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For the Month of June 2012 Name of School: School/Address:


for public elementary schools


Street Barangay School District

Former Name of School (if renamed): _______________________

School BEIS ID:


School Head: ROSARIO D. AGUILAR Designation: PRINCIPAL I Contact Number: 09162916059 Fax Number: __________ Email Address: aguilar_rosario51@
Annual Enrolment Monthly Enrolment Male Female Total Average Daily Attendance Male Female Total

Name of Teacher Adviser Position Status Teaching Assignment Grade Male Female Total

PRE-SCHOOL Lailanie R. Acosta VOLUNTEER Total (Pre-school) ELEMENTARY (Regular) Leonida T. Huan Teacher III Nonafe C. Roderos Teacher I Flerida C. Seculles Master Teacher I Arlyn M. Tabuar Teacher I Shiyrl B. Reyno Job Order Luzviminda Q. Fernandez Teacher III TOTAL (Grades I-VI) SPECIAL EDUCATION



21 21 I II III IV V VI 18 23 15 15 12 10 93

12 12 15 13 11 8 8 12 67

33 33 33 36 26 23 20 22 160

21 21 18 23 15 15 12 10 93

11 11 15 13 11 8 8 12 67

32 32 33 36 26 23 20 22 160

21 21 18 23 15 15 12 10 93

11 11 15 13 11 8 8 12 67

32 32 33 36 26 23 20 22 160

Perm Perm Perm Perm LGU Perm

Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V Grade VI




Schools District Supervisor

Prepared / Submitted by:

School Head


for public elementary schools

page 1

me of School (if renamed): __________________________________ PRINCIPAL I Email Address:

% Attendance % Enrolment

100 100 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

100 100 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

School Head

A.2 ALTERNATIVE LEARNING SYSTEM Number of Program A & E System Functional Literacy Literacy cum Livelihood Classes ENROLMENT Male Female Total COMPLETERS Male Female Total


Grade Male Pre-school Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Total (I-VI) Feeding Program Female Fund Source Male Deworming Female % Male

Medical/Dental Chec

A.4 DATA ON PUPILS (Grades I-VI data include regular and SPED Graded) Pre-school Male Monograde classes Multigrade classes ALIVE classes Repeaters Transferred In From Public school From Private school Transferred Out To Public school To Private school Dropouts Balik-Aral Muslim Pupils
Left-handed Pupils/Learners

Grade I 18 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 15 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0

Grade II 23 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Grade III Female 11 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 15 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 4

Grade IV Male 15 Female 7 Male 12

Grade V Female 8

Grade VI Male 10 Female 12

TOTAL (Grades I-VI)

Female Male 12

Female Male Female Male

Male 93 0 0 2 1 5 4 1 0 2 0 12 1

Female 67 0 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 2 0 8 0


0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

0 0 5

0 0 0

Ethnicity (IP) Ibanag Itawes Yogad Gaddang Bugkalot (Ilonggot)

A.4 DATA ON PUPILS (Grades I-VI data include regular and SPED Graded)(continuation) Pre-school Male Ikalahan Isinay Aeta Malaweg Kalinga-Isabela Others: (pls. specify) Ifugao Igorot Age Profile 4 and below 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16-18 19 and above TOTAL Grade I Grade II Grade III Female
Male Grade IV Female Male Grade V Female Grade VI Male Female
TOTAL (Grades I-VI)

Female Male

Female Male Female Male



0 1

0 0

0 1

0 0

0 2

0 0

1 0

1 1

1 1

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

2 4

1 1

6 13 2

1 11 0

1 8 7 1 0 1

1 9 3 1 0 1

0 1 19 1 1 1

0 0 9 3 1 1

0 1 7 6 0 1 0

0 1 3 4 1 1 1

0 2 7 4 2

1 4 1 1 0

3 4 4 0 1

3 3 1 1 0

0 2 4 3 1

2 4 3 3 0

1 10 33 8 6 16 12 5 2

1 10 15 9 11 11 6 4 0















A.5 For Grades I-VI, if with DROPOUTS during the month, please provide reason for dropping out: Reason Family problem Transfer of residence Number of Pupils

page 2

Medical/Dental Check-Up Female %

ALS Male Female

SPED Non-Graded Male Female

page 3

ALS Male Female

SPED Non-Graded Male Female

B.1 DATA ON ALL PERSONNEL WHO REPORTED IN THE SCHOOL DURING THE MONTH Name Adviser Lailanie R. Acosta Arlyn M. Tabuar Nonafe C. Roderos Flerida C. Seculles Leonida T. Huan Shiryl D. Reyno
Birthday Position Status ** (salary) College Degree Major Minor
Teaching/NonTeaching Assignment

Personnel Movement During the month: (provide date)

Retired Resigned
Promoted ReNew On Leave Transfer Transfer In Out classed Item

12-14-77 08-28-77 09-23-63 07-12-55 11-26-73 03-14-08 Luzviminda Q. Fernandez 10-26-51 Non-Adviser

Kinder Teacher

T-1 T-1 MT-1 T-3 LGU T-3

3,000 17,099 18,464 28,305 19,658 3,000 20,420


Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching Teaching


Non-Teaching ROSARIO D. AGUILAR 10-08-60 ESP-1 30,880 Prac.Arts Animal Hus. Non-Teaching Note: ** - If status is not permanent please identify source of salary e.g. PSB, MSB, PTCA,Volunteer, etc. and salary per month B.2 Details of Personnel Movement During the month (please provide name of school affected by the movement)
Name Promoted (position) Previous Detailed/Borrowed (school) From To Transferred (school) From To Check status of transfer Promotion

Adviser N/A



B.3 TEACHER REQUIREMENT (Luistro Formula= 1:45))

page 5

Grade Level


Teacher Requirement 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7

Existing Teachers (Plantilla)

Pre-school Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Total (Grades I-VI)

32 33 36 26 23 20 22 192

1 1 1 1 1 5

2010 2011 RemainLocally-Paid Teachers Allo- Alloing Provin- Muni- P Division Others cation cation Shortage cial cipal T Office/ C Casual/ VolunA JO teer 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 J.O 0 2 1 1

page 4

Personnel Movement During the month: (provide date)

Detailed Detailed In Out

Check status of transfer

Carry item/lateral

C.1 Repairs and Construction
Particulars Ongoing Cost Funding Source

REPAIRS Completed Number Date Cost Funding Source Proposed Cost Funding Source Ongoing Cost NEW CONSTRUCTION Funding Source Completed No. Date Cost Funding Source Proposed

Classrooms Instructional Non-instructional Administrative Stage Multipurpose Hall Gymnasium Toilets Male Female Communal Library Clinic Guard House Canteen Washing Facilities Laboratory C.2 UTILITIES Electric System Source/s of Electricity: (check) a. ISELCO b. Generator _______ c. Solar ___________ d. Others :(identify) _______________ e. NONE __________



P 3,500

Water System Source/ of Water Supply: (check) a. Local Water Connection __________ b. Motorized Pump__________ c. d. e. f: g: h: i: Manual Pump ____________ 2 Dug Well_______________ Natural Spring ____________ Rain collector____________ Adjacent River____________ Ration ___________________ NONE ______________

Information Technology/Communication Facilities Telephone Number: ___________ imeographing Machine ______ M Fax Number:__________________isograph machine _______ R Internet Connectivity: Yes ______ No ______ Communication Type Email address: ________________ Cellphone number: ____________ PLDT/Digitel OPH: ______________ Smart LCD: _______________ Globe Xerox Machine _______ Sun Cellular Computer Units Bayantel


page 6


Funding Source


Not in use

Mimeographing Machine ______ Risograph machine _______ Communication Type Availability Sch. Com'ty


Bldg No. 1 2 3 Type of Building Abaya 1 BLSB Abaya 2 Year Constructed 1997 1994 1998 No. of Funding Storey Source 1 1 1 CDF DepED CDF Cost Good

Needs Repair
Condemnable (Dilapidated)

ROOM DIMENSIONS Length (m.) 8 24 16 Width (m.) 7 7 7

Area (sq. m.) 56 158 112

NO. OF ROOMS Usable 1 3 2 Not Usable Total 1 3 2

INSTRUCTIONAL ROOMS (actually/currently u


Ground Floor Area 56 sq. m. 168 112

Science H.E. Lab. Rooms

1 3 2

NON-INSTRUCTIONAL ROOMS (originally intended for instruction but converted to non-instructional) Bldg No. Office/s Faculty Room Libraries Subject Area Center Can- Clinics teen/ Coop Guidance Room Property/ Store Rooms Social/ MultiPurpose Halls Total
Bldg No.

NON-INSTRUCTIONAL ROOMS (originally constructed as non-instructiona


Faculty LibraRoom ries

Subject Area Center

Canteen/ Coop



C.3 CLASSROOM REQUIREMENT (Luistro Formula= 1:45))

Classroom Requirement Existing Classrooms 2010 Allocation 2011 Allocation Consttruced by LGUs after
Constructed by other sources after Remaining


Grade Level Preschool Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Total ( Grade I-VI) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6

C.4 SCHOOL SITE 1. Land Ownership ( ) DECS/DepEd ( ) donation donation ( ) purchased ( ) owned by provincial/municipal/city government ( ) leased from private individual/corporation ( ) ancestral land ( ) owned by private individual/corporation 3. Legal Issues (any issue concerning site ownership which is under court litigation/settlement) ( ) presence of illegal occupants ( ) encroachment ( ) heirs claiming back the land ( x ) fencing ( ) boundary dispute/placement of "mojon" Natural Calamity Year School Facility Damaged (Identify classroom, extent of damage, 4. School Land Area (n square meters) 5. Topography of school site ( x ) flat ( ) rolling ( ) mountainous ( ) swampy ( ) hilly ( ) coastal ( ) riverside C.5 RECORD OF NATURAL DISASTER (Please identify the natural calamity e.g. earthquake, flood, typhoon, etc.) 2. Legal Document at hand/available ( ) none ( ) Certificate of Land Title ( ) Deed of Absolute Sale ( ) Deed of Exchange ( x ) Tax Declaration ( ) TCT (Transfer Certificate Title/Torrens Title) ( ) Deed of Donation _____ Complete ( ) Contract of Usufruct ( ) Memorandum of Agreeement with ______________________ ______ Incomplete ( ) Presidential Proclamation

10,400 m2

other description) Broken window pane and blown down galvanized iron

page 7

S (actually/currently used for instruction) IA/PA Computer Workshop Lab.

Special Labs.

Total 1 3 2

ted as non-instructional) Guidance Room Property/ Social/ Store MultiRooms Purpose Halls 1 Total

page 8


Rooms Damaged Total No. of Rooms Damaged 3 6 No. of Usable Rooms No. of Not Usable Rooms 0 needs repair Current Status

C.3 SCHOOL SEATS REQUIREMENT Grade Level Enrolment Pre-school Grade I Grade II Grade III Grade IV Grade V Grade VI Total (Grades I-VI) 32 33 36 26 23 20 22 192

Existing Shortage Seats 0 32 15 desk 2 14 desk 4 25 Arm.C 1 25 Arm.C 0 16 AC 4 desk 4 35 AC 2 desk 0 39 desk 0 91 arm c. 0

C.4 TOILET BOWL REQUIREMENT Grade Level Enrolment Existing bowls Pre-school 32 0 Grade I 33 1 Grade II 36 1 Grade III 26 1 Grade IV 23 1 Grade V 20 1 Grade VI 22 1 Total (Grades I-VI) 192 6

Shortage 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 8

D. TEXTBOOK REQUIREMENT Grade Level/Subject Enrolment

Title Publisher Standard Titles


Number of Textbooks

Pre-school Grade I English I Math I Filipino I Sibika at Kultura I Grade II English 2 Math 2 Filipino 2 Sibika at Kultura 2 Grade III English 3 Science 3

33 English Expressways I Elementary Mathematics I Landas sa Wika at Pagbasa I Makabayang Pilipino I-Matapat na Pilipino I
SD Publications Inc. Anvil Publications Inc.
Dane Publishing House Inc Vibal Publishing House Inc.

33 33 33 33

English for You and Me 2 Mathematics for Everyday Use 2 Pagdiriwang ng Wikang Filipino 2 Sibika at Kultura Serye 2-Makabayan: Katangiang Pilipino

Bookwise Publishing Inc. Dane Publishing House Inc Diwa Scholastic Press Inc.

LG &Mcorporation

36 36 36 36

English for You and Me 3 Growing with Science & Health 3

Bookwise Publishing Inc.

Rex Bookstore Inc.

26 26

Filipino 3 Sibika at Kultura 3 Sibika at Kultura 3 Mathematics 3 Grade IV English 4 Science 4 Filipino 4 HEKASI 4 Mathematics 4 Grade V English 5 Science 5 Filipino 5 HEKASI 5 HEKASI 5 Mathematics 5 Grade VI English 6 Science 6 Mathematics 6 Filipino 6 HEKASI 6 Total (Grades 1-VI)

Bagong Filipino sa Salita at Gawa 3 Makabayang Pilipino 3: Masipag na Pilipino (for Zones 2 and 4) Ang Bagong Pilipino 3 (for Zones 1 and 3) (universal)

SD Publications Inc. LG &Mcorporation

Mary Jo Publishing House Inc.

26 26 26 26

English for You and Me 4 Science for Daily Use 4 Hiyas sa Wika at Pagbasa 4
Heograpiya, Kasaysayan, at Sibika 4- Makabayan: Kapaligirang Pilipino

Bookwise Publishing Inc.

JICA Enterprises LG &Mcorporation LG &Mcorporation


22 22 22 22 22

English Expressways 5 Science for Daily Use 5 Hiyas sa Wika at Pagbasa 5

Heograpiya, Kasaysayan, at Sibika 5: Makabayan:Kasaysayang Pilipino (for Zones1-3)

SD Publications Inc. JICA Enterprises SD Publications Inc. LG &Mcorporation

Vibal Publishing House Inc.

Makabayang Pilipino 5: Marangal na Pilipino (for Zone 4 only) (universal)

20 20 20 20 20 20

English for You and Me Into the Future: Science and Health 6 Mathematics for Everyday Use 6 Landas sa Wika at Pagbasa 6 Yaman ng Pilipinas 6

Bookwise Publishing Inc. Diwa Scholastic Press Inc. Dane Publishing House Inc Dane Publishing House Inc

EdCrisch International

22 22 22 22 22

page 9

Number of Textbooks Usable Needs Needs

28 23 27 22

5 10 6 11

5 10 6 11

27 220 37 0

11 16 0 36

11 16 0 36

24 20

2 6

2 6

page 10

24 0 0 0

2 26 26 26

2 26 26 26

10 0 10 10 0

0 22 12 5 22

0 22 12 5 22

20 0 20 2 5 0

0 20 0 18 15 20

0 20 0 18 15 20

30 23 10 10 15

0 0 12 12 7

0 0 12 12 7

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