Family Case Study-Chapter 7

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Chapter VII PRIORITIZATION OF FAMILY NURSING PROBLEMS This chapter presents the prioritization of family nursing problems.

Prioritization of the problem is not based according to the student nurses own perception or judgment but instead on what the family perceives to be important. The tables below shows different threats that if not prevented may affect the whole family. Health threats are conditions that are conducive to disease and accident, or may result to failure to maintain wellness or realize health potential.

Table 3. Prioritization of Family Nursing Problems (Presence of Health Threats: Fire and Fall hazards) ACTUAL SCORE 0.67

CRITERIA Nature of the problem


JUSTIFICATION This problem is a health

2/3 x 1

threat that requires immediate intervention. The problem is partially modifiable because the

Modifiability of the Problem

1/2 x 2

family will need additional financial resources to

Preventive Potential

3/3 x 1

help solve this problem. The problem is partially modifiable because the family will need additional

financial resources to help solve this problem. For the family, this is a problem not needing immediate attention Salience of the Problem x1 0.5 because they still have more important needs to cater such their daily food consumption. TOTAL 3.17 Table 4. Prioritization of Family Nursing Problems (Unhealthy Lifestyle: Alcohol Drinking as a Health Threat)

CRITERIA Nature of the problem



JUSTIFICATION Alcohol drinking is a

2/3 x 1

health threat needing immediate attention. It is partially modifiable since Orly is easily

Modifiability of the Problem

encouraged to engaged 1/2 x 2 1 in such unhealthy practice especially when

Preventive Potential

3/3 x 1

his friends is around. The development of illnesses especially


involving the liver can be prevented if excessive alcohol drinking is eliminated. Orly does not perceive this as a problem. For him, alcohol drinking is Salience of the Problem 0/2 x 1 0 his way of releasing tension, a form of relaxation and socialization with friends. TOTAL 2.67 Table 5. Prioritization of Family Nursing Problems (Poor Environmental Condition and Sanitation as a Health Threat) ACTUAL SCORE 0.67

CRITERIA Nature of the problem


JUSTIFICATION It is a health threat

2/3 x 1

requiring immediate attention and intervention. This can be easily

Modifiability of the Problem

modified through 2/2 x 2 2 observance of cleanliness 3/3 x 1 1 and proper sanitation. If this problem will be solve the family will then be provided assurance

Preventive Potential

that they will not be acquiring illnesses brought about by inobservance of proper sanitation, such as parasitism and diarrhea. The family is aware of such problems and is Salience of the Problem willing to change in order 2/2 x 1 1 to avoid diseases brought about by unsanitary practices. TOTAL 4.67

Table 6. Prioritization of Family Nursing Problems (Insufficient Family Income as a Health Threat) ACTUAL SCORE 0.67 threat. This problem is partially modifiable due to difficulty Modifiability of the Problem 1/2 x 2 1 of finding and having additional sources of Preventive Potential 3/3 x 1 1 income. If the problem will be solve,

CRITERIA Nature of the problem


JUSTIFICATION The problem is a health

the family can now be able to attend to the needs of each family members. The family is aware of the inadequacy of the familys Salience of the Problem income in attending to all x1 0.5 the needs of each members but then they can`t find additional source of income. TOTAL 3.17

The Prioritized Health Problems Rank of Problems based on Identified Priority:

1. Poor Environmental Condition and Sanitation as a health threat ---------------- 4.67

2. Presence of Health Threats: Fire and Fall Hazards --------------------------------- 3.17

3. Insufficient Family Income as a Health Threat ---------------------------------------- 3.17

4. Unhealthy Lifestyle: Alcohol drinking as a health threat -------------------------- 2.67


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