Consultation Questionnaire: Proposed Charging Framework For Traffic Management at Community and Other Events

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Consultation Questionnaire

Proposed charging framework for traffic management at community and

other events
This questionnaire aims to provide you with an opportunity to comment on the
Proposed Charging Framework for Traffic Management at Community and other
events. Your views will help finalise the charging framework. You may answer as
many or as few questions as you wish.
(Please note that all responses will be treated as public and may be published on
the Council's website. If you do not want your response to be used in this way, or if
you prefer it to be used anonymously, please indicate this when responding.)
About you

1. I am responding as (please tick one option only)

An individual
On behalf of an community group / organisation

2. Please enter your details below:

Your Name:
Your Role / Job title..
Community Group / Organisation represented

(if applicable)

Address: ..

Telephone No: .
Fax: .
Who does your Community Group /Organisation represent?

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Consultation Questionnaire
Proposed charging framework for traffic management at community and
other events

3. Is your Community Group / Organisation

(if applicable)

Not-for profit
Registered Charity
For profit


DATE: ..

Charging Framework

4. Do you agree that charges proposed in the Proposed Charging Framework are
If no, please comment below / provide your suggestions on a suitable level of

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Consultation Questionnaire
Proposed charging framework for traffic management at community and
other events

5. If the Council introduces the proposed Charge Framework on the 1 January 2013
will this adversely impact any events you have planned?

If yes, please detail the impact below:




Signage and traffic management equipment

6. In the consultation document it says; Cornwall Council will no longer provide

traffic management equipment as part of the event application process. It is
the event promoters responsibility to source equipment and erect at locations
identified in the approved Traffic Management Plan. This means that you will
need to purchase, hire or borrow equipment elsewhere.
Is this proposal acceptable to you?
If not, please explain why




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Consultation Questionnaire
Proposed charging framework for traffic management at community and
other events

7. Over 370 community group volunteers have been trained by the Council in
event traffic management. Refresher training will be required after 5 years. The
consultation document says; It is proposed that refresher training will be
charged at 25 - 30 per head (to be confirmed when the first refreshed events
are arranged in 2014).
Is this proposal acceptable to you?
If no, please comment below/ provide your suggestions for improvement:

Event application and Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders

8. In making an order to restrict traffic a notice needs to be posted on site. The

consultation proposal is that, The Council will no longer be responsible for
posting the road closure notices on site in advance of the road closure or other
temporary traffic regulation order. Once the Traffic Management Plan is
approved the Council will draft the documentation, including notices. These
notices will then be passed to the event promoter and the promoter will then
arrange for these to be placed on site. Guidance will be issued on best practice
to ensure legal compliance. If a promoter requires the Council to place and
remove the notices this will be charged at 50 per visit.
8 (cont): Is this proposal acceptable to you?

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Consultation Questionnaire
Proposed charging framework for traffic management at community and
other events

If No, please explain why

No waiting cones

9. In section 12.4 of the consultation document it explains that Cornwall Council

will require a temporary traffic regulation order to be made for areas where no
waiting cones are to be placed. The Council will also be responsible for placing
and collecting the cones and advertising the temporary restriction on site.
Charges are proposed for this activity as per the Charging Framework.
Is this proposal acceptable to you?


9 (Cont): If no, please explain why


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Consultation Questionnaire
Proposed charging framework for traffic management at community and
other events


Are there any other issues you wish to raise with respect to the proposed
Charging Framework for Traffic Management

Consultation Responses
Responses to the consultation are to be received by the 31 October 2012.
Please post or email responses to:
Street Works
Western Group Centre
Radnor Road
TR16 5 EH
Tel: 0300 1234 222

If you would like this information in another format please contact the

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