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Emerald Star News


The BEST LIL NEWSPAPER in Walton county - from Freeport, Florida

Volume: 4 Issue: 13

June 28, 2012

bi-weekly Edition


Made possible by your local advertising businesses in this edition.

Judge Green Returns Order In Email Contempt Case

Judge Green says Walton Commissioner Scott Brannon is not in contempt. Walton County Judge David Green returned an..

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DFS Meth Charges After DCF Calls About Children

It was a meth mess when DCF showed up so the cops were called. The investigation began when officers responded to....

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Summit for Heroes event to take place in Walton County The Walton
County Sheriff's Office (WCSO) announced today that Paxton will be the site of the 2012 Summit for Heroes event. The...

Page 9

Beach Monitoring In Walton County The Health Department says several

Walton County Beaches might be at a health risk after water sampling. Health Advisories have been issued for....

Page 10

offered free .from our business Advertisers inside this week

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Page 2

The Wolfes Den


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hello once again. The weeks fly by like a bird in the wind. As I was watching TV this past Monday the Arizona conflict, ruling whatever you want to call it. The state of AZ cannot catch a break. The federal gov't refuses to do it's job, and border states are inundated with all manner of illegal immigrants that are unaccounted for, who compete for limited jobs and resources. It is a PROBLEM. And it's wrong for our gov't to treat it as if it's a problem for illegal immigrants and shouldn't be. That, in effect is treason. Our political leaders swear oaths to the protection of the sovereignty of this nation. And immigrants and citizens are required to respect it, and be loyal to it. Anyone who hasn't processed through or proven they are, don't deserve to be here. Let alone have jobs, or their college educations competed for by people who didn't respect the laws of entrance and residence. This is unfair to those who have. It's wrongful to make disincentives to break the law disappear. If the feds don't want states to do their jobs, then why aren't the feds doing it? Does treason, or illegal mean anything any more? The justices struck down most of Arizonas immigration law , with the backing of Chief Justice John Roberts Jr., and prohibited mandatory life terms without parole for juvenile offenders. Starting with the parole case: The ruling said that such mandatory sentencing schemes violate the 8th Amendment because they do not allow for consideration of an offenders age and the wealth of characteristics and circumstances attendant to it. Those, it said, include immaturity, impetuosity, and failure to appreciate risks and consequences, as well as the juveniles family and home environment. It is unconstitutional to prohibit a court from considering the individual circumstances of a case. This logic seems out of whack to mebut it was a five-four decision. Justice Samuel Alito was so incensed that he read his dissent from the bench. The Arizona ruling was more muddied by adding, the justices struck down three provisions: That its a state crime to be in the country without proper authorization, a state crime for an undocumented worker to apply for a job or to work in Arizona, and that state law enforcement officials can arrest a person who is in the United States legally, but who the police believe may have committed a deportable offense without a warrant. In each of those cases, the majority said those powers rest with the federal government, not with Arizona lawmakers. But it refused to overturn the most controversial section of the Arizona law, which requires the police to check the immigration status of people they detain before releasing them. The Supreme Court said a lower court had erred in blocking this law, because there is no evidence yet that its enforcement would pre-empt federal law. When I dig deep into these types of headlines it confuses me more than I thought. For if we didnt look into the space between the lines one would not know the extent of what is taking place all around us. Living where we do there are similar issues taking place daily in the court systems. How much more of not listening to the details within such laws are we going to allow to effect us more than just living or being in Arizona. The incredible way the Grand Canyon appeared to me was quite and tranquil as I gazed into millions of years ago scenery. To live in peace as nature surrounds you. It sure sounded good to me. Have a great week!

Views expressed in The EMERALD STAR NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. The staff of The EMERALD STAR NEWS pride ourselves in our efforts to ensure accuracy of the publication contents. However, there is no guarantee of the accuracy of all the Information nor the absence of errors and omissions (especially when sent through a third party); therefore, no responsibility can or will be assumed. 3000 copies printed bi-weekly.

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Quote of the week :
Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure.


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Thursday, June 28, 2012


Page 3

Judge Green Returns Order In Email Contempt Case

Judge Green says Walton Commissioner Scott Brannon is not in contempt. Walton County Judge David Green returned an order in the contempt case filed by Suzanne Harris against Walton Commissioner Scott Brannon. Green says the court is unable to conclude that Commissioner Brannons act of sending the emails introduced into evidence constituted contempt. This applies to Brannon personally and the Walton Commission. After a previous complaint by resident Suzanne Harris, Judge Green ordered the Walton Commissioners to use county services when sending emails in order to comply with state Sunshine Law record requirements. After emails were sent from addresses other than the main county email address, Harris took the matter to the court with a claim that Brannon and two others violated the court order. This was a Motion to Show Cause why the violators should not be held in contempt. Harris contended Brannon violated the terms of the court order. Brannon and two others being charged, held they have not violated the proscriptions contained in the judgement and claimed Harris is barred by the doctrine of unclean hands from seeking a finding of contempt against them due to Harris participation in the same email correspondence she complained about. According to, a legal doctrine which is a defense to a complaint, which states that a party who is asking for a judgment cannot have the help of the court if he/she has done anything unethical in relation to the subject of the lawsuit. Thus, if a defendant can show the plaintiff had "unclean hands," the plaintiff's complaint will be dismissed or the plaintiff will be denied judgment. The plaintiff presented eighteen documents and seventeen were accepted into evidence. The defendant presented twenty-two documents to support its defense of unclean hands. Of the documents entered by Harris, fifteen were sent by Commissioner Scott Brannon, one forwarded by Commissioner Cecilia Jones to the county attorney of a document already in her official email account and one by Brannons administrative assistant to another county employee. Of the 15 emails sent from Brannons private email account, twelve were either directly copied to the official email account of the assistant or another county official or were of documents already on the countys official email account or other public record. The three remaining emails were sent to Harris. One was a copy of a cell phone message from Lloyd Blue requesting a meeting. The two remaining concerned a behind the scene effort between Brannon, Harris, County Attorney Clay Adkinson and Harris Attorney Matt Gaetz to prepare an ethics complaint against Walton Commissioner Larry Jones. Judge Green says, while those two emails might constitute evidence of an attempt to avoid transparency in government, supposedly advocated by Harris, even though she participated in them, they do not constitute transacting county business. Likewise, Judge Green says the emails presented by Brannon also do not constitute transaction of business. Judge Green says, considering the Final Judgement, the fact that all emails involving acts which might be deemed transacting county business were forwarded to official county email addresses, the nature of the emails and the definitions of contempt, he is unable to conclude Commissioner Brannons act of sending the particular emails introduced into evidence by Harris constituted contempt by Brannon or the Walton Commission. Judge Green ordered and adjudged that Harris motion for contempt by denied and the court reserves jurisdiction over the issue of the costs and attorneys fees. The order was completed June 22nd.

Senior Driving Guide Offered

As reported by WZEP AM1460 Florida has something new specifically designed for aging drivers. The Florida Guide for Aging Drivers is a handy book available at no cost to senior drivers, compliments of the Florida Safe Mobility for Life Coalition. The Coalition, a group comprised of professionals from 28 organizations, created the guide to give aging drivers a comprehensive resource with the most up-to-date information available. Currently, nearly 3 million drivers in Florida are over age 65.Gail Holley, Florida Department of Transportations Safe Mobility for Life Program and Research Manager says most people experience a steady decline in some of the skills needed to safely drive as we get older. She says these changes do not affect all drivers at the same age or in the same way. Holley says it is important for everyone to understand the impact that aging can have on their driving and learn the warning signs and resources that are available to them so they can make the transition when driving may no longer be a safe option. Basically, the guide offers just about everything an aging driver needs to be more proactive about staying safe on the road. This book compliments the website and is just the right size for the cars glove box and available through the: Safe Mobility for Life Resource Center 636 West Call Street Tallahassee, FL 32306 Why does Florida need an aging driver guide? Actually, it makes perfect sense when you consider that Florida leads the nation with 18 percent of its population age 65 and older. In fact, by the year 2030, over 27 percent will be over age 65, with half of those 75 or older. Mirroring this growth, an increasing proportion of drivers in Florida are getting older. The guide is designed to help aging drivers strike a balance between safety and the need for independence. The hope is that users of the guide will take the time to consider their driving abilities, take steps to improve their driving skills, explore other transportation options if needed, and start making a plan for retirement from driving if it becomes necessary in the future.

DFS Council Meeting

As reported by WZEP AM1460

Miss Chautauqua has a full court and all the young ladies were presented to the DeFuniak Springs City Council. Florida Chautauqua Center President Christopher Mitchell presented the court and announced former First Lady Rosalynn Carter has accepted an invitation as the keynote speaker. A video of Chautauqua history and education was presented and Mitchell said there is a gold mine for the city. Jane Swift gave an update on the water and wastewater. Swift said they have been testing enzymes at the treatment plant, but found it to be ineffective. They do have the new operating permit, complete with continuous monitoring. Well number 2 is still be worked on. Swift noted the contract work on the water lines has caused some calls for sediment problems. When notified, they flush the lines out. Flushing hydrants also causes a problem as the fast flow of water breaks sediment from the lines. The city is producing about 1.5 million gallons of water a day. Councilmember Mac Work asked that all the organizations receiving money from the city provide a balance sheet and if they do not provide one, then they do not get funds. The motion passed 5-0. Work also noted, during the recent fire on Brahms, the fire hydrant was not yet in operation, not that it was broken, but was a new hydrant being installed as part of the water system expansion. Council member Kermit Wright nominated Jeanine Cole as a Planning Board member as a replacement. The motion passed 5-0. City Marshal Mark Weeks asked to upgrade firearms for the auxiliary and reserves. The 20 older glocks in the storeroom would be exchanged for 13 new weapons. The Council agreed. The Council also approved promoting two officers to the rank of sergeant. This to fill a vacancy so there are two supervisors with boots on the ground. These are not new positions. Councilmember Mac Work questioned the positions, even though they are not adding employees, but questioned the need to cut back during the upcoming budget process. The vote passed 3-2 with Work and Graham the nay votes. Cont on pg.8

Page 4


Health Post
George Roll P.A.-C Seagrove Medical Clinic Call # 850-231-6200 Walk-ins and Appt.s Send health questions or comments to: P.O.Box 1133 Freeport, Florida 32439


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Freeport Mayors Post

Freeport Mayor
Mickey Marse 998 Bay Dr.
Santa Rosa-Beach, Fl.32459 To post a comment or question for the Mayor,
E-mail : Frank@

State Certified-Master Plumber
License # CF-C057978


We reserve the right to refuse publications of any comments or questions for the Mayor. Thank You.

Therapies targeting this pathway can potentially prevent acute mental stressors from initiating plaque rupture. Limited evidence suggests that appropriately timed administration of betablockers, statins and aspirin might reduce the incidence of triggered myocardial infarctions. Stress management and transcendental meditation warrant further study. Methods

Its the last week of June, 2012 and we dodged the storm in the Gulf. We had some rain and a little wind, just enough to blow limbs and pine cones all over the yard. The will help keep me busy this weekend. The water line to the west is complete. People are connecting along the way. We ran a test last week to see if the Portland well would carry the Choctaw area without the tank and it will. This is a good thing. If something were to happen to the Choctaw well, that area can be serviced by this system. Construction should get underway on Highway 331 south from Highway 20 to the bay. Anderson Columbia was the low bidder on this segment of highway. I hope they do a good job and keep it safe. This four lane is needed now. Last Saturday afternoon, traffic was backed up through DeFuniak, I think from Highway 90 south. The swimming pool is open and doing well. The best thing we have done is turning its operation over to the fire department. They do a wonderful job of running it and keeping it clean. Come and join them. The City is doing fine. We are cutting grass everywhere with some rain and lots of sunshine, it will grow fast! The baseball tournaments for Dixie Youth are over. Everyone can take a break for a few months now. The Freeport teams didnt get too far this year, but everyone enjoyed the games and the experience. The Freeport City Council meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday of every month, at the Freeport City Hall, beginning at 7:00 pm. Come participate in your local government. Mayor Marse

Call for AJs -tip of the week

Targeted PUBMED searches were conducted to supplement the authors' existing database on this topic.

If water runs through it. WE DO IT!!

The Town Planters Society of Freeport is putting the finishing touches
on their latest project, the memorial garden located at the clubs meeting hall, The Blount House on Kylea Laird Drive. For the past few months, club members under the direction of Russ Barley have been planning the garden which features the names of club members that are no longer with us. The brickwork was the kind donation of Stonescapes of Freeport and the garden features a beautiful fountain and bench as it's centerpiece. A dedication ceremony will be held on Saturday June 30 at 3:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend.


Cardiovascular events are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the developed world. Cardiovascular events can be triggered by acute mental stress caused by events such as an earthquake, a televised highdrama soccer game, job strain or the death of a loved one. Acute mental stress increases sympathetic output, impairs endothelial function and creates a hypercoagulable state. These changes have the potential to rupture vulnerable plaque and precipitate intraluminal thrombosis, resulting in myocardial infarction or sudden death. Please consult your physician if you feel stressed overwhelmingly. Stop by and see us for your next check-up too. I want to Thank the Emerald Star News for giving me this opportunity to have my column. If you have any questions youd like me to write about? Send all inquires to The Emerald Star News.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Emerald Star News, Inc.

Page 5


MSNBC caught red-handed editing Romney rally speech to portray candidate as out of touch
MSNBC was caught again using selective editing in a video of Mitt Romney seemingly awestruck by the process of ordering a sandwich at a convenience store. During an afternoon broadcast of "Andrea Mitchell Reports," video of the GOP presidential candidate seemed to show a politician out of touch as he discussed ordering a hoagie at Wawa. Its amazing," Romney said, as the Pennsylvania crowd appeared to laugh. Then viewers saw Romney say, "You have a touchtone keypad, and you touch that, touch this, go pay the cashier, theres your sandwich. What viewers didn't see or hear was nearly three minutes of Romney discussing the nightmare of paperwork faced by an optometrist he'd talked to who had tried unsuccessfully to get the post office to change his address. Romney expressed mock amazement at Wawa's efficiency to underscore how the private sector often runs circles around the clumsy bureaucracy. "We went to Wawas and it was instructive to me, because I saw the difference between the private sector and the governmental sector. People who work in government are good people and I respect what they do, but you see, the challenge with government is that it doesnt have competition, Romney said in a portion edited out of the segment. A laugh track spliced in from another part of the speech allowed the left-leaning news network to further mock Romney. Representatives for the Romney campaign declined to comment, but officials from the Romney camp had reached out to MSNBC, who promised they would correct the issue. At the opening of Tuesdays show, Mitchell tried to gloss over the misleading edits but fell short of admitting they had deliberately tried to mislead viewers. Theres been a lot of discussion about a conversation you and I had yesterday, Mitchell said to MSNBC contributor Chris Cillizza, We ran clips of Mitt Romney in Cornwall, Pa., talking about his trip to a Wawa. The RNC and the campaign both reached out to us saying that Romney had more to say about that visit, about federal bureaucracy and innovation in the private sector, she added before playing the unedited clip from the rally. Officials for NBC Universal, which owns MSNBC, did not immediately return a request for comment. This isn't the first time MSNBC has tried to manipulate the news and falsely influence viewers. Last August, Ed Schultz of MSNBC played an edited clip in which thenpresidential candidate Rick Perry described the national debt as a big black cloud that hangs over America to make it sound like a racial dig at President Obama. Schultz later apologized. And in March, NBC was also caught editing the audio of George Zimmerman's 911 call as he watched Trayvon Martin in the minutes before he fatally shot the Florida teen. On a tape edited and played on the Today show, Zimmerman was heard calling Martin suspicious and volunteering that he was black. But the full, unedited tape showed that Zimmerman only mentioned Martins race when asked by the dispatcher. The result made it sound like Zimmerman was racially profiling Martin. The network fired three people after getting widespread criticism.

WCSO investigates attempted robbery, makes arrest

The Walton County Sheriff's Office (WCSO) arrested Alan Fredrick Perkins, 60, of Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, for attempted robbery with a firearm. At approximately 4:35 p.m. on June 20, 2012, Perkins entered the Santa Rosa Pharmacy, located at 19 Town Center Loop in Walton County. Perkins told the pharmacy clerk that he had "nothing to lose". Perkins leaned across the counter toward the clerk in an aggressive manner and demanded that she provide him with Oxycontin and Xanax. Perkins led the clerk to believe that he was armed by placing his hand into his pants pocket, and sliding a black object (later identified as a small caliber handgun) in and out of his pocket. The clerk yelled for a coworker to activate the alarm, and Perkins fled the scene without obtaining any medications. Perkins fled in beige colored SUV. WCSO deputies were dispatched and arrived within minutes. Investigators responded to the scene as well and reviewed video surveillance of the incident. Based upon the vehicle description and video surveillance, Investigators were able to identify Alan Frederick Perkins as the perpetrator. Investigators traveled to Perkins' residence, where they learned that Perkins had injured himself with a firearm. Perkins was transported to a Pensacola hospital for treatment of his injuries. A warrant was secured for the arrest of Alan Frederick Perkins, and he was released into the custody of law enforcement authorities in Escambia County. Perkins was transported to Walton County on June 25, 2012 and booked into the Walton County Jail.

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Growth Opportunities Evenings (7-9PM) and Weekends: -- Take the Test, Take Control! -- Walton County Health Department has partnered with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation of Pensacola to provide FREE HIV testing on June 27, 2012 at the Winn Dixie parking lot located at 130 Scenic Gulf Drive in Miramar Beach, Florida. Confidential and free HIV testing, counseling and results will be available on a walk-in basis in the AIDS Healthcare Foundation mobile unit from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. With this expiration The Florida Department of Health and the Bureau of HIV / AIDS recognizes June 27th as National HIV Testing Day. More than 200,000 people in the U.S. are living with HIV Monday - Friday 9AM - 9PM / Saturday 9AM - 6PM / Sunday 11AM - 6PM and don't know it. On this day, people are urged to get tested for HIV and to encourage family and friends to do the same. One of the most important steps in preventing HIV is Try Online Check-in at to get tested and know your status. For more information about National HIV Testing Day, including testing locations, visit We'll be waiting for you! Health Department at (850) 892-8015.

$9.99 Haircut

Page 6

The EMERALD STAR NEWS Inc. As reported by WZEP AM1460

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Floridas seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 8.6 percent in May 2012, the lowest since December 2008 when it was 8.2 percent. There were 794,000 jobless Floridians out of a labor force of 9,262,000. The U.S. unemployment rate was 8.2 percent in May. The number of jobs in the state was up 53,800 over the year. Nationally, the number of jobs was up 1.4 percent over the year. In May 2012, Monroe County (4.9 percent) had the states lowest unemployment rate, followed by Walton County (5.3 percent), Okaloosa County (5.9 percent), Franklin County (6.1 percent), and Lafayette County (6.5 percent). For our area, Holmes County had 6.9 percent, Washington County came in at 8.9 percent and Jackson County is listed with 7.0 percent. The state says many of the counties with the lowest unemployment rates were those with relatively high proportions of government employment. Walton TDC Director Dawn Moliterno also reports the coastal tourist areas are seeing continued bed tax growth, indicating visitors coming to our area. A quick look and we see that the Walton School District has around 1150 employees. The Walton County Commissioners have around 500. This does not include the Constitutional Officers. The city of DeFuniak Springs has 110 employees. Walton Countys estimated population is around 55,000. A quick estimate shows that around 2000 residents in Walton work for the government. Of course some of the government employees live outside of Walton and there are also State and Federal employees to consider. According to, At least for the national numbers, at the beginning of each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (a division of the U.S. Department of Labor) releases its Employment Report for the previous month. This monthly Employment Report is based on information provided to the BLS by U.S. employers, and its purpose is to give us a current overall picture of the job market across the country. The entire monthly report itself usually weighs in at about 40 to 50 pages. They say the first thing you need to understand about the monthly unemployment rate as calculated by the BLS Employment Report is that it only takes into consideration those individuals who are: (a) out of work; and (b) actively looking for work. If a person hasnt worked in the past 12 months and has just given up for the time being and stopped actively looking for a job, the BLS doesnt count that person as being unemployed for the purpose of its monthly survey. And many who teach about the employment numbers will tell you that there are always some who are in transition as they are moving, retiring, simply looking for a different job, or are in some sort of other transition. This number is generally considered to be about 5% or less. In the past, Walton has seen numbers less than 3%. At that time companies in the tourist industry were recruiting employees from out of the area and even out of the country, often providing a place to live as well as a job.

By M. Vreeland One of our most refined and gracious ladies, Maye is a long time resident of Alaqua Animal Refuge. She has seen lots of changes during the weeks and months shes been here, and she regales the newbies who arrive with tales of the old days. That was when all the cats lived in much smaller condos than the spacious cabins they share today. A lovely gray and brown tabby with yellow-green eyes, Maye has watched many of her feline friends come and go, and is always happy to know theyre leaving for forever homes. Quiet, affectionate and looking for love, she waits patiently for the day when her very own special someone will walk up to the screened porch as she enjoys her afternoon nap to wake her with the words shes been longing to hear Hello, Miss Maye. Ive come to take you home. Visit her any Tuesday through Sunday from 12:00 noon until 5:00 P.M. Youll find her in the back Cat Cabin soaking up the sun and dreaming happily ever after dreams.

Dear Aunt Ruby: I love my job and the people I work with. However, my immediate supervisor and I have very different social and political views. He seems intent on getting me to come around to his way of thinking. These kinds of discussions make me uncomfortable. I don't want to tell him what I'm really thinking. And more often than not, I'm completely caught off guard and blindsided by his statements. How do I respond without putting my job in jeopardy or making him angry? No Political Talk Dear No: It's perfectly OK to tell someone that you are uncomfortable discussing politics at work. If that doesn't help, your safest bet is to politely ignore him, nodding and busying yourself with work. Or plaster a big smile on your face and reply, "We'll just have to agree to disagree." Repeat as needed. Of course, if he harangues you, you should mention it to human resources.

Did you know?

Microsoft's IPO was on March 13, 1986. The offering price was $21 per share. Let's say you bought one. Exactly 20 years later, that share would have been split in 288 shares, and each of those shares was $27.10. That means a $21 investment would be worth $7,804.80. The share price has dropped somewhat since then, but that $21 would still fetch somewhere north of $6,000 . Dear Aunt Ruby: We hit it off with a Realtor we met at an open house, and now she sends us daily multiple listings. We haven't been to any showings with her yet, but already we can tell she's not listening to what we keep asking for. We want to go with another agent from her same company, but can we do that? I have a feeling that within the same agency, they don't want to step on each other's toes, so we'll be stuck with the same agent unless we decide not to go with that agency at all. Answer: Take the problem to the managing broker in that office. He or she will know how to handle the situation. Don't be too hard on that first agent, though. You may be getting suggestions out of your price range because one can never tell what a seller will really accept. Or you may not see everything you want in the listings that are being sent to you. But remember even when money is no object, just about every house purchase is, in the end, a compromise. It's possible your exact dream house doesn't exist. Agents have a saying that "Buyers are liars." That sounds unpleasant, but it simply means that buyers might, for instance, fall in love with a fireplace and suddenly find they can get along without an extra garage after all. They don't always know what they really want until they see it.

"Northwest Florida's Premier Animal Sanctuary and Adoption Center" Alaqua Animal Refuge is a non-profit, no-kill shelter, located at 914 Whitfield Road, Freeport. We welcome you to visit all the adoptable animals at our beautiful ten acre sanctuary any Tuesday through Sunday from 12:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. For more information you can call us at 850-880-6399 or check out our website at

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Thursday, June 28, 2012


Page 7

Happenings in DeFuniak Springs

Walton Animal Shelter Hours Change Walton Public Works DFS Meth Charges After Brahms Structure Fire DCF Calls About Children As reported by WZEP AM1460 Director Resigns As reported by WZEP AM1460
It was a meth mess when DCF showed Walton Animal Control Shelter Manager up so the cops were called. The investiWalton County Public Works DiLois Marlow says more and more people gation began when officers responded to rector Starsky Harrell has turned in 81 Bishop Pond Road to assist the Deare finding out about the shelter and they his resignation to spend more time partment of Children and Families need a full day Saturday. with his family in Bonifay. County (DCF) in a complaint received by their According to Marlow, in order to more Commissioner Sara Comander conoffice. The complaint was that adults effectively serve the public, the Walton firms that Harrell resigned and says were producing Methamphetamines County Animal Shelter will be changing its his last day will be August 10th. with numerous children in the residence. hours effective July 2nd. According to Commander, Harrell, Saturday the DeFuniak Springs Police The shelter will move from a half day to a lost his grandfather and wants to arrested 31-year-old Chad R. Graham, full business day on Saturdays and will move to help his grandmother on their 33-year-old Ginger M, Wenger, 23-year eliminate their half day hours on Wednesfamily land. Harrell has education as -old Tasha A. Pettit and 23-year-old days. a teacher and would like to get into John L. Graham on Three (3) Counts Marlow says that as time goes by, more teaching. He feels the family needs of Child Neglect. Police also charged and more people find out about the shelter. makes now the time for a change. Chad R. Graham for Unlawful PossesShe says the have had a lot of people coming Comander says she is not sure what sion of Listed Chemicals to Manufacin on Saturdays and questioning why they the BCC will do as far as an interim are closed half a day. She says she feels sure Public Works Administrator. She says ture a Controlled Substance this will provide a better opportunity for the it is important to look at the countys (Methamphetamine) and Possession of Methamphetamines. animals to get adopted and find forever goals for the public works department When officers arrived Chad R. Graham homes as more people can come in as fami- and hire someone who can take them invited them in. Police felt the condition lies and decide on adopting an animal toto those goals. Comander says and of the residence was unfit for anyone to gether. example would be that if the county The new hours for the shelter will be as wants to make road paving a priority, be living there. They also found six children from one to nine years old, all dirty follows: 9am - 5pm - Monday, Tuesday, then they need someone who and wearing badly soiled clothing. Thursday, Friday and Saturday understands what it takes to get the Throughout the residence officers saw Closed - Wednesday and Sunday roads paved. items in plain view that were consistent According to Marlow, "This will also prowith Manufacturing Methamphetamine. vide the shelter a mid-week day to do a deep Based on the officers training, expericlean versus just on Sunday which keeps the HEALTH ADVISORY ence and investigation, they were able animals healthier and happier." to locate adequate evidence for the drug "High Bacteria Count at Morrison related charges. Springs" The Walton County Animal Shelter is loThe children were released to the Decated at 365 Triple G Road in Walton County - Due to a high level partment of Children and Families of bacteria found in routine monitorDeFuniak Springs. A listing of available (DCF) and the 4 suspects were transing of Morrison Springs, the Walton animals can be found at ported to Walton County Department of County Health Department has issued Corrections. a swimming advisory for the Morrinid=574. son Springs bathing place. The Health Department advises against any water-related activities at the above location due to the high bacteria levels. The Health Department will advise the public when water samples confirm that there is no longer a threat to the public. A new fire hydrant was at the corner, but the fire happened before the final water line was hooked up. Around 5am Monday a woman found her neighbors home was burning. Liberty Volunteer Fire Department firefighters arrived to find the double wide home with smoke and flames showing. The fire, on West Brahms off Oakridge, north of DeFuniak Springs, sent smoke into the early morning sky, a column hanging low over the 331 Liberty area. The homes single male occupant was not at home. The neighbor said he often goes to visit his dad in the morning. He has a pet cat, but the animal was not found. The cause is unknown, but the owner reported problems with a circuit breaker. The States Fire Marshal was called to investigate. The Liberty Volunteers were assisted by Argyle, DeFuniak Springs Fire and Walton County Fire-Rescue. Water became a problem and had to be brought in. The large transfer pool was set up and used to dump several thousand gallons of water into from tankers, some using a nearby pool for a water source. An hour into the fight and firefighters were still battling the fire, working hard-to-reach places and hot spots. DeFuniak Springs, who serves the area with water, has a current $6.7 million system upgrade, including a new elevated storage tank south of I-10, replacement water lines in a number of older neighborhoods and additional lines in some of the outlying areas. This is the third system upgrade since the city has taken over several smaller systems. The current upgrade includes more hydrants and larger lines for fire protection, including a new hydrant on the corner of the property. The work is still ongoing and the new lines have not been pressurized. The new hydrant sits covered, almost ready, but the fire came before the water is flowing.

July blood drives in Walton County Destin Area.

Monday 2nd Big Lots, 34940 Emerald Coast Parkway, Destin 11 am to 3 pm Monday 2nd Winn Dixie DeFuniak Springs 12 pm to 6pm Free Gift Card for all donors Tuesday 3rd - Big Lots, 34940 Emerald Coast Parkway, Destin 11 am to 3 pm Thursday 12th Sacred Heart Hospital, Emerald Coast 9 am to 4 pm Thursday 12th Walton County Offices, at the DeFuniak Springs Fairgrounds 8 am to 12 pm Thursday 12th South Walton County Offices, at the Coastal Library 1.30 pm to 4 pm Friday 13th - Wal-Mart - DeFuniak Springs 12 pm to 6pm Free Gift Card for all donors

Page 8 Obituary for Ila H. Fannin Caswell Mrs. Ila Caswell, age 91, of Freeport, Florida passed away June 19, 2012. She was born March 29, 1921 in Walton County, Florida to John and Sarah Cooper Hare. Mrs. Caswell was a lifelong resident of Freeport, Florida. She was Methodist by faith and a member of the First United Methodist Church of Freeport. She worked as a Lunchroom Worker at the Freeport Elementary School for many years before retiring. She enjoyed reading and working puzzles. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Mrs. Caswell is preceded in death by her father and mother, her first husband, Robert Fannin; her second husband, Ray Caswell; two sons, Earl Fannin and David Fannin. Mrs. Caswell is survived by one son, Toby Fannin and wife Ann of Haughton, Louisiana; two brothers, Willie Hare and Willard Hare, two sisters, Mae McCormick and Johnnie McCormick all of Freeport, Florida. She is also survived by 2 grandchildren, Tim Fannin and William Fannin and 1 great-grandson, Nick. Floral arrangements are being accepted. You may go online to view obituaries, offer condolences and sign guest book at Clary-Glenn Freeport Chapel Funeral Home is entrusted with the arrangements.

The EMERALD STAR NEWS, Inc. Dr. David Goetsch to Present at Walton County SHRM Breakfast

Thursday, June 28, 2012

NFSC Trustee Meeting

As reported by WZEP AM1460

Teen Time at the Coastal Library

Santa Rosa Beach, FL Teen Time meeting at the Walton County Coastal Library, July 17, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. High school, middle school, 12 and up are welcome to sign in at the library to participate in and create fun and engaging activities to do. For further information, please contact Shirles Johnson at 850-267-2809, Coastal Branch Library, 437 Greenway Trail, Santa Rosa Beach, FL<http://>.

The governing Board of Trustees of Northwest DeFuniak Springs, FL June 21, Florida State College has approved a balanced 2012 Dr. David Goetsch, a Prin- $33,341,509 annual operating budget that mainciple Partner in tains the colleges tuition rates among the lowest in the state, despite budget challenges. Human Resource Solutions, Inc. will be presenting a seminar on Following a lengthy discussion, Trustees voted Strategic Planning to approve a 2.5 percent tuition increase (two and for Human Resources at the Soci- one-half percent) that will result in about $183 ety for Human Resource Manage- in extra annual cost for a full- time Associate degree student and an additional $279 per acament meeting on demic year for a full-time bachelors degree Thursday, July 12 at 8:00 am at student. The college administration had proposed the Freeport Community Center. a 5 percent increase in tuition. Trustees chose Businesses have a tendency to instead to increase fees by a smaller amount and overlook a vital piece of their to reduce the colleges contingency budget for companys continued the difference. success, a HR Strategic Plan, Starting July 1, college credit classes at stated Rebecca Pazik, President of NWFSC will cost $100.12 per credit hour for the Walton County lower division Associate degree courses and Chapter. We hope that busi$118.59 per credit hour for bachelors degree nesses will join us to hear about upper division courses. the importance of The general operating budget for the colleges having a plan in place. 2012-13 fiscal year is $33,341,509, a slight increase of $93,185 over the colleges current fisThe meeting is open to the public cal year. The total college budget in all funds, and costs $35.00 for SHRM mem- including construction, student financial aid, auxbers and $45.00 for iliary operations and other categories for 2012-13 is $49,018,687 -- changed from $66,431,676 in non-members (cost includes meal). Please go to 2011-12. http://www.shrmCollege president Dr. Ty Handy noted during<http:// the budget discussion that NWFSC had received> to about $638,000 less in state funding than it norregister for mally would have under Floridas traditional funding model since about $36 million was allothe event. For more information, cated to nine colleges from among the 28 via please contact<mailto:r special appropriations. In other matters, trustees approved an>. tion agreement with the University of West Florida that further strengthens the partnership between the two colleges by providing an opportunity for students in the NWFSC Teacher Education baccalaureate degree program to be eligible to receive credit for up to six credit hours as they enter the Masters in Education program at UWF. NWFSC currently offers teacher education bachelors degree programs in Elementary Education, Middle Grades Science Education and Middle Grades Math Education. Handy cited the collaborative effort as an example for the state in joint partnerships and noted that the two institutions had recently received $200,000 in state grants to develop a Hospitality program that will result in an eventual bachelors degree in Hospitality being offered in the region.

Cont from page 3

The Council approved the budget meeting dates, approved working with the County for roadway line striping and agreed to rent office space at the airport for the T-hanger site work project coordinator. They also agreed to a joint participation agreement with the FDOT for security upgrades at the airport terminal using a door taken from the old Health Department Building. This will include changes to the fencing so the airport terminal has a front door. Complaints have been made about poor internet service by Brighthouse. Councilmember Work said they have received a letter outlining problems. Work said the internet service in downtown DeFuniak Springs going out on a regular basis is a problem for businesses that depend on it for doing business. The Council questioned if they can cancel Brighthouses franchise to use city right-of-ways.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Page 9

Help..Spread the word about this newspaper to everyone you know!

Advertising specials going on NOW!! Please thank those advertisers in this issue, because of them we can continue to promote business in Walton county. Thank you

Summit for Heroes event to take place in Walton County

The Walton County Sheriff's Office (WCSO) announced today that Paxton will be the site of the 2012 Summit for Heroes event. The ceremony, which will take place on June 30, 2012 at 9 a.m. at Lakewood Park (Hwy 285, Paxton, FL), will honor those law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty. Teams across the country will climb the highest point in each state in memory of these heroes. The annual Summit for Heroes memorial climb dates back to 2006. In 2011, over 750 law enforcement professionals, friends and family took part nationwide. It was founded by Captain Keith McPheeters of the Farmington Police Department in New Mexico. According to information on the Summit for Heroes website, "McPheeters reflected on the nature of his occupation, the public's perception on a police officer's work, and the effect such a loss has on an officer's survivors. From these thoughts, the concept of Summit for Heroes took form." If you would like more information on Summit for Heroes you can visit their website<http://> or you can make contact with Lt. Artie Rodriguez at 850-892-8186,<mailto:arodriguez@walto>.

The 14 day Overview

Aquarius 1/20 2/18 Pisces 2/19 3/20 Aries 3/21 4/19 Taurus 4/20 5/20 Gemini 5/21 6/21 Cancer 6/22 7/22 Leo 7/23 8/22 Virgo 8/23 9/22

There may be some weird energy in your interactions at the beginning of the week. What's really going on here? Being up front about your own motives is a good place to start. The bonds you have with those around you can become exponentially stronger. Offer your help and say yes to an offer someone makes you or an invitation you receive. Emotions may run high from Friday through the weekend, and your instinct might be to hole up. But other people have fresh energy and even some good advice. If you can recognize when to go ahead and take action, you'll be sitting pretty indeed. Are you ready for some out-of-season spring cleaning around Wednesday and Thursday? Whether it's your workspace or your heart, there's stuff to toss out. Make room for the new! From Friday until Sunday afternoon, you might just want to cozy up with a certain someone or enjoy the company of good friends. Keep those plans low-key. You're thinking about your overall style as the week begins, but something else requires a fine-toothed comb. It may be a challenge to zero in on the details, but you'll be very happy you did. Getting stuff started (at work, at home, even in romance) is favored. Kick it off and watch it fly! Your usual oomph may be missing in action. However, taking things slow isn't a bad idea right about now. Your sensuous side's in the forefront as the week begins, with the cosmos smiling on your romantic endeavors and boosting your attraction factor. Make hay while the proverbial sun shines! You may be wrapped up in work and it could involve some exciting stuff. Don't go overboard, though, because your health may be a bit delicate now. Passion's back in your personal stars from Friday until Sunday afternoon, but beware of possessiveness. Check in with family or friends at the beginning of the week, and make sure the lines of communication are clear and open. Relying on them to divine your feelings isn't going to cut it. Around Wednesday and Thursday, you're extra smart as well as super sexy. What you don't have: follow-through, especially at work. So take necessary steps to keep track of things. Interpersonal connections are crackling as your week begins, and the cosmic forces-that-be are smiling on any plans you make now. Put a little extra thought into it and you'll reap big rewards, both right away and later. Around Wednesday and Thursday, however, the people factor demands additional attention. Spend some time figuring out others' motivations. You're happy to let someone else have the limelight as you start your week. You've got more in-depth or long-term stuff on your mind, and you also have the concentration and analytical skills to deal with it. It's more about sharing the spotlight (or is it candlelight? Things could get romantic now!) Those around you ain't seen nothin' -- until the beginning of this week, that is, when the ambient star power magnifies all things great about you. Whatever you want to do, get right to it. Around Wednesday and Thursday, though, a choice must be made, and it's not so easy. Consult someone who 'gets' you -- your mentor, partner or maybe a trusted friend. It's all about the details as the week begins, and they might totally overwhelm you if you don't make an extra effort to concentrate. Allow for some downtime, too. Life's more about love around Wednesday and Thursday, or at least it should be. Where's your heart? Where do you want to be emotionally? Move toward it, and the stars will give you a nice push. From Friday through the weekend, you might be thinking about a purchase or about something you already own. Choose wisely. Lend a friend a hand, give a coworker a boost or recommit to your volunteer work or giving at the beginning of the week. The cosmic forces have their eye on you! Your sheer power of determination doesn't make a certain decision any easier around Wednesday and Thursday. In fact, pressuring yourself for an answer could create a problem. Have patience, because things look like they'll really clear up, as well as heat up, for you. You've got powerful mental energy, but you'll need to be solo to make the most of it. On the other hand, you love being around people, and they're loving you around Wednesday and Thursday. Getting out of your usual circle could make it even more fun (and make new contacts a real possibility, too). From Friday through the weekend, your imagination's incredibly active. Get that planner updated, make certain inquiries and do some very productive thinking as the week begins. Give those relationships (or potential ones) a little care and feeding now, too. Around Wednesday and Thursday, the connections aren't quite clear, and you'll be glad for the interpersonal foundations you've laid. But never fear: Your personal power's back on high from Friday until Sunday afternoon. You're great with romance or social stuff now, do what you do best.

Libra 9/23 10/22 Scorpio 10/23 11/21

Sagittarius 11/22 12/2 Capricorn 12/22 1/19

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Guaranteed the lowest price to fit any budget. Call today: 850.585.0262

Page 10


Thursday, June 28, 2012

"Erica's Movie Reel"

The debate is over about whether people are out there that are non U.S. citizens who registered to vote. They have. Theres no debate about whether theyve voted. They have. Theres no debate that they can impact elections. They can. -- *Gov. Rick Scott*, R-Fla. Even as Attorney General Eric Holder was pleading with Senate Republicans for a compromise on a looming contempt of Congress vote over an alleged cover-up of a botched gunrunning sting, he was preparing to open a new front in his battle with the GOP. Holder is already facing a growing chorus of calls for his resignation over a refusal to comply with subpoenas from House Republicans and is under increasing pressure for his handling of a torrent of national security leaks. Holders agency moved Tuesday to block Florida from an ongoing effort to purge voter rolls of dead people and non-citizens. The federal lawsuit warns of voter disenfranchisement from Floridas effort to crosscheck a list of more than 2,600 potentially ineligible registered voters produced by public safety officials against county registration records. This is just the latest effort by Holder to stop Republican governors and state lawmakers from cracking down on voter fraud, warning that the efforts in states like Texas and South Carolina to require voters to show identification could wipe out significant gains of the civil rights movement against Jim Crow. But President Obama isnt going to win Texas or South Carolina. Holders interventions against those states and insistence that southern states still need special restrictions and supervision by his agency 47 years after the Voting Rights Act was passed, has a limited political currency. The value of these lawsuits and of Holders heated rhetoric is mostly related to re-energizing black and Hispanic voters, especially older ones who have misgivings about Obamas social liberalism but can still recall the era of segregation. But when the discussion moves to a swing state like Florida, the stakes go way up. No state is better known for close elections and voter shenanigans than the Sunshine State, having been host to the matter of Bush v. Gore. Consider this: the number of voters on the Florida list of potential ineligibles is about 5 times as many ballots as separated George W. Bush and Al Gore 12 years ago. Florida has tilted right since Obamas 2008 victory there, electing conservative Republican Rick Scott as governor and giving the GOP majorities in both houses of the state legislature. And like most conservatives, the new GOP majority was interested in zapping voter fraud. Whatever the philosophical views behind the moves in Florida and elsewhere, theres a practical consideration for Republicans: Democrats are typically the ones who benefit from ineligible voters. In Wisconsin, where a voter ID law is stuck in the courts, Republicans warn about out-of-state union members showing up and taking advantage of the states permissive same-day registration rules. In states like Virginia and Pennsylvania, the worry is over heavily Democratic inner-city precincts where ballot-box stuffing has been alleged. In Florida, Republicans have long complained that Democrats get a boost from illicit ballots cast by illegal immigrants, especially in the states large and growing Haitian community. Indeed, the Miami Herald found that 87 percent of those on the potential purge list were minorities. While Democrats say that this is evidence of Scotts discriminatory aims, it is certainly evidence that if all those folks went to the polls, Democrats would be better off. It might seem an inconvenient time to wade into a swing-state election battle on the side that would benefit his boss, but Holder is not one to back down to the GOP. Its that tenacity that has made him a doyenne of the left and the most controversial member of Obamas cabinet. While the attorney general was publicly pleading for comity and compromise with Republican Senators, his actions later that sent a very different message: bring it on.

Part of 30-A Now Named After Modica

The State of Florida designated the heart of County Road 30-A as Charles Modica, Sr. Hospitality Way during a Seaside ceremony June 21. The honorary naming memorializes longtime Seaside merchant Charles Modica, Sr., who died in 2010. The road designation will encompass that portion of County Road 30-A which lies between CR 283 and CR 395. Senator Don Gaetz and Representative Matt Gaetz, who shepherded the designation through the Florida Legislature, were joined by members of the Modica family immediately to the south of the downtown Seaside block which includes the Modica Market. Senator Gaetz, who served as Seasides first Town Chairman, describes Modica as the unofficial mayor and goodwill ambassador of Seaside. He said that the development of 30-A as a center for familyowned small businesses was largely inspired by the Modica family, who founded the market that bears their name in 1988.

This movie is, visually, the most amazing film I have ever seen. I am not sure where they did the filming for the scenery in this movie, but WOW, beautiful. Prometheus, for those of you who dont know, is a film about a group of scientist that go to a different planet in hopes of finding the beings that created humans. This film is set in the 2090s and is beautiful and vile all at the same time. If you love alien movies, you will like Prometheus, if the thought of teensy, tiny, micro alien lifeforms getting into your system and infecting you is not your cup of tea, then dont bother wasting your time on this film. I had the wonderful pleasure of getting to view Prometheus in IMAX 3D, and let me say (as I always do) it was amazing! The bass was so low in the audio of this film that when the space ship was taking off and landing it was shaking the theatre seats, kind of like a simulator. It was just awesome. This film is filled with lots of gore, blood, guts, beheaded giant aliens, some language, and will more than likely give your child crazy nightmares. So, as always, if you are thinking about letting your child watch this film, screen it yourself first.

If you have any comments of recommendations email me at:

Beach Monitoring In Walton County

The Health Department says several Walton County Beaches might be at a health risk after water sampling. Health Advisories have been issued for Miramar Beach, Blue Mountain Beach, Grayton Beach, Eastern Lake Beach and Inlet Beach Access based on the enterococci standard recommended by the EPA. This should be considered a potential health risk to the bathing public. The Walton County Health Department has been conducting saltwater beach water quality monitoring at seven sites once every week since August 1, 2000, through the Healthy Beaches Monitoring Program. The water samples are analyzed for enteric bacteria (enterococci) that normally inhabit the intestinal tract of humans and animals, which may cause human disease, infections, or rashes. The presence of enteric bacteria is an indication of fecal pollution, which may come from stormwater runoff, pets and wildlife, and human sewage. The purpose of the Healthy Beaches Monitoring Program is to determine whether Florida has significant coastal beach water quality problems and whether future beach monitoring efforts are necessary.

See you all at the movies!!!



Support locally owned & operated business Summer advertising specials going on now!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Only $10
per issue

Page 11

Got Roaches?
Kill them all summer long with Harris One Year Roach Killer. Odorless & Non Staining. Guaranteed. Franks Cash & Carry (850)8354221 or (850)231-0500

For Sale
Husky 5th wheel sliding hitch. $250.00 9-10 straight back chairs and 2 arm chairs of oak. Need repair and finishing. All for $10.00 LG Portable A/C. Used once. All parts and instruction bk. $60.00 Brother Intellifax 775 - phone/copier $15.00 2000 Damon Motor Home. Sale for health rsns - $15,000.00 (Neg) Brass/copper figurines $75.00 Fleece lined P.J.s Size 18 -Never worn. $10.00 each XL used clothing - 1.00 each. Call 850-865-3308 - all above by appointment only

Exp/accurate representative needed
to work, he/she must be above 18yrs old and must have a good qualities to work. Interested applicant should please contact :

Place your rental here for only $10

TEA PARTY TO MEET The next meeting of the Walton County Tea Party Patriots will be held on Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 6:00 PM in the Life Enrichment Senior Center on College Avenue in DeFuniak Springs. The special speaker will be Cindy Meadows, former Walton County Commissioner and current candidate for the Commission. Meadows will discuss the issues which have led her to run for public office at this time. The Walton County Tea Party Patriots is comprised of ordinary citizens who believe that our participation in the governmental process can and does make a difference. The group supports smaller government, less taxation, limited governmental spending and strong enforcement of the principles of the U.S. Constitution. The meeting is free and open to the public. For additional information, please visit our website at or contact Mary Brown at 850-520-4229.

The Emerald Star News office # is: 850-585-0262 Located in Freeport Florida

Home Assistant or helper. Local, trustworthy with references Call Bonnie 850-880-6419 or 253-2213379

Need a sign?
Any size, style, design Vinyl lettering, car wraps, banners, business cards, etc. Design/layout services available. Call for FREE estimate. 585-0262

Volunteers needed at the Alaqua Animal refuge. Must be 18 + For more information call (850) 880-6399

Advertising sales positions

excellent opportunity-call now!! Positions available with little to no exp. With leads. Call 850.585.0262

2006 Arctic cat-4 wheeler, one

owner,245hrs,1180mi. Very good condition, must sell $1950. Call Tim 205-2660726

The Freeport Dixie Youth

All Star 13-15 Softball Team is holding a Fish Fry this Saturday, June 30th, from 10:00 - UNTIL, in order to raise money for their travel expenses to the State Softball Tournament in Carrabelle, Florida. The Fish Fry will be held on the corner of 331 Business and Hwy 20, beside the Freeport Caf. The plates are $8 each: fish, coleslaw, baked beans, bread and tea.

Handyman-25yrs. Exp. All phases of home repair./remodel Free estimates. Excellent work for a great price. For more information Call: ESN @ 850.585.0262

Got an item you want to sell?

Volunteers Needed In Walton county, Yard Work

extremely reasonable rates. Let me help clean up your area. Call ESN: 850-585-0262 for details/times. only 44% of the children in the court system have a volunteer Guardian Ad Litem, Freeport has lots of cases that need volunteers. Please consider volunteering, it only takes a few hours a month after you are trained, and makes a big difference in the life of a local child. Visit fill out the application, save it and send it to you will be so glad you did!!

Grit & Grace

the Official Folklife Story of Walton County, FL presents... "Life at the Landings...& Beyond." Tickets on sale NOW!! Take a trip through the history of Walton County, as this year's production tells about the numerous landings and waterways throughout Walton County, and how they played important roles in the shaping and defining of those lives that settled this area over a century ago. Written and directed by playwright/actor, Nancy Hasty, the script will come alive with numerous songs, choreography, actors, and sets, as the cast and crew bring the stories of the history of Walton County, to life on stage! Now in its 12th season, the production calls the Wise Education and Performing Arts Center, in DeFuniak Springs, FL, home. Productions dates are July 20 and 21; 7 p.m., and July 22; 2 p.m. matinee. Limited seating! A WHOLE NEW SHOW SURE TO ENTERTAIN THE ENTIRE FAMILY! For more information, or ticket reservations, log on to, or call 850.270.7008


Dollar Days
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We buy gold-top dollar paid on the spot

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Page 12


Thursday, June 28, 2012

ALMOST AN ACRE ON MALLET BAYOU! - ID# T88494 3BR/2BA home with 1,514 sq. ft. Fenced back yard and outbuilding. Enjoy the view from the screened back porch or fish from the dock equipped with power & water. WATERFRONT DEAL! $235,900

NEW LISTING - DEFUNIAK SPRINGS 3BR/2BA, 2,026 sq. ft. newly remodeled home. Kitchen has bar and eat-in area. Bonus computer/craft room. Open back deck for outdoor entertaining. WONT LAST LONG AT $124,900

BACK ON THE MARKET - ID# T88497 4BR/3.5BA, 2,369 sq. ft. home on LaGrange Bayou w/over 1.3 acres. Custom kitchen, 9 ceilings, and tongue & groove wood floors. Florida room w/Bayou views. Double garage. Studio/workshop. Dock w/covered boatlift. PRICE REDUCED TO $485,000

ACREAGE - HOME - SHOP - ID# T88495 1.79 acres with brick 3BR/2BA, 1,800 sq. ft. home on corner. Property is fenced. Large 30 x 60 metal workshop with roll up doors. Short Sale, Sold As-Is. NOW ONLY $175,000

BAYFRONT LOT - ID# T88493 Bay Harbour lot being offered at an unbelievably low price. Not a short sale! Owner Financing Available. $149,000

HWY 90 ACREAGE - ID# T483643 Near Okaloosa-Santa Rosa line. Owner fin. avail w/ 10% down & flexible terms. Over 4 acres w/public water avail. $75,000

UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY! - ID# T620662 1.37 ac corner lot near Bridge. Brick 3BR/1BA, 1,614 sq. ft. w/new metal roof, paint & kitchen. Fenced yard. $138,500

MOVE IN READY! - ID# T606002 3BR/2BA, 1,216 SF on 1+ acre in DFS area. Oversized kitchen. Carport, fenced backyard, above ground pool w/deck. $74,900

EMERALD SHORES - ID# 88485 CARIBBEAN FUN - ID# T378319 Protected water with easy access to the 2br/1.5ba, two-story bungalow directly on Black Creek. Dock w/electric. Storage shed, Intracoastal & Choctawhatchee Bay. CW&S available. Tremendous potential! $159,000 dbl carport. Must see! $189,000

NEAR BLACK CREEK - ID# T616439 3BR/1.5BA, 1,260 sq. ft. brick home on half acre. New roof, interior paint, appliances, tile, windows, blinds, etc. $125,000

THE FLORIDA GOOD LIFE - ID# T305914 3BR/2.5BA, 1,836 SF cottage on LaGrange Bayou. 1st floor Master BR. Open kitchen w/ granite countertops. Dbl garage. $369,500


Ph: 850-835-4153

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