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How do Diagnostics and Remedy work in STEP 7 when an online connection with the CP5511 is not possible?

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Instructions: Using this diagnostics function in the PG/PC interface you can check whether your communications module is ready for operation. If the CP5511 is ready for operation, the module's bus parameters and version data are displayed. You get to the PG/PC interface mask in the SIMATIC Manager via the menu item "Tools > Set PG/PC Interface".

Fig. 01 Then please click on the "Diagnostics..." button to open the "SIMATIC NET diagnostics" mask.

Fig. 02 Click on the "Test" button to check the operating status. If the module is not ready for operation, an error message is displayed with error number and error text. The table below describes the error messages and remedies that are possible.

No. Procedure 1 0x0300 module not found: Check whether the CP5511 is installed/slotted correctly. Check the interrupt and address assignments. Information on the further procedure is also available in the STEP 7 Online Help under "Set PG/PC Interface", in the paragraph entitled: "Check the interrupt and address assignments". More information is also available in the STEP 7 readme file ("Start > SIMATIC > Product notes"), section 4.4.1 under "Integrated MPI on-board and the MPI PC module -> Set interrupt and address".

2 0x0312 incorrect configuration parameters: Uninstall the CP5511 and then reinstall it. For this you click on the "Select..." button in the Set PG/PC Interface dialog (Fig. 01). Mark the CP5511 with the

cursor in the right window (Fig. 03) and then click on the "Uninstall" button. Restart STEP 7 and then in the left window you mark the CP5511 and click on the "Install" button. For this activity you must have administrator rights on your PC (see STEP 7 - readme file, section: 3.1).

Fig. 03 If this first recommendation does not help, if you are using STEP 7 up to version V5.2 SPx, we recommend completely uninstalling STEP 7 (including the options packages) as described in the FAQ "Complete uninstallation of STEP 7" in Entry ID 189025 in the Internet. Then reinstall your SIMATIC software. 3 0x0313 Baud rate doesn't match the network or incorrect interrupt: Check the transmission rate (baud rate) in the PG/PC interface and in the hardware configuration. The baud rate must not be greater than the baud rate supported by the slowest node. The PROFIBUS addresses configured in the hardware configuration must match the addresses of the system configuration. Check the interrupt and address assignments. Information on the further procedure is available in the STEP 7 Online Help under "Set PG/PC Interface", in the paragraph entitled: "Check the interrupt and address assignments" (Index: Check interrupt assignment). More information is also available in the STEP 7 readme file, section 4.4.1 (Integrated MPI onboard and the MPI PC module -> Set interrupt and address).

4 0x0316 Hardware resource already occupied: If you get this error message after installing the CP5511 in "Set PG/PC Interface", proceed as described in Entry ID: 9853739 .

5 0x031a Cannot find active PB/MPI network:

Activate the function "PG/PC is the only master on the bus" in the Properties dialog of the PG/PC interface (see Fig. 04). In doing so you deactivate an additional function that protects against bus errors. You get to this mask by clicking on the "Properties" button - see Fig. 01. The requirement is that the interface used is set to: "CP5511(MPI)".

Fig. 04 If the first remedy doesn't help, in the PG/PC interface you should set the parameters of the interface used to "CP5511(Auto)" - automatic recognition of the bus parameters. You then parameterize the bus parameters via the "Properties" button (Fig. 05). More information on this is available in the Online Help (F1 key).

Fig. 05 6 0x0318 Interrupt occupied: This message occurs in most cases in Windows NT. In your computer's BIOS, change the "PnP" setting to "No". You get to your computer's BIOS by restarting your PC and pressing the F2 key. If this message occurs when using the CP5511 in Windows XP SP2, then disable IRQ Sharing. Refer to the Microsoft Support and Help website for how to disable IRQ Sharing.

7 0x031b Synchronization error: Check the bus parameters on the bus. They must match the bus parameters configured in the hardware configuration. Check the installation of the bus cable.

8 0x031c AMPRO2 system error: Activate the function "PG/PC is the only master on the bus" in the Properties dialog of the PG/PC interface (see Fig. 04). Where applicable, check whether all the terminators are switched correctly in the PROFIBUS network. It is also possible that not all the STEP 7 are installed or some have been deleted, or that a wrong driver is installed. In this case we recommend sending the CITAMIS.str file to Customer Support for inspection. Another possible cause would be defective hardware.

9 0x0320 DLL/VXD not found as file: If the 0x0320 message appears indicating a file with the extension "dll" or "vxd" (e.g. <file_name>.dll), we recommend the following remedy. On your PC, find the file specified (<file_name>.dll or <file_name>.vxd) in the Windows Explorer via "Options > Search > Files/Folders". Either the file is not on your computer or you'll find it twice. If the file specified by the system is not available, we recommend installing the driver again. But if this file is found twice in the Explorer, you must rename the file in the Windows system folder and then restart Windows. The references to this file are missing in the Registry. It is not possible to access the parameters required from the Registry. You might not have the access authorization required or the system database is damaged. The drivers don't match the operating system.

More information is available in the Diagnostics function (Fig. 02) and in the Online Help (F1 key) under the keyword "Error message". Notes on utilization with CP5511: The more recent notebooks have card bus interfaces with 32 bits, which no longer support CP5511 (only for 16 bits). You must use the CP5512 (for 32 bits). Please also refer to the information in the "Readme" file: You cannot operate the CP5511 in notebooks that are equipped with a PCMCIA controller of the Omega Bridge II or TI1130 type. Apart from that, the CPU5511 (Advanced Configuration and Power Interfaces) not complete. The CP5511 is not supported in MS Windows Server 2003 and MS Windows Vista.

We also recommend reading the information in our FAQs that are available in the following Entry IDs in the Internet: Entry ID: Entry ID: Entry ID: Entry ID: Entry ID: 12259435 Check list for using a CP5511. 2331034 CP5511 under Windows 98 856884 Installation of CP5511 under Windows 98 with conflict 2304046 CP5511 under Windows NT 9853739 CP5511 is not addressed correctly in Windows 2000

Entry ID: 6721667 Blue screen when setting up an Online connection CP5511 in Windows 2000 + SP1 Entry ID: 382155 Installation instructions for CP5511 in conjunction with COM PROFIBUS

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