Project Title Development of A High-Performance Multimode Power Management System For Plug-In Mid-Duty Diesel Hybrid Electrical Vehicles

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Project Title Development of A High-Performance Multimode Power Management System for Plug-in Mid-duty Diesel Hybrid Electrical Vehicles

For International/IPFW Project on Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Development by Paul I. Lin P.E. (EE) Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology College or Engineering, Technology and Computer Science Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne March 27, 2008 I. Introduction Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) promise substantial improvement of fuel efficiency and reduction of polluting emissions including CO2, NOx (Nitrogen oxide) associated with the internal combustion engine (ICE). A HEV combines a conventional ICE and electric motor drives as part of the hybrid drivetrain which requires more complex power control techniques than conventional drive-trains powered by a single engine. Hybrid electric drivetrains may be classified into two major classes: series and parallel drivetrains. A parallel HEV drivetrain architecture is generally considered use due to its higher energy efficiency than that of the series drivetrains. A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is another type of parallel-HEV with an extra plug-in charging unit which enables the PHEVs battery to be charged through utility power grid when the vehicle is parked. The PHEV shares the characteristics of both conventional hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), and battery-powered electric vehicle. PHEVs are also referred to as gridconnected hybrids, gas-optional hybrids, or GO-HEVs. Most PHEVs on the road today are passenger cars, but there are also PHEV versions of commercial passenger vans, utility trucks, school buses, and military vehicles. In order to fully exploit PHEVs energy efficiency use no fossil fuel during their all-electric range driving and under various driving condition, a PHEV must be designed with proper size of engine, motor, battery, and power regenerating unit, applying power drivetrain control strategies with proper energy source management and power flow to ensure availability of adequate energy storage to meet the energy demands of all-electric driving within a predefine ranges such as 10 miles, 20 miles, etc. The purpose of this proposed High-Performance PDHEV Power Management System is to develop an advanced power management model, control models, algorithms, communication control commands to support analysis, design, and evaluation of Plug-in Mid-duty Diesel Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PMDHEV) for commercial vehicles as listed below usually engaged in stopand-go types of driving and which are ideal candidates for hybridization:

Class 4-5 City Delivery LFE Class 5-6 Urban Parcel Van Class 6-7 City Delivery Dry Van Class 7 Beverage Truck Class 7 Urban School Bus Class 6-8 Utility Truck Class 7-8 Refuse Truck Figure 1 depicts the system block diagram of the proposed high-performance PMDHEV power management system and related subcomponents of the vehicle to be investigated. The project involves analysis, design, and evaluation study of high-performance PMDHEV power management system and control strategies and technologies for optimizing operating energy efficiency of the PMDHEV through motor/generator and engine control, battery management, energy recovery (regenerative braking), and auxiliary load management. The project phases, deliverables, and estimated resource requirements are described as follows.
High-Performance Power Management System
Power Management Controller

Driver Commands Driving Conditions

E. Control Interface


Diesel Engine Drive Train

Vehicle Feedback/ Operating Signals

Control Output Signals

Electric Load

Brake Reg.
BR-G BR-G Interface

Motor/ Generator

Control Bus

EL-C Elect. Load Interface

AC/DC Gen-Control Interafce

DC/AC M-Power Interface

Signal Bus


Switch Engine/Motor/ Generator Status Signals Plug-in Charger Utility Grid

E. Control Interface: Engine control interface DE-Power: Diesel engine power control unit SOC-M: State of charge monitoring unit EL-C: Electric load power control BR-G: Braking regenerating power control AC/DC: AC-to-DC power converter DC/AC: DC-to-AC power inverter

Figure 1. High-Performance Power Management System for PMDHEV

II. Project Phases and Deliverable The five phases of the High-Performance PMDHEV Power Management System project and the deliverables are 1. Conceptual Design and System Requirements [6 months or 960 hrs] A. General Literature Review a. Research PHEV related literatures, works, and simulation tools: ADVISOR, MATLAB PSIM, hardware-in-the loop simulation, etc b. Research the PMDHEV system level requirements: hybridization factor (PEM/(PEM +PENGINE)), all-electric range, PHEVxx, , etc c. Research the PMDHEV power management system baseline requirements and constraints: vehicle mass, diesel engine size, battery capacity and weight, voltage, state of charge (SOC), PHEVXX, motor, etc d. Research plug-in hybrid power management controls and strategies: charging sustaining strategy, charging depletion strategy, drivetrain torque distribution, etc B. Literature Review for Control Technology a. Define power/energy management problem, control objectives, control constraints, and control actions b. Define use cases and human machine interface (HMI) requirements c. Conduct PMDHEV controls function analysis d. Define PMDHEV controls performance requirements e. Define operational requirements for PMDHEV controls simulation system C. Implementation Method Selection a. Identify critical Power Management System design problems, evaluate, and select the best or most reasonable solution b. Acquire software and hardware for hardware-in-the-loop design and simulation D. Conceptual design report and review 2. Modeling and Advanced Development [12 months or 1920 hrs] A. Control Architecture and Design a. Conventional Control Evaluate conventional power management strategies and control architectures: PID decision control and table lookup decision control b. Intelligent Control Evaluate intelligent power management strategies and control architectures: fuzzy logic-based decision control, rule-based decision control, PID + fuzzy logic-based decision control, fuzzy logic + neural networks decision control, model-based adaptive decision logic c. Stochastic Dynamic Programming Evaluate advanced power management strategies and control architectures: functionbased optimal decision control, stochastic dynamic programming, etc d. Conduct a comparative study of the control strategies in terms of energy efficiency B. Real-Time Architecture a. Define PMHDEV power management system execution environment

b. Design real-time computer architecture for testing and implementing PMDHEV power management system: CPU, peripherals, I/Os, data acquisition modules, data storage and structure, etc c. PHMDEV system data modeling d. Define PMDHEV subsystem communication requirements e. Define PMDHEV system tasks and subtasks f. PMDHEV system behavior and state modeling g. PMDHEV system activity modeling: execution and flow of the operation behavior related activities and actions h. PMDHEV subsystem interaction modeling: ID, events, messages, execution occurrences, guard conditions, interaction operators, timing and sequencing C. Control Function and Interface Design a. Design control commands and function interfaces b. Design control and monitoring signals interface and timing requirement D. Preliminary Design - Power Management System a. Preliminary modeling of PMHDEV power management system b. Detailed modeling of PMDHEV power management and controls strategies E. Modeling and Advanced Development report and review 3. Iterative Detailed Design [12 months or 1920 hrs] A. Real-Time Control Software Development a. Design PMDHEV execution environments: processor, memory, I/O channels, etc b. Define PMDHEV system initialization process and data c. Define data buffering, event queues and synchronization, and communication/network interfaces d. Test, evaluate, and redesign detailed PMDHEV hybrid models e. Define real-time software operational, portability, and performance requirements f. Evaluate tradeoff and software implementation performance requirement B. Power Management and Control Design a. Design PMDHEV power management system operator interface b. Design, test, and evaluate correctness of PMDHEV power management and control algorithms: data manipulation functions, numerical calculation functions, signal monitoring functions (current, voltage, etc), battery power estimation functions (charge, discharge, SOC, etc), intelligent reasoning and management functions, inputs/output functions, subsystem intercommunications functions, error reporting functions, etc c. Refine and optimize PMDHEV power management, control, communication, and interface functions (programs) C. Detailed design report and review 4. Integration Testing and Evaluation [12 months or 1920 hrs] A. Build Prototype and Integration a. Design and build PMDHEV laboratory control computer prototype and interfaces for target control processor b. Integrate and test PMDHEV power management systems software with proper hardware, vehicles signals ad controls simulation system with hardware-in the loop

B. Execute and Evaluate c. Execute hardware-in-the-loop simulation runs and analyze results d. Power management system execution performance measurement and evaluation C. Post Measurement and Evaluation a. Reliability, testing, and fault tolerance considerations D. Integration testing and evaluation report, and review 5. Project Documentation [2 months or 240 hrs] b. Project team communication: meeting, interviews, question exchanges c. Prepare project documentation: progress report, testing report, and final report d. Final report and presentation

III. Required Resources

Type Quantity Total Hours Purpose Cost

Principle Project Investigators

Principle Project Investigator

Research assistants

512 x 2 hrs (2 faculty x 32 week x 8 hr/week; Fall 08, Spring 09, Fall 09, Spring 10) 1,920 x 2 hrs (2 faculty x 40 hr/week x 16 weeks; Summers 08, 09, 10) 1,024 x 3 hrs (32 week x 16 hr/week; Fall 08, Spring 09, Fall 09, Spring 10)

HEV Controls simulation tool and platform development, System Analysis, Requirements, Design, System Integration, and reporting

Two IPFW Faculty, each time release during regular academic year for 2 years

Research, Module Design, Simulation, Prototyping Implementation, Testing, and related documentation and reporting

Two IPFW faculty, each 6month summer work covering 2008, 2009, 2010

Assist in research, laboratory and simulation setup, data collections and compilation

Pay for two senior students, one graduate student are expected.

Equipment, Computer and Software

PMDHEV control platform development, models simulation and hardware-in-theloop embedded target testing 2 2

Estimated total $76,800

Laptop PC MATLAB/Simulink

Estimated cost $6,000

tool boxes (SimPowerSystems, SimDriveline, SimMechanics, stateflow, Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, Model Predictive Toolbox, etc) and Real Time workshop software, etc PSAT (Powertrain System Analysis Toolkit)

Estimated cost $17,800 2

2 Estimated cost $4,000

DSP development hardware Multi function data acquisition hardware Project research

Estimated cost $11,000 Estimated cost $20,000

2 2

Estimated total $6,480 transportation to University libraries, and paper copying IEEE digital libraries subscription (2 faculty x $35 per month for 24 months) SAE Technical paper ordering Registration fee, Lodging, Transportation, and Meals $3,000


Attending PHEV Related Technical Conference

$2,000 Estimated total $10,000

IV. References
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