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Top 10 Movies for MBA student to watch (It is in descending order) Lets fill this list with more

Management movie. Please share me if know some more....! Back to School Starring Rodney Dangerfield and Sally Kellerman Plot A self-made millionaire decides to go back to school to prove a point. However, because hes already a made man, all he focuses on is partying and having fun (um, what else is there?). Hilarity ensues as he dusts off his old swim trunks for the dive team! Why its an MBA Must? Getting geared up to go back to school is an exciting prospect for a new MBA student. We have the potential to relive those glory days that most of us remember from undergrad. You know, the all-night parties, the fountains of beer and unbridled debauchery that nowadays would require an online subscription and a shot of penicillin. Sadly though, most of us soon realize that weve somehow lost a step or two. We notice that those beers catch up with you in the morning, we actually have to stretch before intramural sports and pray we dont pull something, and we get cranky when people wont sit down during breaks at the football gameeven though were in the student section. Alas the actual MBA program may prove to be more business than pleasure, but its still fun to think back on and have a little fun just one more time! Wall Street (1&2) Starring Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen (Shia LaBeouf) Plot Money is everything. Greed is Good. Youd sell your family down the river to make it big on Wall Street. In this thriller we see just what lengths people will go to make a buck or two and by buck I mean a million! Young stock broker Bud Fox becomes enamoured with millionaire mogul Gordon Gekko and will do anything it takes to make it. Or will he? Why its an MBA Must? This movie really deserves to be numbers 1 through 10 on the list and is a picture of how most MBAs dream of being a Big Shot. It provides a look of what power and greed can do to the human soul. Its a lesson in business that just may have more value added than any of your core classes. It is also the one movie on this list you MUST see before you get your MBA. An MBA who hasnt seen Wall Street is like a priest who hasnt heard of the Pope. Oh and by the way, the second Wall Street is pretty good too! Boiler Room Starring Ben Affleck, Vin Diesel and some other schmuck Plot Boiler Room is kind of a modern day Wall Street with bad acting. Talented young broker gets caught up in a scheme to defraud people. He is blinded by the lure of money and ultimately must make a decision to do whats right. Why its an MBA Must? Well actually its not. We follow up the must see movie of Wall Street with the if you have to skip one movie Boiler Room. It is without a doubt the weakest movie on the list. However, if you like cheesy acting (Ben Affleck) and can picture Vin Diesel as a principal of an investment firm (ha!), and then this movie just might be for you. Boiler Room is a good look at what we all think the life of an investment banker should be like and horrors of what a lack of ethics has potential to be. Its only real merit of being on this list is that if one

day you do find yourself in a room full of traders you wont want to be the only one who hasnt seen it. But then again you may be better off.

The Insider Starring Al Pacino and Russell Crowe Plot The Insider is a quasi true story of a man on the inside of a company who is doing wrong. He decides to put an end to it and blow the whistle on the company. However, by doing so he risks his life and the safety of his family. He is faced with a choice of doing the right things and risking his life to do it or keeping his mouth shut. Why its an MBA Must? Business ethics pure and simple. As future leaders MBAs need integrity. Its a must and its non-negotiable integrity is either something you have or you dont. It means doing the right thing when it doesnt matter if you do the right thing or when the right thing is not the easiest thing to do. There is a simple way to test your integrity: Which is worse? Stealing a piece of bubble gum or stealing a million dollars from the corporate account? Do you know the answer? it for Ethics and Integrity and the issues of whistle blower. Tucker: A Man and His Dream Starring Jeff Bridges Plot Another true story of Preston Tucker, the founder/designer/creator of the Tucker Automobile. Tucker was an entrepreneur who created a car and used his passion to briefly live the American Dream. Why its an MBA Must? This movie is full of the American Dream, the Land of Opportunity and the Entrepreneurial Spirit that many of us MBAs have. Its a feel good (kinda) film that will inspire you to follow your dreams and sacrifice to make them a reality. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart but can be the most rewarding concentration of any of the MBA specialties. Office Space Starring Ron Livingston and Jennifer Aniston Plot Im not sure exactly? But its funny! OK, Ill try. This comedy is about a guy who one day decides hes fed up and not going to put up with every day drone of the 9-to-5 anymore. So while everyone else is clocking in hes busy clocking out! Just trust me on this one, this movie is hysterically funny and will relate to anyone who has ever held an office job. The best business is funny business and theres no funnier business than Office Space. Why its an MBA Must? If youve ever gone to work and wanted to scream at the top of your lungs just how screwed up the place really is but didnt this is the movie for you. The funniest/scariest part of this movie is just exactly how real it actually is. This movie is an inside look at office politics at their finest. Its a case study in bad management and will give you an up close and personal look at exactly what consultants do! Hehe. As MBAs, at one time in our past or some time in our future, we can all relate to this movie and thus its perfect to be included on this list. Glengarry Glen Ross Starring Al Pacino, Kevin Spacey, Alec Baldwin, Jack Lemmon, Ed Harris and more Plot - Sales its a tough racket (gulp). This movie is about a bunch of salesmen who get fired and get the opportunity to get their jobs back! The cut throat world of just what it takes to be a salesman in this world is the topic of discussion. Why its an MBA Must? This movie will give any MBA the ABCs of selling, literally! Its a great film on what exactly it takes to make it in the business world as a salesman. If thats your future then you must see this film!

Smartest Guys in the Room Featuring Kenneth Lay and Jeffery Skilling Plot This is the only documentary on the list and boy is it good. Produced by billionaire Mark Cuban, its an in-depth look at the mega fraud and downfall of what was ENRON, the biggest failure in the history of business. See how it happened and all the crooked things ENRON and its executives were doing to cover it up. Its fascinating! The things you see in this documentary leave no doubt that big business can be evil. Its scary because it is true! Why its an MBA Must? Its real life lesson in business ethics. It makes you think and be cautious of things that seem too good to be true. This film is not only a good watch but its almost a class in itself and thus important because it actually happened. This film is a must for any MBA and will remain with you and cause you to really think about the difference in doing things right and doing the right things! Citizen Kane Starring and directed by Orson Welles Plot Widely considered the greatest movie of all time, this classic is about the rise of newspaper tycoon Charles Foster Kane. Kane is a man who starts with good intentions but gets consumed by the pursuit of power. Citizen Kane takes you through a series of flashbacks as a reporter tries to unravel the mystery of the tycoons dying words. Why its an MBA Must? Not only is it widely considered the best movie in American film history, its also the best business movie in history. Coincidently, the movie teaches a lesson to any and every potential MBA about the dangers of the path that we are already on! This movie is an American classic and there really is no excuse for not having seen it but now that youre a business student you even more or a reason and less of an excuse. Its a Wonderful Life Starring Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed (Life is a risk free asset with infinite return!!) Plot Good hearted man George Bailey is down in the dumps. His entire lifes work is on the verge of crashing down. In the pit of despair he contemplates suicide. But before he can act on his impulse he is visited by his guardian angel who takes him on a ride to show him what the world would have been like without good ole George. He sees that life is more than about work and money and when you look at it that way it truly is a wonderful life! Why its an MBA Must? As another American film classic you really should have already seen this one too as Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed typically makes us feel good around Christmas time. But this story really contains at its root the most important lesson a business man or woman can learn. We MBA types can easily get lost in the pursuit of money, and we delve into work and put aside life itself searching for profits. Its an easy trap to fall into but it is imperative that every MBA keep things in perspective. Money is really not whats important in life and no job is worth dying over. In the end our family and friends are truly whats important and it doesnt matter if we have a good job or are filthy rich or unemployed, life itself is the real prize of living and we should never forget it!

Other then top 10 movies for MBA students to watch 1. Trading Places Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd 2. The Godfather Brando and Cosa Nostra 3. Barbarians at the Gate Made for TV 4. Blow Pharmacuetical Sales 5. Tin Men Dryfus Devito Slingin Siding 6. Other Peoples Money Devito again 7. All The Presidents Men Burnstein and Woodward teach ethics 8. (Mandatory for anyone starting a dotcom) 9. Flash of genius(Mandatory for entrepreneurs trying to do a deal with a big company) 10.Jerry Maguire starring Tom cruise shows how he quits his job to start his own firm and deals with his one and only cranky client who keeps shouting Show me the money. 11.The Firm again Tom cruise remarkable how he escapes from the corporate web woven around him by his employers. 12. Patton helps you overcome leadership fears and your leadership role. This is the ultimate film about getting people to do what you might at first believe they would not do. It's also about whom you are and what you have to do to be the leader you need to be. Will help you run your next employee meeting better! (1970 George C. Scott) 13.Hoosiers is Kraig's favorite management movie of all time! Became a boxoffice hit 20 years ago never marketed as the best management film ever. Sit and re-watch this movie with pad and pen in hand, noting the management messages and leadership lessons. You'll fill three pages with one-liners! We use this movie with every strategic planning session we facilitate. 14.Twelve O'Clock High is the eternal classic on leadership: how to get people to fly into almost certain death situations when they don't respect you! Just the best original film on how to rise into leadership. Not a big management film, but every manager will learn there are moments to just act and do in a way that is leader, not manager! An oldie but goodie! 15.The Abilene Paradox is perhaps the best "avoid this business trap" film of all time! Catapult your organization out of conventionality and into a place where deeply-held, logical values that lead to blame and Mis-direction get eliminated. 16.The Magic of We- Kraig's favorite! This powerful training film focuses on how we launched the legendary turnaround at Snapper Lawnmowers from a $54 million loss one year to a $13 million profit the next! Based on a true story. 17.Up in the Air- Its the story of Ryan Bingham, played by George Clooney, whose job is to fire people from their jobs. He travels through air most of the year doing his job and lives out of the suitcase. The movie is crisp and also shows how he transforms when his own company grounds him. For an MBA Student, the movie offers a lot into HR issues, personal issues, communication skills, management and lot more. Its a nice and a must watch.

18.Pursuit of Happyness- One of the most inspiring movies ever made. Its a story of a struggling salesman and how he transforms his life through an internship. But whats the best about the movie is the attitude of the character and powerful performance by Will Smith. For an MBA Student, its a journey of how to pursue your dream and get it with the constant determination, Its the true story of Chris Gardner. There are many instances where we can learn a lot like when Chris makes sales calls in an efficient manner to make up for his lost hours. And how he lends 5 $ to a client for Cab fare even when he can't afford it. Watch it if you haven't till date. 19.12 Angry Men (Ek Ruka Hua Faisla in Hindi) - If you want to understand group dynamics or behaviour, this is the movie for you. The movie shows how 12 men, who are made to sit in a closed room to decide fate of an accused, discuss it out till the end. In the beginning 11 out of 12 agree to wrap of the case instantly and convict the accused but 1 man stands against the motion and makes everyone debate. How he does it and what comes out of it is the real learning out of this movie. 20.Rocket Singh-Salesman- Very few Indian movies are made so well on such topics of business or management. The movie shows how a simple man doing internship in a computer company takes on the entire system of bad sales practices and establishes his own company on basis of ethics and honesty. He makes one mistake though. Lot of learnings from this movie. The movie shows both sides of business very effectively. The bad side of Puri's business style and the good side of Harpreet's business sense. 21.Pirates of the Silicon Valley- IF you want to understand the story of how Apple and Microsoft were formed with a Zooming lens, this is the movie. One of the best movies on management and business. Based on true stories and incidents, this is a must watch for any MBA student or otherwise too. The story starts with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both in college and ends with both making the giant brands reality. It has some amazing scenes like in which Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Steve Ballmer sit in a meeting with IBM and sell them the operating system which they didn't even have. The other scene in which Steve Jobs goes to Xerox to understand the new UI based operating system. 22.The Social Network- The movie needs no introduction. The story of Facebook to the minutest details. The story of how Mark Zukerberg forms facebook and how it increases its reach the world. It's a beautifully made movie. Watch it to learn the nuances of entrepreneurship and related things. 23.The Damned United- Often Sports and Sports based movies can be great teachers for management. The Damned united is one of the best movies on management. Its based on the true story of Brian Cough. Its a story of his 44-day reign as the coach of Leeds United, a football club in England. Set in 60's and 70's, this movie would not only entertain you but would teach you a lot too. The small plannings, the transfers, the decisions! 24.Lagaan- Continuing with Sports based films, lets talk about Lagaan. The film is set in the Champaner, a village in colonial India and is based on poor farmers who are burdned by Lagaan(Taxes). Due TO Bhuvan's(Aamir

Khan's) mistake, the british team offers to play a cricket match. If the village team beats the british Lagaan for three years would be cancelled or else it would be tripled. The story of how few indian farmers learn someting which is not known to them , form a team and take on the biggest empire. This movie will teach how to work in a team. This would teach you the leadership skills through Bhuvan's character. 25.AntiTrust- A high voltage drama on antitrust issues and the tussle between Open Source Software Business model and the opposite way of doing the software business. The movie is a good piece of work. Its shows how two friends chose different career paths and on the way what happens is the crux of the movie. There is a very important role of a CEO of a very big corporation called NURV and how NURV resort to dubious ways to excel in business. 26.Thank you for Smoking- This is one of the most amazing movies made on marketing and communication skills. Imagine you sell a product which kills thousands of people in a single day and your friend group also work for similar life threatening products. But Job is a job! Everyone has to pay the mortgage. This movie revolves around Nick Naylor who basically markets cigarettes. Does all remain good? 27.Remember the Titans - Its a true story of an African-American coach (Denzel Washington) and how he makes a racially mixed team. Its a story in which white and African-American players learn from each other and form an ultimate team. Watch this movie to learn about team building and acceptance. 28.The Great Debaters- The great debaters also starring Denzel is set in 1930's and deals with the racism issue. But in all this is a wonderful story of how a teacher prepares a team of African American students and in the end takes on the Harvard University. There is just one word for the movie, Brilliant! Watch it for its speech, communication skills and team management. 29.Class Action - The movie touches the issue of Whistle Blower. Its story of two lawyers Father and Daughter who fight a case when person sues an auto company over a safety problem that has had a severe effect on his life after the accident. Classic movie on Whistle Blower and related issues. 30.Rogue Trader - A classic on Ethics and Greed issues. Would interest if you love stock market and trading. The movie is a story on Nick Leeson who is determined to make it big and earn a lot of money. He grabs all the opportunities but compromises his ethics at many times. Result: he covers up losses, lies and hides things and eventually leads to the bank going bankrupt. 31. FOREST GUMP- The story of a man with a low IQ who rose above his challenges, and proved that determination, courage, and love are more important than intellectual ability 32. THE COLOR PURPLE-Its based on the life and trials and tribulations of an African American woman in the early 1900's 33. RUDY: About a huge football fan who always wanted to play for the Notre Dame Football team. He is told he is too small for the game but he perseveres on

34. ALI-Based on the true story of great boxing champion Muhammad Ali 35. BRAVEHEART-Story of William Wallace a peasant who unites the 13th
Century Scottish in their battle to overthrow the English rule.

36. ERIN BROKONVICH- About an unemployed single mother who becomes a

legal assistant and almost on her own brings down a California Power Company accused of polluting a city's water supply. 37. THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION- Two men in prison bond over a number of years; they find eventual redemption through acts of decency. 38. REDEMPTION: The Stan Tookie Williams Story- About the founder of the street gangs the crepes and how in prison he found redemption. On death row he is able to find redemption 39. THE HURRICANE- The story of a talented boxer who is wrongly convicted of murder and his fight for his innocence 40. BILLY ELLIOT- 11 year old boy who leaves the boxing ring and onto the ballet floor. He faces many trials as well triumphs as he perseveres to change his family's narrow minded set ways, inner conflict, and standing on his own feet 41. A BEAUTIFUL MIND-A bio of the rise of John Forbes Nash Jr., a math genius able to solve problems that baffled the greatest of minds. And how he was able to overcame years of suffering from schizophrenia to win the Nobel Prize in 1994 42. GANDHI-True story about Mohandas Gandhi a prominent Indian leader 43. CHARIOTS OF FIRE- Is a true story of British athletes preparing for and competing in the 1924 Summer Olympics. 44. PHILADELPHIA- Is a movie dealing with HIV/AIDS and homosexuality and it highlights the homophobic and stigma of the two 45. FRIED GREEN TOMATOES- Its a recollection movie where an older lady recalls the story of two women their trials and tribulations and lifelong friendship 46. RAIN MAN- About a selfish man who finds out his father left his millions of dollars to an older brother he didn't even know existed 47. THE NOTEBOOK- A beautiful love story which lasts decades 48. TITANIC- Is a movie set on the ill fated Titanic ship and its about a love story that develops on the ship 49. SEA BISCUIT- True story of the undersized Depression-era racehorse whose victories lifted not only the spirits of the team behind it but also those of their nation 50. RAY-True life story of Ray Charles and his amazing story of overcoming the impossible 51. PAY IT FORWARD- About the miraculous story of how a young boy changes the lives of many people through the simple act of good deeds 52. THE BUCKET LIST- About two old timers who decide to do all the things they have always wanted to do before they die of their terminal illnesses 53. MILK- About the life of Harvey Milk the first openly gay man elected to public office in America in the 70s. It is about his impact on the gay rights movement. 54. COACH CARTER- About a high school coach who perseveres in changing the lives of his students who have bad attitudes towards life in general. 55. RADIO- About a shy mentally challenged man who inspires a community 56. FREEDOM WRITERS- About a teacher who teachers rough inner city kids who fights to make a difference in the students lives and set them on a better path

57. NORMA REA- About a mill worker in a southern textile company who
stands up for the better working conditions of her workers and herself.

58. THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK- Based on the life of Anne Frank who hides
from the NAZI during the invasion 59. GLORY : The story of the first company of black soldiers in the American civil war 60. LIFE SUPPORT- the story of a mother with AIDS who overcomes crack addiction becomes an AIDS activist in her community 61. BABE- A pig which is raised by sheep dogs learns how to herd sheep 62. WHATS LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT- The amazing life story of the great entertainer Tina Turner and the amazing obstacles that she overcame 63. HOTEL RWANDA- The true life story of a man who sheltered thousands of Rwandans during the Rwandan genocide from danger and death 64. G1 JANE- Is about the first woman in allowed in the navy seals and huge obstacles in her way 65. TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD- Based in racially torn 1939 Alabama and its about the hearing of a black man accused of raping a white woman 66. GLORY ROAD- Is based on the true story of the first all black basketball line-up for the 1966 NCAA national basketball championship title 67. SARAFINA- About the Soweto youth riots against apartheid in South Africa 68. AMISTAD- Is about an 1839 mutiny of slaves on a slave ship 69. SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE- The story of a slum kid who grows up and plays the Indian version of Who wants to be a millionaire 70. AMERICAN HISTORY X- A reformed Neo-Nazi comes out of prison and tries to stop his younger brother going the same path he did 71. THE PIANIST- A pianist tries to survive the Nazi invasion 72. SCHINDLERS LIST- Based on the true story of the business man Oscar Schindler who saves thousands of Jews from the Nazi machine during world war 2 73. BOYS DON'T CRY- A story about the courage to be who you truly are in the midst of horrible opposition 74. CHOCOLAT- About a mother and daughter who move into a conservative narrow minded French town in 1960 and shake things up 75. MALCOLM X- The true life story of Malcolm X an influential black human rights activist 76. OLIVER TWIST- Based on Charles Dickens movie about a young orphan boy and the troubles he finds as he tries to survive in a harsh world 77. THE JESSE OWENS STORY- The true story about Jesse Owens the African American athlete who proved Hitler wrong about the Aryan physical superiority

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