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..Not Again..

: Duet in One
No, I do not own Ib. (c)Ib belongs to Kouri.

If you had told me I'd react to a picture or two this strongly, then I'd laugh, but that would have been before I saw this picture, with a lot of dark blue, and roses. And then there was this man, which felt strangely like I had met him somewhere when I looked at him, but how could that be? - Stuck for too long, but atleast I had something to think about. I just wish this all could of happened a lot earlier than it did, but I guess that is too much to ask? As long as I got to see a familiar face once again. I couldn't remember meeting someone like him. Not at all. Sad, brown eyes looking straight at me. Like as if begging me to do something. Curled, uncared of hair, also in different versions of purple. But those eyes, I was absorbed looking at that for I don't know how long. When I finally noticed his clothing, a big well-used but now weak jacket, or a coat, I felt like I could touch it and feel it's warmth. It literally felt like I was longing for something when I saw this. The store owner came, interrupting my mind, asking this Ma'am, anything you find interesting? Well, I haven't been staring at this picture for nothing! Yes, this picture, where did you get it? When the store owner heard this, he replied right away Oh! So you find the portrait of Garry interesting? I found it in the thrash, I do not get why someone would throw a picture like that, but, I found it nice, and took it to over here. I thought a long time over this, wondering if it would be worth it, but the name Garry also sounded familiar for me, WHY? It's impossible, it's art! I can't of met someone looking like that named Garry, nope, must be some kind of illusion, but why? It was a decent price for the picture, and mum had told me I could use my money on what I wanted, as long as it was safe. And I definetily found this picture interesting, yes. It was for sale, so yep, I had decided. I'll buy it. I said, and gave him the money. Then his eyes grew and smiled, or so it seemed like, Thank you, and here you go, I hope you will enjoy it just as much as I have! He said, smiling. I will. I said as soon as I was outside the store. And so, I went home, eager to show mum and dad what I had bought. Stuck in this position, I couldn't believe I'd see her again, that I would see Ib once again, see her walking through the door, into an art store fo what was left of the Guertena Art Gallery and wow, she had grown. Which was when I started to wonder just how long had gone since I ended up like this. As a portrait. All I could think at that moment when I saw her, was how much I wanted to just hug her, to tell her how sorry I was for leaving her like that, long ago, I had been feeling so sorry for her, ever since she left. When I heard them talk, she was curious about how that stranger had found ...Me. I could remember that stench, and how thankful for someone picking me up. But now, Ib, she was going to purchase..? As soon as that thought hit me, I felt hope, and I could just hoped I was right about it. The old man loosened the portrait I was in, giving it to Ib, and if I could, I would sigh in relief. But now, what would happen, I have no idea about how to get out, and I do not want Ib to get stuck in a picture either. I could see her fingers, feeling their warmth while she was walking, and that warmth gave me so many flashbacks of the while we were together in the Gallery, no way would I ever forget those terrifying times. I wonder if she still have her rose? Or was that taken when she returned to her own world?I still had mine, but then again, I weren't totally in the real world yet, I could see it, but I couldn't enter it. I had been thinking about a lot of things, while not noticing before now that we were inside, all of what I could see, so rich, so.. different. And.. who is she? Ib's mom? My what are you carrying now Ib? You found something interesting in one of the stores? I simply nodded, and made it so they could see the whole picture. What an interesting piece of work! my mum, always so cheerful, dad on the other hand, I wonder what he would say. But for now, I took it to my room, placing it on the wall as near my bed as possible of course, I didn't notice that. Now I sat there, staring at it, I don't know for how long but I just kept staring at it. I wanted to know why I felt like I knew him, why I had an urge to want to jump into the painting just to be close to him. I didn't even hear dad tell me it was dinnertime! I knew something for certain thought, and that... was that if I had met him, he must have been a nice guy but I really doubt that I have met a person of art before. Ib? It's food now! I heard them this time, and I went to wash my hands and then go eat. But I couldn't get him out of my head. That was all I was thinking about. I had always felt somewhat alone since I got out of that gallery, but, no, it couldn't possibly be that portrait that made me feel lonesome once I left it. I still kept having these nightmares thought, I didn't tell mum and dad about them, because mabye they'd just think it was my imagination, I know I should, but I felt like it was more personal. I just wish I could tell someone. Fish, I barely noticed what I was eating, but once I noticed, I could feel how the food tasted and how hungry I was. Did anything happen while you were out ? You're so very quiet. Dad asked that, but what could I tell him? That I felt like I longed for the picture in my room, that I wanted to jump into it to meet that man? I guess I had to say something... Nothing happened, I guess I'm a little bit exhausted though. I could see her leave the room, and I guessed I could let the time go by with exploring the room. By what I had seen in her house, which of course wasn't much, but still it really did seem like a rich family. This room however, wasn't as rich and shiny, but it seemed more expensive than what I used to have... Or still have, I wonder what my family is doing right now? If they miss me... I noticed that Ib seemed to like red, a lot of her items was in all kinds of red. I had to say that red was a nice colour, used in these ways, there was no other words to describe it. Eh? Ib was sitting on her bed now, still staring at me in confusion. Why? Can't she recognize me? Please, just if only a tiny flashback... anything that could bring her closer to recognizing. Something must of occurred to her, I mean, she did buy the portrait. I felt like crying, I wish I could, I wish I could talk again, I haven't talked in so long, only been able to think, I wonder if I still would be able to talk if I ever got out of this mess. Give me a way to talk to her, somehow! I could feel something happening beneath me, but what?... It kept getting colder and colder. What was happening? If only not... Each time I stared at this picture It seemed like his expression changed. From sad to thinking, to begging to hope, how can a picture be like that? The artist must of done a good job on this portrait. Right now his expression was begging and hoping, or atleast that is what it seemed like for me. I just wish I could know why my mind and body reacts like it do. Uhm, did that portrait cry before? Atleast it did now. Why and when did he start crying? I also feel sad when he cries

now. Oh? I thought the portrait was dry? Why is it leaking now? So much sadness in those colours. Ehh... it's spreading to all over the walls. And my items getting blue... wha...what's happening here? I'ts starting to get real scary now stop spreading! Please just stop. I tried running to the door, but the door was locked, and I knew I hadn't locked myself completely in.

..Not Again.. : Recollections

Everything was all black, I couldn't see anything at all, not even my own hand. I couldn't move either. But I heard things, whispering, and panting. Someone was holding around me. Was it dad? Or maybe mum? I wish I could see! Ib? Huh? This voice is neither of my parents. Ib? Is it really you? Why is this voice asking this? I don't know it at all. Wait, two arms? Where's the floor! I can hear footsteps, who is carrying me? Not safe here, not safe here at all! I could hear a mans voice repeating that, that it wasn't safe, but of course, I'm still in my room right? No wait, someone is carrying me, but I haven't heard any opening doors. In that case, where am I? Before I -blinked- she was staring all around her, with a lot of panic and I was wondering about what in the world that could be so scary, after, I saw her lying on the floor. After that I noticed that I ...Could move. I couldn't go out of the picture, it was like a window, but I couldn't open it. I could feel something glowing behind me, so I moved, and I saw...noway, it must be an illusion. My eyes must be tricking me. Because I saw Ib, like she was when I first met her, just, she was awake. Now she was asleep, or so it seemed. I went towards her direction, Ib? No answear, but she turned a little towards my direction, but not much. Wait, wha...oh no, I do not like the sight of this. Not In the slightest. I have had enough of these dolls! As mean each time I see them. And now they were surrounding Ib. If she could hear me , I had to try and not let her get uncomfortable. Ib? Is it really you? I tried to say it a bit higher than first time. Hoping to hear a yes, or some kind of response, but she was just lying there. I had to pick her up, and then find somewhere safe plus hoping that the dolls wouldn't follow me. Or else we won't survive for long. Where is this? It kind of looks like inside the gallery... in that case it isn't safe here at all! Atleast there's no moving pictures or moving headless statues around here yet. Surrounded, but with warmth. Somehow this felt familiar, and I could feel myself actually smiling. This smell, of roses, I could smell it. All around me. I could feel comfort. And I could open my eyes. I could move freely! ...But this ...I saw a mirror, this isn't me now.. this is me three years ago. When I was 9. And that man to my left...sitting there, smiling , a smile filled with joy, sitting beside me. It was the same person that was the portrait I bought. You're finally awake.A gentle voice, which sounded real broken. I nodded. Because yeah, I was awake, but in my younger me, why is that? I have no idea about how you got into here,or how I got back into this mess, but I am glad I can finally talk to someone again. It has been so long. And this time, I didn't follow my thoughts, but what I wanted to, and I jumped into his embrace, hugging him, trying to remember, because now I figured out I had forgotten something. But what exactly had I forgotten? It still felt right to be in his embrace, it felt safe. And I finally didn't feel alone. I wanted to sit like this forever. Why you two are sitting there all nicely... Both of us flinched to the echo. Female-like, who, where was I? Who was that? I also wanted to know who this Garry was. This gallery is different from what we have been in before... Some places are the same as other places, and hats not how the Guertena gallery was like, every room was unique. And some rooms are funny enough, blurry. So, my theory is that we have entered another world, or we have somehow entered a dream. Either way, this seems like fragments of memories. But look at me talking, haha... How have you been Ib? I missed you. he talks to me like he knows me. But I don't know him...yet. I wish someone could tell me what to do now. Missed me? How? I don't even remember meeting you.It felt wrong being so direct, but it was the best I could do. I could see her, something I didn't last time, I could see her slowly opening her eyes, waking up in this scary place. And seeing her face, even with this confusion, was enough to make me happy. I could finally talk. And she suddenly out of nowhere jumped into my arms, hugging me tightly, and I didn't have much else to do but return it. When I could hear this all too familiar voice which made us both flinch. Mary...But didn't we both burn that frame? How can she still be alive? I saw her become nothing more than mere ash. I had to change the atmosphere, and that fast. If Ib was as confused as she seemed like I couldn't let her think too much about that. Not right now. So I told her about what I had seen in this place. And I noticed that she was just staring at me..again. What's with her and staring these days? So I asked about how she was doing, and she replied like that. So directly. I got shocked. You...don't remember... in the gallery, moving pictures... roses? Nothing? And she shook her head. Heh.. I have been talking with a friend that don't even remember anything of what happened, nor me.... what was that hug for then? She got no idea whatsoever about -I feel like I should know you, but I can't... get why. She got a hunch? Well, since we're here I might remind her, or would that be a good idea? I got so many questions, which I'm sure you can answear, you seem to know me better than myself right now, atleast in here you do. Oooh wow, seems like I will have to explain things anyway, have she transformed into some kind of psychic? Knowing what I was generally thinking about. The echo was still scary for me, but right now I was eager to know about what had happened where I can't remember a thing. And he seemed to know a lot about this world and my lost memories, atleast in how he spoke. Heh...well, I guess I have no choice. But I only know things from after you found me. That's fine, as long as I can get the basics of this stuff. I nodded in response. You gave me back my rose, and it was all healed too, I guess you had given it water. And then we went through the gallery, hoping to find an exit out of this nightmare. It was scary I tell you. And of course, that nightmare wouldn't be much without its horror. Things that hurt you, headless statues, walking pictures. And the worst of them all... What could be worse than that? I was curious now, but unsure about if I wanted to hear it. But now it was too late to make him be silent. Mary. Someone who we for a little while thought was a human, but was truly just another picture. But she had gone totally outside of her frame...Ib? Ib?!? I explained it as easily as I could, not wanting to remember it myself. When I then noticed that Ib was lying in my arms,

barely breathing. And then she disappeared. And I saw that glowing light again. Then I understood that it was fragments of Ib's dream that I had entered the first time. Atleast now she would know more. I went back to the window. And went back to my position, but smiling. So now, I saw the older version of her waking up in her bed. Wait, what? Oh, one of her parents must of placed her there. And there he was, standing there seeing Ib wake up. Probably her dad. Now to hope she won't forget what I had told her. I don't even remember my own dreams. Let's hope it's different for Ib. Finally you woke up! I've been worried about you! And now, since you're up , tell me... why were you sleeping on the floor? And by the way, interesting picture, that man seem to change his expression each time I blink! Haha! Oh no, not dad, would have been better if Mom was there, atleast she isn't as noisy. I guess I got tired a few seconds before I reached the bed and didn't make it before I fell asleep. And I agree! It is an interesting portrait! And then finally, after a tiny conversation, he went back down. Let's talk more later Garry, seems like I won't be able to sleep now, I'm all wide awake now. Thanks for clearing a few things out.

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