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International School Manila Substitute Teacher Handbook August 1, 2011


_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ CORE VALUES Integrity, Service, Merit

MISSION International School Manila is an independent international school whose structure, traditions and style emanate from the United States and whose curriculum and methodology reflect the best in worldwide educational research and practice. Our school is diverse and dynamic, and our students have the highest aspirations for their education and future lives. Our mission is to build a vibrant learning community in which all strive to:


Advance the value of learning, growth and self-awareness as life-long endeavors. Nurture creativity and originality as precursors for critical and reflective thought and action. Succeed collectively as well as individually, achieving our personal best in all aspects of school life. Maintain a healthy balance in the time devoted to work, rest and recreation. Involve our community in sustaining and safeguarding our environment. Interact through honest, respectful and open communication. Acknowledge and celebrate our differences and encourage compassion, understanding and respect for human dignity. Live our lives positively, joyfully and ethically. empathy,

From these powerful words, we derive our School-wide Learning Goals for each student: Inquiring and reflective problem solvers 2) Knowledgeable and skilled learners 3) Effective communicators 4) Self-directed and balanced individuals 5) Responsible, caring and ethical contributors

INTRODUCTION This booklet is a guide for substitute teaching at the International School Manila. You, as a substitute teacher, are a vital part of our school system. It would be extremely difficult for us to operate on a satisfactory basis without substitute teachers. The school requires all substitutes to read this information document before they start any sort of substitution work. The guide may be updated as required. Other informational documents such as school program guides will be provided to substitutes through individual divisions. Should you have any questions related to doing substitution work at the International School Manila please do not hesitate to contact the Human Resource department. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBSTITUTE All subs must be Filipino citizens or must have a visa that permits them to work in the Philippines. Having demonstrated that they are able to work in the Philippines and completed the interview process, candidates for substitute work must submit the following before they are added to the substitution list:


4. 6.


ISM Application Form and Resume At least 2 references Degree and/or Transcripts 4 Pictures (2 x 2) colored photo with white background Authenticated marriage and birth certificate of children and spouse where applicable. Medical Certificate

7. NBI Clearance 8. SSS E-1 Form 9. BIR 1902 Form All Elementary School Substitute Teacher must hold a teaching certification in order to be eligible as a substitute teacher. It is preferred but not required that MS/HS substitute teachers have teaching certifications. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ APPLICATION PROCESS FOR SUBSTITUTE 1. Sub applicants must forward their resumes to Human Resources for review.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Resumes of potential sub candidates will then be forwarded to the appropriate Principal for review. The divisional secretary will schedule the potential candidate for an interview with the appropriate Principal. Once the candidate has been approved, HR will require sub to gather and submit all necessary employment documentation. Once all employment documentation has been submitted, HR will then inform the division that the sub is ready to be contacted.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ PROCEDURE FOR CALLING SUBSTITUTE The substitute list The substitute teacher list is made up according to divisions ES, MS and HS as well as a combination list. Under normal circumstances, substitutes are called to teach only in the fields in which they are qualified. Those substitutes who have indicated only part-time availability are called only for the days they can work. Time for calling substitute teachers Substitute teachers are usually called the morning of the day of substitution, usually between 6:00 and 6:30am. It is important that substitutes personally answer the telephone calls reaching their homes between these times. If at all possible, the same substitute will be asked to fill a continued absence. At times substitution is pre-arranged should the divisions be aware of when the teachers will be out due to scheduled conferences, medical leaves, etc. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ SCHOOL DAY Students Elementary Middle High Teachers: 7:15am 3:00pm 7:15am 3:00pm 7:15am 3:00pm

7:30am 2:15pm 7:30am 2:45pm 7:30am - 2:45pm

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ LENGTH OF ASSIGNMENT Substitutes are called for a definite number of days, a morning, an afternoon, or indefinitely. It is the responsibility of the substitute to be sure he/she gets this information correctly from the school office. If there is any question about the assignment, the substitute should check with the building principal. When a substitute is called, the sub is given the name of the school building, the grade and subject assignment, the name of the absent teacher, and the length of the assignment if this is known. If there is any question about the assignment, the substitute should contact the person who called them. Substitutes are subject to the same rules as regular teachers regarding tardiness. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _

SUBSTITUTE SALARY Salary Sub salaries are subject to review by the Superintendent and the HR Director on a yearly basis. If a substitute serves more than 11 continuous days for the same teacher, a substitute will be paid at the approved substitute rate during standard payroll periods. Placement on the professional salary scale will be determined by the Human Resource Department. Payroll Subs are paid for either half-day or full day. Once a Sub Form (see Appendix A) has been completed by the division Principal the employee shall forward it to the cashiers office for payment. All salaries are net of tax and are inclusive of government mandated benefits and 13mth pay. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE REGULAR TEACHER FOR THE SUBSTITUTE Except in an unplanned absence, the regular classroom teacher should supply the following for the substitute:

Clear and concise directions regarding each lesson plan. Materials necessary to teach lesson plans Specific directions on assignments/homework (due dates and grading) Class schedule and teacher schedule when it deviates from the class Class listing Name of nearby teachers who can be of assistance Name of program leader

If you are substituting for an unplanned absence, the classroom teacher may not have had an opportunity to prepare all the above listed information. If you have questions or need additional information in order to adequately carry out classroom lesson plans or procedures, contact the school principal as soon as possible. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SUBSTITUTE

Sign in at the office of the division where you are substituting Be at school 30 minutes before class starts (unless you were given late notice of the substitute assignment). Review and adhere to the teaching tasks outlined in the lesson plans. Follow the daily schedule no early release. Complete a written overview at the end of the day for the teacher on leave and leave it in the classroom together with the lesson plans.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Please read the relevant Student Handbook from each ISM division, regarding student behavior expectations. These handbooks provide brief philosophical statements about student behavior and more detailed information about students rights, their responsibilities and the consequences for infractions of the Code of Behavior. All teachers are expected to uphold and enforce these simple regulations and expectations. As a substitute teacher at ISM, you are expected in the first instance, to use your initiative to deal with behavioral problems. Experience tells us that when a substitute teacher can deal with minor classroom issues on their own then greater trust and respect is established. A substitute teacher will gain student trust and respect and be confident in their teaching if they come to class well organized and prepared. He/she can achieve this by: being on time, being patient, being honest, having a sense of humor, being enthusiastic, and by carrying out the lesson plan according to the instructions.

It is very important that the substitute teacher follows ISMs clear and reasonable student expectations and holds students accountable in meeting these expectations. Substitute teachers should aim to: Create classroom climates which encourage and expect positive behavior. Deal with minor infractions. If necessary refer students to the guidance counselor for welfare issues. Seek guidance from the Grade Level Coordinator, or Program Leader as needed, and in the case of more serious discipline issues, refer to the divisional Assistant Principal/Principal.

These guidelines also refer to areas outside the classroom, and with students whom you do not teach. Foe example if you see or suspect inappropriate behavior in the halls, cafeteria, theaters or other public areas, it is expected that you will intervene. In any event if you feel that the violation warrants further action, or are uncomfortable dealing with a particular situation, please report the incident to the Principal or Assistant Principal as soon as is practically possible. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ LEAVING THE BUILDING Substitutes are required to be on campus for the duration of their substitution day. In the rare event that you may need to leave campus during the day you must inform the divisional office. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ APPROPRIATE DRESS All employees at ISM are representatives of the school and should dress in a manner that reflects a positive and professional image. Jeans and other informal fashions are unacceptable. Teachers of PE may, of course, wear clothing in keeping with the nature of their classes. We ask that all employees observe good habits of grooming and personal hygiene _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICY Access to telecommunications, network services and its contents are authorized for legitimate ISM business purposes only. All employees are expected to use discretion, good judgment and common sense and to conduct themselves morally and professionally in using, accessing and transmitting school-related Information and Technology data and services. Any person who infringes this policy may be subjected to disciplinary action. a. By definition, the IT Director will have access to all files on all computers and systems. Please do not store personal and confidential files on computers. b. All ISM students and employees will be responsible for safeguarding the data and services being offered by the school. They will likewise be responsible in safeguarding their account password and accesses. Any attempt to compromise account passwords is prohibited. Unauthorized mass mailing is always prohibited. Any attempt to forge and/or tamper ISMs on-line and network systems is also prohibited. NO individual shall attempt and/or intentionally cause damage to any equipment or software belonging to International school. Installing any software or systems, unauthorized by the school is likewise prohibited. In addition, below are samples of conduct that will not be tolerated including, without limitation:

Tampering and attempt to tamper or remove any hardware or software from any IS owned or leased system or equipment Deleting, renaming, moving , copying or changing any files or its properties , other than their own files Change and attempt to change passwords other than their own Intentionally impersonating someone else and/or misinterpreting you through the use of anothers email account, computer or other international school asset. Using other accounts to distribute or access inappropriate materials Intentionally bypassing the user-security mechanisms of the network and mail system without authorization

c. Information Technology resources may not be used for accessing, viewing, posting, downloading, storing, transmitting, sharing, printing, distribution or solicitation of any information or material, graphical or plain from any source that the school deems pornographic, obscene, abusive or otherwise offensive or inappropriate for the school system. This policy will apply to any activities occurring within the schools premises or at any school-sponsored event. This policy also applies to any activity involving the use of school-owned or leased property including but will not be limited to laptops, PCs, network systems, email, internet access and intranet access. Any person who infringes this policy may be subjected to disciplinary action. d. Employees are responsible for reading their emails regularly and reporting to IT all concerns. e. Use of the school email account may give the appearance that in so doing the employee is representing ISM Utmost care and discretion should be exercised when using these on-line services. These Guidelines should always be followed. Be Polite. Abusive or derogatory words and messages are prohibited Do not reveal information about you or other individuals Do not use on-line systems to harass, intimidate or threaten any person or organization. Communications intended for internal use should not be forwarded. Protect and help protect copyright laws. Do not support illegal copying, distribution and use of pirated software whether this is in the data form, audio files and /or any video files.

f. ISM reserves the right to monitor and if necessary, block access and services to internal and external sites it considers unproductive, pornographic and/or any other sites and/or services it deems unfit for the school.

Social Networking Acceptable Use Policy Maintaining professional boundaries in all forms of communication, technology related or not, is vital to maintaining the public trust and appropriate professional relationships with students.1 When using new technologies, we enjoy exciting ways to work and communicate; nevertheless we must also be extremely careful in maintaining a caring community that supports the educational, social and emotional growth of all its members. In using social networks, students, faculty, staff and parents should observe the same social conventions that our community uses at school or out of school. In case questions or concerns arise, the appropriate school personnel should be consulted.2 Friending Students When a teacher and a student become friends in an online environment, the dynamic between them is forever changed. An invisible line between professional and personal is crossed, which can lead to strictly forbidden informal conversations. 3. Teachers must decline student-initiated friend requests, and never
1 2

Ontario College of Teachers: Professional Advisory Use of Electronic Communication and Social Media Friends Seminary: 3 Digital Life on Today:

initiate a friend request with a student on any personal social networking site. Teachers may not therefore have any current ISM student as a friend on any social networking site. Professional Social Networks There is no doubt that the use of social networking sites has great potential in getting messages over to students both in terms of speed and volume of students reached. For this reason, faculty and staff may use social networking sites as a one-way professional communication tool. For example, a Facebook Group may be established (e.g. ISM High School Guidance) through which information may be posted on the Groups Wall finding its way to the students who have connected their personal Facebook account with this professional ISM group page. The information posted on these professional ISM group pages is a reflection of ISM as an institution and therefore must be administered only by a member of the ISM faculty students may not be registered as owners, co-owners, or contributors. Accessibility Social networking sites will be inaccessible for students using the ISM internet server. The use of proxy servers to bypass this restriction is forbidden. Teachers may use Facebook and/or other social networking sites during school hours for professional purposes only (i.e. for professional group pages described above) but may not use these sites for personal use. Professionalism Faculty who have their own personal Facebook (or other social networking) accounts MUST maintain a level of professionalism conducive with the professional expectations of an ISM teacher. Teachers may NOT use their personal Facebook accounts to communicate about the school, their colleagues, students, parents or other members of the wider ISM community in a manner which may bring their own reputation and/or the reputation of the school into disrepute. Important questions to ask yourself: When interacting with students electronically am I using electronic communication and social media to enhance their learning or to satisfy a personal need? What are my reasons for sharing this information with a student are they professional or are they personal? Is this picture or comment something I would be comfortable with my students, their parents/guardians, my supervisor, my family or the media seeing? Would my peers or supervisors consider what I have posted as reasonable and professional? Would I communicate this way in my community? Are the photos, videos or audio recordings I am posting susceptible to misrepresentation or manipulation? Am I keeping current in my awareness and knowledge of social media technology developments to protect myself from misuse? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ TUTORING Private tutoring of students studying at ISM must not take place on campus. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ RESPONSE TO AN EMERGENCY Substitute teachers should familiarize themselves as soon as they enter the classroom of the Emergency Response Card located in each classroom. The card maps out the proper response to specific emergencies. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ HOW TO SUB AS MANY DAYS AS POSSIBLE Accept jobs as often as possible Be on time in the morning and for each class period. Always check in at department office with secretary in charge of subs. Be cheerful, pleasant and ready to assist in any way you are needed.

Follow through with all instructions left by classroom teacher Follow lesson plans left by the teacher Start students working promptly and let them know you are in charge. Follow class schedule Leave clear, complete notes for teacher Compile information/papers submitted by students for teacher. If you had a particular problem, inform the principal or secretary before you leave.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ USEFUL RESOURCES

ISM Website Divisional Program Guides Divisional Student Handbook / planner Divisional Substitute Folder

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ APPENDIX A SUBSTITUTION FORM DATE: ___________________ T O: CASHIER Please pay __________________________________ for subbing in the following departments: (SUBSTITUTES NAME) Department Teacher Subject Principals Signature

Partial Day (P1,500) PAYMENT RECEIVED BY: __________________________________ SUBSTITUTES SIGNATURE

Full Day (P3,000)

* Rates are net of tax and inclusive of government mandated benefits (SSS, Philhealth, Pag-ibig & 13th month pay). ** Substitutes shall not be paid over Php3,000.00 a day, and no more than one form per day shall be completed.


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