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The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

The Lightkeepers

word count: 15,407

The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

Stretching and yawning, Nicholas awakens to the direct rays of the morning sun. He squints and sighs, then blinks a few times before he turns over in his comfy bed to avoid the light. Suddenly, his eyes blink open again, as he feels compelled to stare back at the light, and sits straight up in bed. Leaning over Spirit, his trustworthy dog, he opens his bedroom

window and enjoys the warmth of the morning sunlight beaming on his freckled face. He stretches his nose in the direction of Grandmoms

rosebushes, inhaling as he smiles for the first time in weeks. His nose tells him it is time for her magical visit! The sweet scent fills him with joy, and he pats Spirits head as she pants along with his enthusiasm. His twin sister, Danielle, wanders into the room silently, and rests next to him by the window as she stretches her face into the gentle morning breeze. Noticing finally, that her brother was actually smiling, she turns away from the morning light and stares at him, wondering if his smiles were in anticipation of Grandmoms visit. She understands him better than anyone, and she isnt sure. Is it something more? If so ~ then, what?

The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

Point of View ~ Grandmom

Grandmom arranged in her mind all she was going to do with the twins this summer, as she packed her suitcases. The past few summers were filled with doctor visits, tests and various types of therapy sessions. She had turned into a babysitter for Danielle, while her son and daughter in-law took Nicholas to all kinds of therapies for autism. She wasnt sure this was helping, since it has been five years since he was diagnosed, and Nicholas seemed to be even more disconnected than ever. Just like Nicholas, as a child, Grandmom found that words were not sufficient. She and Nicholas share that truth, yet Grandmom had learned to find the words to express her thoughts. How had she accomplished that? She just didnt remember. Like Danielle, Grandmom now loves words. Although Grandmom communicates with her grandchildren on many levels, she and Danielle have grown to love the magic of words. They have even invented their own words that just the two of them know about. Her twin brother, Nicholas, seems to prefer

music, not actual words, to communicate. His musical sounds seem to be best understood by the animal world, and sometimes Danielle. Their dog, Spirit, always listens to his tunes, and even the forest animals seem to

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respond to him. Grandmom would do anything to communicate with her grandchildren, even if it meant learning a whole new language. summer would be dedicated to learning that language. This

Her son and

daughter-in-law agreed to allow a therapy free summer visit. Grandmoms loving wisdom is just the therapy every child needs. Grandmom calls it, PAT: Pay Attention Therapy.

As she stepped off the busy curb of the airport and into the car, alone with her son, she suddenly felt unsure. His face was cold and focused on another place; not the present. Whats wrong, Sunshine? She asked. Alex apologized. Sorry, Mom, you know me too well. He reached over to give her a long deserved hug. We miss you. He added with a weak smile. Have you been taking care of the rose bushes? she asked, knowing the answer was a safe topic.

She had planted a red rosebush for her son and a yellow one for her new daughter-law the day they moved into the big Victorian home just a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean. Every August she returned to carefully prune and care for the roses, as if they were her family. After the twins were

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born, she added two pure white rose bushes. when she had a boy and girl grandchildren?

Why two white rose bushes,

Each rose bush represents each pure and individual child. They will reveal their own colors. I was fortunate enough to be a grandmother to a

granddaughter and a grandson at the same time, she explained to anyone who was bold enough to question her. Grandmom encouraged them to grow together into a new crown of roses, and wove them in a wired archway above the red and yellow bushes. The young roses seemed to grow at an accelerated rate, weaving in and out, and hugging the parent bushes so closely. The result was a stunning

gateway for a special gazebo where the twins play each summer. It served as a stage; a secret playhouse, a pirate ship, or any other adventure the duo could conjure up for the day.

Grandmom looked forward to, and planed well for her visit with grandchildren, Nicholas and Danielle for her promised magical time; the last weeks of summer. Their precious days were spent talking, laughing, and creating adventures. This summer, Grandmom brought a trunk filled with books, pictures, and tales from generations past, and a determination to teach the pair important life lessons. After all, they were nearly ten years old!

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The twins, to her surprise, brought her an adventure filled with more mystery and lessons than she could have ever imagined.


Summer Visit
Caw, Caw, Caw! Grandmoms sleepy eyes suddenly awakened, recognizing the greeting. Welcome, Sage! She called from the guest bedroom window,

smiling. What brings you here so early? Before she could get an answer the twins tapped on her bedroom door. Danielle called, Grandmom, Sage has come for a visit! She knows you are here! Danielle guided her into their backyard, and sure enough, the huge Cooper Hawk was sitting on a low branch of the oldest oak tree in their yard. Sage! Grandmom whispered as she stared long into the Hawks dark eyes. It seemed like a full minute passed before anyone spoke, as the old friends reacquainted themselves through a hypnotic gaze. The spell was finally broken when Sage seemed to bow her head; spread her massive wings as if waving good-bye before she disappeared into the sunrise. Grandmom finally exhaled, then smiled and carefully enveloped each of the

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twins hands in hers as she walked back inside. An almost forgotten tingle traveled up and down her spine, as she remembered the first time Sage led her into the forest. Yes, Sage is our friend, and she does need our help, she told the children. We will help her reveal the truth. She smiled and nodded to each of her grandchildren. Help? She was just saying hello. Sage didnt seem like she was calling for help! Danielle argued. Danielle looked to her twin brother for support and he just stared off into the sky. Whatever do you mean, Grandmom? No need to worry, sweetheart. Helping out doesnt mean there is

trouble. Helping each other makes us happy ~ it is what life is all about! Nick began to hum the scales. Her spine tingled, and Grandmom knew this summer would be special.


With a deep sense of appreciation for every moment spent with her grandchildren, that night she tucked in her grandchildren with great care. She fluffed up each of their pillows after she placed a brand new journal and pen and under them. Danielles journal was covered with a pastel

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shade of purple suede, and her pen was a deep shade of tiny purple feathers. Nicholas loves green, so he was given a green linen covered journal, along with a green feathered pen. Each was a symbol of what the children seemed to be at this time. Danielle was more connected to the animals, and Nicholas noticed and seemed to influence the plants more. Both of them connected to Sage, and the skies. They spent countless hours gazing into the seasons of skies. Grandmom was only a few minutes back in her bedroom when the twins charged in waving their new gifts. Grandmothers arms. You are the best! notebook? She asked. Gandmom laughed and told her she thought she was giving her a journal. Danielle squinted her eyes, and Grandmom raised one of her eyebrows. Danielle always asked many questions, but tonight the focus was the legend of the Jersey Devil and the mysterious connection with Sage. That night, the moon was full and the sky lit up with all the stars in the Milky Way. Nicholas brought in his book of constellations and opened it to Pegasus, his favorite mythical creature and constellation. He grabbed How did you know I needed a detectives Danielle leaped into her

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his rain stick and galloped around the room with delight, as Danielle frowned. She knew Nicholas was imagining himself riding on Pegasus, fighting off the earthly enemies. Grandmom, tell him that the Jersey Devil isnt real! Tell him.if you say it; then it isnt real!

She began. Have your parents told you of the history of this town? It was once called Coopergate. The area was settled long ago by the Lenape Native Americans, who named it in honor of the vast number of Cooper Hawks that they believed protected the settlement and brought them good fortune. The Cooper Hawks are one of the most intriguing and mystical creatures of prey. They are messengers and protectors, and the visionaries of the air. The people who founded Coopergate were descended from people with an appreciation for the Hawks energy of balance and keen sight. Grandmom explained as her grandchildren listened in awe. It was during late August when the constellation of Pegasus was most visible, that life in this town changed. That particular year, Pegasus shone more brightly than anyone had ever remembered, and there were sightings of

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many shooting stars. The people thought it was a good omen; a sign of prosperity. It was a fact that more and more people seemed to hear about this happy location and wanted to build a home or a business in a community that still had such natural beauty. The town was no longer hidden and protected. There were still hundreds of acres of lush forest, crystal clear streams, and land, not far from the Atlantic Ocean. It was obvious that vast numbers and generations of plant and animal life had flourished for thousands of years, with little notice from the rest of the busy world. Soon after the Native Americans were driven from this area

something happened. As more and more people populated the area many more sightings of the dreaded Jersey Devil started being reported, she continued.

Nicholas stopped his galloping and frowned. Danielle looked back and forth, from Nicholas to Grandmom. Grandmom, that sounds like what is going on now! looked puzzled. What? Why are you telling us this? There are lessons from the past we must learn. Sometimes history repeats itself, if we havent learned from the past. I will finish the story Danielle


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when you are ready. You will soon see with new eyes, my love. She told Danielle as she tucked her in bed with a kiss to her cheek. She walked from Danielles room to Nicks and whispered in his ear, And, as for you, my lovebug, you already see, dont you? She tickled Nicholas as she kissed him on the cheek. He looked up, right into her eyes. Grandmom looked back with a smile and didnt look away, until he did. Nicholas climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to his nose, and then closed his eyes tight, pretending to already be asleep. Grandmom didnt move. Slowly, he opened one eye to check on

Grandmom. She was standing in the doorway, still smiling. Sweet dreams! She called quietly, and went back to her room, noting the progress in Nicholas interactive behavior.

The next morning, the newspaper headlines featured an article about their special town. It described the preservation of the natural landscape, animal habitat, and historical sites. Everyone in town was proud of this

acknowledgement. Yet, just weeks earlier, the clearing of land began and new buildings started popping up just as quickly as the forest could be cleared away. Who was selling so much land, and why now? In hindsight, the article seemed more like an advertisement than a feature article. The


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town seemed to suddenly be lit up more than ever before, but the people in the town began to feel exhausted and sick. What was really happening in this quiet town?

The mystery began to unravel later that day, when the twins were playing in their backyard. The sprinkler was on and they were in their bathing suits. Nick picked up the sprinkler and took aim on his sister. Aha! You have no escape! he seemed to be shouting as he cornered her with confidence. Suddenly, he noticed a strange little person in the distance, carrying a glowing, red colored sack. The figure was hurrying through their backyard and into the woods behind their house. He dropped the sprinkler to the ground and noticed their friend Sage, the oldest Cooper Hawk in the woods, flew off a branch and circled over the two, calling for them to follow her. Danielle followed Nicks gaze skyward. Without hesitation, the two stopped their play to follow her. Danielle hadnt seen the colorful glow, but followed her brother and Sage.


The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

Wait a minute, could it be the Jersey Devil? Danielle panicked. If it is, Im not coming with you! You cant make me! She stopped and stamped her feet and folded her arms tightly. Nicholas marched on without notice. I didnt notice anything, what is it She called, pretending to feel brave. I really think we should.. Her nervous chatter had to stop!

Nicholas put up his hand and widened his eyes. Her brother was communicating with her! She felt her face flush with color as her feet ran to follow him. Danielle strained her eyes to focus in the direction of Nicks pointer finger, and she actually saw a faint glimmer. Then, she stared longer and finally saw a flicker of what she guessed Nick had seen. Sage was tracking the crimson glow, too. The twins exchanged serious looks, and Danielle reached out for her brothers hand. Their

precious hands shared a strawberry birthmark on the fleshy part of their thumbs. Nicks right and Danielles left hand shared a tiny pink heart. They held hands as they wove through the woods and uncertain terrain. The twins had ventured through the woods dozens of times before with their friends, but this time the surroundings took on a new feeling. It seemed as if all the animals of the forest were aware and watching them follow Sage and the glimmering stranger. Danielle didnt dare speak or take her eyes off her brother, for she feared if she did, it would break the spell. Only the sound of


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crunching leaves and twigs breaking under their determined pace could be heard throughout the forest. A soft symphony of chirping birds, crickets, frogs and other animals could be heard. Suddenly, the crimson glow

stopped and looked back at them. Nicholas saw it sit on a pumpkin as he played it like a tom tom drum and sang to the forest. The energetic song had the entire forest swaying and dancing. Nicholas grabbed on old gourd lying on the forest floor and shook it to the rhythm of the tiny drummer as he danced like an Indian. Danielle realized that she was witnessing something very special. Her brother heard something which made him very happy. She saw only a slight red glint, and heard the forest animals, while her brother apparently saw and heard much more! Although it lasted a short time, the music affected their surroundings immediately. The music was grounding and inviting. Welcome! Come and follow me! It seemed that the entire forest was willing the success of their quest. Sage suddenly dove over their heads and squawked, and then circled round and round until she perched herself on a nearby tree overlooking a babbling brook. She gracefully tucked in her massive wings with a gentle nod, signaling for the two to hide. As soon as they were protected, the air took on a whirly chill, and a single ray of sunlight broke through some


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darkened clouds above. It seemed to be spotlighting the brook. The forest whispered with excitement. Danielle sensed the focus in the forest and listened carefully. Nicholas smiled as the tiny shimmering light fairy

ended with a single note which caused seven illuminated stones to emerge from the water, forming a bridge. The fairy-like person lit up even more, and danced across the bridge. Straining his neck to see, Nicholas saw this

incredible being of red light stop in front of a huge rock. It sang a single perfect note, Dooooe! to the large boulder and caused it to move slightly. Next, the illuminated figure and the glowing sack stepped inside and disappeared! Danielles eyes darted back and forth from the glow to Nick. Obviously, Nick was able to see more than her eyes could. A warm and wonderful feeling spread through her like she had never felt. She felt so close to her brother and this forest. She felt happy for her brother, rather than sorry for him, for the first time in her life. They looked at each other with marbled eyes, and quickly ran over the rainbow bridge to the boulder, which was shut tight by the time they arrived. Together, they pushed and pounded on the boulder, but it would not budge an inch! Danielle paced with frustration, looking all around for a clue. Nick stared at the boulder without blinking. Just then, the sky darkened again, and they heard a rumble of


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thunder. Danielle grabbed her brother by the shoulders and demanded an answer. Whats happening? Did you just see that, too? Nicholas reassured his sister with eye contact, and then a squeeze to her hand. They leaned forward and touched foreheads for a moment. Nick instinctively looked up and saw Sage circling. What should we do now, Sage? Nick communicated call, without words, but a glance. She quickly flew in the direction of their home. She wants us to go home, and I agree with her! Danielle urged. Another boom of thunder shook the forest. The two crossed back over the rainbow bridge, which somehow hadnt disappeared. The sky broke loose and big droplets of rain plopped down from the sky. As they came closer to their house, the droplets diminished into a gentle summer rain, and finally stopped when they reached their backdoor. Danielle turned around to look back at the forest before she went inside. She gasped as a faint rainbow formed right before her eyes. She grabbed Nicks arm and pulled him back outside, Look! She pointed to the heavens. Humph! He grumbled. So, you think thats for us? Get over yourself. His expression seemed to say. She looked back with her hands on her hips.


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He opened his mouth and finally said, Its more than us. Danielles arms dropped to her sides and her eyes filled up. She reached up to touch Nicks face; his hand met hers and he looked back at her. Nicholas had rarely spoken since he was about three years old. If he did speak, it was to Danielle or Grandmom. After being diagnosed as autistic years ago, he had been undergoing all kinds of therapy. Last year, in addition to the ABA therapy, Mom and Dad tried music and yoga therapy with him too, and they all felt closer. Still, Danielle, his twin, was the closest and this proved it. He was talking again! I know you are right. She whispered. When she looked back for

the rainbow, it had already disappeared. But Nick looked up at the sky as if he could still see it, and smiled.

When the sun rose the next day, the events of the day before seemed like a dream. Had it been real? Had Nick spoken real words to Danielle, or did she seem to read his mind, like she usually does? She tried to remember when they were much younger, to a time when Nick talked all the time. What happened to him? Why is all this happening? It was hard to believe, even though they had witnessed it all with their own eyes! Actually, Nick had seen and heard more than Danielle ever did,

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and probably has for years. Danielle had occasionally seen a glint of light and noticed Sage hovering whenever she did. She had learned to believe Nicholas when he saw or heard something. His hearing and vision seemed to be much keener than hers, yet his ability to communicate with others was limited. They had a special bond, and their own way of communicating, which did not rely on words.

That morning, the smell of banana pancakes finally got Danielle out of bed. Usually, she lay in bed for at least a half an hour to wake up slowly and no one could go near her or she got cranky. Today was a new day. She was already awake thinking about the light fairy, or perhaps, a light thief, as she inhaled the delicious aroma of her favorite breakfast. She ran into Nicks room to wake him, but his bed was empty. She raced down the stairs to find him eating the first batch of pancakes with their dad. You snooze, you lose! Dad said with his mouth full. Second batch is always better! she retorted with her hands on her hips and a coy smile. Mom laughed, knowing the two were loved every moment they shared together. Dad lifted his plate, asking for seconds, as mom announced the next batch was ready. Danielle got her plate and brought it to Mom as they enjoyed a delicious giggle.


The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

After breakfast was over, the pair decided to retrace their adventure and find out what was really happening in the forest behind their home. They weaved through the familiar forest, taking special note of where they were, and markers, such as special vegetation. Danielle noticed that there was an unusual abundance of buttercups growing near a huge oak tree. deep golden colored buttercups were growing to the west, Nick demonstrated, by holding up his compass. To the east, ocean blue forgetme-nots grew. Danielle carried a small notebook as Nick navigated. Finally, they approached the areas where the small illuminated figure had crossed a magical bridge to a treasure cave of some sort. They both noted a huge crimson colored plum bush, bursting with tiny fruit. Nick took off his hat and filled it with the ripe plums, while Danielle took more notes. They turned toward the brook where they had crossed the rainbow bridge the day before. The stepping stones seemed to have disappeared. They leaned in closely to inspect the water. But, as the twins looked closely into the water, they could see seven stones. The stones now looked like ordinary stones, but they were there. Danielle extended her foot to meet the first stone. I know you are there! she whispered. She called Nick over and he gazed at the stones. He poised his foot next to hers over the first stone, The


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and concentrated. Nothing happened. Nicholas shook his head and turned around to head home. Danielle grabbed onto his shirt sleeve and tugged. No! You can do it, I know you can! You know something..something that I dont know..Please, Nicholas, I want to know too! Danielle sobbed. Her brother turned around with surprise. His face stared deep into his sisters eyes and finally he reached out his hand. All at once, three glimmers of light appeared together. It wasnt the stones that glimmered, it was three light fairies! One was the crimson glow from the day before. The next was a liquid orange hue and the other a bright golden yellow. Nicholas smiled and then grabbed the shoulders of his sister to turn her in the direction of the brilliant lights. She sniffled and starred. Nicholas started to hum the beginning of the musical scales; Doe, Ray, Me.. Doe, Ray, Me. Doe, Ray, Me! Danielle imitated her brother and hummed along; Doe, Ray, Me until she finally saw the colors Nicholas saw. She breathed deeply and kept humming and staring. Gradually she could hear the tones, then the clear notes, and finally the melodies the trio was performing. Doe was like an Indian - energetic, tribal and rhythmic. The crimson colored fairy danced and leaped from mushrooms and pumpkins to play his music! Ray was femininely dressed in cascading hues of orange, playing a


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buttercup like a trombone. Her orange curls bounced to the music with joy and grace. Mee had a golden lioness mane from which she pulled a long stemmed marigold flower and played it like a saxophone! Soon the five of them were dancing to the song in the forest. The twins were part of the song now and felt the bliss of Mother Natures beauty.

The happy song was suddenly interrupted by the sound of their mothers voice calling them for lunch. The glimmering lights were gone as quickly as the song ended. There was no choice but to return home, for now.

When they ran through the back door Grandmom greeted them with open arms. She snatched Danielle and smelled her hair. You smell like paradise! Where have you been? Danielle pulled away, brushing her hair from her face. Just playing in the back, as usual, she answered casually. Grandmom smiled and laughed and airy chuckle. As usual? She glanced at Nicholas, but he wasnt making eye contact, yet.


The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

After lunch, Granmom asked Danielle to practice her flute, while her mother sat with Nicholas at the keyboards. Her brother was a gifted musician and could play like gentle rain, or a terrible thunderstorm. His music spoke for him. Today, he just sat and played scales, again and again. Danielle found her flute and played her favorite piece, Humoresque, by Dvorak. It seemed to Danielle, the perfect tune to play after meeting the playful light fairies. Suddenly she put down her flute and wondered if they were light fairies or thieves! Were they stealing the light from nature to feed their own greedy needs? Were they storing it behind the large boulder? Her bliss suddenly turned into fear. She needed to see them clearly. Danielle couldnt stop thinking about the days events. After dinner she went to her room and took out her journal. She wanted to write down everything she remembered before she went to bed. As she was writing she remembered her teacher saying, Show, dont tell. She paused to fill up with the emotions she had felt today. Aha! She reached into her nightstand and took out crayons, and began to draw what she experienced. As she drew she realized that the light fairies, or thieves, were spectrums of light and musical scales. She drew a rainbow and beside red she wrote, Do, then next to orange she wrote, Ra, and beside yellow she printed, Mi. Aha! She repeated. I cant wait to meet the rest of you! She


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hummed, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do She hugged her picture and felt more confident that they were on the side of good. Before she turned off her light, she kissed her journal, and then tucked it under her pillow.

Early that morning, Danielle dreamed of her flute coming to life. It was a vibrant green and brought magic to everything that was alive! Her flute morphed into tree branches, then birds, and even dolphin and whales. She slowly began to wake. The green hues turned to blue and she began to feel the gentles laps of the morning waves caressing her. In her lucid dreamlike state, she sighed as she felt the comfort of the rhythmic waves, and turned over. Then, she felt a sudden wind sweep her up and it tossed her around in her dream. Its a hurricane! she thought as she woke up abruptly, with sweat dripping down her brow. Before she could think about it, she reached for her journal. Like a diligent reporter, she documented every detail of the dreams she had that morning, illustrating and explaining everything. She read it over and over again before she went downstairs. She wondered what it all meant. Was this a prediction of stormy events?

Danielle felt like she was changed forever. She listened more closely now, and watched everything more closely, like a detective looking for


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clues. What was she looking for? She really didnt know, and felt compelled to be watchful. The knowing and not knowing feeling was confusing. At times it delighted her, but sometimes it really frightened her. She didnt want to be caught off guard and be gobbled up by a sudden wind storm of any kind!

The sun was shining brightly when she walked into the kitchen. Her mother and grandmother had just walked in from the garden with a basket filled with herbs. What do you have there? Danielle asked cheerfully. Come and see for yourself! Her mother answered. Her mother held up a bundle of herbs and announced their gifts like it was an Academy Award. I introduce to you, Thyme. Thyme grows wild in nature and since early times, has been made into a medicine. It clears thoughts, helps us experience moments of joy. Clarity of mind sees us through our problems so that we may resolve them quickly and efficiently. Grandmom clapped her hands with praise and added. And this is Anise, my personal favorite, as you know, Danielle. She smiled in a most relaxed way. She continued. The divine nature of anise is helping us


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develop our imagination. With this we are able to create the reality around us that gives us the things we want.

Well then, lets start making some anise toasts! Danielle grinned from ear to ear.

While the ladies were baking that morning, Nicholas went exploring. Sage, his old friend was waiting for him with her friend, Omi. Omi is the oldest owl in the forest, and the wisest. She doesnt stay awake this long for just anyone. Omi is a night owl and stayed up just to meet Nicholas. As Nicholas strolled out in the morning sun, and toward the woods, Sage ruffled her feathers and brought attention to her and her friend. He looked up curiously and smiled when he saw Omi. Nicholas knew he was in regal company and bowed deeply. To what do I attribute this honor? He asked, in thought only. Omi flew off her high branch to the ground where Nicholas stood. He jumped back with a stifled gasp, and then, feeling more confident, knelt before her and looked into her soulful eyes. Small glimpses of gold began

to surround them. Nicholas didnt want to surrender this moment with Omi to indulge his curiosity and didnt. It was beautiful and joyful! Omi was


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the first to break the spell and took flight when the sound of fluttering butterfly wings surrounded them. The golden glow was a flood of butterflies which made him smile and jump around, flapping his arms like they were wings. Nicholas danced to the new music nature was making this day and he was really happy. The butterflies subsided and fog drifted into the morning skies as Danielle joined them. She came just in time to see the beauty and light of the butterflies gradually disappear. The fog seemed to mimic Danielles confusion of the summers events. What did all this mean? Why was Mother Nature speaking in a language she didnt understand? What did all this mean? Does Nicholas understand this language? She felt confused and left out. She bit into the anise toast cookie she was holding, and looked around. She focused on what she did understand and share with her brother. Before the magic was completely gone, she remembered the musical scales and the colors of the rainbow. She had all the notes in her head; Doe, Ray, Mee, Fa, So, La, Tee, and Doe, again. All together there were seven notes and seven colors of the rainbow. Danielle sang them repeatedly to her brother. He sang along, and began to dance again, and didnt seem to tire of it!


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That afternoon, they searched again for the brook; the place where the stones lit up to create the rainbow bridge, but they just couldnt. They tried every single day for the next week, unsuccessfully. Each time they tried, Danielle felt a bit of relief that they hadnt. She just couldnt shake the thoughts that the light fairies could be light thieves. She didnt trust them yet. The responsibility of being a part of something evil was too frightening. Grandmom watched the duo each day and waited for them to confide in her, but they didnt. How can I help them without letting them know I suspect anything? she wondered. Were they being visited by the same little friends she met so many years ago when she was their age? That night Grandmom tiptoed into each of the twins rooms, one at a time, after they were asleep. She relaxed into her rocking chair and sang a special song she remembered from her days in the forest when she was about ten years old. It felt good to recall the music so clearly. When she was done, she breathed deeply with satisfaction. As she rose, she noticed that the moon was full and looked like a huge orange hanging in the night sky. Good night Ray! she called out and winked.


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The next morning Danielle woke with a sense that they would be able to cross the rainbow bridge. Her fears had gradually been replaced with hope and confidence. Each time they searched for the magical brook, Nick seemed to be awakened with a glow when the light fairies appeared. How could they be evil if they make him so happy? As she pondered that thought, she hummed the musical scale several times in confirmation. She visualized every light fairy as she hummed each note. They are good, they are not thieves! She affirmed.

Just then, Nicholas walked into her room with a headdress of rainbow feathers on his head. I love it, where did you get that? She asked. He blinked his eyes and pointed to himself. Danielle felt small, thinking she should have known that. She did know that he was leading them on a great journey. She quickly changed and grabbed a few plums on the way out the door. Her brother didnt disappoint her. He led them right to the spot where she hoped he would. Spirit and Sage followed with the same curiosity and purpose. Had destiny placed them on the edge of the rainbow bridge, or had Nicholas known all along exactly where it was? Perhaps he was waiting for


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his sister to know his friends were good. Danielle looked into the brook and searched for the magical stones, only to see ordinary stones in an ordinary stream of water. Her heart thumped.

Nicholas stepped closer and smiled at her and raised his eyebrows just enough to signal hope. He reached out for her hand and took it as he stepped closer to the ordinary stones. Nothing! Nicholas nodded his head and looked back at his sister with an encouraging look. What? She asked. What do you want me to do? I cant. Nicholas put his hand up before she could complete her sentence. He then reached up to his headdress and removed it from his head and carefully placed it on his sisters head. He traded places with her and bowed deeply. Encouragingly, he motioned for her to place her foot over the ordinary stone. Yes, you can! He declared. She felt his voice in her heart and believed him, and then, took a deep breath, and another. She could hear her own heart beating as she extended her foot directly over the first stone, willing it to light upwards. I believe.I believe I canI can! Joyful tears rolled down her cheeks as the first one slowly raised just enough for her toe to reach it, as it turned a crimson color. She looked back


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at her brother, who gave her the thumbs up sign. She met his birthmark with hers heart to heart! Im right behind you! he encouraged. One by one, the ordinary stones rose with each faithful stare, to meet each colorful footstep, until the two were safely across the brook. We did it! Danielle jumped in air. The stones lit up and helped us. We believed, and now they believe in us! She shook Nicholas until he laughed with her. You did it! Nicholas exploded, jumping triumphantly in the air. Astounded by Nicks articulation, Danielle jumped even higher with him. Finally, they hugged, smiling, as their eyes gazed toward the giant boulder. As she wondered if they could move it, too, her brother raced toward it. Nicholas raised his hands and looked at his sister with great confidence. He took a deep breath and used both hands to press against the giant stone. Danielle groaned and rushed to help her brother pushed harder than ever! They both ran out of energy at the same time and fell to the ground in disappointment. We can do this if we believe we can. I believe we can; how about you? She asked her brother. Nick tapped his heart and nodded. Lets try again and count as we push. .ONE, TWO, THREE! they pushed with all their might! Not even a pebble turned.


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Ugh! They groaned and fell to the ground in a sweat. Think! Nick stared at his sister. Yes, the rainbow bridge was much easier than this she agreed. Each of them tried to recall every event and feeling when the stones rose to meet their feet. Danielle took out her notebook and looked around to jog her memory. She looked to Nick asking if he remembered anything that had helped them. She wondered why they were helped across the rainbow bridge and not the boulder. She waited for a response from her brother or from their surroundings. As she scanned the forest, she could see a beautiful doe staring at her. The doe began to emanate a red aura. Wondering what that exactly meant, she noticed many more animals transfixed in their direction. Each seemed to glow a hint of a different color and to be humming a distinctive note. Nicholas began to enjoy the symphony and joined in. Danielle seemed to think they were telling her to listen to the boulder, too. Is there music in here, as well as light? She asked the forest. Danielle rose slowly and tossed away her golden curls from her right ear then pressed it on the giant bolder, and tried to listen for anything. She listened for several minutes. Nothing; we must be missing something. She announced.


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Nick sighed, and then pressed his ear on the boulder to listen. He exchanged a strange look with Danielle, and then turned his head to listen with his other ear. He was hearing something! After a few minutes his attention turned upward. Nicholas was transfixed, as he gazed motionlessly, seeming not to even breathe. Danielles fears started to return. She didnt understand this behavior. Feeling detached and afraid, she grabbed her brother. He is finding his voice now, but I feel afraid! She thought. Why? Finally she blurted, Lets go home! She shook Nicholas until their eyes met, and then raced home with her pockets, still filled with plums, dropping some of them along the way. Danielle couldnt remember the last time Nicholas spoke this much. She was excited for himfor them! But she needed to be in her house right now. This was all too overwhelming.

Its a good thing we were together when all this happened, or I wouldve thought I was dreaming! Danielle told her brother, and they promised each other they would stick together through this adventure. She placed some tiny plums in the sink and rinsed them off. Danielle


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handed Nick one and took one herself. She waited for her brother to take the first bite, but he wouldnt. What? she laughed. Are you afraid? He bit into the plum and juice sprayed his already red face, and suddenly he fell to the ground with a thud! Danielle gasped and reached down for him in disbelief. Nick! Oh God, no! Please no! He quickly opened his eyes and splashed plum juice in her face and ran away laughing! You trickster, Ill get you back for that, you stinker, I thought you were dead! She threw the plum hard and fast at her brother, but he was too fast and turned to catch it in its path. There is nothing to fear. He told his sister, and took a bite out of the plum. Nicholas spoke words! A whole sentence! How long has it been since she heard his real voice? And now, it hardly seemed extraordinary. It seemed natural. She decided not to make a big deal about it. Danielle wanted Nick to feel normal and natural speaking, again. She wondered if he would speak to their parents and to Gram. If doesnt, and she told her


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parents about it, he might stop. Understanding why he was speaking now wasnt necessary, she decided. She would just enjoy it while it lasts. As wonderful as it was, she still felt afraid. She wondered what she was afraid of. She looked over at him as he manipulated a small puzzle. She had always been the onethe better one. She felt ashamed to think these thoughts. Realizing how special her brother was made her feel happy and scared at the same time. I am being selfish. She decided. Maybe I dont want to share him with the world,.but he is more a part of it than I ever realized. Suddenly she looked outside and realized that Nicholas was sharing his world with her!

That night, each of them dreamed similar dreams filled with adventure, conflicts with shadowy creatures, and spectrums of colorful lights. Neither of them could recapture the details of their dreams the next morning, but each lay awake for at least an hour before getting up, wondering about what their dreams meant, for they knew the dreams were special and meaningful.


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The next day they returned to the same place with the help of their friend, the Cooper Hawk, Sage. This time, they came prepared to stay for a while. Danielle packed some peanut butter sandwiches and bottles of water. Nick found the binoculars in the garage and prepared two walking sticks. The twins whistled to call for Sage. She must have known they were there, for she swooped down right away and circled three times before she perched herself on the oak tree; her favorite spot. They followed Sage into the thick of the forest. Stepping over branches and smelling the Sassafras trees, the twins never doubted Sage as their guide. She never left their side, which gave them reassurance they were on a mission. Sage was the look out soldier, and captain of this

adventure. She flew to a near branch and rested when they got to the oldest oak tree surrounded by a fountain of flowers. Good girl, Sage! Danielle called up. Before they even attempted to cross the rainbow bridge, a little fairylike girl who held a basket that glowed hues of blue light sang to the babbling brook;

I hold the key of precious light Bring the Rainbow Bridge within my sight!


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She seemed to glide with a gentle breeze across the colorful stones, and then was suspended in mid-air as she ordered the boulder to move.

Stay on course and return to the source! Sooo.

Before the twins could gasp again, they heard Sage squawk loudly, warning them to stay hidden. They shivered and held each other closely as they felt a cold wind move in and three more little light fairies appeared. The red hues seemed to be emanating through a two inch young boy, dressed like a tiny Indian with tom tom drums. He danced across the field, tapping on small fruits and chanting. The orange vessel of light looked more like a fairy. Her tiny orange wings barely fluttered as she flowed across the earth spilling orange droplets from her delicate bucket, decorated with moon dust. She played her small trombone, which looked more like a buttercup, as she weaved through the forest singing, Raaaay, ever so softly. Fiery yellow flames of light pounced as the lion-like fairy appeared. He threw fireballs of amber around the forest like a


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skilled magician! The green glowing light flew in on a dove as she played her joyful flute. She looked and sounded like an angel, as she played her songs of bliss through her tiny instrument. Danielle could see and hear her most clearly. This energy seemed to breathe as she breathed. Every breath was in unison with hers and she felt lighter than air! Each light fairy carried a delicate glowing bag of colored light. What else could be inside? For the first time, Danielle saw the tiny light fairies with a full heart. Her fears dissipated and she was filled with courage and determination. Finally, a trio of fairies appeared. The first bright blue fairy emerged from a blueberry, still carrying her basket of blue light and singing, Soooo.. as she had done earlier to move the boulder. Next to her was an indigo fairy with crystal balls of light, which she tossed to each of the other light fairies to the rhythm of the song. The last fairy to appear was the tiniest of all. She sat on top of Omis head like an Indian Princess, and vibrating a deep shade of violet. Once they all reached the brook, they too, repeated the rhymes to make the Rainbow Bridge appear. The light fairies must trust them now. Why else would they make it so easy to cross the bridge? Even Nicholas participated in repeating the magical rhyme. Danielle felt her feet quiver over the stones as she crossed. After they crossed the bridge, they


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harmonized a perfect song before they disappeared behind the giant boulder. It seemed that every color of the rainbow was being carried deep into the ground of the cave, blessed with a song. The momentous song ended with a cordial crescendo. Soon, their friend Sage swooped down to guide them home; preventing them from going into the cave that day. The twosome knew, by now, to listen to Sage and followed her. As they weaved through the

wooded forest, they noticed that all the animals were scampering along with them and seemed to be singing and cheering them on. Nick paused to savor the moment. He looked at his sister and asked, You feel it too, dont you? Yes, I do! She answered. This must be very important, and we must help. Danielle paused and picked a purple and yellow pansy. Look closely, Nick, do you think the colors are fading? Where could they be getting the colored light? He kneeled down to get a closer look. NO! They are not thieves of light, Danielle, must know that now. The light is.alive!

Sage swooped down and landed at their feet. Never had Sage come this close to them.


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I think shes telling you something. Danielle smiled. It is alive, isnt it? She asked, holding her breath, waiting for an answer. Sage lifted her head, and then fully opened her wings to show her greatness. She flapped her wings three times and took off toward their home. I think that means Yes! Danielle whispered with amazement. Its time to tell Mom and Dad! she declared.

Nick and Danielle returned home and she told their parents and Grandmom about Sage and the strangers. Since their parents knew that the pair was upset by the recent news that the wooded area was soon to be developed into a mall, they dismissed their story as an imaginary tale. After all, Danielle often told them stories about her day with her brother, and they thought she was just an imaginative and loyal sister who wanted her brother to interact with the world. Grandmom didnt say much during dinner, which was a bit unusual. But Grandmom is a very good listener. Just as Mom was clearing the table, she turned to Nicholas and asked him who saw the light fairies first. He smiled but pretended to not hear the question, then began to hum. Mom and Dad exchanged glances and shook their heads. Grandmom then turned to Danielle and asked her to


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describe the light fairies. Danielle admitted that the first one she saw was not as clear and distinct as the last few they saw yesterday. Can we look at your notebook? asked Grandmom. Danielle was delighted and ran to her room to retrieve the treasure, not realizing that she had never told them about it! Grandmom held up her hand when Danielle spun around the banister with her journal. She gladly leapt into her grandmothers lap to explain each entry. Meanwhile, her parents were hovering over their son,

enjoying his newfound interaction. It had been years since he allowed them to so close to him. He smiled and made direct eye contact with everyone in the room, including Spirit. Dad kept patting Spirit and his son in unison, repeating, What a great day this is, son! ****************************************************

After dinner, Danielle approached her parents again. Its true, we didnt imagine it.really. Danielle urged. Come with us tomorrow to see for yourself! She insisted. Why hadnt she shared the fact that Nicholas started to speak again? Maybe then they would believe her. Yet, it didnt seem the right time.


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Their parents tried again to reassure them it was natural to have imaginary playmates, and then sent them to bed with an extra kiss and hug, while Grandmom sat in her chair and read the journal of the twins grand adventure.

Feeling concerned about the twins, yet a bit proud of their creativity, their parents sat at the kitchen table that night and composed a magical spell for their children to cast against their imaginary light thieves. It was interesting that they saw the fairies as light thieves, just like Danielle had at first. Had they really listened to all they were told? After the twins had fallen asleep, their mother looked for her best gold ribbon to decorate the magical scroll. She rolled it up and left one on Danielles night table, and an identical one on Nicks.

The next morning Danielle awakened to the dawns first rays of light, which seemed to be shining with unusual brightness through her summer curtains. When she heard Sage squawk outside her window, she

remembered the events of the day before, and smiled. As she recalled each detail, she felt herself fill up with excitement. Like a balloon that had been filled until it burst, she jumped out of her bed to awaken Nick,


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who was already up and dressed when she found him. He winked at her when she caught his eye, and whispered for her to hurry; neither ever noticed the scrolls tied with gold ribbon. As Nick was getting some fruit for them to eat, he heard Spirit, their dog, waking up. Spirit yawned and stretched. He wagged his tail as Nick poured some food into his dish and filled his bowl with fresh water. Danielle was bubbling over with questions as she entered the kitchen. What could the little light fairies be doing with the glowing light? What else could be in the bags? Are they bringing the light to someone, or something? Do you think they are doing good things or bad? Nick finally stopped her and spoke seriously. Lets find out! The important thing to remember is that Sage and the other animals seem to know what is going on, and obviously want our help. Danielle said. They discussed the sense of urgency they felt as they leashed Spirit. Spirit was a golden colored mutt, rescued by their parents from the pound shortly after they had been married. He had been very protective of the two since their birth, ten years ago. Spirit sensed the urgency of this mornings journey and perked his ears as Nick told


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him about yesterdays events. Sage was flying high above them when they left the house. Spirit stopped to look up at her, and then

continued sniffing and scouting the area with rejuvenated self assurance. He stopped abruptly at the family gazebo and starred up at the rosebushes. Spirit did not bark, but turned his smiley panting face toward the children, as if to say, Look at that! The two looked up to their entwining rosebushes and gasped at the sight! The rosebushes, once distinct in color, now took on every color of the rainbow and had seemed to grow tenfold overnight! They must know we are here! How about that? she asked her brother and grabbed his hand. Nick stared back at the flowers as he ran with his sister.

Grandmom stood in the back bedroom peeking at the two through her window. She smiled and nodded as she looked up to the heavens with gratitude.

The morning was clear and crisp, and unusually melodic. The music of dawn was always made by songbirds. Today, they were symphonic, with crescendos, and decrescendos. Usually very chatty, Danielle felt


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compelled to be silent and enjoy the experience.

Paying such close

attention to the vaguely familiar song was mesmerizing. They followed Spirit and Sage until they arrived at the brook.

Wow! Were here, Spirit. This is the place weve been telling you about. Danielle whispered in his ear, feeling surprised, but not really. Spirit sniffed the area carefully. As the hawks, the rabbits, the deer, and all the animal friends of the woods watched, the twins stood like soldiers before the gentle cascades of the babbling brook. They held hands and spoke the magic words they heard the tiny fairies of light say the day before.

We hold the key of precious light, Bring the Rainbow Bridge in full sight!

They gasped in amazement at how easily the rainbow of illuminated stones rose up to greet them this time. Danielle reached over and pinched Nick and giggled. With Spirit leading confidently, they crossed the

colorful stones, and quickly repeated the next rhyme.


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Stay on course, return to the source! Soooooo..

But, to their disappointment, nothing happened.

Nicholas looked

more shocked than Danielle. He punched the boulder. Spirit barked loudly and pushed him away from the huge rock. He sat down and began to sob uncontrollably. Danielle tried to comfort her brother, but he

pushed her away. It seemed to Danielle he cried for at least an hour. Spirit seemed concerned and whined and panted, but stayed next to Nicholas the entire time. Sage seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep on the highest branch in the forest.

His tears streamed into a small area by the brook and were lapped up with thirsty gulps. Danielle noticed and then paced around the area as her hands cradling her face as she whispered. She noticed Sage wake up as several other birds landed on nearby branches. Several frogs hopped closer and the earth beneath her brothers tears began to shift.

All at once the earth broke loose and hundreds of dragonflies emerged. The illumination of color filled the air and was reflecting as


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rainbow prisms in the brook. The sky burst with color and light as Nick lifted his head to witness the birth from the nymphs that had been growing near the brook since their seventh birthday!

Nicholas knew all about dragonflies. They have been around for over 180 million years! They inhabit two realms water and air- but are seen only during the daylight. Early in life, as a nymph, they live within water. As they mature and go through their metamorphosis, they move into the realm of air. The entire process takes between two and three years! Now, their new pair of wings took them into their new realms of air and light. Their fragile shell structure reflected the light in rainbow formation. What a phenomenal sight!

Danielle raced to him in disbelief. Nicholas grabbed her apprehensive hands and danced with her in circles until they all sang with the forest. The ballet lasted until the sun was at high noon, and the twins tumbled to the ground, exhausted and blissful. Nicholas was glowing shades of Indigo when Danielle opened her eyes. Without a moments hesitation she stood tall, calling her brother to come with her.


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Stay on course. Return to the source! She chanted as she focused on the boulder. Stay on course.Return to the source! finally joined in; his voice stronger than ever. Nicholas

Poof! They were inside a cave, behind the boulder; Nicholas, Danielle and Spirit. The darkness of the cave didnt scare them and not one of them was surprised. Spirit was the first to move. He sat like a soldier, scanning the cave up and down, and all around. Instinctively, the twins walked

toward the light. There, they found the source, glowing like a fallen star! It seemed to be alive as it pulsated with every color in the rainbow! Danielle and Nicholas looked closer and could see that it was a giant fireball of light, fueled by the mysterious circle of life. They saw how it told the story of how the forest was years ago, with all the wildflowers and animal life. The colors were like none they had ever seen before, just gloriously real. They saw peoples hopes and dreams, too. Each hue of color seemed to be alive with specific emotions and thoughts. The red colored lights revealed the boldest of dreams, and acts of heroism and bravery to protect all; orange held the faith and hope in each and all of us; yellow sparkled artistic creations, and green emanated the breath of life and love; blue bathed the area with understanding rhythm and peaceful love; and purple revealed


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wisdom and understanding. The rainbow of combined light had a silvery aura that seemed to mirror the most peaceful symphony of life times of genuine love, appreciation, creativity and joy! The two felt the energy permeating from each visual memory that they watched like a movie. Instead of a blinding light, the closer they looked, the more they could see.

The knowledge that each dream, defined by color, depends on the precious balance of love and support found in each individual, along with the life in the forest; just as the strength of the rainbows arch depends on the balance and support of all the colors of the rainbow, was a revelation to the pair. Love is a balance of giving and receiving. Danielle

contemplated the thought of receiving love just as important as giving love. Thank you, Nicholas, for showing me your world.its beautiful! As they stared deep into the glistening light, Danielles eyes filled with tears, and she gasped, Look, Nick, I used to be able to talk to Sage, just like you! She reached in and grabbed her bit of light, and suddenly felt lighter. She held her handful of light close to her heart.


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How could I have forgotten about that? She wondered as she wiped away her tears. I forgot how I could talk to the animals, all of them, not just Sage! She turned to Nick and asked him if he remembered. Nick smiled and

nodded in agreement. He searched the light and tried to discover what he once knew, but had forgotten. When he looked closer, he too, found and retrieved one of his dreams. He rediscovered his memories of just

knowing what made people feel sick. He remembered looking into his Grandpas eyes when Grandpas back pain was almost too much for him to bear. He remembered rubbing his grandfathers back, and telling him how much he loved their walks through the woods. Nick had painted a visual picture of the two of them walking through the woods, as Grandpa told him stories of when he was a boy growing up in these very surroundings. As he recalled Grandpa getting up from his backrub and taking Nick for a walk in the woods, Nick spoke. Grandpa was afraid of getting old and useless. Thats what made him sick. I was so angry when Grandpa died. I miss him. He admitted. But, I can see now, he is still with me. Yes, we can do all the things we dream of doing, if fear doesnt get in the way. You helped Grandpa feel young and alive. The more you


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give, the more you get back. Lets promise each other not to be afraid, anymore. Suddenly, they were glowing and felt much stronger. Those light fairies are not stealing the light! Fear causes us to give away our light! Nick spoke clearly with a heartfelt smile with his sister. So, without the light.we can not see. We lose our vision. Are they just keeping it for when we are ready to believe again? She wondered aloud.

They stared back into the light and recognized the faint picture of their parents dreams of opening a painting studio, and they both reached in simultaneously to retrieve it, but couldnt. Spirit barked and backed away, barked again, and pushed them away with his nose. They understood

instantly, that every one must create, seize, and retrieve their own dreams. The two instantly left the cave much stronger and wiser, for they knew this light was authentic, and not the same kind of light that travels through light bulbs! The two raced home and to tell their parents and grandmother the amazing story. Nicholas was the first to burst through the back door in a sweat. He leaped into Grandmoms arms.


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Poppy isnt dead, I saw him today! He cried. Grandmom cuddled and rocked him. I know, baby, I talk with him every day! She whispered in his ear.

Dad witnessed his son speak for the first time in years and ran to him, but hesitated. He waited for his son and mother to unlock their embrace. As Nick broke away, he heard his father say, I miss Poppy, too. But Ive missed you much more!

Your dad and I understand that Poppy enjoyed a good long life, and although we miss him, he is still with us, Nicholas. You just told us that, yourself. His life continues as long as we remember him. Life, here on earth, is a gift. Celebrate it and share it, now, in the present moment. You are out of the cave and can not conceal your light. We can all see you now! Grandmom turned him around to face his father. There is no need to be afraid to love someone deeply. Your dad will, and has always been here for you; and now you know, for sure. Nick turned and looked at Danielle, who had just witnessed her Grandmoms words. His sister nodded and smiled. Nick walked slowly toward his father. His dad embraced him, not able to find the right words


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for his son. They simply enjoyed the long hug no words needed. Nick finally looked up into his fathers face, which reminded him so much of his grandfather the same smile, the same sparkle in his eyes. What was happening? At first, their parents listened without interruption. When they finished telling the story, Mom and Dad promised that they would seek an explanation, and then forbade them to return to the cave by themselves. Their parents didnt know what to think about the story, but were very overwhelmed with emotions. Astounded by hearing Nicks voice again; yet worried about the circumstances of its return. They promised to go with their children to the boulder the very next morning, and then sent them to their rooms to rest. Obviously, everyone was exhausted and in needed sleep. But we didnt do anything wrong! Danielle protested. I dont think you realize.. She stuttered. We need time to talk about this and you need to trust our judgment. Dad told them. Now, who was putting up a wall? Grandmom shook her

head and wondered when her son would realize how much alike he and his son really was.


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The frustrated pair trudged up the stairs and into their rooms. As soon as Danielle entered her room she noticed the pretty scroll on her nightstand. Her hands quivered as she lifted it and untied the golden bow. She carefully unrolled the parchment and read the magic words. A brilliant smile emerged and she kissed the paper as she finished reading, and then ran to Nicks room to show him. As he read the words, he too smiled. Mommy wrote this. Look, she even drew two little angels with halos. Nick pointed. Yes, and Daddy drew Sage up here! Isnt it perfect? Danielle squealed. They both stared at the parchment,

remembering their parents dreams of painting in Europe. They hadnt talked about that for years, but the twins remembered the dozens of paintings in the basement, mostly of the woods and Sage.

They read the spell together in a whisper:

Little thieves of the light What youre doing is not right! Having a choice may sound strange, Dont you know you can change?


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Yes, it is true! There is light inside each of you. We are here to remind you of the love you feel Rediscover your dreams that are real. The magic is inside each of you The key is to love what you do. Dont allow yourself to be a coward. Faith will make you empowered. The real light is inside of you, And that is Love, real and true!

Mommy and Daddy are so smart! Danielle smiled. Spirit barked and wagged his tail enthusiastically. then suggested they visit the basement. Nick nodded, hesitantly. He followed her with a frown on his face, knowing what she was about to do. Danielle could hardly contain her excitement. Spirit seemed to tiptoe as he followed the pair to the basement. Its time to go treasure hunting! This will prove it! She tucked the paper in her pocket


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Just as they remembered, the paintings were buried deep behind old boxes and other odds and ends. The storage part of the basement was enclosed. Dad had built shelves to store all the holiday items. Special shelves were built for the special crystal and china Grandmom had given them. Off to the left were the dusty canvases, carefully stored and labeled. Spider webs and dead crickets surrounded the neglected area. The two were careful not to make too much noise as they moved each item to reveal the paintings. Each was labeled with purple ink, indicating what it was and when it was painted. One by one, they unmasked the paintings; wiping away the dust. Some of the paintings were still as vibrant as the day they were painted, while others were so faded that they could barely make out what they were supposed to be. The painting that was the most brilliant was of Nick and Danielle hugging Spirit. Look, it is glowing! Nick yelped. They didnt steal it. Nick said shaking his head.

Whats all this? Mom asked sharply as Dad followed. I thought we told you to stay in your rooms. Why are you down here and what are you doing? Dad sounded upset. Mom walked over to a


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faded painting of the woods she had painted before the twins were born. Her edginess was quickly replaced with astonishment. Look, Honey, this is the place where you proposed to me. Dads anger dissolved as they leaned over the painting. As they gently touched the canvas, the light and clarity gradually returned, until the painting seemed to glow. What is happening? Moms eyes welled up with tears as she stepped away clasping her hand on her mouth. Dad reached for her and his children, holding them close as they stared at the painting, trying to understand what had just happened. Nick and Danielle understood that one does not have to go to the cave to retrieve their light! Grandmom knew it too, as she watched them from the bottom step of the basement. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for this moment! She gulped.

The twins didnt need any more proof that their story was real. Yet, their parents didnt know how much was real, and how much was imagination. Over the years, Nicholas and Danielle demonstrated their keen ability to make up imaginary worlds. Sometimes Nick would speak to the air, as if engaged in a real conversation. How could he speak to the


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air, and not his family? Was Danielle in danger of slipping into his world? Although they witnessed the light, their fears masked the truth.

As promised, the brave family prepared for their journey through the forest together. Grandmom was the first one up the next morning and very confident. She was very familiar with the forest and spent much of last night trying to recapture her childhood memories of the light fairies. She laughed out loud as she realized how everyone had tried so hard to fix Nicholas, and now he was fixing everyone else. She put on her oven mitts and reached into the oven for the blueberry muffins.

Whats so funny? asked Mom, still feeling anxious about the magic spell she had written for Nicholas and Danielle. She was fearful that the spell encouraged them to continue with their bizarre tale. Oh, Im just happy about the new adventure! she remarked as she lifted the muffins from the tin, one by one. Dad was still debating about whether to call the police. Somehow, the events from last night seemed unreal when the morning came. But the twins were delighted and felt empowered! Danielle insisted that they learn the spell by heart, and she practiced in front of the mirror for nearly an hour. Finally, they were ready and Dad got his


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video camera, and Mom found the digital camera. The children and Spirit led their parents into the woods as they waved back to Grandmom. Grandmom smiled and waved, as she raided her right eyebrow; something she does when she knows everything is just right! Confident of the trail, Nick led. Danielle held her notebook in hand as they talked about the beginnings of the adventure. Mom and Dad interrupted each other with questions; What if they ate some poisonous berries; What if somebody is brainwashing them.. Suddenly, Nick was at a crossroad. Nothing seemed familiar. Help! Now! Now, Now!! Nick commanded. Danielle scanned the notebook, and reluctantly looked up as she shook her head with the resignation of defeat. Even father was confused, and he knew every inch of the woods, since he had lived in the area his entire life. Danielle called for the help of their friend Sage; Ca-CA-Ca ~ Caaaaa, and soon, circling overhead, there she was! Father recognized the large bird right away, and shushed Mothers gasps. You need to trust Sage, or she wont lead us, Danielle explained. Father recalled watching Sage when she was a baby bird, learning to fly. Father knew every hawk in the woods. All of them

halted to watch Sage fly. She flew round and round, as if she was deciding what to do next. Sage dove straight down, and then swooped up high to


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perch in a tree and stare down at them. Dad squeezed Moms hand and whispered, I do trust Sage. With those words, Sage took off and guided them through the forest. Mother and Father were speechless as they followed the twins through the woods. The forest took on a new feel. Branches seemed to be moving, making way for the foursome, and animals became still onlookers. Mother and Father had never been aware of the vast number of animal and plant life until this moment. Frogs, turtles, grasshoppers, dragonflies, foxes, hedgehogs, mice, and all kinds of wildflowers, bushes, and trees stood at attention during the journey through the woods. Finally, Sage landed on the boulder across the brook, and the entire forest cheered. The hawk looked at this brave family of four, squawked a powerful message, which somehow they understood, and flew up to the highest branch.

Nicholas and Danielle didnt hesitate. They held hands and stepped closer to the clear water of the brook, ready to say the magical words to reveal the rainbow bridge. Just as their father placed his hands on the twins, the boulder across the brook moved, and a small man with an empty sack poked his head out. He squinted his eyes and spoke sharply.


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I warn you to leave this place and forget its existence, Only the purest of heart have persistence. You havent yet, the power, and cannot compete With the many workers below your feet. Be gone!

The boulder moved swiftly back. The twins moved closer to their parents, and asked if now they could cast their own spell on the thieves of light. Their parents spoke sharply in unison. NO! Father grabbed Nick by the hand, and Mother grabbed her daughter and they ran through the woods with Spirit barking and following close behind until they were home. The twins parents realized they hadnt taken a single picture to prove the amazing story! Yes, it was certainly time to call for a town meeting.

A few days later, all the most powerful leaders of the town gathered. The Mayor, the bankers and all the new business venturers were called, as well as the police. Mr. Holly stood up before the confused crowd.


The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

As a town councilman, I called this meeting because I believe we need to investigate some recent events. We are all aware of the unwelcome press we have been receiving; regarding the sightings of the, Jersey Devil. We must get to the bottom of this nonsense and find out who the pranksters are and punish them! He announced as the crowd murmured.

Afraid your town wont be so profitable, anymore? A scratchy voice from the back of the room challenged. The voice matched the scary eyes that gleemed a spinning wheel of colors. Selling your precious land at what price? He belched and gagged, clutching his own throat. Pausing dramatically, he dragged his fallen body forward. He smiled as he pointed to himself to answer the question.

You invited the devil into your town when you began to clear away the forests and wildlife. You traded natural beauty for money and profit. You invited the devil in, and here I am! The devil laughed so hard he rolled onto the floor and flapped his pitiful wings, as if he could really fly. His skin turned from yellow to purple in an instant that turned


The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

everyones stomach sour. Suddenly alert by the new attention, he stood upright on his hooves and pointed at the crowd. Me; the devil? Only people like you can create me.

He turned his pinwheel eyes toward the crowd and spoke again. Keep feeding me, and I will give you just what you ask for! He howled as he left the room galloping like a wild stallion.

His last words seemed to chill the room. A cold wind blew through, and the light and warmth that had filled the meetinghouse earlier, was gone. Only moans and sounds of despair filled the halls. The meeting was quickly adjourned, and nothing was done to rid the town of the devil. Who was the devil, after all?

But, Nick and Danielle were determined, for they knew better! As they peered through the windows of the old building, and heard the words of the Jersey Devil, they saw him for the Angel he was. The summer leaves rustled and dust swirled upon the ground. The birds began to sing, even though it was dark.


The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

Mother and father had taught them well, but they seemed to have forgotten all they taught their children. Danielle reached in her pocket and pulled out Mothers magic spell. We need to use this on them! She nodded toward the crowd that lingered in Town Hall. Let us! Nick agreed. Slowly and deliberately, they read the poem together. As they finished they looked at each other with hope in their eyes. They waited for what seemed a long moment, and just when they turned to leave, they both gasped and turned back to look face to face with the Jersey Devil! As their eyes met his, he glowed and glistened in the moon light, then spread his warm, white wings. Who are you? Nick asked. And why can you look like a devil or an angel? asked Danielle. He answered, If you are here tonight, then you must understand who I am and my mission. I do whatever I must to protect Mother Nature and everything that is alive. I love being the Keeper of the Light, and all the lightkeepers I oversee in this vast forest. It is my job to make sure that everyone can recapture their love of life, and grandest dreams. I am the Keeper of the Light, and must do what I can to protect the treasure of the light within everyone. I mirror what is in the heart of each seer. Only the purest of


The Lightkeepers

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heart can see my Light Workers. The only way to get rid of the darkness is to shine light directly on it. There is no time to waste, now that you

have crossed the Rainbow Bridge and have seen the starlight, we must help return the light to the people, or it will fade away. Return home now. Your work is almost done. Thank you. He said, and was gone. Only a glimmer of glowing starlight lingered where he once stood.

The twins believed that the animals and the forest wanted them to find the cave because they would be able to understand the treasure. If the towns people had really listened to what the Jersey Devil said, they would have realized, too, that he really didnt steal anything, and everyone could get their light back if they really want it, just like they did! One by one, the twins convinced many children of their town that the Jersey Devil was not really evil. They confided in their closest friends first, and explained about the lightkeepers. Two by two, they introduced their friends to the colorful lighkeepers. Soon, many of the children in town knew what was going on, and what the light really was! Most understood that those who freely gave away their light, could take it back for themselves. The lightkeepers want people to get their light back!


The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

Finally, after all the children in the town were convinced that what their parents had been calling the Jersey Devil, was indeed, not a devil at all. Nicholas and Danielle called their own meeting of all the children in the entire town! It didnt take long for all the children to agree about what to do next. They decided that it was time for all the children to make a pilgrimage through the forest to the Rainbow Bridge and magical boulder. Even some of the elders in the community came. Just as before, the animals in the woods gathered with them. But this time, they werent quietly listening, they were all singing! When all the children and the wise elders finally crossed the bridge and stood around the boulder, it moved on its own, and all the Lighkeepers emerged.

Doe, the red tribal Lightkeeper, was the first to greet the twins and their entourage. He sang out his single note and beat his drums as he thanked the two for their vision and courage. The crowd cheered with delight! Ray fluttered forward next with moon dust dripping from her tiny wings. She flew over the twins and Spirit and then up to Sage singing her single note, Ray!


The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

Me, me, meee! Sang out a vibrant yellow LightKeeper, shaking his fiery mane. He prowled through the crowd and the children cheered and whistled. A green veil lifted to reveal an even greener landscape. Big sighs could be heard throughout the forest. Fa, the green Lightkeeper danced while playing her magical flute. As she moved from the lowest notes to the highest, her audience was lifted to a higher level of love and awareness. Fa beckoned to So to come and join her. So, dressed in hues of blue, flowed out in waves with a special song. As she sang, children approached the elderly and encouraged them to dance. Soon, the forest was singing with her, and all the people were dancing. She sang to them with encouragement and pure love. La entered without notice from too many, but Nicholas noticed. La was dressed in Indigo feathers. La flew directly to Nicholas and seemed to sing a song just for him. Sage joined them and spread her wings in joy. Nick spread his arms out to sing back the song of joy! As Danielle approached her brother, the newly hatched dragonflies returned in a flutter. Then, the final Lightkeeper emerged. Tee was every shade of violet and played a tiny harp. Danielle gazed at the tiny fairy as if


The Lightkeepers

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she recognized her. She landed on Danielles hand and blew her a kiss, before she fluttered away.

Suddenly, a streak of brilliant lightning shot out of the cave and up across the sky as the little Lightkeepers disappeared! Then, the dark clouds parted like giant curtains, and the rays of sunlight shone through like spotlights from the heavens, calling up all the colors and light from the cave to form a perfect rainbow! Every color, distinct and strong, glowed in the sky above. The spectators held their breath as they gazed at the sight. The awesome palate of colors began to swirl around the sky, as if in a reverse tornado formation. The vibrant colors returned to the earth and the creatures, making everything more colorful and energetic. Nicholas pointed to the sky as the Cooper Hawks flew forming a perfect circle around the towns perimeter, with Sage leading the parade through shades of blue never seen before now.

More birds flew and chirped wildly, and the children jumped and hugged each other, for they knew they had been heard. They clapped and cheered as they noticed that where the giant boulder once stood, was a giant crystal, instead! The crystal reflected all the colors of the rainbow and the natural


The Lightkeepers

Pamela Behmke

beauty that surrounded its circumference. It served as a magical mirror, reflecting only the beauty that it absorbed. The townspeople marveled at their own reflections, seeing what they helped to hide before this day. Each of them was changed by their own reflections and what they saw in their neighbors faces, too. The town suddenly was beautified beyond measure!

Every person in town found their way to that special place on that day, for everyone could see the rainbow and heard about the crystal. Most of all, they appreciated the revived feelings of hope and joy, and sheer love for life that each of them felt for the first time in too many years.

After weeks of enjoying life as it now was, the town gathered to commemorate the special gift they had experienced. It was decided that a lighthouse would be built on the edge of the brook where the LightKeepers dwelled. They named it The LightKeepers Source. Next to it, the engraved crystal explained its importance.

The entire town, including the animal friends in the woods, came to celebrate on Thanksgiving Day of that year, for they had so much to be


The Lightkeepers

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thankful for, indeed!

The part of the forest that had been planned to

become a new mall was saved! Instead, the town voted unanimously to preserve that site! They renamed the town to its original title; Coopergate, and engraved the crystal so that they would never forget this summer. An image of Sage, the Cooper Hawk, was etched into the crystal, and below it read;

(Etching, and a rainbow of inlaid colored crystals) Coopergate The Home of the Lightkeepers; Where dreams are remembered and realized.

That last night of summer magic, Grandmom was filled with an abundance of love as she gazed down at her grandchildren. She gently leaned down to kiss each of her grandchildren on the cheek, and whispered, Thank you for teaching me to see and hear, like I used to. I couldnt love you more! Smiling, she quietly walked to the window to pull down the shade when she noticed a spray of stardust filling the night sky. She


The Lightkeepers

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bent over to get a closer look. There, right before her eyes, she witnessed a huge comet painting the night sky with its illuminating white light, sprinkling stardust in its trail. She held her hand to her mouth as she gasped with confirmation. Twinkling in rainbow formation, and pulsating gently as the forest sang, Grandmom whispered, Thank you, Lightkeepers!

The Light Keepers

Pamela Behmke


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