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Sub: Guidelines for change of classification under HOER (HOWPR) In order to follow uniform procedure for matter dealing

with change of classification under HOER (HOWPR), the following guidelines are issued: 1. The JA should be conducted duly observing normal working conditions of the section/work. i.e for JA of Station Master conducted in a particular station, it needs to be ensured that there is no failure/accident in the section just before the conduct of JA and likewise in the case of Commercial Clerk, it should be ensured that it should not be very busy nor slack season. 2. The daily JA sheet should contain minute to minute work details which has to be elaborated duly mentioning timings on when he/she completed action (physical or under sustained attention) and accordingly time of action should be allotted immediately and again he performs work. The period of inaction less than 5 minutes shall be ignored and included in period of action. E.g. A station master had cleared the block section at 15.30 hours and at 15.34 again one more train blocked, the time between 15.30 and 15.34 i.e 4 minutes should be treated as period of action. (A sample JA sheet is enclosed) & also Railway Bds letter No.E(LL)93/HER(RLT)/1 dated 18.4.1975 in which it was circulated is also enclosed. 3. The filling up of JA sheet should be immediate and continuous process and the same should not be drafted after JA is over. When the spell of JA is over, the same should be signed immediately by JA Team with the signature of staff on duty to whom JA has been conducted. 4. When the JA is completed, a summary sheet should be prepared on the spot of JA duly obtaining the signature of Supervisor as well as JA Team. 5. While conducting JA the work like, preparation of monthly returns, Audit Para and attending Audit Inspections are treated as abnormal work, the same are to be ignored, duly discussing with the departmental supervisor. 6. The JA Team report has to be prepared on the spot of JA conducted based on the supporting documents of various records, statements and statistics & copies of the same are to be enclosed. 7. Before undertaking the JA, HOER inspector should study the duty list and credit for such of the items of work which are included in the duty list alone should be given. In addition, the procedural orders such as Station Working Rules, Orders & Departmental Instructions are to be studied by JA HOER Inspectors and what ever is said by the staff involved should not be taken as granted unless it is verified by the HOER inspector personally. 8. The JA Team should know the term sustained attention that involves mental effort, which the staffs have to exert in connection with the working of trains. In case of CC, mere opening of the booking window before arrival of train does not construe that he is in period of action unless he issues ticket, attends enquiry etc. 9. No. of JA pending needs to be monitored by concerned Sr.DPO so that JA can be completed within the stipulated time.

10.The above instructions/points are only illustrative but not exhaustive. The sample JA sheets are enclosed. 11. The JA proposal should consist of the following records/information: (i) The legible copies of JA sheets [of all spells] including summary sheet with signature of JA team and departmental Supervisor & staff signature. (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Report of JA team with relevant enclosures. Acceptance of JA results by Branch Officer. Approval of DRM for the results of JA. Duty list & data of trains dealt at station in which JA was conducted. A certificate of normal working condition from the department. Associate finance concurrence if obtained.

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