that he continues to make statements like these so that people will start to realize
that the solutions that are currently failing to solve the contentious issues of global
peace will continue to fail until we realize that it is our very goal that is misguided.
We need to establish global harmony before thinking about global peace. Harmony
does not imply agreement, only tolerance. It is possible to bring harmony about
quickly through education and compliance. Once the people of the world commit to
harmony as a means to solve problems, the problems of the world will finally
become manageable, and maybe then we will all “just get along”.


Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:57:33 -0700 (PDT)
"Francis Fung"
meeting with Xinhua high level delegation
"francis fung"

Dear Bureau Chief Zeng and General Manager Zhang,

We at World Harmony Organization were greatly honored by

your visit yesterday. We greatly appreciate your work in
supporting world harmony renaissance. The potential for our
cooperation is great. It is the most significant historical
undertaking of our time to bring peace and harmony to the

conflicting world.

Now that we have built a platform to pursuit world harmony

movement through our publications, we are planning
newsworthy world harmony cultural festival and world
harmony renaissance conference events. We look forward to
your support and cooperation here in the U.S and the world. As
an independent world think tank dedicated to pursuit of world
harmony we value contributions from the world. Harmony
belongs to the world. World harmony begins with U.S. - China
harmony consensus.

World Harmony Organization and World Harmony Institute are

non profit and nonreligious corporations dedicated to the
pursuit of world harmony. Our names are registered exclusively
to pursuit our mission under categories of education,
conferences, publications, Internet promotion, cultural
activities and large scale entertainment events. We have also
taken out proprietary services trade marks such as world
harmony, Harmony renaissance, world harmony festival, world
harmony renaissance center, world harmony ambassadors and
world harmony volunteers. These are our intellectual
properties that will protect our future investment in harmony
undertakings from here on. For more info on trade marks
please refer to our website
Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Harmony universal world common heritage 2007-05-09 10:57:18

By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

BEIJING, May 9 (Xinhuanet) -- Since ancient times Religion,
Democracy and Harmony were passed down to us by our forefathers
as the three main cultural pillars. I have shared this fundamental
observation with you often in previous essays. In today's conflicted
world full of extremism and unilateralism, the call for harmony
renaissance is a unifying global movement. It is essential to sustain

this spirit of harmony as our common heritage. Harmony belongs to
the world. In human development of civilization, only truth can stand
the test of history. Truth and common values belong to the world
regardless of their source and origin.
For many, we can practice democracy and religions as belonging to the
world, yet we are unaware of harmony as our common human
heritage. Lasting cultures do not develop by accident. Through long
patient development they were born of necessity, observation of
nature, collective wisdom, and worldwide propagation by resonance.
The philosophy of Harmony is all embracing, enduring and endearing.
It advocates non-violence and problem-solving by means of
consensus. Its premises include equity, tolerance, patience,
acceptance, humility and respect for other cultures.
Equity and humility are the cornerstones of harmony practice. In the
eyes of harmony there is no nobility without humility. Individuals
practicing harmony require discipline, humility and the strongest
conviction in gentleness, especially when challenged by force and
unilateralism. Every major civilization practices harmony in one form
or the other.
The roots of democracy can be seen in all cultures to some degree or
other. The rediscovery of the Greek and Roman Democratic tradition
during the age of European Enlightenment and Renaissance propelled
democracy to its world importance today. The movement also released
our collective energy that brought us modern science for the
betterment of mankind. The world is mature enough now to know that
democracy is an important element in modern governance. This is
evidenced in the fact that almost all new nations of today regard
themselves democracies.
Today's challenges to world development are sustainability in a
worsening ecology, limitation of resources, and the extreme disparity
between rich and poor. In a world of cultural and historical diversity
one must allow different forms of democracy. The timely harmony
renaissance will create the spirit of unity in diversity and the collective
consensus to solve the urgent problems that face the world today. This
will release a new wave of creative energy for higher human
accomplishments beyond what the European renaissance brought.
With communication wonders today, harmony propagates by
resonance with Internet speed as stated in my essays "Harmony
Propagates by Resonance" and "Universal Wave Theory and Harmony
Consensus". In today's globalization, no nation can afford to insist on
the self limiting "not invented here" notion. Universally proven wisdom
will outlast shortsightedness. What is proven to be good is to be
adopted and improved by each nation as their own regardless of
whether its source is east west or north south.. Simply put, harmony is

our common value and common human heritage. It will prevail.
It is clear that throughout human history even before there were
defined national boundaries; harmony was practiced as the oldest form
of collective philosophy. It is the inspiration for major belief systems.
Religion was practiced to keep harmony with the all mighty unknown,
regardless of the form in which we glorify the unknown. Democracy
was instituted to keep harmony between the government and its
citizens. Moral values and legal systems were elaborately developed in
different countries to promote harmony in human interactions. Family
and social orders are also forms of harmony. The noticeable lack of an
emphasis on religion and legal systems in the ancient Far East was
undoubtedly due to the dominance of moral teachings by Laotze and
Confucius. Both relied on popularization of moral education to bring
harmony to human existence.
With the onslaught of globalization created by the wonders of
communication, there is veritably no excuse not to understand the
diversity of cultures left by 5000 years of major regional cultural
developments. Now that we are facing the challenges of diversity in
religious beliefs and development of democratic governance systems,
it is time for us to return to harmony philosophy in order to create
balance. There is every logical reason to examine harmony practices in
major cultures to bring some consensus to our troubled world.
From an analytical viewpoint, there appears to be definite differences
in regional emphasis and trends in harmony practice just as there will
always be differences in the inevitable adoption of democracy by all
nations. Because harmony is even more embracing than democracy as
a human management system we must accept diversity. Fortunately,
different harmony cultural practices are complementary in the sense of
a total engineering system that will enable prioritized world consensus
to be reached. In the process we will intuitively accept the simple truth
that the best governance system for any nation is its own harmony
system. Harmony also embraces democracy.
In broad strokes subject to further in depth global studies, I venture to
offer for discussion the following major emphasis or trends in
worldwide harmony practices. For harmony practices to stand the test
of time it must be a universally acceptable common value and include
nobility and humility as a basic prerequisite.
(1) Major religions of today all include belief in harmony, otherwise
they would not have survived the test of history. It is taught by
scriptures and reinforced by preachers in houses of worship with few
exceptions. The practice of harmony is based, in part, on a fear of
punishment by the almighty unknown and the reward of going to
heaven, rather than for the goodness of harmony itself.
The further spread of religion is limited by two major factors. The first

is the fixation of modern religion to exclusively accept its own
institutionalized conception of the almighty unknown. The second is
the waning authority of the clergy within the community. Faith in the
almighty as the savior of mankind and submission to his will continue
as the modus operandi of nobility and humility to drive religion.
(II) Since the age of the European Enlightenment the concept of
democracy has spread far and wide. It is universally accepted as the
foundation of good governance. Nations in the midst of inevitable
transformation all agree. True democracy must blend in with each
individual nation's cultural heritage and its various stages of
development. It takes evolution to truly bring harmony to a society.
Democracy must adapt to the harmony of dynamic balance in
changing times. The western democratic tradition, with America as the
driving force, relies heavily on complex legal practice and penal
punishment. Law and order has worked to bring harmony in that
particular society.
No democratic system prescribed by one nation for another can be
perfect for our diverse world with systems developed regionally over
5000 years. Unfortunately the noble goal of spreading democracy by
any means necessary, including overt political action and occupation,
has greatly tarnished the image of Western democracy. As Pan Ke-
Moon, the current U.N. Secretary General, stated in front of the recent
Asian Development Forum "Democracy is not an import export item".
Still, empty marketing slogans bereft of consideration for cultural
diversity and history is drumming to the call of war cries.
The noticeable lack of humility of past proselytizing processes of Euro-
centric democracy and colonialism left an irreparable chasm dividing
developed and developing countries. This suggests alternate
approaches for the developed world to help the needy. An approach of
harmony, with its gentleness and respect for all cultures, appears
more palatable to the needy world for mutual development. It is time
for America, the young dynamic democracy with abundant resources,
to rise to the occasion.
(III) In the Far East harmony was practiced with heavy doses of moral
education. The system promulgated comprehensive moral teachings
reinforced by family unity and civil service examinations. This
examination system reached its extreme during the 19th century. A
harmonious society is supported more by family order and unity, than
by law and order. Nobility and humility are reinforced by education and
morality and sacrifices are extolled by all. Law was the bottom line
with moral values taking precedence. A focus on harmony creates a
society where materialism and commercialism can acceptably be
placed in low priority positions.
With the onslaught of Western individualism and commercialism, the

flood gates of self indulgence and corruption were forced wide open.
The venerable ancient system of relying on education of nobility and
humility was shaken to the core. Today Far East nations including
Japan and Korea have adopted law and order to complement their
moral value system, followed closely by China in its reform and
opening up. The successful transformation of Japan and Korea from
systems based on moral values and family unity to their own
individualistic modern democratic societies is worthy of attention.
Despite the fact that both societies were heavily influenced by foreign
cultures East and West, these modern societies have combined the
best of both worlds and their choices have flourished. Until very recent
times, both nations' histories were recorded in Chinese characters.
Today both Japan and Korea are proud of their own innovations
culturally and scientifically.
This lends to the optimism that diverse culture, despite opposite
ideals, can be blended together resulting in modern, competitive and
harmonious societies. China today is determined and motivated to
combine the best of East and West to forge a harmonious society with
its own characteristics, sans outside occupation. The result is very
encouraging and to be commended by the outside world.
When the economic and scientific conditions are mature enough, and
the historical moment comes, politics will change. Nations will become
harmonious societies by their own resonance with external influence.
Outside force and constant chastisement can be counter-productive
given the probable impact on national dignity. Today, many parts of
the world have suffered the collective mental anguish of a loss of
dignity under Western dominance for far too long.
The truth can be seen that in this rapidly changing materialistic world,
no ready-made system is perfect in bringing harmony to the world. For
unity in diversity we need to call for world harmony renaissance and
advocate consensus through dynamic balance. Many of my previous
essays have expounded on this. Please visit our website and blog site By adhering to the true spirit
of equity and humility, perhaps the world can work together through
individual harmony practices to bring about a better and more
understanding world. By doing so, a new wave of innovation will
release our creative energy to bring human beings to the next level of
accomplishment. Failing to do so will cast the sustainability of
expanding world development very much into doubt.
May Harmony Prevail in the World!

Editor: Xia Xiaopeng


Re: meeting with Xinhua high level delegation
Thu, 14 Jun 2007 08:05:21 +0800
" Peter A Neumann
Dear Francis,

Thanks for the update, I hope you and the family are well. I think it
is wonderful to see the concept of a "harmony" paradigm being
promoted in the media. So much of Western cultural history has been
based on a conflict paradigm (crusades, competition for scarce
resources, clash of civilizations, political struggle, etc.). It is extremely
important to open people's minds to unity, universal love and harmony
as governing principles of society, the world and the universe.
Best regards,


Harmony Diplomacy in Work 2007-06-18 10:11:57
By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
BEIJING, June 18 (Xinhuanet) -- The U.S. media, which accustomed to
confrontational cold war diplomacy, has been slow to recognize the
signs of world harmony diplomacy on the rise. The profit-driven,
corporate and military complex dominated American media looks
sluggish when faced with the tide of win-win mutual development
between nations.
It remains to be seen if the U.S. media will finally learn world harmony
diplomacy and move forward to the 21st century.

Besides the overbearing American foreign policy, the condescending
attitude in the media for the past 50 years, is also to blame for the
mistrust created between the States and other nations. A change of
heart in American media will certainly help to create a better world
understanding for the U.S. government to continue practicing world
harmony diplomacy.
The following are major current event stories showing signs of
harmony diplomacy on the rise drastically under reported by the U.S.
On Wednesday May 23, 2007, Chinese and American officials ended a
key economic dialogue in Washington in agreement.
The meeting was co-chaired by Secretary of Treasury, Henry Paulson
and China's Vice Premier Wu Yi.
During the two day Second Strategic Economic Dialogue, top economic
officials from the two countries discussed topics covering areas of
service, investment, transparency, energy and environment as well as
growth balance and innovation.
As witnessed by the fact sheet jointly issued at the closing, the two
sides reached consensus on how to move forward on financial services,
civil aviation, energy and environment as well as signing a number of
specific agreements.
One cannot help but notice that the tone of the fact sheet shows great
diplomacy at work. This consensus is surprising because of the
perennial trade friction between the two nations, particularly in light of
the climate of the China bashing, which resulted from the recent
Congressional trade protectionism mentality.
In contrast to past foibles, President George W. Bush made the correct
diplomatic choice for U.S.-China relations, as well as for world
At a White House press conference, Bush said that the just concluded
U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue is "important" and there has
been some progress achieved at the dialogue, stating that "this is an
important dialogue. And it's one that I thank the Chinese government
for engaging in."
Bush also met with Vice Premier Wu Yi in the White House Oval Office
and said he appreciates China's willingness "to work with strategic
dialogues in order to put in place the type of measures that reflect a
complex relationship."
To set the proper tone for the consultation and consensus, the
principle negotiators from both sides were careful in their statements.
"Thanks for the careful attention and joint efforts from both sides, the
second meeting of the strategic dialogue achieved great success," said
Wu. The economic and trade relationship between China and the U.S.
is one of the most complicated in today's world, she said. The SED

provides an excellent platform for both sides to "further understanding
and trust in terms of strategic issues."
Vice Premier Wu added 揈qual consultation, cooperation and win-win
have become the overall situation and defining nature of China-U.S.
relations, both being stakeholders and constructive partners."
"Politicizing economic and trade issues is absolutely unacceptable,
since it is of no help but will make the situation more complicated,
harm bilateral economic and trade relations or even cause serious
negative impact on the progress of overall China-U.S. ties," she added.
On his part, Paulson said that U.S. and China both understood that
"getting the economic relationship right is vital not only to our people,
but to the world economy." Paulson also said, "The purpose of this on
going dialogue is to have candid discussions and find ways to ease,
rather than increase tensions."
"Now and then, the peace of the world and the progress of the world
required close cooperation between the two peoples of the U.S. and
China" said Henry Kissinger at the opening of the dialogue. "The most
advanced industrialized country and the country that is growing at the
fastest rate have the unique opportunity to set an example for the rest
of the world of cooperation and vision."
The consensus reached through the SED consultation clearly
demonstrated the merit of practicing harmony diplomacy. Harmony is
fostered by acceptance, respect, equity and humility. This type of no
fault, win-win consultation can lead to complementary solutions
between any two nations. The SED fact sheet may serve as a model of
harmony diplomacy with humility, practiced by two great nations with
wisdom. It is often important to carry a long vision and not always a
big stick in harmony diplomacy.

Details of the six party talks on the nuclear issue of the Korean
peninsular coming out on April 11, 2007 are very encouraging. It
clearly shows that the two strong contending sides are giving ground
and reached some consensus through long painful discussions and
consultations. This is how harmony works through discussions,
consultations and consensus. Until the announcement, the accord all
seemed but impossible. Not so long ago President Bush called "North
Korea as part of the 'Axis of Evil'." From World Harmony Renaissance
perspective this event may spark a series of events that signal the
beginning of harmony at East Asia.
By implementing the Nuclear Disarmament Pact, U.S., China, Russia,
Japan, South Korea will have to help DPRK recover. That means major
countries across both sides of the pacific will work together for mutual
development. North East Asia development has a lot of potential. The
Accord calls for "Within 30 days: Five separate working groups meet

on denuclearizing, normalizing U.S.-North Korea relations, normalizing
of North Korea-Japan relations, economy and energy cooperation, and
peace and security in Northeast Asia."
Be what it may, this proved the importance of harmony diplomacy to
give the fair historical perspective to the whole aftermath of the cold
war era. The need for mutual development will pave the way for a
more harmonious world.

Editor: Xia Xiaopeng

Tuesday, May 22, 2007




Noble ideals do not occur as isolated incidents in human civilization.

Rather, they result from our collective inspiration and wisdom. They
are derived of keen observation of the interactions between humans
themselves as well as with nature. Often they become important
movements of necessity calling for correction of inequity in our midst.
More often than not, because of the universal truths they contain, they
propagate by resonance and become the common human heritage.

When the pressure of inequity builds up unchecked to unbearable

proportions, these ideals are bound to release the human energy
necessary for correction. This system of cause and consequence is
similar to the balance between wind and waves correcting for
differences in air and water pressure. It is nature’s way to seek
dynamic equilibrium and human activities cannot escape the order of
nature, as intelligent as we are. Our misguided intellect has, from time
to time, actually created more dynamic disturbances, such as wars,
slavery and economic imbalances that are more destructive than any
natural calamities like hurricanes, earthquakes or tsunamis.

Freedom, Democracy and Harmony are three ancient universal human

ideals that belong to the world and not to any one single nation. They
are not entirely independent but intimately related. As a matter of
fact, there exist fascinating relations among them that warrant
immediate global study. Some may wonder why freedom and

democracy have been so widely promoted during the last 400 years of
human history, while harmony was barely noted on the world stage.

In fact, Freedom and Democracy have been the most successfully used
tools to promote international diplomacy in the 20th Century. The
scenario for the fall of the Soviet Empire at the end of the last century
was due mostly to the effective propagation of Western freedom and
democracy diplomacy as well as the Soviet’s economic collapse.
Harmony, as a great unifying force in the on rush of globalization, has
now come of age. Harmony is mankind’s greatest common value. The
conflicted world of today urgently calls for international democracy
through the practice of harmony diplomacy. To grasp the importance
of harmony diplomacy a review of freedom and democracy diplomacy
can be most revealing.


Nature imbues us with the instinctive knowledge that we are born free.
The mountains, the wind and the lions are born free, not to mention
any other of the myriad animals that remain free until captured.
Despite being born free, powerful groups desperately yearn to enslave
us. More than 2500 years ago the most ancient cultures scattered
about different continents prohibited slavery seeing it as hideous. The
institutionalized slave trade was most egregiously practiced in the new
world until the American civil war put an end to it. During the Cold War
Era freedom became a convenient slogan used by much of the
capitalist world, right or wrong, especially by those countries that felt
the threat of Communism.

The world then was arbitrarily divided into the Free World and the
Communist world. It was during this Cold War Era that the word
freedom got more mileage in the media than at any other time in
human history. Freedom whipped up the world to such a fever pitch
that half of the world was willing to die for it whether it was called for
or not. I recall as a young child in Hong Kong, when our American
teacher gave our senior class the topic “The best things in life are free”
the whole class dutifully wrote how great freedom was and that it was
worth dying for without fully understanding the topic.

Immediately following 9/11, George W. Bush conveniently thrust

freedom centre stage to rally Americans with the resounding cry. The
logic was that the terrorists hate our freedom and they are intent on
taking it away. To be fair, American democracy as put forth by our
forefathers, guarantees each citizen freedom from undue infringement

through law and order. Freedom as an ideal is politically neutral,
neither good nor bad. However, modern democracy is designed to
prevent minority individuals from exceeding their rights granted by

Bush’s call for freedom diplomacy after 9/11 is neither necessary nor
appropriate. Terrorists have not been empowered to take away our
freedom, but the resulting regulation to counter-terrorism has. As
warned by President Eisenhower, the military complex created by war
may seriously threaten our democracy and hence our individual
freedom. The greatest threat to our freedom today is our enslavement
to the military and the industrial complex through their hijacking of


Since time immemorial, the protection of human rights has occupied

our consciousness. The fear of the all mighty unknown that sparked
religious teaching was likely the catalyst for this type of thought.
Teaching morals and common values developed along with harmony
while democracy followed behind. Democratic systems as a means to
guarantee individual rights and freedoms reached new heights when
the American Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights were
signed, giving way to the system of laws being enacted. Western
diplomacy spread far and wide and profoundly changed the world
during the 20th century.

During the cold war era U.S. democracy diplomacy successfully faced
down Soviet expansionism. Its influence on foreign policy has now
diminished as fear of communism has significantly decreased.
Democracy, in different forms, has now become a generally accepted
governance system. Democracy grows best in the fertile soil of each
individual nation without outside interference or occupation. American
chastisement of other nations only offends their dignity. Many
developing nations, after years of domination by imperialism, have
nothing to cling to other than the very dignity being spoken of.

Democracy is also no longer an import export item, as pointed out by

Ban Ke-moon, the current Secretary General of the U.N. Due to the
debacle of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, democracy as an instrument of
foreign policy has lost its lustre and appeal. Diplomacy works best in
these conflicted times when harmony principles are employed.
Harmony diplomacy is a win-win, no-fault conflict resolution approach.
It is time to minimize confrontations in today’s conflicted world by

using harmony diplomacy. It certainly is worth a try. Mutual win-win
development can be more economically viable than war. We have
spent close to 400 billion dollars on the Iraq war, fast approaching our
expenditure on the Vietnam War, with no end in sight.

When unity is needed human beings have proven quite capable.

International unity can be reached only through international
democracy, not unilateralism. International democracy will be the end
result of major nations practicing harmony diplomacy. In her recent
book “The Mighty and the Almighty” Madeleine Albright suggested that
world harmony is the end goal of a more peaceful world. To achieve
world harmony her solution was for major nations to practice faith
diplomacy based on the tradition of Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition.
Faith diplomacy is an extension of U.S. democracy diplomacy to win
the Islamic world.


George H. W. Bush senior, in a speech before a joint session of

Congress, on September 11, 1990 said “A new partnership of nations
has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary
moment….. Out of these troubled times…. A new world order can
emerge…. In which the nations of the world east and west, north and
south, can prosper and live in harmony.”

Major religions of the world all practice harmony, as discussed in my

previous papers. As noble as any religion may be, faith diplomacy has
fallen short of uniting the world in harmony evidenced by the countless
tragic faith-based wars of the past as well as the current conflict
between the West and the Muslim world. Faith diplomacy on unity in
diversity was most noticeably practiced by the Bahai faith for over 163
years with limited success. Despite attempts by the Bahai faith to be
inclusive of all religions, its propagation is slowing. Religions as we
know them today all expect blind faith and acceptance of ethnocentric
almighty images, quite often unique to a specific culture. Neither the
Bahai faith nor religions based on Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition can
escape this prerequisite of blind faith.

No matter how broad religion’s attempts to be all embracing, as

proposed by the Bahai faith and Madeleine Albright in her book, faith
diplomacy will not be a universal solution for the world’s conflicts
because of religion’s inherent violation of the sensitivity of the spirit of
individual truth seeking. Harmony’s premise is tolerance, acceptance
and respect for other cultures. It is all embracing, endearing and

enduring. It neither dictates blind faith nor does it force acceptance of
an institutionalized and ethnocentric image of the almighty. No
particular personal attachment to the almighty is prescribed either.
Personal attachment to the almighty is a double-edged sword. It draws
those with faith closer, while alienating those without.

Harmony is discovered through observation of nature as discussed in

my other papers. It is nature’s preferred way of propagation. Nature is
all embracing and human beings are very much part of nature. It is
possible to believe in as wide a universe as one chooses without
adhering to blind faith. Our very survival and sustainable development
is now urgently dependent on our harmonious relationship with nature.
We deny our very existence by not working to improve our threatened
ecology. Most of us agree about the vision of world harmony and
international democracy. We can all participate in the harmony
movement by speaking and practicing harmony diplomacy in all facets
of our daily lives. We can practice goodness for goodness sake without
preaching religion. Why use faith diplomacy, an indirect approach,
when the direct approach, harmony diplomacy, is readily available?
Harmony’s resonance is growing and propagating. The Harmony
Renaissance is the unavoidable tide. It is time to reawaken our innate
human desire for harmony and to begin urging others to recognise the
value of this noble ideal.


I have discussed world harmony and harmony societies in some detail
in our website and blogsite . The basic idea of world
harmony is in common with all popular theories of world governance.
It hopes to build a more understanding world through tolerance,
respect, equity and acceptance of diverse cultures and governance
systems as destiny for all mankind.

Through harmony diplomacy major nations will support a stronger UN.

A more democratic world will advocate the solution of world conflicts
through consultation and harmony consensus. Unilateralism is to be
rejected and peaceful resolution will replace war and violence.
Harmony diplomacy will be the foundation of lasting peace. Without
harmony peace will not last.

In the pursuit of world harmony it is important to narrow the gap of

the North-South/rich-poor disparity through win-win mutual
development. This will create a world with a level playing field, which
will enable the citizens of the world to enjoy all of the achievements of

our great societies.
In the democratization of international relations, just and equitable
international political and economic orders can be established through
dialogue, negotiation and reaching consensus. The end result of
international democracy will release a new wave of world creative
energy. Human accomplishments can thus reach a new height of
development beyond European Renaissance.

The Order of Nature is Harmony and Harmony is the Order of Nature.

A harmony world is essential to save our ecology. To rally major
nations to commit to a cleaner and better environment, harmony
diplomacy must advocate a common ecology consensus. Central to
harmony diplomacy consensus is built in awareness to curb global
insatiable appetite for consumption. Continuation of current trend is
not sustainable. Without harmony consensus, the resulting
catastrophic global fight for resources will be more immediate than the
effect of climate change. It is time for all to advocate less
confrontational harmony diplomacy. May Harmony Prevail in the

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization




WHO First International Harmony Renaissance Symposium(IHRS) call

for papers could include and not limited to the following topics:

Harmony Renaissance, Harmony Philosophy old and new, harmony

consensus, harmony diplomacy, harmony and nature, harmony
science, harmony ecology, religious Harmony, harmony socialism,
harmony declaration and harmony constitution. We can add more as
we prepare our formal call for papers and the executive summary for
the Symposium business plan. I have a suggested Harmony
Declaration in my second book. I am ready to publish my third book.

I believe soon countries will be drafting harmony clauses into their

constitution based on universal writings of Harmony Declaration, just
like democracy, human rights and freedom. As an ideal, harmony is
more comprehensive, more sustainable, in keeping with nature's order
more adaptable to the future world.

Keep up the good work and do not work too hard. Harmony tide is
with us. We can enjoy ourselves. We are the pioneers. There is no
deadline. We will always be at the crest of the tide as long as we have
creativity and innovative ideas. This memo is published on our website and our blogsite


World Harmony Organization is calling for the First International

Symposium on World Harmony Renaissance with the theme-Harmony
Diplomacy Essential for World Peace. Can Washington Consensus and
Beijing Consensus reach Harmony Consensus? We will work with
universities, think tanks, Miltie national corporations and distinguished
individuals to call for international contributing papers. The first annual
symposium will take place in North America. There will be follow up
Harmony Renaissance Symposiums in different parts of the world with
different timely topics.

We have the pleasure to discuss with Xinhua as one of the event

sponsors so the annual event will add value and name recognition to
Xinhua's market expansion in North America and the world. At the on
set we would include Xinhua in drawing up our plans so as to assure
success and win-win implementation. Xinhua, will be the source of
2008 Olympic news from Beijing. It important for the world to know
Xinhua. Our world harmony renaissance events may be just what can
help to enhance Xinhua image.

Selected essays will be published by Xinhua Net on the internet. There

will also be a Proceeding of the Symposium of selected essays which
will be published by World Harmony Organization. Amazon and
Borders, the two largest internet book sellers in the world will feature
and carry the printed Proceeding for sale. This will further promote the
ideal of World Harmony Renaissance beyond the coverage provided by
Xinhua Net. This way the Xinhua brand and the individual authors will
be further recognized by world readers interested in world harmony
and world harmony diplomacy.

As I mentioned during our meeting, America and the world are looking
for solutions out of our conflicting world towards the next phase of
achievement. Only harmony renaissance can assure our sustainable
development and collective creative energy renewal. World harmony
renaissance will bring us to the next level of accomplishment beyond
European renaissance.

As demonstrated in the following paper on harmony diplomacy, conflict

resolution ideas and organizations are being proposed and resonating

world wide including America. Harmony renaissance will be the leading
philosophy in the 21st century, applicable not only in international
affairs but all areas of human interactions extending from individual,
family, national to international relations. I am also working on
another follow up harmony diplomacy article for submission to Xinhua.
It is titled "Signs of world harmony diplomacy on the rise".

Harmony Renaissance Symposium will be of great value in enhancing

Xinhua's new world image. The combined efforts of WHO and Xinhua
can greatly increase name recognition for Xinhua that cannot be
denied. WHO look for continuing more in depth cooperation with
Xinhua. We believe "World Harmony Renaissance", "World Harmony
Diplomacy", "World Harmony Renaissance Symposium" and "World
Harmony Renaissance Festival" will become household words. Most
important, they are all legally protected service trade marks belonging
to WHO. By cooperating with WHO Xinhua will sure be a household
name in North America soon.

I believe there is no better platform, no better opportunity, no better

timing and no better place for us to launch our First International
Symposium on Harmony Renaissance from North America now. It is
time for harmony and a large part of the world to stand up on the
world stage at the beginning of 21st century. World Cultural flow must
be Multi-directional and not only from the west to the east.

Francis C.W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization




As the leading world harmony renaissance think tank we are growing
with harmony by leaps and bounds. Our organization structures are
designed to accomplish mission tasks by Commissions directly,

effectively and with sense of responsibility.

Commission for U.N. Relation headed by Albert, Chang and Albert

Commission for U.S.- China Relation headed by C.C. Tien(stand in for
Peter Tien), Jack Tien, John Delfavero and Francis C.W. Fung
Commission for Harmony between Washinton Consensus and Beijing
Consensus headed by Francis C. W. Fung and John Delfavro
Commission for U.K.-China relation headed by Eric Chipps
Commission for Canada-China Relation headed by Morgan Steacy
Commission for Africa-China relation headed by Lee P. Der
Commission for Unity of Religion headed by Nushin Mavadatt, Peter
Numann and Rana Chang
Commission for World Harmony Cultural Festival headed by Spencer
Chase, Terry Rucker, Tatiana Ganenko, Sheila Chipps, Peter Lam,
Sophie Tse and Terry Luk.
Commission for International Harmony Renaissance Symposium
headed by Morgan Staecy, Dean Jacob Perea and Francis C. W. Fung
Commission for Ecology and Energy headed by John Delfavero and
Francis C. W. Fung
Commission for Harmony and Natural Science headed by Qin Nanji
Resident Legal Adviser Leon Jew
Media Relation headed by Iris Lei and Tina Wang supported by Sheila
Chipps and Inna Elbert.
Financing and Business Development headed by John Delfavero and
Lee P. Der
Executive secretary Julia Devendorf

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization



World Harmony Organization(WHO) is calling for the First International

Symposium on World Harmony Renaissance with themes on harmony

renaissance, harmony philosophy, harmony consensus, harmony
diplomacy, harmony economics, harmony politics, harmony ecology,
harmony Constitution and harmony religion and so on. We welcome
contributions from international educational institutes, think tanks,
organizations, corporations and distinguished individuals who are
interested in pursuing world harmony renaissance for a better and
sustainable world. The first symposium will take place in North

For current and state of art articles on world harmony renaissance one
may search world harmony renaissance, harmony renaissance,
harmony diplomacy, harmony consensus and harmony socialism on
Google and Yahoo as a start. The world wide web is very lively with
above harmony topics. Our published harmony papers are also top
listed. For more articles please also visit our blog site To keep posted on
how to submit papers and prizes that will be awarded to selected
essays please visit our website or
contact us through our website.

We have the pleasure to discuss with Xinhua as one of the many event
sponsors, so the event will also add value and name recognition to
Xinhua's market expansion in North America and the world. At the on
set we would include Xinhua in drawing up our plans because of our
past successful joint publications. Xinhua, will be the sole source of
2008 Olympic wire service news from Beijing. It is important for the
world to know Xinhua.

Essays submitted to WHO will be published on blog site There are already over
50 harmony essays published on the site. Selected papers submitted,
at the sole discretion of Xinhua and other sponsoring organizations will
also be published by Xinhua Net and other wewsites.

There will also be a Proceeding of the Symposium of essays jointly

selected by Xinhua and WHO which will be published by World
Harmony Organization. Authors selected for publication on the
Proceeding will be awarded incentive prizes. Amazon and Borders, the
two largest Internet book sellers in the world will feature and carry the
printed copies of the Proceeding for sale. This will further promote the
ideal of World Harmony Renaissance beyond the coverage provided by
Xinhua Net and its wide network of associates. In this way the Xinhua
brand and the individual authors will be further recognized by world
readers interested in world harmony renaissance.

As I mentioned during our meeting, America and the world are looking
for alternate solutions out of our conflicting world towards the next
phase of human achievement. Only harmony renaissance can assure
our sustainable development and collective creative energy renewal.
World harmony renaissance will bring us to the next level of
accomplishment beyond European renaissance.

As demonstrated by mine and other authors' papers published on

harmony diplomacy, conflict resolution ideas and organizations are
being proposed and resonating world wide including
America. Harmony renaissance will be the leading philosophy in the
21st century, applicable not only in international affairs but all areas of
human interactions extending from individual, family, national to
international relations.

Ideas submitted on "Harmony Constitution" can be drafted into

constitutions of individual nations who wish to keep up with the world
harmony renaissance tide. This is not unlike the past trend of drafting
democracy and human rights clauses into nations constitution. Based
on my published essays, "Harmony Constitution" can be more
comprehensive and in keeping with modern society progress and
sustainablity than democracy constitution of the past.

WHO is unique for first proposing the concept of "Harmony

Renaissance" and "Harmony Constitution" to the world at the
beginning of 21st century. Our contribution will be judged by our

Harmony Renaissance Symposium will be of great value in enhancing

Xinhua's new world image. The combined synergistic energy of WHO
and Xinhua can greatly increase name recognition for Xinhua that
cannot be denied. Especially Xinhua also distributes copies of the
Symposium Proceeding through its network and to its clients.

I believe there is no better platform, no better opportunity, no better

timing and no better place for us to launch our First International
Symposium on Harmony Renaissance from North America now. It is
time for harmony renaissance and a large part of the world to stand up
on the world stage at the beginning of 21st century. World Cultural
flow must be Multi- directional and not only from the west to the east.

World Harmony Organization will collect, edit the submitted papers

and initially publish them on our blog site

116 The only obligation
for Xinhua and other sponsors is to subscribe to a minimum copies of
the Proceeding for their own use and distribution. There is no risk or
responsibility involved for the sponsors. WHO will do all the work and
take full responsibility.


Harmony Renaissance is a great platform and we have the service
trade mark rights. Together we will lead the world to true
multilateralism in the 21st century because harmony will finally give a
refreshing voice to a very large part of the world on world stage like
never before. Our rallying cry will lead to world participation and make
harmony the universal creative energy for a better and more
understanding world. There is no need to be bashful as an innocent
young bride. It will be the final opportunity for the universal harmony
truth to seek the recognition it deserves or never.

Xinhua is already in the running on world harmony forum on the

Internet. The debut of the international series of Harmony Renaissance
Symposium from North America is the official coming out event. This
will enhance the world image of Xinhua as a leading world media
sponsoring Harmony Renaissance. The positive impact on Xinhua will
be unsurpassed by any other undertaking. It represents a quantum
jump for Xinhua into world media leadership circle.

We are moving into the 21st century with the tide of Harmony
Renaissance in an authoritative position. In the eyes of the world
preconception, Xinhua's participation will be perceived in history as a
great movement from the old cold war mentality to the unavoidable
future multi-polar world. The past preconception is the past. Let our
Harmony Renaissance action speak for itself. There is no need to
pretend bashful when harmony will become a universal truth essential
for human creative thinking.

WHO look for continuing more in depth cooperation with Xinhua and
other news media and organizations. We believe "World Harmony
Renaissance", "World Harmony Diplomacy", "Harmony Constitution",
"World Harmony Renaissance Symposium" and "World Harmony
Renaissance Festival" will become household words. Most important,
they are all legally protected service trade marks.





By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

World Harmony Organization (WHO) pursues world harmony

renaissance by seeking truth. Our principle and goal deems it
necessary to advocate world harmony diplomacy by initiating Harmony
Diplomacy Watch. In this spirit we began with articles entitled
“Harmony Diplomacy Essential for World Development”, “Harmony
Diplomacy in Work” and “It is Important to Cover Good Examples of
Harmony Diplomacy.” In this tradition, we continue our entrusted
mission to compare and contrast innovative, influential and state of
the art theories on world diplomacy.

America as a young, dynamic, and endowed nation earned its place as

the leader of world democracy during and immediately after the Cold
War. The scope of success of America Cold War diplomacy has no
parallel in human history, in part due to the competitiveness of
American economic system but also largely brought about by
execution of Power Diplomacy made possible by the largest economy
and the most powerful military. The after effects of America winning
the Cold War remained today, good or bad. The good is that the world
has enjoyed unprecedented prosperity due to relative peace and
stability. On the other hand the American public is constantly being
reminded by their media and government that we are destined to be
the leader of the world because God is on our side.

This self defeating arrogance is in contrast to the universal harmony

principle that the more powerful we are, the more we need humility.
The damaging consequence of deviating from this all encompassing
truism is evident by the dilemma of our embroiled involvement in
unilateral Iraqi war. As a result of continuing our Cold War Power
Diplomacy we have too often infringed on the dignity of many
disadvantaged nations in the world. After 9/11 we declared war
against terrorism and were eager to launch the unilateral war on Iraq

without giving diplomacy a chance.

Our pride blinded us from seeing the need of dignity by the poor and
disadvantaged. We have become immune to other nation’s needs for
development. Instead from our ethnocentric perspective, we continue
to be critical of other striving nation’s efforts to modernize. This lack of
understanding of other nation’s loss of dignity and desperate need of
modernization did not go without notice by America’s elite,
experienced in foreign policy. In fact the extensive survey conducted
by Pew Research Center involving 45,239 people and 46 nations from
April 6 to May 29,2007 found majorities in many countries reject the
main planks of current U.S. foreign policy and express distate for
American style democracy. According to the polled results, there is a
wide spread perception that the U.S. acts unilaterally in making
international policy decisions. And majorities in most every country
polled, including 97 percent in France, 80 percent in Argentina, and 75
percent in Lebanon, said the United States promoted democracy
mostly where it served U.S. interests. This, according to Pew, helps
explain why U.S. ideas about democracy are rejected by vast numbers
around the globe.

Caution for change to a softer and more understanding American world

diplomacy is being sounded in unison by many notable and seasoned
formal high ranking diplomats such as Kissinger, Brezezinski, Albright
and Slaughter. New theories such as Faith Diplomacy, Value Diplomacy
and Diplomacy by Deeds are being advanced, (for reference please see
my afore mentioned papers on world harmony diplomacy.)

In today’s multilateral world, Power Diplomacy as preached by the

bygone wisdom of “speak softly and carry a big stick” has lost most of
its relevance. The unpopular unilateral Iraq War makes it clear that
“speak loudly and carry a big stick" as practiced by the present
administration has not worked so far either. In fact there are signs
that Harmony Diplomacy is on the rise, witnessed by the softening of
U.S. position in the Sixth Party denuclearization talk ( see “Harmony
Diplomacy in Work” .)

On the other hand, in catering to the interest of the uninformed and

proud American public, the theme of Power Diplomacy is still echoed
among U.S. 2008 presidential candidates. In a July/August 2007
Foreign Affairs Journal article titled “Renewing American Leadership”,
fore running U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate, Barack
Obama expounded Power Diplomacy as key U.S. foreign policy to
revive American leadership. The central theme of Power Diplomacy,

instead of dialogue and mutual understanding, is American leadership.
The truth is that commerce and cultural exchange will increase
understanding not American leadership. Gradual increase of
understanding will enhance trust. Trust will lead to harmony. This is
the essence of Harmony Diplomacy.

According to Obama “we must harness American power to reinvigorate

American diplomacy. Tough minded diplomacy backed by the whole
range of instruments of American power—political, economic, and
military—could bring success even when dealing with long standing
adversaries such as Iran and Syria.” Notice the perennial emphasis of
“success against our adversaries” instead of dialogue and win-win
mutual development. The presumption that those who disagree are
enemies, will surely not win us friends. In contrast, Harmony
Diplomacy espouses mutual development between any two nations
powerful or weak, developed or developing, rich or poor. As
demonstrated by my article “Harmony Diplomacy in Work”
misunderstanding and distrust between U.S.-China can only be
resolved by dialogue through discussion of commonality. Confrontation
and threat will only extend animosity as exemplified by prolonged U.S.
- Cuban and U.S. - Iran mutual accusations with shouting matches
that are becoming permanent features of U.S. Power Diplomacy.

Through out Obama’s foreign policy exposition, words such as “power,

pushing, pressure, aggressive, tough, tough minded, American
leadership and instrument of power” are used freely. Words such as
dialogue, mutual understanding, trust, tolerance are noticeably absent.
Instead, proud of our past Cold War confrontational expertise, the
intensity of cold war diplomacy is called on to deal with a small band of
extreme radicals. The war on terror advocated by Bush will certainly
become an over kill that will unsettle world diplomacy for years to
come. The world certainly can not afford to have another debilitating
cold war. The over enthusiastic inclination to use confrontation and
ever increasing force without consideration of neutralizing force with
dynamic balance, totally neglects the first principle strategy in counter
terrorism or any warfare for that matter. Dynamic balance of harmony
is more fluid like in nature.

Without the consideration of humility, the narrowly defined American

value is trumpeted as a cure all for world ills. To quote directly from
Obama's essay, “I will show the world that America remains true to its
founding values. We lead not only for ourselves but also for the
common good.” On self reflection we must admit that some of our
values great as they are, cannot avoid being dated, unilateral and

ethnocentric. They have not been keeping up with the multilateral
world development. For the future world, Power Diplomacy must
gradually evolve towards Harmon Diplomacy by accepting and
expanding to more universal values as expounded in Harmony
Diplomacy Watch essays.

Despite the claim to the contrary, wisdom and humility have no place
for self glorification. Yet we are told “I believe the American people will
be eager to see America lead again. -----it is time for a new generation
to tell the next great American story----this was the time we defeated
global terrorists and brought opportunity to forgotten corners of the
world.” The final conclusion is the crowning moment for Obama. “This
is our moment to renew the trust and faith of our people—and all
people—in an America that battles immediate evils, promotes ultimate
good, and leads the world once more.” Humility may be the only single
most effective reflection to restore others lost of dignity due to our
past trespasses.

Can we Americans be any more unilateral and presumptive in our own

self glorification? We can easily see our failings through following
selections of essays on Harmony Diplomacy by contrast to our
aggrandized proclamations, in tone and reason. Following is an excerpt
of a recent article by WHO World Harmony Diplomacy Watch quoting
the concluding statements of the recent Asia-Europe Meeting . The
spirit of harmony in this article is in strong contrast to the prevalent
American Power Diplomacy to renew American leadership. In the
article, Dialogue, Mutual Understanding, Commonality and Tolerance
are emphasized. In the pursue of Harmony Diplomacy, it is important
to pursue mutual understanding through dialogue and harmony
through tolerance.

A harmonious future for Asia and Europe hinges on wisdom that can
steer the course of their interactions. So said delegates at the third
annual Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Interfaith Dialogue, which
wrapped up June 23, 2007 in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu
Province. In the Nanjing Statement, issued at the conclusion of the
event, participants from the two continents vowed to deepen and
broaden the dialogue process to foster a peaceful and harmonious
partnership. Cui Tiankai, assistant minister of foreign affairs of China
said at a joint news conference with Senator Gianni Vernetti,
undersecretary of state at the Italian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs.Building on the achievements of the first two meetings, in Bali
in 2005 and Cyprus in 2006, the two-day dialogue co-hosted by China
and Italy served as a platform for religious and political leaders and

academics to address their diversity and commonality in faiths and
deliberate on further tapping the potential of interfaith talks in
enhancing mutual understanding in an era of globalization, he said.

"In Chinese culture, harmony is underpinned by diversity. Seeking

harmony while acknowledging differences means that a country or an
ethnic group, while preserving its own cultural heritage, should be
open and tolerant to other civilizations," In a world wrought with
uncertainties, it is vital to pursue mutual understanding through
dialogue, and achieve harmony through tolerance, he said. If nations
collide because of different values, globalization may be giving a new
spin to the multiple values involved in international relations. From the
dim past to the present, international relations could be categorized as
relations of war and peace - nations clashing over values. This
approach does not project a bright future for relations among states as
it doesn't provide a paradigm for the peaceful co-existence of different
value systems.

A way to avoid conflict has long been sought. A seemingly

uncomplicated approach is for nations to share peace and prosperity
through dialogue and tolerance. The recipe of dialogue entails not
imposing ones values or faith on others. It involves respecting
different peoples' treasured values and beliefs. It is necessary to
understand and appreciate, or at least tolerate, different cultures and
religions. The ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Interfaith Dialogue, under
the framework of the Asia-Europe Summit, is just such a platform. It
brings nations together from two continents to address their diversity
and commonality in faith and culture, with the hope of convergence for
the sake of humanity.

Following is an excerpt of a recent article by WHO World Harmony

Diplomacy Watch quoting People’s Daily. The spirit of harmony in this
article is also in strong contrast to the prevalent American Power
Diplomacy to renew American leadership as discussed previously. The
title of the original speech is China's Diplomacy: Pursuing Balance to
Reach Harmony. President Hu Jintao made the speech on China's new
foreign policy of building a harmonious world at the United Nations
Summit marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the
world body. His words received wide approval and the policy is thought
fruitful in 2005. The policy helped to lift China's international status,
fundamentally because of its pursuit of balance. That is, to balance
national development against international responsibilities, economic
benefits against political and security interests, relations with world
powers against those with various countries, and reform against the

maintenance of world order.

We should build a harmonious world by aiming at "performing great

deeds". Although a developing country, China is a rising big nation.
Change in international environment casts a direct impact on China's
rise, and the country will suffer from its negative effects if she doesn't
take the initiative to push it towards a more harmonious direction.
Such a pro-active approach will benefit both the international
environment of China and the advancement of the whole world. In the
spirit of "performing great deeds" China has decided to take
responsibilities of a big nation. During his meeting with President
Bush, President Hu said explicitly that the China-US cooperation will be
on global scale.

We should build a harmonious world by taking the overall national

interest as a starting point. Both national and international interests
are multi-faceted, and different interest claims can clash. For example,
globalization can raise economic efficiency, but also worsen the wealth
gap and interest conflicts at home and abroad. To build a harmonious
world, we must, on top of economic interests, give due consideration
to political interests such as China's image, influence and status on the
international arena. We should build a harmonious world by following
the policy of greater neighborhood diplomacy. To the end of a
harmonious world we must maintain friendly ties with as many
countries as possible, so we should avoid sacrificing relations with
other countries for the sake of stable Sino-US ties.

We should build a harmonious world in the principle of gradualness. In

proposing such a long-term objective, China has no intention to reach
it in one step. China fully understands the difficulty in constructing a
harmonious world under anarchy, so she stressed on safeguarding UN
authority and conducting necessary reforms. To reshape the world
order is a permanent task, and as time changes the old international
order is for sure to be replaced by a new one. To ensure peace and
order during such a course, China believes that reforms should be
carried out in a measured, cautious way based on the current world
order, so that the reforms can benefit the greatest majority of world

It Important to Cover Good Examples of Harmony Diplomacy 2007-06-25 10:45:06 Xinhua Net Article

By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

BEIJING, June 25 (Xinhuanet) -- World Harmony Organization(WHO)
deems it important to cover outstanding examples of harmony
diplomacy in work. This is the value we place on world harmony
renaissance and world harmony diplomacy watch. When two of the
largest East and West news agencies meet to renew friendship, mutual
respect and trust it will have profound effect on even handed world
news reporting. World understanding and harmony between East and
West will surely be enhanced by this festival celebration.

Xinhua News Agency and Reuters on Thursday, June 21,2007 held

celebrations in the Great Hall of the People to mark five decades of
cooperation. Xinhua President Tian Congming and Reuters Chief
Executive Officer Tom Glocer unveiled a photo exhibition, comprising
about 120 classic cultural and diplomatic exchange photographs, taken
by correspondents from Xinhua and Reuters. The exhibition is a
fascinating, historical record of a range of political, economic,
scientific, technological, cultural, educational and sporting events over
the years.

The following are excerpts from Xinhua Net with opinion and
concluding remarks from World Harmony Organization. "Over the past
50 years, Xinhua and Reuters have exchanged visits and staff at many
levels and have signed a series of cooperation agreements," Tian said
to the gathering. Reuters was the first Western news agency to forge
cooperation with Xinhua. In May 1957, the two news agencies signed a
deal on news story exchange. "I am delighted to see how healthy the
cooperation between our two organizations is," Tian said, citing a
recent joint training class for Olympics reporters in Beijing. Tian said
Xinhua-Reuters cooperation can blossom as long as the two sides
abide by the principles of "mutual respect, close consultation, a long-
term perspective, mutual trust and mutual benefit."

"Over the last fifty years we have shown that an open and constructive
relationship can produce great achievements," Glocer said in his
address. Quoting the Chinese proverb "a book tightly shut is only a
block of paper", Glocer said the Reuters-Xinhua relationship is an open
book. "Today we move to the next of many chapters." Among the
approximately 100 representatives at the celebrations were two

pioneers of Xinhua-Reuters ties --- Peng Di, the first Xinhua
correspondent in London, and 80-year-old David Chipp, the first
Reuters correspondent in Beijing.

Founded in 1931, Xinhua News Agency is the most authoritative news

agency in China and an international provider of multimedia news and
information services. Based in Beijing, Xinhua runs 33 domestic
bureaus and 102 overseas bureaus. Xinhua provides round-the-clock
news and information services in nearly 200 countries and regions in
eight languages: Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic,
Portuguese and Japanese.

Senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Li Changchun on

Thursday called on Reuters to report China as it is. "Reuters should be
a bridge in helping the world obtain a better understanding of China
and report China as it is," Li said in a meeting with a Reuters
delegation headed by Reuters chairman Niall Fitz Gerald. Li, a member
of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central
Committee, also hailed the good partnership between Xinhua News
Agency and Reuters over the past fifty years. Li said exchanges and
cooperation among news organizations of different countries have
become increasingly important as the world has entered an era of
information and globalization. Fitz Gerald hailed China's rapid
development in economic and social sectors. He said Reuters would
like to carry out a more effective partnership with Xinhua.

As important as Xinhua News as a leader of world media, its

professional and even handed reporting of world news, Xinhua is still
relatively unknown in the U.S. Those who know, look at Xinhua with
jaundiced eyes suffering from the ill effects of 50 years of cold war
infection. Their visions are so colored by the U.S. media, some
readers' to this day, unfairly shun Xinhua news. WHO feels extreme
injustice that this unfair misjudgment must not be left untreated.

Xinhua's reporting stands out with the greatest integrity exceeding

many Western news media. Most of all. Xinhua has progressed with
the times with a modern world outlook, whereas there are other
medias remain short sighted and waddling in the sting pool of bygone
days and engaged in confrontational, name calling, scavenging and
mud slinging practices. One of the excuses for discounting Xinhua
news is that, it is affiliated with Chinese Government. This casual
judgment without due diligence is even carried by a large cross section
of Chinese Americans.
To quote an English sayings "Do not judge a book by its cover but by

its contents" and "Judge a tree's merits by the fruits it bears." Simply
put, as independent thinkers we must read and investigate before we
mete out casual judgment. These days in international news Xinhua is
a must read media to be in touch with the real world with a balanced
view. One of the significant reasons for the lack of awareness of
Xinhua by the U.S. public is the ill effect of ethnocentric omission of
significant East and West exchange events as indicated here. This
points out the importance of advocating harmony diplomacy.

World Harmony Organization has the responsibility and duty bound to

continue our world harmony renaissance and harmony diplomacy
watch. The Motto for harmony diplomacy for the 21st Century is
rightly so "Mutual respects, mutual trust and mutual development.
Carry a strategic and long vision." The old American wisdom that is
being revived by some "Speak softly and carry a big stick" is so 19th
century. It has no place in today's necessary pursue of harmony
diplomacy to resolve the extreme disparities of today's conflicting
Editor: Xia Xiaopeng


World Harmony Organization proudly announces our ground breaking

book "China's Harmony Renaissance: What the World Must Know." It is
a compilation of timely foreign affairs articles recently published in
prominent world media. These articles reveal a major harmony
renaissance movement that is taking place in China today and discuss
its impact on the world in the 21st century. Through the illuminating
and concise exposition of world religion, European democracy, and
Chinese harmony renaissance, one is led to the compelling question
"World Harmony Renaissance, promise for a better world?"

A glimpse of our historical insights and perspective on the significance

of China's harmony renaissance is provided by our partial table of
contents below. Be the first to read this revealing and thought
provoking book. It is the result of 50 years of world affairs research by
Dr. francis C. W.Fung (class of 1960 Brown University.) In the words
of the Hon John Prescott, British Deputy Prime Minister and First
Secretary of State "Fung maintains that China's Harmony Socialism

will provide an alternative model, as the leading system of governance
in the 21st Century."

For those who do not understand China's peaceful development, it is

time to learn China's harmony renaissance. Special attention is given
to Sino-American relations over the past 50 years. The book is on sale
through and Foreign Affairs Journal.


Human civilization from the perspective of harmony.
China's harmony renaissance how it all began?
Chinese harmony culture old and new, promise for a less
confrontational world?
Socialism with Chinese characteristics is socialism with Chinese
American democracy and Chinese harmony in 21st Century.
Can the world ignore China's harmony renaissance?
East and West temperament difference.
The ultimate principle of harmony.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.



Power diplomacy must evolve towards harmony diplomacy 2007-07-03 10:32:38
By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
BEIJING, June 3 (Xinhuanet) -- America as a young, dynamic, and
endow ed nation earned its place as the leader of world democracy
during and immediately after the Cold War. The after effects of
America winning the Cold War remained today, good or bad. The good
is that the world has enjoyed unprecedented prosperity due to relative
peace and stability. On the other hand the American public is
constantly being reminded by their media and government that we are
destined to be the leader of the world because God is on our side.

This self defeating arrogance is in contrast to the universal harmony
principle that the more powerful we are, the more we need humility.
The damaging consequence of deviating from this all encompassing
truism is evident by the dilemma of our embroiled involvement in
unilateral Iraqi war. As a result of continuing our Cold War Power
Diplomacy we have too often infringed on the dignity of many
disadvantaged nations in the world. After 9/11 we declared war
against terrorism and were eager to launch the unilateral war on Iraq
without giving diplomacy a chance.

Our pride blinded us from seeing the need of dignity by the poor and
disadvantaged. We have become immune to other nation's needs for
development. Instead from our ethnocentric perspective, we continue
to be critical of other striving nation's efforts to modernize. This lack of
understanding of other nation's loss of dignity and desperate need of
modernization did not go without notice by America's elite, and those
experienced in foreign policy. In fact the extensive survey conducted
by Pew Research Center involving 45,239 people and 46 nations from
April 6 to May 29, 2007 found majorities in many countries reject the
main planks of current U.S. foreign policy and express distaste for
American style democracy.

According to the polled results, there is a wide spread perception that

the U.S. acts unilaterally in making international policy decisions. And
majorities in most every country polled, including 97 percent in
France, 80 percent in Argentina, and 75 percent in Lebanon, said the
United States promoted democracy mostly where it served U.S.
interests. This, according to Pew, helps explain why U.S. ideas about
democracy are rejected by vast numbers around the globe.

Caution for change to a softer and more understanding American world

diplomacy is being sounded in unison by many notable and seasoned
formal high ranking diplomats such as Kissinger, Brezezinski, Albright
and Slaughter. New theories such as Faith Diplomacy, Value Diplomacy
and Diplomacy by Deeds are being advanced.

In today's multilateral world, Power Diplomacy as preached by the

bygone wisdom of "speak softly and carry a big stick" has lost most of
its relevance. The unpopular unilateral Iraq War makes it clear that
"speak loudly and carry a big stick" as practiced by the present
administration has not worked so far either. In fact there are signs
that Harmony Diplomacy is on the rise, witnessed by the softening of
U.S. position in the Sixth Party denuclearization talk.
On the other hand, in catering to the interest of the uninformed and

proud American public, the theme of Power Diplomacy is still echoed
among U.S. 2008 presidential candidates. In a July/August 2007
Foreign Affairs Journal article titled "Renewing American Leadership,"
fore running U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate, Barack
Obama expounded Power Diplomacy as key U.S. foreign policy to
revive American leadership.

According to Obama "we must harness American power to reinvigorate

American diplomacy. Tough minded diplomacy backed by the whole
range of instruments of American power-political, economic, and
military-could bring success even when dealing with long standing
adversaries such as Iran and Syria."

Through out Obama's foreign policy exposition, words such as "power,

pushing, pressure, aggressive, tough, tough minded, American
leadership and instrument of power" are used freely. Words such as
dialogue, mutual understanding, trust, tolerance are noticeably absent.
Instead, proud of our past Cold War confrontational expertise, the
intensity of cold war diplomacy is called on to deal with a small band of
extreme radicals. The war on terror advocated by Bush will certainly
become an over kill that will unsettle world diplomacy for years to

The world certainly can not afford to have another debilitating cold
war. The over enthusiastic inclination to use confrontation and ever
increasing force without consideration of neutralizing force with
dynamic balance, totally neglects the first principle strategy in counter
terrorism or any warfare for that matter. Dynamic balance of harmony
is more fluid like in nature.

A harmonious future for Asia and Europe hinges on wisdom that can
steer the course of their interactions. So said delegates at the third
annual Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Interfaith Dialogue, which
wrapped up June 23, 2007 in Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu
Province. In the Nanjing Statement, issued at the conclusion of the
event, participants from the two continents vowed to deepen and
broaden the dialogue process to foster a peaceful and harmonious
partnership. Building on the achievements of the first two meetings, in
Bali in 2005 and Cyprus in 2006, the two-day dialogue co-hosted by
China and Italy served as a platform for religious and political leaders
and academics to address their diversity and commonality in faiths and
deliberate on further tapping the potential of interfaith talks in
enhancing mutual understanding in an era of globalization, a senior
Chinese diplomats said.

"In Chinese culture, harmony is underpinned by diversity. Seeking
harmony while acknowledging differences means that a country or an
ethnic group, while preserving its own cultural heritage, should be
open and tolerant to other civilizations," he added. In a world wrought
with uncertainties, it is vital to pursue mutual understanding through
dialogue, and achieve harmony through tolerance, he said. If nations
collide because of different values, globalization may be giving a new
spin to the multiple values involved in international relations.

A way to avoid conflict has long been sought. A seemingly

uncomplicated approach is for nations to share peace and prosperity
through dialogue and tolerance. The recipe of dialogue entails not
imposing one's values or faith on others. It involves respecting
different peoples' treasured values and beliefs. It is necessary to
understand and appreciate, or at least tolerate, different cultures and
religions. The ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Interfaith Dialogue, under
the framework of the Asia-Europe Summit, is just such a platform. It
brings nations together from two continents to address their diversity
and commonality in faith and culture, with the hope of convergence for
the sake of humanity.

Following is an excerpt of a recent article by World Harmony

Organization's World Harmony Diplomacy Watch quoting People's
Daily. President Hu Jintao made the speech on China's new foreign
policy of building a harmonious world at the United Nations Summit
marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the world body.

His words received wide approval and the policy is thought fruitful in
2005. The policy helped to lift China's international status,
fundamentally because of its pursuit of balance. That is, to balance
national development against international responsibilities, economic
benefits against political and security interests, relations with world
powers against those with various countries, and reform against the
maintenance of world order.

In the spirit of "performing great deeds" China has decided to take

responsibilities of a big nation. During his meeting with President
Bush, President Hu said explicitly that the China-U.S. cooperation will
be on global scale.
Editor: Pan Letian




By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

World Harmony Organization is dedicated to the pursuit of harmony

renaissance through seeking truth. We firmly believe that world
harmony can be achieved when major nations practice Harmony
Diplomacy, supported by multinational Harmony Watch. The
compelling reasons are traceable to the profound and dramatic
changes in the world's current political stage and to the need for a
more democratic new world order.

As discussed in our Harmony Diplomacy Watch article, entitled "Power

Diplomacy Must Evolve Towards Harmony Diplomacy", mutual
development and harmony diplomacy are becoming more and more in
tune with international relations than military conquest as an
instrument of power behind Power Diplomacy. The use of war as
means to advance national interests is rapidly becoming less attractive
when the tremendous sacrifice and cost burden are considered.

The overwhelming desire for most of the developing world is common

dialogue and mutual development. Over the last three decades the
need for stifling cold war contention is rapidly vanishing. On final
analysis nations' achievements in economics, culture, diplomacy and
values are more beneficial to their population than absolute military
superiority. All these contribute to the call for harmony as the major
change for world politics. The need for world harmony is based on
many developing countries' own experience in their peaceful
development. For example the continuing development of the major
developing countries such as China, India ,Brazil and others relies
heavily on a peaceful environment, trade, negotiations and harmony
diplomacy. The days of colonial conquest are long gone since the
independence of China, India, African, South East Asian and many
other nations.

Among much of the developing world, in the perspective of world

harmony, the need to be involved in the peaceful improvement of the
current international system through dialogue and harmony diplomacy
is compelling. This new approach will be based on the hither to

neglected higher harmony common values, mutual development,
international organizations and the gradual evolvement of international
system towards a more equal and less confrontational harmony world.

In the case of China, her national interests coincide with the

international desire for mutual development. Her concerns appear to
converge on the common interests of the international community as
witnessed by her acceptance of the term "stake holder" proposed by
Zollick, current president of World Bank, formerly U.S. State
Department under secretary of state in Far East Affairs. From the
Chinese perspective, the common value of harmony has roots in
ancient history and way of life as in many nations. Harmony belongs to
the world and its renaissance can not be more timely.

In modern experience, ever since the founding of the new Republic,

China longed to belong to the world community. She was shunned by
most Western nations because of ideology difference, which was
magnified by cold war strategy under U.S. leadership. China was
forced into partial isolation through no choice of her own. During those
difficult times, China opened itself to the world by declaring there were
three groupings of nations of the world and not just the Communist
and anti Communist worlds. The three parts of the world must coexist
and respect each other regardless whether they are economically
developed, developing or under developed. The principles of peaceful
coexistence were declared by the Bandung Conference. The Principles
include mutual respect of each country's sovereignty and territory
integrity, and non interference of each other's internal affairs. Today
there are over one hundred nations signed on to these important
peace principles. China was one of the original founder and major

Today, harmony renaissance will provide the common value platform

for mutual respect, acceptance, tolerance and forgiveness among
nations regardless poor and rich, weak and strong, or developing and
developed. Between any two nations there are complementary
advantages for dialogue and win win mutual developments. Nations
disagreeing with us such as Cuba, North Korea and Iran have been
isolated by us for too long. It is time for the U.S. to practice
forgiveness. In harmony belief, justice and forgiveness must be in
dynamic equilibrium. Only through the eyes of forgiveness and the
wisdom that has been gained, can we see justice. We are a culture of
attack, confrontation and blame. A nation living in fear of other "evil
nations" eventually will march down the path of war and violence.
Fortunately, dialogue is beginning and signs of harmony diplomacy are

rising on all sides, as detailed in our Harmony Diplomacy Watch papers
entitled "Harmony Diplomacy in Work" and "Harmony Diplomacy
Essential for World Development".

New China, during the last five decades, has gone through different
stages of development. Having suffered for over a century as a semi
colonial state, Chinese leaders rejected the condescending attitudes of
big powers in international politics. For two generations, Chinese
leaders upheld justice of the world order and believed in the principle
of equality of all nations. They treated all countries rich or poor as
equal and spoke out against big powers interfering in the internal
affairs of developing nations.

During the early 1980s, after China initiated the Ping Pong diplomacy,
U.S. normalized relations with China. In her reform and opening up
during the last three decades, Chinese economy grow rapidly to
become one of the major driving force of the world. China today is
willing to be a responsible stake holder of the international system. All
these interwoven factors constitute China's harmony outlook on the
world. In a resolution to drop the by gone cold war rhetoric, China's
belief in equity, tolerance, justice, humility and forgiveness is stronger
than ever. These are the universal values of harmony.

Chinese people along with peoples of many continents suffered greatly

under the exploitation of big power colonialism, ever since the age of
European expansion, for over two hundred years. The world will never
revert to this despised practice of exploitation of the weak again. For
two generations after the founding of the new Republic, Chinese
leaders upheld international justice, equity, practiced humility and
forgiveness as their personal conviction. For peace and harmony, they
swear they will never stoop to the low of bullying the weak. It was
China's ancient tradition as well as modern day peaceful inclination not
to occupy any foreign territory by force and will not leave even one
soldier as occupation force after conflict. These are specific instructions
left by the founder of the young Chinese Republic that must be

Today, having accomplished three decades of remarkable economic

growth, current Chinese leaders take a long strategic view on
international relations. China has resolved all its neighbouring territory
disputes through peaceful dialogue and discussions. Those areas not
resolved yet are tabled for future mutual development. In Deng
Xiaoping 's words, "what we cannot resolve today, leave to the future
generations....they can be wiser." As second generation leader of new

China, Deng and his peers have strong aversion to international
injustice from strong personal conviction, having suffered greatly in
their anti colonial, and anti imperialism revolution. From their deep
suffering of a war torn nation they left their legacy to the now third
generation leaders. China is committed to Harmony Diplomacy for
World Harmony.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH. D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization



Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Harmony is the most comprehensive universal common value. It owns its origin from
observation of nature and encompasses the fundamental principles of all human activities
and interrelations. It evolved from human need to harmonize with nature (fengshui
practices) to the broadest possible study of diverse human disciplines, including ecology,
philosophy, religion, inner peace, family unity, governance systems and international
relations. Harmony as a science, is the order of the universe and nature's order. That is
why the world still exists after billion and billion years of evolution. The universe is
unending because of harmony.

In today's confronting and unilateral world, Harmony Renaissance cannot be more timely
to assure sustainable development. Harmony principles must be perceived as fluid- like
dynamic balance of contending forces. The best governance system for any developing
nation is its own harmony system, developed from within while interacting with
globalization. Peace without harmony can at best be transient. Harmony is an ideal,
renaissance gives it life. Mutual development, harmony development is the inevitable tide
and future reality of mankind. Harmony Diplomacy is essential for world development.

Harmony belongs to the world. World Harmony Organization (WHO) invites your
participation to pursue World Harmony Renaissance by establishing World Harmony
Renaissance Centers (WHRC) and World Harmony Institutes (WHI) at promising and up
and coming locations. We are dedicated to initiate World Harmony Renaissance
Symposiums, World Harmony Cultural Festivals, World Harmony Preamble and
Declaration, World Harmony Ambassadors and Volunteers Programs.

For our long term gradual implementation of programs we have taken out the above
service trade marks to protect all participants. For more details on our programs and
service mark registrations please visit our website To this end we have also published three
harmony books and over 60 essays worldwide, listed by Google and Yahoo under World
Harmony Renaissance, Chinese Harmony Diplomacy and Francis C W Fung.

The universe of possible studies opened up by Harmony Renaissance is unending and

without limit. It is the ongoing progression of human civilization. It invites universal
participation. European Renaissance since the Age of Enlightenment has brought us
Freedom, Democracy and modern science. Its momentum of creative energy is still
continuing after 400 years. Harmony Renaissance is the next wave of creative energy that
humans have been waiting for. It will bring us to the next higher level of human
accomplishment, surpassing the achievements of European Renaissance.

Our humble efforts to initiate Harmony Renaissance is only at the beginning. We invite
worldwide participation. Your participation can be very valuable to human progress. We
look forward to your inquiry and contribution.

May Harmony Prevail in the World!

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.
Director General
World Harmony Organization.


Golden Mean philosophy leads to Harmony Diplomacy 2007-07-26 10:02:19
By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

BEIJING, July 27 (Xinhuanet) -- The philosophy of the Golden Mean is

the highest value of progress through dialogue and consultation. Its
true essence is to prevent ideological extremism from taking hold. It is
definitely opposed to the current religious confrontational strife. This
broad East and West concept of balance, when earnestly applied
globally, can be the solution for resolving extreme disparity between
rich and poor, minimizing religious confrontations and restoring
ecological balance for sustainable development. Harmony Diplomacy,

as defined here, can be the Golden Rule of Global Governance.
Harmony Diplomacy can be conceived as the common value of the
most fluid-like, dynamic balance; encompassing tolerance, mutual
respect, acceptance, equity and humility to achieve world harmony.
Truth in world affairs, unlike mathematics, often is the Golden Mean
between two opposite sides. When one powerful nation forcing its
belief on other weak nations as the only absolute truth, it disregards
the reality of diversity and defies reason.
Good global governance is the foundation for a harmonious world. To
pursue world harmony is the common destiny for the human race.
Good global governance must include new world political and economic
order to build international democracy. We must promote global
cooperation through mutual win-win development and resolve conflicts
through dialogue and consultation. We must strengthen the United
Nation through needed reform to discourage unilateralism and
extremism. All these global undertakings can only begin when major
nations of the world start practicing Harmony Diplomacy. A grand
strategy of Harmony Diplomacy to build world harmony must be able
to face the challenges of today’s unilateralism, extremism, rich and
poor disparity and ecology unsustainability. The important elements of
a grand Harmony Diplomacy strategy must include dialogue and
consultation, win-win mutual development, unity in diversity, tolerance
and openness, equity and humility. Harmony Diplomacy must act
through equal, friendly and open dialogue and consultation to achieve
mutual understanding, trust and respect. This is to accomplish the
greatest possible harmony consensus among nations of the world.
Harmony Diplomacy is to seek commonality and minimize
confrontational difference. In the desire to foster win-win common
development we must take a long strategic view.The reality of the
world is multi cultural and not all in sync of the path and stage of
development. We must accept and tolerate different economic and
political development. Old colonial mentality and big power chauvinism
will never be accepted again. By forcing our culture and value on weak
nations is counter productive to Harmony Diplomacy. The best
governance system is a nation’s own harmonious system developed
from within in active interaction with globalization. The objective of
Harmony Diplomacy is to pursue a higher level of human
accomplishment beyond European Renaissance through World
Harmony Renaissance. Harmony is an ideal; Renaissance gives it life.
The human race relieved of cultural conflicts, political infighting and
religious strife will be invigorated by new creative energy. This new
found vigor will bring humans to the next phase of true global
development that we are waiting for. To be more specific, through
greater Harmony Consensus we will minimize the chances of war and

bring about more lasting peace. Without Harmony Consensus, peace
can only be temporary. When nations set their sights on win-win
mutual development, common world prosperity can be realized. In so
doing, the rich and poor disparity can be reduced and the North and
South gap breached. The world will be more level. All nations can
finally enjoy the fruits of our common cultural and economic
accomplishments. Harmony Consensus, encompassing harmony with
nature is the order of nature. It will rally world citizenship to be more
conscious and united to protect our common environment. For world
sustainable development we must at last move in lock step to strive to
conserve energy and resources and protect the environment. As
severe as the effects of climate change may be, the world will run out
of precious resources sooner because of the current wonton
consumption. Most of all, the current world order is far from
democratic. Harmony Diplomacy, through the essential principle of
dialogue, consultation, negotiation and harmony consensus, can pave
the way for a more just and democratic world order. In Harmony
Renaissance, we can finally rediscover the wisdom of tolerance,
acceptance, mutual respect and humility. The harmony universal
common value will give the human race the necessary true inner
peace and strength, to face the diverse and daunting challenges of a
world in catastrophic disharmony and extreme self- destruct-
Editor: Feng Tao

Posted by francis fung at 10:47 PM





By Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

The “Rule of the Golden Mean” is a Western doctrine for balanced

living and proper handling of human contradictions. A comparable
System of Belief in the East is the “Way of the Golden Mean.” Contrary

to conventional wisdom, the philosophy of the Golden Mean is not
against progress. It is the highest value of progress through dialogue
and consultation. Its true essence is to prevent ideological extremism
from taking hold. It is definitely opposed to the current religious
confrontational strife. That is why it is the value of Golden Mean. This
broad East and West concept of balance, when earnestly applied
globally, can be the solution for resolving extreme disparity between
rich and poor, minimizing religious confrontations and restoring
ecological balance for sustainable development.

In the current desire for good global governance we must also begin
with Harmony Diplomacy. Harmony Diplomacy, as defined here, can
be the Golden Rule of Global Governance. Harmony Diplomacy can be
conceived as the common value of the most fluid-like, dynamic
balance; encompassing tolerance, mutual respect, acceptance, equity
and humility to achieve world harmony. Truth in world affairs, unlike
mathematics, often is the Golden Mean between two opposite sides.
When one powerful nation forcing its belief on other weak nations as
the only absolute truth, it ignores the reality of diversity and defies
reason. This is well documented by Al Gore in his most recent book,
“The Assault on Reason.”

The above theory, advancing human common aspirations in today’s

conflicted world, has been resonating worldwide. The author in
resonance with world harmony has also published widely articles
advocating Harmony Diplomacy. “Harmony Diplomacy Essential for
World Development”, “Power Diplomacy Must Evolve Towards
Harmony Diplomacy”, “Harmony Diplomacy in Work”, “Harmony
Diplomacy: China’s Commitment to World Harmony” and many other
related articles can be seen on Google, Yahoo search and Xinhua Net.

Good global governance is the foundation for a harmonious world. To

pursue world harmony is the common destiny for the human race.
Good global governance must include new world political and economic
order to build international democracy. We must promote global
cooperation through mutual win-win development and resolve conflicts
through dialogue and consultation. We must strengthen the United
Nation through needed reform to discourage unilateralism and
extremism. All these global undertakings can only begin when major
nations of the world start practicing Harmony Diplomacy.

A grand strategy of Harmony Diplomacy to build world harmony must

be able to face the challenges of today’s unilateralism, extremism, rich
and poor disparity and ecology unsustainability. The important

elements of a grand Harmony Diplomacy strategy must include
dialogue and consultation, win-win mutual development, unity in
diversity, tolerance and openness, equity and humility. Harmony
Diplomacy must act through equal, friendly and open dialogue and
consultation to achieve mutual understanding, trust and respect. This
is to accomplish the greatest possible harmony consensus among
nations of the world.

Harmony Diplomacy is to seek commonality and minimize

confrontational difference. In the desire to foster win-win common
development we must take a long strategic view.
The reality of the world is multi cultural and not all in sync of the path
and stage of development. We must accept and tolerate different
economic and political development. Old colonial mentality and big
power chauvinism will never be accepted again. By forcing our culture
and value on weak nations is counter productive to Harmony
Diplomacy. The best governance system is a nation’s own harmonious
system developed from within in active interaction with globalization.

The objective of Harmony Diplomacy is to pursue a higher level of

human accomplishment beyond European Renaissance through World
Harmony Renaissance. Harmony is an ideal; Renaissance gives it life.
The human race relieved of cultural conflicts, political infighting and
religious strife will be invigorated by new creative energy. This new
found vigor will bring humans to the next phase of true global
development that we are waiting for.

To be more specific, through greater Harmony Consensus we will

minimize the chances of war and bring about more lasting peace.
Without Harmony Consensus, peace can only be temporary. When
nations set their sights on win-win mutual development, common
world prosperity can be realized. In so doing, the rich and poor
disparity can be reduced and the North and South gap breached. The
world will be more level. All nations can finally enjoy the fruits of our
common cultural and economic accomplishments.

Harmony Consensus, encompassing harmony with nature is the order

of nature. It will rally world citizenship to be more conscious and
united to protect our common environment. For world sustainable
development we must at last move in lock step to strive to conserve
energy and resources and protect the environment. As severe as the
effects of climate change may be, the world will run out of precious
resources sooner because of the current wonton consumption.

Most of all, the current world order is far from democratic. Harmony
Diplomacy, through the essential principle of dialogue, consultation,
negotiation and harmony consensus, can pave the way for a more just
and democratic world order. In Harmony Renaissance, we can finally
rediscover the wisdom of tolerance, acceptance, mutual respect and
humility. The harmony universal common value will give the human
race the necessary true inner peace and strength, to face the diverse
and daunting challenges of a world in catastrophic disharmony and
extreme self- destruct- selfishness.

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization


Thursday, September 6, 2007





Can the promotion of U.S. democracy as advocated by President Bush

and current presidential front runners win again in the 21st Century?
Must all developing nations progress towards modernity emulating
U.S. democracy? There are calls by American statesmen in unison for
the return of the Cold War glory, as if the world needs a repeat of the
old Cold War. Never mind that the old tactics of the 20th Century may
not work in the 21st Century. And the major trading countries of the
21st Century will be more in tune with win-win mutual developments
as opposed to the old concept of zero sum games. In very convincing
terms, recent foreign policy essays by Obama, Romney, Giuliani and
Edwards appearing in Foreign Affairs, all repeated democracy
diplomacy and call for victory as the center piece of renewed U.S.
leadership for the 21st Century.

Senator Obama in “Renewing American Leadership”, first proposed
power diplomacy backed by a strong military with repeated use of
pressure to achieve U.S. leadership. To quote the article by Obama, “I
will build a 21st Century military and a 21st Century partnerships as
strong as the anticommunist alliance that won the Cold War to stay on
the offense everywhere from Djibouti to Kandahar”. In reality the
higher goal of modern world today is development and not unilateral
confrontations. It is a world consensus that may have escaped our
politicians because we are still basking in the glory of Cold War victory.
The lesson we must learn from the Cold War is forgiveness, not a
return of the Cold War mentality. After half a century of senseless
name calling we must have the magnanimity to forgive our old
adversaries and move on to 21st Century Harmony and win-win
mutual development.

In Governor Romney’s article, we are presented with the powerful

thesis of “Rising to a New Generation of Global Challenges” when we in
reality have no powerful opponents except our own fear. Again the
glory of winning the Cold War through democracy diplomacy is
invoked. “In the aftermath of World War II and with coming of the
Cold War, members of “the Greatest Generation” united America and
the free world around shared values and actions that changed history.
Romney believes that “our current generation can match the courage,
dedication, and vision of the greatest generation.” In conclusion he
states unequivocally that “We are a unique nation, and there is no
substitute for our leadership.” It is not enough for the U.S. to crave for
leadership by returning to the tactics of by gone days. The tide of
history has reached much higher ground to Harmony. We as a nation
must progress with the tide of history.

Mayor Giuliani in “Toward a Realistic Peace” outlined a policy of

defending civilization and defeating terrorists by making the
international system work. According to the article “the next U.S.
president will face three key foreign policy challenges. First and
foremost, will be to set a course for victory in the terrorists’ war on
global order. The second will be to strengthen the international system
that the terrorists seek to destroy. The third will be to extend the
benefits of the international system in an ever widening arc of security
and stability across the globe. The most effective means for achieving
these goals are building a stronger defense, developing a determined
diplomacy, and expanding our economic and cultural influence.” “To
this end, the Voice of America program must be significantly
strengthened and broadened. Its surrogate stations, such as Radio
Free Europe and Radio Liberty, which were so effective at inspiring

grass-roots dissidents during the Cold War, must be expanded as

In “Reengaging with the World-A Return to Moral Leadership” Senator

Edwards asserted that “the United States today needs to reclaim the
moral high ground that defined our foreign policy for much of the last
Century.” Little are most Americans aware, because of our own closed
mindedness, the world is not waiting for us to return to our past moral
high ground. The world of the 21st Century is moving towards a higher
common value of harmony renaissance. World harmony will propagate
by resonating with just commerce and win-win mutual development
without the need for great power sponsorship of democracy as in the
Cold War era. While according to Senator Edwards “we must lead the
world by demonstrating the power of our ideals, not by stoking fear
about those who do not share them.” Senator Edwards is dead right to
point out the failure of the Bush democracy diplomacy in Iraq but he
failed to acknowledge that our ideals must change with the tide of
history to higher levels.

President Bush has promoted Democracy as the cornerstone of his

foreign policy. This is amply addressed in his second inaugural speech
and the 2006 National Security Strategy. Failing to prove Weapons of
Mass Destruction he went on to justify the Iraq occupation as a victory
for democracy. In reality, democracy is no where near being secured
in Iraq or the Middle East. But the failure of Bush’s Middle East
democracy diplomacy does not obscure the successful propagation of
democracy in the last century. In fact during the 20th Century
democracy in various forms has become accepted as the preferred
popular sovereignty governance system. In this latter generic
definition, the majority of newly independent countries of the world
can claim their own brand of democracy which is different from the
U.S. system.

In a recent Foreign Affairs article titled “Democracy without America:

The Spontaneous Spread of Freedom” Michael Mandelbaum, of Johns
Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, elucidated clearly
that “time for creating the social conditions conducive to liberty is, at a
minimum, a generation. Not only the apparatus of liberty take time to
develop, it must be developed independently and domestically; it
cannot be sent from elsewhere and implanted, ready made.” ----“The
age of empire has ended. Nowhere are people eager, or even willing,
to be ruled by foreigners, a point the U.S. encounter with Iraq has
illustrated all too vividly.” This line of contemporary thinking for the
spread of common ideal and democracy is well documented in foreign

affairs studies and also routinely presented by the present author.

Twenty years ago the present author organized world peace painting
exhibitions in Hong Kong and Taiwan as personal interest. In the
process, we discovered two common value truisms that are very much
applicable to the 21st Century. Trustworthiness and win-win commerce
are essential for world peace. Encouraged by this simple discovery, our
banner calligraphy for our exhibition to this day remained “The Grand
Era of Peace and Harmony will Surely Come.” According to
Mandelbaum, “The institutions, skills, and values needed to operate a
free market economy are those that, in the political sphere, constitute
democracy.” ---- “Perhaps most important, the free market generates
the organizations and groups independent of the government—
businesses, trade unions, professional associations, clubs, and the
like—that are known collectively as civil society, which is itself
indispensable to a democratic political system.”

History has also shown that the ideal of freedom and popular
sovereignty is best spread by commerce when the necessary rise in
each nation’s education and living standards make conditions ready. It
must take hold internally in the fertile ground of the gradually
maturing civil society. Recent transformations to popular sovereignty
governance systems in the Far East include the gradual self awakening
socialistic system of China. The political reform following the economic
success in China resulting in a socialistic democracy system with
Chinese characteristics is very promising. This developing trend in
China can also be called the socialistic system with Chinese harmony
which integrates state economy and market economy. The best
governance system of any nation shall be its own harmony system.
The term harmony in Chinese specifically proclaims “Freedom of
Speech and Contentment to All” to form the term harmony. This is the
wisdom of Chinese language handed down from ancient times.

The current use of military and power diplomacy to promote U.S.

values is backfiring. The Iraq occupation debacle makes the developing
world very suspicious of U.S. motives. It is a fact nobody can deny.
Senior U.S. statesmen are blind to this fact because of the need to
play up to the public complacency. The U.S. diplomatic relations with
the majority of the world today is at its lowest in the last 50 years. The
revival of bygone Cold War propaganda is bound to fail because it is
out of touch with the development need of most of the developing
world. For the modern world, the ideology of democracy is well
understood and necessary but it is not sufficient without harmony.
Harmony Renaissance is the next phase of human breakthrough that

will release human creativity beyond European Renaissance. Our
innovative spirit will be unshackled from religious strife and unilateral
confrontation by the common value of harmony.

In my book ‘China’s Harmony Renaissance: What the World Must

Know” I detailed the thesis that the three main pillars of human
civilization since ancient times are Middle Eastern religions, European
democracy and Chinese harmony. Their spread has the most profound
influence on human culture and will continue until time immemorial. In
previous essays entitled “Harmony Propagates by Resonance”,
“Universal Wave Theory and Harmony Consensus”, and “Harmony
Universal World Common Heritage” the present author proposed that
harmony propagates by resonance without the need of states unduly
brandishing their soft power.

Because resonance is nature’s preferred way of propagation, to seek

harmony resonance independently will be human nature in modern
era. By our own lack of awareness, past tradition has already
corrupted religion and democracy by human institutions and state
sponsorships. Harmony renaissance can now start with each
individual’s own inner peace and peace with nature. With today’s
universal awareness, harmony can escape human corruption because
unity in diversity is the modern accepted concept and tide. The beauty
of harmony is its simplicity and universality. That is why it does not
need state sponsorship, although like any human culture, education
can help its resonance.

History has shown that past religion and democracy often were
promoted by human institutions and state sponsorships. There lies the
dilemma of past religion and democracy extremism. Both religion and
democracy will need harmony to soften their harshness and extremism
that have been wrought by human institutions and state sponsorship.
Countless wars have been fought over religion and democracy in the
past and are still continuing. As demonstrated by past history harmony
can best propagate on its own without much unnecessary interference
as a universal common value. Inherent in harmony is its renounce of
violence. History has no record of harmony wars. War is not likely to
be the instrument of harmony propagation as shown by the current
tide of harmony renaissance through win-win mutual development.
With its common value of tolerance, acceptance, mutual respect,
equity, humility and forgiveness as values for universal conflict
resolution, harmony will be the ultimate solution to bring lasting peace
and unity in diversity to human cultures.

In the 21st Century, harmony will propagate through resonance with
the spread of commerce and mutual development like waves through
water surfaces. Democracy will be further carried by the wave of
harmony like fishes in water. For democracy to take hold in any nation
a civil society with integrated market economy is a prerequisite.
Without the necessary society order and harmony consensus,
democracy will wither. The essence of harmony is common value of
tolerance, mutual acceptance, respect, equity, humility and
forgiveness. A return to these common world cultural values through
Harmony Renaissance will fertilize all national soil for democracy to
grow even in the most obstinate ground. Unilateralism and arrogance,
as practiced primary by U.S. today, creates great obstacles for
international democracy. Thus harmony renaissance must pave the
ground for the advancement of international democracy. This
harmonious merging of harmony with democracy will bring the
ultimate new world order of higher prosperity for all nations developed
or developing. May harmony prevail in the world!

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

Director General
World Harmony Organization

Posted by francis fung at 9:11 AM





In the East harmony as a social science theory was evolved from

natural science observation by Laotze. Einstein was also quoted as
saying the order of nature is not accidental. Harmony is the order of
nature. Harmony belongs to the universe.


Harmony is the order of natural science and the fundamental law of

the universe.

Harmony is dynamic energy balance and is also the principle of

universe creation.

The invisible energy that created the universe can also be called

Laotze said "Dao created one, one created two, two created three,
three created all things. All things carry Ying and embrace Yang.
Dynamic balance creates harmony."

Laotze's harmony theory of universe is in unison with modern

quantum physics.

Harmony renaissance is the guiding principle to be applied to natural

and social sciences. It is the break through that will take us to the
next level of human creativity and accomplishment beyond European

Francis C. W. Fung, PH.D.

“Sink Flow in a String Magnetic Field”, Physics of Fluids, June, 1962

Sponsored by Navy Project SQUID.

“Dynamic Response of Partially Filled Containers in a Weightless

Environment”, Proceedings of Weightless Phenomena, Sponsored by
Lockheed Aircraft and the U.S. Air Force, 1965, NASA funded

“Vanishing Plate in a Blasius Flow”, Proceedings of IUTAM, Unsteady

Boundary Layer Conference, 1971, U.S. Air Force sponsored

“Corridor Fires, Energy and Radiation Models”, National Bureau of

Standards Technical Note, Washington, D.C., 1973

“Evaluation of a Pressurized Stairwell Smoke Control System for a

Twelve Story Apartment Building”, National Bureau of Standards
Interagency Report 77-277, Washington D.C., June, 1973

“A Computer Program for the Thermal Analysis of the Fire Endurance

of Construction Walls”, National Bureau of Standards Interagency
Report 77-1260, May, 1977

“A Plan to Achieve National Energy Independence”, Energy User

News, November 26, 1979

“A National Strategy for District Heating”, invited paper prepared for

Department of Energy, 1980, coauthored with Louis H. Denis of
Aerophysic Company.

“Demonstration Project for Iccomizer Heat Recovery”, Brookhaven

National Laboratory, Department of Energy, Energy Conservation
Project, 1981

“The Promising Future of Stirling Engines in China”, Key Note
Speech. Second International Conference on Stirling Engines, June
21-24, 1984, Shanghai, China.

“Business Plan for Executive MBA Training in China”, April, 2004.

Joint proposal with California State University, Sacramento, CA.
Coauthored with John Del Favero.

“How to Develop Innovative Thinking in International Business” 2005

lecture series developed as Founder of Global Interactive Network
Exchange Inc. (GINEI)

“Chinese Harmony and American Democracy in 21st Century”, Part I,

Part II and Part III Excerpts, Xinhuanet Opinion,
Nov. 1, 2006

“Chinese Harmony Renaissance: Can World Ignore It”, Xinhuanet

Overseas Opinion, Nov. 2, 2006

“Chinese Harmony and American Democracy in 21st Century”, “U.S.-

China Harmony Consensus”, NABE Conference, San Jose, CA, Feb.
7-10, 2007

“China’s Harmony Renaissance: What the World Must Know”, Book

Published by World Harmony Organization, Dec. 1, 2006.

“World Harmony Renaissance: Promise for a Better World”, Book

Published by World Harmony Organization, March, 2007


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