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Muddiest Point Rubric

The muddiest point discussions are critical in this online course because they are where you interact with other students and the instructor about specific questions and issues raised in our readings and course assignments. For the muddiest point activities, the following rubric will be used to assess your participation. Questions: _____ (3) Asked clear, understandable, specific questions. Referenced page numbers and/or figure numbers in the text. _____ (2) Question is clearly worded but no textbook references are provided. _____ (1) Question is worded in confusing manner; classmates need to ask for clarification of the question. Textbook references are provided. _____ (0) Question is confusing; no textbook references are provided. Responses: _____ (3) Responses to classmates' questions are clear, understandable, and specific. Referenced page numbers and/or figure numbers in the text. _____ (2) Responses to classmates' questions are clearly worded but no textbook references are provided. _____ (1) Responses to classmates' questions are worded in confusing manner; classmates need to ask for clarification of the response. Textbook references are provided. _____ (0) Responses to classmates' questions are confusing; no textbook references are provided. Evidence of Critical Thinking _____ (3) Well-developed ideas; introduces new ideas; stimulates discussion. Clear evidence of critical thinking; (application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation). Postings are characterized by clarity of argument, depth of insight into theoretical issues, originality of treatment, relevancy, and sometimes include unusual insights and flashes of brilliance. Arguments are well supported. _____ (2) Developing ideas; sometimes stimulates discussion. Beginnings of critical thinking. Postings tend to address peripheral issues. Generally accurate, but could be improved with more analysis and creative thought. Tendency to recite fact rather than address issues. _____ (1) Poorly developed ideas; does not add substance to the discussion. Poorly

developed critical thinking. _____ (0) Did not enter the discussion. Sufficient Number of Interactions _____ (3) posted at least two questions and three substantive responses _____ (2) posted at least one question and one substantive response _____ (1) posted either questions or substantive responses, but not both _____ (0) did not enter the discussion Timeliness of questions and responses _____ (3) all questions and responses were posted before their respective deadlines _____ (2) some items were posted on time; some items were posted after the deadline _____ (1) all items were posted after the deadline _____ (0) did not post any questions or responses

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