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Kavanagh Alumni Trust

Newsletter, Mid-Year 2012

Chairs Comment Academic Blues A busy time for the Trust lately, with most of our focus being on strategic planning and setting long term goals around key objectives, the results of some of this work is outlined in this newsletter. As with any alumni group the primary focus is of course fundraising, more particularly establishing the connections with Kavanagh and founding college alumni to build on the resources the School has to enable greater opportunity for current and future pupils. I would like to acknowledge Tim Oliver (Treasurer) in particular for his substantial work in this area. The Trust sees its role as going beyond the dollars however. There is a range of ways alumni can contribute to the college and it is our hope the Peer Mentoring Scheme will be an excellent conduit for alumni to directly contribute their skills and expertise. On a final note it is my pleasure to welcome to our Board Kelly Ennis and Garth Lucas as Trustees, Kelly is a former Kavanagh student and Garth with his long service to the community needs no introduction, the Trust is stronger for their contribution. Best Wishes

The Trust was delighted to once again support the academic blues. The trustees were particularly impressed by the substantial achievements of many recipients; such success is further underpinned by the excellent school wide NCEA achievements.

Trustee Tim Oliver pictured with some of the many top scholars.
Alumni Connect In order to organise class reunions, social events and other alumni initiatives, up to date information is vital. Please enter your details into the Kavanagh page of the following website: Please pass this on to as many people that you know from Kavanagh or its foundation schools.

Keep up to date with alumni news and events by clicking like on the Trusts Facebook Page.

Ben Nettleton Chair


History The Kavanagh Alumni Trust was formed in 2010 to provide a strong ex-pupils community around Kavanagh College Dunedins co-educational Catholic secondary school that has been built upon the heritage, tradition and history of Christian Brothers High School, St Philomenas College, St Dominics College, St Pauls High School, Moreau College and St Edmunds School. Vision We see our contribution to the Kavanagh community as one of facilitation of connection. Connection of people, connection of ideas and connection of resources. The Trust will become an integral part of Dunedins Catholic community fabric by fostering passion and enthusiasm for the school and within the school. With a concentration on academic, cultural and sporting excellence, we will keep Kavanagh as the shining beacon on the hill. Mission We are committed to the building of a vibrant community around the school, connecting past, present and future students with each other. We will enable the sharing of ideas and provide the opportunity for all ex-pupils of the Catholic secondary schools in Dunedin to benefit perpetually from their involvement with and contribution to their community. Our Services Fundraising, organisation of social events, provision of academic, cultural and sporting scholarships, updating our community as to the happenings and achievements within the school, vocational and mentoring support for students.

Alumni Mentoring Program One of the Trusts major projects is the implementation of a mentoring and development program for current pupils and recent school leavers. The key aspects include: Hosting notable alumni at the school to give talks. Hosting get togethers with school leavers at Otago University with recent alumni graduates. Developing a database of broadly skilled tertiary qualified alumni both academic and trade to provide support and mentoring to those in the early stages of study or the workforce if requested.

If you would like to be involved in this programme please email us or contact school office for further contact details.


The Kavanagh Alumni Trust shall hold its Annual General Meeting on Friday 24th August 2012 at 5.30pm at the Huia Room, Otago Museum 419 Great King Street, Dunedin (Ground Level) AGENDA 1. Chairmans Report 2. Treasurers Report / Receipt of Financial Statements 3. Appointment of the Auditor (if any) 4. Setting of Trustee Remuneration (if any) 5. To appoint a Chair 6. To appoint a Secretary

Contacting the Trust The trustees can be reached by email at or by post at: Kavanagh Alumni Trust, PO Box 737 DUNEDIN.
Ben Nettleton (Chair) Tim Oliver (Treasurer) Will Martin Chris Burke George Dawes Kelly Ennis Garth Lucas Olivia Hyndman Sutherland The Kavangh Alumni Trust is a registered charitable trust board domiciled in New Zealand and registered with the New Zealand Companies office under # 2540848 and further registered with the New Zealand Charities Commission under # CC45742. Its address for service is C/- Kavanagh College, Rattray Street, Dunedin.

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