CESSA TX Science2 Unit3 Orig

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TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Unit 4: Matter
(Picture of Alon and Luna in the beach with Luna swimming, Alon making a sand castle and the professor flying a kite)

Why can we make a sand castle and not a water castle? Why cant we see the wind that flies our kites? How do the things around us differ? How are they the same?

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Lesson 1: Solids

(Picture of Luna helping Alon to stand up after he bumped his head at the door) Luna: What happened Alon? Does it hurt? Alon: Yes, the door was so hard and heavy. I slipped that is why I hit my head. Luna: I also noticed that the floor is newly cleaned. It is shiny and very smooth. Alon: Oh! Maybe that is why it is very slippery

Why does it hurt when we hit a door? Why do some objects have shapes and others dont? What are solids?

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

(Picture of a pool with beach ball, floaters, toys ,kites hidden in the picture)

Look at the picture, find the following. Color the following red

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

( Picture of Alon and Luna in a toy store)

Solid is one state of matter. You can describe it in so many ways like Solid have shapes
(Picture of a glass, plate, and pencil)

Try to put the pencil on the plate. What happened? Now try putting the pencil inside the glass. Did it change its shape? S Solids have definite shape. It means that it will have the same shape where ever you put it in.
(Picture of a school bags full of books and school materials that Alon cant close any more)

Solids take up space

Luna: Alon, I think its time to clean your bag. Youre going to break your bag if you will force all your books inside Maria Francessa L. Abat Alon: Your right. I think I better live some my toys behind.

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Why cant Alon close his bag anymore? What are inside? What do you think will happen if Alon will take out his toys from the bag? Solids take up space. No two solids can share the same space at the same time. That is why the bag cant be closed because Alons toys are taking so much space that his school things should have taken up. Solids have mass and weight
( Continuation of the picture above) Alon: Luna, I think your bag is very heavy, you want me to help you? Luna: Thanks Alon, we have so many books to bring today plus my friend is borrowing all my Harry Potter books. Alon: All seven of them! Wow no wonder you look as if youre falling. Let me amount of matter Mass is thehelp you out) in an object. The more mass an object has, the heavier it will

be. Just like Lunas bag, she has so many books inside. The heavier an object is the more weight it has. Weight is how much the earth is pulling an object. The more mass an object has, the more earth will pull it. Here are some more ways we can describe solids Solids have temperature
(Luna and Alon eating) Luna; Hmm I love this mango flavored ice cream. Its so cold. Maria Francessa L. Abat Alon: ouch! This soup is so hot it hurt my toungue

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

By means of our sense of touch we can describe if a solid is either hot or cold. Temperature can be measured by means of degrees or celsiu. The higher the degrees the hotter the object is. Solids have different textures
(Luna and Alon washing the dishes) Luna; Look Alon, I love the feel of this plate, it is so smooth to touch. Alon: Next time I will be the one to wash of the soap, this scotch brite is so rough, no wonder all the left over on Solids differ in texture. are removed. those plates Your sense of touch can help you describe the texture of solids.

Solids can have different texture from one another, cotton or glass may feel smooth to the touch if we feel it. Sand and stones may feel rough on our sense of touch. The peeling of guyabano may feel rough or course to our touch. A lot of flowers and some leaves feel soft to touch. Solids have different sizes
(Luna and Alon still washing the dishes) Luna: Alon, I think you should help to wash this very big cooking pot lolo used to cook Laing into Alon: Wow! It is big. I clean that while you clean these small spoons over here

Solids differ in sizes. Some solids like table or chair are big. Some solids like nails and coins are small. Sizes depend upon how the solid is created. There could be a big glass or a small glass. A big bag or a small bag. Sizes can change on how it is created. Solids have different colors
(Alon and Luna is shoping with mom Alon: Luna, can you please choose a pair of shoes now. Maria Francessa L. Abat Luna: I cant decide, will it be red? Pink? Or the blue one? Hmm.. Mom: You will be pretty in any color dear.

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Solids differ in its color. They can have the same size or shape and they can have different color. Some flowers are colorful; they can look bright or pale. These colors are seen through our eyes and changes from one solid to another. Exploration Solid Observe What you will need 1. Pencil 2. Paper What to do 1. Find a partner. Both of you will be moving around the classroom. 2. Using the table below, you and your partner will list down all the things that you can observed within the classroom. Both of you will only look for solid things in the classroom. 3. Make a list of their things and describe them based on their color, size,texture, shape and mass/weight. Object Occupies space Shape Color Mass Weight Texture

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

I found out that _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation: Write if the description is about size, write if the description is about mass, write if the description is about texture, write if the description is about color. __________1. A big vase __________2. Smooth skin __________3. Heavy stones __________4. Rough wall __________5. Blue ball Lesson 2 Introduction Liquids
(Picture of Alon holding a glass of water and spilled it on the floor) Luna: What happened?Why did it spill? Alon: I lost balance, and the water spilled from the glass. Luna: Why do you think the water didnt stay in place inside the glass? Alon: Oh! Maybe because it only follows the movement of the glass and when the glass moved, it moved too, but then it moved to big that it went over the glass rim.

What are Liquiids? Why does liquids follow the shape of its container?


Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

There is a type of matter that follows or takes the shape of its container. This type of matter is called Liquid.

(Picture of Alon and Luna in the beverage section in the department store)

Can you describe the shape or size of liquids in each container? One popular example of liquid is water. If you put water in any container it will be shaped based on the shape of its container, if you put it in a circle shaped container, the water will be shaped circle. Liquid in bottles takes the shape of the bottle. A liquid flows when poured into a container. It does not have a shape of its own. It takes the shape of its container.

Exploration Whats my shape? What you will need. 1. 5 bottles of different sizes 2. Water

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

3. Pen and paper What you will do. 1. Group yourselves into 3. 2. Line up the containers/bottles in the middle. 3.Each member will take turn in pouring water into each container. 4. Observe the shape of the water as it is poured into each container.

Answer the following questions 1. While observing the water as it is poured into each container, does the shape of the water changed as its container is changed?_____________________________________________ 2. Based on your observation, does the water have a shape of its own? ________________________________________________________________________ I found out that_______________________________________________________________ Evaluation Write X if the description is wrong, write O if the description is correct. _______________1. Water is a type of liquid. _____________2. Water has a shape of its own. _____________3. Liquid follows the shape of its container. _____________4. If the container is changes, liquid will still have the same shape. _____________5. The shape of the water changes with the shape of its container.

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Describing Liquids

(Picture of the crow putting pebbles is a pitcher which is half full of water.)

What do you think the crow is doing in the picture? What will happen if the crow puts more pebble sin the pitcher with water? What do you think is in the mind of the crow?

Elaboration Liquids occupy space. Do you recall the crow in the picture? What is it trying to do? Liquids like solids occupy space too. If the crow will continue putting pebbles in the pitcher, the water in the pitcher will rise until the rim of the pitcher and it will overflow. This is because the water in the bottom of the pitcher moves up to occupy the space above because the pebbles are in the bottom of the pitcher already. They cannot be in the same place at the same time. The water spills over because the pebbles have taken its place at the bottom of the pitcher. Liquids have mass
(Picture of two bottles, the other is full the other is full).

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Looking at the picture above, which of the two bottles are heavier? The bottle in the left? Or in the right? The bottle with more liquid inside it is heavier, this is because it has weight and mass. Aside from these things there are also other things we should know about liquids. 1. Some liquids can be thick. Examples: ketchup, soup, honey 2. Liquids can have different tastes. Example: coffee (bitter), orange juice(sour), chocolate drink(sweet) 3. There are liquids that arent supposed to be tasted. Examples: gasoline, alcohol, perfume and others. Exploration To taste or not to taste? What you will need: 1. Sample of different liquids: Vinegar Soy sauce Alcohol Chocolate Perfume Juice 2. By observing the said examples, the student will have to fill in the table. Vinegar
Maria Francessa L. Abat

Soy Sauce





TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Color Thickness Taste

Answer the following questions. 1. Why are there some liquids that are not to be tasted? ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Can you name other liquids that are not to be tasted? ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ I found out that _______________________________________________________________ Evaluation
(Pictures of sample of liquids in different containers each are labeled) A. Soft drinks E. A bottle of Honey

B. A glass of water F. Alcohol C. Soy sauce D. Cup of coffee

Study the pictures below and answer the following questions. Encircle your answer 1. Which liquids have sweet taste? A. Soft drinks B. Soy Sauce C. Alcohol D. Glass of water
Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

2. Which of the given examples are not to be tasted? A. Softdrinks B. Soy Sauce C. Alcohol D. Glass of water 3. Which of the examples are thick? A. Honey B. A glass of Water C. Alcohol D. Soft drinks 4. Which of the examples has bitter taste? A. Coffee B. Glass of water C. Soy Sauce D. Honey 5. Name other liquids that are not to be tasted.

Introduction Describing Gases

(Pictures of gases in different places, Wind blowing Balloons Inflating a Abat Maria Francessa L. tire A boy flying a kite

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

We move around a lot, and every movement we make we feel the air move around us. This air is called Gas. Can you touch air? Can you hold it in your hands? Can you feel Gas?
Picture of Alon blowing a Balloon and Luna playing with bubbles. Alon: whats inside this balloon? Luna: Ahmmm. I guess its the air you blow. Do you think its the same with the bubbles? Alon: I guess so, they both have gas inside and we cant see it.

Elaboration Gas is another kind of matter. We cannot hold or see it. The air we breathe is an example of gas, oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air are forms of gases that we breathe and are found in the air. Gases maybe odorless, so we cant tell its smell, It can also be colorless, thats why we cant see it, and tasteless, so we cannot tell if its sweet or salty. Gases cannot be seen at most times, but we can feel it, when the air moves we feel it as wind moving around us. Everything is surrounded by air, people, animal, plants and other things are surrounded by air. We breathe air for us to live. Living things on land live in a sea of gases, while living things that lives in sea also needs air, fishes also need air in order to breathe. They get the air from the water. They breathe in air through their gills.
Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

(Pictures of living things in the sea and living things in land)

Exploration Do I have a shape? What you will need Deflated balloons with different shapes. Small plastics with different shapes.

What to do 1. Blow air into the balloons. Observe the shape of the air inside it. 2. Do the same with the plastics. Observe the shape of the air inside it. 3. Let the air out of the balloons and the plastics. Answer the following questions 1. What happened when you blew air into the balloons? _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______
Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

2. What happened when you blew air into the plastics? Does the same thing happened compared with the balloons? _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Did the air have the same shape as of the balloons and plastics? _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______ 4. What happened to the balloon and plastics when you let the air out? __________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______ I found out that _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______


(Picture of an Aquarium with bubbles, fishes, aquatic plants)

Observe the picture and answer the following question.

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

1. Looking at the aquarium, which shows the presence of gas in it? A. Bubbles B. Fishes C. Aquatic plants D. Water 2. What examples of gas are to be found in the air we breathe and necessary for living? A. Oxygen and carbon Dioxide B. Hydrogen and helium C. Helium and Methane D. Nitrogen and Oxygen 3. Charity blew a heart shaped balloon, what will be the shape of the balloon after Charity blew it? A. Circle B. square C. heart D. star 4. Nathan is chewing a bubble gum, after chewing it, he blew the gum in his mouth and a bubble was formed, what made the gum take shape? A. Air from Nathans mouth. B. Water from Nathans mouth. C. Air and Water from Nathans mouth. D. Elasticity of the gum.

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Introduction Gas occupies space

(Picture of Gas in different container) Basketball Tire Empty bottle

What are the things in the picture? What is inside these objects?

Elaboration Air around us is gas. It is matter and it takes up space. It doesnt have a shape of its own like liquid it takes the shape of its container. If we look at an empty bottle, are we sure it is empty? Any other things in this earth, if its not filled with solid or liquid, it is filled with gas.

(Pictures of balloons of different sizes)

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

If we fill a balloon with air, the more we blew it the balloon gets bigger and bigger. The air we blew inside the balloon occupies space and stretches the balloon and makes it bigger, It makes the balloon heavier too. This shows that gas also has weight and has mass. The more air is there in a container or in rthe space, the more is its mass. A basketball can hold more air than a balloon, so it has more mass. Therefore the basketball is heavier. We are surrounded by air. Everything around us has gas. Fishes in the sea can live because there is oxygen in the water.

Exploration Weigh me in What you need Balloons (2 pieces) Balancing scale Pen and paper

What to do 1. Blew air into each balloon unequally. Label the first one balloon A, the other one balloon B. 2. Using the balancing scale , put both balloons each side.
Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Answer the following questions. 1. Which balloon is bigger? _________________________________ 2. From the balancing scale, which balloon is heavier? ___________________________________ 3. Based on the balancing scale, which balloon has more mass? _____________________________

I have found out that ____________________________________________________

Evaluation Encircle the word that does not belong to the group. 1. Bottle 2. Sofa 3. Curtain Pillow balloon Pencil Glass Chair alcohol Tire Alcohol Bubbles Air oxygen Glass Tire

4. Basketball Bubbles 5. Juice tea

B. Write on the line if the statement is true, write if it is false. ______1. Oxygen is a gas ______2. Gas can be touched. ______3. Gas is everywhere. ______4. Air cannot be tasted.

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

______5. Gas cannot be seen, but it can be felt.

Introduction Describing behavior of liquids and gases

(Pictures of blowing wind and flowing water)

Which one can be touched? Which can be seen? Why is it that the other one can be touched and seen?

Elaboration The three types of matter are Solid, Liquid and Gas. They all have mass and occupy space. Liquids and gases both take the shape of its container because they dont have their own shape. All three types of matter have mass so they all have weight.

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Liquids and gases both dont have their own shape, but liquid can be felt and touch, it can also be tasted and seen Gases such as air cannot be touched, seen or tasted.

Exploration Compare us What you need 1. Pen and paper What to do 1. Get your pen and paper, list down things you can see around. 2. List down liquids and gases. 3. Describe characteristics of what you have listed using the checklist below.

Gases Examples Can you touch it? Can you see it? Can you taste it? Does it have its own shape?


I found out that ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Evaluation Check the following characteristics that describes liquid _________1. Shapeless _________2. Tasteless _________3. Formless _________4. Has weight _________5. Can be touched

Check the following characteristics that describes gas __________1. Weightless __________2. Has taste __________3. Has mass __________4. Can be touched __________5. Has no shape

INTRODUCTION Classifying Matter

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig (Pictures of samples of solid, liquids and gas)

Look at the picture above, which of the things occupy space? Which of them have its own shape? Which of them occupies space?

Elaboration All matter occupies space. They all have mass which means they all have weight too. Solids have their own shape. They have fixed or definite shapes. It can also be seen and touched. Liquid and gas takes the shape of their container. They dont have their own shape. Liquid flows. Gas spreads out in space. It has no color, odor and shape.

Exploration Can you tell whats that Matter? What you need Pen and paper

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

What to do 1. Move and roam around the room or in the field. Write down all the matter that you can observe around. 2. Classify them according to Solid, Liquids or Gas.

(Pictures of sample of liquids in different containers each are labeled) A. Soft drinks E. A bottle of Honey

B. A glass of water F. Alcohol C. Soy sauce D. Cup of coffee

Chapter 5: Forms of Energy Sources of Heat and Light

( Picture of Alon and Luna during camping and cooking marshmallow on the bonfire) Alon: Luna look, my marshmallow melted! Luna: because kuya Alon, tatay made that bon fire for light and not for you to cook marshmallow. Did you not notice its big?

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Why did Alon and Lunas father light a fire for light? How was Alon able to cook using the fire? What are the other sources of heat and light?


( Picture of a living room and kitchen with stove, light bulb, candle, lamps, electric fan, tv)

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

1. Look at the things around you 2. List down 5 things that give you light 3. Now try listing things that gives off heat. 4. Make a list and check what it gives you.


It gives me light

It gives me heat

It gives me light and heat

Picture of Alon and Lunas family having a picnic while the sun is shining

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Light let us see all the wonderful things around us. Without light, the whole world will be dark. We also need heat to cook food, dry up thing and give us warmth. We can get light and heat in many ways. The Sun
Picture of a clothesline with clothes under the sun

Our planets main source of light and heat is the sun. during the day, we receive light from the sun even if it is very far from us.

Electricity Picture of Alon and Luna reading a book using a lamp post Luna: Kuya, can we just turn on the florescent lamp so we can save electricity. Alon: Yes! Using two separate night lamps is not that energy friendly.

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

At night, the sun is giving of light and heat in other parts of the world so we use electricity in order to have light. Electricity makes the television, radio and other appliances work. You may not see electricity but you can definitely feel it. If you want to see the actual electricity, try to look at a picture of a lightning.
Picture of a lightning storm

Lightning is electricity in the air. It happens in between clouds and usually strike tall objects like building and trees. Lightning is very dangerous, when there is a lightning storm happening remain inside of your home away from the windows. Dont use electrical appliance too. Burning Fuel
( picture of Alon and Lunas family having a barbeque)

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Before electricity was discovered, people use fuels for light and heat. We can use fossil fuels to run our cars and machines. Fossil fuels come from living things that lived millions of years ago. We can also use logs to build fire. Lights Not all lights are always there for us. There are objects that have their own light and other sources that has to borrow from something in order to give us light.
Picture of the sun and the moon

A very good example is the sun. The sun has its own light to give us. We call these things luminous. Luminous objects are objects that have their own light. Other examples of luminous things are fireflies and stars. They can store and give off light and heat. The best example of a Non- luminous object is the moon. It gives us light at night but it doesnt have its own light. It gets it light from the sun. The suns light would bounce on the moon that is why we can see it. Other examples of non- luminous objects are stone, paper and other things that has no light. Elaboration

( picture of a science lab)

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Color all the sources of light and heat in this picture. Use the color red. Evaluation

Draw a fire

if the picture shows a burning fuel, a sun

if the light and heat

come from the sun and a lightning bolt _________1. Picture of child writing using a candle.

if the energy comes from electricity.

_________2. Picture of children playing with a flashlight _________3. Picture of a mother cooking food using a stove _________4. Picture of a child playing under the sun _________5. Picture of a kids playing scrabble using a florescent lamp. II. Tell whether the object is a luminous or a non luminous object. ________1. Firefly ________3. Sun ________5. flashlight Lesson 2 How light Travels
( Luna and Alon are playing shadows. Alon is making his shadows near the flashlight and Luna is playing a little farther from the source of light ) Luna: Kuya, why is your shadow bigger than mine? We are using the same flashlight. Alon: Maybe because I am older than you.. hahaha even our shadows know that!

________2. Moon _________4. Candle

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Why can Alon and Luna make shadows? Is Alons answer to Lunas question right? Why? What happens to light when a shadow appears?


Picture on how the boxes should be arranged

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

What you need

3 index cards small piece of modeling clay or sticky tack flashlight hole puncher

1. For each index card, punch a hole at the center with different sizes

2. For each card, use a small piece of modeling clay and place the card into the clay to create a "stand" for the card. Place the cards so that they stand vertically and at an equal distance from each other. 3. Place the flashlight at one end of the row of index cards and turn off the light in the room. 4. Arrange the index cards so that light can be seen through all the holes.
5. Observe and answer the following questions

1. How can light be seen through all the index cards? 2. What does the experiment prove about the path light travels? 3. What would happen if the holes were smaller?

Explanation Light and Shadow

( Picture of Alon and Luna walking under the sun with an umbrella)

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Light travels in a straight path. If you block the light a shadow will be formed. The shadow will always be at the opposite of the source of light. Morning Picture of Luna with shadow during the day Afternoon Night

The nearer you are from the source of light, the bigger the shadow you will be able to make.

The only way we can see an object is that if a light will reach it. This is why we cant see things in the dark. The objects are still there but there is no light to reveal them.
Picture of window, water glass and a table with a clear glass

Light can pass through transparent objects like glass and no shadow will be seen here.

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Picture of jalousey and a plastic bag

In a translucent object like jalousies not all the light can pass so the object will not be that clear and a very faint shadow will be seen.
Picture of rocks, wood and paper

No light can through opaque objects like wood and a dark shadow will be formed.

Elaboration CLT: In your group, collect 5 objects in from your bag and check out if its opaque, translucent or transparent by looking at the shadow it has formed.

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig



Opaque, translucent or transparent

Evaluation I. Check if the statement is true _______1. Light travels in a straight path _______2. Nothing can block a light _______3. Shadows are formed when light is blocked. _______4. Light can pass through a transparent object ______5. No shadow will be formed in an opaque object II. Draw the shadow of the little girl. Look at the source of light. Light from the left Light from above Light from the right

Lesson 3: Sound
( Picture of Alon and Luna playing guess the sound) Mother: Kids, can you please dont shout , your dad wants to rest. Alon: But mom, how will I make an ambulance sound if it will be soft/ Luna: kuya why not try making sounds that are soft like the sound of the wind. Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

What are sounds? How are sounds formed? What are soft sounds and soft sounds? Elaboration
Picture of kids touching their throat.

Try to say this while touching you throat: Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the Candle stick What did you feel?

Now do the same thing but this time, read it while whispering. What is the difference?

( picture a busy road ) Explanation

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Sound is produced trough vibration. When we talk, you can feel that our throat is shaking. The leaves move when the wind is blowing on them that is why we are able to hear the sound. The loudness and the softness of sound are called volume. Screams and fire crackers have a high volume while rustling of leaves and your whisper have low volume. Elaboration List down all the things you can see in school. Group them according to the volume they make. Compare your answers to your partner. High Volume Low Volume

Evaluation! Rank the following sounds. Write 1 for the loudest and 10 for the softest _____________Fire crackers _____________School bell _____________ Teachers voice _____________ Crying puppy
Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

_____________Fallen book ____________ Electric fan ____________ Ringing phone ____________ Screaming classmates ____________ closing of your bag zipper ___________ Television

( Picture of Alon and Luna in the kitchen)

Lesson 4: Electricity, Magnetism and Motion

Luna: Mom, why is the refrigerators door closes by itself? Mom: Because something is pulling it, Alon, can you please stop playing here in the kitchen ( toy car, battery operated) Alon: But mom,I need more space to move faster.

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

What makes the refrigerators door close?

Testing Magnets Position of Magnet What Happened

How can Alons toy car move with Alon far from it? What makes other things move?

Elaboration Steps 1. Observe Hold an end of one magnet near an end of the other magnet. Observe what happens. 2. Record Data Record your observations in the chart below.

Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

3. Turn one magnet around. Hold it near the other magnet. Record your observations in your chart.

Kids in the play ground Playing kite, paper banca, remote control car.

There are forces that make things move. Push and pull are forces. Other forces are magnets, electricity, water, wind and gravity.

Magnet Try this 1. Test each object with a magnet. Objects Safety pin Paper clip Paper Nail
Maria Francessa L. Abat


Did Not Pull

Scissors Pencil

Piece of tissue

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig


3. What are the things that the magnet did not pull? 4. What are the things that were pulled by magnet? What materials are they made of? Magnets are made up of two poles, the north and the South Pole. Magnets generally attract things made up of metal. Magnets also cover the door of our refrigerator that is why it closes by itself. Different poles attract and like poles repel. Electricity
( picture of Luna reading a book in front of an electric fan and Alon playing a toy.)

When you a still a child, how many of your toys move by themselves? What is inside the toy that makes it move? Toys that move have batteries inside, which provide electricity that makes them move. The small amount of electricity in the battery makes the motor inside the toy run. Electrical force can make some household tools and appliances move. How is electricity stored in a battery? A battery has components inside that stores electricity. These components are made up of earths elements such as carbon, lead and ionized water. Batteries containing lead are harmful to living things. Gravity
Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

Picture of Luna and Alon playing toss ball. Alon: Luna, why cant our ball stay up there? Luna: Hmm.. I am also wondering the same thing kuya.

What is easier, you going up the stairs or you going down? Going down is easier because you have gravity to help you out. This is like the earths magnet. Everything that goes up will be pulled down by gravity. So when you go up, you are going against that pull so you will feel more tired and breathless. Other forces that helps object moves are Water
Picture of Alon playing by the river Alon: Wow my paper banca is fast Friend: Thats because the water current is really fast


Picture of Luna racing to reach her handkerchief Luna: Ow The wind blows so strong Friend: we must hurry so you can still get it.

Exploration Tell what force makes the object move 1. Picture of a sky diver
Maria Francessa L. Abat

TX_ Science2_ Unit3_Orig

2. Picture of a sail boat 3. Picture of a motor engine 4. Picture of a windmill 5. Picture of a falling book

Evaluation True or false 1. Gravity pulls everything down 2. Wind never makes anything move
3. A battery is an example of electricity

4. Water current moves big ships 5. Without gravity, everything would be up there

Maria Francessa L. Abat

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