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MODULE 3 (of 30)

Sponsored by Try to guess the meanings of the power verbs highlighted in the following twelve sentences. The definitions are given below.
1. He importuned his parents for extra pocket money. 2. We are not sure what their business is but we may surmise it is smuggling. 3. They have done everything possible to thwart our progress. 4. He has derided the beliefs of all his friends. 5. The orator fulminated against the policies of the government. 6. He pontificates at length on moral issues. 7. The new access road will facilitate the free flow of traffic. 8. The rules stipulate that all competitors start at the same time. 9. The journalist impugned the politician's denials. 10. They used the threat of violence to coerce their neighbours into supporting them. 11. I shall not pursue these points further for fear of digressing too far from my main theme. 12. She studied conscientiously in order to emulate her successful forbears. importune - to solicit (a person) pressingly; to request earnestly. surmise - infer doubtfully or conjecturally; conjecture, guess. thwart - frustrate or foil (a person or purpose etc.). deride - laugh scornfully at; ridicule. fulminate - thunder forth, utter or publish (censure), issue censures against; express censure loudly and forcefully. pontificate - act or speak pompously or dogmatically; pretend to be infallible. facilitate - make easy, promote, help forward (action or result. stipulate - require or insist upon as essential condition. coerce - constrain into obedience etc.; use force, secure by force. impugn - assail by word, call in question (statement, action). digress - diverge from the track, stray; depart from main subject temporarily in speech or in writing. emulate - try to equal or excel; imitate zealously. Google's photo software. It's what should've come with your camera. Referring to the list above only where necessary, write the appropriate verb beside its definition. 1. They lay down certain conditions. They ........................ 2. He tries to match his father's achievements. He tries to ................. him. 3. They beg people for money. They ........................ them for money. 4. They sent troops to foil the uprising. They sent troops to ............. the uprising. 5. He speaks in a dogmatic manner. He .............................. 6. They question our motives. They ................... them. 7. They make things easy for us. They ................. us. 8. She can only guess what might have happened. She can only ................ 9. He mocks our efforts. He ............... them. 10. She is straying from the main story. She is ............................ 11. He expresses censure loudly and forcefully. He ........................ 12. He uses the threat of violence to make someone do something. He .................... him, her.


1 - stipulate; 2 - emulate; 3 - importune; 4 - thwart; 5 - pontificates; 6 - impugn; 7 - facilitate; 8 - surmise; 9 - derides; 10 - digressing; 11 - fulminates ; 12 - coerces. If you are still unsure of the meanings of todays twelve verbs, read over the following definitions before completing the final exercise below. importune - to request earnestly; demand. surmise - guess. thwart - hinder. deride - jeer, ridicule. fulminate - express censure loudly and forcefully. pontificate - act or speak dogmatically. facilitate - help forward (action or result). stipulate - require or insist upon as essential condition. coerce - secure by force, compel. impugn - call in question (statement, action); criticize. digress - deviate, stray. emulate - try to equal or excel. In the column on the right are twelve dictionary definitions of the words dealt with today. Try to match each word with its definition.

1. ...................................... demand or specify as part of an agreement. 2. ...................................... guess. 3. .......................................try to equal; imitate zealously. 4. ...................................... besiege, entreat. 5. ...................................... force, compel. 6. ...................................... foil, hinder. 7. ...................................... preach, be dogmatic. 8. ...................................... jeer, mock. 9. ...................................... ease, help, promote. 10. ...................................... challenge or call in question. 11. ..................................... stray, deviate. 12. ...................................... thunder, rail against. ANSWERS
1 - stipulate; 2 - surmise; 3 - emulate; 4 - importune; 5 - coerce; 6 - thwart; 7 - pontificate; 8 - deride; 9 - facilitate; 10 - impugn; 11 - digress; 12 - fulminate. Copyright 2002-2005 Assignments Plus Publications Ltd

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