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Councillor Michael Goudie 2,201 like this

2 hours ago

It's great news that that Auditor-General has found no grounds to investigate the decision making process for the V8s. This is a clear example of a few Councillors kicking up a fuss when they don't get their way and lose a vote. This sort of childish behaviour not only undermines Council processes, but is also a complete waste of time for the Auditor-General. The complainants have misunderstood their role in the process and I'm pleased that this has been recognised so that we can move on with the preparations for this great event.

No V8 investigation Auckland Council will not be investigated for striking a deal with the organisers of the V8 Supercars event.

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11 people like this.

Joseph Bergin Haha, naww Mike, I don't think Lyn will have investigated it personally, but still you make a valid point, it's a waste of her office's time! Point is, somtimes you win votes, you lose's all about taking it on the chin. Coming to the BMC tonight?

about an hour ago Like

Nigel James Turnbull still a run down venue that will cost a packet to the costs escalate and make sure AC dont may more and you will be all good :-)

about an hour ago Like

Leonard Bloksberg Excuse me Councillor Michael Goudie, but the Auditor Generals rulling stated that you (the councillor who voted for this) were irrelevant in the process. The ruling stated that ATEED had the authority to spend that $10.5 of my money wihtout...See More

about an hour ago Unlike 2

Laurinda - Personal Training GO GOUDIE

about an hour ago Like

George Wood Can't agree with you Michael. I supported the action taken by Cathy Casey and Cameron Brewer in raising this with the Auditor-General. This was a most poorly handled case and Auckland Council can take nothing positive out of how it was handled.

about an hour ago Unlike 4

Ivan Glavish Gouidie for PM

about an hour ago Like

Leonard Bloksberg Review that rulling. If this stands, the AG has ruled that ATEED had the authority to allocate that $10.5 million without consulting council, so the vote was a theatrical token and there was no need to report anything to the council as council is an irrelevant body with no authority over spending of rates. How does it feel to be called a waste of space on the planet Mr. Goudie?

about an hour ago Unlike 2

Ben Ross Great to know Councillor Goudie that you endorse the Governing Body is nothing more than a rubber stamping machine when they attempt to on behalf of ratepayers enquire about a flawed and "confused" (as the AG put it) decision making process...See More

about an hour ago Like 3

Mark Baker Unfortunately people the CCOs are autonomous on this stuff, that is enshrined in the establishment legislation. So Goudie is right. This should serve to set the record straight: elected members are the rubber stamp that caps these processes, they do not as of right and by law have any say in what the CCOs may decide to support or where they choose to devote event or ec dev budget.

about an hour ago Like

Leonard Bloksberg Are you sure Mark Baker? Legislation clearly covers autonomy of ATEED within ATEED. Technically, that means that once Council authorises the budget to be given to ATEED, then ATEED is independent. However, I believe council still has author...See More

53 minutes ago Unlike 1

Ben Ross And not provide a clear context or decision making process route to avoid the confusion the AG made a note and recommendation about

51 minutes ago Like

Mark Baker I'd like to think you are right Leonard, but I suspect the CCOs would beg to differ.

51 minutes ago Unlike 1

Mark Baker ...and who will challenge this?

51 minutes ago Unlike 1

Leonard Bloksberg I believe the term you are looking for is "Empire Building" Mark Baker.

49 minutes ago Like

Ben Ross Good question who could challenge this. I highly doubt a ratepayer could single handed and if a Councillor tried well I would like to know how far they go

48 minutes ago Like 1

Leonard Bloksberg Sadly, Mark Baker, the behind the scenes stuff I've heard suggests that John Key has been personally involved in forcing this ruling to insure that ATEED has authority to undermine the Akl budget to make Len Brown look bad. The strategy tha...See

More 46 minutes ago Like 1

Ben Ross ATEED are not the only CCO to Empire build, we have one other that is damn evil in its empire building and stamping on the little man (the ratepayer) when they have the "audacity" to legitimately question them as a ratepayer

45 minutes ago Like 1

Stephen Maire Well said Leonard. The truth will out.

43 minutes ago Unlike 2

Councillor Michael Goudie Guessing I wont see you boys at the race then :)

40 minutes ago Like 1

Ben Ross Oh we will see you at the race alright, the 2013 race that is ;)

38 minutes ago Edited Like

Adrian Dixon Mate - the decision does not change the fact that when you guys are asked to vote on an issue you must be provided all relevant information - otherwise there is no point in us electing you to make decisions on our behalf!

32 minutes ago Like

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