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Sec 3 Social Studies EOY Holiday Assignment Theme: Managing International Relations Ch 6: Managing peace and Security: Deterrence

and Diplomacy Diplomacy and Deterrence are strategies/measures/tools to manage relations between countries. This is the strategy adopted by Singapore. Strategy/ measures 1. A Citizen Armed Force Explanation What is factor/measure about? How/Why citizen armed force is important? Singapore set up its own citizen armed force comprising of the Armed forces, the Air Force and the Navy. However, with a small population, Singapore could not afford a large professional force. Thus, National Service was introduced to recruit able-bodied male citizens to serve full time National Service for two years. They were given military training to defend the country and also share a common experience which bonded them and develop in them a sense of loyalty, patriotism to the country. Upon completion, they would continue to serve in the army as Operationally Ready NS men for another 10 years for a maximum of 40 days per year to upgrade them and maintain their competence. By having its own citizen armed force that is loyal to the country and willing to defend the country at all cost would deter the enemy from attacking Singapore and thus ensure her security. More economical and definite compared to a professional army. SAF started a project with research institutions of Ministry of Defense and local universities to develop the 3rd Generation SAF which works towards maximizing defensive capabilities through modern technology and equips our soldiers to fight decisively in war and respond flexibly in peacetime The 3rd Generation SAF creates an intelligent defense force where surveillance and strike systems of the Air Force, Navy and Army operate together to provide early intelligence which would help to destroy the enemy even before they can locate us. For example, radar systems that can detect

2.3rd Generation Singapore Armed Forces

What is factor/measure about? How and Why its important?

3. Singapores Defense Industry (SDI)

What is factor/measure about? How and Why its important?

objects concealed beneath forest cover as well as objects behind walls are developed by the Defense Science and Technology Agency and NTU. These technologies give the SAF first strike capability and enhance SAFs strength. Singapore Defense Industry was created to develop the SAF into an effective fighting force by manufacturing and maintaining production of the latest weapons and equipment. For example, the Defense Science and Technology Agency was formed in 2000 to provide cost-effective and modern technology to the SAF and Ministry of Defense. It focuses on upgrading weapons as well as developing new weapons systems to meet the specific needs of the SAF. As a result of having its own defense industry, the SAF is less dependent on foreign arm suppliers who may not be willing to share their defense technology. This means that the SAF is self reliant in essential defense weapons and equipment allowing soldiers to fight efficiently and effectively.

4. Total Defense What is factor/measure about? How and Why its important?

Total Defense was started in1984 to involve everyone in the defense of Singapore and not just the Singapore Armed Forces. It is made up of five components: Military Defense, Civil Defense, Economic Defense, Social Defense and Psychological Defense. Civil defense ensures Singapore is prepared for emergency and vigilant even during peacetime. Economic defense ensures country has strong economy with workers equipped with skills in ever changing world. Ensure our citizens are prepared and self-reliant in any emergency. Involve all Singaporean un defense efforts to deter potential aggressors. Thus, potential aggressors will think twice before attacking Singapore if they know they will face the whole nation and not just the SAF. Besides building up a strong defense force within the country, Singapore also actively

5. Military Cooperation with

What is factor/measure

other countries

about? How and Why its important?

fosters friendly ties with the armed forces of other countries. This is conducted mainly through bilateral and multilateral military agreements and joint military exercises. One example of a multi-lateral military agreement is the Five Power Defense Agreement which was establish in 1971. The five members are Singapore, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. They conduct exercises each year to enhance their cooperation and coordination. In the event of external threats, members would consult each other on appropriate measures to be taken to deter the aggressor. Such close cooperation with the militaries of powerful Western nations will discourage aggressors from attacking Singapore out of fear from military or non-military attack from the Western nations. Defense cooperation also promote understanding among countries, preventing conflict and aggression.

Explain the other measures of deterrence as in the example given. You may create your own organizer and type out your answer. b) How does Singapore practice diplomacy? (Holiday Assignment 3b) Strategy/measures Explanation Bilateral Relations What is bilateral Bilateral relation is relation established between relation? Singapore and another country. Explain with example. Singapore has been actively establishing relations with many countries since her independence. For example, her relations with India and Germany How and Why it helped her to expand trade and acquire technology is important to skills respectively. With bilateral relations, Singapore? Singapore was able to further promote political, economic and cultural ties. These close relations enabled Singapore to speed up her economic development. Helping people in Vietnam and Cambodia as well as providing aid during disasters help Singapore gain world recognition.

Regional Relations

What is regional relation?

Regional relation is relation established between countries by forming an association of countries in a region. Regionally, Singapore is a founder How and Why it member and a very active member of Association is important to of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Singapore? ASEAN has provided an avenue for Singapore to discuss their differences with neighboring countries peacefully. For example when civil war broke out in Cambodia in 1980s, ASEAN persuaded groups to stop fighting and form a new democratic party restoring peace and democracy. It also allows countries to manage environmental issues such as haze problem through peaceful dialogue in ASEAN Regional Forum. This collective approach helps greatly in developing better relations between Singapore and other ASEAN members; ensuring disputes are amiably settled and not result in war, thus maintaining peace and security in the region. Good relations with ASEAN members also help Singapore to become part of ASEAN Free Trade Area. By removing import taxes on goods traded between all ASEAN members, the AFTA will help promote trade among all 10 countries and thus create more jobs for all ASEAN countries. What are International relations involve ties among many International countries and groups throughout the world. An relations? example of an international organization is the United Nations (UN) in which Singapore is a How and Why it member of since gaining independence in 1965. is important to Singapore maintains good relations with all Singapore? countries through the UN by setting up embassies in many other countries and sending diplomats to perform economic and political functions. The aims of the UN include preserving world peace and preventing another world war. Singapores membership in the UN shows that Singapore was recognized as a sovereign state. Singapore also received help from the UN in the form of expert advice on Singapores industrial and economic planning which helped kick-start Singapores economy. Singapore is given the right to vote on decisions to be made.

International Relations

In return, Singapore contributed to the UN when Singapore was elected as a member of the nonpermanent Security Council from 2001 to 2002, serving as the president of the council during its term. Since 1989, Singapore has been involved in UNs peacekeeping efforts. Through these measures, Singapore has shown that it is a responsible member of the international community and as a result has earned the respect of many countries. Singapores membership in the UN has enabled her to play a more significant role in world affairs and to let other countries know that we can contribute to the peace and security of the world despite being a small nation.

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