Sculptures Publication Key6.1 PT 2012

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Training House-Tree-Dog and Sculptures ( held at ESOB, Oliveira do Bairro, Portugal in June 2012) is a project CoSSoL outcome on Module

6: Interpersonal, Social and Civic Competences. It has been developed by Donka Georgieva and Ivailo Stamatov (from Language School Frederic Joliot-Curie, Varna) using: the source A practical guide to working in and with teams by Manfred Gellerd, Claus Nowak; good practices from our former Comenius projects. Active learning methods used, acknowledged students and teachers level of competence and experience. The training is a suitable recourse in the context of intercultural communication and an inspiration for further project work related to intercultural learning.

Project: Concepts for a Successful Self-organized Learning

Training preparation and design: Donka Georgieva, Ivailo Stamatov , students from Language School Frederic Joliot-Curie, Varna and CoSSoL Team | 2010/2012 Booklet producer: Donka Georgieva - Language School Frederic Joliot-Curie, Varna

Training: Interpersonal, Social and Civic Competences (Key 6)

ESOB - Oliveira do Bairro, Portugal, June 2012

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Step1: Grouped into pairs two students sit opposite each other at a table with a sheet of paper and a pen lying between them.

Their task is to both take the pen in their hands and draw a picture depicting the subject House, tree and dog without saying a word to each other throughout the entire process. Afterwards they should sign the picture together using a pseudonym and give the picture a grade still without having said a word. Step2: Evaluation: The pairs first discuss their experience, afterwards the plenary debate the issues: How easy/difficult was it to draw the picture together?; Whose picture did it become? Who is it oriented towards?

Fourth Language School Frederic Joliot-Curie, - Varna, Bulgaria

The training HOUSE-TREE-DOG and SCULPTURES (part of the Comenius project Concepts for a Successful Self-organized Learning) was held during the final meeting in Portugal, June 2012. Participants of the conference were people with different roles: teachers, students and local authority representatives. The goals of the planned activities in the framework of personal, interpersonal and intercultural competences (key 6) were: to explore and develop the ability of individuals to communicate constructively in different environments; to express and understand different viewpoints. to show personal and cultural relativity of interpretations and evaluations; ways in which groups communicate - team work, intercultural communication within groups. The exercise HOUSE-TREE-DOG went through two steps:

Were there situations where tension arose?; How was your cooperative behavior? And your partners?; How did non-verbal communication work? This exercise trained self and public image, and highlighted cooperative behavior. Link to video material: The exercise SCULPTURES aims at the groups internal cooperation process to be depicted and contemplated in a figurative manner. Time: 2 hours. Materials: clay, colored board, scissors, clue and others. Instructions: The big group should split into sub-groups. With the help of clay, paper, glue and other materials sub-groups should produce sculptures that symbolize their cooperation process. If necessary, each group member could also be represented by using a particular color of cardboard. All artworks should be displayed in an exhibition"

Each team member should devise a name for the sculptures that they did not help to create. These names should be written on cards and placed next to the relevant sculpture. Each sub-team should subsequently agree on a name for its own sculpture. These names should be presented to the plenary. Link to video material: The structure of the training was designed to enable the participants to express themselves by talking, constructing and producing materials.

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