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The "Enterprise" and where man has been "Before"! One of Two.

A long time ago, even 1954, a number of top-ranking military-personnel travelled to the stars! Eisenhour and other Members of the union talked "freely" to ETs, to ambassadors from quadrants of infinite-space and time! Psychics from the Thule and Vril societys "shared" their knowledge of interplanetary-agencies. Hitler, though parry to "some" of his Occultsponsored desighns, never really knew the truth! Of course the British occult-factor knew of Hitlers "interraction" with "Dark-forces", but let him alone, hoping THEY might one day "Aquire" that which Hitler could not! This long-WAR was NOT about politics about Domination/agression. NO, it clearly was more sinister more Occultist attuned! A female-member of the Vril or VHril supposedly had communication with beings from the constellation of ALDEBARAN. A significant find which funnily is close to a place called the seven-sisters or PLEIDES! anyway, chiefly the US and Britain have been corresponding for many years with a number of StarRaces! Russia Too, but with a different kind! Did you know that the Siberian-crash in the TUNGUSKA region nr Siberia brought about the Existence of WEREWOLF? nope? (look up Tunguska-Mystery) The Spacecraft NOT Asteroid as PAID scientists dispel, camedown in a virginforest exploded and devastated many square-miles of natural timber. Today one might still find "radioactive" areas pertaining to the freak "accident"? Listen carefully as I unfold events? A ET Interplanetaryspacecraft avoids certain remote-villages zig-zagging its course away from inhabitants. It "explodes" the fragments and DNA Particles of its "occupamts" are blown into the trade-winds across Siberia. These DNAParticles/dust are inhaled prematurely by unwilling/unknowing men and women of the outlying villages. Some of these women are in "earlypregnancy" and this " stardust" penetrates and manipulates its inner-host, the Foetus of the unborn child. After some years these "metamorphosischildren" aquire certain abilities from their former dual-fathers, powers to "change" under a full-moon! some are wiped-out by the Authorities, and the villagers are told to keep a still mouth. but some escape into the forest-regions scavenging food from the beasts therein. Their hunger for Women however is inbred and so a number of Newborn werewolves share the same light as Man! Why " change" under the Full-moon? Because their forefathers genes (star-people) come from a part of space which has a similar planetary body as our own moon! Oh sorry did i say something i should not, tut,tut,. As said in previous notes, the Philadelphia-experiment opened up a "pandoras-box" of New-worlds! some good, some NOT so good! what a progressive-time from then on? Computer-physics, Time-jumping, MIBs,

saucers/cigars/spherical/pyramidical/triangular ect, TO HOT TO HANDLE was no doubt the militarys status! God, they the Elite of this world cannot let normal humans KNOW THE TRUTH. What would become of theirriches their power their dictatorship? best to start a COVER-UP! A few ETS would assist in this cover-up, in return for human-flesh, for "their" own scientific-amusement! so it began, and STILL goes on! (below ground in ceratin DUMB establishments!) Anyone whom thinks there are NO hybrid-humans are rather afraid! So where next? To the stars of course, little trips at first, swapping humans for aliens at some distantplanet! Then more extravagant-expeditions, hidden by False-red-herring scenarios, beautifully played out by NASA!

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