Analysis of Nonlinear Free Vibration of Circular Plates With Cut-Outs Using R-Function Method

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K. V. Avramov O.

Department of Nonstationary Vibrations, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2/10 Dm. Pozharskoho Street, 61046 Kharkiv, Ukraine

Analysis of Nonlinear Free Vibration of Circular Plates With Cut-Outs Using R-Function Method
Geometrically nonlinear vibrations of circular plate with two cut-outs are simulated by the von Karman equations with respect to displacements. The combination of the RayleighRitz method and the R-function method, which allows satisfying all boundary conditions, is applied to obtain the vibration modes of the plate. The nonlinear vibrations are expanded using these vibrations modes. The dynamical system with three degrees of freedom is derived by Galerkin method. The inuence of cut-outs size on linear and nonlinear vibrations of the plate is analyzed. For different parameters of cut-outs, different internal resonances occur in the plate. The nonlinear vibrations of the system for different internal resonances are analyzed by multiple scale method. DOI: 10.1115/1.4001496 Keywords: circular plates with cut-outs, R-function method, conjugate modes, multiple scale method, internal resonances

K. V. Maksymenko-Sheyko
Department of Applied Mathematics and Numerical Methods, A.N. Podgorny Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2/10 Dm. Pozharskoho Street, 61046 Kharkiv, Ukraine e-mail:


Plates are bearing elements of many structures and machines. They widely used in gas-turbine engines, water turbines, brakes systems, and water tanks. If the plate is bended more than half thickness, the geometrical nonlinear model of the plate deformation must be considered 1 . Parametric vibrations of circular plates are treated in the book 2 , where the system of ordinary differential equations with time-periodic coefcients of plate vibrations is derived. Farnsworth and Evan-Iwanowski 3 considered axisymmetric vibrations of circular clamped plate. They used harmonic balance method to analyze the nonlinear vibrations. Axisymmetric vibrations of circular clamped plate are described by the Dufng equation in Ref. 4 . Goloskokow and Filippow 5 considered passage through a resonance of a circular disk with constant thickness assuming linear time dependence of excitation frequency. The vibrations of the circular disks are described by the von Karman equations in Ref. 6 . It is shown that the internal resonances frequently occur in the circular plates. The vibrations of clamped elliptic plates carrying concentrated masses are treated in Ref. 7 . The frequency response of such system is hard. Axisymmetric vibrations of circular plate are described by one Duffing equation in Refs. 8,9 . Hadian and Nayfeh 10 analyzed the interaction of three axisymmetric vibration modes using the multiple scale method. The interactions of two conjugate vibration modes are considered mainly in the modern research of nonlinear dynamics of circular plates 11 . The system of three partial differential equations describing radial, tangential, and bending vibrations of rotating disk is derived in Ref. 12 . The nonlinear vibrations of the disk rotating with constant angular velocity are considered in Ref. 13 . The internal resonance between the modes, which are moved in forward and backward directions, is analyzed. Luo and Tan 14 considered the traveling waves of the computer disk rotated with constant velocity. The nonlinear interaction of two conjugate
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS. Manuscript received August 5, 2008; nal manuscript received February 23, 2010; published online August 18, 2010. Assoc. Editor: Sotirios Natsiavas.

modes of circular disk studied in Refs. 15,16 . Nayfeh et al. 16 modeled this interaction by the system of two ordinary differential equations, which is studied by the multiple scale method. The free-edge circular plate under the action of time-periodic lateral force is considered in the paper 17 . It is shown that the interaction of two conjugate modes is described by hard frequency response. Lee et al. 18 analyzed circular plate on an elastic foundation. The bifurcation diagram of periodic and chaotic vibrations is treated. Arafat and Nayfeh 19 considered axisymmetric dynamical behavior of circular plate under the action of thermal loads in plane. The internal resonance 1:3 between the rst and the third axisymmetric vibration modes is treated. The R-function method is suggested to obtain analytically the equations of complex domain boundaries 20 . Mainly, this method is used to solve the problems of mathematical physics for the domains with complex boundaries. Kurpa 2123 developed the R-functions theory to analyze the vibrations of plates and shallow shells. In this paper, R-function method is used to obtain the vibration modes of circular plates with two cut-outs. The nonlinear vibrations of circular plate are expanded using these vibration modes with R-functions. The nonlinear interaction of two conjugate vibration modes and axisymmetric one is investigated by the multiple scale method.

Problem Formulation

The circular plate with two cut-outs Fig. 1 is considered. It is assumed that the deformation-displacement relations are nonlinear and strain-deformation relations are linear. The vibrations are treated in cylindrical coordinates r , , z . Then the displacements of plates material points along r , , z are denoted by ur , u , uz, respectively. The equations of nonlinear shell in curvilinear coordinates are used to derive the equations of plate vibrations 24 . The following equations of the plate nonlinear vibrations in polar coordinates are derived: OCTOBER 2010, Vol. 132 / 051001-1

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M =D

1 1 uz,r + 2 uz, + uz,rr r r 1 1 uz,r 2 uz, r r 2

Mr = D 1

Linear-Free Vibrations of Plate

Fig. 1 Circular plate with two cut-outs

The Galerkin method is used to obtain the ordinary differential equations of the plate vibrations 1 and the nonlinear vibrations of plate with cut-outs are expanded using eigenmodes of linear vibrations. The RayleighRitz method 25 is used to obtain the eigenmodes of vibrations. Now this method is considered. The elastic strain energy of the plate in the polar coordinates has the following form: = Eh 2 1 + 1 2
2 2 ur,r +


3 u 2r2

1+ 2r

, r

1 ur,r ur ur, + 2 + uz,ruz,rr 2r2 r r

2 u r

+ ur ur,r +

1 u r2

+ ur
2 uz,rr 2

+1 1+ 2 1 1 2 u + uz, uz, r + uz,ruz, + u 2r3 z, 2r2 2r2 2r z,r = 1 u r2 1 ur Eh 3 1+ 1 + ur, + ur,r + u 2r2 2r 2r + 1 1 u + u ,r 2r2 2
,rr 2


1 u + ur, r r

rdrd +

D 2

+ 2 uz,rr

1 1 uz, + uz,r r2 r

1 1 uz, + uz,r r2 r

+2 1 3

1 1 uz,r 2 uz, r r


1 1+ 1 1 uz,ruz,r + uz,rruz, 3 uz, uz, + 2 uz,ruz, + r 2r 2r 2r

where is the domain of the plate. The kinetic energy of the plate has the following form: T= 2 2 ur + u2 + uz rdrd 4

1 2 = u Eh h2 12

uz = + +

1 2 1 uz + ruz,r Eh r 2r
2 2 uz,


1 2 ur,r + uz,r + ur + u 2 r r

where is mass per unit area. The linear vibrations of the plate with cut-outs are presented in the following form:

ur r, ,t u r, ,t uz r, ,t 1

r r, u u = r, z r, u sin pt + 5

1 + uz, r 1 1 ur + u r r

1 1 1 u ,r + ur, u + uz,ruz, r r r 1 2 2 u + ur,r + uz,r 2r2 z, 2

1 uz, r2

where u = 2u / t2, uz,r = uz / r, is mass per unit area, E and are the Young modulus and the Poisson ratio, h is the thickness of the plate, and
2 2

Equation 5 is substituted into the Hamiltonian action and the integration is carried out. As a result the following functional is derived: S= Eh 2 1 + 1 2

r,r + u2

1 1 + r r r2

2 2

2 u r

+ r r,r + u u D 2

1 u r2

+ r u


More general equations of plate deformations, then the system 1 are derived in Ref. 12 . The membrane forces and moments are determined in the following forms: Nr = 1 2 Eh ur,r + uz,r + ur + u 2 1 2 r r 1 Eh 1 ur + u 1 2 r r Eh 2 1+ u
,r , ,

u r, u + r r

rdrd +

z,rr u2

+ 2 z,rr u

1 1 1 1 z, + z,r + 2 z, + z,r u u u u r2 r r r

+2 1


2 2 uz,

1 1 z,r 2 z, u u r r



r + 2 + z rdrd u2 u u2 6

N =

1 2 2 u + ur,r + uz,r 2r2 z, 2

Nr =

1 1 1 + ur, u + uz,ruz, r r r

In future analysis the clamped plate is considered. The boundary . The boundary condiof the plate with cut-outs is denoted by tions are as follows: z u = z u n =u = ur . =0 7

M r = D uz,rr + uz,r + 2 uz, r r 051001-2 / Vol. 132, OCTOBER 2010

where n is normal to the boundary

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z r, u

2 k

k=0 m2

Zkc r cos k

+ Zks r sin k

r, u


c k

r cos k

s k

r sin k


r r, u


Rkc r cos k

+ Rks r sin k

k = 1 or 2 13


c Zk

s , Zk
M 1,k

s , . . . , Rk

r are the following polynomials:

M 2,k s Ak,j r j, j=0 M 4,k

Zkc r =
j=0 M 3,k

c Ak,j r j,

Zks r =

k = 0,1, . . . ,m1

Fig. 2 The steps of R-function derivation

c k

r =
j=0 M 5,k

c Bk,j r j,

s k

r =
j=0 M 6,k

s Bk,j r j,

k = 0,1, . . . ,m2

The equation of the plate boundary Fig. 1 is obtained analytically using the R-function method 2022 . The R-function satises the following conditions: r, r, = 0, 0, r, r, 8

Rkc r =

c Ck,j r j,

Rks r =

s Ck,j r j,

k = k = 0,1, . . . ,m3 14

The known approach 20 is used to construct the R-function. In this paper, two functions i r , ; i = 1 , 2 are considered. For the circular plates with two cut-outs Fig. 1 , the function 1 in Cartesian coordinates has the following form:

In order to satisfy the boundary conditions 7 , the expansion for z contains the function 2 r , and the expansions for and r u u u k have the function k r , . Equations 13 and 14 are substituted into 6 and the integration over the area of the plate is performed. As a result the following functional is derived: S = S a0, . . . ,al
3 mj

x,y = =

2 0 3

1 2 2 2 R x y 2R

j=1 k=1

M 2j1,k + M 2j,k


1 a2 1 x2 2= a1 4

where a0 , . . . , al are the coefcients of the polynomials 14 : X s c c = a0 , . . . , al = A0,0 , A0,1 , . . . , Cm ,M . Following the Rayleigh 3 6,k Ritz method, the following system of linear algebraic equations is derived to minimize the functional 15 : 9 S = 0, aj j = 0, . . . ,l 16

1 2 b2 1 y 4 b1

where 0 and 0 are the operations of R-conjunction and R-disjunction 20 , which can be presented in the following form:
2 0 3 4 0 1

Equation 16 can be rewritten in the form of eigenvalue problem: K p2 M X = 0 where K = 17

= =

+ +

2 2 2 4

+ +

2 3 2 1


kij i=1 ,, ll + 1 , j=1 + 1


mij i=1 ,, ll + 1 . j=1 + 1

where 4 = 20 3. The functions 9 have the following form in polar coordinates: 1 2 2 R r , 1= 2R 1 a2 2 1 r cos2 2= a1 4 11

4 Finite Degree of Freedom Model of Nonlinear Vibrations

The nonlinear vibrations of the plate are expanded by using the obtained eigenmodes:

The steps of R-function derivation are presented on Fig. 2. R-function in the form 9 with small magnitude a1 has two local extreme. The following function 2 removes these extremes:

uz =
i=1 L

qi t zi r, u


x,y =

2 0 3

12 u =

1. where = max 1 r , ; 0 The eigenmodes of circular plate with two cut-outs can be presented in the following forms: Journal of Vibration and Acoustics

i i=1

t i r, u


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ur =

t ri r, u

2 18c


where q1 t , q2 t , . . . , L t are the generalized coordinates. Using the data of the numerical analysis of linear vibrations, which are treated in Sec. 7, the number of terms of expansion 18 is taken L = 3. Equation 18 is substituted into the rst two equations of the system 1 and the inertial terms are annihilated as the eigenfrequencies of vibrations in plane are much higher than the eigenfrequencies of the bending vibrations. The Galerkin projections are carried out. As a result, the system of linear algebraic equations with respect to 1 , . . . , 3 is derived:
1 2 3 3

is detuning parameter. It is shown in Sec. 7 that for where certain plate parameters, the vibrations with internal resonance 24 are taken place. Following the multiple scale method 6 , the dynamics of the system 23 is presented as


T0,T1, . . . +


T0,T1, . . . + . . .


where T0 = and T1 = . Now the expansion 25 is substituted into the system 23 and the following equations are derived:
k,0 2

= Ak exp i kT0 + k exp i kT0 A



Al Al q lq
l=1 =1

1 2 3 k,1 T2 0

2 k k,1

= 2i kAk exp i kT0 + 2Ak exp i kT0


Di k A j 27

3 1 2 3


Dl 1 Dl Dl
2 3


+ IN . E . T,

k = 1,2,3

The parameters of the system 19 are presented at Appendix A. Using the matrix R = rij i=1 ,, 6 , R = B1, the displacements of j=1 6 the middle surface u , ur can be presented as
3 3 3 i l i=1 l=1 3 3 =1 3 i l i=1 l=1 =1

where IN . E . T is inessential for future analysis terms, Ai k k k A A = Ai i ; i is the complex conjugate value, and Di = Hiki + Hiik k + Hkii . There are no summands in Eq. 27 , which are determined by the internal resonance 24 . Excluding secular terms from Eq. 27 , the following system of modulation equations with respect to complex variables is derived: i kAk = Ak f k A1,A2,A3 , where

u =

i r, qlq u

k = 1,2,3


ur = where
3 j l

ri r, qlq u


f k A1,A2,A3 =

Di k Ai ,

k = 1,2,3


r j, Al + r j,


The following change of the variables is applied to the system 28 : Ak = 0.5ak exp i k . As a result, the system of modulation equations is derived: k = 0 a

3 j l


r j+3, Al + r j+3,


l, , j = 1,2,3 where

k a

k k

+ f k 1,a2,a3 = 0 a


Equation 20 is substituted into the third equation of the system 1 and the Galerkin method is applied. As a result, the following three degree of freedom dynamical system is derived:
3 3 3

f k 1,a2,a3 = a

1 D k 2 a 4 i=1 i i

q k + p 2q k = k
i=1 l=1 =1

Gilk qiqlq ,

k = 1,2,3


The general coordinates of the dynamical system 23 and the variables of the modulation equations 29 are connected as

The parameters Gil are presented in Appendix B. The following dimensionless variables and parameters are used: = p1t,

= k cos a




qi , h

i = 1,3,

Hilk =

h2 k Gil , p2 1


= 1,2,3 22

The xed points of the modulation equations correspond to the periodic vibrations of the mechanical system 23 , which have the following form:

where 0 as

1. Then the dynamical system 21 can be presented + k

2 k k

= k cos a






i l

k = 1,2,3


5 Nonlinear Vibrations in the Case of Internal Resonance 2 1 2

In this section the plate with one internal resonance is considered: 051001-4 / Vol. 132, OCTOBER 2010

The xed points are described by the system of nonlinear algebraic equations, which are derived from Eq. 29 . Table 1 shows all types of xed points. Properties of xed points are represented in rows of table. Thus, nine types of xed points are obtained. The rst column of Table 1 presents the properties of modulation variables. The systems of nonlinear algebraic equations with respect to the xed points are presented in the second column. The independent variables, which are set with some step for the backbone curve calculations, are shown in the third column. The system of nonlinear algebraic equations or analytical solutions of these systems are shown on the fourth column. The frequencies of nonlinear vibrations are demonstrated on the fth column. Transactions of the ASME

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Table 1 The xed points of the modulation equations 1 1 1 a 0, 2 a 0, 3 a 0 2 f j 1 , 2 , 3 = 0, a a a a a a j = 1 , 2, f 3 1 , 2 , 3 3 3 a 0 3 a D1j 2 + D2j 2 = D3j 2, j = 2 , 3 a1 a2 a3 D1j 2 + D2j 2 = D3j 2, j = 1 , 3 a1 a2 a3 4 D1j 2 + D2j 2 = D3j 2, j = 1 , 2 a1 a2 a3
j= j; 3= 3 3 j= j; 1= 1 1

5 j = 1 , 2, f 3 1,a2,a3 a j = 2 , 3, f 1 1,a2,a3 a j = 1 , 3, f 2 1,a2,a3 a

2 2 = 2,

1 a

0, 2 a

0, 3 a

f 2 1 , 2 , 3 = 0, f 3 1 , 2 , 3 = 0, a a a a a a a a a f 1 1 , 2 , 3 0 f 1 1 , 2 , 3 = 0, f 3 1 , 2 , 3 = 0, a a a a a a a a a f 2 1 , 2 , 3 0 f 2 1 , 2 , 3 = 0, a a a f 3 1 , 2 , 3 0 a a a f 3 1 , 2 , 3 = 0, a a a f 2 1 , 2 , 3 0 a a a f 1 1 , 2 , 3 = 0, a a a f 3 1 , 2 , 3 0 a a a f 1 1 , 2 , 3 0, a a a f 3 1 , 2 , 3 = 0 a a a f 1 1 , 2 , 3 = 0, a a a f 2 1 , 2 , 3 0 a a a f 1 1 , 2 , 3 0, a a a f 2 1 , 2 , 3 = 0 a a a

1 a

0, 2 a

0, 3 a

3 a

j= j; 2= 2

1 = 0, 2 a a

0, 3 a

3 a

2 = a2

D32 D22 D33 D23 D31 D11 D33 D13 D21 D11 D22 D12

2 a3

1=0; 3= 3 3 1=0; 2= 2 2 2=0; 3= 3 3 2=0; 1= 1 1 3=0; 2= 2 2 3=0; 1= 1 1

f 3 1,a2,a3 a
3 = 3,

1 = 0, 2 a a

0, 3 a

3 a

2 = a2

2 a3

f 2 1,a2,a3 a
1 = 1,

2 = 0, 1 a a

0, 3 a

3 a

2 = a1

2 a3

f 3 1,a2,a3 a
3 = 3,

2 = 0, 1 a a

0, 3 a

3 a

2 = a1

2 a3

f 1 1,a2,a3 a
1 = 1,

3 = 0, 1 a a

0, 2 a

2 a

2 = a1

2 a2

f 2 1,a2,a3 a
2 = 2,

3 = 0, 1 a a

0, 2 a

2 a

2 = a1

2 a2

f 1 1,a2,a3 a

6 Nonlinear Vibrations Analysis in the Case of Internal Resonances 3 2 1 ; 3 2

In this section, the plate with the following two internal resonances is considered:

k k k k k k Gk = H32k + H23k + Hk23 + H2k3 + H3k2 + Hk32 k k k Pk = H232 + H322 + H223 k k k Fk = H323 + H233 + H332,

k = 1,2,3

=2 =

1 2

+ 32

where and are the detuning parameters. As shown in Sec. 7, two internal resonances are observed for the certain parameters of the plate. The multiple scales method is used to study the dynamics of the system 23 . Then the solution is presented in the form of Eq. 25 . Equation 25 is substituted into Eq. 23 and the coefcients of 0 and 1 are equated. As a result, the following is derived:
k,0 2 k,1 T2 0

Equation 33 is substituted into Eq. 34 and the secular terms are equated to zero. As a result, the system of modulation equations with respect to the complex variables A1 , A2 , A3 is derived: 2i

A1 = 2A1 D j1 A j + G1A3 2A1 exp i T1 A T1 j=1

1 + G1A1A2 3 exp i T1 + 3H111A2 1 A 1A

= Ak exp i kT0 + k exp i kT0 , A


k = 1,3



A2 = 2A2 D j2 A j + G2A3 A2 exp i T1 + G2A2 3 exp 2A T1 j=1 i T1 + P2A2 3 exp i T1 + F2A2 2 exp i2 T1 2A 3A
2 + 3H222A2 2 2A

2 k k,1 3



T0 T1


D jk AkA j j exp i kT0 + GkA3Ak 2 exp iT0 A A


+ 2i

+ Gk 3AkA2 exp iT0 A + PkA2 3 exp i 2A + IN . E . T, where


k + 3HkkkA2 k exp i kT0 kA 3

A3 = 2A3 D j3 A j + G3A2 2 exp i T1 + G3A2 A3 exp 3A T1 j=1 i T1 + P3A2 3 exp i2 T1 + F3A2 2 exp i T1 2A 3A

+ FkA2 2 exp iT0 3A

+ 34

k = 1,2,3

3 + 3H333A2 3 3A


The change of the variables A j = 0.5a j exp i

, j = 1 , 2 , 3 is ap-

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plied to Eq. 35 and the system of six modulation equations with respect to the variables j , j ; j = 1 , 2 , 3 is obtained. One more a change of the variables 1,a2,a3, a
1, 2, 3 3 2

= 1,a2,a3, a + T1 36

is applied to the system of modulation equations. As a result, the following dynamical system is derived: 1 = 0 a 2 = a 3 = a = + P2 2 3 sin aa 8 2 2 + F2 2 2 sin 2 aa 8 2 3

which is determined by the following relation: 1 = 0 ; 2 0 ; 3 = 0. If the change of the variables 3 a3 is applied to a the system of equations with respect to the xed points case B , then the system of equations for the xed points case A is obtained. Case C is treated. The variable 3 is preset with some step to a analyze the motions. For every value 3, the parameter is oba tained from the equation cos 2 =



3 H333

3 2 3

8 2 a3


The xed points case S correspond to the following vibrations of the system 23 :

F3 2 2 sin aa 8 3 3 a2 j j +

P3 2 3 sin 2 aa 8 3 2 2 3 cos aa
2 3


= 0,

= a3 cos


1 8
2 3 j

F2 2 a 8 2 3 37

3 2D33 + 3H333 2 3 a 8 3



P3 2 cos 2 a 8 3 2 =

3 3 2 H222 2 a2 H 3 2 a 8 2 8 3 333 3 2G3 + F3 j = 1,2,3

Now case D is considered. The value 2 is preset with some step a to analyze the vibrations. For every value 2, the angle is oba tained from the equation cos 2 =
3 2 2 3



2 H222 +

8 2 a2


2G2 + P2

2 2,

The xed points D correspond to the following vibrations of the system 23 :


= 2D j2

2D j3


= 0,

= 2 cos a


The xed points of the system of the modulation equations 37 describe the vibrations 31 of the system 23 with the frequencies k:
k 3

2 D22 + 3H222 2 2 a 8 2



k = 1,2,3

1 1


1 D j1 2 + 3H111 2 + 2G1 2 3 cos aj a1 aa

The value 2 is preset with some step to analyze the vibrations, a which correspond to the xed point case E . For every value 2, a a a the parameters , 3 , 1 are obtained from the equations: cos = P2 2 a 2F2 3 a P2 P3 F 2F 3

2 2


D j2 2 + 2G2 + P2 2 3 cos aj aa

+ F2 2 cos 2 a3 3 = 2 a a 2 = a1
1 1

2 a2 + 3H222 2 3

2 3

2 a2

2 3 + 3 3H222 + 2 3 2H333 a3

3=2 j=1

Dj 2 aj

+ 2G3 + F3 3 2 cos aa

P3 2 a2

cos 2

2 3 cos aa

F2 3 2 P3 2 2 cos 2 a3 a2


3 a3 + 3H333 2

The xed points case E correspond to the system vibrations 31 .

The following groups of the xed points exist in the system of the autonomous equations 37 : 1 = 0, a 1 = 0, a 1 = 0, a 1 = 0, a 1 a 0,
1 2

Numerical Analysis of Linear Vibrations

The steel plate with the following parameters is considered: R = 0.25 m, E=2

= 0, = ,

2 a 2 a 3 a 2 a 3 a

0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

3 a 3 a

0 0 0 0 0

case A case B case C case D case E 38

1011 Pa, 10

= 0.3, m 45

= 7800 kg/m ,


2 = 0, a 3 = 0, a 2 a 0,

Now, case A is considered. The parameter 2 is prescribed with a some step to analyze the backbone curve of vibrations. For every value of 2, the parameter 3 is determined from the quadratic a a equation: 2 a3

+ F2 +3

3 3 2H333 +

2 3 + 8 aa

2 3

+ 2 a2


2 3H222



These xed points correspond to the vibrations of the system 23 , 051001-6 / Vol. 132, OCTOBER 2010

The linear bending vibrations of the plate are analyzed. As follows from the functional 6 , bending linear vibrations uz and longitudinal motions ur , u are uncoupled. Therefore, these motions can be analyzed numerically independently. The calculations of linear vibrations are performed by two methods. The rst one is the above-presented combination of R-function method and RayleighRitz approach and the second one is the nite element calculations by the software ANSYS. The effect of the cut-out size on the plate linear vibrations is analyzed. A parametric study by altering the values of a1 and b1 are performed. The eigenfrequencies of the plate for different values of the parameters a1 and b1 are shown on Table 2. These results are obtained by nite element method. The values of a1 and b1, and the rst three vibration eigenfrequencies are presented in the columns of Table 2. The results of the calculations for the same values of a1 and b1, which Transactions of the ASME

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Table 2 The eigenfrequency, obtained by nite element method a1 m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.40 0.36 0.30 0.46 0.45 0.40 0.30 0.46 0.45 0.40 0.30 0.45 0.30 b1 m 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 p1 Hz 203.76 203.85 206.01 223.23 245.68 299.67 204.86 207.58 226.52 313.12 206.26 209.27 231.51 330.98 210.10 348.98 p2 Hz 414.77 414.51 414.63 416.49 420.15 432.42 414.73 415.1 418.26 445.71 415.12 415.99 422.66 468.06 416.60 503.31 p3 Hz 431.39 431.72 439.22 493.69 556.20 677.19 435.41 444.68 504.99 719.55 440.71 451.09 522.77 759.49 454.31 779.58

are obtained at different densities of nite element mesh, are presented at the rst and the second rows of Table 2. The results, which are obtained at rougher mesh, are presented at the second row. The values of the third eigenfrequency strongly depend on the parameters of the cut-outs, as crest of the third eigenmode is close to the cut-outs. The plates without cut-outs have p2 = p3. If the area of cut-outs is increased, the distance of conjugate mode eigenfrequencies is increased too Table 2 . The numerical calculations by means of R-function method are carried out for the plate with the following parameters of cut-outs: a1 = 0.4 m and b1 = 0.1 m. The R-function 2 for these plate parameters is presented in Fig. 3. Figure 4 shows the rst three eigenmodes of the plate bending vibrations. Figure 4 a shows the rst axisymmetric umbrella-shaped mode. Two conjugate modes are presented in Figs. 4 b and 4 c . The results of the eigenfrequency calculations, which are performed with the function 1 r , , are shown on Table 3. The values of the rst three eigenfrequencies obtained with different degrees of polynomials 13 and 14 are presented in Table 3. As follows from this table, the convergence of the results is observed. For comparison the data obtained by the nite element

calculations are presented on the fth row. The relative differences of the results, which are presented at fourth and fth rows, are shown on the sixth row. The results of eigenfrequency calculations with the function are presented at Table 4. The eigenfrequencies of vibra2 r, tions obtained with different degrees of polynomials 14 are shown at the rst three rows of Table 4. The data obtained by nite element method are shown at the fourth row of the table. The relative differences of the results, which are shown at the third and the fourth rows, are presented at the fth row. The results obtained using the function 2 is closer to the data of nite element method, and then the results obtained with 1. High accuracy of the results Table 4 is achieved at low degree of polynomials 14 in comparison with the data of Table 3. Note that the second and the third eigenfrequencies for perfectly circular plate are multiple. However, if the shape of the plate boundary is not perfectly circular, the multiple frequencies are bered. This phenomenon is observed in the considered system. The second and the third eigenfrequencies of the plate are shown at the second and the third row of Table 2, respectively. As

Fig. 3 Function

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Table 5 Eigenfrequencies of longitudinal and circumferential vibrations, obtained using 1 1 M 3,1 = 3 ; M 4,1 = 3 ; M 5,1 = 3 ; M 6,1 = 3; M 6,2 = 7 ; M 3,0 = 7 ; M 3,2 = 7 M 3,1 = 5 ; M 4,1 = 5 ; M 5,1 = 5 ; M 6,1 = 5; M 6,2 = 9 ; M 3,0 = 9 ; M 3,2 = 9 M 3,1 = 6 ; M 4,1 = 9 ; M 5,1 = 9 ; M 6,1 = 6; M 6,2 = 10; M 3,0 = 10; M 3,2 = 10 2, Hz 3, Hz 4, Hz

7233.33 7228.21 7228.58

7644.83 7641.44 7643.78

8593.35 8579.8 8588.19

Fig. 4 The eigenmodes of bending vibrations

follows from Table 2, the multiple eigenfrequencies of the perfectly circular plate and eigenfrequencies of the plate with two cut-outs differ signicantly. The eigenfrequencies of longitudinal and circumferential vibrations of the plate ur and u are analyzed. The RayleighRitz method and approximation of the vibrations 13 are used for calculations. The analysis of eigenfrequencies is performed with both functions 1 and 2. Table 5 shows the results of the eigenfrequency calculations with function 1 for different degrees of polynomials 13 . The eigenfrequencies are presented in hertz. The eigenfrequencies of pair of conjugate eigenmodes are presented in the second and third columns and axisymmetric mode is shown on the fourth column of Table 5. The eigenfrequencies obtained with the function 2 are presented in Table 6. The eigenfrequencies calculated using the function 1 are presented in this table too. The relative differences of the results obtained using functions 1 and 2 are presented in the last row of Table 6. We stress that the degrees of polynomials to achieve the accuracy are less, if the function 2 is used. The data obtained with the function 2 are used in future analysis. These eigenmodes are denoted i i by r , and r r , . u u

Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Vibrations

The nonlinear vibrations, which are considered in Sec. 5 Table 1 , are analyzed numerically. In cases 2 and 3 Table 1 , the system of algebraic equations with respect to the xed point coordi-

nates for the plate parameters 45 has no solutions. As D33 / D23 0, there are no vibrations with the parameters 45 corresponding to case 5 Table 1 . Figure 5 shows the results of the backbone curve calculations. The backbone curves for cases 1 and 6 Table 1 are shown on Fig. 5 a . The numbers of backbone curves correspond to the data of Table 1. Figures 5 b 5 d show the backbone curves corresponding to cases 79, respectively. Two backbone curves 6 and 1 Fig. 5 a describe the different types of motions 2 = 0, 1 0, a a 3 0 and 1 0, 2 0, 3 0, respectively. a a a a The free vibrations Fig. 5 are connected to the plate vibrations. The case Fig. 5 a corresponds to the interaction of umbrella-shaped mode and two conjugate modes. Other backbone curves, which are presented on Fig. 5, describe the interaction of umbrella-shaped mode and one of conjugate modes. Now the nonlinear vibrations of the plate with the parameters 45 and a1 = 0.46 m and b1 = 0.02 m are considered. As follows from Table 2, two internal resonances 32 occur for these parameters. Now the nonlinear vibrations of the system for the cases 38 are analyzed. The vibrations corresponding to case D are not ob1 is violated for the conserved, as the condition 1 cos 2 sidered plate parameters in Eq. 42 . The results of the calculations for the rest cases of Eq. 38 are shown on Fig. 6. The backbone curve corresponding to cases A and C is shown in Fig. 6 a by the solid and dotted lines, respectively. Figure 6 b shows the vibrations corresponding to case E. Thus, the backbone curves complying with cases A, C, and E are hard and soft, respectively. Now the free vibrations Fig. 6 are connected to the plate vibrations. The case Fig. 6 a corresponds to the interaction of two conjugate vibration modes of the plate and case B corresponds to vibrations according to one of the conjugation modes. Thus, the backbone curve Fig. 6 a describes the transfer from the plate vibrations with two conjugate modes to the vibrations
1r ,

Table 3 The eigenfrequencies, which are calculated using function p1, Hz 1 2 3 4 5 6 M 1,0 = 4 ; M 1,2 = 4 ; M 1,4 = 2 ; M 1,1 = 13; M 1,3 = 0 ; M 2,1 = 1 M 1,0 = 7 ; M 1,2 = 7 ; M 1,1 = 8 ; M 1,3 = 2 ; M 2,1 = 2 M 1,0 = 10; M 1,2 = 10; M 1,1 = 8 ; M 1,3 = 5 ; M 2,1 = 5 M 1,0 = 13; M 1,2 = 13; M 1,1 = 8 ; M 1,3 = 8 ; M 2,1 = 8 FEM Relative difference 273.37 258.59 254.76 254.24 231.51 8.9%

p3, Hz 616.94 605.64 596.95 595.73 522.77 12.2% p3, Hz 566.28 545.95 543.07 522.77 3.7%

p2, Hz 456.08 450.05 444.97 444.18 422.66 4.8%

2r ,

Table 4 The eigenfrequencies, which are calculated with function p1, Hz 1 2 3 4 5 M 1,0 = 6 ; M 1,2 = 0 ; M 1,1 = 4 ; M 1,3 = 0 ; M 2,1 = 2 ; M 2,3 = 0 M 1,0 = 6 ; M 1,2 = 2 ; M 1,1 = 4 ; M 1,3 = 2 ; M 2,1 = 3 ; M 2,3 = 0 M 1,0 = 6 ; M 1,2 = 4 ; M 1,1 = 4 ; M 1,3 = 4 ; M 2,1 = 2 ; M 2,3 = 2 FEM Relative difference 256.76 250.64 249.99 231.51 7.3%

p2, Hz 449.41 449.01 448.33 422.66 5.7%

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Fig. 5 Backbone curves for the case of internal resonance 2

1 2

Fig. 6 Backbone curves. a Cases A and C of Eq. 38. b Case E of Eq. 38.

Journal of Vibration and Acoustics

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Table 6 Eigenfrequencies of longitudinal and circumferential vibrations, obtained using 1 M 3,1 = M 4,1 = M 5,1 = M 6,1 = M 6,2 = M 3,0 = M 3,2 = 2 M 3,1 = M 4,1 = M 5,1 = M 6,1 = 4 M 6,2 = M 3,0 = M 3,2 = 3 M 3,1 = M 4,1 = M 5,1 = M 6,1 = 6 ; M 6,2 = M 3,0 = M 3,2 = 5 The eigenfrequencies, which are obtained using i % 2, Hz 7233.33 7228.21 7228.58 7228.6 0.8 3, Hz 7644.83 7641.44 7643.78 7643.78 0.7 4, Hz 8593.35 8579.8 8588.19 8588.19 0.1

with one of the two conjugate vibrations modes. The backbone curve Fig. 6 b describes the vibrations with both umbrellashaped mode and two conjugate modes.

Bi =

1 i 1 1 1 i,r i + i,rr, u + u u u r2 , 2r 2r2 2 Al j = Ul r, rj rdrd u

i = 1,2,3


The R-function method, which allows obtaining approximately the vibration modes and accurately satises the boundary conditions of the plate, is suggested to analyze the circular plate with two cut-outs in this paper. The nonlinear vibrations of the plate are expanded into these modes containing R-functions. Both axisymmetric umbrella-shaped mode and two conjugate modes are used in this expansion. To discretize the system of the nonlinear partial differential equations of the plate, the Galerkin method is applied to every equations of the system. As a result, the nonlinear dynamical system with three degrees of freedom is derived. This system describes the nonlinear interaction between umbrella-shaped mode and two conjugate modes. The following plate vibrations are analyzed: 1. the vibrations with umbrella-shaped mode and two conjugation modes 2. the vibrations with umbrella-shaped mode and one of conjugation modes 3. the vibrations according two conjugation modes 4. the vibrations with one of conjugation modes The motions according to umbrella-shaped mode are not observed. The backbone curves presented in this paper are both soft and hard types.

Ul = z,r z,rr + ulu

1+ 1+ 1 l l l u u u u u u 2r3 z, z, 2r2 z, z, r 2r2 z,r z,

1 l u u 2r z,r z,r Dl j = Cl j rdrd u

Cl =

1 l 1+ 1 l l u u u u u u r3 z, z, 2r z,r z,r 2r2 z,r z, 1 l u u 2r z,rr z, j,l, = 1,2,3

Appendix B
k Gilm =

Eh k 1 =

Film zk rdrd u

This research is particularly supported by the Ukraine Found of Fundamental Research Grant No. F25.1/042 . The rst author expresses thanks to Ph.D. student I.D. Breslavsky for his help. 1 i Film = ruz,r r +
3 ,r k=1 3 r k=1

zk 2rdrd u

r,r uk

k lm

+ rk u r
k lm

k lm

+ k, u r
k lm

k lm

Appendix A
B = bij bl,i =
i=1,6 j=1,6

1 i u r z, 1 i u r2 z,

k,r u 1 k u r r

1 k + r, u r

1 k u r

k lm

R i rl rdrd ;bl,i+3 = u

G i rl rdrd u

k lm


1 + k, u r r2

k lm

+ r,r uk +

k lm

bl+3,i =

r, rdrd ;bl+3,i+3 = u l = 1,2,3

B rdrd , u

+ i +

1 ru i 2r z,r 1 i u r2 z,


z,r z,r + ulum

z, z, ul um

1 i lm u u u r2 z, r z,r z,

= 1,2,3,

1 l m + z,r z,r u u ulum 2r2 z, z, 2

ui R i = r,rr +

1 1 i 1 i + r,r 2 ri u u u 2r2 r, r r

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