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Enterprise, where man has been before! Two of two TRThompson Knowledge, that great universal tool.

just like saying "Im sure ive been here before?" De javu. you probably have! The Mind, the Weird-unstablestuff waivers between here, that is HERE, and OUTSIDE. Outside is consistent with "many-variables", a matrix of infinite knowledge and "events". events which have " occured" HERE and yet to "occur" outside. Lets imagine our inner-space is time-one, and ALL we see Externally is time-Two! So time-one is our sleeping dreamstate! time-two our "awakening" reality, which is a little dubious! Between both states of time is a "Flame" a SOUL! Which "spins" at a pre-determined rate. It is therefore LOGICAL to assume, WE Human-thinking beings are living in a unified-field. A field of two-levels of time interspersed by an Unknownquantum of speed! For the "flame " gathers speed as we progress to a higher "vibrational-rate". At this point you must understand "this-flame" has a "cosmic-conciousness" born out of a Cycle of AEONS! It which you call soul can impart some of this profound-enlightening knowledge if "tapped" by ones ability to interact in "Telepathic-Meditational -Teaching! lost you have I? OK Laymans terms, Trancendental-Meditation, to realise whom you really are by exploring inwardly. OR, Kundalini-Serpent, Awakening the dormant-power within. Some of these ET and Dimensional-beings have aquired this knowledge light-yrs ago. We are being watched by "these" light-beings, those you know as ANGELS! You see, contrary to the pipsqueaks upon this earth, death is a passing to many-unknown-realms! Hell and Heaven mere-inventions to facilitate a programmed thinking by earlier visitors. Oh there is a GOD, a Being whom is many Ladders/Universal-trees away in Ascension. even aliens know of this GOD. anyway back to time-one and Time-two, some of us "dream" of other-worlds of alien-planets of underground-passages housing daemons. Our third-eye , "if opened" intteracts with this cosmicconciousness, mostly in time-one but sometimes in time-two. The thirdeye a long-forgotten organ, the AJNA-Chakra, but a real-manifest thirdeye in the ancient-Old-ones of lost time. they whom "added" an extra gland into the then-primate species to give them reason. There are two-concepts to reality, time-one internally and Time-tewo Externally. Reason comes between the two! A Bridge between the Pineal-gland and the Pituary-body when achieved opens up further awareness. such a "bridge" opened on close-contact with alien ETS. and even more so through Magickal-rituals! Aleister-Crowley "opened" a portal to another trans-dimensional world through his paris-working he communicated with a being named LAM! therefore opening his Bridge across the waters of infinity. Time-one is nearest to cosmic-conciousness and therefore MORE volatile to internal thought-forms conjured by the MIND. And of course

"projected" thought forms are powerful and dangerous! VISUALIZATION, the power to project externally from within. Boy if I had an Army of humans with such knowledge then whom needs weapons? Of course russia and america have been experimenting with pyschic-powers for over fifty-years! (continued on PT three)

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