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Prayer for Peace and Stability

by Jamgn Kongtrul Lodr Thaye

!'./ kyabn lum knchok tsawa sum

Unfailing sources of refugeBuddha, Dharma and Sangha, and Gurus, Yidams and kins,
!- khyepar gangchen gnpo chenrezik

And especially Avalokitevara, protector of the Land of Snows,

!%'+,.1 jetsn drolma guru pema jung

Together with Noble Tr and Guru Padmasambhava,

) solwa deb so tukdam shyalshy gong

We pray to you: think of us and the sacred pledges you have made!
!*,023 mnlam yongsu drubpar jingyi lob

Grant your blessings, so that our prayers of aspiration may be fulfilled entirely.
!&(*- nyikd dro nam samjor lokpa dang

Beings of this degenerate age think and act in perverse ways,

!')-.0 chinang jungwa trukp gyukyen gyi

And disturbances in the elements, both outer and inner,

!%* ngar madrakpa mi chuk dalyam n

Mean that disease and pestilence, unknown in ages past, threaten human beings and animals alike.
%&+# za lu gyal dn nakchok jungp zer

Planetary forces, ngas, gyalpo, obstructing spirits and jungpo demons,

*/0 tsa s ser sum lony maktruk ts

Cause blight, frost and hail, poor harvests, war and conflict,
$'./ charchu mi nyom gangchen dra j ten

Untimely rains and ominous portents for the Land of Snows,

)+ say m dra jung shyi jikpa dang

And there is fear of earthquakes, fire, adversaries, and environmental catastrophe,

!', khyepar ten la tsew tamak sok

And especially of foreign invaders who might harm the teachings.

'. gangchen jong dir n ts rik tadak

May all types of harm and violence in these snowy lands,

!$(0 nyurdu shyi shying tsen jom gyur chik

Be swiftly pacified and eliminated entirely.

( mi dang mi min drowa tadak gi

May precious sublime bodhicitta

!%' gy la changchub sem chok rinpoche

Arise naturally in the minds of all beings, human and non-human alike,
&-02 ngang gi ky n n ts samjor dral

So that they never again think or act in harmful, violent ways.

$%./ pentsn jamp sem dangden n kyang

May the minds of all be filled with love for one another!

%*-01 byul ta dekyi pal gyi jor

May the whole of Tibet enjoy abundant splendours, happiness and wellbeing!
$&$+ sangye tenpa dargy yn n shok

And may the Buddhas teachings flourish and endure!

!$&)2 tsa sum gyalwa s ch denp tob

Through the force of the truth embodied in the Three Roots, the Buddhas and their heirs,
, khord gew tsawa gang chi dang

And through the power of all the sources of merit throughout sasra and nirva,
&)/ dakchak lhaksam nampar karw t

And of our own completely pure, positive intention,

(-./0 soltab mnp drebu drub gyur chik

May this, our prayer of aspiration, be fulfilled!

The precious master Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo said, These are extremely turbulent times and there is no telling what
will happen. I am praying for peace and stability in Tibet six times each day, and it is important for you to do the same.
So it was that I, Lodr Thaye, wrote this down as a personal reminder, in Tsadra Rinchen Drak on a propitious morning
during the waxing phase of the twelfth month.
Yatha siddhirastu!

| Translated by Adam Pearcey (Lotsawa House)

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