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Parra Alvaro Arturo English Project

In Mexico there are a lot of Holidays and Traditions and even though Mexico is used to celebrating the United States holidays cause they are very near, and I think mexico is a country that loves to celebrate and being happy cuz the Mexican people are famous for being very friendly some of the most important traditions in mexico are: The Day of the Dead: This holiday is not scary - it's fun! It is a way that people show respect for the dead. Some people believe that the dead come for food during The Day of the Dead, so at night they set out food. This celebration is three days long. On the first the living relatives go to the cemetery and show their respect. On the second day, they have celebrations at his/her house serving the dead's favorite food. On the third day, there are parades with floats, bands, and even little fake coffins with fake skeletons in them. Families also create special altars that honor the memories of their dead relatives. Below are a collection of altars that families in the San Antonio area created to honor the Day of the Dead. Cinco de Mayo: Cinco de Mayo (fifth of May) is an exciting festival. It happens in many American cities as well as Mexico. The history behind this festival goes back to 1862 when Napoleon the 3rd was the leader of France. Mexico owed big amounts of money to France. He used this excuse to attack Mexico. There was a battle called the Battle of Puebla. The French army had been well trained with many weapons; the Mexican villagers had very few guns and bullets and wore ragged clothes but they fought till the French went home. Today we celebrate that day with food, music, dances, and fun! My opinion is that the most important Mexican tradition is the Mexican independence day and The largest Independence Day celebration takes place in Mexico City's Zocalo, which is decorated from the beginning of September with red, white and green lights and Mexican flags. On the 15th, at 11 pm the President of the Republic goes out onto the central balcony of the National Palace (Palacio Nacional), rings the bell (the same bell Hidalgo rang in 1810, brought to Mexico City) and cries to the people gathered in the square below, who enthusiastically respond Viva! I personally like this one because I love Mexican food! And in Mexico all the month of September you can see Mexican food in all of the streets so its pretty cool, the month of September its also very important in my family cause its my sister bday so im used to celebrating in a big way a big par-tay!!! And my mom and my aunts also with the helping of my grandmother make a big variety of Mexican food like pozole,tamales, tostadas, pambazos, enchiladas, etc. Also tequila is very important as the Mexican alcoholic drink for excellence . One of the things I love the most about this celebration is spending time with my family and see my cousins and having fun with them, cause during September you can get very easily fireworks in lots of places, you can get them even in the subway!!! The only problem its that there are illegal and if any kind of authority sees you while your turning on any type of firework but its still a lot of fun.

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