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Genetics in Hadith: I am quoting a Hadith with latest genetic research and cause of genetic disease (Turner Syndrome).

HADITH: One of the Jews asked the Prophet(PBUH) about the development of human, he replied, Male secretion (semen) is thick, out of which bones and muscles are formed and female secretion is thin, out of which blood and flesh is formed GENETIC SCIENCE: It was said that sex chromosomes i.e. XX in female and XY in male, the X is common in both sexes but according to Hadith male secretion is different than female. Now science has proved that X chromosome of male is different than X chromosome of female. Research on X-Chromosomes by Willard (2005), explains that 25 % of the X chromosome can be uniquely expressed in one sex relative to the other. "In essence, therefore, there is not one human genome, but two -- male and female. Further study is required to determine if the pattern of X inactivation differs across tissues and whether there are characteristic patterns of inactivation in maternally versus paternally inherited X chromosomes. This can further be explained if we study the X related disease, like Turner Syndrome (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Sep 2007). The sign and symptoms of this syndrome, are: Short stature , Lymph edema , Broad chest , Low hairline , Low-set ears ,Reproductive sterility ,Amenorrhea , Obesity & webbed neck and micrognathia Turner syndrome manifests itself differently in each female affected by the condition, and no two individuals will share the same symptoms. Genetic causes (Sex chromosome abnormality) Monosomy 45X or 45XO Xp = X paternal Xm = X maternal 46 Xp Xm Another example further explains the influence of parental origin of X chromosome genes on the stature of patients with 45 X Turner syndrome ( GMR Jan 2007) N= (46XX)

SAMPLE = 25 families having Turner Syndrome Retaining Xm= 70.8% Retaining Xp=29.2%

Conclusion: Maternal height is the best variable correlating with the height of 45 X Turner syndrome patients who retain the Xm , suggesting a strong influence of genes located on the maternal X chromosome on stature. Now on the basis of Hadith Turner Syndrome can be devided into two major types: Proposed types (Turner Syndrome)

Xp missing Short stature Bone deformity Abnormalities in muscle Broad chest Elbow valgus Small fingers Short neck

Xm missing Normal height No bone deformity Cardiovascular anomalies Rudimentary genitalia Breast not developed Blood dyscrasia and Kidney malfunctions

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