Strategic Planning For Pastoral Staff

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Strategic Planning for Pastoral Staff

Implementing Change in Your Local Church from the Top Down

Tom Pennington
Executive Pastor


I. The Biblical Arguments for Strategic Planning

A. Scripture describes God Himself as making and carrying out His plans.

1. God’s Plans Identified (2 Kings 19:25; Psa. 33:11; Prov. 19:21; Is. 14:24, 27;
25:1; Jer. 18:11; 29:11; 49:20; 50:45; Acts 2:23; Eph. 1:11)

2. God’s Plans Illustrated (Gen. 50:20; Dan. 2:36-45; Rom. 8:28; all biblical

B. In the context of weighing the demands of discipleship, Christ praises human

planning; He implies that a wise person will in every situation try to make plans
(Luke 14:28-32).

C. The wisdom of Israel’s sages calls for human planning, while at the same time
acknowledging God’s sovereignty over our plans (Prov. 20:5; 6:18; 15:22; 15:26;
16:1; 16:3; 16:9; 19:21; 20:18; 21:5; 24:8).

D. In interpreting the New Testament data regarding church leaders, many have
identified planning as a crucial function of biblical leadership. For example:

While He may choose to break out beyond our plans and programs, the Spirit
thereby does not call us to abandon or to become careless about planning and
leadership. When we not only plan, but also submit our plans to the Spirit for His
blue-penciling, we do well. We must remember that all that the Scriptures say about
the necessity for good leadership (and they say much about it) was inspired by the
Holy Spirit Himself. It is of utmost necessity, therefore, to recognize at the outset that
good leadership, planning and management in the Church of Christ are not merely
tolerated or permitted (as one might suppose from listening to many ministers) but
required and encouraged by the Holy Spirit. To put it tersely: biblical administration
is spiritual…Planning, for instance, is the real work of the overseer. Indeed, it is so
bound up with preaching, with evangelism and with pastoral care that is can never
be separated from them….Shepherdly leadership…involves planning (i.e., the setting
of goals and of objectives for the progress of the flock as it seeks to honor God in all
of its activities and endeavors; determining where the green grass grows and the still
waters lie, and how to discover and guide the sheep into the paths of righteousness
that lead there).
Jay Adams, Shepherding God’s Flock
The leader must not only see clearly the goal that is to be reached, but also plan
imaginative strategy and tactics by which it can be attained. This is an area in which
there is a perennial short supply.
Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Leadership

A congregation needs leadership, management, governance, guidance, counsel, and

vision. Hence all elders must be, to some measure, leaders and managers. The
eldership must clarify direction and beliefs for the flock. It must set goals, make
decisions, give direction, correct failures, affect change, and motivate people. It must
evaluate, plan, and govern. Elders, then, must be problem solvers, managers of
people, planners, and thinkers….Since shepherd elders must lead and manage a
congregation of people, the New Testament requires that all elder candidates
evidence management ability by the proper management of their own households (1
Timothy 3:4-5).
Alexander Strauch, Biblical Eldership

A church must have functional goals and objectives, or it will have no direction. If
you don't know where you're going, you won't know when you've arrived…. We must
first recognize the basic biblical goals of the church: winning people to Christ, and
helping them mature. Underneath those over-arching goals are more specific ones,
like unifying families, preventing divorce, and educating children in the things of the
Lord….In addition to them, we must have functional objectives. They are the
stepping stones we use to accomplish biblical goals. It isn't enough just to say that
we must learn the Word of God. We must go a step further and provide some steps to
attain that goal. Functional goals and objectives are essential. A church can't be
nebulous in its direction. It must give people goals and also objectives to reach them.

John MacArthur, Shepherdology

II. The Key Areas for Strategic Planning

A. Personal Strategic Planning

1. Weekly Schedule and Priority Planning

2. Quarterly Day Away

B. Family Strategic Planning

C. Departmental/Ministry Strategic Planning

D. Organizational Strategic Planning

III. The Goals of Annual Organizational Strategic Planning

A. Identify and Further Improve the Church’s Strengths

B. Identify and Correct Organizational Weaknesses (including areas such as staffing,

organizational structure, specific departments, worship services, leadership, facilities,
and member services)

C. Develop or Improve Specific Equipping Ministries (such as evangelism, leadership

training, parenting, and counseling)

D. Create a Strategy to Seize Key Opportunities

Anyone who’s committed to the Lord’s work and is motivated to reach others is
going to see many needs that haven’t been met yet. Therefore he will always be
planning how to meet them. Such a person has a visionary perspective. He's
never satisfied merely with what is being done. He also focuses on what isn’t
being done and that is why he plans ahead, looking for new worlds to conquer.
He’s facing the reality of unmet opportunity, waiting for new doors to open up.
John MacArthur

E. Develop Strategies to Avoid or to Minimize Looming Threats

F. Solidify Your Leadership Team

G. Create a Short- and Long-term Strategy for the Church

IV. The Tools of Annual Organizational Strategic Planning

A. A Predetermined Agenda [see attached sample]

B. The SWOT Process (the acronym stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and

1. An Overview: a strategic planning method that leads inexorably to a consensus

of the key issues that ought to be addressed, that forces the formulation of
specific objectives, and that creates realistic action steps to accomplish those

2. The Process
a. Create detailed lists of your church’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats:
1) Strengths – those things that currently, effectively contribute to the
health of your church
2) Weaknesses – those things that are apparent deficiencies
3) Opportunities – those things that could be done that would benefit the
4) Threats – those things both in and outside your control that may damage
the health of the church (such as people, movements, demographic shifts,
low offerings, neighborhood deterioration, etc.)

b. Give each participant 50 points with which to indicate those items on the
detailed lists of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that he
would most like to see addressed; he can spend no less than 5 points on an
item and no more than 20 on one item.
c. Based on the point totals, prioritize those issues that you will address
d. Starting with the item that received the most votes, write an objective or goal
to address the issue and specific action steps to accomplish that goal.

Weakness: Shepherds’ Conference

1. Redesign conference to be more effective
2. Attract 1,000+ participants annually
3. Replace domestic away-conferences

1. Cancel plans for next year’s conference
2. Evaluate other conferences
3. Set planning meeting to redesign the conference
4. Create plan to increase attendance
5. Identify key leader
6. Choose guest speaker(s)
7. Select date

e. Determine who will be responsible to oversee that issue.

3. The Logistics
a. Identify one moderator and writer.
b. It is helpful to create the lists on poster paper and to use masking tape to affix
each sheet of paper to the wall of the meeting room. This allows a quick
perusal of what has already been listed and a simple voting process.
c. Each participant votes by writing numbers in the margin of each sheet, next
to each item that concerns him.
d. It is best to create an objective and specific action steps for each priority
before addressing the next issue.

4. The Results
a. A comprehensive list of every important issue in your church that could
possibly be addressed.
b. A mathematical consensus of priorities.
c. A written goal or objective to adequately address each priority.
d. A detailed list of action steps to ensure each objective is met.
e. A specific person responsible for each goal or objective.

C. A Combination Approach

V. The Process of Annual Organizational Strategic Planning

A. Choosing the Venue

The considerations below suggest that the best environment for strategic planning is
a retreat, either a day away, or preferably at least one overnight. Carefully weigh the

1. You need to meet away from the normal distractions of the church campus.

2. To adequately accomplish the purposes listed above will require at least an entire
day away, and preferably a couple of days.

3. Choose a comfortable place that breeds relaxed conversation, fellowship, and


4. It should be within a comfortable driving distance of the church. For example,

don’t plan to travel more than 2 to 3 hours one way for a three-day retreat.

5. Choose a location that has easy access to some recreational activity you can
enjoy together.

6. Consider including the wives. They can enjoy each other’s company and the
nearby attractions during meeting times, but can join the men for meals and free

7. Negotiate the rate with the facility.

B. Organizing for the Retreat

1. Before the Retreat

a. Review the previous year’s minutes and finish any incomplete action items.
b. Determine the date.
c. Identify and invite the participants.
d. Set up the schedule [see attached sample].
e. Decide what strategic planning method to use.

2. During the Retreat

a. Begin with—and intersperse throughout—time for fellowship and team
building (meals, golf, etc.).
b. Keep a relaxed but ordered schedule.
c. Stay on course with an agenda or with SWOT.
d. Don’t leave without:
1) solid goals and objectives
2) specific action plans
3) specific assignments
4) a system in place to ensure follow through.
e. Include a special gift (portfolio, stationery, flowers to wives).

3. After the Retreat

a. Prepare and present a review presentation for the elder board and staff.
b. Present the finalized plan to the congregation.
c. Monitor progress with each assignee.
d. Review objectives and action items prior to planning next retreat.

VI. The Four Greatest Mistakes of Strategic Planning

A. Failure to Schedule an Annual Date and Venue

B. Failure to Use an Adequate Planning Method

C. Failure to Create Specific Action Plans

D. Failure to Institute a System to Ensure Your Decisions Are Implemented


Schedule of Events
Pastoral Staff Retreat
Grace Community Church
October 23 - 25, 2001

Tuesday, October 23
4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Arrival/Check–In
6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Dinner Out Together

Wednesday, October 24
6:30 – 8:30 a.m. Breakfast on your own
8:30 – 12:00 a.m. Meeting #1 (Hunt Club Room)
(Ladies in Coach Room)
12:00 – 1:30 p.m. Lunch Out Together
1:30 – 5:00 p.m. Meeting #2 (Hunt Club Room)
5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Free Time
6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Dinner Out Together

Thursday, October 25
6:30 – 8:00 a.m. Breakfast on your own
8:00 – 11:00 a.m. Meeting #3 (Hunt Club Room)
(Ladies in Coach Room)
11:00 – 11:30 noon Check out of rooms
11:30 – 12:30 p.m. Catered Lunch (Coach Room)
1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Golf at Sandpiper (optional)

Schedule of Events
Pastoral Staff Retreat
Grace Community Church
October 24 - 26, 2000

Tuesday, October 24th

4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Arrivals/Check-In
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Dinner – Oak Café
8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Meeting #1 – Casa Ojai room

Wednesday, October 25th

6:30 - 8:00 a.m. Breakfast on your own
8:00 - 8:20 a.m. Tee Times
12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Lunch – Casa Ojai room
1:30 - 5:30 p.m. Meeting #2 – Casa Ojai room
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Dinner out – Bocali's
8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Meeting #3 – Casa Ojai room

Thursday, October 26th

8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast – John's Patio
8:30 - 11:00 a.m. Meeting #4 – John's Parlor
11:00 - 12:00 noon Check out of rooms
12:00 - 12:30 p.m. Pick up box lunch – Pro Shop
12:30 - 12:50 p.m. Tee Times
1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Golf and head for home

Pastoral Staff Retreat
Grace Community Church
October 23 - 25, 2001

• Prayer
• Brainstorm Additional Issues
• Prioritize Order of Discussion
‰ Identifying TMS students for future ministry at GCC
‰ Training and utilization of lay leadership
‰ Theme conferences at GCC
‰ Singles ministry
‰ Sunday evening topics/passages
‰ Use of virtual classroom
‰ Support staff needs
‰ GCC website
‰ Book concepts/writing time
‰ Shepherding difficult situations
‰ GCS options in Santa Clarita
‰ Hospitality – Ushers
‰ Biblical anthropology (one nature vs. two-nature controversy; dichotomy vs. trichotomy)
‰ The Ordo salutis: viable alternatives
‰ The role of counseling in pastoral ministry
‰ Counseling strategy for sexual sin
‰ The three greatest theological weaknesses at GCC & how to address them
‰ ________________________________________
‰ ________________________________________
‰ ________________________________________
‰ ________________________________________

• Create Objectives & Action Plans

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