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1. Name of the customer: 2. Age above 3. Gender : Male SSLC Post Graduate 5. Occupation : Salaried Business Not working Female HSE Graduate : 18-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years 51-

4. Educational qualification:

Self- employed 6. Monthly income : Blow Rs.10, 000 40000 7. Number of family members: 2 3 Yes Rs. 10001-20000 Rs.20001-

Rs.40001-70000 4 No 5 and above

Above Rs, 70000

8. Are you a regular customer of more. 9. How often do you visit more. week

Once in a month Twice a week

Once in a fortnight

Once in a

More than twice in a week

10. On an average how much time you spend at the retail store per visit. Less than 30 minutes hours More than 2 hours 10. Do you know about the private label brands of more. Yes No No 30 minutes to 1 hour 1-2

11. Do you prefer private label brands of more in FMCG segment.Yes

12. If yes, have you ever purchased any private label FMCG brands of more.

Yes No

12. Do you normally switch over the brands? Yes


13. Which brand you prefer to purchase Maximum from more in FMCG segment. Private labels 14. Rate FMCG private label brands of more. Very good good average poor very poor National brands

15. In Private label brands of more, rank your preference in FMCG. (1 is most preferred and 3 is last preferred) No 1. 2. 3. Segments Personal care Home care Processed food Rank 1-3

16. Rank-the important factors considered while you purchase a private label brands of more in FMCG segment (1 is No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. most considered and 5 is last considered).

Factors considered Rank 1-5 Quality Price Customer Service Availability offers

17. Do you get your preferred packet size in FMCG private label brands of more. Yes No

18. If no, in which category (please tick). Personal care Home care processed food

19. Please show your product vise first preference in home care. Home care a)Toilet cleaners ore choice Domex M Toile cleaner b)Detergents 110% Tide Sunlight Surf excel Surf excel Vanish Dr.wash others others Harpic Lizol Others

c)detergent bars110%

20. Please show your product vise first preference in processed food. Processed food a)Pickle b)Jam Kitchen promise Melam Festers more Happy Choice c)Fruit drinks Festers Maaza Slice Fruity others Double hoarse Happy Kissan Frutoman others others

21. Please show your product vise first preference in Personal care. Personal care a)Liquid hand wash b)Deodorants More choice Detol Hand Hand wash Blue earth wash Axe Life boy Hand Savlon wash Reebok Colgate Adidas Pepsodents others others Others

C)Tooth Brush Fresh-o-dent Oral-b

22. How much amount you spent on purchasing FMCG private label brands from more in a month. Below 500 more than 2001 23. Generally in a month how many times you purchase private label brands of more in FMCG segment. Once in a month week Twice a week Once in a fortnight Once in a 501-1000 1001-1500 1501-2000

More than twice in a week

24. Please Show the category vice monthly spending. FMCG Personal care Up to10% Home care Up to10% 11 to 20% 11 to 20% 11 to 20% 21 to30% 21 to30% 21 to30% 31 to40% 31 to40% 31 to40% Above 40% Above 40% Above 40%

Processed food to10% Up

25. Please show your level of agreement for the following statements. 1-strongly agree 4-Disagree Statement PLBs are less price compare with national brands PLBs are high quality compare with national brands PLB are high availability compare with national brands more assure better customer service for their PLBs With PLBs getting better offers to customers 2-Agree 3-Neither agree nor disagree

5-Strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5

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