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They all look up to you.

These words from the most senior member of my staff of seven computer applications programmers, describing her colleagues feelings, made me proud. They also enticed me to look further into the relationships between the power that comes with a leadership title, and the role of respect in acquiring the influence to be successful in leadership. In Achieve Results Through Relationships a white paper presented by DeStricker Associates at, it is asserted that Influence is based on respect and relationships . The entire paper deals with the concept that organizational influence can be achieved by building relationships with colleagues, and superiors. This may in itself be true, but I also believe that the same approach is needed to successfully lead a team or department. As important as it is to have the respect of your peers and those above you in the organization, it is more important to have the respect of those that take guidance and direction from you on a daily basis. I have the power of authority over my staff. I have a title, I am listed on the organizational chart as their manager, and I even have an office with a door! They have to do what I tell them to, right? So isnt that enough to accomplish whatever tasks we have to? I determine the priorities for the entire team, and can assign specific tasks to be completed in a specific timeframe. I believe that its not enough, as I indicated in this class on our mid-term examination: In fact, according to our textbook, this is not leadership at all because it may get people to respond, but they would not be responding willingly. So what did I do to get that respect? And how does having it better equip me a manager? I believe the respect is based on two principles to which I strive to adhere: 1. That each member of my staff is entitled to respect for their skills and ablilities. 2. That I, as their manager, should set an example for them in the workplace. According to Erik Ern-Kjlhede, writing in Project Management Theory and the Management of Research Projects ( there are seven different sources of power: 1. Authority - the ability to control and command 2. Accountability - holding another person responsible for a task e.g. through contractual agreement 3. Commitment - the power that comes from motivating people to get involved and participate actively 4. Information power - can be obtained by becoming prime information channel in an organisation 5. Influence power - power through interpersonal skills and charisma 6. Network power - based on personal contacts; ability to do and receive favours (make clients) 7. Earned/personal power - stemming from professional reputation and skills

While I have Authority, what I need is both Commitment and Influence Power, and I believe I have to work every day to retain my staffs respect in order to have these. Discussion questions: 1. What is authority as it relates to workplace leadership? 2. What is influence as it relates to workplace leadership? 3. Can one have authority without influence, can one have influence without authority? 4. Is there one person you respect more than any other in the workplace? Why? 5. Have you ever had a manager that you didnt respect? Why not? How did this affect the way you did your job?

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