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July 23, 2012

McPherson & Jacobson, L.L. C. 7905 L St., Suite 310

Omaha, Nebraska 68127

To Whom ItMay Concern: Iam interested in the position of Superintendent of Schools for Duval County Public Schools. I am currently seeking opportunities to lead a large, progressive school district from the role of superintendent of schools. I have recently retired after 36 years as an educator in the Georgia public schools. Upon completion of a successful tenure of 13 years as a classroom teacher, T served 7 years as an assistant principal in Clayton County, Georgia before transirioning to Gwinnett County Public Schools where I have served as a curriculum coordinator, high school principal, area superintendent and Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning.

My experiences have fostered many positive and productive leadership qualities that I bring to the role of
Superintendent for the Duval County Publ ic Schools. available to interview for this position. My address and phone numbers are listed on the accompanying resume.

Dale Robbins Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning (Retired) Gwinnett County Public Schools

Duval County Public Schools

Application Information Form Title;
Home Address:

Jacksonville, Florida
Position: Superintendent

o Dr.



0 Ms.


o (other-pJease
Telephone Office: Home: Cell:


Dale Robbins 1695 Millside Terrace Dacula, Georgia

(770) 831-4694 (770) 296-2388

Zip Code:



Record ofProfcssionalEducafion Institution University of Georgia West Georgia College University ofNe - Chapel Hill University ofNC - Chapel Hill

(in reverse chronology) Graduation Date 1991 1988 1976 1975 Major Ed Leadership Social Studies Ed Social Studies Ed Social Studies Ed Degree EdS EdS MAT AB

Record of Professional Experience (in reverse chronology) Title Associate Superintendent Area Superintendent Principal Dates 2008 2004 2001 1996 1989 to to to to to 2012 2008 2004 2001 1996 District Gwinnett Gwinnett Gwinnett Gwinnett Clayton State GA GA GA GA GA Enrollment 162,000 155,000 150,000 125,000 45,000

Social Studies Coordinator .Assistant PrincipalForest Park HS

The School Board has identitied the following qualities for the superintendent of schools. Please respond to each of the qualities stressing your experience, strengths, and abilities in each area, limiting your responses to between 200 and 300 words for each item. 1. A leader who solicits, respects and values the input of stakeholders at all levels of the organization and who has demonstrated leadership in utilizing that input to create and sustain a culture of shared decision-making. Response: 1f1 am honored with an appointment as the CEO/Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools, I will work tirelessly to harness the energy of all leaders from the classroom to the boardroom to establish the foundations of accountability for results through a clear and continuous focus on the core business of teaching and learning ..Everything rises and falls on leadership. All schools and school districts deserve compelling leaders with the strength of purpose that inspires others to aspire to improved performance results. I will collaborate with other effective leaders from across the nation in an on-going process to heighten leadership tools through analysis and interpretation of educational challenges and discovery of various avenues for addressing concerns. 1 will work relentlessly to address all elements of community context which are inherent and reflective of the values and priorities necessary to meet the needs of all students. My communication style and philosophy is best characterized as one focused on consensus building through collaboration with representatives from all constituent groups who have a vested interest in the success of the school district. Such constituents include students, teachers, administrators, parents, voters and elected officials. Meaningful and appropriate conversations through regularly scheduled avenues such as school board work sessions, legislative breakfasts, and meetings of teacher and community advisors provide a forum for mutual sharing of accomplishments and concerns. Most importantly all communication must be framed within the context of strategic direction for the school district. Without such a context, conversations can dissolve into disjointed and potentially negative references of problems to be solved rather than visions to be pursued. This context is defmed in a variety of ways including mission, vision, values, beliefs and commitments which become pari of the vernacular for the school district rather than platitudes posted on a wall or a website.

2. A leader who supports and empowers principals, teachers and staffto improve organizational and student performance outcomes. Response: Principals and classroom teacher leaders must be empowered to implement innovative solutions to close the achievement gap through student engagement and differentiation of instruction. Innovative solutions for continuous improvement demand a focus on student achievement results, improvement plans for all schools, teachers and students and action research that blends the work of the local school with the broader professional research community. Desired results cannot be achieved through edicts or emails or memos but only through a clear, collective vision that encompasses the best thinking and passions of principals, teachers, students, parents, and community leaders. Visionary leaders arc never complacent with managing the status quo but are continuously adjusting and adapting the strategies to improve the core business of teaching and learning. CEO/Superintendents must understand that there are only two types of district staff: those who teach and those who support teachers. If this value statement is articulated in a powerful and continuous manner, it focuses attention on the core business of teaching and leaming and it also elevates the importance of effective instruction to
Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville, FL Closing date July 23, 2012

achieve desired results for the district. Principals focus relentlessly on their most important responsibility of instructional leadership. By keeping the spotlight on classroom instruction, constituents do not become confused or distracted by factors that are beyond the direct control of educators. These factors include socio-economic conditions and language barriers that can be used as excuses for failure to achieve desired results.

3. A proactive visionary, able to consider, plan and implement systemic change that increase the district's ability to recognize and respond to current andfuture challenges as they arise. Response: My drive to serve as a CEO/Superintendent is built on the belief that all Americans have an inherent right to a quality education. Public education is an essential and enduring institution to prepare students to participate as constructive citizens in a democratic republic. Universal education must equip students to read critically, think logically, write persuasively, and solve problems creatively so they can live productive lives and compete in the global market. Over the past thirty years, social and economic challenges have contributed to influences and results that have eroded public confidence in the institution of public education. In too many instances, leaders have failed to respond with an inspirational vision built on accountability for results. Diversity, poverty and mobility provide challenges to be addressed rather than excuses to be offered for declining achievement and decreased graduation rates. Effective leadership builds consensus on an appropriate strategic vision to direct the mission of the school district. The vision should be built on measured improvement against local, national and world class standards. One powerful tool for anticipating and meeting challenges is leadership training for students, teachers, and aspiring principals. As a fundamental element of the culture of any successful school district, leadership training extends and enhances opportunities to grow understanding of the concepts needed to transform management processes to leadership essentials. Some examples of this type of leadership training and other avenues of collaboration in Gwinnett County Schools include: Gwinnett Student Leadership Team, Teachers as Leaders, Aspiring Principal Program, Aspiring Leader Program, Summer Leadership Conference, Teacher Advisory Council, the Superintendent's Council of Community Advisors, Gwinnett School Foundation and the GEMS Oversight Committee.

4. Someone with strong organizational and leadership skills, able to collaboratively align and focus internal and external stakeholders' efforts to accelerate progress on achieving the district's goals for student and organizational performance. Response: After twenty years of serving high school students in a large urban school district south of Atlanta, I transitioned to Gwinnett County Public Schools, one of the nation's premier public school districts where I was honored with appointments to multiple executive level leadership positions. In these leadership roles, I experienced challenges and opportunities to expand my horizons and strengthen my understanding of the most critical issues facing public education. These experiences involved interactions with many current leaders in the profession including Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan and noted educational researcher/author Robert Marzano as well as participation in PELP (Public Education Leadership Project) sponsored by Harvard University School of Business. During my time as Associate Superintendent of Teaching and Learning in Gwinnett Schools, the district was awarded the 2010 Broad Prize for Urban Education. Early in 2009, I was named as the district lead for exploring strategic
Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville, FL Closing date July 23, 2012

partnerships with publishers to institute an integrated technology enterprise solution across all six divisions of the organization. Gwinnett tagged this project eCLASS which stands for a digital Content Learning Assessment and Support System. This work culminated in a $52 million contract with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to provide digital content in a networked environment to support the teaching and learning needs of all 162,000 students in the district. My leadership included collaborations with the St. Lucie, Florida school district which was also working closely with HMH publishers to implement innovative technology solutions. I am confident that I can translate these successful experiences from this body of work into a context for analyzing, interpreting, mobilizing and supporting a powerful strategic direction for Duval County Public Schools.

5. A person of integrity who is trustworthy and whose relationships, with the board and across the district, are predicated on honest and open communications. Response: My experiences and accomplishments as an educator are best characterized by a mind and heart forged through thirteen years of effective classroom teaching. Through this experience, I came to know and understand the heart and soul of teaching and learning by growing my skills with engaging students in the teaching/learning process and by refining a strong repertoire of instructional strategies to differentiate the approach needed to address various learning styles and preferences. My transition to administration through various roles over the following twentythree years extended my understanding of the leadership influences that impact the classroom for all teachers and students. The range of my educational experiences along with the fullness of my historical perspective has prepared me well for the opportunity to lead any district as superintendent of schools. My perspective on open and honest communication is founded on a consistent message that strong communities build successful schools and successful schools sustain strong communities. Schools belong to the communities and therefore schools enhance their potential for success by providing for the active engagement of parents and other community members. Public school leaders can and must do an effective job of actively educating and embracing communities through involvement in various ways. This includes exploring new opportunities to share information through social media as well as mainstream media resources. This can be accomplished by educating district level and school level leaders on the understanding that "language is important" if we are to share strategic priorities and have the public attain a clear understanding of what we are doing and how we are doing it. The community will always provide input or feedback but without enlightened, visionary leaders, much of that community response may tone negative as referenced according to public opinion survey results. Superintendents and boards must make communication and organizational branding a priority and thus establish proactive leadership through a clear, consistent and compelling message that resonates with all stakeholders. It is also incumbent that superintendents and boards are driven by well advertised beliefs and commitments so that the occasional stormy public response to anyone particular issue or event can be weathered without significant distraction from the direction and focus on the core business of teaching and learning.

Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville, FL

Closing dale July 23, 2012

Do you have a Superintendent Endorsement for the state represented by the position listed on this Application Information Form?
(If'you have questions regarding the requirements to be a superintendent Florida, contact the Florida Department of Education) in the State



I certify that the information

provided herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. information


I am aware that the Florida Sunshine Act will require that all applicant public. and can be released to the media upon request.


Appl icant hereby waives his/her right to confidentiality with regard to his/her work record or criminal record and consents to and authorizes the release of information from current or former employers and/or law enforcement personnel upon inquiry under this application.

Signature of Applicant

'L .~. '

;; and RETURNED by: Date:

Printed name of APPlican=~,k ~~ This application must be COMPLETED


0 1'2-

MONDAY, JULY 23, 2012

Duval County Public Schools McPherson & Jacobson, LL.C. Executive Recruitment and Development 7905 L se, Suite 310 Omaha, Nebraska 68127 Phone: (402) 991-703l/(888) 375-4814 E-mail: 1!l!Ji20!Lfl!!!!!f1lill!!~~ Fax: (402) 99l-7168

AAlEEO Employer

Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville,


Closing date July 23, 2012


1695 Millside Terrace Dacula, Georgia 30019 Telephone: 770 831-4694 Mobile: 770296-2388 Email:

With thirty-six years experience as a public school educator, I am committed to the core values that all students can achieve at high levels and that schools are accountable improvement a superintendent of schools in a progressive school district. for closing the achievement gap through measurable against local, national and world-class standards. My career objective is to serve successfully as


Major Responsibilities Develop, review, revise and sustain a comprehensive and coherent program of curriculum standards for all students and teachers in grades K-12. Provide support functions in all areas related to assessment and accountability for students in grades K -12. Ensure a free and appropriate public education for all students with disabilities. Support achievement for students of poverty through increased funding available through Title I and other federal and special programs. Collaborate with school and district leaders on the effective planning and implementation of on-going, jobembedded professional development across all content and program areas.

Key Achievements Lead the school and community partnership through the annual GEMS (Gwinnett Educational Management System) Oversight Committee in a data-driven process of review and evaluation of curriculum objectives. Incorporate the development of data dashboards for directors and executive directors in the four departments of the Division of Teaching and Learning Support. Expanded Title I program support by adding twenty-two schools over a three year period to increase the district total to fifty-four Title I schools. Implement core area content tests as part of the Gwinnett Comprehensive Assessment and Accountability System which includes pre-tests, post-tests, interim assessments, diagnostic assessments and final exams. Serve as lead facilitator of the school district partnership with Houghton, Miffiin, Harcourt to conduct an eighteen month study focused on transitioning to an eCLASS integrated enterprise solution, designed to infuse technology into the teaching learning process for all 130 schools within the district. Present leadership development sessions for Strand II (Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment) with multiple cohorts of the Quality Plus Leadership Academy Aspiring Principal Program. Serve as adjunct faculty in teaching the leadership certification class on School-Community Relations through North Georgia College with a cohort of aspiring administrators. Facilitated attendance line redistricting as part of the process to open eight new schools for the district. Hosted governors and chiefstate school officers at the national press conference announcement of the Common Core Curriculum Standards. Serve as a voting member of the Executive Data Steering Committee which reviews key performance indicators for the district and implements processes to ensure data quality for all parts of the organization. Secured a $1.5 million federal grant for enhancing the knowledge and skills of teachers of American History. Initiated the state's first math science certification endorsement program, targeting increased content knowledge and effective strategies for elementary teachers in these two critical areas of instruction. Designed career pathway courses in technical education to provide for core content embedded credit (e.g., phyics embedded credit in automotive classes). Designed a STEM focused acceleration program for s" graders of advanced age which provides block schedule, project based learning allowing for the opportunity of double promotion from 8th to 10th grade.

Resume for Dale Robbins Candidate for Superintendent of Schools

Page [I

Expanded opportunities for transportation of Title I school students who exercised an allowable choice option to attend a school in another geographic area of the district. Authored a Title III improvement plan to address needs as measured through the Annual Measurable Achievement Objective (AMAO), resulting in a first ever district achievement of the AMAO the following year.

Serve as a community leader on the fifty member board for Gwinnett Clean and Beautiful which is committed to eradicating litter and graffiti as well as seeking solutions to pollution of natural resources and addressing the need for recycling. Serve as active member of the Education and Workforce Subcommittee for Partnership Gwinnett, an organization dedicated to community and economic development.

Co-chair the Educational Leadership Team consisting of cross-divisional representatives convening bi-monthly to confer on critical issues directly related to programs of teaching and learning. Partnered with Georgia State University to provide a three semester reading endorsement program for over 300 Special Education teachers in the district. Serve as a Board member for the Gwinnett Student Leadership Team program targeting selected 11 th and 12th grade students to participate in a two year leadership development program and then redeliver knowledge and skills to additional students at their home school.

Major Responsibilities Supervise and support school principals in designated clusters of one geographic area of the district. Evaluate principals using Gwinnett's Results Based Evaluation System. Provide annual review and evaluation of the Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) for all area schools. Oversee the process of appropriate identification, screening and recommendation by principals for assistant principal candidates as vacancies occur. Serve as liaison with community groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, Boy Scouts of America and the PTA. Provide operational support on all school issues ranging from academics, discipline, facilities, budget and human resources.

Key Achievements Wrote scoring rubrics for portions of the School Weighted Assessment related to Initiatives to Improve Student Achievement and School Management. Conducted faculty leadership presentations on issues such as school governance and the Board's theory of action for change to improve student achievement. Facilitated an eighteen member cross-functional action team to conduct a three month study on the topic of "Grading Against the Standard". Conducted periodic walk-through observations of classrooms across the curriculum for the purpose of supporting the results based evaluation process. Provided close oversight of a district support process to turn around low performing schools which resulted in dramatic improvement for five schools which were on NI status due to academic performance results. Facilitated vertical articulation through cluster collaboration of principals resulting in shared instructional practices across school levels. Participated in directed discussions on student achievement performance results through common planning time sessions for elementary teachers. Promoted the concept of cluster charter schools with an emphasis on the International Baccalaureate program. Facilitated the administration of school choice opportunities for selected schools in the district. Presented professional development sessions to cohort members of the Quality Plus Leader Academy - Aspiring Principal Program. Conducted strategic planning sessions for schools with a focus on appropriate instructional strategies to incorporate for PHLOTE students with a Primary Home Language Other than English. Collaborated with the principal on the need to close one school for one day due to a SWAT Team stand-off in an adjacent neighborhood while the remainder of the district schools remained in session. Developed Board procedure guidelines for a district-wide program of credit recovery for selected courses. Page 12

Resume for Dale Robbins

Candidate for Superintendent of Schools


Gwinnett County Public Schools Gwinnett County Public Schools Clayton County Public Schools Clayton County Public Schools Clayton CountyPublic Schools


Parkview High School Forest Park High School

2001 - 2004 1996 - 2001 1989 -1996 1978 - 1989 1976-1978

Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator Assistant PrincipalTeacher - Forest Park High School Teacher - North Clayton High School


Led school-wide improvement process focused on writing across the curriculum to prepare students for college and career. Results yielded significant levels of performance on the newly instituted SAT Writing Assessment. Served on an eighteen member cross-functional action team to conduct a three month study on improving data quality for the school district. Served on district-wide committee to review and revise the reporting format of the high school transcript. Authored professional article entitled "Collegial Sub-Groups in Departmental Structures" published in the Clearing House Journal for Educational Leadership Authored social studies curriculum for the course of United States History. Authored instructional plans for publication in Constitutional Sampler, lesson plan materials written and submitted by teachers from all fifty states and published by CRADLE (Center for Research and Development in Law-Related Education) at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC


University of Georgia West Georgia College University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

EdS - Leadership EdS - Social Studies MA T - Social Studies AB - Education

1991 1988 1976 1975





Resume for Dale Robbins Candidate for Superintendent of Schools



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