Quiz 5 Study Guide

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Quiz 5 Study Guide Topics: Nutrition & Exercise (Ch.11) Food, Inc. (film) Food Safety Concerns (Ch.

Ch. 12)

Nutrition & Exercise 1. How may minutes/day of exercise does the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2005) recommend for: a. Disease prevention: b. Weight Management: c. Weight Loss: 2. What are the CDCs recommendations for exercise? Surgeon general? 3. What are the physical and psychological benefits of physical activity? 4. How do nutrient needs for the casual exerciser differ from the nutrient needs of an athlete? 5. List the types of exercise that are anaerobic. List those that are aerobic. 6. Describe factors that influence the body's use of glucose during physical activity. Discuss how they alter the bodys use of glucose. The body's use of glucose during physical activity depends partially on how much glycogen is in storage, and this depends partly on the amount of carbohydrate eaten. Intensity of exercise influences the body's use of glucosehigh intensity activities require more glycogen. Degree of training to perform the activity is a factor because the level of oxygen in the muscle influences the body's use of glucose. During oxygen debt, glucose is metabolized rapidly and pyruvate molecules accumulate in the muscle tissue. Duration of activity affects use of glucose during exercisewithin the first 20 minutes of exercise, the body primarily uses glucose. 7. Which athletes require the most protein? 8. What electolytes are lost during exercise? 9. Discuss the importance of hydration during training, and list recommendations to maintain fluid balance. 10. When is eating during exercise necessary? 11. What beverages are good fluid replacers during exercise? 12. What is the primary fuel source used during physical activity? 13. When individuals lose weight quickly, where does most of their weight loss come from? 14. Is there a benefit seen in consuming > 2g/kg protein for certain athletes? 15. How much additional water should be consumed for each pound of body weight lost after exercise? 16. Describe hyponatremia and hypernatremia 17. Why are fruits and vegetables important for people who exercise? 18. Be familiar with food and fluid recommendations before, during, and after exercise.

19. List the roles of water in the body. Water carries nutrients and waste products throughout the body; helps to form the structure of macromolecules; actively participates in chemical reactions; fills the cells and the spaces between them; serves as the solvent for minerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose, and many other small molecules; acts as lubricant around joints; serves as shock absorber inside the eyes, spinal cord, and in pregnancy, the amniotic sac; aids in the body's temperature regulation. 20. List the sources of water intake and routes of water excretion. 21. What is the appropriate water intake for a 70kg adult with an energy expenditure of 3,000kcal/d? 22. Define ADH. Discuss how it functions. 23. Describe how the body uses electrolytes to regulate fluid balance. Food Safety 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Describe the factors that contribute to food spoilage. What are the safe food storage times? What is the temperature danger zone? What is the maximum amount of time leftovers can be out of the refrigerator? What causes the largest percentage of food borne illness? What does GRAS stand for? What is the Delaney clause? What are the 3 requirements of disease causing bacteria? Which foods are most associated with each of the following microorganisms? Symptoms of infection? Incubation time? Treatment? Prevention? a. Staphylococcus b. Salmonella c. Escherichia- Coli d. Hepatitis A e. Norovirus f. Listeria

33. What are the minimum internal cooking temperatures for beef, poultry, fish/pork?

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