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SYMCLI = Command Description

SYMCLI BASE Commands symapier r symaudit symbcv symcfg - Used to trans l a te SYMAPI error code numbers error messages. SYMAPI into - Lis t records f rom a Symmetrix audi t log f i l e . - Per fo rm BCV support operat i ons on Symmetrix BCV devices . - Discover or disp lay Symmetrix conf igurat i on in fo rmat ion . Refresh the host ' s Symmetrix database f i l e or remove Symmetr ix in fo f rom the f i l e . Can also be used to view or re lease a 'hanging ' Symmetrix exclus i ve lock . - Monitor changes to Symmetrix devices or to log i ca l objects stored on Symmetrix devices . - Provides the vers ion number and a br ie f descr i p t i on of the commands inc l uded in the Symmetrix Command Line - Per fo rm operat i ons on a device given the device ' s Symmetr ix name. Can also be used to view Symmetrix device locks . - Per fo rm operat i ons on a device group (dg) . - Display in fo rmat ion about the disks with in a Symmetrix . - Lis t DRV devices on a Symmetrix . - Monitor or inspect the his tory of events with in a Symmetrix . - Per fo rm operat i ons on a gatekeeper device . - Display host conf igurat i on in fo rmat ion and performance stats - Issues a SCSI Inqui ry command on one or al l device inte r f ace


symcl i


symdg symdisk symdrv symevent symgate symhost syminq symipsec symlabel symld symlmf sympd symsg symstat

- Adminis te r s IPSec encrypt i on on Gigabi t Ethernet connect i ons - Per fo rm labe l support operat i ons on a Symmetrix device . - Per fo rm operat i ons on a device in a device group (dg) . - Registe r s SYMAPI l i cense keys. - Per fo rm operat i ons on a device given physica l name. the device ' s - Per fo rm operat i ons on a storage device group (sg) . - Display stat i s t i c s in fo rmat ion about a Symmetrix , a Director , a device group, or a device .

symreturn - Used for supply ing return codes in pre- act i on and post-action script files.

SYMCLI CONTROL Commands symaccess symacl symauth symcg - Adminis te r Symmetrix Access Logix . - Adminis te r Symmetrix access contro l in format i on .

- Adminis te r Symmetrix user author i za t i on in format ion . - Perform operations on an composite group (cg).

symchksum - Administer checksum checks when an Oracle database writes data files on Symmetrix devices. symclone - Perform Clone control operations on a device group or on a device within the device group.

symconfigure - Perform modifications on the Symmetrix configuration. symconnect - Setup or Modify Symmetrix Connection Security functionality. symfast - Administer Symmetrix FAST (Fully Automated Storage Tiering) policies, associations, and the FAST Controller. - Setup or Modify Symmetrix Device Masking functionality.


symmaskdb - Backup, Restore, Initialize or Show the contents of the device masking database. symmigrate - Migrates the physical disk space associated with a Symmetrix device to a different data protection scheme, or to disks with different performance characteristics. symmir - Perform BCV control operations on a device group or on a device within the device group. - Perform Symmetrix Optimizer control operations. - Perform Quality of Service operations on Symmetrix Devices. - Perform Symmetrix Rcopy control operations on devices in a device file.

symoptmz symqos symrcopy symrdf

- Perform RDF control operations on a device group or on a device within the device group.

symrecover - Perform automated SRDF session recovery operations. symreplicate - Perform automated, consistent replication of data given a pre-configured SRDF/Timefinder setup. symsan symsnap - List ports and LUNs visible on the SAN - Perform Symmetrix Snap control operations on a device group or on devices in a device file.

symstar symtier

- Per fo rm SRDF STAR management operat i ons . - Create and manage storage t i e r s with in a Symmetrix .

SYMCLI SRM(Mapping) Commands symhostfs - Display in fo rmat ion about a host Fi l e , or host Fi l e System. - Send IO contro l Directory ,

symioct l symlv sympart symrdb symrslv

commands to a speci f i ed appl i ca t i on .

- Display in fo rmat ion about a volume in Logica l (vg) . Group Volume - Display part i t i on in format i on about a host device . - Display in fo rmat ion about a thi rd - party Relat i ona l Database. - Display detai l ed Logica l to Physi ca l mapping in fo rmat ion about a log i ca l object stored on Symmetrix devices . - Display in fo rmat ion about a Logica l Volume Group (vg) .


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