Liberty Newspost Aug-15-2012

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- 15/08/12

Islamic states set to suspend Syria from OIC

(Reuters: Top News)

nation and, I assume, to the Saudi people, that we are Muslim and we have to work together and By Angus McDowall and Hadeel forget about our differences," said Al Shalchi Abdullah al-Shammari, a Saudi RIYADH/ALEPPO| Tue Aug 14, political analyst. 2012 11:18pm EDT Syria's mainly Sunni Muslim (Reuters) - Leaders of Muslim rebels are backed by Sunni-ruled countries are expected to suspend Arab states such as Saudi Arabia S y r i a ' s m e m b e r s h i p o f t h e and Qatar as well as Turkey, O r g a n i s a t i o n o f I s l a m i c while Shi'ite Iran supports Assad, Cooperation at a summit in Mecca a member of the Alawite minority on Wednesday, despite the vocal sect, an offshoot of Shi'a Islam. objections of President Bashar al- Those divisions have stymied Assad's main ally Iran. diplomatic efforts to halt the The decision by the 57-member b l o o d s h e d i n S y r i a , w h e r e organization, which requires a opposition sources say 18,000 two-thirds majority, will expose people have been killed, and have the divisions within the Islamic raised the prospect of Syria world over how to respond to civil becoming a proxy battlefield for war in a country that straddles the outside powers. Middle East's main sectarian Assad's former prime minister, faultline. Riyad Habib, a Sunni who In an apparent conciliatory defected this month, made his first gesture, Saudi state television public appearance on Tuesday s h o w e d K i n g A b d u l l a h since he fled, telling a news welcoming leaders to the summit conference in Jordan that Assad with Iran's President Mahmoud controls less than a third of Syria A h m a d i n e j a d a t h i s s i d e . and his power is crumbling. Abdullah and Ahmadinejad were " T h e r e g i m e i s c o l l a p s i n g , shown talking and laughing spiritually and financially, as it together. escalates militarily," he said. "It "It was a message to the Iranian no longer controls more than 30
Submitted at 8/14/2012 10:18:06 PM

percent of Syrian territory." Hijab was not in Assad's inner circle, but as the most senior civilian official to defect, his defection after two months in the job was a blow to the president. Hijab did not explain his estimate of the territory still controlled by Assad, whose military outnumbers and outguns the rebels fighting to overthrow him. The army is battling to regain control of Aleppo, Syria's biggest city, after retaking parts of Damascus that were seized by insurgents last month. Curbs on media access make it hard to know how much of Syria is in rebel hands, but most towns and cities along the country's backbone, a highway running from Aleppo in the north to Deraa in the south, have been swept up in the violence, and Assad has lost swathes of land on Syria's northern and eastern border. Hijab's defection prompted Washington to announce on Tuesday that it was removing him from a list of Syrian officials targeted by financial sanctions. VIOLENCE The fighting in recent weeks has

been focused mainly on Aleppo, Syria's economic dynamo, where rebels have been holding out against government bombardment and air strikes. Reuters journalists in Aleppo heard shelling and explosions in Saif al-Dawla district, next to the Salaheddine neighborhood which has seen some of the heaviest fighting in the last two weeks. One rebel fighter was killed by tank shelling, his bloodied body dragged out of the line of fire by comrades. "We received some simple amounts of ammunition but it is not enough," said rebel fighter Hossam Abu Mohammad, a former army captain. "We need specific kinds of (anti-tank) weapons." "We are about 600 Free Syrians fighting in Salaheddine and it is not enough," he told Reuters. The violence has displaced 1.5 million people inside Syria and forced many to flee abroad, with 150,000 registered refugees in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq, U.N. figures show. U.N. emergency relief coordinator Valerie Amos visited

on Tuesday to discuss aid for civilians trapped or uprooted by the fighting, which has frequently prevented the delivery of food and medical supplies. "She's there to express her grave, grave concern over the situation," spokesman Jens Laerke said. "She will look at the situation on the ground and discuss with the government and humanitarian partners how to scale up the response in Syria." (Additional reporting by Tom Perry, Erika Solomon and Mariam Karouny in Beirut, Khaled Yacoub Oweis in Amman, Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva, Asma Alsharif in Jeddah and Angus McDowall in Riyadh; Writing by Peter Graff; Editing by Louise Ireland) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Biden draws Romney's ire with "chains" comment - Reuters

(Top Stories - Google News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 9:12:04 PM

The gaffe-prone Biden appeared to be talking about Romney's complaints about banking U.S. Vice President Joe Biden regulations that the Republican delivers remarks during a White says are limiting credit for small H o u s e C o m m u n i t y L e a d e r s businesses. Biden told a rally in Briefing on Seniors Issues, at the Danville, Virginia, that if elected Eisenhower Executive Office Romney would cut regulations on Building in Washington July 16, b a n k s t o t h e d e t r i m e n t o f 2012. consumers. Credit: Reuters/Jonathan Ernst "They're going to put y'all back in By Steve Holland and Jeff Mason chains," Biden told the crowd, a C H I L L I C O T H E , O h i o / comment that for some people OSKALOOSA, Iowa| Wed Aug could evoke memories of slavery 15, 2012 6:31am IST in America. C H I L L I C O T H E , O h i o / When Republicans responded OSKALOOSA, Iowa(Reuters) - with outrage, Biden tried to put V i c e P r e s i d e n t J o e B i d e n the statement in context in triggered outrage from Mitt Wytheville, Virginia, saying Romney on Tuesday by saying Republican lawmakers themselves the Republican would put people have talked about attempts to "in chains" if elected president as pursue limited government to the U.S. presidential campaign "unshackle our economy." took an ugly turn. "The last time these guys " M r . P r e s i d e n t , t a k e y o u r unshackled the economy, to use campaign of division and anger their term, they put the middle and hate back to Chicago and let class in shackles. That's how we us get about rebuilding and got where we are," said Biden. reuniting America," Romney told The Romney campaign, eager to a large crowd in the battleground portray the Obama team as state of Ohio. willing to say anything to get The election campaign between e l e c t e d , q u i c k l y i n s e r t e d a Democratic President Barack reaction to Biden into Romney's Obama and Romney has been remarks in Chillicothe, making dominated by negative tactics on clear he blamed Obama. both sides, but still Biden's "His campaign and his surrogates comment was jarring and one that have made wild and reckless Republicans felt brought up racial accusations that disgrace the overtones. office of the presidency. Another

outrageous charge just came a few hours ago in Virginia. And the White House sinks a little bit lower," Romney said. The candidates waged their verbal combat in key battleground states that will determine the outcome of the November 6 election. Obama has built a slender lead in the polls. Obama spent the day campaigning in Iowa, a state he won in 2008 but which is now flirting with Romney. He talked up his desire to extend tax credits for wind energy manufacturers in Iowa and elsewhere. The tax credits expire at year's end. In criticizing Romney for opposing the tax credits, Obama brought up an often-told tale about Romney, that he once put his dog in a container and strapped it to the roof of his car to go on a family vacation. "During a speech a few months ago, Governor Romney even explained his energy policy this way: You can't drive a car with a windmill on it.' That's what he said about wind power. I wonder if he actually tried that," Obama said. Rolling through the coal fields and farmlands of Ohio, Romney vowed to step up coal production if elected to create jobs. Ohio is a must-win state for him and he motored across the state in

his campaign bus with Ohio's Republican Governor John Kasich and Senator Rob Portman, who had been on Romney's vice presidential short list. "We have 250 years of coal. Why the heck wouldn't we use it?" Romney told coal miners wearing hard hats in Beallsville. "By the end of my second term, I make this commitment: We will have North American energy independence. We won't have to buy oil from Venezuela and the Middle East." Romney is seeking to use the announcement of congressman Paul Ryan as his vice presidential running mate to give a spark to his campaign after he fell behind Obama in several recent voter polls. But there are questions as to whether Ryan, a conservative budget hawk from Wisconsin, will give the campaign a significant boost. Although the Ryan pick energized Republicans, polls show a mixed picture so far among the electorate as voters take stock of a budget proposal by Ryan filled with spending cuts that has been an easy target for Democrats. Ryan has been slammed for proposing deep cuts to the social safety net, particularly the Medicare program for the elderly.

In an interview with Fox News, Ryan made his first comments on his controversial Medicare plans. He said Medicare in its current form is headed for bankruptcy and his proposal would save it by cutting spending by $205 billion in the next decade compared with Obama's budget plan. The Romney campaign is facing the issue head-on, releasing an ad accusing Obama of cutting $716 billion from Medicare to pay for his healthcare overhaul. "We're the ones who are not raiding Medicare to pay for Obamacare," Ryan told Fox when asked how he and Romney think they can gain from their stance on Medicare. "We're the ones continuing the guarantee of Medicare for people in or near retirement. And you have to reform it for the younger generation in order to make the commitment stick for the current generation." (Editing by Alistair Bell and Christopher Wilson) Link this Share this Digg this Email Reprints This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is BIDEN page 5

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Ryan Meets Casino Mogul and Major GOP Donor - New York Times

doubt. And in keeping with laws that prohibit elected officials from explicitly asking donors for super PAC money, aides to Mr. Submitted at 8/14/2012 10:33:20 PM LAS VEGAS Four days after Romney insisted before the event h i s a n n o u n c e m e n t a s M i t t that the meeting was not a fundR o m n e y s r u n n i n g m a t e , raiser. Representative Paul D. Ryan was Its a finance event, not a fundnot in Florida talking Medicare raiser, an aide told reporters. with elderly voters or in drought- Asked if people were paying to ridden Iowa talking about a farm attend, he repeated, Its a finance bill. He traveled to the Venetian event, not a fund-raiser. hotel here for a meeting hosted by Monte Miller, a longtime Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire Republican donor who planned to casino mogul who has pledged to a t t e n d , d e s c r i b e d i t a s a n spend as much as $100 million opportunity for major contributors this year to defeat President a n d i n f l u e n t i a l L a s V e g a s Obama. Graphic Republicans to size up Mr. Ryan. M r . A d e l s o n h a s a l r e a d y Ive watched Ryan for the last contributed more money to defeat few years, Mr. Miller said. I Mr. Obama than anyone: over $50 think I know what hes going to million has gone to the 2012 bring. But I havent been in the campaign, including $10 million same room as him. I want to see to a super PAC backing Mr. his charisma and communication Romney and $10 million to skills. Crossroads GPS, which has run The meeting, attended by several m i l l i o n s o f d o l l a r s o f dozen guests, underlines that Mr. advertisements against Mr. Ryan not only helps bring Obama. ideological ballast to the ticket but In keeping with Mr. Adelsons also is expected to have major penchant for staying below the appeal to donors. radar, Romney aides refused to The campaign said $3.5 million say who attended the meeting rolled in from large and small with Mr. Ryan, though the donors alike within 24 hours location (a private room at one of after Mr. Romney named him on Mr. Adelsons hotels) and leaks S a t u r d a y , a n d M r . R y a n s from the Romney camp left little schedule through the party content] [unable to retrieve full-text

convention later this month quickly filled with 10 fund-raising events, including in Denver, Cleveland, Philadelphia and Detroit. At each stop this week during a tour of battleground states, Mr. Ryan will attend fund-raising dinners and breakfasts in addition to public rallies. Mr. Romneys relationship with Mr. Adelson, not always warm, has improved in recent months through private meetings between the two and by Mr. Romneys appearance at a fund-raiser in Jerusalem last month attended by Mr. Adelson, who holds hawkish views in support of Israel. Mr. Ryans connections to Mr. Adelson are looser the casino magnate does not appear to have donated to Mr. Ryans campaigns or his political action committee and his opinions on Israel and the Middle East peace process are less well defined. Its a safe bet Israel will come

up, said one Republican donor in Las Vegas who is a friend of Mr. Adelson. But a closer connection with Mr. Adelson also holds risks for Mr. Ryan and the Republican ticket. Mr. Adelsons casino empire, which has made him a billionaire, is the subject of a federal investigation into whether his company, Las Vegas Sands, bribed Chinese officials to help him expand into the mainland. Mr. Adelsons company has denied any wrongdoing and has attributed the accusations to a disgruntled former executive. At the fund-raiser Mr. Adelson attended in Jerusalem, Mr. Romneys assertion that cultural differences explained economic disparities between Israelis and Palestinians was criticized as ethnically insensitive. Mr. Romney also declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel and promised to move the United States Embassy there. The Obama campaign seized on Mr. Ryans new role to motivate Democratic donors, arguing that Mr. Romney chose his running mate to persuade wavering conservatives to open their wallets. Heres the calculation, Jim Messina, Mr. Obamas campaign content]

manager, wrote in a fund-raising pitch this week. Mr. Ryan is on the ticket to inspire ultraconservative ideologues and corporate interests, he said, adding, that means tens or even hundreds of millions more dollars for the Romney campaign and the array of outside groups supporting him. The money, he said, would pay for attack ads. Those ads will have more impact on undecided voters than anything Paul Ryan himself does or says, Mr. Messina wrote, making his own appeal for donations to take countermeasures. Trip Gabriel reported from Las Vegas, and Nicholas Confessore from New York. A version of this article appeared in print on August 15, 2012, on page A 14 of the New York edition with the headline: Ryan Meets Casino Mogul and Major G.O.P. Donor. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Romney calls Obama 'desperate,' accuses campaign of 'division and anger and hate' Fox News
Fox News (Top Stories Google News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 10:20:10 PM

Aug. 14, 2012: Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks during a campaign event at the Ross County Court House. AP CHILLICOTHE, Ohio Mitt Romney slammed Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday for making what Romney called an "outrageous charge" -- evidence, he said, of "an angry and desperate presidency." Romney, using some of his most pointed language to date on the campaign trail, accused Obama of running a "campaign of division and anger and hate," and specifically objected to comments Biden had made earlier Tuesday to a crowd in Virginia. The vice president suggested that Romney and the Republicans intend to roll back Wall Street regulations and "put y'all back in chains." That remark drew a sharp response from Romney's campaign, which called it a "new low." Romney picked up on that line of attack at the campaign stop in Ohio, rolling out a speech he

had spent the last two days writing. In it, he pilloried the presidents record and accused him of being intellectually exhausted. His campaign and his surrogates

have made wild and reckless accusations that disgrace the office of the presidency, Romney told a crowd of thousands gathered here at the final stop on his five-state bus tour. Another

outrageous charge came a few hours ago in Virginia. And the White House sinks a little bit lower. This is what an angry and desperate presidency looks like." The Republican presidential

candidate also mocked Obamas statements during the 2008 campaign that without fresh ideas you use stale tactics to scare ROMNEY page 6

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Legacy of colonialism haunts India, 65 years after independence

RT (News RSS : Today)

the question remains whether Indias economy would be better off had England never taken over Indian school children perform the country. during celebrations on the eve of The Indian economy was the Independence Day at India- second-largest in the world until P a k i s t a n W a g a h B o r d e r the British arrived. In fact, British Post.(AFP Photo / Narinder economist Angus Maddison Nanu)(18.2Mb) embed video argues that Indias share of the People across India will hit the global income went from 27 per streets Wednesday in celebration. cent in 1700 to 3.8 per cent in Colorful kites will decorate the 1950. skies, symbolizing the countrys And while Europe and the US anniversary of freedom from benefited from the Industrial British rule. But 65 years on, Revolution, Indias economy Englands colonialism still haunts stayed stagnant for 90 years. the country. Reasons for the countrys -While India has come a long way stagnation include Britain's since gaining independence in establishment of an agricultural 1947, its still faced with ongoing base in India, thereby providing hardships that were shaped by the cheap raw materials to England at British Empire's domination of the the cost of local citizens. country. A study by Maddison Modern India has the second- entitledThe Economic and Social fastest growing economy in the Impact of Colonial Rule in India world, but according to the states that the British welcomed International Monetary Funds Indian economic development if it (IMF) 2012 World Economic benefited their markets but Outlook Report, it's still a refused to help in areas where developing nation. they saw conflict with their own And more than six decades after interests. the end of Britains colonial rule, The direct results were
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:01:00 PM

devastating. India was left as an economically underdeveloped nation marked by hunger, poverty, and a low national income. Recovering from such devastation doesnt happen overnight, and India is still struggling to win its battle with poverty. In 2011, the World Bank stated that 32.7 per cent of Indians live below the international poverty line of $1.25 per day, while 68.7 per cent about eight hundred and thirty million people live on less than $2 per day (this number includes those living on $1.25 or less a day). Its a situation that is reminiscent and perhaps a direct result of the 40 famines India faced under British rule, which led to the deaths of 59 million people. Today, Britain is seemingly trying to make up for its less-thanimpressive history with India, sending the country approximately $439 million a year in aid. While the handout may make London feel warm inside, it hasnt

been met with open arms by New Dehli. We do not require the aid, Indias Finance Minister, Pranab Mukherjee, said in a statement to Parliament in February. It is a peanut in our total development exercises, he said. And Mukherjee isnt the only one who feels this way. Its a tiny amount, relative both to Indias needs and government spending. Its not that we dont have a huge development problem we do. But these are really things that we must do with our own resources, Economics Professor Jayati Ghosh told RT. The amount of money the British provide is so little that its really not noticed, she said. Its these sentiments that have stung the egos of many who stand behind the UKs spending allowance to India. Officials at Britains Department for International Development told the Indian government that canceling the spending would cause grave political embarrassment for Britain, the Telegraph reported. [unable to retrieve full-text content] [unable to retrieve full-text content]

The UK seems keen on continuing to send money to India which has many wondering whether the country is still stuck in a colonial mindset. I think the notion that we are dependent on the former masters coming and dolling out bits of money or advice to solve our poverty is mistaken people dont think the US and Europe have all the answers anymore, Ghosh said. Indias freedom to defend itself as an independent nation is one of many reasons the country will be celebrating on Wednesday. And as the festivities get underway, many will undoubtedly take time to ponder how differently India might look if its history books were filled with a different story. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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voters. Romney accused Obama of now making that strategy the heart of his campaign. Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt responded that Romney "seemed unhinged" during the campaign speech. "Particularly strange coming at a time when he's pouring tens of millions of dollars into negative ads that are demonstrably false," he said. Earlier, the Obama campaign defended Biden's comments, likening them to language used repeatedly by Republican officials. "For months, Speaker Boehner, Congressman Ryan and other Republicans have called for the 'unshackling' of the private sector from regulations that protect Americans from risky financial deals and other reckless behavior that crashed our economy," Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager, said in a written statement. "We find the Romney campaign's outrage over

the vice president's comments today hypocritical, particularly in light of their own candidate's stump speech questioning the president's patriotism." Biden made the remarks during a stop in Danville, Va. He took a swipe at Romney's plan to ease financial regulations, by recycling a Romney bank analogy and creating an analogy of his own. "He said in the first 100 days, he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules," Biden said. "Unchain Wall Street! They're gonna put y'all back in chains." The remark's context is unclear. Some conservative blogs claimed Biden had just made a reference to slavery. Danville, aside from being the last capital of the Confederacy, is racially split -the city is nearly half black and half white. The crowd at Tuesday's event reflected that makeup. The Romney campaign fired back without accusing Biden of any racial reference.

In his speech Tuesday evening, however, Romney accused Obama of seeking to divide America -- whether by race, occupation or party affiliation -as a campaign strategy. "But he won't win that way. America is one nation under God. American history has been a story of the many becoming one -uniting to preserve liberty, uniting to build the greatest economy in the world, uniting to save the world from unspeakable darkness," he said. "So, Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago and let us get about rebuilding and reuniting America." Romney championed himself the savior of the middle class, ticking off areas where Obama and his policies have failed the American people. After four years, its clear that President Obamas policies arent fixing these problems, they're making them worse," Romney

said. Fox News' Chris Laible and Wes Barrett contributed to this report. Print Email Share Comments Recommend Tweet Share This Article Newsletter Signup Sign up for free e-mail news alerts from and Newsletter Signup This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

North Korea Wins China Pledge of Faster Economic-Zone Growth Businessweek

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Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:23:43 AM

METALS-LME copper steady after US data; China eyed - Reuters

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Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:01:18 AM

China Daily North Korea Wins China Pledge of Faster Economic-Zone Growth Businessweek The uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming in Beijing yesterday, with China pledging support for increased economic and trade activity between the two countries. Chen met with Jang Song Thaek, who is... China, DPRK meet for developing economic zones China Daily China Signs Deal For Investment In North Korea GlobalPost all 58 news articles

Business Recorder (blog) METALS-LME copper steady after US data; China eyed

Reuters Top China think-tank official calls for stimulus * U.S. retail sales up 0.8 pct in July, first in 4 mths * Copper under technical pressure - Reuters analyst * Euro

zone GDP shrinks in Q2 * Coming Up: U.S. industrial output; 1315 GMT (Updates prices... China copper stockpiles back near 1M T record Business

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Lawmakers suspect money laundering issues at Wal-Mart

Tobacco loses: Australian court upholds worlds toughest marketing law

RT (News RSS : Today)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 8:55:00 PM

was unconstitutional because it effectively stripped them of their intellectual property rights. Still from a video by YouTube On Wednesday, the court ruled (Reuters: Top News) also to 'questionable financial corruption compliance program, user NTDTV that anti-tobacco laws were legal behavior' including tax evasion but has declined to provide details A challenge to a law requiring Submitted at 8/14/2012 4:17:42 PM and did not breach any trademark a n d m o n e y l a u n d e r i n g i n of investigation because it is still that tobacco companies drop rights. A Walmart store, that was Mexico," the lawmakers wrote in ongoing. branding and colors from cigarette The plaintiffs argued that some destroyed by a tornado and later their letter to Wal-Mart Chief It is unclear how many details the packets has been dismissed in or all of the provisions of the Act rebuilt, is seen in Joplin, Missouri Executive Michael Duke. lawmakers' investigative report Australia. As it stands, the were invalid because they were an May 17, 2012. A company spokesman had no may contain. w o r l d s t o u g h e s t t o b a c c o acquisition of the plaintiffs' Credit: Reuters/Eric Thayer immediate comment. "Although you have stated on marketing law is due to come into property otherwise than on just By Sarah N. Lynch and Aruna C u m m i n g s a n d W a x m a n multiple occasions that you intend effect later this year. terms, the courts brief statement Viswanatha launched their own review of Wal t o c o o p e r a t e w i t h o u r - A u s t r a l i a s T o b a c c o P l a i n read.At least a majority of the WASHINGTON| Tue Aug 14, -Mart earlier this year after The investigation, you have failed to Packaging Act, which is expected Court is of the opinion that the 2012 5:17pm EDT New York Times reported that the p r o v i d e t h e d o c u m e n t s w e to come into effect before the end Act is not contrary to [Australias (Reuters) - Two U.S. House world's largest retailer had requested, and you continue to of the year, requires that tobacco constitution]. Democrats investigating bribery intentionally stifled an internal deny us access to key witnesses," producers drop all color and The court is expected to publish allegations in Wal-Mart's Mexico probe into bribery in its Mexican Cummings and Waxman wrote. clearly visible logos from their its full judgment and reasons for affiliate said on Tuesday they affiliate, Wal-Mart de Mexico. "Your actions are preventing us products packaging, instead the decision at alater date. have obtained new internal The company has said it is from assessing the thoroughness selling them in uniform olive The Tobacco Plain Packaging records that may point to evidence c o o p e r a t i n g w i t h t h e U . S . of your internal investigation and green packs displaying graphic Act was passed in 2011 in an o f t a x e v a s i o n a n d m o n e y Department of Justice and the f r o m i d e n t i f y i n g p o t e n t i a l health warnings. effort to further reduce the laundering. Securities and Exchange remedial actions." The package is required to number of smokers in Australia. Reps. Elijah Cummings and Commission as it conducts its (Reporting By Sarah N. Lynch p r o m i n e n t l y f e a t u r e h e a l t h This entry passed through the Henry Waxman, who are the own review. and Aruna Viswanatha; Editing warnings and images of cancerous Full-Text RSS service if this is ranking members, respectively, of The two Democrats complained by Richard Chang) mouths, blind eyes and sickly your content and you're reading it the House Oversight and House on Tuesday that Wal-Mart has This entry passed through the children, while the brand names on someone else's site, please read Energy committees, disclosed the been uncooperative with the Full-Text RSS service if this is would be printed in a small, the FAQ at details of their probe in an congressional probe. your content and you're reading it uniform font. only/faq.php#publishers. Five August 14 letter to the company. They gave the company one last on someone else's site, please read A group of tobacco giants Filters recommends: Incinerating "We have obtained internal chance to turn over documents the FAQ at Philip Morris, British Assange - The Liberal Media Go company documents, including and give them access to witnesses only/faq.php#publishers. Five American Tobacco, Britain's To Work. internal audit reports, from other b e f o r e t h e y r e l e a s e a n Filters recommends: Incinerating Imperial Tobacco, and Japan sources suggesting that Wal-Mart i n v e s t i g a t i v e r e p o r t . Assange - The Liberal Media Go Tobacco claimed that the law may have had compliance issues Wal-Mart has provided them To Work. relating not only to bribery, but with several briefings on its anti-

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Mack wins Senate nod; Mica over Adams in Floridas 7th

Market Buzz: Pessimism reigns

RT (News RSS : Today)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:19:06 AM

amid the better-than-expected data on German growth and improved US retail sales. Though the New York : A stock specialist Eurozones economy shrank 0.2% John Gizzi ( Todays Top opposed lifting the debt ceiling, that of his predecessor. Tray from Knight Capital works on the from April to June, the German News) was the favorite of most of the Radel, popular radio talk-show floor of the New York Stock economy grew 0.3% in the same area tea partiers, as well as host and former TV newscaster, Exchange at the closing bell.(AFP time period, beating forecast of a Submitted at 8/14/2012 9:50:21 PM national conservative groups and ran with the backing of Mack and Photo / Stan Honda) 0.2% growth. The Stoxx Europe Rep. Connie Mack was the big of former Alaskan Governor topped a six-candidate GOP Equities are likely to take a dive 600 rose 0.7%, the German DAX winner over former Rep. (1994- Sarah Palin. primary. Among those beaten by in early Wednesday trading, 30 added 0.9% and the French 2008) Dave Weldon in the As much as the trend in primaries Radel was Chauncey Goss, son of reflecting renewed worries over CAC 40 climbed 0.7%. Republican Senate primary. The this year has been more toward former Rep. (1988-2006) Porter Europes fiscal stability. Asian stocks traded lower namesake-son of the beloved candidates of Adams style and Goss, and himself a former staffer -Russian stocks closed in the Wednesday with banking and former senator (1988-2000), record, the triumph of the 69-year on the House Budget Committee black Tuesday amid news of commodity-related shares taking young Mack is now sure to be -old Mica served as a reminder under Chairman Paul Ryan (who improved US retail sales and an losses. Hong Kongs Hang Seng locked in a close race this fall that, in at least some races, voters had endorsed and campaigned for uptick in the German GDP. The shed 1%, while the Shanghai against two-term Democratic Sen. still do like a congressman who the younger Goss before being MICEX added 0.7% and the RTS Composite lost 0.75%. Australias Bill Nelson. brings home the bacon. tapped as Mitt Romneys running climbed 0.6%. S&P/ASX 200 lost 0.4% and In the new 7th District, 20-year But tea partiers and conservative mate last week). Goss also had the US stocks rose in early trading Japans Nikkei Stock slipped R e p . a n d o u t g o i n g H o u s e activists could at least say they backing of former Gov. Jeb Bush. T u e s d a y a s t h e C o m m e r c e 0.6%. South Korean trading floors T r a n s p o r t a t i o n C o m m i t t e e scored major victories in GOP Goss, and two well-funded state Department reported sales at US were closed for a public holiday. Chairman John Mica won 61 p r i m a r i e s i n t w o o t h e r legislators, Paige Kreegel and retailers increased 0.8% in July, This entry passed through the percent of the vote against congressional districts. In the Gary Aubuchon,were formidable following three straight monthly Full-Text RSS service if this is freshman Rep. Sandy Adams. n e w l y - c a r v e d 6 t h D i s t r i c t , candidates. But they werent declines. Those gains were erased your content and you're reading it M i c a ( l i f e t i m e A m e r i c a n attorney and U.S. Navy veteran formidable enough to stop Radel, following a report that Greece on someone else's site, please read Conservative Union rating: 94.07 Ron DeSantis scored a big win who had a strong following on the w a s s e e k i n g a n e x t e n d e d the FAQ at outspent Adams (lifetime over two office-holders. A right and celebrity stature. timetable for implementation of only/faq.php#publishers. Five ACU rating: 88 percent) by a big political newcomer and first-time This entry passed through the proposed austerity programs. The Filters recommends: Incinerating margin to secure nomination in candidate, DeSantis had the Full-Text RSS service if this is Dow Jones lost 0.1%, while the Assange - The Liberal Media Go the safely Republican Orlando- support of Reagan administration your content and you're reading it S&P 500 fell less than 0.1% and To Work. based district in which they both alumni such as former Attorney on someone else's site, please read the Nasdaq declined 0.2%. resided. Mica has a long record of General Ed Meese as well as the the FAQ at European stocks rose on Tuesday bringing federally-funded projects Club for Growth, which spent only/faq.php#publishers. Five in the district and was a major more than $82,000 on his behalf. Filters recommends: Incinerating player in passage of the recent In the 19th District (Lee County) Assange - The Liberal Media Go transportation bill. t h a t M a c k i s l e a v i n g , t h e To Work. In contrast, Adams, who had congressmans family one-upped

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Thompson tops crowded field to win Wisconsin primary

John Gizzi ( Todays Top News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 10:56:40 PM

China Issues Warning as Tropical Storm Nears, Xinhua Says - Bloomberg

(china - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:11:29 AM

Former four-term Gov. Tommy Thompsonat 71 and 14 years after he last won election to anythingdefeated three opponents with 34 percent of the vote to claim victory in the Wisconsin Republican primary. As much as the race was dubbed Thompsons last hurrah and there was open discussion about what would happen if a Sen. Thompson could not complete his term, it didnt matter to primary voters. The old political warrior who first won a seat in the legislature in 1966 defeated multimillionaire businessman and political newcomer Eric Hovde (30 percent), tea party-backed former Rep. Mark Neumann (23 percent), and state Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald (13 percent). The most recent Marquette University poll showed Thompson leading Democratic nominee and left-wing Rep. Tammy Baldwin by a margin of 48 to 43 percent statewide.

Although other surveys have shown the two in tighter matchups, Thompson is likely to gain momentum from his triumph tonight and from sharing the fall ticket with vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan, now Wisconsins favorite son. Tommy won because he just had a network of old and loyal friends that he was still able to activate and mobilize into action, veteran Madison GOP consultant Scott Becher told Human Events, He demonstrated he was not out of touch by any means. Using their personal wealth, Hovde and Neumann slammed Thompson hard for his service on boards of companies and foundations that supported Obamacare (which the former governor insisted he would vote to repeal). But both had their own drawbacks: Hovde had not lived in the state for many years until relocating last year to become a candidate and Neumann had lost two statewide races since he last served in Congress fourteen years ago, when he was succeeded by Ryan. For his part, Thompson was still

warmly remembered as a strong pro-growth governor who brought fresh business into his state, balanced its budgets repeatedly, and was an early champion of school vouchers and welfare reforms. While critics said it was odd that someone who had eight buildings named after him should be running for office again, primary voters did not seem to mind. To deflate criticism that he was too old for office, Thompson ran spots in the primary of him doing his regular regimen of fifty pushups in the morning. As the results came in, the Wisconsin GOP seemed to be joining together behind the old warrior Thompson, who appeared to look quite vigorous. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

China Issues Warning as Tropical Storm Nears, Xinhua Says Bloomberg China issued a warning to regions along its southern coast for

tropical storm Kai-tak, which authorities forecast will reach the South China Sea tonight, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. The National Committee for Disaster Reduction called on... and more

New housing scheme for urban poor Hindu Business Line

(housing - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:06:02 AM New housing scheme for urban poor Hindu Business Line Addressing the nation from the ramparts of Red Fort on the occasion of Independence Day,

Singh said, To provide housing for our poor brothers and sisters residing in urban areas of our country we will soon launch the Rajiv Housing Loan Scheme. Independence Day: New housing scheme for urban poor soon, says Manmohan... Economic Times all 445 news articles

Kuroda pitches 2-hitter, Yankees beat Rangers 3-0

(Sports News Headlines Yahoo! News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 10:16:54 PM

got consecutive homers from Nick Swisher and Mark Teixeira in a 30 victory over the Texas Rangers on Tuesday night.

Hiroki Kuroda pitched a twohitter and the New York Yankees


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McMahon gets second chance in Connecticut

John Gizzi ( Todays Top News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 9:20:47 PM

Indian housing project for Tamils in Sri Lanka on track - The Hindu
(housing - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:09:46 AM

Politics The most heated Republican primary in Connecticut ended with a victory for the more conservative candidate. Linda McMahon, multimillionaire businesswoman and past head of the Worldwide Wrestling Federation, won another crack at the U.S. Senate. With near-final results in, the 64year-old McMahon defeated former Rep. (1987-2008) Christopher Shays by a margin of more than 3-to-1. McMahons win was significant in that the Nutmeg State, in contrast to most other states, has historically nominated the more moderate or liberal Republican. Two years ago, McMahon spent

$50 million of her personal fortune and lost to Democrat Richard Blumenthal by a margin of 56 to 44 per cent. In defeating Shays (lifetime American Conservative Union rating: 48 percent), McMahon campaigned as she did in 2010as a fiscal conservative, and social

moderateand suggested she would support the Medicare reform plan of vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan. The most recent Quinnipiac Poll showed Democratic nominee and far-left Rep. Chris Murphy defeating McMahon by a margin of 46 to 43 percent statewide. In

winning the GOP nod, McMahon is the first defeated GOP Senate nominee to be given another nomination since Prescott Bush. The father and grandfather of two U.S. presidents, Bush was defeated for the Senate in 1950 but rebounded to win the first of two terms in 1952. HUMAN EVENTS: RELATED ARTICLES Those who read this also read This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

The Hindu Indian housing project for Tamils in Sri Lanka on track The Hindu After huge delays, the US $ 270 million Indian housing project for displaced Tamils in Sri Lanka is now on track. The pilot phase of the project for construction of 1000 houses has been completed. The next phase of the Indian Housing project for 43000... and more

Hundreds attend forum on housing crisis - Minot Daily News

(housing - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:27:20 AM

Cascading Chair Exhibits - The E/B Office SEAT Installation is Stacked (
(TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 8:11:04 PM

Minot Daily News Hundreds attend forum on

housing crisis Minot Daily News Affordable housing was on everyone's mind at a forum hosted Tuesday by the Minot Area

Chamber of Commerce at Minot local... State University, but there don't and more appear to be any easy answers. The forum drew hundreds of personnel from city, state and

( E/B Office's SEAT' display in Atlanta, Georgia aims to redefine the common seating experience. The undulating 400-chair structure does so in a grandiose manner, drawing...

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Zynga Employee: I Can't Buy A House Because Of The Stock Crash, But That's Life (ZNGA)
Matt Lynley (Business Insider)

young companywhich means everyone has to work hard. if you Submitted at 8/14/2012 9:47:54 PM perform at Zynga, you are Zynga's stock has cratered to $3 rewardednot driven into the from a high of more than $15, and ground. But if you are just that's upset a lot of Zynga's sticking around for the stock employees. price, that's the worst possible Many of them have come out of reason to stay at the company, the woodwork to complain on Vuori writes. Quora, a question-and-answer site It's natural to be upset about the popular with the tech set. stock price. Vuori has had to put Anonymously, that is. off purchasing a house as a result, They've written that Zynga made he says. But he also says he knew them work long hours and drove what he was getting into. them into the ground, and the only Here's the full post: thing holding them back from I have worked at Zynga for just leaving was the impending IPO over a year now, and am not and the fortune they would make afraid to hide my real identity, in stock. unlike the other answerers on this But now Zynga general manager thread. I was working on my own N i k o V u o r i h a s c o m e o u t startup before joining Zynga, and s w i n g i n g a g a i n s t t h o s e am now the General Manager of anonymous colleagues on the site. FrontierVille. Ill start by actually Here's the core of his argument, in answering the question, instead of his own words: using this as an excuse to bash the N O O N E I S F O R C I N G company (or blow smoke up your ANYONE TO WORK HERE asses about how awesome it is AGAINST THEIR WILL. If you either). are a top performer, you WILL be How do I feel about the stock rewarded (no politics required). If price drop I dont feel great you are not a top performer, it about it, of course not. It sucks to might suck a little bit. But you can go from $10 at IPO, to a high of vote with your feet, and just take $15, and then drop to $3. And off. sure, my theoretical net worth has Vuori is not saying that working been impacted. I had plans to buy at Zynga is a cakewalk. Zynga is a the house I am renting at the

since we were launching something big at the time. The learning curve was steep. However, morale was high, the team had fun, and we were excited about what we were (and still are) doing. Making great games that excite millions of players every day is a rush, and being a metrics-driven company means that whenever you get something right, the numbers tell you so immediately. In specific response to Anon User with over 600 votes, and the second Anon User with over 100 votes, I am surprised by your experiences. That is not my experience at all. Of course, the moment those plans are on hold with my eyes open no one culture does not sit well with now, since the RSUs for which I promised me great wealth or a everyone, no company culture is just hit the 1 year cliff for are not guaranteed share price. The only perfect. Yes, we work hard. Yes, worth enough to put together a promise that was made to me was w e c a r e a b o u t m e t r i c s a n d down payment. Thats a very real this that Zynga is a meritocracy, numbers. Yes, we all wish that Q2 impact on my life and my plans. and if I work hard and do well, I had gone better and that the stock price was higher. But no one And while untold riches are will be noticed and rewarded. always in the back of your mind With regards to that particular forces anyone to put in years (What if we go to $20? What if p r o m i s e , I h a v e b e e n v e r y being worked into the ground we go to $100?), you cant pleased, and my high expectations and no one forces you to put control the markets, and if you have been fully met. I did indeed your life on hold. If the only miss, the markets will punish you. work hard, especially right after thing keeping you around was the It hurts, and is annoying and joining, to prove myself and to IPO after three and something frustrating, especially with all the learn the Zynga way. Late nights miserable years then your bad press floating around at the and weekends were frequent in priorities are all wrong. ZYNGA page 13 moment, but I walked into this those first months, especially


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Markets Are Down In Asia

AP (Business Insider)

buying government bonds and mortgage-backed securities to keep interest rates low. They will BANGKOK (AP) Asian be closely watching Fed stocks fell Wednesday, with Chairman Ben Bernanke's speech contradictory economic data out on Aug. 31 at an annual economic of the U.S. dragging down market conference in Jackson Hole, enthusiasm. Wyoming. Investors faced some confusing On Wall Street on Tuesday, the data out of the U.S.: Separate Dow Jones industrial average reports showed better-thanedged up marginally to 13,172.14. expected retail sales, a sign that The Standard & Poor's 500 index Americans are spending, but also was slightly down at 1,403.93. stagnant inventories among U.S. The Nasdaq composite index lost companies, an indication of 0.2 percent to 3,016.98. caution among businesses. Benchmark oil fell 34 cents to Americans increased their retail $93.09 per barrel in electronic spending in July by the most in trading on the New York five months, a gain of 0.8 percent Mercantile Exchange. The over June. The increase was were closed for a public holiday. economic growth required to contract rose 70 cents to end at welcome since it came after three A gloomy picture out of Europe bring the region's debt crisis to an $93.43 a barrel on the Nymex on straight monthly declines. But the Tuesday. a l s o c o m p o u n d e d w o r r i e s . end is still nowhere in sight." sluggish inventory trend could act A l t h o u g h G e r m a n y p o s t e d Over the past few weeks, stocks, In currency trading, the euro fell as a drag on overall economic surprise growth of 0.3 percent in as well as the euro and the price to $1.2322 from $1.2330 in late growth. When businesses place the second quarter on Tuesday, it of oil, have rallied on hopes the trading Tuesday in New York. fewer orders, factory production was not enough to prevent the 17- world's major central banks will The dollar rose to 78.82 yen from slows. country eurozone economy from do more to shore up the global 78.79 yen. Japan's Nikkei 225 index fell 0.3 Please follow Money Game on contracting 0.2 percent in the economy. percent to 8,903.85. Hong Kong's Twitter and Facebook. period. Many economists believe the Hang Seng index fell 1.1 percent Analysts at Capital Economics U.S. Federal Reserve will try to Join the conversation about this to 20,074.08, while Australia's said in an email commentary that s t i m u l a t e t h e e c o n o m y b y story S&P/ASX 200 lost 0.4 percent to "the big picture is that the launching another program of 4,275.70. Markets in South Korea
Submitted at 8/14/2012 9:29:09 PM

Independence Day India marked by Google doodle - NDTV

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:13:51 AM

The Hindu Independence Day India marked by Google doodle NDTV India Independence Day is celebrated on August 15 every year to mark independence of India from British rule. India was born as a sovereign nation on 15 August 1947, at the stroke of midnight, after spending nearly 2 centuries under the rule of the... Images: How India ushered in its first Independence Day Firstpost Google's Independence Day India doodle Times of India Indian Independence Day: Google doodles national bird Zee News The HinduHindustan Times all 49 news articles

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continued from page 11

I will not speak for anyone else at Zynga, but what keeps me going is the thrill of making games that millions of people enjoy. What motivates me are the regular, quarterly recognition and rewards (and no, it is not for people willing to play the politics game, it is for people who are high performers). What excites me are the opportunities that lie ahead, beyond this single-quarter hiccup. The stock price, today, is a turd. We have $1.6bn in the bank, and the markets are behaving as if we are about to go bankrupt. Over the last 4 quarters, we generated $350M in free cash flow. At times like these, if you believe in the long-term prospects of the company like I do, you are happy that Mark Pincus has special voting rights, because it means we arent at risk of a shareholder revolt or a hostile takeover. It means we can focus on the future

and build that share price back up, one great game at a time. I have no doubt that there are indeed individuals at Zynga who have had a rough experience, same as at any other company. Start-up life is rough, as is life at a freshly-IPOd company with a brand new business model (just ask how the hell do you make money selling books on the Internet?). Meritocracies can be rough too if you arent a top performer, you see all your peers reaping the rewards while you are treading water. There are strategy changes, and there are reorgs, and there are late nights. The markets love you, and then they hate you. You take one misstep, and everyone proclaims your demise. The news media picks up on the prevailing meme and broadcasts it over and over into the echo chamber. It can be tough on morale. But ultimately, the bottom line is this: NO ONE IS

FORCING ANYONE TO WORK HERE AGAINST THEIR WILL. If you are a top performer, you WILL be rewarded (no politics required). If you are not a top performer, it might suck a little bit. But you can vote with your feet, and just take off. On a final note, Zynga has in the region of 3,000 employees. Not everyone is singing kumbaya around a campfire. Shame on Josh Constine and TechCrunch for posting one anonymous individuals unverified account on Quora of their alleged experience on an unnamed Zynga game team and calling that news. Please follow SAI on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story

Co-operator and champion of the disabled, Lord Morris, dies aged 84 - Co-Operative News
(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:37:40 PM

Co-Operative News Co-operator and champion of the disabled, Lord Morris, dies aged 84 Co-Operative News Prof Ian Gilmore confers the Royal College of Physicians Fellowship on Lord Morris (centre) during a ceremony at the House of Lords in September 2009. Also pictured is (from left) Lord Graham of Edmonton and

Lord Robin Corbett. Disabled rights champion Lord Morris dies, aged 84 Scottish Daily Record Disabled rights pioneer Lord Morris of Manchester dies BBC News Lord Morris, the disabled rights pioneer, dies at 84 The Independent The all 27 news articles

Westminster's Scotland boss calls on Alex Salmond to rejoin discussions on ... Scottish Daily Record
(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:33:33 AM

Scottish Daily Record Westminster's Scotland boss calls on Alex Salmond to rejoin

discussions on... Scottish Daily Record THE Scottish Secretary Michael Moore says there should be nothing to stop the two governments from seeing eye-to-

eye on the all-important vote. Scottish Secretary Michael Moore yesterday urged Alex Salmond to come to the table for talks on the... Scottish independence: 'No

mandate' for multi-referendum BBC News Multiple-choice independence referendum would have 'fatal defects' say MPs Brown warning on independence

shift Scotsman The Guardian- Mail all 493 news articles


Business/ Technology/ World News/

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Two Behavioral Biases That Hold Us Back From Taking Risks

Aimee Groth (Business Insider)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:20:52 AM

The"lean startup movement" is all about failing fast. It's based on the idea that in order to create more successes, you've got to encounter more losses. It's simply a game of statistics. In theory, healthy risk is good. But it's not easy, and McKinsey analysts have found that managers across the world are shockingly terrible risk-takers. Last year the consultancy asked 1,500 executives from 90 countries to react to investment scenarios, and found that "even at a risk of loss of 75 percent, most respondents were unwilling to accept it on those terms. Instead, they were only willing to accept a risk of loss from 1 to 20 percent." According to the study's authors Tim Koller and Zane Williams of McKinsey and Dan Lovallo of the Sydney School of Business, this high level of risk-aversion has everything to do with inherent behavioral biases:

prove that "a large number of projects are extremely unlikely to fail," unless they involve all of the same risks. Second, outcomes are always affected by some uncontrollable factors. With these things in mind, companies need to make it easier for employees to take risks because the potential gains are staggering. They give two easy ways to do this: Evaluate performance based on portfolios of outcomes, not single projects Reward skill, not luck The trick is getting over that first hurdle and accepting that some losses are a good thing. This is of outcomesakin to flipping, h o w t h e m o s t i n n o v a t i v e companies operate, and initiate say, 50 coins." In many companies, one big loss the downfall of others. NOW by an individual can be a career- READ: 61 Behavioral Biases That ender (and in some cases, like Screw Up The Way You Think > when financial firms fall by a Please follow War Room on single trade, it should be). But the Twitter and Facebook. study's authors point out that this Join the conversation about this philosophy is generally flawed. story First of all, the law of statistics

Foreign students favoured in 'two tier' university clearing

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:20:51 AM

"The first is loss aversion, a phenomenon in which people fear losses more than they value equivalent gains. The second is narrow framing, in which people weigh potential risks as if there were only a single potential outcomeakin to flipping a coin only onceinstead of viewing them as part of a larger portfolio Foreign students favoured in 'two tier' university clearing Just 24 hours before the publication of A-level results, it was disclosed that many institutions were effectively operating two-tier clearing systems, with more courses being made available for students applying from outside Britain and Europe. Universities get ready for clearing test as battle for students begins in earnest WalesOnline Universities close courses to British students, but say yes to foreigners who... Daily Mail Clearing guide: If at first you don't succeed try again The Independent The Guardian- The Press Association- The Economic Voice all 34 news articles

Donate to World Vision (Ad ServeRSS) (AdServRSS Feed)

Your gift to provide seeds, tools, and training will be multiplied 4

times by grant funds, and can mean the difference between life and death for hungry children.

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British Bank in $340 Million Settlement for Laundering - New York Times

settlements that the Justice Department and the Manhattan district attorney have reached with other global banks in recent years Submitted at 8/14/2012 7:57:19 PM Standard Chartered, the British over money laundering charges, bank, has agreed to pay New from $619 million with ING bank Yorks top banking regulator in June to $298 million with $340 million to settle claims that Barclays in 2010. it laundered hundreds of billions Standard Chartered has of dollars in tainted money for maintained that only $14 million Iran and lied to regulators. of the $250 billion in transactions Peter Sands, the chief executive violated federal regulations. In a of Standard Chartered, flew to s t a t e m e n t a n n o u n c i n g t h e New York to negotiate over the settlement, Mr. Lawsky said, weekend with state regulators. The parties have agreed that the The agreement is a victory for c o n d u c t a t i s s u e i n v o l v e d Benjamin M. Lawsky and his 10- transactions of at least $250 month old agency, the New York billion. Department of Financial Services, The bank said in a regulatory which took on the bank alone in filing Tuesday that a formal charging that it schemed for agreement containing the detailed nearly a decade with Iran to hide t e r m s o f t h e s e t t l e m e n t i s f r o m r e g u l a t o r s 6 0 , 0 0 0 expected to be concluded transactions worth $250 billion. shortly. Standard Chartered Some federal authorities worry c o n t i n u e s t o e n g a g e the deal has the potential to constructively with the other undercut a sweeping settlement relevant U.S. authorities. The between the bank and federal timing of any resolution will be regulators, including the Federal communicated in due course, the R e s e r v e a n d t h e T r e a s u r y filing said. D e p a r t m e n t . T h e y a r e a l s o After frantic negotiations with investigating Standard Chartered, Mr. Lawskys office, which a 150-year-old bank based in threatened to revoke the banks London with operations across the s t a t e l i c e n s e a t a h e a r i n g globe. scheduled for Wednesday, The $340 million deal is a huge Standard Chartered made a a m o u n t f o r a s i n g l e s t a t e calculation to settle, in part, to regulator, and it falls near the resolve the public relations m i d d l e o f t h e c o l l e c t i v e headache, according to people

briefed on the matter. The agreement ends a weeklong international drama that thrust the upstart regulator into the spotlight and pitted Mr. Lawsky against federal authorities who thought he was overstepping his bounds and British authorities who accused him of tarnishing the reputation of their banks. The size of the settlement is puzzling to some federal officials, including the Justice Department, because there is still widespread disagreement about the extent of the banks wrongdoing, according to regulators briefed on the matter. In the weeks leading up to Mr. Lawskys move against the bank, the Justice Department was on the brink of deciding not to pursue criminal charges, after concluding that virtually all of the transactions with Iran had complied with United States law, current and former authorities said. Until 2008, federal law allowed foreign banks to transfer money for Iranian clients through their

American subsidiaries to another foreign institution. Mr. Lawsky claimed the 60,000 transactions occurred from January 2001 through 2007, as United States authorities suspected Iranians of using their banks to finance terrorism and nuclear weapons development. Standard Chartered maintains that 99.9 percent of the transactions under scrutiny involved legitimate Iranian banks and corporations and that none of the payments had anything to do with supporting terrorist activities. Because the bank did not properly report the transactions that had been routed through its New York branch, Mr. Lawskys office has said it was impossible to know how the money was used by the Iranians. Mr. Lawsky based his case, in large part, on claims that the bank had violated state law by masking the identities of its Iranian clients, lying to regulators and thwarting American efforts to detect money laundering. Particularly difficult for the bank, people with knowledge of the settlement talks said, was a trove of e-mails and memos detailing an elaborate strategy devised by the banks executives. An e-mail from a lawyer to bank executives in 2001 said that payment instructions for Iranian clients

should not identify the client or the purpose of the payment, according Mr. Lawskys order. One Iranian client was told to use NO NAME GIVEN in paperwork to transfer money, to escape scrutiny and not appear to N.Y. to have come from an Iranian bank, according to a 2003 e-mail from a bank official cited in the order. In 2006, according to the order, the banks chief executive for the Americas wrote his bosses in London that the transactions with Iran had the potential to cause very serious or even catastrophic reputational damage to the group. While violating the spirit of the law, the stripping of data that identified Iranian clients was not typically illegal until 2008 because foreign banks didnt have to provide much information to their American units as long as they had thoroughly scoured the transactions for suspicious activity. For Standard Chartered, the settlement signals a strategic shift. Last week, it said it strongly rejects the position and portrayal of facts by the agency. The settlement is far more than the $5 million that the bank had been willing to pay to settle the BRITISH page 18


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Israel Plans for Iran Strike, Citizens Fear Worst - Businessweek

(Iran - Google News)

Shlomo Brom, a former commander of the armys Strategic Planning Division, who Dozens of Israelis crowded in said that any strike could come front of a storefront at a Jerusalem within the next six months. In the shopping mall yesterday to pick past, rhetoric was directed at up new gas masks, part of civil p u s h i n g t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l defense preparations in case the community to take stronger action military strikes Iran and the against Iran, said Brom, a senior Islamic Republic or its allies research fellow at the Institute for retaliate. National Security Studies at Tel Our leaders seem to have gotten Aviv University. New System very hawkish in their speeches While Israeli leaders repeatedly and this time it seems they mean have said that they could strike what they say, said Yoram Irans facilities, the words are Lands, 68, a professor of business now being accompanied by civil administration, who was picking defense measures, including a up new masks for himself and his n e w s y s t e m t h a t u s e s t e x t wife at a distribution center in the messages to alert the public to mall. missile attacks, wider distribution P r i m e M i n i s t e r B e n j a m i n of gas masks and the appointment Netanyahu told visiting U.S. of a new Home Front Defense Defense Secretary Leon Panetta minister. The threats also come as on Aug. 1 that time is running nuclear talks between Iran and out for a peaceful solution to world powers have stalled and Irans atomic program. The Tel increased sanctions have so far Aviv-based Haaretz newspaper failed to stop Irans atomic reported Aug. 10 that Netanyahu progress. and Defense Minister Ehud Barak Concern that the Israeli moves are considering bombing Irans may herald a possible strike nuclear facilities before U.S. helped weaken the shekel to its elections on Nov. 6. Netanyahu lowest value in almost 15 months spokesman Mark Regev said this week, sent government government policy is not to benchmark bond yields climbing comment on media speculation. and pushed the Tel Aviv Stock It seems that Netanyahu and Market (TA-25) to a three-week Barak are making a special effort low on Aug. 13. The Bloomberg now to prepare the Israeli public Israel-US Equity Index of the for an attack on Iran, said most-traded Israeli companies in
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:22:27 AM

New York sank the most in three months, making the benchmark gauge the cheapest in two years relative to the Standard & Poors 500. With the headlines and saberrattling weve had the last week, there is a higher risk premium, so its logical you see the currency weaken, said Jonathan Katz, a Jerusalem-based economist for HSBC Holdings Plc. Destabilizing Region U.S. officials, concerned that a conflict could destabilize the region and send oil prices soaring, have been urging caution. Panetta told reporters yesterday that the window is still open to resolve the dispute through diplomacy and that he thinks Israel hasnt made a decision at this time to attack Iranian nuclear sites. From our point of view, the window is still open to try to work toward a diplomatic solution, he said during a briefing at the Pentagon outside Washington. David Rothkopf, a visiting scholar at the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said it is extremely unlikely Israel could do anything without a regional ally or the cooperation of the U.S. Iranian officials have dismissed the threats of an attack. We dont think any of the

officials in this illegitimate regime wants to do something as illogical as this, Ramin Mehmanparast, Irans Foreign Ministry spokesman, told reporters at a Tehran press conference yesterday. Iran says its nuclear program aims to produce electricity for a growing population. Tougher Sanctions Amid earlier Israeli threats, the U.S. and its European allies passed tougher sanctions against Iran that have been taking a toll on the countrys economy. Iranian oil production has declined 20 percent this year to 2.86 million barrels a day, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Crude oil futures in New York have advanced 19 percent in the seven days ending Aug. 7 as Iranian exports have fallen, according to an Aug. 10 report of the Commodity Futures Trading Commissions Commitments of Traders. Prices of meat, rice and bread have spiraled in Iran as inflation accelerated to 22.4 percent in the 12 months through June 20. There are concerns that repeated Israeli threats to strike Iran may force Israels hand if the West doesnt take more serious action. Third Threat The Israelis are almost in the comic situation of threatening to strike repeatedly -- this is the third

threat in three months -- but nothing ever happens, which in my view is damaging to their credibility, said Aaron David Miller, a former State Department official and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a Washington policy group. Barak in February said that Israel would need to act militarily within months, before Iran reaches a zone of immunity where its underground enrichment facilities would be invulnerable to Israeli air strikes. Polls show that the Israeli publics opposition to a strike has been declining. Some 46 percent of Israelis are against an attack on Iran without U.S. support, according to a poll by the Dialog Institute reported on Channel 10 on Aug. 12. That compares with 58 percent opposed to such a move in a survey by Dialog published March 8 in Haaretz. Both surveys questioned 500 Israeli adults. U.S. presidential elections may influence an Israeli decision. Israelis believe theres a closing window of opportunity and they also believe politically its far more complex if they wait until after November to strike, said David Makovsky, director of research at the Washington ISRAEL page 17

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Pentagon: Iran training pro-regime militias in Syria - CNN (blog)

(Iran - Google News)

A rasik, he wanted to be an actor - Daily News & Analysis

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:15:30 AM

States and others continue to assist the opposition. Submitted at 8/14/2012 4:37:04 PM The United States is providing By Larry Shaughnessy non-lethal aid such as U.S. Defense Secretary Leon communications equipment while Panetta on Tuesday accused Iran other countries are "providing of training pro-Assad militias in more aggressive assistance to the Syria in an increased effort to to opposition," said Panetta. prop up the embattled Syrian Panetta said instituting a no-fly president. zone is "not a front burner issue "There's now an indication that for us," but Dempsey said the they're trying to develop - or United States is talking with trying to train a militia within others about the option. Syria to be able to fight on behalf "We have been in discussion with of the regime," Panetta said Jordanians and and the Turks. during a news briefing at the They're both interested mostly in Pentagon. "We are seeing a the effects that could spill from growing presence by Iran and that Syria into their countries. Both is of deep concern to us that that's have examined the possibility of a taking place." safe haven. And with a safe haven U.S. Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. would probably come some form Martin Dempsey, who briefed the of no-fly zone. But we're not media with Panetta, said this planning anything unilaterally," Iranian-trained militia appears to Dempsey said. be made up of local civilians, As it has from the start of the "generally Shia, some Alawite." unrest in Syria, the Pentagon is But while Iran helps the Bashar keeping a close eye on the al-Assad regime, the United regime's large stockpile of

chemical and biological weapons (CBW). "We continue to monitor those sites, working with Turkey, working with Jordan. We've been in discussions with Israel, as well, to determine what steps need to be taken to ensure that those sites are secure and maintained so that those weapons don't fall into the wrong hands," Panetta said. "We're continuing to develop plans with the adjoining countries to ensure that they will always be secure." Even as the fighting rages on, the Pentagon is already talking about what the country may look like if al-Assad is overthrown. Panetta said the United States does not want a repeat of what happened when the Saddam Hussein regime collapsed and a U.S. diplomat dissolved the Iraqi military. Panetta said he believes the Syrian military will be needed. "How do we develop a process to

ensure that the different segments of the opposition can come together and be able to organize in some kind of transitional government?" Panetta asked. "How do we deal with some of the other groups like Al Qaida and [the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps]? How do we deal with Hezbollah in this process?" If President Barack Obama decides the U.S. military should do more in Syria, forces are ready, said Panetta. "There is no question in my mind that we have positioned a sufficient force in the Middle East to deal with any contingency at this time." This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

The Hindu A rasik, he wanted to be an actor Daily News & Analysis By Shubhangi Khapre & Shabana Ansari | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA Union minister for science and technology Vilasrao Deshmukh's love for music and films was no secret. In political circles he was known as a rasik (true connoisseur). Vilasrao Deshmukh - A political craftsman par excellence Oneindia Indian flag to fly half-mast to mourn Vilasrao Deshmukh death Times of India Deshmukh's body reaches Latur, funeral in evening Deccan Herald NDTV- Daily Bhaskar all 697 news articles

continued from page 16

Institute for Near East Policy.Theyre Concerned I think theyre concerned that if they attack during a lame-duck period they have a lot more uncertainty about American reaction, he said. An attack would also come as one of Irans closest allies, Syria,

is busy battling domestic insurgents who control parts of the countrys cities and countryside. That also has weakened Lebanons Hezbollah movement, an Iranian ally that depends on Syria for arms and support. This is the best window Israel is

going to get, said Gerald Steinberg, professor of political science at Bar Ilan University outside Tel Aviv. If a strike doesnt happen in the next six months and Iran doesnt back down, then the Israeli threat will lose its credibility. To contact the reporter on this

story: Calev Ben-David in J e r u s a l e m a t To contact the editor responsible for this story: Andrew J. Barden at This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it

on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


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continued from page 15

case earlier this year, people with knowledge of the case said. Even so, its a small number to pay for the privilege of continuing to do billions of dollars of business through its New York branch, said Sarah Jane Hughes, a banking law professor at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York lauded the Department of Financial Services, which was formed last year through a merger of existing banking and insurance departments. He said in a statement that the result demonstrates the effectiveness and leadership of the agency and I commend the state Legislature for creating a modern regulator for todays financial marketplace. The $340 million will go entirely to Mr. Lawskys department and then into the state governments general fund. Over the weekend, Standard

Chartered worked closely with Mr. Lawskys office to hash out some kind of agreement, with the banks chief executive, Peter Sands, flying to New York from London early this week. Mr. Lawsky has been unapologetic in his approach to the bank, even while weathering some criticism for going on the offensive against the bank on his own rather than moving in concert with other regulators. The bank said that in 2010 it voluntarily turned over to several United States regulators a battery of e-mails and other internal bank documents detailing its dealings with Iran. But Mr. Lawsky felt he couldnt wait any longer for federal regulators after an examination by his office revealed persistent failures in its compliance with bank secrecy and money-laundering laws, according to people with knowledge of the review. As part of the settlement, the

bank will install a monitor for at least two years to vet the banks money-laundering controls and put in permanent officials who will audit the banks internal procedures. A version of this article appeared in print on August 15, 2012, on page A 1 of the New York edition with the headline: Laundering Case Settled by Bank For $340 Million. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Noida hotel land scam under previous SP rule under Allahabad high court scanner - Times of India
(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:16:21 AM

Noida hotel land scam under previous SP rule under Allahabad high court scanner Times of India LUCKNOW: In a setback for Akhilesh Yadav-led Samajwadi Party (SP) government in Uttar Pradesh, the Allahabad high court has appointed an advocate

commissioner to look into allegations of sale of prime land in Noida to hoteliers at a throwaway price... High Court appoints commissioner to 'inspect' plots Indian Express HC seeks report on allotment of land in Noida for hotels all 8 news articles

NHLPA makes 1st proposal to owners

(Sports News Headlines Yahoo! News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 8:59:59 PM

Players' Association has made its first proposal in the latest round of collective bargaining talks with the NHL.

The National Hockey League

The lower house has passed laws to pave the way for offshore processing in PNG ... Herald Sun
(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:46:18 AM The lower house has passed laws

to pave the way for offshore processing in PNG... Herald Sun THE House of Representatives has passed legislation to allow

offshore processing in Nauru and PNG. Labor and the Coalition have sat together in one half of the lower house chamber during the vote on migration act changes

that will allow work to begin... Asylum-seeker bill passes House of Representatives The Australian Offshore processing laws pass Lower House Yahoo!7 News

all 12 news articles

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World News/ Technology/ Sports/


Basketballers land Measles outbreak with dreams of Rio sparks vaccination warning - ABC Online - Brisbane Times
(Nation - Google News) (Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:40:51 AM

Rep: Lozada files for divorce from Johnson

(Sports News Headlines Yahoo! News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 8:57:52 PM

preparation and competition finally came to an end. The Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:35:48 AM national men's and women's WA today basketball teams arrived at Basketballers land with dreams M e l b o u r n e A i r p o r t a b o u t of Rio 12.30pm,... Brisbane Times Starstruck Liz traveling well The Australia's Olympic basketballers Age have touched down in Melbourne, all 7 news articles as the rollercoaster of years of

Measles outbreak sparks vaccination warning ABC Online Doctors are urging parents to ensure their children are fully immunised against measles

because of an outbreak in Sydney's south-west. There have been 40 reported cases in the area, with 10 sufferers being taken to hospital. Dr Stephen Conaty from the... Sydney schools on disease alert Adelaide Now all 7 news articles

Evelyn Lozada is ending her 41day-old marriage to Chad Johnson after the football star was arrested for allegedly head-butting her over the weekend.

JiWire Aims To Improve Mobile Ad Targeting With Its New Location Graph
Anthony Ha (TechCrunch)

It can lead to relatively straightforward observations, Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:10:00 PM Staas says for example, JiWire Location-based ad company might observe that theres a JiWire is announcing a new significant overlap between service today thats supposed to people who go the zoo and people c o n n e c t u s e r b e h a v i o r a n d who visit child care services. But location perhaps inevitably, the Location Graph also combines given the trendiness of building that information with third-party an this that graph, its called the data, creating a profile of each Location Graph. user, and therefore extrapolating Even prior to the Location Graph, from your location history to interim CEO David Staas says distinguish between moms and JiWire had already created more dads and students. JiWire claims than 3 billion location tags. The to have profiled more than 500 new initiative is basically an million devices already. attempt to draw more meaningful The company plans to make insights from all that data. some of its conclusions available

on a public website. Heres a small sampling of what it says it has learned: Sixty percent of women eat at the same three restaurants each month. Moms who go to beauty salons are also likely to visit health clubs, child care centers, counseling services and restaurants. Twenty-three percent of people who go to Peets Coffee and Tea also go to Starbucks. Thirty percent of people who shopped at Best Buy also shopped at a competitors location

Beyond the nvoelty factor of the data, Staas says this is an important step to improving mobile ad targeting specifically, by allowing advertisers to buy an audience, just as they can in most other ad media. Currently, they mostly target ads based on the type of app or the location of the user, which are less precise ways to reach an audience. In other words, a store can use geofencing technology to broadcast an ad or an offer to users within a certain distance. But wouldnt it be more effective to target, say, moms within a certain distance, rather

than everyone? And really, once you can reach a specific audience, is their location really that important? The Location Graph is supposed to help JiWire deliver that kind of targeted advertising. And because the user profile includes a lot of behavioral data, advertisers can also make smarter choices about the audiences and locations that they want to reach. You can see more findings in this infographic.



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NEEDLETAIL SX gaming PC Review

Eric Abent (SlashGear)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 7:32:33 PM

Today were taking a look at the Needletail SX, Arkh Flight Systems (AFS) new flagship gaming PC. AFS seemed to have one goal when putting together the Needletail SX: make an insanely powerful gaming PC regardless of cost. Indeed, youre working with a lot of power with the Needletail SX, but money cant be an issue if youre looking to buy one, as youll be paying a premium price for access to such a rig. It the Needletail SX worth the hefty price tag? Read on to find out. Hardware When you pull the Needletail SX out of the box for the first time, youre likely to be taken aback by how awesome everything looks. All of your hardware is enclosed in an excellent NZXT Switch 810 full case, which has a window on the right side so you can look inside and view your motherboard. The case itself is sleek, with more than enough room on the inside to add additional hardware should you ever want to. The case also comes equipped with a number of dust filters to make fan maintenance less of a chore. The case is glossy in most places, which means that it will attract fingerprints easily, but a little upkeep is a small price to pay to keep your Switch 810 looking great. That sexy-looking case is filled

with some of the best hardware around. Bringing everything together is an ASUS Rampage IV Extreme motherboard. This particular motherboard features an Intel x79 chipset, and enough PCI

express 3.0 slots to support 4-way SLI or Crossfire. Even though the Needletail SX already comes with more than enough graphics power, its nice to know that you can continue to upgrade should

you need any more power in the future. On the back of the unit, weve got 4 USB 3.0 ports, 8 USB 2.0 ports (one of which is reserved for ROG Connect), and two eSATA 3.0 ports. The ASUS

Rampage IV Extreme is an excellent motherboard, but then again it would need to be with all of this high-end hardware NEEDLETAIL page 21

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continued from page 20

attached to it. As far as the CPU goes, youre working with an Intel Core i73930k, which has six cores and 12 threads. This CPU normally comes clocked at 3.2Ghz, but AFS takes care of the overclocking for you and bumps that up to 4.4Ghz before sending it off. The model we received uses Intels older Sandy Bridge microarchitecture, but it seems that AFS has since updated its models to use Intel Ivy Bridge CPUs. It goes without saying that youve got a lot of processing power under the hood, and even thats something of an understatement. Youve got an excess of processing power under the hood, as the i7s six cores can handle whatever you need to do with this computer with plenty left to spare. One only needs to look at the Geekbench and Cinebench scores posted below to see that much is true. Next up lets talk about RAM. Surrounding the CPU in a rather nice looking display are 8 G.Skill Ripjaws Z 4GB DD3 cards at 2133 MHz. That means you have a whopping 32GB of RAM at your disposal likely more than youll ever need, but there to ensure that everything runs extremely smooth. Indeed, that RAM helps make this computer incredibly fast, regardless of what youre doing. You can play a game with all the settings maxed (more on that later) and never have to worry about stuttering, thanks partially to the amount of RAM youve got under the hood.

System - System manufacturer System Product Name Manufacturer Arkh Flight Systems Product Type Desktop Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) Motherboard ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. RAMPAGE IV EXTREME Processor Intel Core i7-3930K Processor ID GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7 Processor Frequency 3.20 GHz Processors 1 Threads 12 Cores 6 L1 Instruction Cache 32.0 KB L1 Data Cache 32.0 KB L2 Cache 256 KB L3 Cache 12.0 MB Memory 32.0 GB DDR3 SDRAM 1067MHz FSB 100.0 MHz BIOS American Megatrends Inc. 1404 The dual SLI EVGA NVIDIA GTX680 graphics cards help with that too, naturally. With 2GB of video RAM each, this SLI setup can handle anything you can throw at it, as far as gaming goes. The GTX680 is one of NVIDIAs enthusiast-level cards, meant only for those who take PC gaming incredibly seriously, and this computer uses two of them. Of course, installing two of the best GPUs around makes for a pretty significant price hike, but with these two working together, you wont have to worry about updating your graphics hardware anytime soon. The CPU is cooled by a Corsair Hydro Serious H100 cooler, and whats interesting about this particular water cooler is that comes with adjustable fan settings. There are three settings in total low, medium, and high

and the computer comes set to medium out of the box. Youll be able to use the medium settings for most anything youll be doing with the Needletail SX, as it isnt too loud (though it isnt exactly silent either), and provides more than enough air to keep the computer cool while playing even the most graphics-intensive game. AFS recommends that you install a CPU thermometer widget to ensure that your CPU never runs above 82 degrees Celsius for too long, but in all of my tests, I never managed to get the CPU to heat up hotter than the mid-50s range. In other words, this cooling system does its job wonderfully, even when youre intentionally trying to push it to its limits. With storage, youve got a Seagate Barracuda 3TB HDD and a Plextor M3 256GB SSD to take advantage of. Both are connected through SATA 6.0, and the operating system (in this case the Needletail SX is running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit) is stored on the SSD. With the 256GB allowed by the SSD, you might want to consider installing some of your most-played games on it, as load times are obviously dramatically shorter when running from the SSD. This HDD/SSD setup, along with the RAM and CPU, makes this beast ridiculously fast, so time spent waiting for something to boot or load is kept to a minimum. Youve heard enough about how great the hardware in this PC is, but the benchmarks prove that it isnt just talk. With Geekbench

2.0, the Needletail SX managed to post a score dangerously close to 25,000. The processor was the star of the test, pulling in ridiculously high numbers, especially with the processor floating point test. Running Cinebench 11.5, we get impressive results once again. Cinebench is a benchmark tool that tests both the CPU and the graphics power, and both came back with excellent scores. The CPU test showed a score of 12.71, while the OpenGL test ran at a smooth 60.34 fps. It isnt that often you get a computer that can put out scores like that be it in Cinebench or Geekbench which just goes to show that AFS was serious about building an enthusiast-level gaming PC when they put the Needletail SX together. Benchmark Score System manufacturer System Product Name Section Description Score Total Score Windows x86 (64-bit) - Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) Integer Processor integer performance 21587 24815 Floating Point Processor floating point performance 40402 Memory Memory performance 9838 Stream Memory bandwidth performance 11515 Gaming Ive already mentioned gaming a couple of times in this review, but now its time to get down to the nitty-gritty. After reading through the hardware section, it should go without saying that gaming is wonderful on this machine, but just for the purpose of reiteration, Ill say it anyway: gaming is

wonderful on this machine. I tested Battlefield 3, Skyrim, and Batman: Arkham City(all at 19201080 resolution) on this rig, and it was able to play all of them as if it was nothing. With Batman: Arkham City, I used extreme detail settings, NVIDIA 32x CSAA, high DirectX 11 Tessellation, and turned NVSS and HBAO on. The result was a game that ran consistently between 50 and 60 fps, with an upper limit of around 70 to 75. Changing the settings to 8x MSAA and keeping everything else the same, we get about the same results: 50-60 fps consistently with a max that sits right around 70. On 8x MSAA, I enjoyed 60 fps on a more consistent basis, but when youve got a frame rate that averages around 55 fps, the difference is hardly noticeable. Overall, the graphics were incredibly smooth and there was very little stuttering; normally, the game stuttered briefly when it was loading a new area, but that was it. Not too bad for a PC port that many people have issues with. Moving right along to Battlefield 3, turning up the settings as high as they can go that includes 4x MSAA and 16x Anisotropic filtering I managed a frame rate that ranged between 70 and 90 fps. Thats when youre in outdoor environments with a ton of action surrounding you. With indoor environments, the frame rate can jump as high as 120 fps. NEEDLETAIL page 27



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RIM's Potential Blackberry 10 Licensing Partners: Few & Far Between

Dan Rowinski (ReadWriteWeb)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 2:30:00 PM

managed the manufacturing of BlackBerry devices. In-house design and production Research In Motion has nearly used to be the standard throughout f i n i s h e d d e v e l o p i n g i t s the cellphone industry. Motorola, BlackBerry 10 operating system. Samsung, Nokia and Palm either New smartphones from the made or still make their own C a n a d i a n m a n u f a c t u r e r a r e operating systems. Yet, that expected to be released at the approach is no longer the default. beginning of 2013, but they may Internal production takes a wealth not be the only Blackberry 10 of resources and expertise. If a devices. According to reports, company aims for the top of the R I M i s o p e n t o l i c e n s i n g market and its OS falls flat, it can B l a c k B e r r y 1 0 t o o t h e r be set back several years and risk manufacturers. Such an move its livelihood in the process. This would have been unthinkable only happened to both RIM and Nokia two years ago, but now it seems to in recent years as they fell behind be a real possibility. But would the market leaders in iOS and any other manufacturers go along Android. with it? Sizing up BlackBerry in Google and Microsoft do not the Smartphone Ecosystem follow the internal-design-andTo understand what companies build model. Instead, they build might license BlackBerry 10, it is the operating system (Android for important to understand the Google, Windows Mobile CE dynamics of the smartphone and, more recently, Windows ecosystem. Specifically, where Phone for Microsoft) and license does the operating system that it to manufacturers that wish to runs your smartphone come from? build their own variations. Their Apple designs its iPhone and approaches are not identical, iPad and the operating system that however. Microsoft charges a fee runs it - iOS - in-house. The for a Windows Phone license, devices are assembled at factories while Google provides Android to in China ( you may have heard of manufacturers for free (with F o x c o n n ) a n d s h i p p e d t o stipulations if Google services are destinations across the world. used). Historically, this was the model This strategy explains why RIM followed. For all intents and Android and Windows Phone purposes, RIM alone designed the devices are available from a hardware and software and v a r i e t y o f m a n u f a c t u r e r s

including LG, Sony and HTC. Microsoft has employed the same strategy in the PC market for decades. Research In Motion cannot give away BlackBerry 10 in the way that Google does Android. That avenue would essentially lead to the end of the company. It will have to employ the same strategy that Microsoft does with Windows Phone and charge manufacturers per license. Possible BlackBerry Partners There is one obvious company RIM could turn to manufacture BlackBerry 10 devices: Samsung. The South Korean manufacturer is the perfect candidate to build BlackBerry devices. It is the worlds largest smartphone maker and does not seem to discriminate in what it builds. Essentially, Samsung will try just about anything to see if it catches fire. Its primary revenue driver is Android and its Galaxy series smartphones. But Samsung also builds devices for Microsofts Windows Phone (though they do not sell particularly well) and builds its own low-end operating system called Bada. Samsung is also linked to Tizen, the bastard child of the OS that was once called MeeGo. The company will likely produce a Tizen device once that platform is ready for the

market. Samsung is such an obvious choice to build BlackBerry devices that, if for some reason it declines, RIM may be in serious trouble. Few other manufacturers are poised to take on new operating systems right now. Samsung and Apple have squeezed the smartphone and tablet market so tightly (between the two, they take up about 90% of mobile hardware revenues) that almost all other manufacturers are just trying to keep their heads above water. HTC is having a down year despite critical success with its Android-based One series devices. The company does not have its own operating system, and it has made Windows Phone devices in the past. As Samsungs little sister in the smartphone ecosystem, HTC is the next logical choice, but only if the company can put together the resources for a new product launch. The same applies to other second - and third-tier device manufacturers. Sony Ericsson has never been able to make a serious dent in the market with Android, and LG is performing much better in the waning feature-phone market than with any of its smartphones or tablets. Chinese manufacturers like ZTE and

Huawei might be interested in BlackBerry 10 if the price is right. Both companies have an expanding footprint in international markets that RIM would love to reclaim. The problem is that all these manufacturers are doing just fine with Android. Android is free and manufacturers can do just about anything they want with it. The design of Windows Phone is inflexible in comparison and it costs manufacturers money to license. If RIM is to follow Microsofts Windows Phone plan, it will have trouble convincing these manufacturers to play its game. In addition, partnering with RIM would constitute an alliance with a competitor. RIM is not like Google and Microsoft, which do not make their own devices (overlooking Google's Nexus and Microsoft's Surface). RIM will build its own BlackBerry 10 smartphones and tablets, devices that will be on store shelves next to any partner's offerings. Reaching Beyond Smartphone and Tablets One area of potential growth for BlackBerry 10 is in devices that aren't smartphones and tablets. BlackBerry 10 is built using a system called QNX that the RIM'S page 29

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Backed By Andreessen, Virtual Workforce MobileWorks Completes 1M Tasks For Startups In 1st Year
Rip Empson (TechCrunch)

the company announced today that its workers have collectively Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:20:35 AM completed one million MobileWorks launched last commercial tasks since launch. summer with a simple, yet big Whats more, companies have mission: Build a viable alternative e f f e c t i v e l y o u t s o u r c e d f i v e for Amazon Mechanical Turk and continuous years of work in the in so doing create a motivated, last year by hiring its cloud-based h a p p y a n d a c c u r a t e v i r t u a l crowd, which the team believes is workforce. While Mechanical a t e s t a m e n t t o h o w m u c h Turk has its appeal, as a way to businesses can accomplish by hire cheap labor to complete basic collaborating with a virtual labor t a s k s t h r o u g h a n o n l i n e , pool. crowdsourced marketplace, but This traction, although not mindthe system is set up in such a way numbing, provides some early t h a t w o r k e r s t e n d t o b e validation for the startups anonymous, underpaid, dont approach and has attracted have much incentive to do good investors, leading to the startup work, and largely ignored by raising a sizable seed round Amazon. earlier this year. Although the coMobileWorks set out with a founders remained tight-lipped different approach (and a social about numbers, we did learn that mission) to pay workers fair its investor roster included names wages and create a collaborative l i k e A n d r e e s s e n H o r o w i t z , online work environment in which Recruit Strategic Partners, Bee microwork would become less Partners, FirstLight Ventures, anonymous and more like a self- Hub Ventures, Y Combinator and organizing virtual office. The SV Angel. startup believes that this approach But why are investors interested can lower the cost of obtaining in MobileWorks and just what quality work or results, pay fewer kind of work does its virtual workers more and, in so doing, workforce do exactly? Well, out enable non-enterprise (i.e. smaller of those aforementioned million companies) to tap into the benefits tasks, unsurprisingly the majority of crowdsourcing. came from data-intensive tasks So far it seems to be working, as like lead generation, online data

collection, content moderation and video and audio analysis. However, according to MobileWorks co-founder Anand Kulkarni, while tasks were predominantly data-intensive, the startup has begun to see a wider range of inbound work, with its crowd now having worked on tasks ranging from managing a Twitter account to digitizing stacks of business cards. And the benefit, in MobileWorks conception, is that its qualitydriven, virtual workforce allows businesses to afford the kind of outsourced labor they wouldnt were they to hire workers inhouse. In fact, many of MobileWorks business clients the users of those first million tasks were startups that built entire products while using MobileWorks labor force. Jessica Mah, the young CEO of Indinero (the company which has been dubbed The for small business) said that MobileWorks had become the backbone of a few of its major products. A feature of its iOS app, for example, requires that it reliably convert information from photos of receipts into digital form. While tedious, an important task

for Indinero to do (and do well) in order to offer superior functionality or features than the next app. Of course, for small teams, this kind of stuff distracts from more crucial jobs, so being able to outsource to MobileWorks is huge, Mah says. Interestingly, while MobileWorks has found its way to what appears to be a workable model, this isnt where it started out. When it graduated from Y Combinator last summer, MobileWorks had built a service specifically for developers. The model was similar to that of Mechanical Turk, with the main difference being that it was composed of highly-screened workers and used algorithms to ensure quality. But it was API-only. The team found that its model wasnt as appealing to developers as it was to SMBs and businesses, who were more interested in the product itself. Today, MobileWorks has built a cloud labor service for business that it believes to be the opposite of Mechanical Turk philosophically. The idea being that treating people better and making online work less anonymous and more like a virtual office is a win-win for everyone involved.

As part of this, the startup has launched a new web interface that business users can use directly. Its new technology routes tasks to the workers in the crowd best-suited for that kind of work enabling companies to get good answers just by asking a few workers. And, in pushing its social mission, MobileWorks gives workers incentives to do good work under their real names, set prices that pay them fair rates, offer opportunities for skill development and advancement and enable them to choose the tasks they enjoy the most. In terms of organization, the startup is working towards a point at which its crowd will be able to self-organize. In the meantime, its using the best members of its workforce to manage the rest of the crowd, with the top one percent of the crowd being able to review everybodys performance, train workers, hire and fire, and review answers. For its business clients, this means that they can use MobileWorks without engineering, heavy development or custom-made enterprise solutions or millions of drones. BACKED page 29



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Read-only Launch For Medium & Branch, But Twitter Founders Promise More
Richard MacManus (ReadWriteWeb)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:37:08 AM

Twitter founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone have been busy developing two new services, both of which were publicly launched this week by their incubator company The Obvious Corporation. Unfortunately, both products are read-only for most people right now. So first impressions will be muted perhaps even mystified, since Medium has very little navigation. That said, Williams and Stone have an outstanding track record with Web publishing products, as co-creators of first and then Twitter. So let's see what they've cooked up. The first launch was Branch, a kind of discussion forum that came out of private beta yesterday. Then today, Obvious Corp released a brand new publishing platform called Medium. In announcing Medium, Williams positioned it as the next evolution of - which was launched back in 1999 by Williams and Stone. Similarly, as a discussions focused product, Branch can be thought of as an extension to Twitter. The connections may not end there. What's perhaps most intriguing about Branch and Medium is that

the two products may eventually intertwine, although Obvious is calling them"completely separate products" for now. What is Medium Let's start with the newest product first. Medium is a blog publishing platform, where posts are organized into "collections." Collections can be "closed" (private) or "open" (public). To receive an invitation to join

Medium, sign in using your Twitter ID. An example Medium collection this is "an open collection of crazy stories." On first use, it's not obvious what Medium is. There is seemingly no way to navigate around collections, nor are there subscribe buttons - for anything, as far as we can see. However, Williams promises that this

version of Medium is "just a sliver of what weve figured out." So we'll give them the benefit of the doubt at this early stage. Medium is also currently just a read-only experience for most users, even if you register (which I did). "Posting is limited to a small invited list of friends and family," wrote Williams in his introductory post. They will be letting other registered users post

soon - but when is unknown. If I had to sum it up on first impression, I'd say that Medium is like a categorized Tumblr. But without being able to post, it's difficult to get a proper sense of what Medium offers compared to Tumblr, Pinterest and other modern publishing platforms. What is Branch Like Medium, Branch isn't completely public yet. If you register using your Twitter name, you're promised an invitation "soon." Branch is easier to understand it's basically a discussion forum, where someone posts a topic and others comment on it. For example this "branch" about women in tech: You can start a discussion based on something you found on the Web, or an original thought. You then add people to the discussion via email or Twitter - so the discussion remains closed and you control who's in it. However you can choose to publish the branch publicly elsewhere, such as on Wordpress. Will Medium and Branch Connect Together in Future? Obvious Corp states that the two products are separate. However, the Branch Twitter team noted that "there's lots more to build, READ-ONLY page 32

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Pebble Kickstarter smartwatch UI video delivered

Chris Burns (SlashGear)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 6:15:56 PM

This week the folks behind the $10 million dollar Kickstarter funded smartwatch project Pebble has been updated to include a user interface video demo. This device will be released with full connectivity to iPhone and Android devices via Bluetooth and works with e-paper for easy reading and any lighting situation interactivity. Youll be able to play music, check emails, see notifications, and check the weather and time as well. The video youre about to watch shows the prototype device connected with a rather large prototype logic board, showing up in an emulator as the developers show the current user interface on a larger PC nearby. Theres also a demonstration of the user interface on an iPhone which emulates the final look and interface on the screen of an iPhone. The final release date for the Pebble smartwatch has been missed, it being September of this year originally, with scaling issues being claimed for the missed mark. Were seeing the

newest update take a more serious angle on the missed release date: Planning and scheduling a major manufacturing project is complex. Were working hard to complete the interconnected tasks that make up the production process. For me and the hardware engineers on the project, a large percentage of our time is spent exchanging complex spreadsheets filled with components specs by email, Skyping about the dimensions of

minute hardware requirements and IMing our manufacturing team and factory. Not super exciting. Thats why weve decided to share the more interesting stuff (photos, video and more!) in updates. Eric + Pebble team Some demo images on the iPhone shown in the gallery below includes an Incoming Call, Music Control, and an Email. New updates in the Pebble road

to the final product include their assurance that they have enough resistors they just ordered 500,000 more than they had before! Next they note that theyre testing watch strap samples, USB charge cables, and shipping components. The developers here have a Manufacturing Text Plan in the works, and theyve again assured that theyll be updating their Twitter rather regularly.

Have a peek at the timeline below to get up to date on all things Pebble before the final product pops up later this year! Story Timeline Pebble smartwatch for iOS and Android available on Kickstarter Pebble smartwatch breaks $1 million barrier in 28 hours Pebble breaks Kickstarter record; Broad dev features detailed Pebble Watch Kickstarter breaks $4.5 million Pebble gets RunKeeper for apps before hardware Pebble smartwatch reaches $9m: adds Bluetooth 4.0 No iPad support in Pebble smart watch Pebble smartwatch sells out after $10m raised Twine and Pebble reveal "Internet of things" on your wrist Pebble smartwatch won't make September ship date [ via Pebble] Pebble Kickstarter smartwatch UI video delivered is written by Chris Burns& originally posted on SlashGear. 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All right reserved.



Curated News Edition

SlashGear Evening Wrap-Up: August 14, 2012

Eric Abent (SlashGear)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 7:18:39 PM

Welcome to Tuesday, folks. It was a busy day today, and theres plenty of news to cover, so lets get right into it. It appears that the worldwide mobile phone market is falling a little bit year-overyear, and the Motorola DROID RAZR HD might be launching sometime in October. Fisker is currently at work investigating the fire that claimed one Karma EV over the weekend, and we received word of another EV catching fire during the Pikes Peak Hill Climb that took place in Colorado this past weekend as well. A new Apple patent was uncovered today, just in time for the rumored reveal of the new iPhone, and Groupon has released its financial report for quarter 2. It seems that Toshiba is backing out of the Windows RT tablet market, and the Samsung SGH-T899 Windows Phone was confirmed to be heading to T-Mobile. We also reminded you check in with us here at SlashGear tomorrow for

coverage of Samsungs press event, which is where many are expecting the company to show off the Galaxy Note 10.1. In other words, you dont want to miss it. It was all about tech and gadgets in the morning, but this afternoon, SlashGear became SlashGames, as Electronic Arts and Sony both gave their pre-Gamescom press conferences. There were a lot of things to talk about too, with

Electronic Arts announcing Battlefield 3 Premium Edition and letting loose Dead Space 3s release date. Registration for the upcoming SimCity beta is underway, Activision gave us our first taste of Black Ops Declassified gameplay, and Sony pulled the veil back on some new PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale characters. That wasnt all though, as Sony also gave us a

Android, so keep an eye out for that. One very brave thief tried to steal $60,000 worth of computers from Steve Jobs home, but was unsuccessful in his efforts, and new rumors are telling us that Apple has been forced to lay off some its Apple Store employees in the UK. The Acer TravelMate P243 notebook PC was revealed today, complete with Intels Ivy Bridge microarchitecture, and the Samsung Galaxy S III might be getting an update to Jelly Bean toward the end of the month. Finally tonight, RIM says that BlackBerry 10 will be ready for licensing soon, and the Curiosity rover sent back another image for that massive 130-picture release date for the first PSOne panorama of the surface of Mars. Classics on PS Vita during the Be sure to give that a look. press conference, and gave us the That does it for todays evening f i r s t t r a i l e r f o r G u e r r i l l a s wrap-up, so go out and enjoy the upcoming Killzone: Mercenary. rest of your evening! We were thinking for a little SlashGear Evening Wrap-Up: while that Valve would reveal August 14, 2012 is written by Eric Half-Life 3 during Gamescom, Abent& originally posted on but the studio was quick to quash SlashGear. t h o s e r u m o r s , a n d S o n y 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All announced a new PlayStation right reserved. Mobile initiative for iOS and

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Office Politics Really Is About Actual Offices

continued from page 21

Like Batman: Arkham City, Battlefield 3 looked amazing on the Needletail SX, with almost no stuttering whatsoever. Finally, we come to Skyrim, which is unfortunately locked at Alexia Tsotsis (TechCrunch) Reading the email denying my work from the Siberian gulag, a 60 fps. There are ways to change request was like sticking a shard friend texted when I complained Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:24:24 PM this, but using ultra settings, 8x of that frosted glass into my about the sheer tameness of Aol Warning: Theres no real tech newly NYC transplanted heart. Area 6B. Okay sure, but did that A n t i - A l i a s i n g , a n d 1 6 x news reason Im writing this, Now I dont know much about gulag have cardboard cutouts of Anisotropic filtering, the game other than the fact that its sort of ascetics (sic), but I do know Arianna Huffington all over the ran at a solid 60 fps all the time. Thats with Bethesdas HD DLC ridiculous that humans are this that Peter Ha is prettier than a place? w a y a n d m a y b e t h a t s a n pane of ubiquitous corporate Anyways, long story short: The and Laasts Pure Waters mod opportunity for some startup to cubicle glass. As the point of glass got taken down today (along with a few weapons and armor mods) installed. With tap into. origin of company culture, good because our current bosses are not I a r r i v e d a t t h e A o l 7 7 0 o f f i c e l a y o u t / a t m o s p h e r e i s idiots. And Aol really has made Skyrim on the Needletail SX, you Broadway offices on Thursday incredibly important but hard to good on its original promise to get nothing but silky smooth and was met with the above glass encapsulate. You know it when give us resources, thats why we visuals, and trust me when I say that this is the way Skyrim was situation at the TechCrunch NYC you see it, just like porn. have 19 cases of Diet Coke in the meant to be played. cubicle headquarters. After Context: In our SF TechCrunch SF office. several moves, the TechCrunch office we have multiple dogs But, I still cant get over how Again, the Needletail SX is an team is on the sixth floor, in an r u n n i n g a r o u n d f r e e , a n d bizarre this all is: All the status excellent gaming rig, and its sure area that Ive been lost several everyone, all the editors, writers, anxiety surrounding cubicle space to handle whatever kind of times trying to find, where operations people, developers, etc, (Apparently its really trendy now gaming challenge you give it. couldnt see my co-worker Peter sits together in the main open to have a lounge at Aol instead Youre working with a lot of Ha because of this damn frosted area. And theres no hierarchy and of an office. Sigh.), including my power under the hood, and the good thing is that this hardware glass. theres free food and we all love own. Its like the high school isnt going to become obsolete So I got fed up, and because I am each other and are so creative so I lunch table, but for adults. crazy driven, I said I would when I do something silly like I wonder what would happen to anytime soon. If you want to r e m o v e t h e g l a s s p a r t i t i o n turnCall Me Maybe into my the world if all this energy we game with the visuals maxed between myself and the rest of ringtone for the shit of it or am s p e n d o f f i c e s p a c e p o w e r while still enjoying an excellent New York TechCrunch and really loud everyone laughs jockeying was applied to actually frame rate, you need look no further than the Needletail SX. flagged down a guy wearing a instead of rolls their eyes. getting some work done. tool belt to do so. And that guy (Okay, maybe Jon Orlin rolls his Anyways, heres my new view. Wrap-Up told me to ask his boss and his eyes, but Im used to it and love And yeah, thats what you think it So Ive been singing the praises of the Needletail SX for quite a boss wrote me an email saying no, him anyways.) is. few paragraphs now. If you because it would impact the I t s n o t p e r f e c t b u t t h e n couldnt tell by now, Im in love overall ascetics (sic) of the site. Solzhenitsyn wrote incredible with almost everything about this PC. The word almost is key there, because there is one significant downside to the

Needletail SX: its price. With all of that hardware youve got installed, this PC does not come cheap. It comes in at $4,499, and that doesnt include the operating system. Youll have to buy the operating system separately (AFS offers the many versions of Windows 7 as additional options), so if you want the exact build I was working with here, youre going to have to shell out $4,698. That is going to hold a lot of people back, but its clear that AFS didnt want to make a budget PC with this one. The old adage you get what you pay for applies here, and that high price tag means that youre getting one of the best (if not the best) prebuilt gaming PCs around. The Needletail SX is Arkh Flight Systems flagship model, and the company has packed this thing with some of the best hardware currently available. The steep price tag means that only the most serious of gamers need apply, but if youve got the cash and you dont want to build a PC yourself, then you should be very happy with the Needletail SX. NEEDLETAIL SX gaming PC Review is written by Eric Abent& originally posted on SlashGear. 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All right reserved.


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Curated News Edition

RIP Adobe Flash on Android

Dan Rowinski (ReadWriteWeb)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 3:09:00 PM

mobile Flash would no longer be supported on Android beyond On August 15, Adobe will no version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. longer offer Flash for Android Now that Google has released through the Google Play store. Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, mobile Any Android device that does not Flash has reached the end of the already have Flash will be unable road. Yet it will take a while to to download it any longer. It is the completely root out Flash on end of a very long, difficult road Android as it will persist on for Adobe as it cedes video on Android versions 2.1 clair mobile browsers to HTML5. through 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Come tomorrow, if you do not As of the beginning of August, already have Flash on your 98.5% of Android users fell Android smartphone, you will not within that range, and 60.6% still be able to get it. Adobe has used version 2.3 Gingerbread. planned to put Flash for Android Flash will be weeded out of the to rest since fall 2011. The Android ecosystem as more company announced on June 28th smartphones and tablets receive that it would un-publish Flash 4.1 Jelly Bean either through from Google Play on August 15. updates or pre-installed. Tomorrow will not bring the Adobe provides a list of devices complete end of Flash support on in which mobile Flash will Android devices. Existing Flash continue to work if it has been for Android users will continue to installed by August 15. Most receive security updates, but that devices run the Android operating is the extent to which Adobe will system, but the BlackBerry continue to support the plug-in. PlayBook supports versions of Adobe announced last year that

mobile Flash. Microsoft has stated that it will have limited Flash support in its Windows 8 tablets via Internet Explorer 10. The death of mobile Flash follows the rise of HTML5, an open stack of technologies intended to serve as crossplatform standards for media integration on the Internet. Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs famously rejected Flash on iOS devices in favor of HTML5. Android adopted Flash, but the plug-in proved to be problematic, and users often complained of glitchy performance. Some core Flash technologies will live on in other Adobe products on mobile devices, such as AIR. Some developers use AIR to create media-driven mobile apps, mostly games. Flash as a ubiquitous video standard on the mobile Web will cease to exist, while AIR will live on as a rendering engine in applications built with Adobe.

Pinterest debuts device -specific Android and iPad apps

Dara Kerr (CNET News)

template. On Google Play, Pinterest says that the app lets users pin from the Web, discover After finally letting users onto the content by browsing interest site without an invite, Pinterest is categories, explore pins and now getting serious about mobile. boards, and repin, like, and At an event in its new San comment other people's pins. Francisco headquarters today, the The iPad app was also designed social network-meets-virtual specifically for the device, p i n b o a r d d e b u t e d t w o n e w according to AllThingsD. It Pinterest apps -- one for Android includes a Pinterest-specific and one for iPad, according to browser, which features a pop-up AllThingsD. display of what people from "Our goal has never been to get around the Web are pinning. you in front of the computer Also, Pinterest is not leaving the transfixed for hours and hours on iPhone behind, the company has end," Pinterest co-founder Ben revamped that app too (which Silbermann said at the event, originally debuted last year). according to AllThingsD, "it's to Here's a screenshot of the iPad get you offline." app: Taking the site mobile seems like This entry passed through the it would get users away from the Full-Text RSS service if this is desk and encourage them to your content and you're reading it interact more with the world, on someone else's site, please read especially since one of the new the FAQ at features is the ability to pin only/faq.php#publishers. Five with the device's camera. The Filters recommends: Incinerating Android app was reportedly built Assange - The Liberal Media Go specifically for Android, rather To Work. than following an iPhone
Submitted at 8/14/2012 10:57:46 PM

Whos the scariest movie monster?

(HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 3:00:56 PM

?"); function backgroundClick()

{ document.location.href="http:// /hsw-shows/sysk-crowd-sourcedquiz.htm"; }

This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read

the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go

To Work.

Curated News Edition



Imagining the iPad Mini: Mockups multiply

Brooke Crothers (CNET News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:27:13 PM

continued from page 22

A mockup of the iPad Mini: it will look like an big iPod Touch with narrower side bezels, said 9to5Mac.(Credit: 9to5Mac) The iPad Mini won't just be a design knockoff of the iPad, if recent informed speculation pans out. Reports began appearing early last month that the iPad Mini would take design cues from the iPod Touch. Well, that has become enough of a recurring theme that 9to5Mac is now posting what it believes to be credible mockups of the upcoming smaller Apple tablet. The iPad Mini will have "smaller bezels along the sides in portrait mode and separate volume buttons and not a 'rocker' and a mic on the back," 9to5Mac said. The lack of a wider bezel -unlike the 9.7-inch iPad -- will define how the tablet is held and

used, according to the Apple enthusiast blog. Of course, the biggest question on most people's mind is price. Google is foisting the $199 price point on the market with its popular 7-inch Nexus 7 tablet, following in Amazon's footsteps. (Does anyone still remember the Kindle Fire? That announcement

now seems like it was ages ago.) Apple could price the iPad Mini to move. At 7.85 inches, it's expected to be only a little bigger than the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire and is also not expected to offer the array of features on the thirdgeneration iPad, which starts at $499. And a $399 iPad 2 is already

company acquired in April 2010. QNX was a platform that ran many different kinds of computers, such as those found in airplanes and cars. RIM will definitely be looking to nonbeing sold by Apple so that could traditional partners to license force the price of a small iPad BlackBerry 10. even lower. Looking beyond the smartphone Rumors were making the rounds could be RIM's best bet. At the today about a $199 Surface tablet companys BlackBerry Jam in from Microsoft. But that would be Orlando in May, CEO Thorsten a stretch, as Surface is a 10.6-inch Heins showed off a car that had device with a keyboard. No topBlackBerry 10 integrated into tier PC makers or tablet suppliers almost every aspect of its today have new 10-inch class computing system. RIM could products priced even close to also push its new operating $199. system into other infrastructureNext to the Nexus 7.(Credit: based industries such as 9to5Mac) healthcare and utilities (electric iPod Touch.(Credit: Apple) and water systems, for instance). This entry passed through the All this boils down to one simple Full-Text RSS service if this is fact: If BlackBerry 10 fails, so your content and you're reading it does RIM. We will know by this on someone else's site, please read time next year if any strategy RIM the FAQ at pays off or if it's time to only/faq.php#publishers. Five write the obituary of a once-great Filters recommends: Incinerating technology company. Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

continued from page 23

The idea is that businesses can just send work through its web interface and kick back with the confidence it will be done right. Naturally, this model has proven far more useful for startups than under MobileWorks initial developer focus. They can just post work in a few lines of code

and trust the crowd to get it done why the company has seen so many startups looking to subcontract their labor requirements. Although the scope has changed, what Jason pointed out last year remains true. Theres plenty of room for improvement in this

space, and there are a lot of underprivileged, underemployed workers out there in developing parts of the world who can be trained to be effective workers within MobileWorks framework which, in turn, can help lift them up. But, as always with

crowdsourced labor, it all comes here. down to ensuring quality. If the startup can use its algorithms to boost quality and find ways to optimize processing and completion of those manual tasks, its user base could be seeing quite a few additions in the near-term. For more, find MobileWorks



Curated News Edition

LG hits 5 million LTE smartphones sold

Steven Musil (CNET News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:23:02 AM

LG LTE smartphone with 2 million units sold. Also contributing to the success was LG's Optimus LTE has sold more the Optimus Vu, which sold more than 2 million units.(Credit: Josh than 500,000 units since March. Miller/CNET) The company said that more than As deployment of 4G LTE 10 LG LTE smartphones are n e t w o r k s i n c r e a s e s , L G available in countries where LTE Electronics is reaping the benefits. service is available, including The South Korean handset maker U.S., Japan, and select markets in announced this evening it had Europe and Asia. sold 5 million LTE smartphones Executives at the South Korean worldwide, with 1 million of the electronics giant expect its growth handsets sold in July alone. rate to continue to increase. The Optimus LTE -- dubbed the "Sales of global LTE smartphones world's first HD LTE smartphone are expected to increase ten-fold by LG -- was the most popular this year from last year," Jong-

seok Park, CEO of LG Mobile Communications, said in a statement. "With that in mind, we are planning to introduce an even more impressive LTE lineup in

the next several months second to none." According to recent numbers from Gartner, LG was No. 5 in total smartphone sales, grabbing a

3.4 percent marketshare in the second quarter of 2012, down from the 5.7 percent it held in the second of 2011. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Are Retina MacBooks displaying screen issues?

Steven Sande (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog)

with displays manufactured by LG; other displays made by Samsung don't have the problem Submitted at 8/14/2012 6:05:00 PM with image retention and burn-in, If a 56-page discussion thread on are brighter, and seem to display the Apple Support forums is any colors with more accuracy. indication, there appears to be a To determine the make of the problem with some MacBook Retina display installed in your Pros with Retina displays. The MacBook Pro, Joe supplied a Retina displays with the issues helpful terminal command: show image retention and burn-in; ioreg -lw0 | grep\"EDID\"| sed "/ others do not. [^ TUAW reader Joe K. sent us a Note that we have not tested the note about the issue, which command; please let us know in appears to be happening to MBPs the comments whether or not you

should contact their local Apple Store or AppleCare for resolution. Are Retina MacBooks displaying screen issues? originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Tue, 14 Aug 2012 18:05:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Source| Permalink| Email this| Comments are able to get the expected results. But it's basically the same command seen on OSXDaily to check for LG screens on MacBook Airs, which will also tell you how you know if you have a Samsung or LG display. Those who own a MacBook Pro with Retina display and see this problem as described in the thread

Curated News Edition



Mobile banking growing in the US and Europe

Mike Schramm (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 7:00:00 PM

Forrester Research released a new report saying mobile banking is growing both here in the US and overseas in Europe. By 2017, says the report, mobile banking will be used by 108 million people in the US, or about 46% of those holding bank accounts in the US. Currently, only about 13% of account holders in the US and 9% of European bank account holders have taken advantage of mobile banking services, but Forrester says those numbers will

grow greatly in the next few years. Why? First, mobile banking's various services are growing by leaps and bounds both in numbers and ease of use. Banks today have

apps that will let you deposit checks just by taking pictures of them, or transfer money from account to account with just an onscreen tap. Over time, those services will get even easier and

more secure, which means they'll see more users. And don't forget, our culture is changing as well. The more we get used to using smartphones for shopping and trading money, the more we'll use them for banking features as well. Mobile banking growing in the US and Europe originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Tue, 14 Aug 2012 19:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Source| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Reports from the 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion Next Big Future
(brillouin - Google News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 1:37:11 PM

Reports from the 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion Next Big Future Brillouin is also very solid, as we knew, but still probably at least 1 year from commercial readiness as well. IMHO That just leaves Rossi in the short term and there are lots of mixed messages about him. Some things people with first hand knowledge... and more

Ford trying iPads for sales consultants at dealerships

Mike Schramm (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 8:00:00 PM

Ford has launched an iPad app specifically for its dealers around the US to use. Fourteen different dealerships participated in a test program earlier this year, in which sales consultants (car salespeople) used iPads to access information about cars on sale, show presentations on various car

features, and even track customer preferences, both helping customers choose the right car for them and helping salespeople convince them to buy. One dealer in New Jersey is getting behind the app full stop: He says he plans to ditch PCs at his dealership completely, instead using the more "relationship friendly" iPad for all of his sales transactions. He cites the iPad's security and ease of use as big

factors in putting them on the sales floor as well. The iPad isn't yet usable as a pricing or contract tool, however, so presumably

Apple's tablet, and he's looking forward to that. Ford trying iPads for sales consultants at dealerships originally appeared on TUAW The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Tue, 14 Aug 2012 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. sales associates will have to back Source| Permalink| Email this| to a regular PC for that right now. Comments But soon, says the dealer, all of those functions will be handled by


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though, so we'll see where we end up." One immediate feature that would make sense is the ability to post a branch onto Medium. For example, if there was a 'women in tech' collection in Medium, the branch above could be published there. But we'll see how this plays out. Despite the two products being a read-only experience for the majority of us when we first encounter them, it's worth being

patient given the success Williams and Stone have had with previous publishing innovations. Maybe Branch or Medium - or a combination of the two - will be the next Blogger or Twitter. It's too early to say, but let us know your first impressions in the comments.

Nutty Ceiling Lamps - The Acorn Rope Light by Vasiliy Butenko is Rustically Simple (
(TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 7:56:02 PM

automatically filter out published answers, to give you a spoiler-free experience. Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:01:00 PM And now, without further ado, we Our good friends at Google run a give you daily puzzle challenge and asked TODAYS PUZZLE: us to help get them out to the What image, depicted on New geeky masses. Each days puzzle Y o r k C i t y s o f f i c i a l s e a l , will task your googling skills a represents a trade stimulated by little more, leading you to Google the first European to sail into New mastery. Each morning at 12:01 York Harbor? a.m. Eastern time youll see a new YESTERDAYS ANSWER puzzle, and the previous days (mouseover to see): (TREND HUNTER - The Latest answer (in invisitext) posted here. Search ["delta U = Q - W"] to Trends) SPOILER WARNING: find the First Law of Submitted at 8/14/2012 8:26:02 PM We leave the comments on so Thermodynamics. Search [First people can work together to find Law of Thermodynamics states] ( The Ted the answer. As such, if you want to find out that the law says that B a k e r M i d t o w n A b b e y ' Press Room (Consumer w a y s y o u c a n f i g h t b a c k . to figure it out all by yourself, energy cannot be created or c a m p a i g n w a s l a u n c h e d i n Reports) Supermarket Tricks Subscribe D O N T READ T H E destroyed. Manhattan this week, and judging now! Submitted at 8/14/2012 9:00:59 PM COMMENTS! This entry passed through the from the reactions in this video, it S u b s c r i b e t o Also, with the knowledge that Full-Text RSS service if this is definitely surprised a number of Supermarket Sneaky Tricks for expert because others may publish their your content and you're reading it New Yorkers. Just before the... f r o m C o n s u m e r R e p o r t s Ratings, buying advice and answers before you do, if you on someone else's site, please read Supermarkets are not in the r e l i a b i l i t y o n h u n d r e d s o f want to be able to search for the FAQ at of helping us spend less. products. Update your feed information without accidentally only/faq.php#publishers. Five In fact, they closely study our preferences seeing the answer somewhere, Filters recommends: Incinerating shopping habits to find ways to you can use the Google-a-Day Assange - The Liberal Media Go get us to spend more. Here some sites search tool, which will To Work.

Brit-Themed City Clean-Ups - Ted Baker 'Midtown Abbey' Stunt Had Maids & Butlers Tidying Up NYC (

( The Acorn Rope Light is a unique ceiling lamp that has a refined rustic feel about it. Clustered in a set of three, the acorns' bypass the production effort normally put into...

A Google-a-Day Puzzle for August 15

Ken Denmead (Wired Top Stories)

Supermarket Sneaky Tricks - from Consumer Reports

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Tokyo's Hawkish Governor Stirs the Pot By Mark MacKinnon

MARK MACKINNON (Foreign Policy)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 2:47:53 PM

Japan's most volatile politician is making a splash in the South China Sea -- and the Chinese are beating the drums of war. BY MARK MACKINNON| AUGUST 14, 2012 BEIJING "I do what I do because I want to," Shintaro Ishihara wrote in his 1956 novel The Punishment Room. "Do what you please, and sooner or later you'll find out where you are." Ishihara put those words in the mouth of Katsumi, one of the angry young protagonists who made the author a Jack Kerouacstyle cult hero to a sullen generation of youth in postwar Japan and that year's winner of the country's most prestigious literary award, the Akutagawa Prize. Fifty-six years later, Ishihara -now 79 and in his fourth term as the outspoken governor of Tokyo -- is still following Katsumi's mantra: doing what he wants, in this case pushing Japan toward a confrontation with neighboring China that he believes is inevitable. Ishihara warned in May that "Japan could become the sixth star on China's national flag" if it appeases Beijing. In his public speeches, he refers to the People's Republic as "Shina," a

derogatory term associated with Japan's 1937-1945 occupation. In an island country where xenophobia is commonplace, though often hidden behind polite

smiles and bows, Ishihara has made himself the most prominent right-wing figure by bluntly saying what many Japanese are quietly thinking. Crime in Tokyo

was on the rise because Japan massive earthquake, tsunami, and allowed in too many foreigners, nuclear disaster that smashed he said shortly after first being Japan's northeast coast that month elected governor in 1999. In March 2011, he called the TOKYO'S page 34


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and left almost 20,000 dead and missing "divine punishment" for Japan's materialistic lifestyle; he was easily reelected to a fourth term just weeks later. He hates Mickey Mouse, who lacks"the unique sensibility that Japan has," and he thinks French is unworthy of being an international language. In his most notorious outburst, he told a Playboy interviewer in 1990 that the extensively documented 19371938 Rape of Nanking, in which the Imperial Japanese Army slaughtered more than 200,000 Chinese, "is a story made up by the Chinese." But for the first time, one of Ishihara's provocations may come with real consequences. In April, Ishihara announced that he planned to purchase the Senkaku Islands, five uninhabited rocks southwest of Okinawa and east of Taiwan, four of which have been privately owned by a Japanese family for the past four decades, but which both China and Taiwan also claim. China is embroiled in tense territorial disputes in other spots as well -- in late July it sent soldiers to an island in the South China Sea also claimed by Vietnam. But it's the Senkakus (known in China as the Diaoyus) where a wider war could break out. A group of activists from Hong Kong is planning to visit the islands to protest Japan's claims and could arrive as early as Aug. 16. On Aug. 14, the Englishlanguage version of the Global Times, a nationalist newspaper published by the official People's

Daily, warned that if Japan sends military forces to block Chinese activists "it will force China to send warships to the Diaoyu Islands' waters." More acrimony exists between Japan and China than between China and any other country. Fierce anti-Japanese sentiment -stemming from the sense Japan has never fully atoned for World War II atrocities -- is disturbingly common both in China's official media and online among ordinary netizens. Meanwhile, Japanese government polling conducted last year found that more than three-quarters of Japanese -- the highest level since 1978 -consider relations with their giant neighbor to be "unfriendly." That's troubling for the United States, which under the terms of a mutual security treaty, has an obligation to defend Japan. (In July, Japan's Kyodo news agency quoted an unnamed U.S. State Department official saying the scope of the treaty includes the Senkaku Islands.) The last time Japan tried to take a stand over the Senkakus, in September 2010, China replied by seeming to tighten its exports of rare-earth metals, a resource crucial to Japan's high-tech industries (though China denied exports were affected). After just 18 days, then-Prime Minister Naoto Kan was forced into a humiliating climb down, releasing a Chinese fisherman who had rammed two Japanese patrol boats in the disputed waters. "What China is doing is very

similar to what organized crime groups do to expand their turf," Ishihara spat in disgust after Kan - a politician he condemned as "not Japanese" -- decided to end the confrontation. Strengthening Japan's hold over the Senkakus caught the public's imagination at a time when many Japanese are worried that their country is unprepared to deal with the rapid rise of their giant neighbor. Since Ishihara announced his purchase plan, more than $17 million in donations have poured in via a special website established by the Tokyo government's "Senkaku Islands Project Team." Members of the Kurihara family, the family that owns the islets -- who admit they haven't set foot on the islands for 15 years -- have come out in favor of Ishihara's bid. "For nearly 50 years this politician [Ishihara] has been contacting me directly, urging, 'Would you please sell the islands to the government, for the purpose of defending the territory of Japan?'" 65-year-old Hiroyuki Kurihara, the unofficial spokesman for the family, told Foreign Policy in a telephone interview. Three of the five Senkaku islets are in the name of Hiroyuki Kurihara's older brother Kunioki, who holds the deeds and has no heirs. The family, which made its fortune renting out land in its hometown of Omiya, now part of the dense suburbs of northern Tokyo, finally decided in April that Tokyo's government was the

safest pair of hands to transfer the islands into. The price is still under negotiation, but the Kuriharas are said to be seeking at least $250 million. "Ishihara is a person of logic and rationality. He is the person who knows which choice is the best. He is sharp, rather than clever," Hiroyuki Kurihara said. The island purchase effort seemed to catch Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's government by surprise, and it left him few options other than to promise in July that the central government would buy the islands from Tokyo, if only to make sure the prime minister's office -- not the Tokyo governorate -- would be in control if the dispute with Beijing were to escalate. Meanwhile, China's state-controlled media have predictably turned up the anti-Japanese rhetoric, with the official Xinhua news wire issuing an editorial after Noda's announcement warning that the effort to nationalize the islands was "playing with fire." Another humbling confrontation with China might be exactly what Ishihara is seeking. Although he ran for office as a political independent, his eldest son, Nobuteru Ishihara, is secretarygeneral of the opposition Liberal Democratic Party, the center-right party that polls suggest could win power if the unpopular Noda were forced to call a snap election. (The Tokyo governor's office said the elder Ishihara was too busy to accept an interview request.) The sensitivity of the moment

likely explains why Ishihara has decided to force the Senkaku issue now. "China's ever-growing clout is generally felt with greater apprehension year by year, and it is easier for a political entrepreneur to exploit [that anxiety] for his or her own purposes," said Yuki Asaba, associate professor of international relations at Yamaguchi Prefectural University in southern Japan. China won't back away from another game of chicken over who owns the islets. Nationalists have suggested Beijing should reply to the Senkaku purchase plan by extending its claim to the entire Ryukyu archipelago, including even the main island of Okinawa, which happens to host a major U.S. air base. Ishihara's challenge to the status quo comes at a particularly sensitive time in Beijing. The Communist Party is set to shuffle its leadership deck this fall, with seven of the current nine members of the supreme Politburo Standing Committee likely to retire. No one harboring any hope of being selected to the next Standing Committee can sound anything less than strident on an issue of territory. "Japan mustn't be shepherded by politicians such as Ishihara," thundered the English-language version of the Global Times. "Rationality must come back to Japanese politics, otherwise confrontation in Asia will spiral TOKYO'S page 38

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The Incredible Shrinking GOP ForeignPolicy Expert - By Michael A. Cohen

MICHAEL A. COHEN (Foreign Policy)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 4:11:11 PM

Mitt Romney's choice of Paul Ryan to be his vice president isn't surprising -- it's sadly indicative of the lack of worldly Republicans today. BY MICHAEL A. COHEN| AUGUST 14, 2012 If one needed even more indication that the Republican Party simply doesn't consider foreign policy to be a pressing issue in the 2012 election, the selection by presumptive nominee Mitt Romney of Congressman Paul Ryan for his No. 2 slot is perhaps the best and final piece of evidence. Not since the Thomas Dewey-Earl Warren ticket sought the White House in 1948 has there been a Republican duo with such minimal foreign-policy experience -- and with such little apparent interest in the issue. When you consider how little time and energy each man has devoted to foreign policy and national security issues, it suggests that Romney pretty clearly thinks that having a coherent foreign-policy vision for the United States is not a prerequisite for seeking the White House. This represents something of a seminal and troubling shift in

American politics. For generations, Republicans dominated the foreign-policy discussions in presidential campaigns, lording over

Democrats who were portrayed as either lacking in seriousness on national security or simply weak. The shift this year is due to a couple of things: first, the major

focus on the economy; second, not just that Romney and Ryan President Barack Obama's strong don't appear to care much about public opinion advantage on foreign policy; it's the entire national security. But there's something else going on here. It's INCREDIBLE page 36


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Republican Party that is taking a pass on the issue. Quite simply, foreign-policy gravitas is in remarkably short supply in the modern GOP. Once upon a time, Republicans habitually nominated presidential candidates with sterling national security credentials: Dwight Eisenhower, the military hero who moved the United States away from its isolationist impulses; Richard Nixon, who tamped down the Cold War and reached out to China; George H.W. Bush, who brought a distinctly realist foreign-policy approach to the White House; and John McCain, whose instincts on national security might not always have been correct, but whose experience with military and diplomatic issues was well established. Even Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan had, um, "distinctive" foreignpolicy visions, and when a neophyte to the world of international affairs, George W. Bush, got the Republican Party's top nod in 2000, he at least chose Dick Cheney -- a running mate with strong national security credentials -- and surrounded himself with serious foreignpolicy voices. Romney has quite ostentatiously eschewed that tradition, but one could argue it's as much a matter of necessity as it is political calculation. The fact is that even if Romney had wanted to pick a prominent foreign-policy voice to be his veep, the GOP cupboard is

surprisingly bare. Gone are the days when the Republican bench had a deep lineup of national security heavyweights. Few of Romney's options for vice president had any real international experience, absent Ohio Sen. Rob Portman's one year as U.S. trade representative and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's 19 months on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. If Romney truly wanted to bring on board a big foreign-policy hitter, his choices were remarkably limited -- and not so au courant. Right now, the most prominent internationalist voices in the Republican Party are McCain and Lindsey Graham -- who though are different men, tend to speak with the same voice. Condoleezza Rice (whose name was briefly floated by Matt Drudge as a VP pick), certainly had the policy chops, but her moderate views on social issues would have made her a non-starter with the far right. And with the impending departure of Richard Lugar (forced out by a Tea Party Republican) and following Chuck Hagel's exit from the Senate, the age of prominent and thoughtful foreignpolicy Republicans seems to be in a twilight phase. So why this is happening? Part of it is the usual policy drift that occurs in parties that are out of power. Indeed, Romney's attacks on Obama, which largely consist of a critique rather than an actual coherent foreign policy, are

telling in this regard. If Republicans have a vision of foreign policy that consists of something greater than "we're not Barack Obama," they're keeping it well hidden. Add to that Congress's extraordinary dysfunction. In the Senate, global issues have had something of a bipartisan sheen, but in today's polarized environment, there isn't much advantage or even opportunity to working across the aisle. With the departure of Lugar, who was criticized on the right for working too closely with Democrats, that dynamic is likely to get worse before it gets better. Finally, there is little political benefit for Republican politicians (or Democrats for that matter) to take as high a profile on foreignpolicy issues as was the case during the Cold War. If one wants to rise up the ranks of the Republican Party, there is little evidence -- certainly from this presidential ticket -- that being knowledgeable on foreign policy is a necessary prerequisite. Then there is the growing ideological orthodoxy of the Republican Party's foreign-policy views. Romney's own campaign team is dominated by many of the same neoconservatives who stocked George W. Bush's foreign policy and national security apparatus. In fact, just last week, when Robert Zoellick was named to head the Romney campaign's planning for potential national security appointments, the move was met with howls of outrage

from prominent neocons. As an old-school realist, Zoellick is anathema to many on the right, but the ferocious pushback on his selection was a telling indication of the sway of the far right inside the GOP foreign-policy camp. As is the case on so many domesticpolicy issues, the incentive for Republicans is to toe an ideologically rigid line -- and this enforced conformity doesn't lead to the emergence of strong, iconoclastic foreign-policy voices. Cynics might argue that foreignpolicy experience simply isn't as important as it was in the past. After all, it has been 24 years since anyone with a background in national security issues has won a presidential election. Perhaps Romney and Ryan, like previous presidents, can learn on the job. But if the last 70 years of U.S. foreign policy teaches us anything, it is that having a leader experienced in global affairs matters -- and it matters a lot. The presidencies of George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Harry Truman are cautionary tales about what happens when a president lacking a clear foreign-policy vision takes office, especially when confronted, like Bush, with unexpected crises. Say what you will about Obama's foreign-policy expertise when he ran for president in 2007 and 2008, but unlike a lot of actual foreign-policy "experts," his take on the Iraq war showed that he possessed relatively good national

security instincts. The same cannot be said of Romney so far, and the selection of Ryan only adds more reason for trepidation. That both men are being advised by many of the same people who brought us the war with Iraq and Bush's first-term unilateralist foreign policy is hardly reassuring. In the end, foreign policy is unlikely to be the decisive factor in this year's election. But after the speeches are over, the bumper stickers peeled off the cars, and the lawn signs picked up, there is the very real possibility that Romney will be sitting in the Oval Office, being advised by his 42year-old vice president. As the old saying goes, elections have consequences. Punting on foreign policy during a presidential campaign might be politically expedient, but commanders in chief don't have such luxuries. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Guardian Angels in Afghanistan - By John Reed

JOHN REED (Foreign Policy)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 6:00:32 PM

BY JOHN REED| AUGUST 14, 2012 An increase in Afghan security forces attacking their NATO counterparts -- or what have been called "green on blue" incidents -is prompting the U.S. military to implement a host of new safeguards, top Pentagon officials announced Tuesday, Aug. 14. NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) will increase intelligence and counterintelligence efforts aimed at stopping attacks before they occur, establish forensic teams that will analyze attacks, improve the vetting process for Afghan security forces, and require that a NATO service member, dubbed a "guardian angel," observe any gathering of NATO and Afghan troops. The guardian angel will "watch people's backs and hopefully identify people that would be involved in those attacks," Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters during an Aug. 14 briefing at the Pentagon. There have been 27 green-onblue incidents so far in 2012, which have led to 37 deaths, according to ISAF. There have been several such attacks in the last week, killing three NATO troops and wounding two.

The safeguards will be implemented by ISAF commander Gen. John Allen. "General Allen is meeting with the [Afghan] security minister to talk about further steps to take in order to protect against these

attacks, and he's also meeting with the village elders," said Panetta. "These are the people who usually vouch for these people -- they have to sign something that vouches for the character of these individuals. He's going back to

them to ensure that that's being done properly." At the briefing, Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that, as part of his upcoming tour of the Middle East, he will travel to

Kabul next week to talk with Allen about how to protect against what he called an "insider attack threat." "I think you'll hear us start talking about these incidents more GUARDIAN page 38



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as 'insider attack' rather than 'green on blue' because that understates the effect this is having on the ANSF [Afghan national security forces] itself. They're suffering casualties from the same trend that we're suffering" from, said Dempsey. Allen will also meet with all his one-star generals in Afghanistan to discuss ways to end the attacks. Meanwhile, Afghan defense officials will hold a summit to discuss how to fight the problem. Dempsey noted that the Afghan security forces have "discharged hundreds of soldiers who did indicate that some of these young men had the capability to be radicalized." These soldiers were known to have consumed terrorist propaganda or frequently traveled back and forth between Afghanistan and Pakistan, according to Dempsey. The attacks may cause ISAF to increase the ratio of NATO mentors to Afghan troops being trained, according to Maj. Gen. Tod Wolters, who was in charge of the Air Force's presence in Afghanistan from May 2011 until May 2012. While "99.9 percent" of coalition troops and Afghan security forces

share a high level of trust, "it just takes one green-on-blue incident where some yo-yo goes off and does something stupid, and now you start to levy some uncertainty on that trust that was established," Wolters said in an Aug. 14 talk at the Air Force Association. "That's a big deal because it forces us to go back and look at the math equation as far as the ratio is concerned in this Security Force Assistance model." The model Wolters referred to is the coalition's plan to shift from counterinsurgency warfare, in which NATO troops lead combat missions, toward supporting Afghan troops who lead and conduct missions. This shift is critical as NATO prepares to withdraw most of its troops from Afghanistan by 2014. "Any time you have one of these green-on-blue incidents, as you can well imagine, you're probably a little less prone to have one coalition member support 50 Afghan security members. You might be in a position where you desire to have five or six coalition members," said Wolters, noting that these were examples, not the actual ratios. Changing the ratio even slightly, Wolters added,

could affect how quickly the United States withdraws troops. While Panetta did say that the Taliban has begun to use insider attacks to hit NATO forces with increasing frequency, he was quick to point out that there are multiple kinds of attackers. "It's clear that there's no one source that is producing these attacks," said Panetta. "Some of it is individuals who for one reason or another are upset and suddenly take it out" on NATO troops; other attacks are conducted by "self-radicalized" Afghans with no ties to the Taliban or by insurgent groups that have infiltrated the Afghan security forces. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

out of control." "Rationality," from the Chinese government's perspective, would mean accepting its claim to the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Japan annexed the atoll in 1895; the United States occupied it in 1945 and returned it to Japan in 1971. Beijing's claim is based on the uninhabited islands appearing on Chinese maps for centuries before that. Actually, neither side had much interest in the islets until 1969, when United Nations surveyors determined there were potentially large oil and gas deposits in seabed near the archipelago. The nationalist one-upmanship began in the 1970s, a good deal of it involving animals. Fishermen on each side learned they could earn national acclaim by trawling in the disputed waters. This summer, Ishihara proposed that the offspring of two giant pandas on loan from China to Tokyo's Ueno Zoo be named either "Sen Sen" or "Kaku Kaku" (the panda cub died a week after its birth in July, before anyone could name it).

In the late 1970s, a group of Japanese right-wingers marooned a pair of goats on one of the bigger islets. "I think they hoped some people would move there, as goat is the favorite meat of the local people in Okinawa," Hiroyuki explained. But so far, no humans have decided to follow the free food, he sighed. "I am told that today, in the islands, there are about 1,000 goats living there." Those goats are about to become residents of greater Tokyo, waiting -- like everyone else -- to see what their impulsive governor does next. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

When will we forget? [comic]

(Holy Kaw!)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 7:31:00 PM

Been feeling old lately? Then you might not want to take a look at

this chart of when a majority of the American population wont have first-hand memory of certain events. We have a hard time believing

Hammertime will ever die,

though. By XKCD via GraphJam. Were history. Permalink| Leave a comment

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Germany 6% Current Account Surplus a "Threat to the Continent" Says EU Commission; Solution is Gold Coupled With Eurozone Breakup (Mike Mish Shedlock) (Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis)

Given that surpluses and deficits must net to zero, the position that only deficits are a problem is ludicrous. Mathematically, both Submitted at 8/14/2012 1:34:00 PM Germany's current account are problems or neither are surplus has reached six percent, problems, because you cannot an amount that bureaucrats in have one without the other. Brussels have decided is a threat Bear in mind it was not to the entire continent. The EU Eurointelligence that took a commission will likely issue a m a t h e m a t i c a l l y l u d i c r o u s warning to Germany with threats position, but rather articles they of sanctions if Germany does referenced. nothing about it. Germany's Surplus Could Trigger I picked up this story from Collection Procedures Eurointelligence which writes " Let's take a look at the Financial FT Deutschland reports that T i m e s D e u t s c h l a n d a r t i c l e G e r m a n y s c u r r e n t a c c o u n t referenced above (translated from surplus is likely to exceed 6% of German and further modified by GDP this year, the threshold me for ease in reading) w h i c h t r i g g e r s a E u r o p e a n This year Germany recorded its C o m m i s s i o n w a r n i n g . T h e highest trade surplus ever. This German government maintained could crumble into the Federal its position that there was no Republic 2013 EU-collection problem with current account procedures. surpluses. On the contrary, the The new macro-economic early German economics ministry sees w a r n i n g s y s t e m i n E u r o p e t h i s a v e r y p o s i t i v e provides that a current account d e v e l o p m e n t . T h e G e r m a n surplus over 6.0 percent of gross government spokesman said domestic product is a threat to the yesterday that the problem of e c o n o m i c s t a b i l i t y o f t h e imbalances was a problem for a c o n t i n e n t . countries with large current The EU urges its members not to account deficits." allow imports and exports fall Mathematical Insanity apart too far. The early warning Got that? Allegedly, large deficits system developed Brussels to are a problem but large surpluses name mistakes and sanction if are not. necessary. Since this year can be

monitored in addition to the current account including private and public debt and the development of the real estate markets. As part of the EU early warning system Luxembourg and Sweden also have excessive surpluses. In Luxembourg, the current account surplus in 2011 was 6.4 percent of economic output - approximately $4 billion. For the same year, Germany had a surplus of over $200 billion. Only Deficits a Problem Says Frankfurter Allgemeine An article in German Daily paper Frankfurter Allgemeine, by business editor Philip Plickert says Only Trade Deficits a Problem. The very concept of "macroeconomic imbalances" is highly questionable. If countries have permanently high current account deficits and foreign debts pile up higher and higher, things may not go well. So the Euro periphery has slipped into crisis. Trade deficits were and are an expression of lack of competitiveness. Germany's surpluses are high contrast to the special strength and structure of the local economy. Germany produces high-quality (investment) goods that are used

in emerging countries. This is no cause for concern. Euro as Gold Standard In one of the silliest articles ever written about European trade imbalances, Joe Weisenthal writes Actually, There Is A Gold Standard Today, And It's Causing An Economic Catastrophe. While it's easy to talk about the endless crises under the gold standard days of the 1800s, the truth is that we don't have to go back that far at all. Europe is a close analogue to a gold standard.

Like Gold Standard is Ridiculous Equating the euro to a gold standard is ridiculous. The ECB's (Emergency Liquidity Assistance) program acts exactly the opposite of a gold standard by allowing imbalances to accumulate to the point of crisis, a state the Euro is clearly in now. For further discussion, please see Target2 and the ELA (Emergency Liquidity Assistance) program; Reader From Europe Asks "Can You Please Explain Target2?" "The Trade Imbalance Dilemma and Soaring Chinese Debt" Here are some comments from Remember, each European Michael Pettis that I wrote about country lacks the ability to print i n H u g o S a l i n a s P r i c e a n d their own money. Michael Pettis on the Trade All the European countries have Imbalance Dilemma; Gold's a fixed 1-to-1 exchange rate, with Honest Discipline Revisited no ability to devalue their The strength of the German c u r r e n c i e s t o c o r r e c t t r a d e economy in recent years has imbalances. largely to do with its export The currency is designed to success. But for Germany to run a keep governments accountable, large current account surplus the a c t i n g a s a c h e c k o n consequence I would argue of u n c o n t r o l l a b l e s p e n d i n g . domestic policies aimed at Countries have to raise through suppressing consumption and taxation or the bond market a subsidizing production Spain certain amount of Euros each year and the other peripheral countries to spend. of Europe had to run large current account deficits. Bottom line, [the euro] is a hard Trade Imbalances Lead to Debt money scheme in sheep's GERMANY page 40 clothing. Notion the Euro Acts



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continued from page 39

Imbalances The funding by German banks of peripheral European borrowing, in other words, was a necessary part of deal, arrived at willingly or unwillingly, leading both to Germanys export success and to the debt problems of the deficit countries. As long as Germany runs current account surpluses for many years and Spain the corresponding deficits, it is by definition true there must have been net capital flows from Germany to Spain as Germany bought Spanish assets (which includes debt obligations) to balance the current account imbalances. The capital and current accounts for any country, and for the world as a whole, must balance to zero. In the old days of specie currency gold and silver this meant that specie would have flowed from Spain to Germany as the counterbalancing entry, and of course this flow created its own resolution. Less gold and silver in Spain relative to the size of its economy was deflationary in Spain and more gold and silver in Germany was inflationary there until the point where the real exchange rate between the two countries had adjusted sufficiently because of changes in domestic prices to reverse the trade imbalances.

The Current Account Dilemma In todays world things are different. There is no adjustment mechanism specie flow or imperialism that permits or prevents persistent current account imbalances. This means that if Germany runs persistent trade surpluses with Spain, there are only three possible outcomes. First, Spain can borrow forever to finance the deficit (of which the ability to sell off national assets is a subset). [Given the size of Spain], this clearly is not a possible outcome. Second, Spain can take steps to erode the value of those claims in real terms. It can do this by devaluing its currency, by inflating away the value of its external debt, by defaulting on its debt and repaying only a fraction of its original value, by expropriating German assets, or by a combination of these steps. [Third] Germany must accept a reversal of the current account imbalances or it must accept an erosion in the value of the Spanish assets it owns as a consequence of the current account imbalances. This is the important point. Once you have excluded infinite borrowing capacity there are arithmetically no other options. Given the limits, especially debt limits, it is irrational for anyone to

expect that Germany can continue to run large current account surpluses while Spain does nothing to erode the value of Spanish assets held by Germans. I suspect that Germany is hoping and arguing that Spain can somehow reverse its current account deficit without the need for Germany to undermine current account surplus. But this wont work. Problem in Europe is Arithmetic, Not Confidence I wrote about European math again, just a few days ago, also referencing Michael Pettis. In case you missed it, please consider Problem in Europe is Arithmetic, Not Confidence; Why the Eurozone Cannot Possibly Survive Intact The current problem most certainly is math, and mathematically " Germany must accept a reversal of the current account imbalances or it must accept an erosion in the value of the Spanish assets it owns as a consequence of the current account imbalances." Everyone is looking for magic bullets but there are none. One way or another, much pain is coming to Europe, including Germany. Mathematically it must be so. Root Cause of the Debt Crisis and Trade Imbalances The root cause of this mess

(including the USA's huge trade imbalance with the rest of the world) is twofold.

suggests there is no better enforcement mechanism than gold. Unfortunately, Mitt Romney Fractional Reserve Lending believes the solution to the US Lack of a Gold Standard (Or trade imbalance with China is Other Enforcement Mechanism) l a b e l i n g C h i n a a c u r r e n c y manipulator, to which he has N o B e t t e r E n f o r c e m e n t promised massive tariffs. Mechanism than Gold Should Romney do that, a Rather than blaming this mess on collapse in global trade is likely, the gold standard, one of the just as happened during the Great reasons for large trade imbalances Depression following passage of is precisely because there is not a the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act. gold standard. Mike "Mish" Shedlock Most of the problems people h t t p : / / assign to the gold standard are globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. not problems with the standard at com a l l , b u t r a t h e r p r o b l e m s Click Here To Scroll Thru My associated with fractional reserve Recent Post List Mike lending that allowed more gold to "Mish" Shedlock is a registered be lent out than there was actual investment advisor representative gold. for SitkaPacific Capital Bear in mind that Pettis does not Management. Sitka Pacific is an support a return to the gold asset management firm whose standard. However, Pettis does goal is strong performance and b e l i e v e a n e n f o r c e m e n t low volatility, regardless of mechanism is needed. market direction. Visit http:// For further discussion, please see w w w . s i t k a p a c i f i c . c o m / Michael Pettis Warns of "Virulent account_management.html to Political Turn Against Euro", l e a r n m o r e a b o u t w e a l t h Adds Clarification to "Gold's m a n a g e m e n t a n d c a p i t a l Honest Discipline" preservation strategies of Sitka Certainly, lack of an enforcement Pacific. mechanism regarding trade is an enormous problem. Debts pile up forever, with no way to pay them back. From my point of view, history

Ryan: Obama 'Didn't Even Try to Balance the Budget'

John McCormack (The Weekly Standard)

In an interview with Brit Hume on Fox News, vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan talks about

the economy, debt, monetary more: policy, Ayn Rand, Obamacare, Watch the latest video at Medicare, tax reform, and much

Curated News Edition



German Bailout Rebellion: We Have EuroAnarchy


appeared on the horizon as the EU government has embarked on a power grabsupported by many W o l f R i c h t e r national politicians with visions of w w w . t e s t o s t e r o n e p i t . c o m upward extensions of their For German Chancellor Angela careers. Might German Finance Merkel and her ilk, its going to Minister Wolfgang Schuble be be a steamy August and an even dreaming about a promotion to steamier September and October EU Finance Minister? And the with political battles left and right, i n e v i t a b l e M e r k e l t o E U to be fought mano a mano, as the P r e s i d e n t ? Eurozone debt crisis and the Thus, a few weeks ago, Schuble growing bailout rebellion in had voiced the word referendum, Germany are migrating from sending shockwaves through the parliamentary discussions, closed- system. With that word, hed door meetings, and shaky EU called for a new constitution that summit deals21 of them so would permit the transfer of farto electoral politics. Voters sovereignty. A constitutional may finally have a say. convention would draft it, and the She has consistently driven her p e o p l e w o u l d v o t e o n i t . agenda towards a more integrated Politicians on all sides jumped in Europe, but her solutions to the b e h i n d h i m . O n t h e r i g h t , debt crisis have butted into the c o a l i t i o n p a r t n e r C S U w a s German constitution. The Fiscal enthusiastic, particularly Bavarian Union treaty and the ESM bailout M i n i s t e r - P r e s i d e n t H o r s t fund are currently being dissected Seehofer. Saturday it was Foreign by the Federal Constitutional Minister Guido Westerwelle Court, with a decision due on (FDP) who came out in favor. The September 12. These mechanisms next day, it was Sigmar Gabriel, w o u l d t r a n s f e r b u d g e t a r y President of the center-left Social sovereignty and other rights from Democrats (SPD) who wanted to t h e B u n d e s t a g t o t h e E U ask the people. But the agendas government, and thus from voters couldnt be more different. in Germanyor Italy and Spain, Seehofer wants to drive a wooden for that matterto unelected stake through the heart of the bureaucrats in Brussels. mechanisms that transfer M o r e m e c h a n i s m s w i t h Eurozone debt to Germany, such s o v e r e i g n t y t r a n s f e r s h a v e as Eurobonds or a banking union.
Submitted at 8/14/2012 8:01:01 PM

And he sees the referendum as a chance for voters to say heck no! His party faces strong opposition in Bavaria from the Freie Whler (Free Voters) who have demonstrated in the streets against a future where a child, just after being born, is already liable for the bailouts that great-aunt Merkel had signed [ Bailout Rebellion Reawakens in Germany]. Westerwelle might be more interested in creating a European constitution, an effort that had already disastrously failed when the Constitutional Treaty, signed by the 24 member states in 2004, was rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005. Theyd been given a vote. Germans had not. Gabriel lashed out against Merkel. The liabilities from the bailouts were already enormous, he said, but without control. Merkel is tolerating with a wink that the ECB buys sovereign debt of Spain and Italy, while her party colleagues criticize it. Through the bailouts, Merkel had already created a secret debt union, but didnt want to tell the people. He accused her of always acting too late and without a clear crisis solution strategy. It could not be that there is a common currency, he said, but other than that, everybody is doing whatever they want. While

some countries might not increase their taxes and run up deficits, Germany would have to pay in the end. Today we have euroAnarchy, he said. His solution to the euro-Anarchy: Eurozone-wide mutualization of debt linked to a centralized control of national budgets by the European government, in which he would no doubt play a large role. The Greens are already in his camp. Just when there is less agreement within the Eurozone than ever before, and more tensions and discord, all seventeen member states should suddenly fuse together into a solidarity that has never before existed, and integrate into a happy union, subservient to a mega-federalist construct run mostly by unelected bureaucrats, at the expense of taxpayers in Germany, France, and elsewhere. Even in the US, after two hundred years and a civil war, states are still responsible for their own debts, though weve come close to Gabriels model via the indirect federal bailout programs for states and the Feds printing press that threw so much money into the air that some of it even reached Californiawhich was issuing IOUs at the time. The French and Dutch, when given a chance to vote on the

European constitution in 2005, unexpectedly voted for sovereignty. Referendums are risky. And in Germany, voters might follow the French and Dutch example. Meanwhile, the referendum, though it might never come about, is already doing something else: its eating into the substantial support among the opposition for Merkels policies, and difficult battles and compromises lie ahead. Germany and Austria may have their differences, and their love for each other may not always be palpable, but when it comes to money, theyre joined at the hip. And now the euro debate took on sharp tones in Austria as well. With a new theme: Insolvency Procrastination. Read.... The Euro Revolt Spreads To Austria: Europe Can Only Function If Every Country Has Its Own Currency. Average: Your rating: None Average: 5( 5 votes) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



Curated News Edition

Aaaand It's Gone: This Is Why You Always Demand Physical

Tyler Durden
Submitted at 8/14/2012 8:09:25 PM

We have said it over and over, we'll say it again. For all those who for one reason or another would like to boycott the broken markets, yet trade gold in paper form, please understand that all the invested capital is at risk of total loss and can and will be lost, commingled and rehypothecated, not necessarily in that order, with little to zero recourse and the residual claim on liquidating assets pushed to the very end of the queue. Because if Lehman, MF Global, Peregrine, and countless other examples were not enough, here comes Amber Gold: a gold-based investment ponzi scheme out of Poland, in which it is likely needless to say that the gullible investors never had actual possession of the gold. And when they tried, it was gone. All gone. From the WSJ: This week's collapse of a goldderivatives business that Polish regulators say was a Ponzi scheme has hit tens of thousands of customers, shaken confidence in the effectiveness of the nation's financial regulation, and is roiling national politics in the European Union's largest emerging

economy. On Monday, the company, Amber Gold, Sp. z o.o., which sold a gold-indexed investment of its own design and offered higher interest rates than banks, said it was halting operations. It pledged eventually to repay about $24 million it said it owed to roughly 50,000 clients in Poland. Amber Gold's 28-year-old founder, Marcin Plichta, who has publicly acknowledged past convictions for misappropriating funds, couldn't be reached to comment. Amber Gold representatives were also unreachable. Despite three years of warnings by Poland's financial authorities that the company was operating without a license, it continued expanding and spent heavily on marketing. Among its businesses, the company launched a budget airline this year to compete with state-owned LOT Polish Airlines SA on domestic and European routes. The airline, OLT Express, ceased flights last month and the gold fund unraveled this month after renewed government warnings prompted commercial banks to close Amber Gold's accounts. The company said "the liquidation

process will be spread over time," without specifying when people might get their money back. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Donald Tusk referred to Amber Gold as "a scheme" and said he ordered his finance minister to convene top financial authoritiesincluding the central bank and consumer protection officeto discuss the company's demise and the effect on customers. "All signs on heaven and earth suggest that people who put their trust in that company have been cheated," Mr. Tusk said. He said it is the duty of the state "to move fast enough to protect people from those schemes." ... "I'm shocked at this point and I don't know what to do," said a woman in her 40s, who didn't give her name but said she was an Amber Gold client. "The boss of this company is a very wealthy man and I don't know who will have the authority to block his wealth so he doesn't escape." Amber Gold has said it has $45 million in assets, including 100 kilograms of gold. For years it hasn't issued required financial statements, a lapse that draws a small penalty.

What can be said here: same sad story, different day. People preying on the "get rich quick" euphoria (we would call it laziness but the word is just slightly off color) of others, throwing in a symbol of stability (gold), and laundering proceeds to "baffle everyone with bullshit" all the while the regulators confirm that regulation is meaningless, by not doing their job (and in America would have likely been part of the ploy - apparently in Poland they are amateurs). Said prey also thought that if things turned sour they would be able to pull all their "gold" which just has to exist, because someone else has certainly checked, right, after all there are tens of thousands (of confused lambs part of this), ahead of everyone else. Alas, as with every Ponzi, this "strategy" never works. It didn't work for the original Ponzi, it didn't work for Bernie Madoff, and it won't work for the global capital markets, which are increasingly perceived by everyone as merely the largest and most comprehensive thoroughly legitimized by their broke host governments and corrupt regulators Ponzi scheme ever conceived.

And so, as we said in the beginning, anyone who puts any amount of money in the market should expect to lose all of it. The US government and the Fed may believe that have eliminated risk but instead they have merely magnified it to a point when even a 10 point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial average feels like the imminent advent of armageddon. Want to play in a rigged, broken casino? Go ahead - and but don't expect to recovery anything. For everyone else for whom preservation of capital is more important than gambling, buy precious metals. And get immediate delivery. Because holding a symbolic representation of a flight to safety "asset" via Cede & Co is simply said, idiotic. Average: Your rating: None Average: 4.9( 31 votes) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Syracuse New York Headed For Bankruptcy, 100% Certain (Mike Mish Shedlock) (Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis)

5 Tips for Dealing with Neighbor Noise

Christopher Neiger (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 3:00:56 PM

dwindling reserves. Skyrocketing pension and healthcare costs continue to be a problem for the city budget. Submitted at 8/14/2012 9:28:00 PM Without a doubt Syracuse, New Bankruptcy isnt the answer. Its York is headed for bankruptcy. not like we sort of restructure and Not only is there an "official become a different city, said denial" but the mayor of Syracuse Professor of Economics and is seeking legal guidance on Senior Associate Dean, Maxwell municipal bankruptcy. School at Syracuse University Once again, public union wages Michael Wasylenko. and benefits, especially police and The mayors office says it is also firefighters' pensions are smack in learning about what a municipal the midst of it. bankruptcy would mean, Please consider this news following places like Stockton, headline which I openly mock: Calif. who made that move. Expert says bankruptcy for The state has invoked a Financial Syracuse is unlikely, but mayor Control Board before, currently in should explore option the city of Buffalo, twice While the financial situation in previously in Yonkers, and once the city of Syracuse hasnt been in New York City. described as desperate yet, Mayor Mish Translation Stephanie Miner has asked for some legal expertise on municipal S y r a c u s e i s d o o m e d t o bankruptcy. bankruptcy The signs of the citys financial Skyrocketing pension and problems have been evident for healthcare costs have sealed the several years as city employees city's fate. accept wage freezes and fire and Bankruptcy is the answer police departments see staff There is no other means to rid reductions. the city of onerous public union The city will use an early wages and benefits payment from Albany to help keep the budget from dipping into Professor of Economics and

Senior Associate Dean, Maxwell School at Syracuse University Michael Wasylenko is so clueless that he deserved to be fired. Unfortunately, I strongly suspect that union contracts prohibit that option. In the union world, tenure rules. Gross incompetency is simply not grounds for dismissal, pay cuts, or pension benefit reductions. Mike "Mish" Shedlock h t t p : / / globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. com Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List Mike "Mish" Shedlock is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. Sitka Pacific is an asset management firm whose goal is strong performance and low volatility, regardless of market direction. Visit http:// account_management.html to learn more about wealth management and capital preservation strategies of Sitka Pacific.

So you've got a noisy neighbor do you? Congratulations! You've joined the ranks of a not-so-elite group of apartment dwellers that have existed since the dawn of semi-communal living! Which means that lots of us can sympathize with you and, even better, some of us have come up with some great ways to deal with that loud snorer, a running kid, an obnoxious talker, or dare I even say, that raucous pair of tenants in

the wee hours of the night...if you catch my drift. So here are a few tips to get you through those not-so-tranquil moments in your apartment, and hopefully restore some peace to your home. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Republicans Go on Medicare Offensive

Fred Barnes (The Weekly Standard)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:00:00 PM

President Obama and the political trap Republicans set for Democrats have been ambushed. them on Medicare. They blindly walked into the


Economy/ Culture/

Curated News Edition

Markets Are Down In Asia

AP (Money Game)

buying government bonds and mortgage-backed securities to keep interest rates low. They will BANGKOK (AP) Asian be closely watching Fed stocks fell Wednesday, with Chairman Ben Bernanke's speech contradictory economic data out on Aug. 31 at an annual economic of the U.S. dragging down market conference in Jackson Hole, enthusiasm. Wyoming. Investors faced some confusing On Wall Street on Tuesday, the data out of the U.S.: Separate Dow Jones industrial average reports showed better-thanedged up marginally to 13,172.14. expected retail sales, a sign that The Standard & Poor's 500 index Americans are spending, but also was slightly down at 1,403.93. stagnant inventories among U.S. The Nasdaq composite index lost companies, an indication of 0.2 percent to 3,016.98. caution among businesses. Benchmark oil fell 34 cents to Americans increased their retail $93.09 per barrel in electronic spending in July by the most in trading on the New York five months, a gain of 0.8 percent Mercantile Exchange. The over June. The increase was were closed for a public holiday. economic growth required to contract rose 70 cents to end at welcome since it came after three A gloomy picture out of Europe bring the region's debt crisis to an $93.43 a barrel on the Nymex on straight monthly declines. But the Tuesday. a l s o c o m p o u n d e d w o r r i e s . end is still nowhere in sight." sluggish inventory trend could act A l t h o u g h G e r m a n y p o s t e d Over the past few weeks, stocks, In currency trading, the euro fell as a drag on overall economic surprise growth of 0.3 percent in as well as the euro and the price to $1.2322 from $1.2330 in late growth. When businesses place the second quarter on Tuesday, it of oil, have rallied on hopes the trading Tuesday in New York. fewer orders, factory production was not enough to prevent the 17- world's major central banks will The dollar rose to 78.82 yen from slows. country eurozone economy from do more to shore up the global 78.79 yen. Japan's Nikkei 225 index fell 0.3 Please follow Money Game on contracting 0.2 percent in the economy. percent to 8,903.85. Hong Kong's Twitter and Facebook. period. Many economists believe the Hang Seng index fell 1.1 percent Analysts at Capital Economics U.S. Federal Reserve will try to Join the conversation about this to 20,074.08, while Australia's said in an email commentary that s t i m u l a t e t h e e c o n o m y b y story S&P/ASX 200 lost 0.4 percent to "the big picture is that the launching another program of 4,275.70. Markets in South Korea
Submitted at 8/14/2012 9:29:09 PM

Remains of the Day: Flash Player for Android Will Die Tomorrow [For What It's Worth]
Craig Lloyd (Lifehacker)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 4:00:00 PM

Flash Player for Android will no longer be available starting tomorrow, Khan Academy launches new computer science program, Tweetbot for Mac updates with drafts and animated GIF support, and Google+ launches vanity URLs for verified accounts. More

The Ultimate Survival Skills Quiz

(HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 3:00:56 PM

Being stranded in the wilderness may make for a good movie, but in reality, it's a harrowing

experience. Staying alive may require you to build your own shelter, start a fire without matches and even eat bugs for nourishment. Do you have what it takes to survive this quiz?

Earn a point for every right

answer! Save your score at the end of the quiz. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read

the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Economy/ Culture/ Finance/


Here's The Truth Behind The 'Strong Dollar' Excuse For Disappointing Revenue
Sam Ro (Money Game)

compared to exchange rates, which are arguably more simply Submitted at 8/14/2012 7:27:00 PM and objectively measured (see One of the themes during the figures 8-9). current earnings season has been Indeed, the correlation looks the dollar, which has strengthened much tighter on the right. relative to other currencies since a Wieting offered two more charts year ago. that demonstrated the importance Many companies with significant volume over currency. overseas exposure have reported As figures 10-11 also show, the that revenue took a haircut due to correlation between profits and the strength of the dollar. unit output domestic or global "The negative correlation between production, is far more potent macro-level EPS and the U.S. than exchange-rate correlation. As dollar is both theoretically and the U.S. exchange rate and global empirically clear," writes Citi growth are often inversely economist Steve Wieting. "Profits correlated, the correlation earned abroad are reported in relationship is mere correlation sales, not just exchange rate b e t w e e n e a r n i n g s a n d t h e depreciating or appreciating exchange rate is magnified between the exchange rate and a variation. terms, boosting or reducing more potent underlying driver: In examining national data on beyond the exchange rates own profits.". unit sales. just the foreign profits of U.S. causal influence. But blaming a stronger dollar Dollar depreciation is more likely f i r m s ( t h e p o r t i o n d i r e c t l y Please follow Money Game on isn't telling the whole story, to occur when foreign economic impacted by exchange rates), a Twitter and Facebook. argues Wieting. From his recent activity is strengthening relative more powerful correlation can be Join the conversation about this note to clients (emphasis ours): to the U.S. Thus, the negative seen between imperfect measures story However, econometric testing correlation captures rising foreign of external economic growth shows that much of the

How to Make Limited-Time App Deals Last Forever [Dealhacker]

Whitson Gordon (Lifehacker)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 5:00:00 PM

We all love free apps, but it's hard to track when apps go on sale, and whether they're worth the trouble. Here's a trick for keeping track of on-sale apps, and making those sales last forever. More

Australia upholds world's toughest law on tobacco packaging

Telegraph Staff (Finance News - Business news from the UK and world)

Australia's highest court has upheld the world's toughest law on tobacco promotion, despite

protests from tobacco companies fearing for the value of their trademarks under new rules that

will strip all logos from cigarette packs.


Economy/ Culture/

Curated News Edition

36 Weird Economic Indicators That You've Never Heard Of

Eric Platt (Money Game)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 8:22:00 PM

Every day, public and private data gathering agencies publish economic reports that are widely reported on by the business media. However, many economists have come to favor the indicators that are less employed turning to things like garbage, bike fatalities, and hemlines to develop their point of view. This morning, we learned that makeup sales were way up, which scientists believe is a bad sign for the economy. What are some of the other weird indicators? Buttered Popcorn Index The Concept: To escape the doldrums of reality, consumers flock to cinemas to see Jason Bourne and Harry Potter, regardless of the movie's quality.

The Proof: The box office posted one of its biggest years during the 2009 recession, before plateauing as markets eased. If there's a double-dip, expect popcorn sales to be up again. Unclaimed Corpse Indicator The Concept: Because of high funeral costs, family members

never claim the bodies of the deceased so the state will pay for costs. The Proof: In 2009, at the height of the financial crisis when nonfarm payrolls were falling by more than half a million a month, Detroit logged a massive increase in the number of unclaimed

bodies at its morgue. State payouts for burials nearly doubled over a two month period compared to just a year earlier. Drudge Headline Correlations The Concept: The greater the Drudge Report focuses on business stories, the more likely the stock market is to have hit a bottom. The Proof: Bespoke Investment Group recently tracked the number of financial headlines on the Drudge Report front page and compared them to the S&P 500. Turns out bottoms in the S&P 500 correlated to the number of business headlines on Drudge. See the rest of the story at Business Insider Please follow Money Game on Twitter and Facebook.

Keep Your Laptop Cool and Elevated with a $3 Barbecue Flipper [Clever Uses]
Whitson Gordon (Lifehacker)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 3:30:00 PM

We've featured tons of laptop stands over the years, but reader Jonny Dover shares one of the cheapest, hassle-free methods yet: all you need is a wire barbecue flipper. More

Man up with a car mustache

(Holy Kaw!)

these mustache car decals from Etsy user urbandecal will have plenty of drivers doing a doubleSure you might have named your take in the rear-view mirror, Prius Stella but thats no reason which is all well and good as long the lady cant sport a stache. as they dont slam on the brakes. More tasteful than truck testicles Theyre available in a variety of and white to something a little and more sedate than flames, colors from your generic black saucier like orange or lime green,
Submitted at 8/14/2012 6:17:00 PM

or if youre into putting more Trendhunter. bling on that 98 Ford Escort, A real mans car. silver and gold. Permalink| Leave a comment Oh, and speaking of green, they come in two-packs so your significant other wont have to suffer from envy. Full story at Etsy via

Curated News Edition

Economy/ Culture/ Gaming/ Finance/


The War For The White House: The Definitive Explanation Of How Money Buys Politics
Tyler Durden
Submitted at 8/14/2012 8:20:11 PM

Google goes local in the battle for listings

Christopher Williams (Finance News - Business news from the UK and world)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:10:28 AM

Via, In America, winning the Presidency has proven to be a question of how much money you're willing to spend. The trend constantly shows that, he who spends the most money on part 4, part 5, part 6 Source: elections, usually wins. Average: Or in pieces: part 1, part 2, part 3,

Your rating: None Average: 5( 5 votes) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

The value of Google's deal to buy the travel guide brand Frommer's may be relatively small, at a reported $23m (14.6m), to a giant of the online world.

PSN Tuesday: Papo & Yo, YouTube app, free PS Plus games
David Hinkle (Joystiq)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:00:00 PM

Two new Egyptian pyramid complexes discovered with Google Earth

(Holy Kaw!)

Angela Micol has possibly identified two as yet undiscovered pyramid complexes, one with a If all things Egypt get your triangular plateaualmost three archaeology-lovin heart racing, t i m e s l a r g e r t h a n t h e G i z a then get ready to take some deep Pyramid and another near the breaths. ancient town of Dimai with After a decade of combing similardiagonal alignment of Google Earth images for ancient the Giza Plateau pyramids. ruins, archaeological researcher Fieldwork will have to be done to
Submitted at 8/14/2012 7:24:00 PM

the use of mud brick as found in other ancient Egyptian structures in the area. Full story at Sky News via Breakfast Links. Technology and archaeology. Permalink| Leave a comment verify that they are, in fact, pyramids, but the color suggests

This week's PSN update is pretty substantial, headlined by the launch of Papo & Yo, the result of Vander Caballero's childhood with his abusive and alcoholic father. Papo & Yo is available right now for $14.99; $11.99 for PS Plus subscribers. In addition to Papo & Yo, a revamped YouTube experience emerges on PS3 today, allowing users to control on-screen content using their phones. PS Plus subscribers will find two more free downloads available for their digital libraries: Outland and Bloodrayne Betrayal. The full list of this week's content can be found at the PlayStation Blog. PSN Tuesday: Papo & Yo, YouTube app, free PS Plus games originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 14 Aug 2012 23:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments



Curated News Edition

Pro-Life Giant Nellie Gray Dies; Tributes Pour In

(The Christian Post)

passed sometime over the weekend. She was 88. "It appears to have been a natural death," Monahan said, noting that ( P h o t o : M a r c h f o r L i f e her death took the March for Life Education and Defense Fund) board of directors by surprise. Nellie Gray is the founder of the Pro-life groups began posting annual March for Life. Gray died tributes on Tuesday as news in August 2012 at age 88. spread of Gray's passing. ( P h o t o : R E U T E R S / K e v i n "Nellie lived a life of heroic Lamarque) Demonstrators hold a service to the unborn. Nellie will banner during the "March for be remembered most for her Life" as they pass the U.S. Capitol passionate and ardent protection in Washington January 23, 2012. of every life, without exception," N e a r l y 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 p r o t e s t e r s said Family Research Council marched to the U.S. Supreme President Tony Perkins in a C o u r t t o m a r k t h e 3 9 t h statement. a n n i v e r s a r y o f t h e C o u r t ' s Follow us landmark Roe v. Wade decision " A s w e a p p r o a c h t h e 4 0 t h on abortion. anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the sad reality that 54 million August 14, 2012| 5:19 pm babies have been lost to abortion "She's been a true heroine of this in America, let us pay appropriate movement," Jeanne Monahan, homage to Nellie by recommitting who has been named interim o u r s e l v e s t o d o e v e r y t h i n g president of March for Life, told possible to protect and defend the The Christian Post Tuesday. "She unborn." was an extremely outspoken and Father Frank Pavone, national eloquent advocate for the most director of Priests for Life, was vulnerable members of our personally impacted by Gray. In culture." fact, it was Gray's March for Life The March for Life team is still that "cemented" his vocation and waiting on reports to confirm the passion for pro-life issues. exact day and time of Gray's death Praising her for mobilizing an but Monahan said it appears she army for life every year since
Submitted at 8/14/2012 4:19:15 PM

1974, Pavone called her a "tireless warrior for the unborn." Her motto was "no exceptions." Demonstrating just how tireless she was, Monahan said Gray was advocating for the unborn until her death. Just last week, she was making phone calls and writing letters. Before her decades of pro-life advocacy, Gray worked for nearly 30 years as a lawyer for the U.S. Government in the Departments of State and Labor. When the Big Spring, Texas, native retired from working for the federal government, that was around the time the Supreme Court handed down a ruling in 1973 that would legalize abortion throughout the U.S. Beginning in 1974, Gray arranged for people to participate in a peaceful protest. Twenty thousand people joined, according to the March for Life website. Each year, the crowd continued to grow and also attract a larger youthful following. The march, held on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, now draws hundreds of thousands of participants. "It was an anniversary that broke Nellie Gray's heart every year, and every day," Pavone stated.

Pavone also shared an email he received from Gray just days ago. The following is the final correspondence from her to Pavone (following up on a meeting they had weeks ago to discuss the 2013 March for Life): Dear Father Pavone, This is a follow-up note from the Meeting Of course, the purpose of the March for Life is still to overturn Roe v.Wade and gain protection for the right to life of each born and pre-born human no exception and no compromise! This purpose is expressed in the Life Principles which the March for Life Board of Directors adopted for the love of God at its beginning in 1973, and which we will continue to restate in prayer at our 40th annual March for Life, January 24-25, 2013. ProLife Americans want "no exception" because that is the right and only position to take for our beloved country. We cannot allow our country intentionally to kill even one preborn. We can stop this killing when all of us who say we are "prolife" become unified on the Life Principles no exception-no compromise and vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. We

can do that! We view March for Life as allAmerican, all-inclusive, and we really hope that all prolife people and organizations will unify under one banner. After 40 years and 55,000,000 killed preborn babies, we must get unity among prolife people to gain the "prolife strength and sound message". We shall unify and stop the evil of abortion because it is evil. Thank you again, I needed that good talk. Yes, we shall work together. Sincerely in Life, Nellie In January 2013, pro-lifers will march in Gray's memory and in her honor "by doing everything possible to protect every preborn human person and to end the scourge of abortion in the United States," said March for Life organizers. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Biden Warns That Romney Will 'Put You Back in Chains'

(The Christian Post)

baseless accusations leveled against Governor Romney, the Obama campaign has reached a new low," Saul said in a ( P h o t o : R E U T E R S / L u c a s statement. "The comments made Jackson) U.S. Vice President Joe by the Vice President of the Biden speaks regarding foreign United States are not acceptable policy at New York University in in our political discourse and New York, April 26, 2012. demonstrate yet again that the Obama Campaign will say and do August 14, 2012| 5:41 pm anything to win this election. Biden's comments came after he President Obama should tell the took a swipe at what he said American people whether he would be Romney's policies a g r e e s w i t h J o e B i d e n ' s during his first 100 days in office c o m m e n t s . " if he were to be elected in Other notable Republicans were November. "[Romney] said in the q u i c k t o c r i t i c i z e B i d e n ' s first hundred days, he's going to comments and suggested that a let the big banks write their own double standard persists between rules unchain Wall Street." what Democrats and Republicans Then the vice president offered can say on the campaign stump. an even greater prediction. Follow us "They're going to put y'all back in "The press pounded [Sarah] Palin chains," said Biden. when she talked about 'blood Romney spokesperson Andrea libel.' What do they do about Saul jumped on the comments, Biden's 'chains' remark?" tweeted referring to them as "slanderous" former Bush press secretary Ari and demanding that President Fleischer soon after Biden's Obama confirm if he indeed remarks. supports the vice president's "Prob w what Biden said is it's an remarks. inflammatory, race-based attack, "After weeks of slanderous and meant 2demonize. What's nextSubmitted at 8/14/2012 4:41:13 PM

saying Romney murdered some1?" Fleischer said in a follow up tweet. Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh was much more direct in his on-air comments on Tuesday. "He's a walking buffoon and Obama knows it," said Limbaugh in reference to Biden. "They all know it. But it's getting to the point it's too late to do anything about it. Is Obama going to be in chains? That's a good question. Good question. Is Ryan going to put chains back on Obama?" Obama campaign spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter defended the vice president on CNN and also offered additional comments in a written statement. "The bottom line is we have no problem with those comments," she said. "For months, Speaker Boehner, Congressman Ryan, and other Republicans have called for the 'unshackling' of the private sector from regulations that protect Americans from risky financial deals and other reckless behavior that crashed our economy. Since

then, the Vice President has often used a similar metaphor to describe the need to 'unshackle' the middle class," explained Cutter. "Today's comments were a derivative of those remarks, describing the devastating impact letting Wall Street write its own rules again would have on middle class families." Biden, meanwhile, was somewhat confused about which state he was in Tuesday afternoon. Biden told the audience that with their assistance, he and President Obama "can win North Carolina again." The vice president's remarks were made in Danville, Va. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

The last trailer you see before you realize The Last Story is out
JC Fletcher (Joystiq)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:59:00 PM

Finally, after all the anticipation, petitioning, and weird fan campaigns, The Last Story arrives on Wii in North America today, published by XSEED. See why so many people were so anxious to get a chance to play it in this launch trailer. The last trailer you see before you realize The Last Story is out originally appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 14 Aug 2012 23:59:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

Photos: Rockies defeat Brewers, 8-6 - Denver Post

(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:57:50 PM

8-6 Denver Post Youth served the Rockies very Photos: Rockies defeat Brewers, well indeed Tuesday night as they

held off the Milwaukee Brewers 8 -6 at Coors Field. The Rockies took the field with four rookies in their lineup. Counting 22-year-old

starting pitcher Tyler Chatwood, the average age of... and more


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Christian Groups Support Kosher for Jewish Prisoners in Fla. Court Case
(The Christian Post)

deputy general counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Submitted at 8/14/2012 4:56:31 PM Liberty, said in a statement. August 14, 2012| 5:56 pm "Bureaucratic stubbornness "No sentence involves revoking a should not prevent a handful of prisoner's constitutional right to p r i s o n e r s f r o m p e a c e f u l l y religious freedom," Galen Carey, following the centuries-old vice president of government commands of Judaism." relations for the NAE, told The RLUIPA was passed by Congress Christian Post Tuesday. in 2000 under unanimous consent The brief states that Florida and signed by President Bill prison officials failed to show a Clinton. It prohibits prisons that compelling interest, as is required accept funds from the federal under the Religious Land Use and government from placing a Incarcerated Persons Act "substantial burden" on a (RLUIPA), for denying Bruce prisoner's religious exercise Rich's request for kosher meals. unless it can show, under "strict Prison officials claim that the scrutiny," a compelling interest meals would be too costly and for doing so and is using the least would jeopardize security. restrictive means possible to Rich, an Orthodox Jew, is further that interest. represented by The Becket Fund Follow us for Religious Liberty. Becket The Christian Legal Society, Fund filed an appeal on Aug. 1 in NAE and Prison Fellowship all the U.S. Court of Appeals for the played a role in the drafting of 11th Circuit. and advocacy for RLUIPA, the "Prisoners surrender many of their brief notes. physical rights at the jailhouse RLUIPA, the brief states, "is door, but they do not surrender under attack by various state t h e f u n d a m e n t a l r i g h t o f agencies which, under the banner conscience," Luke Goodrich, of conclusory security concerns,

seek to narrow (or dispense with altogether) RLUIPA's free exercise safeguards. Respect for the language of the statute, respect for the legislative intent, and an appropriate concern for religious rights -- even those of prisoners -all require that this Court reject that invitation and apply the statute with the full force intended by Congress." The American Civil Liberties Union and The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida have also filed an amicus brief on behalf of Rich, stating, "The State's refusal to provide Jewish inmates with an appropriate religious diet runs afoul of RLUIPA, which requires courts to apply strict scrutiny to correctional polices that substantially burden prisoners' religious exercise." When asked why an evangelical organization would get involved in this case, Carey responded, "We're concerned with religious freedom for all people, whatever their beliefs. People have a Godgiven right to believe as their

conscience dictates." NAE also believes it's important for the courts to uphold the "strict scrutiny" standard, Carey added. Strict scrutiny means that the burden is upon the government, rather than religious adherents, to show it has a compelling interest to restrict someone's religious liberty. "If the standard were lowered in this case, it would affect not only this case but other religious freedom cases, not just in prisons, but in any context," Carey said. C o n t a c t : m,@NappNazworth(Twitter) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

The Natural
Mark Hemingway (The Weekly Standard)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 6:02:00 PM

Lakewood, Colorado Ever since Mitt Romney announced he had selected Congressman Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential candidate, there has been much rending of sackcloth by pundits in Washington about whether or not his ambitious budget and entitlement reform proposals will help or hurt the GOP. However, Paul Ryan brings one other potentially decisive factor to the presidential race that few have even begun to reckon with: What if Paul Ryan goes out on the campaign trail and the American people just decide they really, really like the guy?

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Groupon's Stock Slide Worse Than Early Days of Today's Tech Giants
Marcus Wohlsen (Wired Top Stories)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 6:50:00 PM

Not all hot tech companies find instant success when they go public. But Groupons stock plunge looks worse than other tech stalwarts when they first came out of the gate. Graphic: Marcus Wohlsen/Wired Graphic: Marcus Wohlsen/Wired Groupon is all about discounts, but not this kind. The daily deal sites shares plunged more than 25 percent to a record-low close Tuesday, little more than nine months since an IPO that valued the company at nearly $13 billion. The companys stock price is off nearly 80 percent since then as investors flee a company they fear cant sustain profits or growthanxieties that Mondays earnings report didnt ease. In the meantime, some of techs biggest names are watching their shares close in on all-time highs. Apple, Google, and Amazon dominate their markets, know what their businesses are about, and are selling what were all buying. While comparing

Groupon to such behemoths might not seem fair, these companies were all young once, too. And guess which one didnt take off right out of the gate? Despite selling 210,000 Apples in 1981, Apple struggled during its first nine months after going public in December 1980 to maintain investors confidence. Of course, Apple had a tangible product to sell, one that no competitor could quite duplicate,

while Groupon offers a business model thats easy to clone. Amazon ran a money-losing operation during its first year as a public company in 1997, though its sales increased ten-fold from the year before. Unlike Groupon, Amazons skyrocketing share price during its first nine months floated on the froth of the first dot -com bubble and descended into uninspired territory for years after the crash. Google meanwhile

waited for years after its founding to go public in 2004, well after its ad-driven business model had established itself as a money machine, an approach that has held its shares aloft for most of its post-IPO existence. LinkedIn comes from the same IPO Class of 2011 as Groupon, and its stock has had a rocky ride. But strong second-quarter results anchored by its corporate recruiting service have helped

keep LinkedIn shares above firstday closing prices for most of the summer. To achieve even LinkedIn-level respectability, to say nothing of Amazon-level success, Groupon will have to show that it can get consumers in the U.S. and beyond excited about daily deals again now that the novelty has worn off, or that new services like its Groupon Goods direct sales business can deliver on CEO Andrew Masons promise to make Groupon theoperating system for local commerce. Or the company could make its shares redeemable for cupcakesas long as they make sure to tell the baker. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


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Aug. 15, 1877: 'Hello. Can Asus 15.6" DualYou Hear Me Now?' Core i5 Laptop
Tony Long (Wired Top Stories)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:00:00 PM

distance. Edison was tinkering with a prototype phonograph in 1877 and used a shouted halloo! 1877: Thomas Edison suggests for testing. Early gramophones using the word hello as a and telephones alike had pretty telephone greeting. The idea low signal-to-noise ratios. catches on. Hello itself turns up in a number Edison invented a lot of things, of places prior to 1877, including for sure, but one thing he didnt Mark Twains travelogue, invent was the telephone. The Roughing It, published four years brass ring for that one goes to before Bell called Mr. Watson. Alexander Graham Bell, although Earlier references to the word also Elisha Gray filed his patent for a exist, one dating back to at least similar device the same day. But 1826. they never called it Ma Gray, did conceived of as a business In any case, hello caught on they? machine that would connect two quickly and entered the dictionary Edisons contribution to the offices with a permanently open in 1883. And when was the last improvement in telegraphy was line. Some people toyed with the time you had to look up that giving us the salutation now used idea of an alarm bell at each end spelling? the world over, in one form or to alert one office that the other Source: Various another. Bells famous first words office wanted to speak. On Aug. Photo: Thomas Edison in 1876. spoken over what we now call the 15, 1877, Edison wrote to a friend This article first appeared on telephone Mr. Watson, come who was setting up a phone Aug. 15, 2008. here. I want to see you. were system in Pittsburgh: I dont This entry passed through the delivered without any greeting at think we shall need a call bell as Full-Text RSS service if this is all. Hello! can be heard 10 to 20 feet your content and you're reading it When he did weigh in on the on someone else's site, please read away. What do you think? subject, Bell proposed using Contrary to some accounts, the FAQ at, ahoy, the age-old Edison did not coin the word. only/faq.php#publishers. Five seafarers hail. And, in fact, ahoy Halloo and variants had been used Filters recommends: Incinerating was the first greeting used, until for ages to urge on hunting Assange - The Liberal Media Go Edison suggested hello. hounds and to shout to people at a To Work. At the time, the phone was


Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:00:48 AM

I used to have a laptop. Then I decided to quit the world and raise fish. I find it much more soothing. For example, see that purple and yellow guy? That's the biggest troll in the ocean. He comes in here and chases all the little fish around into a frenzy, and then hides in the coral and watches them fight. Once you know his tactics, it's not hard to see him in action. Oh, but of course, I don't miss the Internet at all. Or over there, that anemone. Yeah, it releases these bubbles- I call them zero day releases -and the fish just line up to get them, as fast as they can before another anemone shuts them all down. It's just the sort of thing I once would find online, thanks to my Asus 15.6" Dual-Core i5 Laptop! But, really, the world is much more simple now. I just watch my fish tank. Don't even miss technology. Say, did you know that I've almost filled my hard drive? No, no, not the 500GB in the Asus 15.6" Dual-Core i5 Laptop, "hard drive" is the nickname I've given to the little treasure chest I put at the bottom of the tank. See those fake doubloons? Ha ha! Stuffed full of them now! That's what I put my money into right after selling off my Bitcoins. Sure do

wonder how that market's doing right now. But, hey. Past is past. And I don't regret giving up my Internet for a fish tank. Oh, check this guy out. Yeah, he's the cleaner. Comes right in, cleans up all the loose algae just like I used to have to clean up my desktop on the 64-bit Windows Home 7 Premium Operating System. I remember when I'd burn DVDs on the SuperMulti DVDRW drive. Boy, I used to love doing that. But, no! No! Fish tank! The source of all peacefulness and calm! Yep, sure am glad I gave up the Internet for a fish tank. Let me just see how long it's been... huh. Six minutes already. Bet I've got some emails asking me where I've gone. It would be rude not to at least reply, right? I should get out the ol' Asus 15.6" Dual-Core i5 Laptop and check in with... NO! NO! FISH TANK! FISH TANK! I WILL NOT SUCCUMB TO THE SINGULARITY! NO!

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Progressive Denies Defending Driver Who Killed Policyholder In Crash

Chris Morran (The Consumerist)

Kaitlynn Fishers family. To be very clear, Progressive did not serve as the attorney for the Submitted at 8/14/2012 5:20:49 PM defendant in this case. He was UPDATE: The victim's brother d e f e n d e d b y h i s i n s u r a n c e h a s i s s u e d a r e b u t t a l t o company, Nationwide. Progressive's statement. It has There was a question as to who been added to the bottom of the was at fault, and a jury decided in post. the Fisher familys favor just last --week. We respect the verdict and Yesterday, the brother of a now can continue to work with woman who died in a car crash the Fisher family to reach a made headlines when he wrote resolution. that lawyers for his late sister's According to court documents, a insurance company, Progressive, jury found in favor of the victim's had acted as the defense counsel family and awarded $760,000 in for the driver accused of causing damages plus costs. the accident. At the time, we had What the statement doesn't asked the insurer to clarify its mention is that Progressive was actual involvement in the case, also a defendant in the lawsuit but it only offered a vague "our filed by the victim's parents. It hearts go out"-type statement. But also doesn't explain why it filed a now Progressive is flat-out substitution of service request, denying it came to the defense of which would allow Progressive's the at-fault driver. attorneys to act on behalf of the In a statement posted on the other defendant. We will continue Progressive website, the company t o a s k P r o g r e s s i v e f o r explains: clarification. Id like to take this opportunity to In response to Progressive's explain Progressives role in this comments, the victim's brother complex case. First and foremost, has e-mailed the following our deepest sympathies go out to statement to Consumerist:

Today, in response to my blog post entitled My Sister Paid Progressive Insurance to Defend Her Killer In Court, Progressive released a statement saying that Progressive did not serve as the attorney for the defendant in my sisters case. I am not a lawyer, but this is what I observed in the courtroom during my sisters trial: At the beginning of the trial on Monday, August 6th, an attorney identified himself as Jeffrey R. Moff[e]t and stated that he worked for Progressive Advanced Insurance Company. He then sat next to the defendant. During the trial, both in and out of the courtroom, he conferred with the defendant. He gave an opening statement to the jury, in which he proposed the idea that the defendant should not be found negligent in the case. He crossexamined all of the plaintiffs witnesses. On direct examination, he questioned all of the defenses witnesses. He made objections on behalf of the defendant, and he was a party to the argument of all of the objections heard in the case. After all of the witnesses

had been called, he stood before the jury and gave a closing argument, in which he argued that my sister was responsible for the accident that killed her, and that the jury should not decide that the defendant was negligent. I am comfortable characterizing this as a legal defense. I wrote about this case on my blog because I felt that, in the wake of my sisters death, Progressive had sought out ways to meet their strict legal obligation while still disrespecting my sisters memory and causing my family a world of hurt. Their statement disavowing their role in this case, a case in which their attorney stood before my sisters jury and argued on behalf of her killer, is simply infuriating. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Live Score Addicts App Scores a Goal With Soccer Fans

Sam Laird (Mashable!)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 10:14:48 PM

The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Live Score Addicts Quick Pitch: Live scoring updates, customizable push notifications and video highlights from soccer leagues around the world. Genius Idea: Customizable alerts and an extreme depth of content -more than 420 leagues from 98 different countries are included. In a span of just several months, the iPhone app Live Score Addicts has proven to be a huge hit with soccer fans around the world. Now, with the 2012-2013 European soccer season set to kick of Continue reading... More About: App, Sports, Startups, apps


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Back-To-School Wisdom For My Former Self: Day 2

Submitted at 8/14/2012 6:00:00 PM

Returning to school was always a stressful time for me, because I was a half-witted ball of neuroses. If I could go back and visit my former self, I would say: "Sam: Cool the f%$* out, buddy." In that spirit, I've written a series of letters to my former schoolboy self, providing heartfelt advice for the new year. Yesterday's letters can be found right here. Today's letters: Almost Worthwhile(3rd through 5th grade) 3rd Grade Listen, short stack: You can't draw. I know you're getting into X-Men comic books and you're starting to think that maybe you'll draw them for a living, but let me save you some heartache right now: Stop. See, it turns out that your parents and teachers and pretty much the whole world has been lying to you. You CANNOT achieve anything you set your mind to. There are "talents" that you either have or don't have, and you do not have artistic talent. Period.

While I'm at it, let's just cross a few more things off the list of possibilities: Professional baseball player, musician, Egyptologist (where did you even learn about that?), superhero. None of those careers are going to work out, so any energy you invest in them will be wasted. Focus instead on cultivating sincere compassion for others. Believe me, it turns out to be pretty important. And just an update: You're still an idiot. You know how to read -congratulations. But you still struggle to understand things that would be common sense to an adult. Just bear that in mind. 4th Grade Listen, pee-wee: This is as good as it gets. You've got your complaints, sure. Tyson can be a bit of a jerk. Learning the multiplication tables is a drag. But just a heads up: This is as purely happy as you will ever be. Hard to believe, right? I mean, it's not as though life is terrific in 4th grade, but things will get incrementally worse every year from here on out. Try to savor that fact in whatever way your half-baked sensibilities

are capable of. Don't worry about your propensity to miss the ball in kickball (you'll have plenty of time to hone your kickball skills during a nostalgia-driven resurgence of the sport in "fun" adult leagues in about twenty years). Don't worry about cursive -- it's for girls. And don't worry about accomplishing anything very well, as you remain entirely incapable of excellence of any kind. Just be happy, you brat. 5th Grade Listen, little guy: Invest the money you're spending watching Jurassic Park over and over in Apple stock. Yeah, yeah, I know this is in

breach of the letter-to-former-selfBack-To-The-Future-2-wormhole -agreement. But come on, kid. Don't get me wrong, JP is a solid movie, and you'll delight friends and new acquaintances with your spot-on impression of John Hammond's "We have a T-Rex!" down the road. But let me break it down for you. You're going to watch Jurassic Park in theaters about 15 times, OK? At $5/pop that comes out to $75. Add on popcorn and premovie arcade game play and we're talking $150. Now, in 1993 $150 would have bought you 25 common shares of Apple Stock at ~$6/share. At today's price of $632, those stocks would be worth $15,800. So: Would you rather develop a confused sexual attraction to Jeff Goldblum at the age of 11, or buy a new car in a few years? Your call, buddy. Check in tomorrow for Grades 68. And write your own suggestions to your former self in the comments, because, y'know, this is a blog and stuff.

Popularity of Tablets Rising With Kids [STUDY]

Kate Freeman (Mashable!)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:45:07 PM

Are your kids eager to get their hands on a tablet device? Your kids may love their video games, but a recent survey shows the popularity of tablets is surging faster than video game consoles. Although families love gadgets of all types -- the survey also showed that households with kids ages 414 own an average of 10 different devices, with kids using an average of five of those devices. This new survey released by market research company, The NPD Group titled Kids and Consumer Electronics: 2012 Edition, shows new trends and stats for families and their mobile devices. Video game console usage rates for children ages 4-14 are still higher than tablets, but this past year saw a st Continue reading... More About: Gadgets, family

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Giving A Stranger Unsolicited Advice Should Always Require This Level Of Artistic Skill

Detroit Sneaker Store Offers Free Nikes To Kids Who Show Up For School
Chris Morran (The Consumerist)

we wanted to give back to the community, so why not do what Mary Beth Quirk (The we do best which is shoes, you're a parent trying to instill a areas where it could maybe Submitted at 8/14/2012 3:17:27 PM Consumerist) explained the store's manager. sense of responsibility in your possibly be okay for a stranger to own kid. So you see a dirty car on hand out advice in so public a October 3 is Student Count Day That giving back could add up to Submitted at 8/14/2012 4:00:09 PM the street ostensibly the owner manner, or share your own story in Detroit. A headcount will be somewhere in the neighborhood made of all the kids in school that of 17,000 pairs. Handing out unsolicited advice to either knows that and doesn't care of "Wash me!" woe. strangers is generally frowned or hasn't had a chance to wash it, *I would never bark my opinion day, and that figure will be used But the store's manager says the upon, but one topic is apparently or hasn't been back to the vehicle at a stranger, really, but let it be to determine state and federal cost isn't the issue because "its not off-limits to anyone, ever. in awhile. Rubbing your fingers known that neon puce is not an funding. It will also earn free about educating our kids." Scrawling "Wash me!" on a dusty, on the window isn't going to help acceptable hue in any situation. sneakers for every student who The CBS story has contact info decides to show up. dirty or otherwise unsightly car the situation. for anyone wishing to help with Bane's Auto Wash[Reddit] has become socially acceptable Unless, again, you draw Bane in This entry passed through the According to CBS Detroit, local the giveaway. behavior, unlike when I tried to what must have been a pain- Full-Text RSS service if this is shoe seller Bob's Classic Kicks This entry passed through the tell a woman on the street that staking manipulation of window your content and you're reading it has made a deal with the school Full-Text RSS service if this is neon puce was an unfortunate dirt. That plan may have backfired on someone else's site, please read district to help entice students into your content and you're reading it color choice*. In any case, this because who is going to wash off the FAQ at their seats, if only for the one, on someone else's site, please read rendering of Bane from The Dark something so cool? Especially if only/faq.php#publishers. Five incredibly important day. the FAQ at Rises has now set the bar this was done by a parent with a Filters recommends: Incinerating Kids in all grades who show up only/faq.php#publishers. Five for how to tell strangers what to teenager, that kid's not going to be Assange - The Liberal Media Go will get vouchers that can be Filters recommends: Incinerating turned in for a free pair of black Assange - The Liberal Media Go do with their time. reaching for the hose and soap To Work. leather Nike sneakers. I'll admit, I'm not really a fan of anytime soon. To Work. [W]e decided since weve been the whole "wash me" thing, unless Feel free to toss around other in the community for eight years,

The Trivial Eye: School Movie Posters


remiss not to reflect on some of our most powerful formative experiences: the ones we watched School: crucible of learning, other people having. Can you forge of character, backdrop to n a m e t h e s e e i g h t f i l m i c f i l m s b o t h s u b l i m e a n d adaptations of the educational substandard. As us Woot bloggers experience, as depicted by their think about school all week for posters? our Dealgebra 101 event, we'd be Answers are here. Please post
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:00:00 AM

your guesses, speculations, or arguments below! But know this:

the Trivial Eye is presented for public amusement and no prizes are offered other than that familiar feeling of aggravation that so much of your mind is occupied by useless trivia. You want more Trivial Eye, don't you? Yeah, you do.


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Museum Relics Prove Pacific Sharks Died Out Before We Knew They Were There
Rebecca Boyle (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now)

'World Tekken Federation' online social network is your new Mishima meeting place
JC Fletcher (Joystiq)

many people move from their existing fan communities - or branch out from them - to join a Namco is starting a new social new "official" group. hub for people to coordinate their Continue reading'World Tekken bear fights and virtual Snoop Federation' online social network Dogg sightings. The World is your new Mishima meeting T e k k e n F e d e r a t i o n i s a place community built around Tekken 'World Tekken Federation' online Tag Tournament 2, tracking social network is your new gameplay stats, allowing players Mishima meeting place originally to create teams, face off in online appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 15 competitions, and discuss Iron Aug 2012 01:00:00 EST. Please Fist-related knowledge in forums. see our terms for use of feeds. The community is due to launch Permalink| Email this| Comments alongside the game on September 11. At that point, we'll see how
Submitted at 8/15/2012 1:00:00 AM

Gilbert Islands that are owned by the Field Museum in Chicago, according to Nature. Related Articles Bringing Biodiversity Data Online, One Submitted at 8/14/2012 4:34:16 PM Dusky sharks do not live in the Leaf At A Time Great White Pacific waters near the Republic Sharks Text Their Whereabouts, of Kiribati. Neither do spottail For Science and Swimmer Safety sharks, nor the aptly named Using Magnets and Stink Bombs bignose sharks. But they used to to Keep Sharks at Bay Tags live there at one point in the past - S c i e n c e , R e b e c c a B o y l e , - right by the Gilbert Islands, Biodiversity, environment, marine according to anthropological animals, oceans, shark, sharks evidence. Ancient shark-tooth The collection of swords, tridents weapons can serve as a record of and other serrated implements are past biodiversity, according to made of shark teeth twined new ecological research. together, and some date to 120 The sharks disappeared before years ago. Because biologists can biologists ever knew they were identify sharks by their teeth, the there, according to Columbia weapons can prove which sharks University conservation biologist were found in the area where the Joshua Drew, who presented his weapons were made, according to findings at the Ecological Society Drew. of America's annual meeting. He identified 19 distinct species, Drew examined weapons from the including three that are no longer

found within hundreds or even thousands of miles of the Gilbert Islands. It's unlikely that the teeth in question came from some other outpost, Nature says -- there's no archaeological or anthropological evidence of trade among the Gilbert Islanders and other people who live where those sharks are found today. It's not exactly clear how these sharks disappeared, but fishing and shark-finning are likely culprits, Nature reports. The weapons may not be able to shed light on those causes. But they could be a useful data bank for establishing species' presence, if not their numbers, before modern human-related ocean changes began. [ Nature News]

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With New Programming, Autonomous Airplanes Can Navigate on the Fly With No GPS
Rebecca Boyle (Popular Science - New Technology, Science News, The Future Now)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 3:29:16 PM

UK nuclear regulator could resolve all issues on new plants by 2013

Telegraph Staff (Finance News - Business news from the UK and world)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:12:04 AM

Self-Navigating Drone MIT Self-piloted drones may be able to land or fly almost anywhere -even aircraft carriers-- but they need some complex navigation skills to do it, including the somewhat existential ability to know where they are in the world. But this is difficult without some type of onboard relative positioning system. A new algorithmic project at MIT straps netbook computer parts to a specially designed, laser-equipped airplane that can find itself and navigate tight spaces safely. First, the researchers needed a plane that could carry all the computers and electronics it would need to fly, yet still handle tight spaces and low speeds with aerodynamic ease. MIT professor Mark Drela came up with this unusual short-winged model, which buys the aircraft slightly more response time in tight spaces. The Robust Robotics Group, led by associate aeronautics and astronautcs professor Nick Roy, used two types of algorithms to help their

Britain's nuclear regulator said it may resolve by the end of the year all outstanding issues regarding the proposed operation of EDF's and Areva's new-generation European Pressurised Water Reactor (EPR) in Britain.

airplane locate itself in real time. It was pre-loaded with a map of its environment, but it's still enormously challenging to write programs that can determine where the plane is on this map. The aircraft uses a laser rangefinder, accelerometers, gyroscopes and other sensors to figure out its orientation, speed and other properties, which means lots of computation is required. To figure out its state of being at any given moment, the plane has to calculate 15 different values, according to MIT News. A

combination of two stateestimation algorithms figures this out on the fly, allowing the plane to dodge obstacles it only just figured out it was approaching. Using these algorithms, the plane recently flew through the parking garage under MIT's Seuss-y Stata Center, covering more than three miles at 22 MPH. It successfully dodged support beams, cars and vans, and the low ceilings in the garage. It's a complex problem in many ways, not the least of which is a fixed-wing airplane's inherent

slower response time, according to Roy. "It's going much faster, and it can't do arbitrary motions," Roy says. "They can't go sideways, they can't hover, they have a stall speed." The next step is to endow the plane with the ability to create its own map on the fly, in real time -a much bigger challenge. [ MIT]

Video: Disney's 3 -D Facial Scruff Technology Reconstructs Beards Down to the Individual Hair
Clay Dillow (Popular Science New Technology, Science D i s n The 3 - Dpage c i VIDEO: F a 58 News, e y ' s Future Now)a l H a i r Reconstruction Technology via


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continued from page 57

Disney Research Face capture technology has come a long way, especially as 3D stereoscopic imaging and the like have made leaps forward in recent years. It's now relatively easy to capture a face in 3-D and reconstruct it digitally for applications such as the amazing CGI you see in movies like The Avengers (Ruffalo-Hulk was pretty visually awesome, no?). But facial hair is another story altogether. Current face capture systems don't capture it well, and the skin that it obscures on the face then becomes an issue as well. Disney Research is changing that. Facial hair "plays an important

role in individual expression," Disney researchers write in the abstract for its paper titled Coupled 3D Reconstruction of Sparse Facial Hair and Skin(the full paper in PDF is here). In it, they describe an approach to facial reconstruction that captures facial hair and facial skin together, in a coupled fashion that recognizes individual hairs on the face and digitally traces them as such (this doesn't strictly apply to men's beards and mustaches, but also to eyebrows, sideburns, etc.). From that data, the algorithms can also determine where the hair is obscuring facial skin in the imagery so underlying skin surface can be reconstructed

accurately. You can see how this works in the video below. By using a coupled algorithm that detects and records skin and hair data at the same time (but can also differentiate between them) the researchers demonstrate the ability to reconstruct a person's facial stylings--be it patchy stubble or a full beard--down to the hair. [ Disney Research]

Chevron Fire Video Shows Vapor Cloud Before Refinery Blaze (PHOTOS, VIDEO) - Huffington Post
(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:35:26 AM

ABC News Chevron Fire Video Shows Vapor Cloud Before Refinery Blaze ( PHOTOS, VIDEO) Huffington Post RICHMOND, Calif. An internal Chevron Corp. surveillance video shows a

towering vapor cloud engulfing an area of its refinery for two minutes before it ignited into a volatile blaze, federal investigators said Tuesday. U.S. Chemical Safety Board... Photos: Chevron Fire aftermath Halfway To Concord (blog) all 714 news articles

Heritage Intern Award Winners: A Path to Prosperity for Our Generation

Katie Beck (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation)

Pentagon, National Archives, and Mount Vernon. Combining an engaging curriculum with each interns individual talents and Submitted at 8/14/2012 2:00:27 PM Each semester, we bring together passion, the Young Leaders more than 60 young leaders from Program prepares students for across the country to participate in success. our internship program in D.C. This summer, we challenged the They are given the opportunity of interns to use their creativity to practical experience working on bring conservative principles to policy research, marketing, and life. Heritage President Ed b u s i n e s s , a n d t r a i n i n g i n Feulner selected the winning c o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l s l i k e projects. Katie Beck and Tim blogging and public speaking. Duffy are the winners of an They learn about Americas honorable mention. Stay tuned for founding principles while visiting the third, second, and first place important sites including the winners this week.

Our video focuses on restoring the American dream and creating a prosperous future for our generation and generations to come. We used Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) as an example of someone who is leading the way in government for conservative principles and a Path to Prosperity. The video is also aimed at our generation to spark more youth voter involvement in politics and elections. We stress the bleak state of our nation if we fail to take action, while showing the alternative to a dark future

through the implementation of conservative ideals. Achieving the true American dream and turning our society back into a thriving, leading nation through our generations involvement are the main themes of the video. [Editors note: This video was filmed prior to Mitt Romneys selection of Representative Ryan as his running mate.] Katie Beck is a graduate of the University of Arkansas and holds bachelors degrees in Broadcast Journalism and History. She is currently a second-year law student at the William H. Bowen

School of Law. Tim Duffy is set to graduate in December 2013 from the University of WisconsinEau Claire in Political Science with a Legal Studies Emphasis. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Family's Fight Against Bipolar Disorder Leads To Shock Therapy Success

Amy Ta and Frederica Boswell (Shots - Health Blog)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 1:21:00 PM

[17 min 49 sec] Download Tommy Voeten Linea Johnson, left, and her mother, Cinda, in May 2012 at the launch of their book on the family's struggle with Linea's bipolar disorder.

The Mayo Clinic's confirmation Monday that Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. is receiving care there for bipolar depression is a reminder that the condition, which affects around 2.3 million Americans, can be treated. But figuring out the right treatment for each patient can be a long and difficult road, as a new memoir called Perfect Chaos: A

Daughter's Journey to Survive Bipolar, a Mother's Struggle to Save Her shows. In an interview with Tell Me More guest host Jacki Lyden, book authors Linea and Cindy Johnson share their story of how they eventually turned to electroconvulsive therapy. Before being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Linea was a

bright student-athlete, ready to pursue a music career. So the diagnosis surprised her mother, Cinda. She's a professor and program director of the special education graduate center at Seattle University, and taught classes on emotional and behavioral disorders and mental illness. Cinda thought that her daughter's

ups and downs were normal for a sensitive teen. But when Linea entered college, her mood swings became harder to ignore and she says they eventually led her to seriously consider suicide. Journal entries Linea shared with her mother gave Cinda insight into the initial stages of bipolar. "I FAMILY'S page 60


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was just blown away by how she could describe the mania and the depression and the anxiety," said Cinda. Cinda admits now that she didn't know how to deal with it. "I kept looking for something outside of her to fix ... It was way beyond what we could fix." She tried rearranging Linea's busy schedule or discussing her condition for hours. But they eventually decided to seek professional treatment. Linea did not like the psychiatrist or how the medication made her feel, so she flushed the pills down the toilet without her mother's knowledge. At that point, Linea was admitted to the hospital for the first time. Cinda said that this led to the darkest moment for Curt, her husband. It was when Linea said to the two of them, "Just let me go." Linea was put on 24-hour suicide watch. "I would look around a room and find everything I could use to harm myself with," she

says. Shortly after Linea was admitted, the doctor treating her there called for electroconvulsiv e therapy, or ECT, to halt the suicidal impulses and depression that had not responded to medication. The ECT came as a huge surprise to Cinda. "I honestly did not know people still did ECT, or if they did, it was not to people like my daughter," she says. "It was maybe some last-ditch effort in some mental hospital somewhere when they had given up on someone." That's partly thanks to Jack Nicholson's Oscar-winning portrayal of a rebellious mental patient in the 1975 film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Even though she knows the treatment isn't for everyone, Linea said ECT was positive for her. "After the first ECT, I stopped having [suicidal] thoughts," says Linea. Linea said she that she's now happier than she has been in years because she's able to manage her condition.

The experience also led Cinda to reconsider ECT. "I see it now as part of a treatment plan that works really well for so many people," she says. Cinda is proud of the progress her daughter has made. "I think it's also important to show people that you can live well with bipolar disorder," Cinda said. "Linea wouldn't have to tell anyone because when you meet her at her job or out with her friends ... She's doing well." This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Verse of the Day - Romans 8:15

(Verse of the Day)

close and yet so mighty, so accessible and yet so holy, so tender and yet so trustworthy. For you did not receive a spirit Thank you, dear Abba, for that makes you a slave again to allowing me to come to you as fear, but you received the Spirit of your loving child. In Jesus' name sonship. And by him we cry, and by the power of the Holy "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15 Spirit I pray. Amen. Thoughts on Today's Verse... God The Thoughts and Prayer on i s s o h o l y , s o m i g h t y , s o Today's Verse are written by Phil awesome, and yet he bids us to Ware. You can email questions or call him "Abba Father." Abba was c o m m e n t s t o a term of endearment, familiarity, p h i l @ v e r s e o f t h e d a y . c o m . dependency, and love used by 1998-2012, Heartlight, Inc. Jewish toddlers to address their is part of the f a t h e r s . G o d , t h r o u g h t h e Heartlight Network. incredible gift of his Holy Spirit All scripture quotations, unless in us, has given us this ultimate otherwise indicated, are taken g i f t o f a v a i l a b i l i t y , l o v e , from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW companionship, protection, and INTERNATIONAL VERSION. mighty care. Abba! Sweet Abba 1 9 7 3 , 1 9 7 8 , 1 9 8 4 b y Father! My God, my LORD, the International Bible Society. Used Sovereign ruler of heaven's armies by permission of Zondervan and Creator of the universe is also Publishing House. my Abba! My Prayer... Abba Father, thank you for being so
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:00:00 AM

Photos from the Minnesota primary - Minnesota Public Radio

(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 10:55:51 PM

Minnesota Public Radio Photos from the Minnesota

primary Minnesota Public Radio 14, 2012, in Winona, Minn. (AP Photo/Joe Ahlquist, Winona Daily News) link to this photo. Tarryl

Clark. 2. DULUTH, MN, USA with... Former state Sen. Tarryl Clark, and more left, a candidate in the 8th Congressional District DFL primary race in Minnesota, speaks

Curated News Edition



Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Exposed Nearby City To Little Radiation

Jon Hamilton (Shots - Health Blog)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 4:07:00 PM

Koji Sasahara/ AP Care managers tend elderly people in March 2012 in Minamisoma, Japan. The home's residents were evacuated eight days after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station was

crippled by the March 11, 2011 tsunami. After a tsunami disabled the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant in March of 2011, residents of the nearby city of Minamisoma, just 14 miles from the plant, were evacuated. But within a few months, most returned to their homes. Still, many communities near the plant

have remained skeptical and concerned about possible radiation exposure. To find out how much radiation exposure these people have received, Japanese researchers measured levels of radioactive cesium in nearly 10,000 residents starting six months after the incident. The researchers' study, published

today in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed that about a third of the residents had detectable levels of radiation. But only one person appeared to have received a radiation dose higher than the maximum recommended by public health officials (the equivalent of about two mammograms). And levels in

children were generally lower than in adults. Public health researchers are concerned that the bigger public health effects of the Fukushima disaster may be anxiety and trauma among plant workers. Before the tsunami, workers who wore the blue uniform of the FUKUSHIMA page 62


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power company TEPCO were held in high esteem. But that changed after damaged reactors released radiation and triggered a massive evacuation. Another paper in the JAMA finds that discrimination and slurs were a major source of psychological distress for TEPCO employees. The study of more than 1,700 workers found that hostile treatment after the disaster was a more powerful factor than witnessing an explosion at the plant or even having a near-death experience. And as NPR's Richard Harris has

mechanical". Gen Dempsey and defence secretary Leon Panetta voiced Iran is playing a growing role concerns about Iran's growing supporting the Syrian regime and presence in Syria, even as is helping to build and train a President Bashar Assad's regime militia to fight opposition forces, steps up its aerial attacks against US defence chiefs say. the rebel forces. G e n e r a l M a r t i n D e m p s e y , Fierce fighting and attacks from chairman of the Joint Chiefs of warplanes and helicopter gunships Staff, told Pentagon reporters that have pushed the opposition forces the militia, generally made up of back in key fronts, such as Aleppo Syrian Shiite forces, was being and the fighting - including used to take the pressure off the alleged massacres by the regime Syrian regime forces, which have have led to the deaths of more been at war for almost 18 months. t h a n 2 0 , 0 0 0 , a c c o r d i n g t o (David Frum) policemen: there is a mainstream "Any army would be taxed with a c t i v i s t s . and a non-mainstream. Dabble that kind of pace," Gen Dempsey Mr Panetta said it had become Andrew Sullivan complained with the latter at your peril. Since said. "They are having resupply obvious that Iran was doing more yesterday that I had engaged in a David has perished by the cult of problems, they are having morale for the Syrian regime, including McCarthyite attack on Ron Paul the mainstream, its odd he problems, they are having the providing assistance and training. by writing the following: should deploy it against others. kind of wear and tear that would "We do not think that Iran ought A politician isnt answerable for But to throw in Holocaust come of being in a fight for as to be playing that role at this the antics of every one of his denial and 9/11 Truthers for long as they have." moment in time," he said. He said supporters. But theres surely a good measure! Really. Gen Dempsey also said that it "it's dangerous, that it's adding to reason, isnt there, that racists, And notice how particularly appeared Syrian rebels were able the killing that's going on in Syria anti-Semites, 9/11 Truthers, and cheap and easy it is to use such to shoot down a warplane, but and that it tries to bolster a regime Holocaust deniers are so strongly tactics against a libertarian. The said he had seen no indication that that we think ultimately is going attracted to the Paul campaign. traditional left is often based on they were yet armed with heavy to come down". They hear something. They collective associations, building a w e a p o n s o r s u r f a c e - t o - a i r Asked about military options for continue to hear it too, no matter movement out of oppressed missiles. He said the MiG fighter i n t e r v e n t i o n i n S y r i a , G e n how firmly Ron Pauls more groups and their grievances, could have been shot down with Dempsey said the US had been in mainstream supporters clamp whether it be class or race or even small arms fire. Syria has blamed discussions with Jordan and their hands over their own ears. sexual orientation. Libertarianism t h e c r a s h o n a t e c h n i c a l Turkey about the possible need Andrews riposte: is the opposite. Its about dis malfunction, but Gen Dempsey for a safe zone, because the two Notice how pure the smear is, associating. When you listen to said the cause "didn't appear to be countries neighbouring Syria are enabled and not diminished by the Paul saying he will not turn first sentence. Notice the key concept of Beltway ideological DAVID page 63
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:30:09 AM

reported, physicians in Japan don't generally treat mental health issues. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

US: Iran 'building Syrian militia'

(Evening Standard - News)

David Frum

seeing an influx of refugees fleeing the fighting. "And with a safe haven would probably come some form of no-fly zone, but we're not planning anything unilaterally," Gen Dempsey said. Mr Panetta reiterated earlier assertions that right now, creating a no-fly zone in the region "is not a front-burner issue" for the US. Instead, he said, the focus was on providing humanitarian and nonlethal assistance and ensuring the chemical and biological weapons in Syria are secure. Meanwhile, China accused some Western countries of seeking regime change in Syria and said their increasing support for rebel forces in the civil war hurt the solidarity of the United Nations Security Council. The remarks in the official People's Daily newspaper came as China hosted an envoy of Assad for talks. No details of the talks were released. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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continued from page 62

anyone away from supporting his platform regardless of their motives or beliefs, you are hearing a reflection of his libertarianism, not his bigotry. He will accept support from any quarter and compared with the corporate money flowing into the other candidates coffers, he is about as independent as a presidential candidate can be. Because he is a radical individualist, he doesnt even understand why he should somehow explain the belief of others, or justify their support. You should ask them, not him. This kind of gotcha-association game is particularly easy because libertarians favor liberty above all, and that will necessarily mean liberty for bigots as well as others. A principled belief in states rights will doubtless lead to more racist and homophobic policies in many states but also, of course, more enlightened and successful inclusive states like Oregon or New York or Massachusetts or California. A rejection of statism might lead to more discrimination in the private sector. But it doesnt mandate it. And it need not encourage it. A noninterventionist foreign policy will allow evil to triumph elsewhere in the world, because it believes its none of our business or too riddled with unintended consequences to try extirpating.

That may be right or wrong, but it is not an approval of the evil of Assad or Ahmedinejad or the North Korean junta. And again, it is actually much deeper an American tradition than permanent warfare. But if you can trot out David Duke or Ayatollah Khamenei as potential Paul supporters, you have a very easy, cheap and essentially McCarthyite target. It saddens me that this kind of tactic works. I still believe that the newsletters, because they were in Pauls name, require a clearer explanation from Paul than the muddled ones he has given. He should not be left off the hook. And his proposals deserve a thorough vetting and discussion. But there is something awry when a candidate is assessed not on his arguments and proposals but on the shadiness and ugliness of some of his fringe supporters. Ron Pauls supporters ask that their candidate not be judged by his associates. Or by the people he chose to employ. Or by the newsletters he published. Or by the book he wrote. Or by the way he earned the largest part of his living when out of office in the 1990s. Or by his purchase of the mailing list of the Holocaustdenying Liberty Lobby. Or by the radio shows he chooses to appear on. Or by his strategic decision to reach out to racist voters. Or by

the conspiracy theories to which he lends credence, from government creation of AIDS to Israeli culpability for the 1993 bombing to a putative 9/11 coverup. And here I thought that libertarianism was a doctrine of personal responsibility? May Ron Paul at least be judged by the words he has spoken with his own mouth within the current campaign? The supporters say no again. When Ron Paul tells an interviewer that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made race relations worse, were not supposed to consider what he might mean by better. When Ron Paul warns that a border fence would be used to prevent fleeing American citizens from exiting the country, were not supposed to conclude that hes a paranoid crank. Andrew deploys what might be called the ontological defense of Ron Paul, as follows: 1) Ron Paul is a libertarian. 2) Libertarians espouse individualism. 3) Racism is a form of antiindividualism. 4) Therefore Ron Paul cannot be a racist. That is a demonstration of what might be called the deductive method of reasoning. But theres another way to study reality: induction.

Like this: 1) Ron Paul has again and again exploited bigotry, paranoia, and hate as fundraising devices. 2) Ron Paul is a libertarian. 3) So yes, I guess it is possible for a libertarian to do that. Heres my question for Ron Paul supporters: why the denial of the undeniable? Perhaps you like Pauls message of legalized marijuana? Why not just say so? You dont think its important to stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons? Argue it forthrightly. If you regard Social Security and Medicare as literally the moral equivalents of slavery, go ahead, make your case. But all this excuse-making, special pleading and jiggering of the rules of evidence so as to exculpate Ron Paul from the record of his whole political life? For what? This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Egypt Begins Descent into Tyranny

Daniel Greenfield (FrontPage Magazine FrontPage)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:55:18 PM

Barely two months after taking power, the Muslim Brotherhood has wasted no time in swiftly taking Egypt down the road to a totalitarian state. Its latest target is Al-Dustour, a Christian-owned newspaper, which had condemned President Morsis ties to Hamas as a threat to Egyptian national security. Al-Dustour was accused of sedition and stirring up sectarian discordthe latter is code for insulting Islam. Most dangerously, Al-Dustour implied that the Rafah attack had been backed by Morsis own Hamas allies to enable him to crack down on the domestic opposition. Al-Dustour is not the first newspaper to be targeted by the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood has already used its parliamentary position to name dozens of new editors for Egypts EGYPT page 64



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Marxist Radicals Mug Paul Ryan

Matthew Vadum (FrontPage Magazine FrontPage)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:49:30 PM

continued from page 63

The same Marxist agitators who tried to silence Mitt Romney in the Hawkeye State a year ago tried to shut down his new running mate Monday. Two days after the presumptive GOP presidential nominee named Congressman Paul Ryan (RWisc.), as his vice presidential pick, Ryan was aggressively heckled by the agrarian socialists and union goons of the ACORNlike Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (Iowa CCI) throughout a stump speech at the Iowa State Fair. At last years Iowa State Fair members of Iowa CCI badgered and berated Romney, shrieking and interrupting him as he attempted to share his views on reforming entitlement programs like Social Security. They baited Romney into making his arguably impolitic admission that corporations are people. Left-wing activists call this accountability, an Orwellian euphemism. Accountability, as the term is used by leftists, is not about transparency or good government. Perhaps partly inspired by the father of the New Left, Herbert Marcuse, who was

in favor of silencing non-leftists, accountability actions focus on harassing and intimidating political enemies, disrupting them and forcing them to waste their campaign resources dealing with activistsprovocations. After Iowa CCI activists loudly demanded Ryan halt the war on the poor they perennially accuse Republicans of waging, these broken records of the Left bragged about the trouble they caused as they challenge[d] Ryan on vitally important issues to everyday Iowans. They claimed victory over the congressman, declaring they shaved 30 percent off his speaking time. Ryan spoke for

only twelve minutes, well under his allotment of twenty. Several protesters were removed from the event by police. One Iowa CCI activist even reportedly punched a Romney-Ryan volunteer during the speech. Of course the use of physical violence on opponents is an important tactic for the community organizer, as Rules for Radicals author Saul Alinsky admitted to his protg Nicholas von Hoffman. True to form, the left-wing Talking Points Memo website got a key detail of the attempted squelching of Ryans speech wrong. TPMs Igor Bobic fell for Iowa CCIs spin, referring to the

major state-owned newspapers, including Al-Ahram. Akhbar Alnonprofit as an innocuous- Y o u m , t h e s e c o n d - l a r g e s t s o u n d i n g n o n p a r t i s a n newspaper in Egypt, will be run progressive group. by a descendant of Muslim Although friendly reporters use Brotherhood founder Hassan althe adjectives progressive and Bana. liberal to describe Iowa CCI, In response to the Islamist Marxist or neo-communist are hijacking of the Egyptian press, more appropriate descriptors. many reporters have spoken out Iowa CCI has been praised by against the move and some have Bill Moyers and labeled the even gone on strike. But the M o s t V a l u a b l e G r a s s r o o t s Muslim Brotherhoods assault on Advocacy Group of 2009 by Al-Dustour is a warning that the John Nichols of The Nation days of independent newspapers magazine. Nichols approves of o p p o s e d t o t h e r e g i m e a r e t h e g r o u p s i n - y o u r - f a c e numbered. Both Obama and the activism. Muslim Brotherhood have Iowa CCIs anti-capitalist, anti- suggested Islamist Turkey as the American activism guarantees it model for the new Egypt. Now generous support from hard-left the Muslim Brotherhood is philanthropies. The group has imitating Erdogans crackdown taken in funding from the Charles on the military as well as his S t e w a r t M o t t F o u n d a t i o n totalitarian control over the ($600,000 since 2001), Ford Turkish press. Foundation ($575,000 since In addition to the Muslim 2003), McKnight Foundation Brotherhoods assault on the ($415,000 since 1999), Annie E. press, one television network, Al Casey Foundation ($260,000 Fareen, has already been taken off since 2001), Rockefeller Family the air. More are certain to follow. Fund Inc. ($225,000 since 2000), Khaled Salah, the editor of the Needmor Fund ($140,000 since Youm7 newspaper, was assaulted 1999), the George Soros-funded by Muslim Brotherhood protesters Tides Foundation ($40,000 since d e m a n d i n g t h e c l o s u r e o f 2000), Ben & Jerrys Foundation AlFareen and the arrest of anyone ( $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 s i n c e 2 0 0 7 ) , a n d who criticizes Morsi and the Threshold Foundation ($25,000 Brotherhood. since 2008). The Rafah attack by Islamist terrorists plotting to invade Israel that killed 16 Egyptian soldiers has been exploited by the Brotherhood to launch a domestic crackdown on the opposition. The EGYPT page 67

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Rural Utilities Create Zero Jobs Despite $47 Million in Stimulus Funding
Lachlan Markay (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 3:07:32 PM

A stimulus program designed to create jobs by funding rural utility projects has created only about 12% of the jobs projected at the outset of the program in a sample of towns recently examined by the Agriculture Departments Inspector General. The IG examined 22 local utilities and government agencies to receive stimulus money. The Rural Utilities Service (RUS), a division of the USDA, projected that the sample of companies would create 3,384 jobs. To date, however, those companies have used their stimulus awards to create a mere 415 jobs. Some of the recipients have not used their stimulus awards to create a single job. The Wholesale Water Commission of Atchison County, Missouri, for instance, received a $22 million stimulus award, but has yet to even begin construction on the project for

which the money was earmarked. Result: no jobs created. The cities of Elkins, WV; Thomasville, AL; Ruidoso Downs, NM; Big Bend, WV; and City of War, WV, likewise have not created a single job between them, despite having been obligated, with Atchison County, a combined $47 million in stimulus funding through the

RUS. A host of other cities have posted disappointing job performances, as seen in this spreadsheet: While proponents of the stimulus would likely point to even this tepid job creation as a success, the effectiveness of economic stimulus is generally gauged against alternatives. In this case, the issue is not whether jobs have

been created at all, but rather how many jobs these funds could have created if they had not been drained from the private sector or piled on top of the federal governments record-high national debt. Every dollar Congress injects into the economy must first be taxed or borrowed out of the economy, explained Heritages

Brian Riedl in a 2010 Backrounder. No new spending power is created. It is merely redistributed from one group of people to another. That redistribution likely creates few jobs, and may even be a net drag on employment. But while this RUS program, like a number of the stimuluss attempts at job creation, has performed remarkably poorly, a primary purpose of the President Obamas first legislative initiative was not immediate job creation, as Scribe has noted, but in fact geared towards long-term left wing objectives. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



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Assads Russian Lifeline

Jacob Laksin (FrontPage Magazine FrontPage)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:50:12 PM

As the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad struggles to maintain its fleeting grip on power, it has been handed a lifeline by an obstructionist Russia that, along with China, has done all it can to save the dictatorship from collapse. The Wall Street Journal reports in an investigative scoop this week that Syrian officials have been scheming with Russian banks to bypass the crippling sanctions on oil and financial transactions imposed on the country by Europe and the United States. Correspondence uncovered by the Journal shows, among other evasive tactics, that Syrian officials have been working to set up offshore companies and banking accounts in Russia. The goal is to help the regime pay for imports and to receive payments for oil exports while covering its steps from the EU and the U.S. and dodging sanctions. Based on the Journals account, Russian companies have been all

oil sales has become essential for the Assad government as sanctions have choked off other sources of foreign currency. Thus the roughly $380 million that Syrias oil sales generate monthly may be the only thing that allows the regime to sustain itself and to support the military that, for the time being, keeps it in power. Its not clear from the Journals reporting whether all of the deals between Syria and Russia were actually completed. But the very fact that Russia has been willing to help the Syrian regime evade sanctions underlines the challenges of maintaining an effective sanctions regime so long as Russia is determined to keep its too eager to participate in this arent binding on Russia, Russian Syrian client state afloat. Backed deception. For instance, some of companies have been free to by China, Russia has been the the documents reviewed by the further these oil deals with greatest roadblock to meaningful action against the Assad regime. paper show that Russian buyers of impunity. Syrian oil made plans to sell the It hardly exaggerates the value of Since the current uprising in Syria oil by loading it onto Russian- these deals to Syrias government began 17 months ago, Russia has owned tankers in the Black Sea. to suggest that the Russian- used its vote on the U.N. Security Its not clear who the ultimate abetted oil sales are now the Council three times to block buyers might be, but the intention lifeblood of the Syrian regime. resolutions to pressure the regime seems to be to help Syria sell its While Syrias daily oil production and to end the bloodshed that has oil in defiance of international represents less than 1 percent of k i l l e d 2 3 , 0 0 0 p e o p l e , a n d sanctions. Since the sanctions total global output, revenue from c o u n t i n g , s i n c e l a s t M a y .

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Brotherhood has issued a statement blaming Israel for the attack. But in reality Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood have been the true beneficiaries of the violence. Morsi has used the attack to sack top Egyptian military leaders including Egypts Defense Minister, its Chief of Staff, its head of the General Intelligence Service, its chief of the Presidential Guard and its head of the Republican Guard. The purge had little to do with making Egypt safer and a great deal to do with Morsi and the Brotherhood seizing the opportunity to displace their only real rivals in the

countrys tangled power structure. The Brotherhood has crowned itself with the revolutionary label, describing any attack on its power as an attack on the January 25 Revolution and its martyrs. That familiar use of language emphasizes that Egypt is a revolutionary state and is constantly struggling against seditious and subversive forces. And revolutionary states suppress dissent against revolutionary power through state terror. The Muslim Brotherhoods statement cynically conflated the Rafah attack with outcries and protests by the domestic opposition and exploited the

deaths of Egyptian soldiers at the hands of Morsis allies to call for a crackdown on domestic opposition to the Brotherhood. It demanded harsh action against the instigators of vandalism and subversion throughout the land and against their collaborators and agents involved in causing this deliberate confusion, chaos and mayhem across Egypt under the pretext of exercising freedom. And it urged Egyptians to report any subversion to the authorities.

Take Magazine-Style iPhone Photos With W Mags New Hipstamatic Lens Pack
Lauren Indvik (Mashable!)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:04:42 PM

In conjunction with its fashionfocused September issue, W magazine has partnered with iPhone photography app Hipstamatic to release a magazine

-inspired lens, film and virtual camera case. The "WMag Freepak" takes photos with soft, cool grey tones and frames them in a thick black border. It's available for free download through Hipstamatic's app[iTunes link] for a six-week

photos taken with the new lens Continue reading... and film to W's contest. Winning More About: conde nast, fashion, images will be announced on Oct. h i p s t a m a t i c , i p h o n e a p p , 15 and appear on the magazine's photography, w, w magazine website and Facebook Page, as well as in a gallery exhibition period. During that timeframe, alongside W contributors at the users are encouraged to submit Ace Hotel in Manhattan. The


Daily World/

Curated News Edition

Review of cosmetic surgery launched

(Evening Standard - News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:30:08 AM

committee to advise me in making recommendations to Government on how we can better protect A major review into cosmetic people who choose to have surgery is being launched in light s u r g e r y o r c o s m e t i c of the PIP scandal. interventions." NHS medical director Sir Bruce An expert panel, including PIP Keogh, who will lead the inquiry, campaigner Catherine Kydd, said he fears many people do not former medical director of Bupa realise such procedures can have Andrew Vallance-Owen and lifelong implications. editor of Marie Claire magazine The review was requested by Trish Halpin, will gather evidence Health Secretary Andrew Lansley before making recommendations after concerns about cosmetic to the Government next March. surgery were raised following the Members of the public are also public outcry over faulty PIP b e i n g a s k e d t o s h a r e t h e i r breast implants and could lead to experiences of cosmetic surgery tighter regulation of the industry. and views on issues including the Sir Bruce said: "The recent safety of products used in such problems with PIP breast implants procedures, care during and after have shone a light on the cosmetic treatment, and how much advice surgery industry. Many questions is given to those considering have been raised, particularly surgery. around the regulation of clinics, Mr Lansley has specifically whether all practitioners are asked the review to consider adequately qualified, how well implementing a national implant people are advised when money is register, for products such as changing hands, aggressive breast implants, to identify all marketing techniques, and what those who received the product protection is available when and details of their operation. things go wrong... That's why I Fazel Fatah, president of the have put together this review British Association of Aesthetic

Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), said: "We are delighted that the review is now under way. The BAAPS has been campaigning for many years for better regulations of the cosmetic surgery sector to protect patients. The BAAPS will fully co -operate with the process at all its stages as we would like to ensure a positive outcome from the review that provides safety and security for patients who choose to have cosmetic surgery, and to end unethical practices of patient inducements on the basis of cost." Sir Bruce has promised to clean up the "grubby areas" of an industry that he says does not give patients enough protection, according to The Times. He said that though there were some very good clinics his inquiry would raise hard questions for the whole industry, telling the newspaper: "You can be a commercial operation that's well run but are you an ethical operation? Is your practice . . . driven purely by financial considerations?" He said he was likely to recommend tighter rules in several key areas, such as making

it routine practice for surgeons to register all devices - from breast implants to hip replacements - on a detailed register that could be used to detect trends and trace individual patients, and requiring clinics to join a scheme, similar to that run by the travel industry, that would offer patients protection if a company went bust. Other measures could include tightening the rules on anti-ageing dermal fillers, which require only basic safety checks and can legally be injected by anyone, and introducing minimum training requirements for surgeons carrying out cosmetic procedures, he told the newspaper. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Fresh fears for school sports space

(Evening Standard - News)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:30:07 AM

The Government is facing fresh criticism over school sports after it emerged ministers have relaxed rules setting out the minimum outdoor space schools have to provide for team games. The Department for Education (DfE) confirmed that a requirement for secondary schools in England to provide pitches ranging from 5,000 sq metres to 54,000 sq metres, depending on the number of pupils, had been dropped. Instead, under new regulations laid in Parliament last month, schools will now simply have to provide "suitable outdoor space" for PE and for pupils to play outside. The DfE said that removing "pages and pages" of bureaucratic regulations would make it easier and cheaper to provide the extra places for pupils the country needs. But campaigners warned that the move could undermine the future provision of schools sports at a time when the country is looking to build on the success of Team GB in the London Olympics. The Government is already under fire for allowing the sell-off of FRESH page 69

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more than 20 school playing fields - despite a promise in the coalition agreement that they would be protected - and for dropping a target for state schools to provide at least two hours of PE a week. Tim Lamb, the chief executive of the Sport and Recreation Alliance, an umbrella organisation for sports bodies, told The Guardian that the old regulations had been a "key tool" in preventing playing fields being sold. "Without a minimum requirement, the danger is that short-term expediency could jeopardise the ability of schools to deliver sport for future generations," he said. "We're confident that the Education Funding Agency understands the need to require schools to retain a minimum

playing field space because the previous requirements were one of the key tools for preventing the sale of land." The DfE said that at some point over the next 12 months it would be publishing guidance with a formula setting out the minimum outside space schools would have to provide - although it had yet to consult on it. A spokesman said: "These regulations set out for the first time that all schools must have access to suitable outdoor space for both formal PE lessons and for outdoor play. By removing pages and pages of bureaucratic restrictions we will make it easier and cheaper to provide the extra school places that this country needs so urgently. "Our extremely strict rules on

playing fields will stay firmly in place. This Government has only approved sales if the school has closed, has merged or if equal or better facilities are being put in their place. We will be consulting later this year on how the new guidelines should be implemented." This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Quotes of the day

Allahpundit (Hot Air Top Picks)

failed. Many conservatives like to pin the blame on a complicit media or a weak-kneed McCain Submitted at 8/14/2012 9:41:20 PM campaign. The honest truth, posted at 10:41 pm on August 14, though, is that a big reason why 2012 by Allahpundit the American public didnt During the 2008 election, perceive Obama as a radical was conservatives tried their darnedest that he didnt come across that to convince the American public way. Whenever he spoke, gave that Barack Obama was radical. interviews, or debated, he was They pointed to his work as a calm and reasonable sounding. He Saul Alinsky-inspired community wasnt a wild-eyed. He didnt use organizer; his background in e x t r e m i s t l a n g u a g e . S o , Chicago politics; his associations conservative warnings about him with the likes of Bill Ayers and often fell on deaf ears. I suspect Rashid Khalidi and Jeremiah that liberals will run into similar W r i g h t ; h i s l i b e r a l p o l i c y problems if they think theyre positions; and the fact that his going to convince people that voting record was rated the most Paul Ryan is a radical liberal in the Senate by National QUOTES page 69 Journal. In the end, their efforts

Epoch Times | National, World, China, Sports, Entertainment News

(Epoch Times | National, World, China, Sports, Entertainment News)

continued from page 69

long collaboration [...] Earthquakes continued to shake northwest Iran Tuesday following the deadly twin quakes that hit the Top Stories region over the weekend. The trial of Gu Kailai for the Syria's defected prime minister murder of British businessman said Tuesday that the regime is Neil Heywood had not considered nearing its final days, calling on the real reasons for the crime, leaders to join the opposition. which are tied up in a 13-year- After surrendering to central

Party authorities, Wang has been under investigation, was purged from the Party, and is due to be tried for treason. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced Monday that it expects Germany to post a current account surplus of $200 billion this year.

This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Much like Obama in 2008, Ryan comes across as reasonable, thoughtful and earnest. Hes heard all of the attacks on his budget proposal and has become deft at fending them off. Democrats can spend all the time they want attempting to define him as an anti-woman, granny tossing firebrand. But the actual Paul Ryan that Americans will see in speeches, interviews and the vice presidential debate will be a stark contrast. *** [T]hey dont understand that Ryans conservatism is not going QUOTES page 71



Curated News Edition

How much equality would you like?

(Democracy in America)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 1:04:33 PM

"AMERICANS want to live in a much more equal country (they just don't realise it)". So says Dan Ariely, who, along with Mike Norton, found that Americans ridiculously underestimate the amount of inequality in their country. In reality, American society is staggeringly unequal: the top 20% hold 84% of the wealth, while the bottom 40% have just 0.3%. But according to Mr Ariely, Americans, whether liberal or conservative, rich or poor, prefer a wealth distribution that is more egalitarian than Swedens. Mr Arielys data may seem to hold out hope for the egalitarian cause. Once you enlighten Americans with the facts about inequality in their society, the argument goes, they will be outraged and demand redistributive policies that reduce the wealth and income gaps. But Mr Ariely's approach is deeply flawed: he misinterprets his survey results and misunderstands the political philosophy of John Rawls, the theorist who inspired his inquiry. Don't get me wrong, extreme inequality is objectionable for all sorts of reasons. But we cannot conclude from Mr Arielys data that Americans find these reasons persuasive or that they would support measures to reduce it. Americans still believe, despite

strong evidence to the contrary, that the American dream is alive and well. Let's look at part of Mr Ariely's study. Imagine that you, like his subjects, were asked which of the following two wealth distributions you preferred to enter, assuming you had an even chance of ending up in any of the five slices: Who in the world would prefer to chance it with the distribution on the left? Even Paul Ryan might opt for democratic socialism under the circumstances. Mr Ariely reports, not shockingly, that 92% of his respondents preferred to join the distribution in the fictional Equalden (on the right) to that which obtains in America (on the left), including nine out of ten Republicans. He concludes that the political discourse could benefit from a

Rawlsian approach whereby public policy is guided by our common goal: a much less extreme level of inequality. Opposition to extreme inequality is a rallying cry on the left, but it doesnt always mobilise the troops, as William Galston observed recently. Im with Mr Ariely about the vices of inequality, and Rawlsian principles, properly applied, can illuminate the fiscal debate. But Mr Arielys particular use of Rawls misreads both the American zeitgeist and " A Theory of Justice". Mr Arielys first error is to misapply Rawlss veil of ignorance. Rawls imagines individuals blinding themselves to facts about their particular talents, class, race and gender when developing principles of justice

for a political society, not when selecting among pie-chart distributions. Now consider Mr Arielys question to his subjects: [I]magine that if you joined this nation, you would be randomly assigned to a place in the distribution, so you could end up anywhere in this distribution, from the very richest to the very poorest. Rawls makes clear that this is exactly the wrong question to ask. Mr Arielys query twists a Rawlsian project to develop the outlines of a just society over time for everyone into an egoistic individual calculation of where I would be better off today. More fundamentally, Mr Ariely conflates the Rawlsian pursuit of distributive justicea fair, efficient, and productive system of social cooperation [that] can be

maintained over time, from one generation to the nextwith allocative justice. This may sound like a semantic distinction. It isnt. Think of it as the difference between cutting up a pizza and giving everyone slices (allocative justice) and developing principles according to which various amounts of pizza end up on peoples plates (distributive justice). In the latter case, no allocator divides the pie for everyone else. For Rawls, a distribution cannot be judged in isolation from the system of which it is the outcome. A Rawlsian would thus have no answer to Mr Arielys normative question. We cannot assess the relative justice of the pie charts for Equalden or America until we know the circumstances that produced each. If the lovely distribution in Equalden was achieved by curtailing religious liberty, compelling people to work in careers of the governments choosing or defining social roles according to race or gender, it would be a Rawlsian nightmare despite the nice-looking distribution. Likewise, if the American level of inequality could be shown to maximise the position of the least advantagedas unlikely as that may beit would be unobjectionable under Rawlss so -called Difference Principle. HOW page 74

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to hurt him anymore than Ronald Reagans did in 1980. Bearing, like Reagan, a specific plan of action for difficult times, Ryan may be just the man to ride his conservatism straight into the West Wing. Because Ryan is the king of the Reagan babies. The one that most resembles dad Ryan also exudes the Midwestern sunniness Reagan could project, while harboring the same capacity to respond sharply when challenged [T]he earnest Ryan, a complement to the avuncular Reagan, will be hard to demonize. Hell also get credit for trying to solve the problem. *** Paul Ryan has a plan to fix it. It is not a feel-good plan, but we dont live in a feel-good time. It is a tough plan, but tough times require tough plans. The fact that he has a plan is a good starting point for discussion. And for many voters, a starting point is better than more mindless political demagoguery. Ryan is an earnest guy, a good family man. He looks younger than his 42 years, and his flat Wisconsin accent doesnt exactly boom across an arena. But because he looks so young, he speaks for the next generation, the poor suckers who have to clean up the mess after the baby boomers are done partying.

The Democrats will seek to define him as an affable but dangerous ideologue. But Paul Ryan is too clean-cut, too fresh, too well-spoken to paint as an extremist. He is the Boy Scout who lives next door who now wants to clean up our nations fiscal problems. Who could be against the Boy Scouts? *** Ryans success has come, in no small part, from his good manners and understanding of the Capitols culture at an ugly, tense time. Hes charmed many of the people who might be expected to like him least, like Rep. Gwen Moore, a fiery Milwaukee representative who grew up in Ryans district and, in contrast with the typical home-state enmities, has been friendly with him for years. Hes very, very friendly, very respectful, Moore told BuzzFeed of Ryan, noting that once when they encountered each other in an airport he quickly grabbed my suitcase and carried it to her car for her. Moore one of the most outspokenly partisan members of the Democratic Party, beloved by the press corps for her willingness to take unflinching aim at Republicans on womens and civil rights issues. But she has nothing bad to say about the presumptive Republican vice presidential nominee. He doesnt have harsh words for anyone, she said.

*** Erskine Bowles is not backing away from his previous praise of Rep. Paul Ryan now that the Wisconsin congressman is on the Republican presidential ticket. I like him, Bowles, the former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and co-chairperson of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, told The Daily Caller in a phone interview. I think hes smart. I think hes intellectually curious. I think he is honest, straightforward and sincere. And I think he does have a serious budget out there it doesnt mean I agree with it by any stretch of the imagination. But Im not going to act like I dont like him or that I dont have some real respect for him. *** As a candidate, the telegenic, articulate Ryan could play another much-needed role. He could be a great communicator, educating the public about policy challenges and Republican plans to address them Were in another anxious period, and voters are again primed to consider serious policy talk. To play up its teams strengths as numbers guys, countering the self -congratulatory idea of Democrats as the party of intellect, the Romney campaign could make a gutsy move. It could deploy Ryan to talk to the public at length

about the looming fiscal crisis, producing a series of long-form, Perot-style videos. Nowadays the Republicans wouldnt even need to spend money for prime-time television (although that would certainly get attention). They could rely on YouTube The American public is in the appropriately desperate frame of mind for a serious policy discussion. The Ryan pick suggests that Romney might be willing to offer one. The alternative is three more months of sniping about tax returns and college transcripts (not to mention how dogs are treated) attacks on the candidates identities rather than their ideas. The times demand better. *** The Republican vice-presidential candidate, Congressman Paul Ryan, is the Democrats political version of the Antichrist. He believes in self-reliance; the Left believes in reliance on the state. His moral values are shaped by religion (Catholicism); the Left is frightened by religious Christian politicians (and athletes, and members of the armed forces, and talk-show hosts, and, for that matter, clergy). He believes in individualism; the Left believes in collectivism. He believes in small government and powerful citizens; the Left believes in large government and dependent citizens

Since the Democrats could not win any national election with the votes of liberals alone according to Gallup, selfdescribed liberals constitute just 21 percent of the electorate the great question of the 2012 American presidential election is this: Have the Left and Democratic party sufficiently weakened the character of enough Americans to enable the demonization of Paul Ryan to lead Barack Obama to victory? I dont believe so. But given the enormity of the national debt incurred by this administration, its spectacular failure to improve the nations economy, and its commitment to weakening American defense, if there were a better explanation for a Democratic victory, I would welcome it. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



Curated News Edition

Romney rips Obama over Bidens chains remark: These smears are disgracing the office of the presidency
Allahpundit (Hot Air Top Picks)

answers coming from President Obamas re-election campaign. Thats because hes intellectually Submitted at 8/14/2012 9:01:43 PM exhausted, out of ideas, and out of posted at 10:01 pm on August 14, energy. And so his campaign has 2012 by Allahpundit resorted to diversions and Strong words on a day when the distractions, to demagoguing and already infamous Obama Super defaming others. This is an old PAC steelworker smear ad finally game in politics; whats different aired in Ohio. this year is that the president is Time to start chipping away at taking things to a new low. that likability gap. Romneys known for biting Mitt Romney used a tough new negative ads (or rather, his Super campaign speech to personally PACs known for them) but thats blast the Obama campaign on the most brutal criticism of Tuesday, saying comments earlier another pol that Ive heard him in the day from Vice President deliver personally. Three things Biden are what an angry and going on here, I think. One: Like I desperate Presidency looks like. said, hes got to cut into Os M r . P r e s i d e n t , t a k e y o u r favorables. Theyve been a life campaign of division and anger preserver for his overall job and hate back to Chicago, approval rating; in a very close Romney said while campaigning election, they could be decisive. in Ohio Between the steelworker ad and His campaign and his surrogates Biden playing in the sewer with have made wild and reckless todays chains remark, its time accusations that disgrace the to force the media to report just office of the Presidency. Another how far Obama is from his outrageous charge came a few Hopenchange-y Bambi image hours ago in Virginia. And the from 2008. A big angry speech White House sinks a little bit from Romney himself does that. lower, Romney said. Two: Hes trying to inoculate This is an election in which we himself from even nastier and should be talking about the path more damaging attacks down ahead, but you dont hear any the line. Remember, according to

Major Garrett, Obamas Super PAC has all sorts of sludge in the pipeline waiting to flow. If things get desperate enough, we might even see Os surrogates start talking about Romneys, ahem,weirdness. If he can make Obamas negativity a major story now, Team O might get nervous about pushing the envelope any further. Three: Romneys trying to maximize the political benefit from picking Ryan as VP. One of Ryans big assets as a retail politician not unlike Obama 2008, in fact is that hes widely perceived as guileless, a goodnatured ideas man who wants to do right by the country. His image is that of a guy who takes the high road in politics, and by choosing him Romneys now taken it too. This whole attack on O is designed to show that off. You know how conservatives have been begging Mitt for the past month or two to define himself before Obama does it for him? Well, picking Ryan is a dramatic act of self-definition: Romneys now the Serious, Above The Fray Candidate. Tonights broadside is his attempt to define Obama as the opposite of that.

None of which means there isnt room for Romney surrogates to dive headfirst into the fray on his behalf. Heres some verrry belated payback from Giuliani for Bidens infamous line during one of the Democratic debates five years ago that every sentence out of Rudys mouth involves a noun, a verb, and 9/11. KUDLOW: You know, what did he say? Yall going to be put back in chains? That almost has racial overtones, Rudy Giuliani. Whats your take on that? GIULIANI: Well, I think if it came from somebody serious maybe wed get all excited about it. But the I think the vice president of the United States has become a laugh line on late night television. I mean, he Ive never seen a vice president that has made as many mistakes, said as many stupid things. I mean, theres a real fear if, God forbid, he ever had to be entrusted with the presidency, whether he really has the mental capacity to handle it. I mean, this guy just isnt bright. Hes never been bright. He isnt bright. And people think, Well, he just talks a little too much. Actually hes not very smart.

Krauthammer called him thecrazy uncle in the attic on Fox tonight. Biden kinda sorta tried to walk the chains comment back tonight while out on the stump but Ill leave you to read what he said for yourself. His claim is that the GOP says they want to unshackle the economy, ergo he was simply playing off their rhetoric with the chains comment. And, for reasons left unexplained, evidently he needed to say yall and change theyre to they in order to do it. In fact, dont even bother following that last link. Its an insult to everyones intelligence. Exit quotation: A comment like that would never come out of Paul Ryans mouth. Hes too savvy and too astute to say something so over the top. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Why the rush?

(Democracy in America)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 5:04:08 PM

TAKE a deep breath, pundits. If history is any guide, Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan will have very little effect on the presidential election. Mr Romney's pick was unusual, though, in that it came 16 days before the Republican convention. That's the second earliest a pick has come in (relative to the candidate's convention) dating back to 1976. Only John Kerrys announcement of John Edwards in July 2004 came earlier. On average, the other 13 nonincumbents running for president dating back to Jimmy Carter announced their vice-presidential selection about two days before the convention. So why the rush, Mr Romney? At first glance, one is tempted to blame Mr Romney's recent struggles. Three polls that came out just prior to the announcement suggested that Mr Obama was widening his lead over Mr Romney. Perhaps, then, the Republican nominee was trying to reverse this slide. But the slide is overstated. Over the past month, Mr Romney has shown little-to-no loss of support in Gallups and Rasmussens daily tracking polls or in the aggregate poll trackers at P o l l s t e r . c o m a n d RealClearPolitics. So it is hard to

Chris Matthews on Ryan: Hey, this guy could be worse than Dan Quayle
Allahpundit (Hot Air Top Picks)
Submitted at 8/14/2012 8:21:37 PM

posted at 9:21 pm on August 14, 2012 by Allahpundit Via Newsbusters, concerntrolling so lazy that it doesnt make sense even on its own terms. His point, per this mornings Politico piece onthe Republican Partys Bedwetter Caucus, is that Ryan could be poison for the GOP. Okay, then why cite Quayle? Bush 41 won in a landslide, remember? When push came to shove, for all the conclude that the polls drove Mr District of Columbia, and the the 2012 campaign. With polls jokes made about him, Quayle Romneys decision. Moreover, he percentage of early voters is on suggesting that there are fewer wasnt a drag on the ticket. For seems to have planned the the rise. undecided voters in this election t h a t m a t t e r , w h y c i t e T o m announcement before any of the These numbers will likely be cycle than during previous years, Eagleton? How many states n e g a t i v e p o l l r e s u l t s w e r e even higherperhaps above and with a shortened window for would McGovern have lost if the released. 70%in key battleground states campaigning, Mr Romney likely E a g l e t o n t h i n g h a d n e v e r A second consideration may have such as Colorado, North Carolina, did not want to wait until the happened? 48 instead of 49? If been more critical to the timing of Nevada and Florida. In 2008 the party convention while Mr Obama anything, he and Quayle stand for the announcement: the accelerated Obama campaign was far more sought to define his candidacy for t h e p r o p o s i t i o n t h a t a pace of the 2012 campaign. active than the McCain campaign him. controversial VP pick just doesnt Although the Ryan pick was in chasing early voters. Mr It is a reminder that, in the 2012 matter much to the nominees announced three months before Romney seems to have learned campaign, theres no time to lose. chances. election day, the reality is that up the lesson. So it would not be Beyond that, you can practically to 35% of voters may choose their s u r p r i s i n g i f M r R o m n e y see the lightbulb over his head go candidate much earlier than accelerated the traditional timing off as he tries to jumpstart a November 6th. As I've mentioned o f t h e v i c e - p r e s i d e n t i a l narrative that choosing Ryan before, there are early voting announcement as a strategic undercuts Romneys business provisions in 32 states and the response to the quickened pace of record specifically. What kind of CEO, after all, would bet his CHRIS page 74


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Mr Arielys single-minded focus on equality as a concept that can exist in isolation from other social goals introduces more problems with his argument. If his survey had truly inquired into inequality in terms of its effect on society as a whole, as he claimed it did, the study would have been incredibly valuable. But it did not. Mr Ariely simply asked people how much equality they preferred, without explaining the types of social goods that some degree of inequality can buy. It would be very hard to argue that the extent of inequality we see today in America is necessary

to benefit its least well-off citizens, much less that it maximises their welfare. As Joseph Stiglitz argues in his new book, the costs of extreme inequality include an economic system that is less stable and less efficient, with less growth, and a democracy that has been put into peril. No society with a poverty rate approaching 16% can be said to be doing all it can to raise the level of the most disadvantaged. Mr Arielys heart is in the right place, but his survey doesnt prove what he hopes it will. Americans arent yet convinced that extreme inequality is

dangerous to our polity. They cling to the ideal of equal opportunity and the American dream even as these concepts increasingly lose any connection to reality. Instead of tricking survey respondents into a superficial egalitarianism, we need to continue to make the argument that fairness and productivity will be the rewards of a more equal America.

continued from page 73

business on such a risky investment? Possible answer: A CEO whose business was already struggling and who spotted a chance for a high reward in return for assuming a greaterthan-anticipated risk. Ask yourself, how confident would you have felt about Romneys chances if he had gone the safe route and chosen Pawlenty or Portman? Ryans a better retail politician than either of them and he brings a sense of purpose to the ticket that would have been utterly lacking otherwise. Without him, the entire remainder of the campaign would have been an exercise in killing time until election day and then hoping there are enough anybody but Obama votes floating around out there to

deliver victory. That doesnt feel like a winning dynamic. Ryan brings huge liabilities but huge assets too, and greatly boosts Romneys chances of having a meaningful presidency. Why not roll the dice? This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Microsoft halts posting new Windows Phone apps after some refuse to install on older devices
Jon Fingas (Engadget)

Romney: Biden Remarks Show 'Angry' Presidency

Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:57:19 PM

Aug. 14, 2012: Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks during a campaign event at the Ross County Court House. AP ROMNEY: page 75

certificate signing is back under control. Microsoft doesn't yet know when it can open the taps Microsoft may face a few once more, either. The momentary uncomfortable questions at Build freeze won't stop downloads of t h i s f a l l . A b u g i n d i g i t a l already-published apps, but it's signatures resulting from the likely to leave a few customers Windows Phone Dev Center jittery about resetting their phones rollout is preventing a "small -- and developers twiddling their percentage" of apps in the thumbs. Windows Phone Store, including Filed under: Cellphones not-so-insignificant titles like Microsoft halts posting new WhatsApp and Microsoft's own Windows Phone apps after some Translator, from installing on refuse to install on older devices older phones that had to upgrade originally appeared on Engadget to Windows Phone 7.5 after the on Tue, 14 Aug 2012 23:22:00 fact. While the company already EDT. Please see our terms for use has a fix in the works, it's of feeds. Permalink| Windows performing some painful triage to Phone Blog, Windows Phone keep the damage from spreading: Developer Blog| Email this| i t ' s p u t t i n g t h e b r a k e s o n Comments publishing any new apps until
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:22:00 PM

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continued from page 74

CHILLICOTHE, Ohio Mitt Romney slammed Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday for making what Romney called an "outrageous charge" -- evidence, he said, of "an angry and desperate presidency." Romney, using some of his most pointed language to date on the campaign trail, accused Obama of running a "campaign of division and anger and hate," and specifically objected to comments Biden had made earlier Tuesday to a crowd in Virginia. The vice president suggested that Romney and the Republicans intend to roll back Wall Street regulations and "put y'all back in chains." That remark drew a sharp response from Romney's campaign, which called it a "new low." Romney picked up on that line of attack at the campaign stop in Ohio, rolling out a speech he had spent the last two days writing. In it, he pilloried the presidents record and accused him of being intellectually exhausted. His campaign and his surrogates have made wild and reckless accusations that disgrace the office of the presidency, Romney told a crowd of thousands gathered here at the final stop on his five-state bus tour. Another outrageous charge came a few hours ago in Virginia. And the White House sinks a little bit

lower. This is what an angry and desperate presidency looks like." The Republican presidential candidate also mocked Obamas statements during the 2008 campaign that without fresh ideas you use stale tactics to scare voters. Romney accused Obama of now making that strategy the heart of his campaign. Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt responded that Romney "seemed unhinged" during the campaign speech. "Particularly strange coming at a time when he's pouring tens of millions of dollars into negative ads that are demonstrably false," he said. Earlier, the Obama campaign defended Biden's comments, likening them to language used repeatedly by Republican officials. "For months, Speaker Boehner, Congressman Ryan and other Republicans have called for the 'unshackling' of the private sector from regulations that protect Americans from risky financial deals and other reckless behavior that crashed our economy," Stephanie Cutter, deputy campaign manager, said in a written statement. "We find the Romney campaign's outrage over the vice president's comments today hypocritical, particularly in light of their own candidate's stump speech questioning the president's patriotism."

Biden made the remarks during a stop in Danville, Va. He took a swipe at Romney's plan to ease financial regulations, by recycling a Romney bank analogy and creating an analogy of his own. "He said in the first 100 days, he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules," Biden said. "Unchain Wall Street! They're gonna put y'all back in chains." The remark's context is unclear. Some conservative blogs claimed Biden had just made a reference to slavery. Danville, aside from being the last capital of the Confederacy, is racially split -the city is nearly half black and half white. The crowd at Tuesday's event reflected that makeup. The Romney campaign fired back without accusing Biden of any racial reference. In his speech Tuesday evening, however, Romney accused Obama of seeking to divide America -- whether by race, occupation or party affiliation -as a campaign strategy. "But he won't win that way. America is one nation under God. American history has been a story of the many becoming one -uniting to preserve liberty, uniting to build the greatest economy in the world, uniting to save the world from unspeakable darkness," he said. "So, Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back

to Chicago and let us get about rebuilding and reuniting America." Romney championed himself the savior of the middle class, ticking off areas where Obama and his policies have failed the American people. After four years, its clear that President Obamas policies arent fixing these problems, they're making them worse," Romney said. Fox News' Chris Laible and Wes Barrett contributed to this report. Print Email Share Comments Recommend Tweet Share This Article Newsletter Signup Sign up for free e-mail news alerts from and Newsletter Signup This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

ICE Official on Leave in Scandal Over 'Frat-House' Behavior at DHS

Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:57:19 PM

Shown here are Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and ICE Chief of Staff Suzanne Barr, inset. Reuters/ICE The top Homeland Security official accused of cultivating a "frat-house"-style work environment has "voluntarily placed herself on leave" amid an internal review, the department told late Tuesday evening -- just hours after contacted the agency about new allegations against her. Two more Immigration and Customs Enforcement employees came forward this week to complain about "lewd" conduct inside the agency, submitting sworn affidavits that depict graphic comments made by two top officials working under DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. The affidavits were given as part of a discrimination and retaliation suit filed earlier this year by James T. Hayes Jr., the head of the New York office for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The two new affidavits described separate incidents in 2009. Both ICE page 76


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accounts described the actions of ICE chief of staff Suzanne Barr, who was also mentioned in Hayes' lawsuit. ICE Public Affairs Director Brian Hale said in a written statement that the department would respond "directly and strongly" to the lawsuit in court, but noted internal measures were being taken over the claims against Barr. "ICE has referred these allegations to the DHS Office of Inspector General and the ICE Office of Professional Responsibility for review. Ms. Barr has voluntarily placed herself on leave pending the outcome of this review," ICE Public Affairs Director Brian Hale said in a written statement. In the newly emerging affidavits, one of the employees claimed that in October 2009, while in a discussion about Halloween plans, the individual witnessed Barr turn to a senior ICE employee and say: "You a sexy" (expletive deleted). "She then looked at his crotch and asked, 'How long is it anyway?'" according to the affidavit.

"Several employees laughed nervously," the affidavit said. The names of the workers making the claims have been redacted. The other account recalled a trip to Colombia in late 2009, attended by ICE Director John Morton, Barr and Ray Parmer, who is ICE special agent in charge for Homeland Security Investigations in New Orleans. The account said Parmer and Barr were "drinking heavily" at the house of the deputy chief of mission for the U.S. Embassy there. It said Parmer took the BlackBerry of another employee, Peter Vincent, and sent "lewd messages" to Barr. The affidavit went on to say: "During this party, Suzanne Barr approached me and offered to" perform oral sex. The two accounts were submitted this week to the defense attorney in the case Hayes filed against Napolitano. A DHS spokesman had previously described the allegations in the Hayes suit as "unfounded." Attorney Morris Fischer, who

represents Hayes, told his team is in the process of gathering more evidence. "People are coming out of the woodwork on this because this is such a serious matter and people want to see this agency's mess cleaned up," he said. While Napolitano is named as the sole defendant, Hayes' suit focuses on Barr and Dora Schriro, who joined DHS in February 2009, five months after Hayes was promoted to director of ICE Detention and Removal Operations. Hayes claims Schriro, who was brought on as a special adviser to Napolitano, was not qualified for the job because she lacked law enforcement experience. Hayes maintained Schriro enjoyed a "long-standing relationship" with Napolitano, and soon pushed him aside "because of this relationship (with Napolitano) and because he was not female," the suit says. Schriro previously led the Arizona and Missouri corrections departments. She has since left DHS and now serves as

commissioner for the New York City Department of Correction. Print Email Share Comments Recommend Tweet Related Stories Employee's lawsuit accuses Napolitanos DHS of humiliating men, favoring women Share This Article Newsletter Signup Sign up for free e-mail news alerts from and Newsletter Signup This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Iranian 'Pilgrims' in Syria Revealed to Be Fighters


"armed terrorist group." But U.S. officials, who spoke to Fox News on the condition of anonymity, say these men were This image from a video not on a pilgrimage; rather, they released by the Baraa Brigades were there to offer support for the purports to show Free Syrian Assad regime. Army soldiers guarding a group Defense Secretary Leon Panetta of Iranians captured a day earlier. said Tuesday, "it's obvious Iran is AP playing a larger role in Syria in many ways." Panetta said there is Many of the 48 Iranian men evidence not only that Iranians are captured in Syria on August 4 providing training and assistance who claimed to be religious to the Syrian Army, but that they pilgrims are in fact active-duty are trying to "develop a militia to Iranian Revolutionary Guard be able to fight on behalf of the members, multiple U.S. officials regime." tell Fox News. Panetta described Iran's growing Members of the Free Syrian influence as a "deep concern" for Army captured the group while the United States. t h e y t r a v e l e d o n a b u s i n Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Damascus. Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, said According to these officials, top this Iranian support is further m e m b e r s o f t h e I r a n i a n evidence that the Syrian Army government have reached out to needs help. "The Syrian Army has President Bashar Assad to help been fighting now for about 18 secure their release. The Iranians months or so," Dempsey said. say these men were on a Shiite "Any Army would be taxed at pilgrimage visiting the Sayyida that kind of pace. They are having Zeinab shrine, a holy Shiite site in resupply problems, they are the suburbs of Damascus. having morale problems, they are Syria's state television claimed having the kind of wear and tear the men were captured by an that would come from being in a
Submitted at 8/14/2012 11:57:19 PM

fight for as long as they have." Print Email Share Comments Recommend Tweet Related Video How much longer can Assad hang on in Syria? Related Stories British bank pays $340M to settle probe of Iranian money laundering scheme Panetta: Syria no-fly zone not on front burner Share This Article Newsletter Signup Sign up for free e-mail news alerts from and Newsletter Signup This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Netflix Watch Instantly streaming coming to Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland this year
Richard Lawler (Engadget)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 1:06:00 AM

domination map (after Canada, Latin America and UK & Ireland) although how investors will react Netflix mentioned during its most to the hit expansion makes on its recent earnings call that it had earnings in the short term. identified an attractive European Continue reading Netflix Watch market to launch its streaming Instantly streaming coming to video service in during Q4 2012 Norway, Denmark, Sweden and and now we know where that is: Finland this year Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Filed under: Home Entertainment Finland. There's no word yet on Netflix Watch Instantly pricing or which devices the streaming coming to Norway, service will be available on, but Denmark, Sweden and Finland Nordic viewers can expect the this year originally appeared on usual assortment of movies and Engadget on Wed, 15 Aug 2012 TV shows for a flat rate, with 01:06:00 EDT. Please see our m a n y a v a i l a b l e i n H D a n d terms for use of feeds. Permalink| surround sound. Judging by the Netflix Nordics Blog| Email this| languages of support personnel Comments Netflix was looking for last year, Asia is next on its world



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Thrustmaster unveils Ferrari Vibration GT Cockpit 458 Italia Edition and Ferrari gamepad for Xbox 360, we go hands on
Michael Gorman (Engadget)
Submitted at 8/15/2012 12:01:00 AM

be more precise than those on other available 360 gamepads. The F1 gamepad's up for preIt's been almost a year since order today for $49.99, and the Thrustmaster rolled out its first GT Cockpit can be yours in replica Ferrari 458 Italia racing September for $300. Wanna know wheel and pedal set for Xbox 360, more? Check out our hands (and and the company's finally outed feet)-on impressions after the its successor: the Ferrari Vibration break. GT Cockpit 458 Italia Edition. Gallery: Thrustmaster Ferrari Like its elder, the GT Cockpit has Vibration GT Cockpit 458 Italia an 11.2-inch replica of the Ferrari Edition hands-on 458 Italia's steering wheel, with Continue reading Thrustmaster A,B, X and Y buttons in place of unveils Ferrari Vibration GT turn signals and an Engine Start Cockpit 458 Italia Edition and button that's actually a d-pad. It Ferrari gamepad for Xbox 360, also sports brushed metal paddle we go hands on shifters and 16-bit resolution to Filed under: Gaming ensure a realistic digital driving Thrustmaster unveils Ferrari experience. However, the new your best Stig impersonation. Vibration GT Cockpit 458 Italia controller, with a Ferrari-style wheel is attached to a base Gallery: Post Inject Code white and red paint job (replete Edition and Ferrari gamepad for sporting a pair of stamped steel Thrustmaster Ferrari Vibration with racing sponsor logos), Xbox 360, we go hands on pedals via an adjustable steering GT Cockpit 458 Italia Edition backlit thumbsticks and two rows originally appeared on Engadget column. The whole thing has press shots o f L E D s a t t h e t o p o f t h e on Wed, 15 Aug 2012 00:01:00 metal underpinnings and weighs In addition to the GT Cockpit, c o n t r o l l e r . T h e L E D s a r e EDT. Please see our terms for use 22 pounds to provide stability as Thrustmaster has also outed the programmed to provide visual of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| you virtually race around Sebring G P X L i g h t B a c k F e r r a r i F 1 indicators for engine speed or Comments or Laguna Seca. Plus, it's foldable, Edition Gamepad. It largely looks b a k i n g p o w e r , a n d t h e so you can easily stow it out of like a standard corded 360 thumbsticks have been tweaked to the way when you're not doing

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