RhetoricRealityRecordJERRYSTERNLibertyIndex2012 Act 16 of 2012 Shell Cracker Beaver County

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19 year incumbent Representative Jerry Stern House District 80 Blair County (part Hollidaysburg) is NOT The Forgotten Taxpayers


Act 16 of 2012 Feb 14 2012 SB 1237 Keystone Opportunity Zone - Shell Cracker Beaver County The Liberty Index scores Act 16 of 2012 AGAINST LIBERTY because it politicizes economic decisions. Government, not profit motivated, productive businesses, decide who is entitled to lower taxes. Corporate Welfare corrupts both government and business. A YEA vote was a vote AGAINST LIBERTY AND AGAINST THE FORGOTTEN TAXPAYER Representative Jerry Stern voted YEA AGAINST LIBERTY AND AGAINST THE FORGOTTEN TAXPAYER

Only The Forgotten Taxpayers Friend Senator John Eichelberger, in the General Assembly, voted NAY !!! If lower taxes for some businesses create productive growth, would not lower taxes for all promote even more growth?

Lower taxes for all is what the Pennsylvania Constitution required under the Uniformity Clause: TAXATION AND FINANCE Uniformity of Taxation Section 1 All taxes shall be uniform, upon the same class of subjects, within the territorial limits of the authority levying the tax, and shall be levied and collected under general laws. And then.. the bad news Exemptions and Special Provisions Section 2

Usually, Keystone Opportunity Zones exempt business from taxes for a period of ten years, including exemptions for Sales and Use Taxes, however, Act 16of 2012 creates subsection (a)(3) under Section 301.4 to permit a business located in an additional KOEZ that makes an investment of at least $1 billion and creates at least 400 new full-time jobs in one or more zones within seven years, to receive tax benefits for a period of 15 years from the date of occupancy. House Fiscal Note This is Big Government Corporatism, a form of indirect socialism that politicizes economic decisions, and allows government to grow at the expense of productive Free Market and individual businesses and citizens. Corporate Welfare corrupts both politics and business and all the worse when it is Bipartisan Corporate Welfare. READ MORE Is Corporate Welfare for Shell Cracker Good for PA? MARCH 19, 2012 Elizabeth Stelle And it gets worse. Big government, big business, big labor back $1.65B tax credit for big oil READ MORE PaIndependent 20 June 2012 Eric Boehm Marcellus Drilling News 1 July 2012 is ecstatic: One of the biggest victories for Corbett in this years budget (supported by both Republicans and Democrats) was the passage of a tax credit for Shell and other companies who invest in an ethane cracker plant for the state

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