Actions in Combat

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Expanded Actions in Combat, v2.4 2.3 - changed Pass from 20% to 10% 2.

4 - removed Arrow Storm (Full) Variable Actions Cast (Varies) Unleash a sorcerous Spell or Blessing. Drive or Ride (Varies) You can goad a mule to pull a cart or ride a horse. Replace your Move rate with the animals. Reload (Varies) Reload a ranged or heavy weapon. Use a Skill (Varies) You may use a skill other than those noted above Free Actions Called Shot (Free) Attack a specific location on your target with a -20% to WS or BS. Delay (Free, Interrupt) This adjusts your initiative down the track. Whenever you choose to act, that becomes your new initiative. Dodge Blow (Free, Reaction) Make an Agility test to roll with a blow; usable once per turn. Once you've performed a Dodge, whether successful or not, it is used until the beginning of your next turn. Force Yield (Free, Reaction) Make an opposed Command or Intimidate test against a foe's Willpower; if the foe fails, he yields. The foe must be at 0 Wounds. Jump or Leap (Free, Special) Jump vertically 1 square or leap horizontally 2 squares at the end of a Run. Opportunity Attack (Free) You can make a free attack against a foe that moves within your threatened range, or outside of it without Disengaging, until the beginning of your next turn. You can also make one when a foe Charges at you and you're armed with a Fast weapon. Note that you can only make 1 Opportunity Attack per turn, and you must be armed. You cannot Quick Draw a weapon to make an Opportunity Attack. Parry (Free, Reaction) When armed with a shield or weapon, make an opposed WS test to Parry one melee attack. You can only Parry ranged weapons with a shield. Parry weapons in the off-hand can be used to make a free Parry test, but you face the off-hand penalty to WS (-20%) unless you posses the Ambidextrous talent or are wielding a shield. Quick Draw (Free) You can quick draw a weapon into your hand if it is armed in any weapon slot. Note that you cannot quick draw as a part of an Opportunity Attack, nor do you need to Quick Draw as a part of an attack Subdue (Free, Reaction) If you deal enough wounds to seriously maim or cripple a foe, you can pull the blow, subduing them instead to 0 Wound points. In all other cases, Subdual always deals at least 1 Wound. Use Fate Point (Free) Use a Fate point to escape maiming or death. Use Fortune Point (Free) Use a Fortune point to attempt a re-roll. You can only re-roll once with any given skill test. If you use a Fortune point to gain an additional half action, it must be used at the end of the round. Half Actions Aim (Half) +10% bonus to WS or BS Assist (Half) You can assist with any skill test for a friend. Assisting gives a +10% to that specific skill test. Blind (Half) Opposed Agility test, if you win, your next attack cannot be Dodged or Parried. Channel (Half) Use your Channeling skill to augment your Cast. Concealment (Half) GM rolls; Hide behind cover or concealment when present. As long as you remain still, you are hidden unless spotted with Perception or you move. Coup de Grace (Half) Deliver a fatal blow to a foe that is at 0 wounds or more Fall Prone (Half) Foes suffer a -10% to BS checks, but gain a+10% to WS checks. You cannot Dodge or Parry while prone. Feint (Half) Opposed Intelligence test, if you win, your next attack cannot be Dodged or Parried. Interact (Half) Pull a lever, open a door, pick something up from the ground, move a small to moderate-sized object, manipulate objects Maneuver (Half) Make an opposed WS test to push foes 2 squares away (+5% to your test if using a shield). Move (Half) Move up to your Movement rate. Parrying Stance (Half, Special) Before the beginning of your next turn, you may elect to Parry a melee or ranged attack. Note that if you fail a Parry test, you can attempt it again later in that round. You can parry ranged shots with shields only. Perception (Half) GM rolls; used to determine whether an opponent is hiding or attempting to lie. Ready (Half) Ready a weapon into your hand if it is armed in any weapon slot. Search (Half) GM rolls; use to search for people or things overlooked Stand/Mount (Half) Stand up or mount a riding animal. Standard Attack (Half) Make one melee or ranged attack. Take Cover (Half) Move into cover or stay in cover, foes suffer a -10% to BS attacks. You also take a -10% to BS due to line of sight conditions. You must continually Take Cover every turn to gain its benefits.

Full Actions Aim (Full) Gain a +20% to WS or BS on your next turn All Out Attack (Full) +20% to hit with WS, but you cannot Dodge or Parry. Catch Your Breath (Full) Temporarily ignore a number of wounds equal to your Toughness bonus. Ignored wounds return at the end of combat. Foes suffer a -10% to strike you. You can Catch Your Breath only once per combat. Charge Attack (Full) Move up to two times your movement to receive a +10% to WS. Note that if you charge into an engagement against a foe with a Fast weapon, they get an Opportunity Attack. You can charge through difficult terrain. Crippling Shot (Full) Make a WS or BS test, then an opposed Agility test. If they fail, the foe is temporarily crippled, reducing their movement by 2 until the beginning of your next turn. Otherwise, inflicts normal damage to your foe's leg. Defensive Stance (Full) Gain an additional Dodge or Parry until the beginning of your next turn, and foes suffer -20% to hit you. Disarm (Full) Make a WStest, then an opposed Intelligence test against a foe's Agility test. If they lose, the foe loses their weapon 2 squares away. Otherwise, inflicts normal damage to the foe's sword arm. Note that anyone can use this ability. Those with the Disarm talent gain a +10% to the opposed test. Disengage (Full) Move up to your full Movement rate and negate any Opportunity Attacks. Escape Grapple (Full) Make opposed Strength test to escape a grapple. Grapple (Full) Make a WS test, then an opposed Strength versus a foe's Agility. If they fail, they are grappled. Grappled foes can be struck for +10% Weapon Skill. Grappled foes cannot move. Foes that are grappled and those who grapple others can only attack with small weapons such as a dagger or an unarmed attack. Guarded Attack (Full) Subtract -10% to your WS test, but gain +10% to Dodge or Parry. Heal (Full) Sustain a dying ally with Immediate heal for Medical Attention. Inspire (Full) Make a Charm test confer a +5% bonus for you and your ally's skill tests until the beginning of your next turn. Intimidate (Full) Make an Intimidate test to confer a -5% penalty to all foes skill tests until the beginning of your next turn. King's Castle (Full) Shift into your ally's square, and your ally then shifts into your square. You must be adjacent to your ally in order to perform this action. Knock Down (Full) Make a WS test, then an opposed Strength test to knock foe to the ground (+5% to your Strength test if using a shield). Otherwise, inflict normal damage to your foe's legs. Knock-out! (Full) Make a WS test, then an opposed Strength test versus foe's Toughness to render them unconscious 1d10/2 rounds (+5% to your Strength test if using a blunt object). Otherwise, inflict normal damage to your foe's head. Note that this can only be used against foes who are sleeping, unaware or are already stunned (as from Strike to Stun). Pass (Full) You opt to pass on your turn, waiting to see what occurs. You add +10% to the next roll you make on your next turn. Multiple rounds spent Passing are not cumulative. Pin (Full) If you are grappling an opponent at the start of your turn, you can attempt to pin your foe to the ground, using an opposed Strength test. Recover (Full) Recover allows you to remove something from your packs and interacting with it, such as pulling out a torch and lighting it. Run (Full) Run up to three times your movement. You can run through difficult terrain. If you move through a threatened area, you invoke Opportunity Attacks. Scale Sheer Surface (Full) Make a Scale Sheer Surface test; climb up to your full Movement rate. Silent Move (Full) GM rolls; move up to your full Movement rate silently. Stem Bleeding (Full, Special) You can staunch the flow of blood, potentially saving your ally from bleeding to death. Requires no check, but constant pressure must be kept on the wound, requiring the patient to use a full action to stem his own bleeding thereafter. Swift Attack (Full) Make multiple attacks, but at a -10% penalty to the second attack and a -20% to the third. You cannot make multiple attacks unless your Attack profile is 2 or better. Strike to Stun (Full) Make a WS test, then an opposed Strength versus a foe's Toughness test. If they fail, they are stunned for 1d10 rounds. Otherwise, inflicts normal damage to the body. Stunned foes can act as normal, but suffer -20% to ALL actions. Note that anyone can attempt to Strike to Stun. Those with the talent gain +10% to the opposed test.

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