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Bien so n: LE NGOC THACH


Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

PH N I: C U TRC THI HKI-L P 10 NM H C 2011-2012

Multiple choice questions Sound 2 Stress 2 Vocabulary 5 Speaking 3 Unit: 2, 5, 6 Grammar 6 - to V/ V-ing (Unit 2) - Wh-questions (Unit 2) - past perfect/past simple(Unit 3) - Connector: Which (Unit 4) - present progressive/be going to (Unit 6) - because of/ in spite of (Unit 7) Error 3 - the + adjective (Unit 4) identification - because/ because of (Unit 7) - If sentence: Type 1 (Unit 8) Sentence 2 - present perfect ---> past simple transformation (Unit 7) - because/ although ---> because of/ in spite of (Unit 7) Reading 5 Unit: 3, 4, 7 Total 28 0.25 mark/ 1 sentence (7 marks) Writing 1. Word form (Noun/ Verb/ Adjective/ Adverb) 1. after/ before (Unit 3) 1. used to (Unit 4) 1. Relative pronoun(Unit 5) 1. Present perfect passive (Unit 5) 1. Reported speech (Unit 8)

6 (0.5 mark/1: 3 marks)


A. WORD FORM Verb Noun readiness satisfy satisfaction disappoint interest inform educate act frighten Adjective ready satisfied satisfying disappointment disappointed disappointing interest interested interesting information informative education educational action active activity fright frightened frightening Adverb readily Meaning

disappointedly disappointingly interestingly informatively educationally actively

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach



die calculate

appear interview

oppose believe demonstrate develop describe


decide exhibit

entertainment health safety professor profession expression comfort nation nationality science scientist difficulty difference tragedy death calculation ambition intelligence appearance interviewer interviewee romance speciality specialization disability opposition belief demonstration development importance description humor happiness examinee examiner examination photograph photographer decision exhibition

entertaining healthy safe professional comfortable national scientific difficult different tragic dead ambitious intelligent interviewable romantic special disabled

entertainingly healthily safely professionally comfortably


tragically deadly ambitiously



important descriptive humorous happy

descriptively humorously happily

photography photographic decisive


Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

peace advetise advetisement complain complaint technology prepare preparation magic accuracy interact interaction communicate communicator communication invent invention participate participant participation help help use use instruct instruction suggest suggestion form formation anxiety permit permission space develop development health fun memory popularity responsibility village villager shortage live life improve improvement discuss discussion mud crowd destroy destruction direct direction ability employ employer employee



technical preparatory magical accurate interactive

technically preparatorily magically interactively

helpful useful

helpfully usefully

anxious spacious healthy funny memorable popular responsible

anxiously spaciously healthily




muddy crowded destructive able


Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

EXERCISES ON WORD FORM I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 1. The computer was the most wonderful__________in the 20th century. A. invention B. invented C. inventing D. invent 2. The computer can manage large_________of data. A. collections B. collection C. collect D. collecting 3. She sings________. She is famous for her voice. A. beauty B. beautify C. beautiful D. beautifully 4. For further ______ on the computer programs, please contact us at this address. A. inform B. informative C. information D. informative 5. The telephone is considered to be one of the most useful ______ achievements. A. science B. scientific C. scientist D. scientifically 6. A person who is more beautiful in photographs is said to be _________ A. photography B. photograph C. photographic D. photogenic 7. I spent two weeks on my uncle's-farm and felt better when enjoying the ________ climate there. A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. healthiness 8. Marie Curie harbored the dream of a _________career which was impossible for a woman at that time. A. science B. scientific C. scientist D. scientifically 9. I have been fascinated by _________ since I was at secondary school. A. photograph B. photographic C. photographer D. photography 10. Martha Thomas was an American educator who stood for equal _________ rights for women. A. educated B. educational C. educating D. educationally 11. Could you please tell me the _____ time when the meeting begins? A. exact B. exactly C. exactness D. exacting 12. At last the explorers had to stop their journey because of________rain. A. continue B. continuous C. continuing D. continuously 13. Her good ______ for the test resulted in the fact that she got the bets grade. A. prepare B. preparer C. preparation D. preparedly 14. I had applied for the position, and the _______ promised to offer it to me. A. employ B. employer C. employee D. employment 15. We all admire his _____ knowledge of chemistry. A. special B. specialize C. specialized D. specialization 16. Vaccinating is the best_____of some certain infectious diseases. A. prevent B. prevention C. preventing D. presenter 17. Everybody shows their deepest sympathy on the ______ of the flood victims. A. die B. death C. dead D. dying 18. "It's a _____ of architecture". The man said to his friends. A. miracle B. miracles C. miraculous D. miraculously

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

19. Disabled children with special _______ needs are taken good care to develop both mentally and physically. A. educate B. education C. educator D. educational 20. Is it OK if we meet at 9 o'clock? Is the time______for you? A. convenience B. convenient C. conveniently D. inconveniently 21. With your kind_______, I am going to see you "tomorrow and have an interview about the new project that you are carrying out. A. permit B. permission C. permissive D. permissively 22. Children should be brought up under their parents'________. A. protect B. protective C. protector D. protection 23. The mother put her arms around her child in a_______gesture. A. protect B. protection C. protective D. protecting 24. We always drive more _______at night. A. care B. careful C. carefully D. carelessness 25. They sometimes are not in_____with their colleagues. A. agree B. agreeing C. agreement D. agreeable 26. Although our grandfather passed away years ago; his________ always remains with us. A. memory B. memorable C. memorably D. memorialize 27. If you use media_______, you car. get remarkable results A. effect B. effective C. effectively D. effectiveness 28. Up to now, they have not made a_________yet. A. decide B. decider C. decision D. decidedly 29. Primary ______ is very important. A. educate B. educator C. education D. educational 30. Not all of the films shown on TV are_______enough to see through. A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement II. Write the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. They are keeping her in the office for her own (safe) . 2. Disabled children with special (educate)..needs are taken good care to develop. 3. You should read . books and magazines (educate). 4. The girl felt quite (satisfy) ..with her exam results. 5. Please write your name, age and (occupy) . on the form. 6. I never feel very (comfort) in my employers presence. 7. They landed (safe) after a long adventure. 8. Do you see the (satisfy) .of customers? 9. A (science) career is not only a duty, it is also an opportunity. 10. One of factors which leads to her success is working (science) . 11. She loved to be a (science) ....when she was young. 12. Her fathers (die) was the shock to the whole company.

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

13. She must have thought carefully to come to a (determine) . 14. Easing human (suffer). was Marie Curies real joy. 15. Peters brother died (tragic)..after coming back from London. 16. They entered the area without (permit) _______________ 17. He have been fascinated by (photograph) __________________ ever since. 18. The teacher continued the (demonstrate) ________________ until the children realised they had just learned how to add and subtract. 19. There was a lot of (oppose) ______________ from the parents of the children. 20. They are having their first (exhibit) _______________ of their photographs. 21. Watching Thuy taking a class, one can see how time-(consume) ____________ the work is. 22. The members of the club are the (mental) ______________retarded children 23. Her biggest dream is to become a professional (photograph) ______________. 24. Her (anxious)_______________was so great that she broke a glass. 25. We're reading a (difference)_______________ book this week. 26. Theres a problem with the (electric)______________. 27. This theory is no longer (wide)______________ accepted. 28. How can we display this data in a (use)____________ form? 29. We have to save water to avoid the (short)____________of water in dry season. 30. He cant walk easily. He is (able) ______________. 32. Local (entertain) ________________ are listed in the newspaper. 33. Many of the performers were very (profession) ________________. 34. There is no (science) ____________ explanation for what happened. 35. Have you seen the Picasso (exhibit)______________? 36. The media was accused of influencing the final (decide) ______________ 37. The lelevision isnt working (proper) ________________ 38. There is no new cure but the (ill) ______________ can be treated. 39. We need to be more (science) ______________ about this problem. 40. Patient education is (importance) _______________ to minimize the risk of a second heart attack. B. PRONUNCIATION Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1. A. heat B. scream C. meat D. dead 2. A. miss B. little C. child D. listen 3. A. frightening B. brigade C. pilot D. fire 4. A. tease B. beat C. break D. lead 5. A. subject B. just C. put D. discuss 6. A. passage B. message C. page D. language 7. A. mat B. bag C. had D. classmate

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

8. A. make B. made C. date D. dad 9. A. determine B. professor C. education D. remember 10. A. deaf B. teach C. read D. sleep 11. A. doctor B. hospital C. sport D. tomorrow 12. A. loose B. choose C. book D. school 13. A. early B. weather C. church D. work 14. A. still B. night C. Friday D. life 15. A. found B. house C. cloudy D. fought Choose the word whose primary stress is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. water B. peasant C. farming D. alarm 2. A. purchase B. practice C. begin D. question 3. A. conversation B. entertainment C. appropriate D. information 4. A. polite B. party C. dancing D. center 5. A. narrow B. language C. traffic D. correct 6. A. apology B. geography C. experience D. preparation 7. A. enjoy B. suffer C. study D. differ 8. A. serious B. frightening C. interesting D. contented 9. A. husband B. children C. award D. local 10. A. mature B. tragic C. married D. private 11. A. organize B. determine C. develop D. exhibit 12. A. physical B. mysterious C. personal D. magical 13. A. impossible B. geography C. information D. convenience 14. A. media B. theater C. radio D. recommend 15. A. proper B. better C. money D. enough C. VOCABULARY Choose the best answer to complete each sentence or replace the underlined words or phrases. 1. We had a nice chat over a cup of tea. A. formal talk B. informal talk C. serious talk D. long talk 2. She can _________ four foreign languages. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk 3. I like________best because I enjoy working with numbers. A. literature B. maths C. biology D. geography 4. _______ is the scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals. A. Physics B. History C. Geography D. Biology 5. She is interested in teaching _______ because she loves working with children. A. semester B. communication C. work D. profession 6. She was disappointed to fail in two of her four ___________ . A. schools B. classes C. lessons D. subjects

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

7. English is an international __________ . A. language B. means C. subject D. profession 8. She is a_________student. She has a fully developed mind. A. old B. young C. mature D. middle 9. There are two__________ in a school year in Vietnam. A. periods B. semesters C. stages D. parts 10. Computer models help to determine whether a particular area is likely to flood. A. make up B. find out C. take over D. put up 11. He behaved like an adult. I think he is more __________ than the other boys at his class. A. intelligent B. mature C. ambitious D. developed 12. To communicate fluently in English, we have to spend a lot of time practicing. It is a _________ work. A. time-consuming B. time-bargain C. time-saving D. time-limit 13. They are good friends. They often share their common joy and sorrow. A. fun B. happiness C. gift D. sadness 14. In spite of her deafness, she played the violin very well. A. inability to speak B. inability to see C. inability to hear D. mentally impairment 15. _________ is the physical part of the computer system. A. Software B. Hardware C. Sportswear D. Footwear 16. The Internet helps us link with each other easily and quickly. A. relax B. allow C. request D. interact 17. What makes computer a miraculous device? A. strange B. powerful C. magical D. excellent 18. On the first day of the New Year, many Vietnamese people are used to going to _________ to pray for good fortune during the year. A. market B. supermarket C. pagoda D. cave 19. Vung Tau is one of the leading east coast resorts of Vietnam. A. places where people go on holiday B. places where people have medical tests C. places where people go on business D. places where people learn foreign languages 20. We use a ________ to break up the earth and plant the seeds. A. car .B. plough C. dog D. land 21. She has the habit of drinking .. after every meal. A. cup of tea B. a cup of tea C. a tea cup D. a cup for tea 22. This school is from most others. A. same B. special C. different D. similar 23. Hes a lot of subjects this semster. A. getting B. taking C. doing D. setting

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

24. The are those who do not have a job. A. injured B. sick C. unemployed D. rich 25. You can change the TV chanels with this control. A. far B. remote C. standby D. special 26. A is a film or a radio or television program giving facts about something. A. documentary B. comedy C. cartoon D. news 27. John isn't contented with his present salary. A. excited about B. satisfied with C. disappointed about D. interested in 28. Most people start to lose their memory as they get older. A. ability to remember B. ability to impress C. feeling of admiration D. ability to affect 29. Computer models help to determine whether a particular area is likely to flood. A. make up B. find out C. take over D. put up 30. Jane is always determined to do anything she wants. She's a....................woman. A. ambitious B. strong-willed C. brilliant D. humane 31. He behaved like an adult. I think he is more.................... than the other boys at his class. A. intelligent B. mature C. ambitious D. developed 32. Some of the more time consuming jobs can now be done by machines. A. taking much time B. taking. little time C. odd D. not affected by time 33. He has not developed mentally as much as others at the same age. He's. A. mentally ill B. mentally retarded C. mentally alert D. mentally restricted 34. The President expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths. A. regret B. anger C. sadness D. passion 35. Computer is a ......................... typewriter. A. convenient B. magical C. appropriate D. informative 36. We were really impressed by the scenic splendors of the Rocky Mountains. A. in a strange or mysterious way B. having beautiful natural scenery C. very impressive and good D. new and interesting 37. Please ........ your phone card in the slot before pressing the number you require. A. insert B. operate C. plug D. adjust 38. .............. is used for making exact copies of documents. A. Computer B. Printer C. Photocopier D. Camcorder 39. He did finally come with us, although it took a long time to...................him. A. believe B. permit C. persuade D. take 40. a film with factual information, often about a problem in society. A. series B. soap opera C. documentary D. drama 41. She harboured the thought of being a member in the Parliament to struggle for women's rights. A. keep in mind B. determined C. passed D. took charge of

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

42. a system connecting millions of computer worldwide. A. The television B. The Internet C. The media D. The phone 43. Last year we had a bumper crop of strawberries. A. large crop B. poor crop C. early crop D. record crop 44. Most of the roads in the city have been ...................recently. A. replaced B. resurfaced C. removed D. returned 45. The deaf and dumb use sign language to .................... A. communicate B. calculate C. compute D. control 46. His mother's death is the greatest ................ event that she will never get rid of. A. successful B. comic C. brilliant D. tragic 47. Her suggestion met with strong ................... . Her workmates did not agree with her to some things. A. opposition B. determination C. condition D. consumption 48. ................... is a short journey made by a group of people together for pleasure. A. An adventure B. An exploration C. An excursion D. A voyage 49. Have you ever ................... a night together by a campfire? A. made B. spent C. sent D. taken 50. Football is the most enjoyable game in many countries. Its is greater than any other games. A. awareness B. communication C. interference D. popularity D. GRAMMAR Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence. 1. _________ do you like learning best at school? A. How B. Whose C. What D. Who 2. _______ Peter leave for London? - Two weeks ago. A. Why has B. When did C. Where will D. What did 3. _______ do you have an English lesson? - Three times a week. A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How many 4. ________can you jog? - About 5 kilometers. A. How far B. How long C. For how many D. How often 5. Now Nam has got a car. He__________a motor-cycle. A. uses to drive B. used to driving C. used to drive D. uses to driving 6. A deaf person is the one____________is not able to hear. A. which B. whose C. who D. whom 7. Now there's only one shop in the village but there________three. A. use to having B. use to have C. used to having D. used to have 8. A doctor is someone________looks after people's health. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose 9. Where is the book__________he gave you on your birthday? A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

10. The sale manager has just received a letter of complaint from a customer _____ bought a digital watch. A. which B. whom C. who D. from that 11. Eleven houses__________in my village this year. A. had just been sold B. have just sold C. has just been sold D. have just been sold 12. It rained all the time, _________ was a great pity. A. that B. what C. which D. who 13. We have been friends_________ years. A. since B. from C. during D. for 14. The street is very noisy, ___________ makes sleeping difficult. A. that B. what C. which D. it 15. Marie, __________ I met at the party, called me last night. A. that B. who C. which D. whose 16. We_________at 10 o'clock tonight. A. meet B. will meet C. met D. are meeting 17. I think he _________to Ho Chi Minh City for a holiday. A. will flying B. is going to fly C. fly D. is flying 18. In spite of _________, he has no intention to give up smoking. A. his bad cough B. he coughs badly C. it is his bad cough D. his badly cough 19. ___________ all my warnings, he tried to fix the computer himself. A. Although B. In spite of C. Because D. Instead of 20. If I _________ the bus this afternoon, I'll get a taxi instead. A. miss B. will miss C. missed D. had missed 21. If you this switch, the computer on. A. press/comes B. will press/comes C. press/can come D. have pressed/will come 22. My mother said my study results the year before. A. I am satisfied with B. she is satisfied with C. she had been satisfied with D. she would be satisfied with 23. Binh to England to visit one of her cousins at the end of this month. A. went B. has gone C. goes D. is going 24. Would you like with me to night? A. going out B. go out C. to go out D. to be going out 25. - . did you go yesterday? I went to the post office. A. Where B. What C. When D. Why 26. In spite of up late, she got up early the next morning. A. staying B. to stay C. Mary stay D. stay 27. It was impossible .... his room. The door was locked. A. enters B. to enter C. entering D. entered 28. his lack of time, he watches football every Sunday.

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

A. Although B. Because C. In spite of D. Because of 29. she was absent from school yesterday, she couldnt understand the lesson. A. Despite B. Because of C. As D. Because 30. She cant get home .. she has no money. A. if B. unless C. until D. without 31. We have lived in this town fifteen years. A. since B. before C. last .D. for 32. She told him she the film. A. saw already B. have just seen C. had seen D. already seen 33. playing the guitar very softly, Tom woke his parents up. A. Because B. Although C. Because of D. In spite of 34. He cant walk his leg was broken. A. Because B. Although C. Because of D. In spite of 35. A teacher is a person gives lessons to the students. A. whom B. who C. that D. Both A and C 36. If he harder, the results will be better. A. work B. works C. has work D. will work 37. Mary is interested in .. Vietnamese. A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. leant 38. Hes always late for class, annoys the teacher. A. which B. that C. what D. who 39. We havent seen each other we left school. A. for B. before C. after D. since 40. I finished ..........................the book and went to bed A. reading B. to read C. read D. to be read 41. My teacher always expected me .........................well in exams A. do B. doing C. to do D. to have done 42. He agreed...................the job as soon as possible. A. start B. starting C. to start D. to be started. 43. Would you like......................somewhere for a rest? A. going B. to go C. go D. to be gone 44. Just keep on.................what you like. A. do B. did C. doing D. done 45. Before Jennifer won the lottery, she..............any kind of contest. A. hasn't entered B. doesn't enter C. wasn't entering D. hadn't entered 46. The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he............. before. A. hasn't flown B. didn't fly C. hadn't flown D. wasn't flying 47. Karen didn't want to come to the cinema with us because she ............. the film. A. has already seen B. already had seen C. had already seen D. saw 48. The government is doing nothing to help....................... A. the poor people B. the poor ones C. the poor D. the pours

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

49. My parents .................. tomorrow to stay with me for a few days. A. come B. will have come C. are comming D. came 50. 'We're having a party at the weekend' 'Great! Who........................ A. will being invited B. is going to invite . C. is going to be invited D. will invite 51. 'Are Alice and Tom still living in New York? "No, Dallas,' A. are moving B. had already moved C. have just moved D. will moved 52. 'I took the TOEFL. It was really hard.' ............... a lot before you took it? A. Have you studied B. Did you study C. Had you studied D. Do you study 53. 'We're still looking for Mark.' 'Hasn't he .................. vet?' A. been found B. been finding C. being found D. found 54. I've lived in a small house near the coast.................1990. A. from B. since C. in D. for 55. We'll have to go without John if he.................. soon. A. won't arrive B. will arrive C. arrives D. doesn't arrive 56. If I make some coffee, ..........the cake? A. do you cut B. will you cut C. are you cutting D. don't you cut 57. I'd like.................... somewhere different for a change. A. to go B. going C. go D. to have gone 58. It takes me about three hours the report. A. complete B. to complete C. completing D. completed 59. I often go to .work early to avoid in the rush hour. A. drive B. to drive C. driving D. drove 60. By the time we at the hall, the lecturer half of his speech. A. will arrive/made B. arrived/had made C. had arrived/made D. arrive/is making E. ERROR IDENTIFICATION Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 1. I decided changing jobs because my boss makes me work overtime A B C D 2. What subjects do students to study at secondary school? A B C D 3. Why you call me so late last night? A B C D 4. A dumb is a person whom cannot speak. A B C D 5. The young has the future in their hands. A B C D 6. Keep walk until you see the bank ahead of you. A B C D

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

7. Lake Superior, that lies on the US Canadian border, is the largest lake in North A B C D America. 8. They have had it since three months. A B C D 9. She couldn't come in time because of she missed the bus. A B C D 10. If I have to fly, I would get very nervous, so I usually drive. A B C D 11. Before she became a film star, she has been a stand up comedian. A B C D 12. If I will have to make a difficult decision, I always discuss it with my friends. A B C D 13. We didnt like the Club because the poor quanlity of its service. A B C D 14. Because a pain in his left leg, he walked very slowly. A B C D 15. Our lifestyle changed since running water came to our village. A B C D 16. The road used to be narrow in the past but now it has widened. A B C D 17. The air in the surburb is fresh because of there is no traffic. A B C D 18. I like the present whom you gave me on my birthday. A B C D 19. If the weather is fine today, we would go to the beach. A B C D 20. After Tom had finished doing his homework, he had gone to bed. A B C D F. SENTENCE TRANSFORATION Choose ONE sentence that is closest in meaning with the original one. 1. He has not had his hair cut for over 3 months. A. It is over 3 months since he last cut his hair. B. It is over 3 months since he has ever cut his hair. C. It is over 3 months since he last had his cut air. D. It is over 3 months since he last had his hair cut. 2. He has done this business for 20 years. A. He started doing this business for 20 years. B. He has started doing this business for 20 years. C. He started doing this business 20 years ago. D. He started doing this business for 20 years ago.

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

3. John has played football for 10 years. A. John began to play football 10 years ago. B. John began to playing football 10 years ago. C. John has been played football for 10 years. D. John began playing football for 10 years ago. 4. We have been cooking for the party for four hours. A. We didnt start cooking for the party until four. B. We started cooking for the party four hours ago. C. We have four cooks for the party. D. We have been starting to cook for the party for four hours. 5. I havent written to her for two years. A. I didnt write to her two years ago. B. It is two years ago since I wrote to her. C. The last time I wrote to her for two years ago. D. The last time I wrote to her was two years ago. 6. They have worked as porters since 1999. A. They began to work as porters in 1999. B. They worked as porters in 1999. C. They did not work as porters in 1999. D. They do not work as porters from 1999 up to now. 7. I havent visited the museum for three months. A. It is three months since I visited the museum. B. I didnt visit the museum three months ago. C. The last time I visited the museum was three months ago. D. A and C are correct. 8. I havent seen her for 3 weeks. A. I havent seen her since 3 weeks. B. She was seen for 3 weeks. C. Its 3 weeks since I last saw her. D. Its 3 weeks before I last saw her. 9. They havent seen their parents for five years. A. Its five years since they last saw their parents. B. Their parents have seen them for five years. C. They saw their parents five years ago. D. A & C are correct. 10. Although Tom took a taxi, he was still late for the party. A. In spite of Tom took a taxi, he was still late for the party. B. Tom was still late for the party in spite of taking a taxi. C. Despite took a taxi, Tom was still late for the party. D. B & C are correct. 11. Although he is rich, he feels unhappy. A. He feels unhappy because of his richness. B. He feels unhappy, so he is rich.

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Le Ngoc Thach

C. Despite his richness, he feels unhappy. D. He feels unhappy because he is rich. 12. Although he has a good job, he isnt happy in his job. A. In spite of having a good job, he isnt happy in his job. B. Despite the fact having a good job, he isnt happy in his job. C. He isnt happy in his job because he doesnt have a good job. D. He isnt happy in his job in spite of he doesnt have a good job. 13. Though he tried hard, he didnt succeed. A. Despite he tried hard, he didnt succeed. B. In spite of he tried hard, he didnt succeed. C. In spite of trying hard, he didnt succeed. D. Even though he tried hard, but he didnt succeed. 14. Although she was very old, she looked very grateful. A. Despite she was very old, she looked very grateful. B. Despite her old age, she looked very grateful. C. In spite of very old, she looked very grateful. D. In spite her being old, she looked very grateful. 15. Although she tells lies, I believe her. A. In spite of telling lies, I believe her. B. In spite her telling lies, I believe her. C. In spite of her telling lies, I believe her. D. In spite of her tellness lies, I believe her. 16. Though he tried hard, he didnt succeed. A. Despite he tried hard, he didnt succeed. B. In spite of he tried hard, he didnt succeed. C. In spite of trying hard, he didnt succeed. D. Even though he tried hard, but he didnt succeed. 17. Although she felt jealous, she tried to hide her feelings. A. Despite feeling jealous, she tried to hide her feelings. B. Despite her jealousy, she tried to hide her feelings. C. She tried to hide her feelings in spite of she felt jealous. D. A & B are correct. 18. Although he took a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert. A. Bill arrived late for the concert because he takes a taxi. B. Bill arrived late for the concert because of the taxi. C. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert. D. Although Bill took a taxi, he cant come to the concert in time. 19. Though he tried hard, he didnt succeed. A. Despite he tried hard, he didnt succeed. B. In spite of he tried hard, he didnt succeed. C. In spite of trying hard, he didnt succeed. D. Even though he tried hard, but he didnt succeed.

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

20. He received a poor grade although his answers were complete A. He received a poor grade in spite of his answers were complete B. He received a poor grade despite his answers were complete C. He received a poor grade in spite of his complete answers D. He received a poor grade although his complete answers 21. Because his book was not successful, he decided not to write anymore. A. Because of his book not successful, he decided not to write anymore. B. Because of his being not successful, he decided not to write anymore. C. Because of his book being not successful, he decided not to write anymore. D. Because of his unsuccessful book, he decided not to write anymore. 22. Because he behaves well, everybody loves him. A. Because of his behaviour well, everybody loves him. B. Because of his well behaviour, everybody loves him. C. Because of his good behavior, everybody loves him. D. Because of his being good behaviour, everybody loves him. 23. Because the cost of living in Britain is high, there are fewer tourists here this year. A. Because of the high cost of living in Britain, there are fewer tourists here this year. B. Because of the cost of high living in Britain, there are fewer tourists here this year. C. Because of the high cost of living is in Britain, there are fewer tourists here this year D. Because the living costs much in Britain, there are fewer tourists here this year. 24. Because she is intelligent, many boys like her. A. Because of her intelligence, many boys like her. B. Although she is intelligent, many boys like her. C. Many boys like her because she was intelligent D. In spite of her intelligence, many boys like her. 25. They cant work and travel because they are old. A. Because of their old age, they cant work and travel. B. In spite of their old age, they can work and travel. C. Despite their old age, they still work and travel. D. Even though they work and travel, they are old. 26. They have just bought a very expensive English dictionary. A. A very expensive English dictionary have just been bought. B. A very expensive English dictionary had just been bought by them. C. A very expensive English dictionary has been just bought. D. A very expensive English dictionary has just been bought. 27. No one has used that door for 20 years. A. That door has been used for 20 years. B. That door has been not used for 20 years. C. That door has not been used for 20 years. D. That has been used by none of them for 20 years.

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

28. They have changed the date of the meeting. A. The date of the meeting have been changed. B. The date of the meeting has been changed. C. The meeting have been changed the date. D. The date of the meeting has changed by they. 29. The police have just released John. A. John has just had the police release him. B. John has just been released by the police. C. The police have just had John released. D. None is correct. 30. Somebody has robbed the bank near our house. A. The bank has been robbed near our house. B. The bank has been robbed by someone near our house. C. The bank have been robbed near our house by someone. D. The bank near our house has been robbed. 31. They have sold that old house at the end of the road. A. That old house at the end of the road has sold. B. That old house has been sold at the end of the road. C. That old house at the end of the road has been sold. D. That old house was sold at the end of the road. 32. Has anyone ever taught you how to behave? A. Have you ever how to behave been taught? B. Have you ever been taughted how to behave? C. Have you been ever taught how to behave? D. Have you ever been taught how to behave? G. READING Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question. Chantal's parents didn't have much money, so they sent her to a state primary school when she was five. She enjoyed her reading and writing lessons, but there were so many pupils in the class that the teacher found it difficult to control them. When Chantal was eleven, her father got a better job, and decided to spend some money on her education. He sent her to an expensive private school, where the girl wore dark green uniforms and did two hours' homework every evening. Chantal liked her new school, and did well. Because she studied hard, she passed all her exams, and went to university at eighteen. She chose history course and was an excellent student. In the end she decided to become a teacher, and returned to her old primary school to teach. 1. Why did Chantal's parents send her to a state primary school? A. They liked it. B. It was near her house. C. They were poor. D. It was expensive.

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

2. How many kinds of lessons did she like learning? A. 3 B. 1 C. 4 D. 2 3. What was an important event for Chantal when she was eleven? A. leaving her home B. getting better education C. passing the exams D. going overseas 4. She passed all her exams because__________. A. she liked the new school B. she was a hard working student C. the new school was better D. all A, B and C 5. What profession did she finally decide to choose? A. cooking B. teaching C. nursing D. advertising Read the dialogue and fill in the blank by choosing A, B, C or D. Daniel: How do you spend your day, Helen? Helen: Well, on weekdays I get (1) ______ around ten. At ten fifteen I read the paper for an hour and then have lunch at twelve. Daniel: Really? What time (2) _______ you go to work? Helen: I go to work (3) _______three. Daniel: And what time do you (4) _______ home at night? Helen: I get home very late, around midnight and go to bed at one oclock. Daniel: So, what do you do exactly? Helen: Im a TV announcer. Don't you recognise me? I give weather reports on BBC TV. Daniel: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't (5) _______TV much. 1. A. up B. on C. at D. off 2. A. did B. does C. do D. can 3. A. at B. on C. in D. into 4. A. got B. get C. gets D. getting 5. A. attend B. observe C. see D. watch



Make new sentences using the words given or directed in parentheses. 1. I often played computer games in my free time. (Rewrite the sentence using used to) . 2. Before he moved to London last week, Peter had lived in Paris for more than 10 years. (Rewrite the sentence using after) . 3. I have turned on the TV when Quang comes. The TV 4. I told you about a person. She is at the door. (Combine the two sentences, using a relative pronounce) .

Revision for the first term of English 10

Le Ngoc Thach

5. You are very worried. I will help you tomorrow. She said to me. (Change the sentence into the reported speech) . 6. They have built a beautiful house behind the bookstore. (Change the sentence into the passive voice) . 7. Elena had her bicycle for only a short time. Then somebody stole it. Before.. 8. I lent you a book. The book was written by one my friends. (Combine the two sentences, using a relative pronounce) . 9. You did your exercise very well last week, the teacher said to Lan. The teacher told Lan that .. 10. Hoa never saw a football match during her childhood. Hoa didnt used .... 11. Mike turned off the light, then he went to bed. (Combine the two sentences, using before) . 12. He said, I always go to the church on Sundays. He said that . 13. This is the bank. We borrowed the money from it. (Combine the two sentences, using a relative pronounce) . 14. I can draw these pictures with my both hands, he said. (Change the sentence into the reported speech) . 15. Her book was published last year. It became a best seller. (Combine the two sentences, using a relative pronounce) . 16. The manager has given them two weeks to finish the work. They .. 17. Brenda is a friend.I went on holiday with her. (Combine the two sentences, using a relative pronounce) . 18. Diego finished lunch. Then he listened to some music for a while. (Combine the two sentences, using after) . 19. She has done the housework for her mother. (Change the sentence into the passive voice) . Good luck to you!!!

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