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COM 100: Introduction to Human Communication Spring 2012 Course Calendar

All readings, assignments and activities are due by 11:59 PM Sunday evening of each week. Discussion posts are due by 11:59 PM Friday and responses are due by 11:59 PM Sunday of each week. This schedule is tentative and subject to change. Please see the Blackboard course for up-to-date calendar. Date Week 1: August 20, 2012 Posts due 8/24 at 11:59 PM Assignments and Reply 8/19 at 11:59 PM Readings Fundamentals of Communication Studies (Weeks 1-5) Chapter 1: Introduction to Human Communication Chapter 1 Introduction Review Chapter 1 Flashcards and Animations Chapter 2: Perception, Self, and Communication Chapter 2 Introduction Review Chapter 2 Flashcards and Animations Chapter 3: Language and Meaning Chapter 3 Introduction Chapter 3 Quiz (20 points) Review Chapter 3 Flashcards and Animations Chapter 4: Nonverbal Communication Assignments & Activities Message Creation (10 points) View According to Jim video clip and respond to questions regarding the message creation model. Chapter 1 Quiz (20 points) Discussion Forum Question Class Introductions (10 points) Collaboration is an important component of an online course. With that in mind, it is critical that we interact with one another in the discussion board. To facilitate interaction, we will play Two Truths and a Lie. In your initial post, write three statements about yourself (two true and one lie). In your reply to someone else, try to guess which is the lie and explain what led you to that conclusion. Perceptions (10 points) How have your own physiological factors, past experiences, and culture/co-culture affected your perceptions?

Week 2: August 27, 2012 Posts due 8/31 at 11:59 PM Assignments and Reply 9/2 at 11:59 PM Week 3: September 3, 2012 Due 9/7 at 11:59PM

Your Digital Persona Blog (10 points) Read the articles linked to the post and describe your digital identity. See the blog for more information. Chapter 2 Quiz (20 points) Speaking in Tongues (10 points) See the assignment for more information.

Language and Culture (10 points) Please complete the Language and Culture assignment on p. 61 of the textbook.

Week 4: September 10, 2012

The Simpsons-Vending Machine (10 Points) Watch the clip without the sound and try to interpret the scene using nonverbal cues.

Interpreting Communication (10 Points) Play the game linked in the discussion board. It should take no more than a few minutes.

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Date Due 9/16 at 11:59PM

Readings Chapter 4 Introduction Review Chapter 4 Flashcards and Animations

Assignments & Activities

Chapter 4 Quiz (20 points)

Week 5: September 17, 2012 Due 9/23 at 11:59PM

Chapter 5: Listening and Critical Thinking Chapter 5 Introduction Review Chapter 5 Flashcards and Animations

Julian Treasure (10 Points) After watching the video below, create a mnemonic device to help people remember these ways of listening better. It could be a song, word, picture, poem, or whatever works to simplify the concepts and help you remember. The only limitation is that you can't use the first word of the rules in his video in a list. You need to create your own device. Chapter 5 Quiz (20 points) Magazine Appeal (10 points) Choose a magazine (email URL address) and determine who the target audience is for your magazine. What does the magazine do to appeal to that market? Evaluate the types of pictures, content, layout, use of color, etc. Chapter 10 Quiz (20 points)

Discussion Forum Question Explain how this "game" articulates its concept without using words. In your reply, talk about how you played the game and what that might say about your responses to nonverbals. Listening Effectively (10 points) The textbook lists 10 different nonverbal skills which are essential in your ability to demonstrate active listening (120-122). Does the use of these nonverbal communication skills differ depending on the type of listening situation? Give one example of a nonverbal skill which demonstrated active listening from your own personal experiences.

Week 6: September 24, 2012 Due 9/30 at 11:59PM

Fundamentals of Public Speaking: Preparation and Delivery (Weeks 6-10) Chapter 10: Topic Selection and Audience Analysis Chapter 10 Introduction Review Chapter 10 Flashcards and Animation Chapter 11: Being Credible and Using Evidence Chapter 11 Introduction Review Chapter 11 Flashcards and Animations

Topic Selection Due (50 points) (See syllabus for details) Article Credibility (10 points) Select a newspaper article (online). Provide the URL address. Evaluate the source using the criteria discussed on page 282-283 in your textbook. Each of the five criteria should have a response related to the article (2 points each). Chapter 11 Quiz (20 points)

My Research Topic (10 points) Your topic selection is due this week. What was the topic you chose, and why did you choose the topic? Provide one resource in the forum on the topic selected (with a summary). (You may take content provided in the Topic Selection assignment and post in the discussion). When you respond to a student, please provide them with a resource that you have found that will support their own topic. Credibility (10 points) Because your credibility depends so heavily on how you are introduced, you should furnish an introduction of yourself when you speak to a group. Think of some topic that would be a good one for you and write an introduction that includes your name, your topic, and your qualifications (education, experience) for that topic. In light of research on the sleeper

Week 7: October 1, 2012 Due 10/7 at 11:59PM

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Assignments & Activities

Week 8: October 8, 2012 Due 10/14 at 11:59PM

Chapter 12: Organizing Your Presentation Chapter 12 Introduction Review Chapter 12 Flashcards and Animations

Write, Cite, Evaluate (10 points) Go through tutorials listed in assignment and learn how to cite the resources you found for your speech/research paper properly. Please provide five works cited resources you used in the Topic Selection assignment. Cite the sources properly for this assignment. It should be in MLA format. Chapter 12 Quiz (20 points) Speech Outline DUE (50 points) (See syllabus for details) Media Presentation (10 points) Using the speech outline created during week 8, create a 5 slide PowerPoint or Media (if more technically skilled) presentation. If you do not have PowerPoint, you can use the free download available at Chapter 13 Quiz (20 points)

Discussion Forum Question effect (a change of audience opinion caused by the separation of the message content from its source over a period of time), why do you think credibility is so important in a speech? End of Presentation (10 points) How do you know when a speaker is drawing to a close? What signs, cues, or signals occur to prepare you for the end of a presentation? How will you indicate to an audience that your presentation is ending? Write a draft of your conclusion from the speech you will be presenting.

Week 9: October 15, 2012 Due 10/21 at 11:59PM

Chapter 13: Delivery and Visual Resources Chapter 13 Introduction Review Chapter 13 Flashcards and Animations Video: Terri Sjodin - Power Point Presentations Chapter 14: Informative Presentations Introduction Review Flashcards and Animations

Communication Apprehension (10 points) Communication apprehension is an individuals level of fear or anxiety associated with their real or anticipated communication with another person or group. What do you think causes people to have anxiety about communication?

Week 10: October 22, 2012 Due 10/28 at 11:59PM

Chapter 15: Persuasive Presentations Introduction Review Flashcards and COM 100: Introduction to Human Communication Spring 2012 Course Calendar Page 3 of 5

Oral Presentation Day Available Taking a Look at Two Views (10 points) Choose a disagreement you presently have with another person or group. The disagreement might be a personal one, such as an argument about how to settle a financial problem or why you should not have a curfew for your children, or it might be a dispute over a contemporary public issue, such as the right of women to obtain abortions on demand or the treatment of AIDS patients. Once you have an argument,

Persuasion (10 points) Can you give an example of a time when someone tried to coerce, manipulate, or persuade you?


Readings Animations Video: Terri Sjodin: Persuasive and Effective Communication Video: Terri Sjodin: Gesturing During a Presentation

Assignments & Activities you will need to follow the instructions posted in Blackboard. Chapter 14 Quiz (10 points) Chapter 15 Quiz (10 points) Research Paper Due (100 points) (See syllabus for details) Oral Presentation Day Available Interpersonal Assignment (10 points) Obtain the lyrics to one of your favorite songs about relationships. You should analyze the lyrics and write a one page paper detailing which relationship phase(s) the lyrics fit best. What message about relationships is given in the lyrics? How accurate are the pictures of romance and lasting relationships in popular lyrics (i.e. are relationships more work than is suggested in the lyrics?) Chapter 6 Quiz (20 points) Oral Presentation Day Available Communication Theories (10 points) Discuss the following two theories (5 points each) Conformity Pressure and Social Influence. What do these theories state and how do they relate to your own personal experiences? Chapter 9 Quiz (20 points) Oral Presentations TBA (100 points) (See syllabus for details) Women vs. Tropes (10 points) See assignment for details

Discussion Forum Question

Week 11: October 29, 2012 Due 11/4 at 11:59PM

Communication Contexts (Weeks 11-16) Chapter 6: Interpersonal Communication Chapter 6 Introduction Review Chapter 6 Flashcards and Animations

4 Signs of a Failing Relationship (10 points) Using information from the article (linked in the discussion board), explain and explore the decline of relationships.

Week 12: November 5, 2012 Due 11/11 at 11:59PM

Chapter 9: The Dynamics of Small-Group Communication Chapter 9 Introduction Review Chapter 9 Flashcards and Animations

Small Group: Problem Solving Skills Each student will work with their assigned group to solve an issue. Paper submitted the following week on group work.

Week 13: November 12, 2012

Do Men and Women Communicate Differently PDF

Gender in the Workplace Consider your gender




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Date Due 11/18 at 11:59PM

Readings Negotiating While Female: Implications of Research PDF

Assignments & Activities Gender Quiz (20 points)

Week 15: November 26, 2012 Due 12/2 at 11:59PM

Chapter 8: Workplace Communication Chapter 8 Introduction Review Chapter 8 Flashcards and Animations

Cover Letter (10 points) A cover letter is a short, well-written letter expressing your interest in a particular position. I would like you to do a job search such as going to (or anywhere else). Search for a job that you are interested in and write a cover letter for the position. As part of this week's assignment, you will need to provide me with the following: 1) Job description for the cover letter (paste URL address or type out description); 2) Cover letter. Chapter 8 Quiz (20 points) Interview DUE (50 points) (See syllabus for details) The Ethnography Project (10 points) View the video: Then go to the site: The Digital Ethnography of YouTube Project at: View the first video (55 minutes). What were two points that really stuck out for you in this project? Relate a personal experience to each of the points you selected. Chapter 7 Quiz (20 points)

Discussion Forum Question communication. Is communicating to someone of a different gender harder than communicating with someone of the same gender? Why or why not? Reply to another student taking the opposite position. Ethics (10 points) The C.E.I. has created what it calls The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics, which it claims has been a highly effective code of ethics for the proper use of information technology. See assignment in Blackboard for more information.

Week 16: December 3, 2012 Due 12/10 at 11:59PM

Chapter 7: Intercultural Communication Chapter 7 Introduction Review Chapter 7 Flashcards and Animations

End of Semester Feedback What were some challenges you faced this semester taking COM 100 online? What were some your favorite assignments this semester? What were your least favorite assignments?

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